Celebrating our Birthday in Calisthenics Style

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what's up guys before i start with this

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video i just want to mention that today

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is black friday and therefore we have up

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to 50 discount on our workout plans and

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the first month of coaching and next to

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that we have 20 discount on our workout

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equipment and clothing and next to these

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deals we also offer some special

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calisthenics bundle deals with a workout

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plan and workout equipment combined in a

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basic form and a pro form so make sure

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to check out these deals don't miss out

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because this is our biggest sale of the

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year so if you want to get started with

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calisthenics with our help now is the

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time and without further ado let's get

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started with today's video what's up

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guys welcome to a new vlog a very

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special vlog this week because

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it will be our birthday tomorrow so

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we're gonna have a party tomorrow but

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right now we are on our way to a very

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special location a new calisthenics park

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very high located in the mountains in a

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place called arona it should be a really

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cool quiet and sandy beach park so let's

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check out that park and get some sick

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footage in

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this is not what you expect to see look

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look at this view over here

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this is like a

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really quiet

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village here in the mountains

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and suddenly

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they have this huge

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playground this huge sport area and

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right there in the back should be the

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calisthenics park so let's check it out

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holy guys look at this

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this is just insane and look who we have

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over here what a coincidence

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as well what are you doing here man yeah

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just looking at the park man

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so um yeah this is this is really cool

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what's up guys welcome to another day

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and today is our birthday and that's why

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we're celebrating our birthday on this

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boat tour here and

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my girlfriend is over here as well she

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came all the way from holland hello to

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celebrate our birthday with me and to

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have a week holiday with me as well

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my sister is in the back and yanuk is

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over there as well and we're having this

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boat tour and hopefully we're gonna see

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some wills and some turtles

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just see how

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nice this looks

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and of course we're gonna have some

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drinks as well to celebrate so let's

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have a good

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the time

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all right so we just finished that boat

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tour was really nice and we actually saw

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some whales for the first time

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very very close to our boat so that was

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really nice

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and right now

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it's around

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seven o'clock

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and we're gonna have like

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a good dinner eating out for a birthday

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and have a good night so let's do this

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yeah nice

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all right so we just finished filming

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here at this park

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with bro yannick and we run into some

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guys from uh from germany over here hi

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and um you actually told us that you've

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been watching our videos right yes

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well what kind of videos the tutorials

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especially human flag are you a flag

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okay and which of the

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exercises helped you the most do you

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remember or yeah the

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to start from the top with tucked

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okay yeah

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yeah the vertical flag up and from going

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down helped me not to achieve it in like

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one to two months i think okay one to

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two months and i actually already saw

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you doing the flag perfect nice man nice

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nice to meet you bro

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all right so it's sunday today i'm just

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gonna have a chill out day but my sister

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here in the back she's gonna do

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something really cool because she's

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gonna have

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your third surf lesson with a private

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and she's gonna catch some waves for

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three hours in a row yes and janik will

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be there as well with the drone so he's

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gonna take some epic footage off the

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surf of today so i'm really curious and

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looking forward to see those shots so uh

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good luck thanks

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all right guys so these shots were

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really really epic so good to see my

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sister and making some insane progress

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with her surfing but anyway that's it

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for this video and actually the last

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vlog of

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my stay here in taner reef it was a

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beautiful time here

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for we stayed here for one month and i

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actually wonder if you like seeing these

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vlogs and if you like to see more vlogs

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if i should continue with vlogging when

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i get back in the netherlands let me

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know down below in the comments and

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don't forget to miss out on our black

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friday deals

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it's down below in the description as

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well thanks for watching and we'll see

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you in the next video peace out

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