Can you Finish this Killer Chest Workout? | (200 REPS!)

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what's up guys what's up it's Michael

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and Yamaka Fair from calisthenics family

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and today we're going to do an insane

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chest workout together so let's go

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alright guys so welcome to the video and

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today we are going to do a workout

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together it has been a while we didn't

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work out together because I've been

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dealing with my injury and we did like

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lots of instructional videos and you did

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your like your recent workout videos in

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the best videos and now we thought let's

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do a chest workout together because I

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can do like push-ups and we just want to

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challenge each other to go all out this

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time so today we are targeting the chest

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and we are going to show you that you

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can train the chest with like lots of

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different exercises in lots of different

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angles because that's most important if

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you want to like grow your chest your

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upper chest your midsection of the chest

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and the outer side of your chest as well

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so that's what we going to show you

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today so we have written down ten

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exercises and they're as follows and

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we're gonna do 20 repetitions for each

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exercise so it's going to be 200

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repetitions in total as you can see

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we're gonna do 10 exercises starting off

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with dips like the harder exercises and

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then we're going to do at the end a push

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up hold so we're gonna go all out 200

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repetitions and yeah let's see how fast

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we can do this workout and we're gonna

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do each exercise and we're gonna wait

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for each other to finish the first

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exercise and then together and go to the

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next exercise to really challenge each

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other and support each other to get all

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out on each exercise so exactly are you

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ready yes let's go let's do this all

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right so we got a switch over to our

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phone lately you have the new phone

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Galaxy S 10 right now but it's not the

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best video quality right now but we

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still want to do this workout because it

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is our chest day today so we have to do

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this workout today so we're gonna just

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switch over and still make the best out

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of before

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exactly so first exercise trendy dips so

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let's go let's do this all right start

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the timer in three two one

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let's go

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ready nice nice nice

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Benny that's left push-ups

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picks up time

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alright guys so next up just right by

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tip let's go

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goodbye boys

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all right mix one-arm push-ups

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on the knees so let's go all right so

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we're gonna do 10 on each arm so first

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left then they're right

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so you got to place your hands a little

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bit wider than shoulder-width apart

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all right so with six exercise and so

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forth next one's gonna be Diamond

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alright guys and this exercise just put

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it in our chest

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one more guys

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so it's time for regular bishops

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while you guys next up incline push-ups

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and I'm going to do this with one arm

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also to make a little bit harder and

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also to prevent imbalances in your chest

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so let's go like this

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all right so I already note this my

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right side completely destroyed on my

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left side was exercise 2 I can improve

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your percentage so now it's your turn

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let's go

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20 seconds push up hold

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alright guys so we just finished work

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out and now it starts to rain so we just

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finished in time the total time was 26

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minutes in total but we had some like

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little breaks to switch up the camera

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and to alternate with one exercise

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because we did the one-arm incline

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push-up so a nice goal would be to get

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this workout done in just 20 minutes so

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in total this is the two hundred

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repetitions within 20 minutes so we are

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challenging you guys to beat this

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workout in 20 minutes yes exactly so we

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will at the end of the video and also in

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the description we will put the whole

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workout down so 10 exercises twin

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repetitions each and that's it for this

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workout if you like this kind of

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workouts be sure to put a thumbs up and

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also subscribe if you haven't yet

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because there are a lot of more workouts

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videos coming a lot of more

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informational videos so make sure to do

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so and stay tuned for the next video

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peace out guys peace out

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