Can Girls do Calisthenics? | Beginner Workout with our Sister...

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Whatsup Guys! Yannick & Michael here from Calisthenics Family

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Welcome to a New Vlog, today we are going to check if ladies can do calisthenics

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in addition, we will look back on our first live Q & A on YouTube

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ok ladies and gentlemen I am in the garden together with my sister

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it is super nice weather and it is just February

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it is winter here in the Netherlands and the sun is shining it is beautiful

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so it's a nice opportunity to go outside to work out

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So I am here today with my sister with evi. how many times have you already trained?

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usually training twice a week and then I just go to my own gym

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I usually do the one time power pump that is a group training

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and the other time I do bootcamp or high intensity training

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today we are going to do a beginner workout

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straight from our full journey program, of course, we will first warm up

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and then we start the workout right away

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Okay lets do this!

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Okay, so we just finished the warm-up

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today we are going to do a strength workout so mainly focused on the basics

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so getting stronger by training with your own body weight

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we have just had the warming up part and then we go to the beginners phase

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of the full journey program

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and we are going to do workout two today that is this workout, push, pull and legs

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and we start today with the pull part we have also printed the workout today

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with the program you always get a digital logbook

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but also a logbook that you can print out

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for the people who like to keep track of everything with the pen, today we will do that too

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because then it is just a bit easier to see. this is therefore the program for today

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and evi will try to do as many repetitions of each exercise as possible

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are you ready for it? yes with this nice weather! Yes, exactly

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okay the first exercise is the regular pullup you can do with a band

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if you still have trouble with normal pullups without a band. the thicker the band the easier it is

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you stand in the band with both legs

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then you grab the bar approximately at shoulder width

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then you hang and then you pull yourself up in a nice straight line

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with the chin above the bar and then down again all the way to the end without swinging

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at once neat and well up

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here you try about eight repetitions if you succeed then you can get a lighter band

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until you finally work towards a pullup without a band

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are you ready evi? I hope so! Let's go

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okay then you can write your results now so you have done the pullups now

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we do three sets in total and then you try eight repetitions, and then you write your level

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in parenthesis (g) of green band

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Okay so I have done it with different elastics I started with green

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that band helps me up the most

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then I did purple that went a bit harder and now I'm going to try it with black

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I'm curious if I'm going to get the eight repetitions

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two and a half, okay so her record is 2 repetitions with the black band

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so now she knows what level she is on, and what she needs to break when she does this workout next time

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the next exercise is the chinup, here you pick up the bar the other way

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then you train your biceps a bit more

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you grab it, and from here you go up nicely with the chin above the bar

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and down again

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1 2

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come on! 7, another one to go!

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8 repetitions, 6 you did yourself and 2 with help

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so what we always write down is six repetitions, so you write 6 plus 2

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all right. here is the program again. then we continue to the wide grip pullup hold

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as you can see you can click on the youtube icon and you can immediately see which exercise it is

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so this is the next exercise I do not have to show it anymore

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pull up and then hold for as long as possible. The goal is at least 20 seconds

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that becomes a challenge - but you can of course use a band again

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the first time we do a pullup hold and the second time we do the chinup hold

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Okay there we go 3 2 1 Let's go!

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13 14 ... neat!

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20! - I had trouble with my chin above the bar

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yes, that is also difficult - ok, so we just finished the pull part

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we now continue to the push part. the first is the pike pushup

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it is more focused on the shoulders so I will show them first

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and then we take the parallels - the pike push-ups are mainly for the front of your shoulder

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basic exercises to work towards handstand push-ups

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it is also a good exercise for the handstand itself

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so you stand in a pike, and in this way you bring your head forward

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you have to think of a triangle shape

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and then straighten from here again

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- if it is too difficult you can also go to half. and otherwise still on your knees

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that way you can make it easy or difficult for yourself

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you can start!

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Yes that is good!

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come on!

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seven times!

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nice to crack your back with this foam roller - if your back is a bit stuck for example by much computer work

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then you are bent all day, if you do this then you open your back a bit

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this foam roller is by the way from myprotein

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35% discount you can get through our link check it in the description

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we have just done the pike pushups, this was more focused on the shoulders

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we start with the more difficult push exercise and then we keep building down difficulty

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now it's time for the straight bar dips

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we need this parallel bar for that

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I will show it for a moment so you go on the bar and then you want to bring your chest to the bar

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here and then up, if it is too difficult you can go to half

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but it's better to get a band

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so your get in the belt with your feet always in front of you

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then you can try it now, as many repetitions as possible

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first with the purple because and then see if you can even let go

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we just had to hang the band differently because I did not get enough help from the band

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so now we have hung the band so it is better suited for smaller people

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the purple band was too strong because he is now double

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I feel like I'm being launched

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So now we're going to do it with the red belt

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Yes Yes! 2, neat!

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the final exercise of the push section is the push-up

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so you put your hands nicely spread out on the floor

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approximately at shoulder width and from here with an upright position downwards

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and then upwards, it is important that your elbows move along your body

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so not this way, that is a common mistake, but really along your body

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and if that is too difficult, you can of course do it on your knees

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All right! Pushups, Let's Go!

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10! Nice!

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Okay we are just finished with the pull and push part. 10 pushups she has achieved!

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Yes! 10 is really good!

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and then we continue to the legs of this workout

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two exercises, the deep squat and the deep squat hold

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okay let's go 5 kilos of weight

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OK now the squat hold

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39 seconds!

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a minute! this exercise is very good for the pistol squat for example

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and in this way you can also train well with your own body weight

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without using too much weight or having to go to the gym

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All right ladies and gentlemen, we have just completed this workout, especially evi has worked hard today.

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it was beautiful weather today and it is still unbelievable that it is February

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and that we can train in the sun in the winter

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super chill, only good because that means we can exercise outside

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We're going to stretch now. there is also a stretching routine with the program

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that is also very important because probably for you already, you now have quite some muscle tension

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yes I feel it in my legs

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yes exactly so we're going to stretch to relax the muscles

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and that was it for this workout and this was also the last workout I do with evi

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because evi goes to costa rica!

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in two days right? - yes then I leave for 2 months

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2 months traveling, so I have to miss you

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we have at least been able to do a good workout

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and when I come back the calisthenics park is in nijmegen!

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hell yes! that is very cool!

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So then we will do workouts more often and then you can learn that pullup without a band!

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yes I'm going to try that but I do not think I'm going to do the training in costa rica haha

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So that was it for this workout this beginner workout is part of our full journey program

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you can find it on our website

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check that if you want to start training with your own body weight

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that was it! and then we see you in the next video!

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ok ladies and gentlemen that was the workout with our sister evi

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she did a fantastic job, I think she also has real muscle pain

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she is sitting in the garden right there, it is now three days later. do you have muscle pain?

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yes still I can hardly stretch my arms!

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it is not normal after three days! - and in your legs too?

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legs is not that bad, that went over yesterday

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and back and shoulders? - upper back also very bad yes!

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yes clearly a good workout

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and furthermore we look back at the Q & A

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because yesterday we did our live Q & A for the first time on youtube

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yes that was of course exciting for the first time really live

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how did you like it? I liked it very well!

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we have done half in English and half in Dutch

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we have had very interesting questions

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and for example the vlogs you really liked, even more fun than information videos

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that is good for us to know! And it motivates us to make more vlogs

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and I also like to answer live questions.

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because you are much more personal. Instead of messages over the phone

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Now you also get a response back from a person who says thank you for your help

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or maybe that person asks a few new questions based on our answer

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so all very interactive and personal

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Yes, and we will also make a short summary of all highlights

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and all the most interesting and frequently asked questions

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there we will make a short video and that video will soon be on youtube

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so the live Q & A but then a shorter version

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and that was it for this vlog. We have one last update

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we only have a 35% discount on the full journey program today

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and the beginner workout program now available for less than 10 euros

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So there is the same workout that you've just seen with evi, with some more workouts

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So look in the description for the link

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and then we see you at the next video

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and that will be a very epic follow-along chest workout

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that comes online Sunday so stay tuned!

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Until the next video! Peace out guys

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