Calisthenics Weighted & Basics Upperbody Workout | Strength Training Routine Ep. 4

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ho ho ho

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merry christmas what is up guys welcome

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to the final youtube video of our

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current workout routine

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and today we're going to do the weighted

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calisthenics and

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basics so stay tuned for the video

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all right guys so welcome back to the

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video to our current workout routine

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in this video weighted calisthenics and

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basics so

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why are we doing the basics so why

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well we've noticed a huge carryover when

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doing weighted calisthenics

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uh two other skills and exercises

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and it's also good to keep doing the

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basic exercises

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that guide you to this level yes exactly

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today uh weighted calisthenics and basic

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but first of all we're going to start

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the handstand practice of course to warm

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up the shoulder the scapula

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because we're also going to do some

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static endurance work before we get into

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the weighted exercises so

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let's get this workout started

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okay guys so we just finished with the

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straight bar headstands

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um the shoulders and scapula are warmed

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up now and since this is our

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um last workout of the week we also like

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to add some

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exercises in that we can play around

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with and one of those is for example the

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human flag

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and we're going to do this first before

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getting into the endurance and basic

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workout so let's see how it goes exactly

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let's get to the swedish wolf

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all right guys so we just finished with

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the human flags so we both had some

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good holes full uh human flag and also

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some straddle holes as well

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um so now play time is over we gotta

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put in the work right now so we're gonna

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start with static exercises

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first off the front lever hold with an

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assisted band

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up to 10 to 15 seconds to really get

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that time and attention during the hold

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we both have seen huge progress due to

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these exercises

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so let's start this exercise

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okay guys so we just finished our

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endurance exercises which were the front

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lever and the

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planche hold we did this with power

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bands to increase the time and the

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tension and also watch our form

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so this form of training can really help

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you with your progressions for example

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if you can't do a

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full front lever yet or you can only do

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it for three seconds

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you might want to try it with a power

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band which

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can increase the time and tension so

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your body can adapt to the position

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so now we're going to start with this

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one right here which is the

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overhead press yes exactly so why this

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we see a lot of carryover from the

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overhead press to our handstand pushing

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so um if you get stronger in your

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military your overhead press then you

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will also get stronger in your body

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handstand pushing strength as well so

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let's start with this exercise

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all right guys so we just finished with

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the overhead press so we did up to

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uh five repetitions really working on

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um so now we're gonna move on to the

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exercise which is going to be the weight

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pull up same one goes for this

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also strength work up to five

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repetitions and this one helps also with

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front lever for example but also for

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muscle labs which we have showed in the

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first video so where the pull-ups it is

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let's see how much we can do today

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okay guys so these were the dips uh we

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started with 30 kgs and we build up all

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the way to 50 kgs for five reps so we're

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happy with that and that was the

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strength part of this workout

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we're now gonna move on to the hyper

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trophy part and what's that gonna look

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so the hypertrophy part is basically

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we're gonna finish this workout off with

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a circuit stealth training

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so we're gonna do the classic um basic

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exercises with calisthenics so

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uh the pull-ups the dips the push-ups

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and the rows

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probably do four circuits in total three

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to four circuits and

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try to do as maximum repetitions as

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possible up to

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10 to 15 repetitions per exercise

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so now are you ready to kill this

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workout i am

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let's do it let's do it

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okay guys so we just finished the

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circuit and as you can see the uh

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the pump is real again let us know guys

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who has a bigger pump this time

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is it me where is his boss this time let

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me have any comments

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let us know and this was also the final

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workout of the workout series that we

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we are doing together yes so let us know

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if you want to see more

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yes exactly guys so there was a very

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last episode

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uh we actually really liked creating

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this theory

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um also sharing what i'm up to what

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you're up to

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and so that was really nice today is the

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first christmas day actually we haven't

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told that in the beginning

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and so we're gonna enjoy a good meal

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afterwards tonight so we definitely

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won't feel regret it afterwards

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but also for you guys if you are

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celebrating christmas don't feel regret

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it just enjoy your meals it's only one

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in the entire year so so guys that's it

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for this

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series and we'll see you next year we're

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coming out with a

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very sick uh video we reached 100k

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subscribers and boss is joining that

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video as well so make sure

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to stay tuned for the next video going

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to be epic

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that's it see you guys very soon peace

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all right guys so before i end this

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video i just want to do a quick

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announcement about the giveaway

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that we're going to have in this video

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so we are

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giving away these parallettes from

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street games

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these high parallettes which are perfect

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for um

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push-ups incline push-ups decline

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push-ups heads and push-ups and also to

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practice your handstands

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so how can you win these parallettes go

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check out our instagram page and there

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you'll find all the rules how you can

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so that will be the very last giveaway

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of this year

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next year we will do an epic

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transformation challenge like we did in

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the past few years

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to challenge you to transform yourself

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in the next year

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for example to lose weight gain muscle

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mass um

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get stronger learn the impossible skills

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and you can win epic prizes so stay

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tuned for that challenge and all the

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sales that we're going to have on our

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workout plans

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so that's it for this video and i'll

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wish you guys

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a happy new year peace out

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