Calisthenics vs Weights - What to choose? (5 Reasons)

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what's up calisthenics family so four

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years ago we stopped going to the gym

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and start with get aesthetics and in

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this video we're going to show you five

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big reasons why we chose calisthenics

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over the gym and why you should do that

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as well so let's get this video started

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alright guys so welcome to this video

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like we said we're gonna explain y'all

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how we started with calisthenics and

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we're gonna tell you about five big

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reasons why we started getting stomachs

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and actually transitions from the gym to

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calisthenics four years ago and within

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this whole face we have been into like

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different phases of our calisthenics

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journey we started as complete beginners

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in the beginning then we like transition

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to a more intermediate stage and

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ultimately we have our own gym now with

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a lot of gym members and a whole

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community will ride around the

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calisthenics family so that is super

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awesome and today we're gonna discuss

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the reasons why we chose calisthenics

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over gym and we can proudly say that we

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are super lucky that we made that

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decision four years ago so let's get

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straight into the first big reason man

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yes alright guys so the first and I

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think the most important reason is that

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calisthenics is way more challenging and

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this is mainly because of all the

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exercises that you can do with

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calisthenics and with the gym there are

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only a certain amount of exercises that

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you can do for example and when you

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start with a fitness or a DJ you

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probably have the bench press or a bicep

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curl in your first worker program and

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even when you're going to the gym for

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five years five years later you will

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still have exactly these two exercises

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in your workout program and the only

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difference is that you can do more

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weight so that is less challenging than

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with calisthenics because with

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calisthenics you start for example with

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the push-up in your first workout

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program and maybe after one year you can

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do a wall handstand push-ups maybe after

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two years you can do three handstand

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push-ups so there are really a wide

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variety of exercises that you can unlock

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and it's just way more challenging to

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work up to different exercises in

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different workout programs so that is

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the main reason why we switched from the

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gym to

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to unlock challenging exercises so the

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second big reason why we chose

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calisthenics over fitness is because

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it's easier to obtain a more realistic

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physique for example with fitness or

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bodybuilding the main goal is to get as

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big and as huge as possible and first of

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all that was not our goal when we

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started with Fitness we just want to get

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an athletic physique and just look like

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decent have a good-looking body and when

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we go to the beach or like where we

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going on a vacation and we definitely

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had no dream to become a huge pumped up

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body builder and the issue with people

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that are want to go to the gym is that

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they expect that it's it's really easy

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to obtain like a really muscular

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physique within only a few weeks or

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maybe a few months because that is what

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you mostly hear and see on social media

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and in all the magazines but that is

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actually the complete opposite because

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it takes years to build a really really

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good physique and a really muscular

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so with calisthenics is way more

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realistic to obtain a good looking

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physique and also to Luke shredded and

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to look better throughout the majority

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of the whole season the whole year

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because with bodybuilding most athletes

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they cycle between bilking and cutting

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periods only to gain more muscle mass

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mostly in winter times and that also

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means that they look kinda bulky during

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the majority of the year well with

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calisthenics athletes they actually

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always look pretty decent and pretty

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muscular and shredded throughout the

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whole year because we don't have that

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that needs to really be get bigger and

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like really bump ourselves up like a

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really big bodybuilder so that's one of

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the main benefits that we also see from

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calisthenics so now let's move on to the

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third reason yes exactly so the third

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reason is that calisthenics is way more

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accessible than going to the gym because

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when you're going to the gym you

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obviously need a gym and you

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the machines that are in the GM and also

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the weights that are in the gym

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so with calisthenics you only need your

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body weight to train it's also called

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what are we training and we also say

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your body is your gym and yeah that's

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the reason why we also started with the

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calisthenics because you can just do it

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anywhere you can do it at home in your

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backyard at a park when you're on

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vacation you can do it at the beach or

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just anywhere you only need your own

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body weight to work out and that's one

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of the main reasons why we switch off

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from gym to calisthenics so like I said

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in the gym you need a lot of the

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equipment and with calisthenics you also

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can use some equipment especially when

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you want to do some pool exercises

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you're gonna need rings but it's also

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very portable to use connects equipment

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so you can use rings you can use

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parallels or resistance bands these are

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all very small you can just take it in

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the back into your living room or

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outside hang the rings on a tree or

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something and do your workout outside so

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that is also one benefit of calisthenics

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and besides that calisthenics is

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completely free and you don't need any

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gym subscription so that was the third

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point let's move on to the fourth so the

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fourth reason is that it's a more

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functional way of training I can

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remember that when we started lifting

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weights in the very first two years I

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really felt like really not functional

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at all and when I first started to do

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more flexibility routines and I really

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also noticed the disadvantage that in my

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daily life especially when I still did

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soccer and basketball sports so that's

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also one big reason why we chose

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calisthenics because it's a really

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functional way of training because it

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really forces you to work on a bigger

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variety of different training styles and

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you have to improve your flexibility

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your mobility you have to work on your

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joints and also your tendons so you will

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be able to unlock all those cool

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calisthenics skills so let's take a

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quick example if you're gonna

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participate in a obstacle run and you

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see a calisthenics athlete or you see a

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who do you think is gonna be faster with

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that whole obstacle run you can guess

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the answer

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it's obviously becomes an athlete

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because he is way more functional and

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will be more able to climb over all

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those obstacles and maybe even do a

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muscle up to get over a bar or like a

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wooden wall or something like that I

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actually experienced this in my own life

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so that's quite funny so that's the

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fourth big reason why we chose

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calisthenics over the gym because it's a

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more functional way of training that you

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can apply in your own daily life so now

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let's move on to the very last reason

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why you should start getting statics

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over the gym alright guys so the last

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reason is that calisthenics is a way

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more comfortable way to start training

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so I have one example and we have the

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gym member here who have never done any

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training before and he started with

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calisthenics because he never had dared

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to go to the gym because he's like kind

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of skinny and he didn't want to go stand

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next to all these pumped-up guys

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throwing weights around and also another

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thing is that he is a social guy and he

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doesn't like to go into the gym on his

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own and put some music on he just want

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to train together with other people so

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that's exactly why he joined the

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calisthenics family gym so that is one

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example it's just a way more accessible

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way to start training you can also start

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training calisthenics at home just oh

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you're oh you can try out some

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bodyweight exercises and you just don't

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need to go and take a big step into the

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gym where it's very uncomfortable to do

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exercises which you don't know how to

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perform them or if you think you're

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skinny or if you think you're weak yeah

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it can be hard to go to the gym and with

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calisthenics you can just start at home

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or in your backyard so that is the last

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reason why you should consider to start

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calisthenics over the gym

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alright guys so these were the five big

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reasons why we choose calisthenics over

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the gym and why you might consider to

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start or try out calisthenics as well

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and we don't say that the gym is bad or

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that you don't it should

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the gym like we said we started our

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fitness journey also in the gym and

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we're still incorporating lots of gym

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exercises right here in the gym we even

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got our own bench press right over here

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and we do the shoulder press still to

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get a stronger with our hands and push

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it for example but I think it's really

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important that you have like an open

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mind and when it comes to trying out new

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things so I think that's one of the main

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messages that we want to share with this

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video so that's it for this video guys

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if you liked it let us know and I'm

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actually also really curious what you're

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currently doing right now are you going

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to the gym or are you doing calisthenics

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or maybe even both let us know in the

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comments yes exactly so if you want to

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start with calisthenics just head over

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to our website and check out one of our

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programs the full journey program will

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be a very good way to start with so that

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was it for this video and please like

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and subscribe and see you in the next

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video start journey join the family

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recently and they were offering this

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program bless the online coaching for a

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very affordable price so I decided to

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try it if anyone's looking to start

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calisthenics I would HIGHLY

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this it'll it'll do the same for you I'm

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gone and I've been with Callanetics

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family for almost three months now and

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all the time of panic as my trainer like

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Michael Rihanna can just be like the

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little extra push to keep you going you

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also seen the pictures I'm really proud

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of myself that what I achieved in the

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last eight weeks go for it and started

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