Calisthenics PUSH Workout | Strength Training Routine Ep. 2

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what's up kelly fam it's mike over here

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with buzz from

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daily calisthenics and today we're going

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to show you

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our current push workout of our

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current strength workout routine so stay

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tuned for the video

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all right guys so welcome to today's

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video today a push workout

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and maybe you can tell something about

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the current routine that we are doing

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yes of course

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so um we're doing four workouts a week

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push pull legs and basics those are the

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four workouts we're doing um we already

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filmed the first workout the pool

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it's on calisthenics family's youtube

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channel so definitely check it out if

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you haven't

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and today we're gonna do the second

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which is the push workout and the focus

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here is on the planche

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and the um as a push-up and the

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handstand push-ups

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exactly so uh for me this is my favorite

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uh i think the pool workout is your

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favorite workout you're also

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slightly better in the pool i'm slightly

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better in the push

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so that makes sense so today a push

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as bad said focused on strength so not

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on hypertrophy not on building muscle

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but we're going to keep the reps

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relatively low from

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one to six repetitions first we're going

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to start off with handstand practice to

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warm up our shoulders and scapula

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so let's get started with the first

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alright guys so we just finished the

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first exercise straight bar handstand

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we're doing this exercise um to actually

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warm up for the next exercise and that

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the planche with the planche it's really

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important that you keep straight arms

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and with the straight bar handstand you

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also practice your straight arm

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movement basically so um we did

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10 minutes practice i almost got my

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personal record i had

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35 seconds and we're keeping track in

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our logbooks

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you had today around 25 was my best

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um not my best day but i'm i'm noticing

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that i'm getting more consistent with

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the whole so i'm

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i'm happy overall yes exactly so great

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so now move on to the next one the

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pledge we're going to do the static hold

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to start off because this is the hardest

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so let's see what we can do today and

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i'm gonna do it in my progression and

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you and your progression

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so let's do it

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all right guys so we just finished with

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the planche holes

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so for me i got my probably one of my

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i noticed myself that that it gets

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really consistent

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um i got five seconds for each hold so

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really happy with that

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for you you're doing a slightly yeah i'm

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doing like a regression because

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um training the planche is new for me i

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only started like two weeks ago

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so that's why it's also beneficial to

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train together with michael yes exactly

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that is also what i'm doing here in the

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gym we have also gym members which i am

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getting tips from so that's really nice

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and um you saw us doing the the plans

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from a handstand so we're training them

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eccentric why because we feel that it's

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better or we feel that we can control

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the movement better when we start in a

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handsome position

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really focus on going down protracting

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the scapula

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keeping our body in the good position

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and then lower down

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and basically hold it as long as you can

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definitely try that as well if you can

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do the handstand

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now next exercise and some push-ups

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heads and push-ups

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let's go

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all right guys so we finished the third

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exercise hands and push-ups

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my favorite exercise uh so we did some

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different variations of the hands and

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push-up for example i worked on the

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as in push-up we did the floor heads and

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push up

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we did the hands hands and push up with

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the parallettes um

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so that is also the advice that we have

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for you if you want to train your hands

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in push-up

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try to do several variations maybe you

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can tell something about your experience

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with handsome push-ups

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um i find the handsome push-ups on the

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parallettes relatively hard compared to

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the ones on the floor

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um mainly because it's you have a

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different grip your

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your hands are placed different so it's

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a whole nother ball game

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so you might be able to do handstand

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push-ups on the floor but not on the

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so that's why we advise you to do it all

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like to

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play around with different variations to

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make sure that you get the best out of

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exactly and what you also notice that

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you actually target different muscles

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with different variations so for example

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with the

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hands and push-ups on the parallettes

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you lean a little bit more forward so

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you address the front belt a little bit

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more but also your triceps

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while when you're doing a handsome

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push-up on the floor it looks like a

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like an overhead press yeah like a

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military press military press

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so if you work all those different

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variations you also work

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all those separate muscles which will

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eventually get you stronger

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in your hands and push up so that was

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the hand push-up

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we basically finished our like our skill

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practice strength part of the

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training now we're gonna focus on more

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uh repetitions

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and we're alternating between straight

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arm and bend arm exercises

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so now we're going to focus on a

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straight arm work again with the planche

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press so let's go

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alright guys so we just finished the

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planche press so

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this is my favorite exercise to get

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stronger in the planche

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this one definitely helped me out to get

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the straddle planche

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why because i was looking for an

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exercise that could help me to make

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repetitions in the straddle planche

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and when i found this exercise i've been

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doing lots of repetitions and

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it really got my body in the right

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position and i just felt so much

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stronger after doing

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this exercise for like a couple of

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months and that

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helped me definitely out to get my

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straddle planche so um

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next up next exercise will be planche

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yes the widest exercise of course to get

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lean in our planche so we're gonna do

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up against the wall i guess and we're

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probably gonna use a measuring tape to

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track our progress so

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let's do this

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okay guys so we just finished with the

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planche leans we used a measuring tape

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to track our progress

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and we tried to lean for 15 seconds as

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far as possible so with our head

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towards the wall and also we try to use

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the the best form as possible

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with a really rounded back like a

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protracted scapula

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and also pushing our hips forward as

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much as possible so that was the planche

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really good exercise to get better in

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your planche and also to work on

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straight arm strength

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now we're going to move on to a new bent

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arm exercise

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for our handstand pushing strength but

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also to work on a 90 degree handsome

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which is the pseudo branch push-up let's

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all right guys so we just finished the

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pseudo-planche push-up

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so as you can see we did this exercise

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on a little elevation

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so we get our uh body in a better

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planche lean position so we can

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move a little bit more forward and

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address our shoulders even more

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and also lean even further so

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that help that helps us really out and

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this was for you the first time

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you did it like this so now there was a

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very last exercise with repetitions

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we're going to end this workout with a

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static core exercise

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like with the pull workout we also

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finished with a core exercise we

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basically always finish our workouts

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one core exercise today we're going to

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do the l-sit hold why

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because you push yourself away like

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you're basically doing in a planche for

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so we're gonna do this one on the p-bar

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so let's see how

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long we can hold the l-sit after this

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let's go

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oh man so my goal was to beat this guy

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over here

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okay guys so this was the workout we

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just finished with the

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l-sit holds michael uh beat me

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in the static hole so um i got some time

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to trade

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but for for me also really pain in the

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ass this exercise

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so damn hard but so efficient so good

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so definitely use this one in your

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program yep

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so this was the second workout in the

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workout series this was the push workout

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there's two more workouts coming so make

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sure to

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like subscribe and also leave a comment

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if you like this type of videos yes

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and also guys last week we just released

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our english calisthenics basics course

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that one is also now out in

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english so if you want to be part of the

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if you want to take your physique to the

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next level if you want to get stronger

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true body weight strength then this is

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the perfect way to start with

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calisthenics we

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basically teach you all the basic

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that you can start off so check it out

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in the link down below

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and also if you want to learn all the

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skills check out our full journey worker

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plan you can also visit the link down

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so guys that's it for this workout

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thanks for watching like and subscribe

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and we'll see you

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probably next week see ya

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