Calisthenics Push Workout (chest, shoulders & triceps) | No Equipment

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what's up guys it's janaki here from

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calisthenics family and welcome to a new

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video today we're gonna do a bodyweight

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push workout that you can do literally

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everywhere it's not gonna be your

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average workout because we're gonna

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combine different training styles into

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one quick and effective workout so let's

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get started

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all right guys so like i said this is

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not going to be your average push

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workout why because we're going to

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combine two exercises into one exercise

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and we're going to do this for each

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exercise for example we're gonna combine

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the frog stand with the push-up into one

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exercise and then this way we're gonna

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hit the chest the shoulders and the

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tricep in every single exercise and

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we're gonna do multiple training styles

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so we're gonna do bent arm training

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straight arm training static training

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and dynamic training and today we're

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gonna do five exercises and each

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exercise is gonna consist out of two

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single exercises so basically we're

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gonna do ten exercise today and for each

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exercise we're gonna do eight

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repetitions and if this is still too

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hard you can also start with six

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repetitions so let's get started with

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the first exercise

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all right guys so for the first exercise

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we're going to do the elevated bike

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push-up together with the shoulder tabs

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so both exercises are really going to

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target the shoulders and we're going to

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do a dynamic training and straight arm

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training with the shoulder tabs so let

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me show you how one wrap looks like

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we're going to use an elevation

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we're going to walk all the way

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from here we're going to do a pike push

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and shoulder taps

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so this is one single repetition let's

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get eight reps in

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all right guy a-wrap's done

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this exercise is really going to benefit

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the handsome push-up or the handstand

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so let's move on to the second exercise

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alright guys so after 60 seconds of rest

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we're going to move on to the second

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exercise and here we're going to combine

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the frog stand with the explosive

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push-up and the frog sends actually a

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really good exercise to work your

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coordination and to work your balance to

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move on to the handstand so this is what

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the superset is going to look like

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for a frog stand you're going to place

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your hands on the floor

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and you're going to lean forward with

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your elbows into your knees we're going

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to hold this for five seconds

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and when you're done you're gonna do the

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explosive push-up

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so this is one repetition let's do eight

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in total

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all right this is a heavy one

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this is too heavy for you you can also

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do the regular push-up or

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frog stand with a feet assisted

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so this was the second exercise let's

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move on to the third exercise

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all right guys so for the third exercise

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we're gonna combine the planche leans

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with the pseudo push-ups so as the name

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suggests this is really gonna work your

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planche strength so that's the straight

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arm push strength and also the forward

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lean strength which you can ultimately

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use for a 90 degree handsome push-up or

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skills like this so let me show you how

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that looks like we're gonna do blanche

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leans first

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so you're gonna stand in a push-up

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position from here

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you're gonna walk a bit forward

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and you're gonna lean

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and from here pseudo push-up or forward

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lean push-up

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like this backwards and that is one

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so let's do eight repetitions in total

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let's go

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all right guys so this was the third

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let's move on to the fourth one and now

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we're gonna combine the forward walks

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with the decline push-up let's do this

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all right the fourth superset we're

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gonna combine the forward walks and the

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decline push-up the forward walks is

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really gonna increase shoulder strength

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which is the most important muscle for

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calisthenics and with the decline

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push-up you're gonna build chest

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strength and size so let me show you

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what one wrap looks like we're gonna

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need an elevation so we're gonna step on

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the elevation

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and walk all the way backwards as far as

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from here we're gonna start

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walking forward with straight arms

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and now we're gonna do a push-up

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and we're gonna walk back

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so this is one single repetition let's

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do eight repetitions

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all right guys this was the fourth

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also really heavy

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let's move on to the very last exercise

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exercise number five

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all right guys so make sure to get 60

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seconds of rest between each exercise

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and when you're ready we're gonna move

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on to the last exercise with this

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exercise we're going to combine the

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diamond push-ups with the tricep

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extensions and these exercises are

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really going to target the tricep and

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this is really a neglected muscle

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especially with bodyweight and gym

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training but this is really important

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because this is really going to

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strengthen exercises like the muscle up

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the hands and push-ups and the dips so

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let me show you how this superset is

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going to look like

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for a diamond push-up we're going to

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make a triangle with our hands

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place them on the floor and you're gonna

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push up with your chest towards your

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that's a diamond push-up from here

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we're gonna do a tricep extension

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and then we're gonna do

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the next repetition so this is really a

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killer superset so let's get started

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with eight repetitions

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all right guys last exercise done and i

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feel the burn in my chest shoulders and

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triceps so

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i did one round in total

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and for optimal progress you want to do

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at least three rounds and if you really

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want to maximize your results go for

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five rounds in total so this was the

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workout of today let us know in the

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comments which kind of follow along

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workouts you want to see next and we

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will see you next week peace out guys

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