Calisthenics PULL Workout | Strength Training Routine Ep.1

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what's up guys it's michael here with

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buzz and today we're gonna show you our

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pool workout where actually we're gonna

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show you our complete

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workout routine that we're doing until

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the end of the year and in this video

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we're gonna show you our current full

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workouts so

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stay tuned for the video

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alright guys so welcome to today's video

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so today

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a pool workout and maybe you can

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introduce our current routine that we're

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doing right now

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of course um so the routine that we're

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following till the end of the year

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consists of

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four workouts divided in push pull

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legs and weighted calisthenics we're

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following this routine for

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six to eight weeks until new year's and

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then we're going to test our max

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strength level yeah with basically all

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the extra exercise that we're currently

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working on

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so the main focus of this routine is

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working on the front lever

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the planche the strict muscle up the

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hands and push-up

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and also getting stronger in our

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weighted calisthenics for example

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weighted tips

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and weighted pull-ups so let's get

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started with today's workout we're just

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gonna go through this workout and show

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you all the exercises of today

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let's go

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okay guys so we just did our warming up

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we're now gonna start with the one arm

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handstand we always do

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a handstand exercise before each workout

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in order to warm up our straight arm

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strength and activate our scapula

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so yeah let's do it and let's see how it

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all right guys so we just finished the

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one our handsome practice

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we practiced for 10 minutes in total i

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did about five

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sets us as well we both are struggling

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to keep one finger on the parallettes

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that's our goal of this our level at

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this moment

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and we get a question really often when

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should i start with a one arm handstand

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we would definitely recommend to not

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start before you can hand you can hold

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a good straight handstand for a minimum

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one minute

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right for sure

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all right guys so that was the one arm

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headset practice now we're going to move

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on to the actual very first

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exercise of this workout the full front

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lead for practice so we're starting with

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static holds

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this workout is purely focused on

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increasing our strength

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so we train in a rep range between like

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one to six reps but also i do

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but also do static holds for like 10

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in total so let's start with the first

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pull exercise front levers

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all right so just finished front levers

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so i think you had your your pr yeah all

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yeah i have my pr of eight seconds the

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form wasn't perfect so i

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will be definitely working on that but

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the goal for this year is 10 seconds

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i think we're both gonna smash that goal

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before the end of the year so

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that's great exactly so for me my record

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is seven seconds at this moment

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so 10 seconds should be doable so

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now what is the next exercise we're

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going to do

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next exercise is one of my favorite

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exercises it's the strict muscle up

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um we're almost there i think like we

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can do some reps with strict form but

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we're trying to work up towards like

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five reps with like absolutely

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clean form so let's see how it goes yes

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let's do it

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all right so we just finished with the

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muscle ups the second exercise of the

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went pretty well we both had some strict

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form muscle labs

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so that was our goal i think you have

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really strict ones so

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yeah really nice

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all right so now we're gonna move on to

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the third exercise so now we're gonna do

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a front lever exercise again so we're

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working our straight arm pulling

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we're gonna do the negative front lever

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this is probably our worst exercise so

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it's not our favorite exercise of course

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but sometimes you gotta do the exercises

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that you dread to do in order to

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achieve the results that you want to

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have so

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exactly and we've noticed that the

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negative front lever

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really helps us to get better in our

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static hold

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so we're gonna do this exercise for

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about five seconds

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for five repetitions four sets in total

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to really get a time and attention in

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the straight arm pulling strength

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so let's get this exercise started

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okay guys so that's where the front

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lever negatives

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it was both a bit a bit too hard for us

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so we decided to go for

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three repetitions in the second and

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third set

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we might scale it down progression

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because we feel that we

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are not able to do the exercise properly

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so now it's time for what we call in

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dutch um staggered to thicken and so why

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do we call this stomach tikka in dutch

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it basically means

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pulling ourselves towards the bar with

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our waistline

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so that's why we call uh touching the

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basically um to get stronger in our like

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our waistline pulling strength

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which is needed for the front leaf or

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so we're gonna do three sets of this one

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aim for

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six repetitions and do them as explosive

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as possible so let's do it

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all right guys so our caddy jim legend

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i'm back

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shill came in and uh we

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we're trying to do this exercise man he

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is the he's the master of this one

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with you take care that's really good

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let's show them

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easy easy man

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how many how many repetitions shield how

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many repetitions i don't even know

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something six or something sick man

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alright guys so we just finished

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this exercise i personally have my

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record i touched the bar

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two times

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now we're gonna move on to the fourth

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fifth exercise fifth exercise concentric

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front left foot races so we just worked

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on our full left for pulling strength

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with bent arm

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now we're gonna move on to a straight

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arm pulling strength with straight arms

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concentric full front level races let's

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okay guys so we're at our last exercise

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which are the dragon flags

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we do this exercise um as a core

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exercise which helps us with the front

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as well as with our pulling strength

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it's a very beneficial exercise so if

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are able to do it then we would

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definitely recommend to put it in your

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so let's see how it goes yes and today

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we're gonna do the weighted

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dragonflex because our goal like we said

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in the beginning is to increase our

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so we're working up until a maximum

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repetitions of

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six and we both can do dragonflex

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up to 10 repetitions without weights

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so we're doing a weighted dragonflex

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with one to 2

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kgs ankle weights on our feet

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so let's do it and let's see what we can

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do with today

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all right guys so that was our pool

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a pretty rough workout only strength

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up to six repetitions so

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um maybe you can say something about the

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uh yeah well we were a bit short on time

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so we had to cut some rest

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periods in between the exercises and

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that was definitely

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noticeable so that's also a lesson for

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us like if you want to get results and

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be consistent you also have to take into

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your rest in between set because sets

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because that will

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affect the amount of reps or seconds you

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can do an exercise

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so that's a tip for you guys yes exactly

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it was a really good workout definitely

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feel the pump also we both had some new

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prs with certain exercises

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and that's basically also our goal with

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each workout

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is to at least progress in one exercise

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if we walk out the gym and we have

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progress in one single exercise then

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we're already satisfied and we've

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crushed our goal

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of the workout so guys that was it for

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this workout pool workout

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let us know in the comments if you like

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this video just

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us showing our current workout next up

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will be a

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push workout and focus on the planche

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and the hands and push up

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so make sure to subscribe i will see you

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in the next video

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peace out

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this one this is the harder

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thank variation

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