Calisthenics PULL Workout | Strength Training Routine Ep.1
what's up guys it's michael here with
buzz and today we're gonna show you our
pool workout where actually we're gonna
show you our complete
workout routine that we're doing until
the end of the year and in this video
we're gonna show you our current full
workouts so
stay tuned for the video
alright guys so welcome to today's video
so today
a pool workout and maybe you can
introduce our current routine that we're
doing right now
of course um so the routine that we're
following till the end of the year
consists of
four workouts divided in push pull
legs and weighted calisthenics we're
following this routine for
six to eight weeks until new year's and
then we're going to test our max
strength level yeah with basically all
the extra exercise that we're currently
working on
so the main focus of this routine is
working on the front lever
the planche the strict muscle up the
hands and push-up
and also getting stronger in our
weighted calisthenics for example
weighted tips
and weighted pull-ups so let's get
started with today's workout we're just
gonna go through this workout and show
you all the exercises of today
let's go
okay guys so we just did our warming up
we're now gonna start with the one arm
handstand we always do
a handstand exercise before each workout
in order to warm up our straight arm
strength and activate our scapula
so yeah let's do it and let's see how it
all right guys so we just finished the
one our handsome practice
we practiced for 10 minutes in total i
did about five
sets us as well we both are struggling
to keep one finger on the parallettes
that's our goal of this our level at
this moment
and we get a question really often when
should i start with a one arm handstand
we would definitely recommend to not
start before you can hand you can hold
a good straight handstand for a minimum
one minute
right for sure
all right guys so that was the one arm
headset practice now we're going to move
on to the actual very first
exercise of this workout the full front
lead for practice so we're starting with
static holds
this workout is purely focused on
increasing our strength
so we train in a rep range between like
one to six reps but also i do
but also do static holds for like 10
in total so let's start with the first
pull exercise front levers
all right so just finished front levers
so i think you had your your pr yeah all
yeah i have my pr of eight seconds the
form wasn't perfect so i
will be definitely working on that but
the goal for this year is 10 seconds
i think we're both gonna smash that goal
before the end of the year so
that's great exactly so for me my record
is seven seconds at this moment
so 10 seconds should be doable so
now what is the next exercise we're
going to do
next exercise is one of my favorite
exercises it's the strict muscle up
um we're almost there i think like we
can do some reps with strict form but
we're trying to work up towards like
five reps with like absolutely
clean form so let's see how it goes yes
let's do it
all right so we just finished with the
muscle ups the second exercise of the
went pretty well we both had some strict
form muscle labs
so that was our goal i think you have
really strict ones so
yeah really nice
all right so now we're gonna move on to
the third exercise so now we're gonna do
a front lever exercise again so we're
working our straight arm pulling
we're gonna do the negative front lever
this is probably our worst exercise so
it's not our favorite exercise of course
but sometimes you gotta do the exercises
that you dread to do in order to
achieve the results that you want to
have so
exactly and we've noticed that the
negative front lever
really helps us to get better in our
static hold
so we're gonna do this exercise for
about five seconds
for five repetitions four sets in total
to really get a time and attention in
the straight arm pulling strength
so let's get this exercise started
okay guys so that's where the front
lever negatives
it was both a bit a bit too hard for us
so we decided to go for
three repetitions in the second and
third set
we might scale it down progression
because we feel that we
are not able to do the exercise properly
so now it's time for what we call in
dutch um staggered to thicken and so why
do we call this stomach tikka in dutch
it basically means
pulling ourselves towards the bar with
our waistline
so that's why we call uh touching the
basically um to get stronger in our like
our waistline pulling strength
which is needed for the front leaf or
so we're gonna do three sets of this one
aim for
six repetitions and do them as explosive
as possible so let's do it
all right guys so our caddy jim legend
i'm back
shill came in and uh we
we're trying to do this exercise man he
is the he's the master of this one
with you take care that's really good
let's show them
easy easy man
how many how many repetitions shield how
many repetitions i don't even know
something six or something sick man
alright guys so we just finished
this exercise i personally have my
record i touched the bar
two times
now we're gonna move on to the fourth
fifth exercise fifth exercise concentric
front left foot races so we just worked
on our full left for pulling strength
with bent arm
now we're gonna move on to a straight
arm pulling strength with straight arms
concentric full front level races let's
okay guys so we're at our last exercise
which are the dragon flags
we do this exercise um as a core
exercise which helps us with the front
as well as with our pulling strength
it's a very beneficial exercise so if
are able to do it then we would
definitely recommend to put it in your
so let's see how it goes yes and today
we're gonna do the weighted
dragonflex because our goal like we said
in the beginning is to increase our
so we're working up until a maximum
repetitions of
six and we both can do dragonflex
up to 10 repetitions without weights
so we're doing a weighted dragonflex
with one to 2
kgs ankle weights on our feet
so let's do it and let's see what we can
do with today
all right guys so that was our pool
a pretty rough workout only strength
up to six repetitions so
um maybe you can say something about the
uh yeah well we were a bit short on time
so we had to cut some rest
periods in between the exercises and
that was definitely
noticeable so that's also a lesson for
us like if you want to get results and
be consistent you also have to take into
your rest in between set because sets
because that will
affect the amount of reps or seconds you
can do an exercise
so that's a tip for you guys yes exactly
it was a really good workout definitely
feel the pump also we both had some new
prs with certain exercises
and that's basically also our goal with
each workout
is to at least progress in one exercise
if we walk out the gym and we have
progress in one single exercise then
we're already satisfied and we've
crushed our goal
of the workout so guys that was it for
this workout pool workout
let us know in the comments if you like
this video just
us showing our current workout next up
will be a
push workout and focus on the planche
and the hands and push up
so make sure to subscribe i will see you
in the next video
peace out
this one this is the harder
thank variation