Calisthenics Education w @PROBARRAS | Life-Long Journey

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what's up with it y'all it's jd back

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with another quick video and here i got

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my homeboy hulk thanks

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we are here in uh buenos aires argentina

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my boy has a super dope youtube channel

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called pro bottas and i'm rocking some

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of the merch right now he blessed me

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with some of the merch i just wanted to

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have a quick conversation with him and

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kind of go through his palestinian story

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for me one thing that's important when

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it comes down to calisthenics or any

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other part of life that you're trying to

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advance at is that you need to surround

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yourself with people who are proficient

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at that craft and even better than you

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at that craft so that's what i was

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blessed to meet him and somebody who's

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more at a more advanced level than

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myself and you know i just want to kind

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of pick his brain a little bit on his

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calisthenics journey where he's from a

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little bit about yourself yeah and

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i'm from um i'm from from venezuela and

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the name of my team is provaras i have a

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youtube channel

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in about

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ten years ago

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about five years ago it was a real

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that's when that's when you got serious

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yeah serious about the film videos and

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educate the community yeah and share the

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knowledge and the experience

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about constance and uh what inspired you

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to get into calisthenics to begin with

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my inspiration was

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the old-school calisthenics in the usa

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fierce barbarians the team barbarians

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all the team in new york

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and then lucia and ukraine

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the beginning beginning my inspiration

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is based

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in the

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culture of the united states

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this guy

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i see

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that here's the youtube videos training

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in the

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in the children's park yeah and the

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tubes on the street and

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are using whatever else on the

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on the streets yeah that's what we

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actually just did today we got a workout

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in in the middle of the city on some

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scaffolding in the middle of this

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downtown area down here and we did like

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a little challenge a little back and

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forth it was fun some sets so what does

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calisthenics give you

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beyond like just physically

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you know what is it what do you what do

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you get from calisthenics beyond just

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the physical one in the beginning in the

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beginning um my main goal was

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a good physique

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but then

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in the regular practice

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i see others others think more important

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about mentally about

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growth role the uncertain number the

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challenge yeah the discipline

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and i think the most important is

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is connect with with other people

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in my in my life was a

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before and after because

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i have a

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engineer career yeah and

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and take a serious decision

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left the work

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the office work

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and take the

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calisthenics for my for my entrepreneur

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like robaras

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and it's a serious decision

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it's a changed my life completely

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physically and mentally

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and guys that's that kind of speaks to

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something that i talk about on this

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a lot and that's taking a risk

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taking risks in life and betting on

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yourself investing yourself so what he

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did was invest in himself by

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developing a skill set you know

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putting the right team around putting

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the right people around and then he went

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from one great career as an engineer

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to becoming an entrepreneur and doing

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something that he's extremely passionate

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about and he's had an abundance of

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by you know moving into that calisthenic

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space so it's just something to keep in

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mind that you know whatever you love

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chase after it and don't let anything

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deter you from it and you know

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i actually want to know what is it you

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know because my channel is kind of based

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you know growth and everybody's

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individual calisthenics journey and

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you're at a super advanced level in

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but what type of advice would you give

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to somebody who's maybe just starting

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their calisthenics journey and maybe

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is struggling to do three or four

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pull-ups you know but they're seeing

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people like you who's going making the

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muscle ups look super clean the

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handstands and the lever movements you

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know what would be your advice to them

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as far as the the best way to go about

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their journey yeah i talk

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always with all these athletes

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the the

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the principality the most important is

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knowing your body connect with your body

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the social

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media and

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give you

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much information that you confuse yeah

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and you need fears

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leave the present yeah

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connect with your body

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the most importantly be passion on the

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process be passion bro

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not viewing

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for two months or three months

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see see your journey about

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for longevity you know it's your own

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individual for all your life drink for

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all your life and be passionate and and

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we're always trying to figure out we'll

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find out more about ourselves we're kind

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of on a lifelong journey of knowledge

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yourself and calisthenics is a physical

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manifestation of that so

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i'm kind of what i'm kind of taking from

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you is like

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learn yourself don't pay attention to

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what everybody else is doing on social

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media don't even read too much you can

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take some inspiration inspiration but

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the most important is you yeah

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internally but don't compare yourself to

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that yes don't compare yourself to

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others and then probably one of one of

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the last questions is what's your what's

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your favorite training style because you

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know you got people who are into wrecks

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and sets you've got people who are into

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static movements and skills okay you got

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people who are into you know volume

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uh explosiveness what would you say your

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calisthenic style or just your overall

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athletic training style is in general i

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like to to

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i like to practice all i like to be good

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in all multifaceted multi-fasting i know

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it's very difficult and it's very

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difficult it's very difficult this goal

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to be good involved but

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it is interesting because you you don't

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like it's all about learning new things

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and about a

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focus on the on the technique for freeze

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and via explorer movements you know

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this is this is my my methodology it's

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be good involved mobility

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don't care if

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i don't good

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involved but

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that's my way yeah

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and the thing is it's one thing i i like

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that you said is that you're constantly

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in a learning process and we actually

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had a conversation about that earlier

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that you know in life and in

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calisthenics we played a role of a

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student and a teacher

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but for the most part we always want to

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be a student so we always want to keep

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our mind open and we always want to you

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know kind of take something from

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somebody else and add that to our tool

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belt so for me you know learning from

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you i'm going to be adding a few things

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to my tool belt and

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you know eventually i can once i get

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proficient at that i can teach it to

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somebody else just like we were talking

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the majority has to be playing the role

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of the student but then once you get

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proficient and you see somebody that

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needs help then you can teach just like

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he's done a great job on his channel by

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teaching people you know

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thousands and thousands of people

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probably even millions of people

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worldwide on how to get proficient at

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calisthenics so you know that's a great

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accomplishment one more thing how did

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you end up in argentina

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yeah how did you how did you come to

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argentina why didn't you come to

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washington uh because my team lived here

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okay manuel and jose okay and the idea

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that they come here it was

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initial to work on

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more seriously seriously in the channel

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yeah yeah

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i live ago in colombia and the distance

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the distance of war is very hard yeah um

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i come to argentina for for

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for teamwork yeah um

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is that we do and it's a good it's a

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good place to be right yeah it's very

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good it's definitely a good place to be

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but man

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i'm gonna stress this one last point to

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you guys

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get outside of the house live life put

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your phone down

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get out from behind the computer you

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know go to a calisthenics park go train

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outdoors and meet like-minded people

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because you know if i wouldn't have came

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down to argentina and been out at a

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calisthenics park i wouldn't have met

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him and uh it would have been a missed

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opportunity for me to meet a

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like-minded individual because

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before we actually shot this video

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before we came out and trained today i

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actually met up with you a couple days

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at your home and we had a good

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conversation and you know the thing is

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that we

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see a lot of we see a lot eye to eye and

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we kind of have the same philosophy on a

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lot of things in life and but i could

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come on thing yeah and i've noticed that

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at calisthenics parks i tend to meet

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people who kind of i connect with on

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that on that on that level so you know

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a lot of times your vibe is your tribe

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you know your your family is your blood

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relation but your tribe is the people

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who kind of share the same value system

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that you guys anyways man i appreciate

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you uh commenting on the channel and uh

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you guys make sure you guys go check out

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his channel pro bottles i'm gonna leave

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the link in the description um

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yeah we out of here say what was it no

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no swimming i was queen was it peace

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