Calisthenics Core & Six-pack Abs Routine (Beginner & Advanced)

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do you want to get a real strong core

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and build six-pack abs then

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keep watching this video because today i

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will show you my favorite exercises with

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bodyweight only

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and the bars to build a strong core so

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let's do this

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all right guys so today we are at the

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east side of our country at the beach

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side of the netherlands

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we are on a little vacation with our

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family um

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so we're having a good time here but we

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also have to train of course and that's

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why we found this little calisthenics

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park over here

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and that is also of course the best part

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of calisthenics you can just find a park

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and do your workouts anywhere at any

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time so today i have my core workout

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and today i will show you my top

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favorite exercise to get a quick and

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effective workout in so today we will do

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six exercises and work our core in

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parts so we focus on our upper abs our

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lower apps the side apps

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and also the lower back which is all key

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and essential in calisthenics and to get

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a strong core

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and build six-pack abs so we're gonna

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focus on different

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aspects of our core today and we also

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start with

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relatively hard exercises first with low

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reps and from there we build the reps up

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and get more volume in in this way we

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build a strong core

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but also get our hypertrophy rep range

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in so we build a six pack

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and by the way this video is sponsored

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by my protein this complete outfit

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is from my protein but next to that they

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also offer really good quality

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supplements and nutrition for an

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affordable price we've been using their

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products for about

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two to three years now for optimal

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performance so make sure to check the

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link in the description and you can use

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our code

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califam for 36 discount so let's get

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started with the first exercise which is

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already the hardest exercise with low

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the dragonflags

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all right so the dragon flag is in my

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opinion the best

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exercise to get a strong core you

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basically target your complete core your

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and your lower back and also your your

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obliques so with this exercise you're

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going to lay down on a bench or on the

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you grab a low bar and from there you

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bring your body up

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make sure to squeeze your hips forward

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contract your glutes

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and abs straight out your legs

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completely and from there

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lower down and try to make six

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if you cannot do six repetitions then

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you have to decrease the intensity of

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the exercise by doing

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for example a one lakh dragonfly or a

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tucked dragonflag

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but make sure to get at least six

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repetitions in

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for four sets so now let's move on to

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the second exercise which is also an

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incredible exercise to build your

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six-pack and your core strength

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the toes through bars

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so the toes to bar specifically targets

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on the lower part of the abs which is

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mostly the hardest

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part to get visible because we tend to

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carry most of our fat in the lower side

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of her belly so this exercise is really

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good to target the lower part of your

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so you basically need to find a bar make

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sure that you are able to completely

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out and from there raise your feet

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towards the bar

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by not using any momentum so don't swing

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keep your toes in front and from there

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bring your toes to the bar

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and try to get at least six repetitions

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if this is too hard you can also do leg

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raises and bring your

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legs in a 90 degree angle with your hips

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so try to do six repetitions of this

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also for four sets and then we're gonna

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move on to the third exercise

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which is the circular leg raise

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alright so now we get to the third

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exercise and from now we're gonna

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increase the repetitions from six reps

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eight to ten repetitions so with this

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exercise the circular leg raise we

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target the obliques which is the side

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part of your abs

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with this exercise we need a high bar

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again you can basically use the same bar

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as with the toes to bar from here we're

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gonna start in a dead hang position

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again and first we're gonna bring our

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feet to the left side and then do a leg

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as high as possible make a circle

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and bring your feet to the right side

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and come back down

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as controlled as possible that's one

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from there we're gonna do eight

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repetitions in total

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when this variation is too hard with

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straight legs you can also do this

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exercise with

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your knees tucked in and do tucked

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circular leg

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raises but make sure to bring your knees

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as high as possible

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when you make the rotation also eight to

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ten repetitions for four sets

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and then we're gonna move on to the

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fourth exercise

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which is the parallel bar knee raise

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all right with this exercise we're gonna

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focus on the lower part of our abs again

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but also our upper abs

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and with this exercise we need parallel

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bars and this makes the exercise a

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little easier

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but also enables us to create a better

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range of motion with the exercise

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therefore we're going to do more reps 10

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but we're going to bring our knees or

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legs as high as possible

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so we're already actually working

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towards an l-sit

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or maybe a v-sit so we're gonna start in

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dip position bring your shoulders down

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to create space between your shoulders

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and head and bring your feet forward so

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you can see your feet at any time during

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the exercise

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and from there we're gonna bring our

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legs as high

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as possible maybe hold for one second

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and then go down do this for 10

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and if this is too hard you can also do

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the tucked variation

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so bring your knees in all the way to

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your chest

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as controlled as possible and then go

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so by now your abs especially your lower

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part of your abs

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should be completely fatigued right now

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because we mainly focus

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on the lower abs and also the obliques

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so now we're gonna focus

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on the lower back which is also an

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essential part of your core

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so the fifth exercise that we're gonna

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do are reverse

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leg raises

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so in my opinion this exercise the

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reverse leg raise is the best exercise

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to get a strong

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lower back with this exercise you need

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to find an elevation like a bench

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so when starting this exercise make sure

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that you bring your hips on the edge of

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the bench that's really important

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and from there grab the bench with your

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hands and bring your

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knees away from your body until you

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straighten out your legs

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completely one big mistake is that you

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your back too much so don't bring your

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feet up

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in the air but really try to lengthen

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your body instead of arching

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your body this way we prevent injuries

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and target your lower back

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in the right way so this exercise is

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pretty doable

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at any level so that's why we're doing

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multiple reps

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so when you're doing 10 to 15 or maybe

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20 repetitions then you will really feel

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this exercise and target your lower back

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so try to do four sets of 15 to 20

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all right and the last exercise is the

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butterfly pulse

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this exercise is also a coordination

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this is such a funny exercise as well it

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targets your lower back again

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but also your shoulder mobility so we're

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gonna start on the floor

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and basically you're gonna bring one

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and one leg the opposite leg on the

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floor and

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bring your elbows and knees towards each

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while staying in the right position

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try to do this for 10 repetitions on

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each side

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and when this is too hard you can also

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do a regression of the exercise

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by doing this exercise on your knees

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also focus on straightening out your

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instead of arching your legs all right

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so these were the six exercises to get a

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strong core and build your abs and that

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is the exact workout which i'm about to

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right now so i hope you're gonna follow

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along with me try this workout

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i hope this was helpful and yeah that's

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it for this video

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if you need help with your training

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bring your training to the next level

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maybe learn some cool calisthenics

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skills like the handstand muscle up

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human flex or just get stronger in

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build a strong physique with bodyweight

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training and check out our programs and

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plans in the links

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down below we also have some free

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training guides

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and workouts that you also can download

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down below and don't forget

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if you need any supplements or clothing

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then check out

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my protein and use our code califam for

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discount on your order so guys that's it

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for this video

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thanks for watching subscribe for more

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videos and i'll see you

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next week peace out

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