Calisthenics Athletes try US ARMY Fitness Test without Practice... (Birthday Special🎉)

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vary somewhere

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all right guys so as you guys can see we

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are now officially live with our biggest

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project ever

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the calisthenics basics course exactly

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why today because today is our birthday

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as you can see

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from the from the back here we have

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transformed the gym into a little party

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so today the calisthenics basics course

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is officially

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live but the course is officially live

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only in dutch so let us give us our

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dutch followers a

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quick explanation of the course itself

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and then we can continue with the

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challenge that we're going to do today

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okay there's for always neighborhoods

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volcanoes you

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video yes

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all right guys so back to the challenge

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for today so we're gonna do the u.s

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army fitness test today we're gonna have

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a battle between us

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so what is the us army fitness test well

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it's basically a test if we

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would be allowed to the us army to see

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if we are fit enough

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so that's really interesting so what i

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said what we're gonna do

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we have to do two minutes of push-ups

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then we have to do two minutes of

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maximum sit-ups

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and at last we have to do a 2 mile run

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which is equal to

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3.2 kilometers so let's start with the

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first exercise with the first challenge

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the push-ups are you ready yes let's do

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all right guys so we're gonna start with

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the very first exercise the push-ups

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as you can see in the back the gym is

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now open we have all the gym members

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also to support us um so the first

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exercise is going to be the push-up

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you're going to be first yes and we

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actually got inspired to do this

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challenge by

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uh stan brownie he also did this

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um so maybe you can tell like the score

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system and then let's see uh

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if we can beat him yes exactly so we

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have to do three exercises and you can

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a maximum of 100 points per exercise and

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you have to

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take 60 points to get the death so the

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pass for the fitness test right

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so at minimum 60 points maximum 100

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points so for the push-ups

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there will be uh 42 push-ups at minimum

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in two minutes and to get 100 points we

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have to do

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71 push-ups so are we gonna make it

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all right let's see it let's go all

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right guys so i'm gonna do the push-up

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challenge first and there are basically

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three rules uh the first one is to

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do a push-up until a 90-degree angle in

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the elbows

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like this so that's what we use this

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thing for so we're not going to go too

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second rule is that you actually can

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rest but only in this position so

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that's the downward facing dog and the

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last rule is that you have your

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shoulders and shoulder width apart

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so wish me good luck guys all right

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40. come on

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let's go

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six nice one

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okay now it's up to me my turn alright

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guys so

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my turn let's see if i can beat yanic

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okay timer ready

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three two one go

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thanks man oh

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yeah i knew i had to beat up i had

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to get 75.

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all right so also 100 points for me

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just just

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nice bro

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all right guys so i just recovered from

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the push-ups about 10 minutes to 50

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second exercise the sit-ups uh we have

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five rules

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first one is the knees at 90 degree

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second one is the

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hands on the head yeah drop all the way

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to your upper back is touch the floor

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all the way up

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and someone else can hold your feet all

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right so the requirements for this

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exercise are 50 reps

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to pass the test and 80 reps to get 100

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points so

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let's do this let's go ready bro yes man

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all right

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three two one go

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let's go two

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three four five

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six seven eight

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nine ten

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51 52

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54. six

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57 58 59

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60 come on let's go 61

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76 77

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78 come on 79

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80 come on 10 seconds left 81 yeah

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82 come on three 84.

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come on let's go 86 87.

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go on 8 87 89

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88 88

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you're making it tough for me man you're

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making it tough for me now yeah

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all right guys so my turn for the

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sit-ups i gotta do 88

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reps to beat my bro let's see if i can

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beat him

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let's go alright are you ready yes

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let's go three two one and go

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my favorite

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oh feeling kind of dizzy man

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all right so if you didn't get the 88

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i would never get 89.

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all right so that's it for me setups

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89 setups um also 100

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points for this one also 100 points

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score for this one

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so now uh let's get outside

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let's go the hardest part hardest part

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two mile run let's go

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ten minute break let's do this

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all right so after the push-ups and the

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setups it's time for the run so we're

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gonna do a two mile run

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aka a 3.2 kilometer run the minimum

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requirement is 15 minutes and 54 seconds

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to get a score of 60 points

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and the best performance would be in 13

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minutes to get a score of

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100 points we're gonna do this run

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together yes

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at the same time so all over there and

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then let's go back

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let's do this yes let's go ready three

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a little bit more than 10 minutes yeah

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oh man

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at the beginning it felt easy to run

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that hard but afterwards

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i felt it in my muscles in my abdominals

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especially after the citrus man oh

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but uh i barely even can talk man

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who was faster then and i think he was

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i think a few seconds i was ahead like

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most of the time exactly but that that

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was exactly how i

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planned it because i know i'm pretty

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good in long long distance

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because i also trade for the marathon

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like half a marathon

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and you are pretty good in sprints

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so i knew i was coming after you man

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all right so 10 minutes

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10 11 minutes all right so let's get

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back to the gym let's see our final

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and also let's grab some water

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all right so we just got back from the

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run so quickly the results of today

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so first with the push-ups we both had a

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score of 100 points

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just 100 points then the setups pretty

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we went all out on that one also 100

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points on that exercise and then at last

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also the running part also 100 points so

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it makes

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300 points in total for me and yannick

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so that means that we definitely

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passed the test as calisthenics athletes

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for the u.s army fitness test and then

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we also

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beat our man brownie he beat us on the

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on the push-ups right yeah

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he got he was really strong with that

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one but we beat him on the other one

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so he also did a really great job

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definitely check that video out as well

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so guys that's it for this video epic

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challenge and for our birthday special

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if you're interested in the calisthenics

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basics course make sure to check the

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links down below

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only today and the upcoming four days we

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have really big discounts and bonuses

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that you can get

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if you sign up today or tomorrow and

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until friday yes exactly so also for the

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english guys

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um the the calisthenics based course in

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english will be released

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next month actually on the 13th of

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december we will also

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post the sign up link down below so if

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you're the first 100 will sign up for

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the english version you will also get

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very very big discounts so that was the

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we did the us army test we passed the

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test all right so like

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subscribe and we see you in the next

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video road to 100k subs

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very soon peace out guys peace

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