Cali Park Update.. | Current Push Workout | & More... #TFJ WEEKVLOG 10

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what's up ladies and gentlemen michael and yannick here from Calisthenics Family

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welcome to this new video, this new vlog, a new episode of our full journey series on youtube

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A series in which we daily vlog our lives and

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give updates about our last week. In this vlog we give you an update about

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The calisthenics park that is going to be in Nijmegen, our city

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yes exactly and in addition I take you to a workout of me where

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I show all the exercises and also give some valuable tips

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yes exactly and in addition, we take you to Kristal limited

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the clothing company of Merijn & Remo and if you like this video

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please don't forget to give a like and if you are not yet subscribed

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please subscribe to our channel for more videos and then enjoy the video for now

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as you probably know, we have recently

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translated all our programs into Dutch and also our

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entire website, that was a huge job and now we are actually working on the community

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bringing the calisthenics family community together more and more and that is what we do

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through a facebook group we have just created a private facebook group

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for all members so if you watch now and you follow a program from us

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now you know that we have this facebook group now

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and we also sent you an email so check your e-mail with the invitation

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and if you do not follow a program yet, then you know that you end up in a community

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with all active people trying to move forward together

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and also help each other in this community

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as you can see in this facebook page, all kinds of things are shared

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we are now going to make sure that we become even more interactive

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by take more part in this group and to do live Q & A's for our members only.

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So these are soms steps that we are know taking.

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hey you had called me last Friday

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yes I wanted to inform you about the progress of the calisthenics park

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And then I was suddenly called by the events manager

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He is contact person of the MOJO events and he said: What is this? This park really can not come!

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thank you for the information and we still speak to each other.

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apparently it is a kind of gathering place where all buses

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come where all people meet to wait for the bus so apparently

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the park needs to be moved a lot and that will take extra time

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and as you can hear I do not know how long it will take, but it will take a little longer than expected

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so, but the good news is it remains

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anyway we are very happy with that

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ok ladies and gentlemen we are here now in the kitchen time for a meal because

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we always eat two hot meals one day in the afternoon and one in the evening

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usually for sports and we are going to do more sports today so time again for a hot meal

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today we are going to make rice with vegatarian wok strips

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with mushroom stir fry mix with corn and red kidney beans

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chili sauce and brown rice and white rice

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and this is a very simple meal that we always have ready within 10 to 15 minutes

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so I'm going to prepare it together now and let's cook!

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and I will add in the description what the ingredients are so

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you can also use this meal for yourself and now I'm really going to cook

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also ladies and gentlemen as you can see we have just finished cooking we have two tasty plates with food

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with rice wok vegetables corn beans two whole healthy meal and two whole whole

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large plates and also two meals for tomorrow

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so actually four meals fixed in 15 minutes time super fast

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and so easy to make and as you can see, it's pretty big plats and that

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is because we are now this month, it is now March 1 we are still lean bulking!

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That means that eat a bit more then our maintenance

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to gain in muscle mass and then from 1 April, the following month

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then we will really shred down for 30 days so we will eat less and then

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we are going to be really dry so now muscle mass arrive and then fall off

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and it is not completely clean bulk because we also have delicious candy bananas here

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And of course that is also possible if you eat something above your maintenance

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then you can sometimes also grab some extra sugars and especially if you train like that

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because then you just want to have a lot of carbohydrates and energy for training

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So we are going to eat these meals now and then we train so we see you in the gym!

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All ladies and gentlemen welcome everyone to the voice-over

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today I do a push workout and the first exercise is the

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handstand push ups as you can see I put a reebok box

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so I do not have to pusher so deeply and so

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I can make more repetitions this was my third set of 4 repetitions

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and I always try to go round six repetitions before I take it a little lower

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and actually the difficult thing about this exercise, I think that you are during the

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push up to lean forward and therefore have to lean back with your body

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That is very difficult with your balance as you see here

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you see that my elbow does not want to move from the back

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you want to keep your forearms completely straight so that you lean forward

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and then second exercise is the bent-arm planche. I have already moved forward a lot in the last

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as you can see, I now hold it for about 10 seconds

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here I am very proud, beautiful hands along the side and the fourth and fifth set of this exercise

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I have packed with the band and with this I do a full bent arm planche

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I always want to make sure that I do

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hold for at least 10 to 15 seconds. This was successful until the third set and then

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I did it with the band so I can hold it for 10 seconds at least

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then a third exercise reverse handstand pushups

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as you can see, I have put you here again a raise so that I do not have to go that far

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So that I can still make those six repetitions

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here you can see the last two repetitions. I do this half because it was too heavy

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all the way to the platform so yes I think it's important to get more

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make good repetitions than some deeper worse, you know?

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the next exercise is the forward-lean pushup with this is very important

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that you lean forward as much as possible, he sees that my hands

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almost sitting at my hips that is actually the goal to lean forward as much as possible

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and again as deep as possible until you come to the ground with your chest

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and in this exercise the more you lean forward

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the heavier it is, so look up your level a bit for yourself

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where you can make at least six repetitions

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and the last exercise is the wall shelf

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In this exercise I start with the legs against the wall as you see

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My legs are still quite high because otherwise it is really a lot heavier when you walk down a bit

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I try to keep this up as long as possible and if it does not work out I will continue with

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my foot on the ground and I make sure that I keep the whole exercise full for 1 minute

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and these exercises I actually do more for the core

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It is actually a combination of shoulders and core.

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It is a good hold for sure a good for the handstand push up.

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And that was it again for this workout

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and then we go back to the rest of the vlog

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I'm in the car now, it's 9 o'clock in the evening and I'm on my way to it

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office of crystal ltd the clothing company of mare and of remo

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Merijn is a good friend of mine

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so from there I know him and the Kristal office is of course also in nijmegen and

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it is actually only six minutes away from my house and I am actually still

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never been so I'm curious and I'm going because

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they have a new white bomber jacket and I find it really fucking dope!

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So we have a look at Kritsal and yes I see you there

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Hey how are you? Yes alright! So this is the Kristal Office, your new office because first you had another one

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Yes correct

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So now I mainly work here behind the laptop and when we start to discuss things we're here

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This is the very last stock of the last sweater. Yes, it is really cool!

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Yes, he is really sold out very quickly. 100 pieces in total!

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And this is the bomber right? Yes, can you just fit him for me?

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Dope really dope. Thank you very much!

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After the release I already knew that I would really like to have it!

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And you also get this from me

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Yes thanks I think it is really dope! And this is the new one by the way.

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Yes this is more a vest and the other more a coat? Yes indeed.

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I am completely in style ladies and gentlemen!

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What do you think? Let us know in the comments;)

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Then I'll go off again. Thank you very much! In any case, we will be training once when the park is there!

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Then I come to visit you

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ladies and gentlemen, we have just returned from crystal office

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this super nice sweater got and is also really nice and warm

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and we went to the mac because it is still Sunday night

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Sunday evening we can enjoy a little bit,

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but of course there is also work to be done and that is what we are going to do now

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here we will edit the video of this vlog that comes online on Wednesday

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All right ladies and gentlemen that was the weather for this vlog. Did you find it a nice vlog?

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Then give us a like and let us know what you thought of it

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and which subject you want to see more in the vlog and then we are already looking ahead

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on next week because in the next vlog

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we are going to show all the workouts that we do now.

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So we're going to record everything next week so let's see my routine and

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we also show Michael's routine and we will make a brief summary of that

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we will also provide explanations

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And if you want to build real strength with your muscles so not just pumping up your muscles with exercises in the gym

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but learning real bodyweight exercises with functional strength

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check our website

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and maybe we can help you with our Full journey program for example

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in which you can really start out and work towards a series of very cool exercises

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and if you have personal goals, we can also help you

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with a custom-made training program or mealplan

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So that was it before this video did you find this video interesting?

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Do not forget to give a like and subscribe and we will see you next week in the new vlog.

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peace out guys!

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