Burn FAT with this Upper body Calisthenics Workout (10 min. follow along)

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what's up guys it's white welfare from

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kinesthetics family and today i'm

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together with my girlfriend with Michela

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and today we're going to do a

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high-intensity pepper and workout focus

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on that upper body so let's get this

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video started guys

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alright guys so welcome to the video as

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I said today we're gonna be okay

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high-intensity pepper and workout that

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focused on the upper 40 and for this

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we're going to use a worker from our

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30-day specimen program because me and

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Michelle we're currently in the middle

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of her fantasy HR battle journey this

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week is a third week and we are at day

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six female right yes yes day 16 so it's

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time for the very first everybody

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workout we're going to use a surrogate

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style of training so that means that we

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going to do several exercises in one

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sequence with minimum rest in between

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the exercises so we're going to do six

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exercises in total we're going to

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alternate between pushing and putting

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exercises are we going to do each

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exercise for 30 seconds and then we're

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gonna have 30 seconds rest to prepare

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for the next exercise so the intensity

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of this exercise is really high and that

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is also really important if your goal is

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to lose better so let's start with the

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first round we're gonna do three to five

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rounds in total so let's get ready are

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you ready yes let's do this

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alright so let's get ready with the

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first exercise the first exercise is to

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pull ups and Michelle is going to do the

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exercises in an easier progression

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throughout the whole workout so you're

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gonna do them assistant right and I'm

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just going to do the regular pull-ups

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and that's also going to be for the rest

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of the exercises so I got a time already

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so let's start with the first exercise

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all right

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30-second rest you know I'm going to

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move over there Carla for this

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like that

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ten seconds left we're at five four

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all right 30 seconds rest so the next

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one is Australian put up all support on

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the back so this one is going to grab

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the bar pretty wide instead so you can

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bring your feet right here I'm going to

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bring out a little bit lower so it's

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harder for me all right

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five four three

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five four three two what a haul oh into

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the burn yeah alright next exercise

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is the bike push-up for the shoulders

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you can use you can do that on this one

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base your hands yeah right there these

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really good scripts to describe and then

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make you ships for a new porsche feet

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yes let's go

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to learn all that

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alright next one I'm going to be for the

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bicep and tricep so we're gonna do the

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so get your breath the bar with your

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hands in the meat before you clean it

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rip like this not ready feet forward

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you can sound like that bring your head

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towards the bar like this yes like this

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all right fairness exercise push-ups

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this one's for the chest contracts EPS

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start in a plank position and make sure

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to bring your chest towards the floor

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and you can do them from the knees

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yeah all right five seconds four three

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two one

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and the score at least destined to 50

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that way

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five seconds

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all right knives alright guys so that

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was the first run as you can see I'm

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really out of breath and they're really

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tough and it's a really tough workout so

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there was the first round

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you get some rest now we have two

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minutes rest for the next round we're

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gonna do three points in total and

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that's what we have been doing for all

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that high intensity workout that we did

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in the last two weeks

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Jeremy fat loss journey so guys I'm just

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gonna leave you right here we're going

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to continue with that with the workout

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and you can also continue with your rods

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try to get at least three rounds that's

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really important so are you feeling it's

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gonna work out over yes alright so guys

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thanks for watching this video good luck

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with this workout and if you also want

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to start with your 30 days pepper and

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challenge then check the link in the

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description for the complete program and

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join us on in this challenge and next to

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the daily hit workouts that we're doing

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we're also following a diet and also

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comes with its fat burn program

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we're basically lowering or calories

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after 10 days so we now almost getting

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towards that big number 20 but then we

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are in the last phase we have to drop

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the calories even more to get the super

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super shredded and for you your goal is

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to lose weight for us though really

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getting super shredded but just check it

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out in the description guys and we're

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also documenting this complete fat loss

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journey we're going to create one epic

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video of the whole process which will

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probably be released in the end of May

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so stay tuned for that guys so that's it

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for this video please like and subscribe

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for more and we'll catch you guys very

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soon peace out ok

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when I found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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price so I decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics I would

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highly recommend this it'll it'll do the

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same for you I'm Gordon and I've been

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with calisthenics family for almost

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three months now and all the time I've

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had Yannick as my trainer like my

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chorionic can just be like that little

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extra push to keep you going

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you also seen the pictures I'm really

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proud of myself that what I achieved in

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the last eight weeks go for it and start

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your journey

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