BEST way to Learn the Human Flag FAST

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hi guys my name is dion i'm new with

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calisthenics family and i'm going to

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show you a step-by-step approach how to

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unlock the human flag and you can jump

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in at any level so let's get started

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hi guys like i said my name is john and

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i joined the team recently

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because i also have a passion for

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i do calisthenics now for about three

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years and it took me like six months to

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unlock the human flag and i did so by

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setting small targets for myself

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to eventually build up to that full

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human flag so today i'm gonna show you

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all the steps i took with their specific

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targets in order to unlock that human

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so let's get started with the first step

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so the first step you want to do is feel

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comfortable being in a horizontal flag

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position and we're not going to do it

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like in a regular side plank but

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in a parallel bar side plank

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you grab the bars about two shoulder

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widths apart and if you don't have

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parallel bars you can grab a pole

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next you want to tighten your core and

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flare out your upper leg

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like this

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try to maintain this position for at

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least 30 seconds

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once you've reached 30 seconds it's time

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to move on to the next step

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for step 2 you're going to need a puller

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bar attached to a pole

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not from a wall but attached to a pole

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and i'm going to tell you why

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so what we want to do is to hang in a 45

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degree angle

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it's not an entire human flag but it's a

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45 degree flag

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so with one hand you grab the pole at

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about hip height and with the other you

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grab the bar

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about one shoulder width apart

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try to tighten your core

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tuck your knees

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like this and then push yourself in a 45

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degree position

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and then try

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to hold this for as long as you can

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the aim is to hold this position for at

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least 10 seconds before moving to the

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next step

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if you feel comfortable doing this you

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can also add in some reps

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exactly the same setup

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so grab the ball

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grab the bar

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just hang yourself and then

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erase your body from your core to add in

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some reps like this

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try to do like 10 reps before moving to

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the next progression

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step 3 is going to look a lot like step

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2 except we don't tuck our knees in

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grab the ball grab the bar this time on

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the other side

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we tighten our core

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ourselves try to do this for at least 10

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seconds before moving on to the next

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if you feel comfortable doing this you

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can also add in some reps to it just

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like in a previous progression it's all

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the same except

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again we don't tuck our knees in

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so like this

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also for this step aim for 10 reps

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before moving on

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so step four this is the first step in

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which you're going to be in a human flag

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like position

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most people

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when trying this for the first time they

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climb up the

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bars and lower themselves to end up in a

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human flag like position

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but personally i never did that i wanted

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come up with strength build up the

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strength from bottom up

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get into the human flag position

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for now we're not going to do the full

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human flag position

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but we're going to do it with our knees

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tucked so a tucked human flag and it's

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going to look like this

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try to hold this position for like 10

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seconds before moving on to the next

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and also as you feel comfortable doing

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this you can add in some reps

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just like with the previous steps

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hang yourself

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raise yourself up

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try doing this for like six to eight

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reps before you move on to the next

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then step five

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this step is going to look a lot like

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the full flag except with further legs

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which also called a straddle human flag

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like with the previous progression we're

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not going to lower ourselves like in a

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negative way

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but we raise ourselves concentrically

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like this

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again aim to do this for at least 10

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seconds before moving on to the next

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and if you're feeling comfortable with

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you can also add in some wraps to it

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no straddle wraps but try to do full

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human flag wraps to

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get a feeling for what the full human

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flag is like

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when you reach the top don't hold it

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just lower yourself as slowly as

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like this

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you want to do this for like 6

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repetitions before moving on to the next

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and final step

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so this is the final step the full human

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everything i share with you applies to

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this as well so we grab the bar

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and now we straighten our legs fully

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like this

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when you can do this for about 10

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seconds or more you can officially call

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you a master and human flag

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however it doesn't have to end here

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i myself when i could finally master the

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human flag

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kept adding seconds and seconds

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but after a while i thought

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what's the added value of this

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what i did and what you can do too

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is add some weights to it

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you can do that by using a dip belt like

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which is this

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um but if you don't have one at your

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you can also

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use a rope or a

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just a normal belt but beware that the

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weights aren't too heavy maybe they

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can't handle it

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always let the weight face down the

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floor so like this if i'm going to hang

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like this

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the weight is

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pointing towards the floor

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it's going to look like this

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again as with the normal human flag

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without any weight

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try to hold this for like 10 seconds

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if you can do it just add in more weight

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so you keep challenging and pushing

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so that's it for the human flag if

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you're having any questions or you want

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us to make a video about something else

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just let us know in the comments

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don't forget to like and subscribe and

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definitely don't forget to download our

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free ebook and workout schedules

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see you next time

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