Best Shoulder Exercises for Calisthenics Strength | + Beginner Workout Plan
do you want to know which are the best
shoulder exercises to get strong
shoulders for calisthenics then keep
watching this video because i'm gonna
explain the best exercises that you can
do to get strong shoulders for
calisthenics to move on to harder
exercises so let's get started
all right guys so as you can see at this
moment we are at this beautiful
calisthenics park here in daenerys so we
are staying in thin river for one month
so we're gonna visit a lot of place a
lot of workout parks uh today we are at
this beautiful park in playa de las
americas which is also the place where
we are staying at this moment it's a
beautiful place with as you can see a
lot of palm trees the sea sun so expect
a lot of fantastic content in the next
coming videos so in this video we're
gonna cover the best exercise that you
can do to get strong shoulders for
calisthenics because guys the shoulders
are the most important muscle group if
you want to get strong for calisthenics
think about it every single exercise
involves the shoulders
for example the basic exercise think
about the push-ups the dips the pipe
pushes but also harder exercises for
example the handstand the hands and
push-ups the muscle up even the planche
and front lever involves the delts so in
this video we're gonna target this
muscle group and we're gonna set out
different kind of exercises in different
areas so we're gonna do static exercises
we're gonna do dynamic exercises and
we're also going to do exercises for the
scapula area because this area is really
the foundation of all exercises so let's
get started with the most important
exercises for the scapula area
all right guys the first area that we're
gonna work on is the scapula area
because with every single exercises we
need to start with a movement in the
scapula area think for example about the
push-up where we need a protraction of
the scapula a pull-up where we need a
retractional scapula a dip where we need
depression of the scapula and so on so
with each single exercise we need a
movement in the scapula area so i'm
going to show you the best scapula
exercise that you can do together with
targets to work towards and a
progression so these are the best
scapula exercises
all right guys so that was the first
part to get strong shoulders so let's
move on to the second part and these are
the dynamic exercises to get strong
so we're gonna separate the dynamic
exercise into three different areas and
these are three different moving
patterns the first one is the vertical
push motion think about the pike push-up
and eventually you can unlock the
handsome push-up if you're going to work
on this area the next one is the
horizontal push motion think about the
push-up the forward lean push-up and
ultimately you can unlock the planche
push-up if you work in this motion and
the last one is the downward push motion
think about the regular dip and the
straight bar dip and eventually
you can unlock the muscle up if you're
gonna work in this motion so these are
the three areas that we're gonna work on
and for each area i'm gonna give you the
most important exercise that you can
work on together with a progression and
targets that you should work towards if
you want to get strong shoulders for
calisthenics so these are the exercises
all right guys so that was the second
part the dynamic shoulder exercises now
let's move on to the last part which are
the static shoulder exercises
all right guys so with static exercises
i mean exercises that you hold in a
certain position for a longer period of
time so i'm gonna give you four of the
best static exercises that you can do in
different positions to build a good
foundation to work up to different
static calisthenics skills such as the
handstand the back lever and planche
progressions and with each exercise i'm
going to give you a progression and a
target to work towards so these are four
all right guys so these were the three
areas that you have to work on if you
want to get strong shoulders and now
that we have covered all the important
exercises i will add two different
workouts that include all of these
exercises that you can do to get strong
shoulders and i will guarantee you that
if you do these workouts for two months
in a row that you will get insanely
massive and strong shoulders alright
guys so i really hope that this video
was helpful for you so if you liked it
please put your thumbs up and if you're
new to calisthenics make sure to
download the free workouts that we have
in the description and if you're really
serious about getting your calisthenics
progress to the next level we can help
you out with our full journey program
where we help you to get from a beginner
stage to a professional calisthenics
athlete so let's close off this video
and if you have any other video ideas
that we can cover for you here in
tenerife because we are staying here for
one more month then please let us know
in the comments so that was today's
peace out