Best Shoulder Exercises for Calisthenics Strength | + Beginner Workout Plan

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do you want to know which are the best

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shoulder exercises to get strong

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shoulders for calisthenics then keep

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watching this video because i'm gonna

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explain the best exercises that you can

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do to get strong shoulders for

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calisthenics to move on to harder

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exercises so let's get started

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all right guys so as you can see at this

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moment we are at this beautiful

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calisthenics park here in daenerys so we

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are staying in thin river for one month

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so we're gonna visit a lot of place a

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lot of workout parks uh today we are at

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this beautiful park in playa de las

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americas which is also the place where

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we are staying at this moment it's a

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beautiful place with as you can see a

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lot of palm trees the sea sun so expect

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a lot of fantastic content in the next

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coming videos so in this video we're

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gonna cover the best exercise that you

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can do to get strong shoulders for

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calisthenics because guys the shoulders

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are the most important muscle group if

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you want to get strong for calisthenics

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think about it every single exercise

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involves the shoulders

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for example the basic exercise think

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about the push-ups the dips the pipe

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pushes but also harder exercises for

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example the handstand the hands and

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push-ups the muscle up even the planche

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and front lever involves the delts so in

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this video we're gonna target this

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muscle group and we're gonna set out

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different kind of exercises in different

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areas so we're gonna do static exercises

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we're gonna do dynamic exercises and

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we're also going to do exercises for the

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scapula area because this area is really

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the foundation of all exercises so let's

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get started with the most important

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exercises for the scapula area

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all right guys the first area that we're

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gonna work on is the scapula area

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because with every single exercises we

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need to start with a movement in the

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scapula area think for example about the

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push-up where we need a protraction of

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the scapula a pull-up where we need a

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retractional scapula a dip where we need

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depression of the scapula and so on so

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with each single exercise we need a

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movement in the scapula area so i'm

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going to show you the best scapula

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exercise that you can do together with

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targets to work towards and a

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progression so these are the best

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scapula exercises

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all right guys so that was the first

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part to get strong shoulders so let's

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move on to the second part and these are

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the dynamic exercises to get strong

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so we're gonna separate the dynamic

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exercise into three different areas and

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these are three different moving

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patterns the first one is the vertical

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push motion think about the pike push-up

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and eventually you can unlock the

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handsome push-up if you're going to work

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on this area the next one is the

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horizontal push motion think about the

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push-up the forward lean push-up and

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ultimately you can unlock the planche

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push-up if you work in this motion and

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the last one is the downward push motion

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think about the regular dip and the

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straight bar dip and eventually

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you can unlock the muscle up if you're

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gonna work in this motion so these are

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the three areas that we're gonna work on

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and for each area i'm gonna give you the

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most important exercise that you can

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work on together with a progression and

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targets that you should work towards if

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you want to get strong shoulders for

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calisthenics so these are the exercises

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all right guys so that was the second

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part the dynamic shoulder exercises now

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let's move on to the last part which are

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the static shoulder exercises

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all right guys so with static exercises

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i mean exercises that you hold in a

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certain position for a longer period of

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time so i'm gonna give you four of the

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best static exercises that you can do in

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different positions to build a good

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foundation to work up to different

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static calisthenics skills such as the

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handstand the back lever and planche

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progressions and with each exercise i'm

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going to give you a progression and a

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target to work towards so these are four

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all right guys so these were the three

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areas that you have to work on if you

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want to get strong shoulders and now

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that we have covered all the important

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exercises i will add two different

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workouts that include all of these

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exercises that you can do to get strong

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shoulders and i will guarantee you that

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if you do these workouts for two months

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in a row that you will get insanely

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massive and strong shoulders alright

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guys so i really hope that this video

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was helpful for you so if you liked it

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please put your thumbs up and if you're

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new to calisthenics make sure to

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download the free workouts that we have

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in the description and if you're really

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serious about getting your calisthenics

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progress to the next level we can help

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you out with our full journey program

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where we help you to get from a beginner

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stage to a professional calisthenics

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athlete so let's close off this video

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and if you have any other video ideas

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that we can cover for you here in

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tenerife because we are staying here for

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one more month then please let us know

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in the comments so that was today's

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peace out

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