BEGINNER Calisthenics Workout YOU can do ANYWHERE (follow allong)

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what's up guys it's Michael fear from

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Kennex family and this video we're going

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to show you a full body calisthenics

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workout for beginners to either build

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muscle lose fat or to work up to some

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epic strength moves like the else to

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handstand or the muscle up so let's go

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double flame I just switch the legs baby

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did it again

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alright guys so let's get this video

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started we actually realized that we

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have never shed a full body calisthenics

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workout for beginners so this is exactly

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what we're going to show you in this

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video and you can do this workout

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anywhere as long as you have excess to

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pull apart so you can also do this

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outside so with this workout we're gonna

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do a few exercises to work on all the

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basic exercises and hit every single

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muscle group with only a few exercises

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and I've written down the full workout

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already here on the board right here so

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let's have a look to the actual workout

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that we're gonna do today it's really

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easy we're only gonna do five exercises

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that hits every single muscle so we're

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gonna start off with the pull-ups and

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with the foot up we're hitting the back

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and the biceps then we're gonna do the

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push-ups we're hitting the chest and the

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triceps following by the squats for the

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legs then exercise for it's going to be

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the leg race for the apps and the core

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and at last we're gonna do a wall

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handstand hold an isometric hold for

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shoulder strength so that is the worker

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that we're gonna do and with this

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workout we're gonna work in a rep range

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between ten and fifteen reps because if

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you want to build muscle it would be

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perfect to work in a red bridge between

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ten reps and if you want to lose fat

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than a rep range between 50 and 20 reps

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would be most optimal and also for all

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beginners it's best to start with

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relatively high reps because you want to

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make sure

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you can perform every single exercise

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with the best form as possible and if

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you're gonna do exercises that only

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allow you to do like five repetitions

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then the exercise is probably too hard

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for you so that is what we want to avoid

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at the beginning so we're going to work

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in a rep range between ten and fifteen

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reps and in total we're gonna do three

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to five rounds and after each exercise

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we're gonna have 45 seconds rest we're

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gonna start off with the pull-ups and

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with each exercise I'm also going to

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show you a few variations of the

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exercise that make it easier if you

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still can't do this exercise so the goal

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with each exercise is to do 10 reps if

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you can't do that you should decrease

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the intensity by going to a easier

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progression of the exercise so let's do

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it we're gonna start off with the

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pull-ups alright guys so let's get it

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ten pull-ups

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strict form always bring your chin above

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the bar

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please wear the pull-ups we have 45

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seconds rest and if you can't do the

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regular pull-up you can also do

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negatives to work up to the pull-up

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so with that exercise you're actually

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lowering down from a pull-up towards a

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dead hang and if you want to do an easy

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variation of that you can also do

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assisted pull-ups

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so now let's move on to the next

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exercise and that is going to be the

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food shops or the chest and also the

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triceps so that's good for this I'm

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gonna do 15 always are

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moved in for a neutral spine

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all right 15 reps in of the push-ups and

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if you want to make this exercise easier

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you can also do me push-ups or you can

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do incline push-ups

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all right so 45 seconds are almost done

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next exercise is going to be the squats

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and with this exercise we're focusing on

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the legs so let's get started and with

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this exercise we're gonna do 15 reps

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right 50 reps in if you want to do an

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easy a variation of this exercise you

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can also do assisted squats so with that

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exercise you're actually gonna grab the

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bar and that makes the balance a lot

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easier and you also have more

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stabilization while doing the exercise

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but always make sure to do the exercise

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really controlled all right so let me

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get some breath this one is always quite

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intense the squats so 45 seconds almost

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done now we're going to move on to the

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fourth exercise and this one it's going

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to be for the apps and the core the leg

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race so for this one we need the bar

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again the traffic bar with our fingers

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open park started in that position and

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you want to make sure that you'll be in

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the deadening position during the whole

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exercise where the beam as still as

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possible from here we're going to bring

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our legs up dishes

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so with this exercise a really big

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mistake is that people tend to bring

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their feet behind the body but you want

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to make sure that you always are able to

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see your feet because if you don't do

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that you will probably swing a lot

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during the exercise and then you're just

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not focusing on the core so that is the

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leg raise with this exercise you can

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also do an easy variation you actually

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have two easy variations the first one

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is the knee race and with this exercise

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you're only bringing your knees up in

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the air which makes the exercise easier

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and if you're still having struggles

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with the hanging part of the exercise

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you can also do them on the dip bar

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because that makes it a lot easier for

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your grip so 45 seconds are done now

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let's move on to the very last exercise

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this one has put a shoulders and we're

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gonna do an isometric exercise that

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means they're gonna hold the exercise

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we're gonna do a wall handstand but I'm

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gonna do it on the floor so and we're

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gonna aim for 30 seconds

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to one and I'll probably have a really

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rad hat oh alright guys so that was the

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full routine and with this exercise you

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can also do an easy variation of course

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the wall handstand but also the fight

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has some hold which is actually the

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easiest and most accessible exercise to

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work on shoulder strength if you want to

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work on the handstand for example in the

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future so as you guys can see I'm also

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really out of breath with this little

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routine only with fine exercise that

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targets every single muscle group so if

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you've completed the first round you can

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work up to three rounds and maybe even

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five grunts and you will be done in like

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60 minutes up to one and a half hours so

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guys that is the full routine a full

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gather settings full body basic routine

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for beginners to get started with the

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other settings it's really important to

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work on the foundations and that is

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exactly these exercise that we just did

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and guys at this moment we're also

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creating a full calisthenics bodyweight

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basics course in which we explain every

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single exercise in full detail which

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training all the easier variations of

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every single exercise but also harder

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fairy ages to get you started and to get

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you as fit and strong as possible and we

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will be releasing this course very soon

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we actually make a sign-up form for

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there any excess with a excusive

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discount only available for the first 50

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people that sign up make sure to check

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the link down below and that's it for

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this video guys I really hope that you

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liked this video that you got some

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inspiration and motivation to start

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going to settings which you know so the

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routine that you can do anywhere you can

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do it inside with also outside so that's

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it guys make sure to LIKE video

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subscribe for more and

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videos peace out guys when I found

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calisthenics family and they were

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offering this program plus the online

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coaching for a very affordable price so

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I decided to try it if anyone's looking

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to start calisthenics I would highly

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recommend this it'll it'll do the same

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for you I'm Gordon and I've been with

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calisthenics family for almost three

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months now and all the time I've had

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Yannick as my trainer like my chorionic

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can just be like that little extra push

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to keep you going you also seen the

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pictures I'm really proud of myself that

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what I achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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