Amazing 30 Day Calisthenics Body Transformation (No Gym) – Documentary

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thirty days ago we decided to commit

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ourselves to an extreme weight loss

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challenge to become in the best shape of

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our lives and to succeed and this is our

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what is up guys it's my Claire from

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cuttings family and welcome to my fat

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loss journey I'm gonna do a fat loss

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journey for the next 30 days but I'm not

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alone because I'm here with my

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girlfriend and she is joining me the

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goal of this fat loss journey is to

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become in the best shape as possible

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within 30 days and I want to get as

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shredded as possible within 30 days

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first of all to become more lights of

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calisthenics skills become better and

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also to get in the best shape of my life

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before summer 2020 but first of all

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let's introduce my girlfriend hi I am

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Michelle oh I tend to years old and I

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want to lose some weight

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exactly so I'm gonna take you share that

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with me on this journey so what is it

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what we're gonna do we're gonna use our

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30 day fat burn program to knock on the

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be part of that program and Michelle

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that is also gonna be part of that

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program for the next 30 days so today

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it's the first day before we're gonna

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start so tomorrow is the first day we're

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gonna do some new preps and also have

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for first workout tomorrow so until

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tomorrow guys

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alright guys so first day check in let's

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do this alright so seventy eight point

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three sixty five point six and now let's

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take some fatigue photos

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all right I see folders are down right

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now so for some of you and I may not

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really fat I am not fat but I certainly

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have some things that I want to improve

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on definitely my face I see a lot of

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extra face fat right here and also this

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I definitely want to get rid of this so

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let's do this for 30 days and let's get

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it I've seen

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all right first breakfast so what are

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you having the quark it's what we call

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it strawberries and also the first time

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of tracking the calories and for this

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we're using the app my fitness ball to

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track your calories on a daily basis so

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can you tell what we're doing what are

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you doing for work I recommend you read

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your store spending every day in fact is

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your weekend exactly so pretty high

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activity job right standing all day long

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good luck today

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bye bye

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and also guys let me show you my

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breakfast that I eat every morning and

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all the ingredients that I use so this

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is basically my standard breakfast an

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apple some raisins soymilk some protein

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and oats so let's mix this all together

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in one bland

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alright guys so this is my breakfast

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that I'm having every single morning

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doesn't look really delicious but it

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actually tastes really good and I also

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just entered all the ingredients into My

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Fitness Pal

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as you can see meal one right here

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consisting out of six hundred and fifty

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calories and gradually during the fat

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loss journey I'm gonna decrease the

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amount of oats in its meal to decrease

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the corpse alright guys so I'm also

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ready to leave for work so for everyone

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that doesn't know what I'm doing I'm

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actually doing three things so I'm an

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entrepreneur so I'm running a gym and

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also I'm a full-time youtuber so we

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create a lot of content about

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calisthenics and bodyweight training and

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next to that we are having an online

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business doing creating meal plans

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worker programs doing one-to-one

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coaching and like all the improvements

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that comes with that online business so

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right now I'm about to leave to the gym

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and I'm having a several meetings today

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so that's basically what me and my

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girlfriend are doing in our daily lives

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and tonight we're gonna have our first

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high intensity workout session of day

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so let's get to work and let's start the

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first workout later today

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alright guys so we both just got back

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from our work today and now it's time

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for the very first high intensity

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workout we're standing here right in

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front of the gym so let's get in and

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let's it is very first workout

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alright guys so we're ready for the

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first workout and like it said we're

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gonna use this program the 30 day

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federal program and what we're gonna do

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we're gonna train six days per week so

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for example this is the first workout

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today and it's a cycle so we're gonna

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train in rounds and the goal with each

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workout is to do at least three rounds

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with this workout we're gonna work out

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for 30 seconds then we have 15 seconds

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rest and then we're going to move on to

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the next exercise for six exercise in

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total and then have some rest and do the

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second route so it's a really high

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intensity workout and like I said we're

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gonna do this for six days in a week in

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a row alternating between upper and

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lower body days so that is the complete

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fat loss schedule the method that we're

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gonna do so let's start with this very

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first workout

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alright guys so we just finished that's

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very first workout we did three rounds

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in total completely destroy it

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your arms feel like spaghetti right

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alright guys it's time to enter our

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first members as you can see we have our

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calorie and macro plan right here so

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this is machetes plan for the next 30

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days starting at 1900 calories at the

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agency my plan

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starting with two thousand and three

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hundred calories and ultimately going

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down to nineteen hundred calories so

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let's enter the first calories of day

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one and macronutrients

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what's up guys first week is done so

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let's have a little sit down and

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reflection on the first week so I got a

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weight sheet and also the diet plan over

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so first let's have a look to the

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numbers so for me

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on average our last 700 grams in the

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first week and my lowest weight was 70

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6.8 kg and my highest weight loss in

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total was 1.5 kg but probably that is

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also a lot of water weight in the first

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week so now let's move to your stats so

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on average I lost 200 grams my lowest

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weight was 65.1 my highest weight

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difference was 500 gram yes exactly so

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now let's take a look yeah what were our

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thoughts in the first week well for me

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personally the the workout went pretty

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well I didn't have much struggle to

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train every single day do the doing the

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cardio sessions after work but diet-wise

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I already had quite some struggles to

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leave all the foods and to really watch

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all the calories I'm already noticing a

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lot of cravings and this is only the

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first weeks so now let's look forward to

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the next week so what's going to be

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different first of all we're gonna lower

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our calories within three days with 200

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calories for the next 10 days and we're

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gonna do four rounds in total instead of

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three rounds and totals

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been through this right

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all right guys first shruts are coming

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in after the first work round of the

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second week phase and the biceps in the

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Oh sick shoulder gates sick be

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substituent they say see oh nice and

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eternal a no-go yeah

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apps are coming little apps are coming

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through the ABS baby haves

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yay Louis wait sixty four point nine

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also lowest weight so far

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nice alright guys we're here for lower

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body workout

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two of the second week let's do this

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what's up guys good morning it is day 10

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that means that we are at one third of

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the challenge

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so let's have a little physique check

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alright so this is my morning physique

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right now I definitely see a lot of

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changes already because I also lost like

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2 kg right now so what I see is mostly

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more visible apps and also some

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striations in chest more striations in

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the triceps as well and what I

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personally like it's my chest starts to

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get more up normally I would have this

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little like little a little bit of fat

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underneath my chest but now it's

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starting to get a more rounded chest so

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I really like that so now let's do the

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weight check today

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yes and also my lowest weight so far

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alright guys so we're almost at the

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middle of the fat burn challenge and

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we're gonna take it a little step

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further by using this treadmill so we're

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gonna install this thing right over here

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in the middle of the office so let's do

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this and let's have our first cardio

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session on this thing over here

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or I got your notes my turn first cardio

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session so we're still going to do the

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high-intensity way of training so 30

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seconds of high-intensity and then 30

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seconds of low intensity walking like

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this for 50 minutes straight let's do it

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all right guys first cardio sesh done 50

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minutes high-intensity

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completely destroyed as you can see

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sweat all over so from now on we're

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gonna add at least two of these cardio

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sessions per week extra to burn off

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those calories and those fats little F

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check that sweat all over that's the

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difference that a difference is

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definitely going seen obliques going

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still no ways in the f though I think

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they will be popping in like two weeks

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maybe even one week don't try and stop

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me all right

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wait check-in day 14 half of the

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challenge after yesterday's cardio sesh

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let's do this Oh less than before nice

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right so now my turn all right let's do

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seventy five point eight also my lowest

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weight so far alright and it is Sunday

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again day 14 so that means it's time for

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that physique check so we're gonna take

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some physique photos and videos so let's

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do this and let's see if we can see some

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differences from last week

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alright guys so the first two weeks of

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the battles Germany is done we got the

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weight sheets over here so that's

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analyzed and let's show my is sadistic

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of the last week so I've written it down

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here in the phone so one knows wait and

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week two was seventy five point nine my

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average weight in week two was seventy

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six point three so that means that my

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total weight loss since the start is 2

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kg right now so now let's look into your

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numbers okay guys my lowest weight so

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far is sixty four point seven oh my

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Everage great in week two was sixty five

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point zero so my weight loss since the

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start is it sounds great hopefully I

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will do some more weight in the next two

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weeks yes

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what's up guys we're chilling here in

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the Sun it is Sunday today you said I

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just got home from work and it's time to

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evaluate last week we three we got the

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papers our weight sheet right over here

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and we did our analysis from last week

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so and with three my lowest weight so

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far was seventy five point two so that

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is 600 grams less than last week my

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average weight in Week three was seventy

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five point six so that is 800 grams less

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than last week and now let's check your

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results but this week about a lot better

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than a lot better for me my lowest

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weight in between four sixty four point

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two so that is 500 less than my average

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weight in Week three was sixty four

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point four so my weight loss since day

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one is one point four TG and a better

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than last week but now it's also getting

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hard you know tracking the food every

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single day doing the daily workouts

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sometimes we both just really don't want

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to Train but luckily we are together in

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this so that that helps a lot but one

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thing that motivates a lot is this sheet

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over here because we literally see that

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the weights dropping every single day

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and every single week so that motivates

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a lot so if you also want to do a fat

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burn challenge if you want to lose some

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we definitely advise you to at least

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track your weight that's very important

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but now next week it's gonna be very

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very hard we have like a little bit yeah

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like ten more days exactly ten more days

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left so we have to drop the calories

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even more and so that's gonna be really

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really hard but anyway we're just gonna

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stick with the plan and continue this

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fat burn challenge are you ready yes

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guys alright

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day 22 let's do this 63 49

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I just need sometimes

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alright guys so let me show you how

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we're gonna decrease the calories so we

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have 10 days left and we're gonna lower

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the calories so what we do is we're just

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going to lower the ingredients that we

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use in our standard Muse so for example

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for the soy milk normally I would add

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400 milliliters of soy milk but right

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now I'm just gonna put the half in the

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bowl so that would be 200 milliliters

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and then I'm gonna fill up the rest with

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water and also the same thing applies

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for oats normally I would add like 70

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grams of oats and now I'm going to use

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like 50 or 40 grams of oats to lower my

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carbohydrate intake and that will lower

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my total amount of calories for this

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meal and eventually also at the end of

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the day that's how I actually decrease

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the calories per meal and well actually

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not really noticing that I'm eating less

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so instead of skipping a whole meal this

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method works really well to slightly on

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decrease the calories throughout your

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day so let's do this

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alright guys so meal in a very last face

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as you can see we are replacing the

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normal brown rice with cauliflower rice

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so basically fetches a little rice to

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even minimize our carb intake even lower

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and we're even measuring out the county

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flour rice so that you definitely know

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the struggle is real in a very last face

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so that's basically what we're doing

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during dinner in the last face so let's

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enjoy this meal no calories but in the

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end it's worth it say 26

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I just finished my freestyle at skill

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workout went very well I really noticed

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that when I'm getting lighter freestyle

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just getting insane are basically

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catching all the swing 360s that I just

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learned through one week ago it's just

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completely insane

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but anyway now it's time for my one of

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my very last fat burning workouts we

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have three more fat burn workers on the

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planning before the ant shoots so let's

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do this

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all right just finish that februar

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is unreal let's have one of the very

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last receipt checks before the chalice

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is finished arm veins shoulder veins

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apps alright guys just poop is it real

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let's finish off this challenge man good

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morning guys it is 7 morning day 30 of

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fairy last day last way check Lester

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this alright guys so that was seventy

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four point five which makes almost four

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kg weight loss in the complete 30 days

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now let's have a little less heat check

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in the morning no pump at all really

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happy about the end result II and shape

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but you can't really see the physique

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pretty good right here but let's prepare

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for a very and shoot and let's finish

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off this challenge

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all right also last we checked for you

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ready yeah

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all right let's do it 62 and a half all

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right so it is day 30 that means time

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for the very last shoot the realistic

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photo shoot with the exact same settings

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as the number one let's do it

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alright guys so now it's day 30 this

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morning I had my last weight check-in

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which was seventy four point five so

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almost four kg weight loss since very

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start and we also just finished a

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realistic photo shoot that we did in my

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room upstairs to compare day one with

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day thirty and now I'm gonna take it a

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little step further because what we're

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also gonna do is we're gonna do a

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professional photo shoot in our gym and

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for this I asked Kieran to help us out

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because he is a professional photograph

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or an videographer so what I'm doing is

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basically manipulating my FZ Krait now

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so for the last two days I almost didn't

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eat any carbs at all and I increase my

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water intake like really really high up

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to five to six liters and now it's that

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one day before we're gonna have the

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photo shoot which is tomorrow and to get

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the best shape as possible on the

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picture tomorrow looking completely

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I'm also manipulating my carb intake

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today so now I'm gonna increase my carb

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intake so that is what they call in

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bodybuilding they call it carb loading

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for photoshoots so my muscles and my

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veins will be really really full

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tomorrow when we have the shoot and that

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means that I can also eat finally some

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carbs again I have been in a really

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really deep deficit in the last few days

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and now I'm gonna I can have these rice

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cakes with some Jam for the very first

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time and oh man this is so freakin

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delicious I I missed this so much so let

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me enjoy this

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this is what I've been waiting for a

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really long time so now I'm gonna have

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like six to seven hundred grams of carbs

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today and then tomorrow I will be

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completely filled for a photo shoot so

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let's finish this day and let's see how

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it's gonna turn out tomorrow all right

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guys so now it's a few hours later I

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went to the grocery store to pick up

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some food with some high carbs and low

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fibers so let me show you guys what

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about today so as you can see only

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products that contains a lot of carbs

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and also no fibers sweet potatoes white

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rice dry cookies white rice cakes white

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bread and rice cakes with some chocolate

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and apples for tomorrow so this is

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basically what I'm going to eat

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alright guys so the time has come time

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for the final and shoot here in the gym

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I'm totally prepared

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I did my carb load yesterday and also

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this morning in total I had like 500

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grams of carbs yesterday and now it's

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time to do shoot and your leg is gonna

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join go over here man come over here so

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we're both doing the shoot right today

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I've been doing I've been doing the the

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fat burn challenge I think a lot more

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one stream more extremely that you did

Time: 1812.68

you also so after 30 days of hard work

Time: 1836.13


Time: 1840.37

this is our result

Time: 1848.29


Time: 1882.88

so now finally let's do a very last

Time: 1886.4

realistic physique comparison between

Time: 1888.5

the first day and the last day so this

Time: 1893.539

is my realistic comparison in the exact

Time: 1895.97

same settings from the front side of my

Time: 1897.83

body and this is a difference in a

Time: 1900.32

professional photo shoot settings with

Time: 1902.21

good lights and this is my facial

Time: 1905.299

transformation which is absolutely

Time: 1907.309

shocking to me and here from the site

Time: 1909.77

you can see the difference even better I

Time: 1911.75

can proudly say that I've actually a

Time: 1913.88

property online right now and finally

Time: 1916.82

this is the result on the backside I

Time: 1919.039

definitely crush my goal to reduce my

Time: 1921.53

site body fat now also look at my

Time: 1925.25

results I'm really happy with my edge

Time: 1927.5

shape I see difference in my legs it's

Time: 1931.01

also in my face to see a difference as

Time: 1932.809

well which I'm really happy about here

Time: 1936.26

as you reach for different to my benefit

Time: 1938.27

about my hips and I like to go so better

Time: 1941.179

here at the end I wish for a goal to

Time: 1945.049

become more fit and I feel more

Time: 1946.789

confident with myself we want to thank

Time: 1950.78

all of you guys for watching this video

Time: 1952.6

please make sure to like this video and

Time: 1955.61

subscribe to our Channel also shows a

Time: 1958.82

law for Kiran for the edit this video if

Time: 1961.85

you also want to transform yourself

Time: 1964.34

within 30 days we made a special offer

Time: 1967.52

for all of you that watch this entire

Time: 1969.53

video you can start this exact same

Time: 1972.62

weight loss and die plan that we did now

Time: 1975.59

with 25% discount check the first link

Time: 1978.74

down the description and start a journey

Time: 1980.75

join the family

Time: 1985.27


Time: 1997.2


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