5 Worst Calisthenics Exercises that you Should Avoid!

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There are many exercises

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in Calisthenics

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that may look cool

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and impressive,

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and you might think that they are effective,

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but in fact

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So, if you are serious about making progress

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in Calisthenics

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What's up, guys?

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It's Bas here from Calisthenics Family.

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In this video, I will show you

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and also do this

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injury free.

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For each exercise.

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I will also show you an alternative

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that is effective and safe that you should be doing instead

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All of these exercises

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can also be found with proper instructions

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in our Calisthenics Family Workout app.

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Make sure to watch this video all the way to the end

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in order to enter this

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And let's get started.

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The first exercise that you should avoid are

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or pullups with momentum.

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In CrossFit, they are known as

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but in calisthenics I also see a lot of people

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using momentum to get their chin,

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over the bar.

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Kipping pullups can allow you

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to perform more reps of pull ups

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than you might be able to do with strict form.

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However, it is not as effective

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for building raw strength and power as strict pullups.

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It can also put a lot of strain

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on your shoulders, particularly

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if you don’t have proper form

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and do it too often.

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If your primary goal is to build maximal strength

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or power, you may want to focus more

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on strict pullups or other pulling exercises

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that emphasize slow controlled movement.

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So do

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Even if it's with the help of a resistance band,

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learn the proper technique to progress

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in a safe and effective way.

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This will pay off in the long run.

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The second exercise that you should avoid

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are back to Wall handstand push ups.

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Learning the handstand pushup is a goal

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that many calisthenics athletes have.

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In order to reach this goal, you have to

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master the progressions before

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a lot of people start with pike push ups,

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which is a great foundational exercise.

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However, a lot of people think that if they can do

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ten repetitions of the pike push up,

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ten repetitions of the pike push up,

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they can go directly through the wall handstand, push ups.

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back to all handstand pushups

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are a bad choice

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since they do not mimic the free standing

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handstand push up in a correct way.

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First of all, with the back to wall handstand push up,

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you cannot lean over your hands, which will make it

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less effective

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for your shoulders

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and puts a lot more strain on your

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triceps and

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Another reason why you should avoid this exercise

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is because your back will be arched like a banana,

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which puts a lot of strain

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on your lower back and will not teach you

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how to keep good posterior pelvic tilt

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that you need

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for the free standing handstand push up.

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A good and effective alternative

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would be the elevated pike push up.

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This is because you are able

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to scale it

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easier to your level.

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You can focus on getting your shoulders over

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your hands, which will target the shoulders

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in the right way.

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And you are able to keep

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focus on good posterior pelvic tilt,

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which is essential for the free standing handstand pushup.

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The third exercise that you should

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avoid are

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This kind of exercise is something that you see

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a lot on social media and might look cool

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but is not an effective and safe way to make progress.

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This exercise can not be scaled in a safe

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way, and the progress cannot be measured in a precise way.

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Next to that, if you do this exercise too often,

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since the joints

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of the shoulder

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and wrist

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will have to absorb the force of the impact.

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Every time you land.

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A safe and effective alternative

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exercise is the

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This exercise is safer because

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and thus

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there will be no impact on the joint.

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Next to that,

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you can also scale it much easier

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by getting a thicker band as you get stronger

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The fourth exercise that you should avoid are

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Sit ups work the

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rectus abdominis, also known

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as the six pack muscle.

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However, sit ups also place a lot of stress on the spine

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and can potentially cause lower back

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pain or injury if performed incorrectly.

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Additionally, sit ups primarily work

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the rectus abdominus muscle and do not engage the other

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important core muscles such as

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the transverse abdominus

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obliques and erector spinea as effectively.

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as effectively.

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can be a good alternative to sit ups.

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Hollow body holds are a core exercise

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that target the entire abdominal region

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that target the entire abdominal region

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as well as the hip flexors and lower back muscles.

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as well as the hip flexors and lower back muscles.

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as well as the hip flexors and lower back muscles.

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This exercise involves

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maintaining a specific position

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where the body is tucked in a hollow shape

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with the lower back pressed into the floor

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and the arms and legs raised of the ground.

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The fifth exercise that you should avoid

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Handstand walks can be a fun exercise to do.

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However, for most people

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that want to learn how to do a handstand hold

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in order to eventually unlock more

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advanced calisthenics skills such as

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handstand push ups,

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or the L-sit to handstand,

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practicing handstands walks

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is not effective and can even be

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Most people that are walking on their hands

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don't do it intentionally.

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Instead of having the right technique

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and form to stay in a handstand hold,

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they move their hands in order to stay

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in an inverse position.

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Doing a handstand walks

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instead of bailing out

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of a handstand

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might teach you bad technique

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for the handstand hold,

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It also puts a lot of strain on your wrists,

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since your whole body weight in combination with the extra

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force of movement is put on one hand at a time.

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If you are new to handstands and want to learn how to do a

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freestanding handstand hold

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A great alternative exercise

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is the

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Practicing this exercise and eventually

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taking one leg of the wall and alternating

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is a much more effective and safe way to progress.

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This exercise will teach you how to use your

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hands and fingers in order to balance

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without moving your hands all the time.

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You will also notice that you will spend

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much more time in the handstand position,

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which will also help with making faster progress.

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All right, guys, that's it already.

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These are the

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if you want to get started

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and in complete way with calisthenics, then

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check out our calisthenics family app.

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This app has over 500 calisthenics videos

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and over 40 different courses that you can take

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that will take you from absolute beginner to pro.

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You can start the program for free.

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So make sure to download our app in the Google Play

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or App Store and give this a try.

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Lastly, let's get into this

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We will give away

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one set of our Calisthenics Family wrist wraps

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after publishing this video,

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the winner will be announced in next week's video.

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This is what we gave away.

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Last video

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and the winner will appear

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and the winner will appear

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right here in the screen.

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Let me know

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And we'll see you next week.

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Peace out.

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