5 Easy Steps to Learn the Muscle-up FAST!

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what's up guys Michael and Jana kefir

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from calisthenics family and in this

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video we're going to show you how to

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train for the muscle up so we had a lot

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of requests on how we train for the

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so in this video we're going to show you

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five essential steps to greet to to

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learn master

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alright guys so the first step that you

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need to take to learn the myself is to

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start with the basics and this is

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actually the most important step because

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without having a solid amount of body

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weight strength you will never be able

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to do a muscle epic so the first basic

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exercise that you need to practice are

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pull-ups this sounds pretty logical

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right but still we see a lot of people

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not doing the basics and a muscle up is

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an actual pull-up so you need to start

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with the pull-ups

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so when practicing for the pull-ups you

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want to make sure that your form is

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correct so chin above the bar when

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pulling up and without keeping the knees

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so the second basic exercise that you

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need to practice are straight bar dips

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when you're doing a muscle up you're

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doing a straight bar dip when you're

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pulling up above the bar so when doing

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this exercise try to reach the bar with

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your chest when pushing down or at least

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try to hit the bar with your upper

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abdominals because when you're doing a

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muscle up you also need that range of

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motion because you're pulling up and

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then you make a transition where you hit

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the bar with your chest and from there

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you push up so that's what you want to

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do when you practice the basic straight

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bar dips alright guys so the second step

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to learn the muscle up is to build

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explosive strength because the muscle up

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is just a really explosive exercise so

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once you're able to do a 210 strict firm

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pull-ups you can move on to explosive

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pull-ups so the main goal with this

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exercise is to hit the bar with your

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chest like you do when you're doing a

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muscle up eventually so this is a pure

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strength exercise and as you might know

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when you're training strength you don't

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want to do too much reps right because

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your goal is not to do as much as reps

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as possible but you want to do a pull-up

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as high as possible so never do more

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than four explosive pull-ups but instead

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try to do higher pull-ups so the second

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explosive strength exercise is a Russian

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dip and with this exercise the front

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side of your shoulders will get used to

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the strength that is needed for the

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muscle up so that brings us through the

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third part to learn a muscle and then

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it's to learn

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to use the swing and the swing is

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another crucial part of learning the

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Muslim because this is the way how you

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can take advantage of using a momentum

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what you want to do you want to pull

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down like you're closing the hood of

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your engine from your car right and also

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when you're tripping into the bar you

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want to reach as far as possible with

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straight arms like I'm doing here in the

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video and from there you want to pull

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yourself up as explosive as possible so

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in full it looks like this you jump into

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the bar you reach as far as possible

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with straight or up and pull yourself

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away from the bar just practice this for

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a couple times until you get this

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feeling and then you can move on to the

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fourth step which is learning a assisted

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muscle up so the first way you can learn

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a assisted muscle helps inspire using a

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resistance band so when you do a muster

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up in a resistance band for the first

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time you want to make use of the

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momentum that I just explained so when

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you look closely you can actually see it

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and I'm not pulling up like a regular

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puller but I'm pulling up towards my

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waistline and in combination with the

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momentum you will be able to get over

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the bar so first start with AB and that

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gives you enough assistance to get over

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the bar for a minimum of 3 or to 6 times

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and when you're able to do that you can

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move on to a band that gives you less

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assistance so right here we're moving on

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to a lighter band and again try to do at

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least a minimum of 3 reps and then you

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can move on to muscle ups without any

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band but first let's have a look to

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another way how you can do assisted

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muscles by using a partner this is a

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really great way to learn the free

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muscle up because your body gets used to

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the natural movement of the muscle up

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without using a resistance band so that

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brings us to the last step and that is

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of course the full muscle up so once

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you're able to do three muscles with the

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lightest resistance band and also three

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muscle ups with a partner we will

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recommend you to start with the three

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muscle ups and as you can see here I'm

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still using a bit of momentum by

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straightening my arms completely and

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also using a little bit of

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keeping with my knees to get above the

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bar but that's all good because the aim

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of this video is to get a muscle up and

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not a strict form muscle up all right

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guys so these were the five steps that

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you need to take to learn the muscle up

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these were the steps that we personally

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took to get the armors up as well it

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took us about four or three months right

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yes and for us personally what we

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already said just try to start with

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resistance bands and from there you can

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lower the resistance on the bands and

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then you can do it assisted with a

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partner and then you can just do it by

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yourself so if you want to learn the

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stuff but you're still struggling with

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like a stricted program we can help you

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out send us a message and we can make

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you our personal program where we make

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it like exactly these five exercises but

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also a lot of more important exercises

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to learn your meals well that was it for

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this video we hope that you like this

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video if you did please put a thumbs up

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and make sure to subscribe to our

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channel because we will upload many more

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videos about nutrition about

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informational videos and also please let

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us know what you want to see in future

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videos and that's it for today yes

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peace out guys peace out

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