5 Biggest Handstand Mistakes & How To Avoid These

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and in this video

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i'm gonna show you the five most common

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beginner mistakes when learning the

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handstand and how to avoid them so let's

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get this video started

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alright guys welcome to this video as

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you can see i'm in this beautiful

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location in folly rocky which is in

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rhodos in greece i'm here with my

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girlfriend on a vacation we're doing

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some awesome trips over here and we're

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just enjoying our time but of course i'm

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also training and today i have my

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handsome workout so i thought let's

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create a video for you guys on the most

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beginner calisthenics handstand mistakes

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i have this beautiful location i have a

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wall here basically everything that i

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need to

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learn the handstand so when it comes to

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learning the handstand i see the

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beginners that i train most people in

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the gym but also the people that i train

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through online coaching making the same

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mistakes all over again

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including the mistakes that i made as

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well in the beginning so

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let's start with the first mistake when

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learning the handstand and that is

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sticking to the wall too long

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alright so this is probably the biggest

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mistake that i see when learning the

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i see a lot of people sticking to the

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wall handstand way too long and that

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really affects your progress in the

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handstand because if you only train with

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the wall you will never learn the

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regular freestanding handstand so what i

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suggest is when you're able to do a 30

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second wall handstand then you have to

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move on immediately to freestanding

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handstand practice

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but next to that you should also

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incorporate different variations of wall

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hands and training so try to combine

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these two training methods while

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handstand training and freestanding

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training in an early stage of your

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handstand practice for example if you

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can do a 60-second wall handstand you

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can also try to do the re-first well

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handstand and really try to work on your

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form straighten out your legs and walk a

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little bit off from the wall and really

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focus on a better form and kicking

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slightly off from the wall and this way

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you will learn the handstand even better

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because this stimulates a freestanding

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handstand better than the belly to wall

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all right so that was the first and

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probably the biggest mistake now let's

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move on to the second mistake and that

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is jumping into the handstand instead of

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kicking into the handstand

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alright so once you're able to do a 30

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to 60 second ball handstand you can move

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on to the freestanding handstand

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but it's really important how you're

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going to jump or kick into the handstand

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what i see with the most people that

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start with handstand training is that

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they jump into the handstand like this

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really uncontrolled and jumping way too

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hard into the handstand and in this case

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you probably fall far forward

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i wouldn't suggest to do this kind of

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jumping into the handstand but rather

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practice on a much more

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stable and controlled way of getting

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into the hands and by kicking into the

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handstand it stimulates a sprinter

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position like sprinters do when they

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start running and from here really kick

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yourself controlled and easily in the

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handstand first start off with an easy

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so you get the feel you get the hang out

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of it and then you can slightly kick

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even harder until you get more and more

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control and if you use this way of

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getting into your handstand with every

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training then you automatically know how

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hard you should kick up and getting into

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the handstand as controlled as possible

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don't jump into the handstand but kick

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into the handstand as controlled as

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possible so that was the second mistake

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now let's move on to the third one and

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that is doing handstand walks when

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falling forward

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alright guys so the third mistake is

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probably one of the most crucial points

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in learning the handstand itself so when

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you start with freestanding handstands

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and you fall forward

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a common mistake that i see is that a

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lot of people tend to step forward with

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their hands so they doing a handstand

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walk when they falling forward instead

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of just counterforcing the fall by using

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your fingers and your hand pump to

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counter force the fall of the handstand

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and this is such an important mistake

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because if you always

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walk forward with your hands making baby

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steps when you're falling forward you

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know how to use your hands to counter

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force the fall and this is the most

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important thing to stabilize in the

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handstand using your fingers and your

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hand palm to really count the force of

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fall so never walk forward but either

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just bail out of the handstand fall out

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of the handstand or get back from the

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handstand but never walk forward because

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then you won't learn the handstand hold

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as fast as possible so that was the

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third mistake now let's move on to the

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fourth mistake and that is trying to

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learn the straight handstand way too

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of course we all want a perfect

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aligned straight handstand when we start

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learning the handstand but this is just

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not the most effective way to learn the

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handstand because if you only focus on a

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straight handstand from the very start

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then you're gonna make it very hard for

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yourself so don't put your standards too

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high what i always actually say is first

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try to

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hold an arched handstand for 30 seconds

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because it's it's all about just

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learning and getting more experience in

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standing on your hands and your form

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doesn't really matter you can clean up

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your form when you're getting more

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experience with the handstand that's

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personally also how i got my straight

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handstand first i unlocked my banana

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handstand and from there i gradually

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cleaned up my form and got a nice and

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aligned straight handstand but of course

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i would recommend to still work on your

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straight handstand but use the wall for

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this the first exercise that i said

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do a reverse wall handstand walk from

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the wall and get yourself in a straight

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handstand and play with the straight

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handstand but don't only focus on the

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straight hands and from the beginning

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because that will definitely slow your

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all right so that was the fourth mistake

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now let's move on to the fifth and last

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one but definitely not the least one

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and that is not practicing the handstand

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alright so when it comes to handstand

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training the handstand is a skill and

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when it comes to skill training it's

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really important that you practice the

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skill a lot of times so frequency here

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is very important so only training your

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handstand once or twice per week is not

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gonna get your handstand very fast

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probably you won't even unlock your

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instead try to practice your handstand

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as often as possible probably

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five or six times per week and and use a

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short amount of training per session for

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example 15 to 20 to 30 minutes

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every training session five times per

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week before your actual workout this is

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the way how i learned my handstand and

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also taught the handstand to all of my

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in the gym but also my online clients so

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frequency is key here

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and don't make the mistake to only

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practice the handstand once or twice per

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week right guys so these were the five

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most common

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beginner mistakes when learning the

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handstand if i missed a mistake let me

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know in the comments down below

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so that's it for this video i hope this

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was helpful try to avoid these mistakes

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and you'll definitely get your handstand

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way faster so guys that's it for this

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video and if you need more help with

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unlocking your handstand for example or

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other skills we have some free ebooks

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that you can download the link is in the

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with these ebooks we'll show you

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different training routines and also

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skill and strength workouts that you can

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try out for free

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next to that we also offer different

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workout plans for example for learning

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getting stronger training from home or

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losing fat you can find the links down

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in the description

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and that's it for this video thanks for

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watching guys

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leave a like subscribe for more videos

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and we'll see you next monday peace out

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