5 Biggest Calisthenics Beginner Mistakes (AVOID THESE!)

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yannick and today we're gonna explain

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you the five

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biggest beginner mistakes and how to

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avoid them so

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stay tuned for the video

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all right guys so welcome to the video

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and as you can see we're just sitting

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down here because this is going to be an

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informational video

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so please sit back and enjoy the video

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in today's video we're gonna cover the

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five biggest mistakes by

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athletes who are just getting started

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with calisthenics

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and most of the beginners don't even

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know that they are making any mistakes

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and i'm very sure that after watching

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this video there's at least

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one mistake that you can relate to and

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if you're going to improve this

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you're going to improve your workouts

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yes exactly

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so also in the last few weeks and months

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we've been getting a lot of messages in

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our client support from all the

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beginners that started one of our plans

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but also in our gym we see a lot of new

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gym members

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new beginners that are making the same

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mistakes they're

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talking about the same questions and we

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see it with our own eyes when we're

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training here

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people making the same mistakes without

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even knowing it so

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let's get started with the video we're

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gonna start with the first point

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and that is skipping the basics

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all right so the first mistake is

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skipping the basics

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and actually moving too fast to learning

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which is of course really relatable also

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when i look back at my

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journey when i started i really wanted

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to learn the handstand

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uh the the muscle up the beckley for all

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those cool skills

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i see that all the time here in the gym

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as well people they come here in the gym

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and do their handstands do the back

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lever without even warming up

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and without even having a proper

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training experience in the basics and of

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course i understand

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that you are excited that you want to

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start with the skills but it's actually

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not the most effective way to train

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also you can get injuries if you don't

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train the basics

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first because you don't just have enough

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strength to perform those skills

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so it would be much more effective if

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you first start with the basics

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for example start doing your push-ups

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with correct form because probably your

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form is not correct

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when you're doing push-ups do your

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pull-ups with correct form

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do your dips work on your straight arm

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strength when you want to do handstands

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stuff like that that's really important

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if you want to start with skills

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but first master those basics and really

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work on getting

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higher reps more strength and maybe

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after quite some time you will feel that

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you're getting stronger and then you can

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start with training your skills and then

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you will get going way

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faster than you start with the skills

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alright so the second mistake is to

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train without a workout plan and the

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main principle that we mean

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is to train without a training overload

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without a progressive overload which

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basically means

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that after each training you want to

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either the number of sets number of reps

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number of weight

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or you just take a lighter band so

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you're going to make the exercise

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harder so we see a lot of people making

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these mistakes by doing the same workout

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every week so they're just gonna search

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on youtube

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for a push workout and they're gonna do

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this for

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eight weeks in a row without changing

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anything of the sets the reps

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or the weight that they're going to use

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so even if you train about three times

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per week but you're still doing the same

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workouts over and over again

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at the end of the day at the end of the

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program you won't be any stronger

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because you're not applying the

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principle of progressive overload

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alright so the third mistake is training

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disproportional and it has basically a

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little bit to do with yonic said with a

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mistake too

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don't working with a worker plan because

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if you train disproportional

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you're basically creating imbalances in

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the muscle groups that you are training

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for example

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if you're really good at push-ups then

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you probably like doing push-ups a lot

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or you find yourself

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being good in push-ups it's a

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comfortable thing to do so you're

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probably going to do

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more push-related exercises and that

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will ultimately lead to

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imbalances in your muscles for example

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in your shoulder when you're doing way

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more push-ups than

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pull-ups for example the same thing goes

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for training the core that's actually

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one other big mistake which it has

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slightly to do with training

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disproportional because many beginner

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that want to train calisthenics they

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neglect training

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the core which is actually the most

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aspect to train because the core

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connects the upper body with

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the lower body which is really important

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with body weight training calisthenics

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what we are doing

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for example if you're doing push-ups

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your boat needs your pushing strength

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but also your core that needs

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uh to keep your body in the right

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position so make sure to always train

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proportional so train your push-ups your

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your core exercises and your leg

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exercises proportional

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so you can do for example a split

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workout four times per week

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or make sure that when you're doing a

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full body workout you're always doing

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the same amount of exercises for each

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muscle group

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all right so mistake number four is that

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your trading volume

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is too low or not in the right balance

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and the trading volume is basically made

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out of

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your trading duration and your training

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frequency and both of these aspects

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needs to be in the right balance

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for example if you're gonna train six

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times per week

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which is your training frequency but

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you're gonna train only for 20 or 30

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you're not going to get results because

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your training duration is just

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not long enough so and on the other side

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um if you're going to train

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once a week but your training is going

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to be two or three hours

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that's also not in the right balance

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because you're just

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not having the right frequency to get

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results so it will be optimal to

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train at least three times per week and

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do workouts for at least

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45 to 60 minutes and if you're going to

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implement this

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into your workout routines you

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definitely gonna have results

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all right so last but not least mistake

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number five

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is not tracking your progress so this

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mistake has to do with all the four

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previous beginner mistakes that we just

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mentioned if you have covered all these

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then the last thing that you need to do

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is tracking your progress because if you

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know what you're doing then you're

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making your results

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measurable and if your measure your

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progress your results

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that will also lead to more motivation

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for example if i look back to my own

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journey i've noticed

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that i trained in times that i didn't

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track my results and i

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and that i tracked my results and at the

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time that i tracked my results

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these were the moments that made the big

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difference for me personally

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because then i was really really

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motivated you guys know that

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probably know that that time that you're

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really motivated really

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excited to go to the gym smash those

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records and that's the time when you

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what your current result is and what you

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want to beat so

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that would be the last mistake what we

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would like to cover

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make sure to track your progress there

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are few tools how you can do this

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and i really want to say that it doesn't

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have to be too strict

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we speak to a lot of gym members right

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here and also a lot of

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online coaching clients that um you

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should track your progress and the first

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thing that they say is i'm not the kind

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of person that

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is really structured i don't like doing

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tracking all the progress

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but it doesn't have to be that strict

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because you can also just grab your

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record your exercises and that is also

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actually a way of tracking your progress

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personally what i'm doing right now i'm

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tracking all my videos

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on instagram i made a private instagram

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account and this is where i post all my

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raw workout videos so i exactly know

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what i'm currently doing and what my

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current level is and that motivates me

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every new workout to smash those results

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so that would be the last thing that we

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would advise you to do the same

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track your progress all right so these

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were basically the five

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biggest beginner mistakes and because we

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are seeing these beginner mistakes

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all the time coming back over and over

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we have designed a really really big

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calisthenics basic scores that we're

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gonna release

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very soon and this is the first course

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that we're ever gonna release

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and this time it's gonna be different

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than the previous workout plans that we

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did before

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because with this course we're not only

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giving you

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um the exercises and a structured plan

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to work to your goals

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but we're actually teaching you all the

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tools that you need

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to progress with calisthenics and that's

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what we think

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way more important and effective in the

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long run so

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it's divided into two parts the first

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part is the theory part and the second

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part is the practical part

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which includes a worker plan so within

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that first part the theory part

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we learn you all the basic exercises

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which are

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a lot we've done like 100 exercises and

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explained all the the cues the attention

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points everything in full detail

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so you know exactly how you how you

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should do all the exercises with the

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correct form and execution

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next to that it comes with a lot of

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beginner pro and regressions from each

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single exercise you so you always know

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how you can take a step back but also

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take a step forward so that's basically

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the course

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we're gonna release this course really

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really soon and if you want to stay

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up to date and start with this

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calisthenics course to really bring your

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progress to the next level in a safe

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and effective way while learning and

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knowing all the exercises

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with a worker plan then make sure to

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sign up in the form down below

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and you'll be the first one that get

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notified it when the course is released

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and you also get a really huge discount

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you can find the sign up link down in

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the description or

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click here to sign up and be the first

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one that get notified

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yes exactly so like michael said it's

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not just a program it's a

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whole course with a bunch of information

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and this is really gonna change your

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life and we actually started with

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this project uh one year ago all right

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november last year so this is really our

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biggest project

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and if you're going to sign up this is

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really going to be a life changer so

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this was the video about the five

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biggest mistakes that beginner

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calisthenics athletes make and i really

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hope that you can implement

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one of these tips into your workout

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routine let us know if you were making

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any of these mistakes and that you know

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can fix this

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and please like and subscribe and we

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catch you in the next video

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peace out peace out

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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uh it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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and i've been with calisthenics family

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for almost three months now and all the

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time i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael ariana can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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