5 Best Shoulder Exercises for Strength & Mass - Bodyweight Only

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it's a new year i'm joining our new

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year's transformation challenge

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and you can join too we challenge you to

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the best version of yourself in 2021

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so how does it work step one start with

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one of our workout programs

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with 25 discount and transform your body

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and achieve

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your goals step 2 get a full cash back

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if you realize a transformation of

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and step 3 win epic prizes if you belong

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to the top

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3 transformations of this year for more

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on this deal make sure to check out our

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website and join the transformation

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challenge to become

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fit strong lose weight and get in the

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best shape

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of your life start your journey join the

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what's up caddy fam it's michael here

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today i'm going to show you

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one of my favorite shoulder workouts to

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get strong

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and bigger shoulders i'm going to show

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you my five top five exercises

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to build shoulders so let's get this

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workout started

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all right guys so to build strong and

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bigger shoulders

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it's really important that you use the

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most effective exercises within

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body weight training because we're

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training with our own body weight we

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can't use

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weights and so therefore we have several

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exercises that

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like simulates the same kind of

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movements that you might know from the

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but today we're just going to use our

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own body weight to get

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stronger and bigger shoulders so the

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shoulder consists of three different

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the front delt the side delts and the

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rear delts so we're going to train each

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of this muscle group

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with this shoulder workout so when

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stronger and bigger shoulders it's

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really important that you work in a

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good rep range so you want to work

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between 8

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to 15 repetitions and if you can do an

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for example for 15 repetitions then you

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can move on to the next progression

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that's how it works with body weight

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training so you still get the right

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training stimulants to build

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bigger shoulders and also it's really

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important that you train your shoulders

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at least

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two times per week to get the most

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training results

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to build stronger shoulders so let's

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give you my experience with training

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so when i started with calisthenics with

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bodyweight training

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my shoulders were actually my weakest

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point because i didn't

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target it so much on my shoulders when i

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trained at the gym before

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i mostly focus on getting a bigger chest

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and also bigger arms because

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that's what we want when when building

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muscle mass in the beginning

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so in the beginning of my calisthenics

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journey i noticed that i lacked a lot of

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shoulder strength because this was all

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new for me

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so there were a few exercises that

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really helped me out and that also abled

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me now

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eventually to do hands and push-ups for

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example but also do a planche

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which requires a lot of shoulder

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strength so today i'm going to show you

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five favorite exercise to build stronger

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shoulders so let's get started with the

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first exercise while has push ups

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alright guys so with the hands and push

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up it's really important that you know

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that there are basically two ways to do

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the hazard push-up or the bike push-up

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because you can do it like this like

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forward or

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press like like this which you maybe

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know from the overhead press in the gym

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and this also stimulates different

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muscle groups so with this one we focus

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a little bit more on the side delts

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while doing like this we focus more on

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the front delts so we're gonna do

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both of these exercises in this shoulder

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workout let's start off with

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the first one like this the wall ends

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and push-up

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i'm gonna do it against the wall if this

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one is too hard for you you can also

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do a regression and do them like a

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normal wall has a push-up or you can do

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bike uh handsome push-ups all right so

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let's get started with the first

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exercise i'm gonna do 10 repetitions

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so with this one like i said it's really

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that you place your hands pretty wide

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and that you move your head in between

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your hands keep your body as straight as

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possible let's go for 10 replays

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all right guys so here you have it first

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exercise wall hasn't push up

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i really feel this one in my side delts

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really great exercise in my opinion the

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best exercise for building

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strong shoulders so now let's move on to

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the second

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exercise this is going to be like i said

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the other variation of

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the wellhead and push-up but i'm going

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to do the elevated

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pike push-up because you will notice

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that pushing

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like this is a little bit harder than

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like this so let's get to the elevated

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bike push-up

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so with this exercise i like to use

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parallettes because with the parallax

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you have

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less stress on your wrist especially if

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you need to move forward and that's

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exactly what we need to do

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with this variation with this elevated

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pike push-up

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so if this one is too hard you can also

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do the regular

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bike stand but make sure that you move

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forward so it's really important to

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bring your head forward

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until like this point when you have like

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a triangle because that's exactly what

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you need with the hands and push-up as

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so let's aim for eight repetitions on

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this one

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straight legs

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all right guys so here you have it

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second exercise with this one

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really important that you use full range

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of motion when you go

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up make sure to straighten out your arms

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and also go go down all the way with

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head towards the floor all right guys so

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that exercise was more focused on the

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front delts now let's move on to the

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third exercise

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which is the rear delt fly focus on the

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side delts and also

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the rear delts the back side of your

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for this one we're gonna use rings you

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might recognize this exercise from the

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gym so you're gonna grab the rings

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make sure to hang them pretty low grab

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them until they reach your waistline

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and from here straight arms and

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if you want to make this exercise easier

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you can

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stick a step back but if you want to

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make it harder

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just walk a little bit forward like this

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chest forward retract your scapula

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straight arms and move to the side

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you're gonna do 12 repetitions of this

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all right so 12 repetitions i really

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feel this in my rear delts

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such a good exercise also really good to

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work on your straight arm strength for

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example for the back lever or the

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so now let's move on to the fourth

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exercise this one is focused on the

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front delts

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also one of my favorite exercises to

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straight arm shoulder strength at the

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front raise so for this one we're gonna

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the rings again so

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but now we're gonna grab the rings

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like this move forward

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bring the rings behind you make sure you

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tilt your pelvis

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so hips forward activate your glutes

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and walk a little bit forward if you

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want to make it easier you walk a little

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bit backwards

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walk forward stand on your toes and from

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bring the rings towards your waistline

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with straight arms

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all right so also 12 repetitions with

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this one it's really important

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keep your shoulders low and

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focus on straight arms during the whole

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this one is also really good for the

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back lever because you're exactly in the

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same position

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as the back lever so now let's move on

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to the very last exercise

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for striking the shoulders so until now

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we only did

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dynamic exercises but we're gonna end

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off this work with a static and

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hold to really uh burn burn out the

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shoulders and also to create more

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to work all the tiny muscles in your

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shoulders so i'm gonna do

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a handstand hold and with the isometric

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holes for building muscle mass

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you can see it like this two seconds

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equals one repetition

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so with building muscle mass we want to

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be in a rep range between

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8 to 15 repetitions so for statics that

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would be

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16 through 30 seconds so we're gonna do

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an isometric hole that you can hold at

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for 15 to 30 seconds so i'm gonna do the

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hands and hold if you can do this you

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can do the wall handstand for 30 seconds

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if that's still too hard for you you can

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also do a bike stand on the floor

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so let's get this last exercise

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so for longer hands and holds i would

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definitely advise you to use parallettes

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because you can get some pain in your

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wrist if you do

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longer holds for like 20 to 30 seconds

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so with the handset hold make sure to

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keep straight arms also when you do it

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on the on the wall

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and really press your scapula away

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don't bend your arms all right so let's

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30 seconds

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and that's 30 seconds so i really felt

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all my like the

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tiny muscles working in my shoulders i

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don't know maybe you saw it also in the

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so that's why we're doing this isometric

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hold to finish off this workout

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so guys that's it for this workout for

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this video like i said in the beginning

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try to do this workout for at least two

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times per week for optimal training

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and if you want to get more information

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about all the specific attention points

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all the regressions all this what i

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showed in this video

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and then make sure to check our

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calisthenics basis course which we just

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both in dutch and english where we teach

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you all the basic exercises in full

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and also comes with a worker plan if you

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want to work up to

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skills like the handstand muscle lab

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friendly for

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planche bag leaf or stuff like that then

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make sure to check out our full journey

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workout plan it's a long term plan

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where we teach you all the specific

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calisthenics skills so guys that's it

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for this workout

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i hope that you like this workout make

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sure to put your thumbs up

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leave a comment and i will see you next

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sunday because we will post a video

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every sunday

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peace out

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