5 best Ring Exercises to Start Calisthenics for Beginners

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What's up, guys?

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It's Bas here from Calisthenics Family.

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If you are looking to start with calisthenics,

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but don't have access to

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then this video is for you.

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Training on rings

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is the perfect way to develop body weight strength

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that will prepare you

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for more advanced calisthenics movements.

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However, it is also more intense

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than training on the bar since the whole body

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needs to work to stabilize and control every movement.

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I will show you

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The best part is that you can also find all these exercises

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in the Calisthenics Family Workout app,

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so make sure to check it out for free.

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don't forget to watch this video

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all the way to the end

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in order to enter

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So without further ado, let's get started.

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The first exercise is

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This exercise primarily targets

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the upper body muscles,

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specifically the chest, shoulders and triceps.

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However, it also engages other muscles in the body,

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including the core and back, and is a crucial exercise

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to learn when training with rings.

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It also built your straight arm strength,

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which is a unique feature in calisthenics

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and gymnastics, which is necessary for skills

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such as the handstand and the l-sit

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to perform this exercise.

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Hang the rings at shoulder height.

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Then grip the rings.

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Jump up

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and make sure your arms are straight and turned outwards.

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Finally, engage your chest, shoulders,

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triceps, core and leg muscles

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to hold the position for the desired time.

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Keep your body in a straight line.

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If this move is too hard, you can also do the ring plank hold

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which is similar to the ring supports hold,

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but without your feet leaving the ground.

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The second exercise is

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This exercise is a must to implement

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in your workout when used properly.

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It can help you to achieve

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movements that you might think are impossible.

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for example, to perform the ring muscle up.

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when doing the falls grip hang.

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The most important tip is to apply chalk.

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Do not just apply the chalk on your palms,

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but also apply it on your wrist

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and even lower arms since the falls grip

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will have a contact point there.

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Now grab the ring from the side like you're about.

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Start arm wrestling and then move your hand down.

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Hold tight and gently get into a death hang position.

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Try to hang

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the third exercise is

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This exercise is great for building pulling strength

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since it works all of your back muscles,

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your biceps, your forearms, your grip

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and all the stabilizes muscles in between

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that make those muscles work together.

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if you want to eventually be able to do pull ups,

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this is the exercise

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you need to add into your routine

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until you can do a full pull up.

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It's also a good preparation exercise for more advanced

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skills like the front lever.

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When doing the inverted row

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set the rings around waist height,

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grab the rings with an overhand grip

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slightly wider than shoulder width, and walk forward

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until you in a diagonal position

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Pull yourself up by bringing your elbows

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in alongside your body until your chest reaches the rings.

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From there, lower yourself

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back down in a controlled motion.

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the best thing about this exercise

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is that you can easily make it harder by setting up

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the rings lower and stepping forward.

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with good form before making it harder.

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the fourth exercise are the

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this exercise works your chest, shoulder triceps and core,

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while also challenging your stability and coordination.

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if you try this movement,

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you will notice the difference with normal push

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ups on the floor.

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Ring push ups are performed by placing

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your hands on the rings in a push up position

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and lowering your body until your chest

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is on the same line as the rings.

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Then you push back to the starting position.

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you can easily modify the intensity of this exercise

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by placing the rings higher, which makes it easier,

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or placing the rings lower, which makes it harder.

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Aim for

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the fifth and final exercise

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This exercise primarily works

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the shoulders, back and core while also challenging

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your mobility and coordination

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and is a great exercise to start

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when you want to learn the front lever

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and backlever.

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To perform this exercise,

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Start by hanging from the rings in a dead

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hang position, then bring your feet up

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and over your head, rolling your body in.

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Tuck position from there.

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Continue to roll backwards until you are hanging upside

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down with your arms fully extended above your head.

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reverse the movement to return to the starting position.

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If this exercise is too hard,

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you can first start working on the German Hang

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With this easier variation.

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You performed the beginning in the exact same way.

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However, instead of pulling yourself

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back into the starting position,

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you hold the twisted position for as long as you can before

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putting your legs on the floor and letting go of the rings.

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Aim for

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All right, guys, These are the

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Let me know in the comments

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Remember to always focus on good form

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and proper technique with all exercises.

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Also, let me highlight a calisthenics ring workout

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plan that you can find

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in our Calisthenics Family Workout app.

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This program teaches you all ring

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exercises in a very structured way

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and helps to develop amazing strength and skills.

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So make sure to download

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our app in a Google Play or app store and give this a try.

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Lastly, let's get into this week's giveaway.

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This video we will give away one set of our calisthenics

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family rings with optimal grip so you can practice

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all the moves I just showed you.

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after publishing this video,

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the winner will be announced in next week's video.

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This is what we gave away in last week's video.

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And a winner will appear right here in the screen.

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Okay, guys, thanks for watching.

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Don't forget

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to, like, subscribe and put your notifications on

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so you won't miss next week's giveaway winner.

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And I'll see you in one of the next videos.

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Peace out.

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