5 Best Exercises for each Stage in Calisthenics (Beginner to Pro)

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Then make sure to watch this video for

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What's up, guys?

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It's Yannick here

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from calisthenics family and our team and I

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currently have over ten years

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of calisthenics experience and helped over

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1000 people transforming their physqiues and strength.

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And in all those years,

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we've also gone through a lot of different stages.

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And many people often ask us,

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So therefore, after quite some brainstorming with our team,

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we have made a complete list of

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to really progress in calisthenics.

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And at the end of the video,

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I will share a complete workout plan

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that you can follow and get started straight away.

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So also note that this video only include exercises

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that build strength rather than skills.

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But in fact, if you master all these exercises,

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you should have enough

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strength in order to perform most calisthenics skills.

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So I've listed the exercise in five major stages

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that we mostly see ultra beginner,

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beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert.

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In those stages, I've divided the exercise into

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So are you ready?

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Let's get started.

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the first stage is the ultra beginner or novice stage

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in this stage, you really want to focus on

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laying a good foundation so you avoid injuries

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and can progress safely to a new stage.

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With each exercise, I I'll give you the target

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reps that you want

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to work towards in order to move on to the next stage.

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So these are the best exercises

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you should do as an ultra beginner.

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The Australian pull up is an effective exercise

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for building strength in the back, shoulders and arms.

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It helps to improve, grip strength and assists

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in the development of the traditional pullup

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Incline Pushups are a great exercise for building

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strength in the chest,

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shoulders and triceps.

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They are also

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a great modification for those who may not be strong enough

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to perform a traditional push up on the ground.

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the pike hold.

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It's a fundamental isometric exercise

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that improves shoulder stability and flexibility

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and is the first preparation exercise for the handstand

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the tucked hollow body hold improves overall core strength

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and stability as well as body awareness and control

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and is a great alternative for those

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that are not strong enough for the full hollow body hold.

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Lunges you are a great ultra beginner exercise

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as it doesn't tax your leg muscles too much

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but still work all major areas of the lower body.

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They also help improve balance and stability.

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the second stage is the beginner stage.

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This stage is where most people start

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their calisthenics journey.

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If you have reached the targeted reps and sets

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of the previous stage,

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you can move on to this beginner stage.

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So these are the

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best exercises that you should do as a beginner.

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the pullup is the most important exercise to build,

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pulling strength and to improve grip strength,

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which are both essential for all pull

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related exercise in calisthenics.

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The push up is the most fundamental exercise

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in calisthenics that all beginners should master.

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Make sure to focus on perfect form and good technique.

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Pike pushups are great

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for building vertical pushing strength.

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As a beginner, you want to master this

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exercise as it lays the foundation

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for more advanced exercises such as the handstand pushup.

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The full hollow body hold is the best core exercises

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that we would recommend for a beginner.

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It improves body awareness and the right core activation

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that you need for almost all calisthenics

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exercises like the handstand, frontlever,

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but also for good form pullups.

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Squats are the best exercise you can do to build

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strong legs as it is a compound exercise,

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they improve overall lower body strength,

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mobility and endurance.

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All right.

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So now let's move on

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to the third stage which is the intermediate stage.

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this is the stage

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where most people will quit their journey.

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So if you want to get further than most people,

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make sure to stay dedicated and consistent

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with the training

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and master the following best exercises.

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Explosive pull

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ups are great for building explosive pulling strength.

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It helps for learning the muscle up and other

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explosive pulling exercises.

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Dips are key to master as calisthenics elite.

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It is the foundation for most push related exercises

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elevated pike push ups are excellent for improving

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your vertical pushing strength by lifting your legs up.

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You are preparing towards the wall handstand push up.

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hanging leg races

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are an effective exercise to target the entire core

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as you are using your complete body weight.

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They also improve hip and spine mobility.

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Jumping squats are a great plyometric exercise

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that improves

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explosive power and overall lower body strength.

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They also increase cardiovascular

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endurance and agility.

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All right.

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So if you met all the targeted

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reps and

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sets of the previous stage, you can be proud of yourself

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because you've gone further than 80% of the people

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So now it's time for you to move on

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to the fourth stage, which is the advanced stage.

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So in order to progress from here,

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you need to increase

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the intensity of the exercise a lot more,

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and you should really show some work ethic.

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So these are the best

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exercises that you should do as an advanced athlete.

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Weighted pullups are an excellent way

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to bring a pulling strength to the next level.

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Focus on low reps to really maximize

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your pulling strength.

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Pseudo push ups

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are super challenging, but so effective as you build

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strength in a more forward leaning position.

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This is essential for learning the planche

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and the 90 degree handstand push up.

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Reverse wall handstand push ups are best

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for improving vertical pushing strength.

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Always do belly to wall handstand pushups

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as this exercise teach you the right technique

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and body position for the freestanding handstand push up.

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Toes to bar is an advanced core

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exercise that target the entire abdominal region.

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They improve core strength, stability,

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as well as grip, strength and shoulder mobility.

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elevated pistol squats are great for building

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leg strength and muscles as this unilateral exercise

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puts more strain on the muscles by only working

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one leg at a time.

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All right, guys, Congrats.

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You've made it to the final stage.

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The expert stage.

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Only 1% of

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the people will get to this stage.

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So now you need some perseverance and keep going.

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There's no way back any more.

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So let's get into the best exercise that you should do

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in order to complete the expert stage.

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Waistline pullups are super challenging,

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but very effective to bring your explosive pulling

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strength to the next level and are essential

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for unlocking strict for muscle ups.

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Tucked planche pushups are great for improving

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horizontal pushing strength for advanced athletes

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as you are using your complete body weight.

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It also improves straight arm srength in order to achieve the planche

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handstand push ups

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are the ultimate strength exercise.

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Once you've reached the expert stage.

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once you unlock this move, you can improve your strength

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by doing more reps or using more range of motion.

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full pistol squats are effective

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for building strength

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and size in the legs and improving mobility.

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If you've mastered the bodyweight pistol squat,

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you can challenge yourself by doing weighted

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pistol squats.

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Dragon flags are a very

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challenging core exercise, but definitely the best of all

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as you're using your complete body weight from head to toe.

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It also helps improving core strength

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for the frontlever, human flag and back lever.

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All right, So if you reached all the targeted reps and sets,

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you're now officially a master of your own body weight.

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So let me know

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So now let's get into the workout

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plan that you can use to get you started from zero.

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In our calisthenics app

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We've created our most popular Full Journey workout plan

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that also includes these exact five stages

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from ultra beginner to expert.

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And in this app

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you can follow the first ultra beginner stage for free.

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So if you want to get started

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with this routine, make sure to download our app

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in the Google Play, or App Store and give this a try.

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See the first link in the description.

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So lastly, let's get into this giveaway.

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And this week, we will give away

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one set of our optimal grip.

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Calisthenics family

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Parallettes that you can use for most push related exercises.

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after publishing this video.

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The winner will be announced in next week's video

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So this is what we give away in the last video.

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And the winner will appear right here in the screen.

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So let us know

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And we will see you next week.

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Peace out, guys.

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