50 Calisthenics Exercises on Parallettes | Implement to Progress FAST
what's up guys the only care from
calisthenics family and today we're
gonna show you guys 50 different
bodyweight exercises which you can do
found parallels
alright guys so we finally finished the
production of our own set of parallax so
in this video we're going to show you
guys only exercise that we do with
parallax so that includes all the skill
exercises such as branch exercise and
Hampton exercises but also strength
exercises such as and some push-ups or
other push-up variations so let's get
straight into the exercising guys
alright guys so these were all the
exercises that we do in our workouts as
we already said we just finished with
the production of these parallels and we
are very excited to release them
tomorrow on our website so keep an eye
on that so let's give you guys a little
bit more information about our
the bar is a little bit thicker than
usual which means is you can press
harder and you have more grip
for example the instant it will be
easier to balance with the handstand and
also for strength exercises the
stability it's really useful for
exercise like the handstand push-ups or
other push variations you have more
surface to press on so you can press
harder into the bar alright guys so I
hope that this video was helpful for you
and that you can use some of these
exercises your own workout routine if
you like this video please put a thumbs
up that will really help us to grow the
channel and we will catch you in the
next video which is Thursday peace out