3 Things all Beginners should know when starting Calisthenics

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Have you been thinking about

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Starting with calisthenics

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then make sure to watch this video

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to discover the three things that all beginners should know

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when starting with calisthenics,

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before you actually start,

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it's very important that you know,

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some of the most neglected topics

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that not everyone directly talks about.

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So to get you off to a good start

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without unpleasant surprises and with a good preparation,

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I'm going to discuss

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the three things that all beginners should know

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when starting calisthenics.

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And the best thing is that everything

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that I'm going to cover is carefully implemented

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in our Calisthenics Family Workout app.

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So before I start,

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make sure to watch this video all the way to the end.

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To discover our weekly giveaway.

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All right.

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So let's jump right into the first topic.

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The number one thing

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that you should know when starting calisthenics

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is that you will progress fastest in the beginning,

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at the beginning of your calisthenics journey.

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Your body is not used to calisthenics training yet,

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so it will adapt relatively faster.

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That is why you will notice in the beginning

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that you are making a lot of progress

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in the basic exercises, such as the push ups,

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the dips, the pull ups and the squats.

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It's not rare to double your numbers in a short time.

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You will also progress relatively quickly

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with the start of some skills.

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For example, with a frog stand

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a wall handstand an L-sit an elbow lever

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and even with the start of a human flag.

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These skills are fairly easy to adopt and all of this

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makes calisthenics

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super fun and challenging and leaves us hungry for more.

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But after a certain period of training, also known

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as the fun beginner phase, most people hit a plateau

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and you should know that this occurrence is normal.

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But this is also a crucial point.

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It is the point where you either

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lose your motivation

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and give up like most of the people,

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or where you can separate yourself from the rest.

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Through, smart and effective training.

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At this point,

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it is important that you don't move forward

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too quickly and overtraining yourself.

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Your muscles may develop quickly enough,

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but your joints and tendons need more time to adapt.

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Unfortunately, I had to experience this myself too.

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So take a step back here to get stronger in the basics

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and to perfect the technique of all exercises.

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And this leaves me at the second thing

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that all beginners should know when starting calisthenics,

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and that is that you should master

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the technique of all exercises from the very beginning.

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Unfortunately, we still see many people performing

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incorrect technique on the most basic exercises,

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let alone or more complicated skills.

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This is not something to be ashamed of

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because if you have never been taught properly,

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there's very little you can do about it.

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But unfortunately,

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this makes a very bad start to your calisthenics journey.

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If you take this wrong technique, with you

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in your further progress, you will surely get injuries

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and also don't have the basis to master difficult exercises

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with the correct form.

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So common mistakes that we see are, for example, execution

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of exercises that don't move in the full range of motion,

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such as half pullups or half pushups.

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Incorrect posture in the scapular position,

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for example, with the elbow plank, or with the

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tucked planche

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bad body alignment, for example,

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with an arched handstand or banana backlever

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or more basic in a Superman hold.

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Also incorrect or no core engagement

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during strength movements such as the bar tricep

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and finally

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incorrect position of the joints during bent arm

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or straight arm exercises, for example during a human flag.

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So make sure to master the technique of all exercises

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from the start.

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For this

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you will have to put your ego aside

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because the exercises

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will be much heavier and more difficult to perform.

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But in the end it's all worth it

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and you will reap the benefits

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of this more than three times over.

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The third and final thing that you should know

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when starting calisthenics is that good mobility

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and flexibility is key for optimal performance.

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A big reason why most of the people

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fall in love with calisthenics

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is because of all the amazing calisthenics skills

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you can learn, such as the handstand push up

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a human flag,

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a press to handstand, a backlever or a planche

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But unfortunately, most people, including myself

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in the beginning,

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don't take into account that all of these exercises require

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good mobility and flexibility from our joints and muscles.

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For example,

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any form of handstand training requires

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good shoulder mobility.

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A straddle human flag requires good hip mobility.

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A press to handstand requires

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good hamstring flexibility and a scorpion handstand

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requires backbend flexibility.

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However, most of the people today are stiff due

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to all the sitting at school or at work.

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And the people that do go to the gym

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are mostly doing a lot of repetitive,

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short range of motion training

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where mobility is reduced rather than improved.

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So incorporating mobility and flexibility routines

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from the start of your calisthenics

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journey is super essential.

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And really the only way to achieve

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great things in calisthenics

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and to ultimately fully control your own body.

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This is one of the reasons why in our Calisthenics app,

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we have incorporated several beginner

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and intermediate mobility and flexibility routines

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that you can combine with your strength

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training for optimal performance.

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All right, guys.

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There you have it.

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The three things that all beginners

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should know when starting with calisthenics,

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please make sure to implement them

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into your training to avoid injuries

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and to ensure long term training performance.

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If you're after watching this video,

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keen to start with calisthenics, then

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check out our calisthenics Family Workout app.

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This app has over 500 calisthenics videos

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and 40 plus different courses

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that can take you from an absolute beginner to pro.

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You can start a program for free,

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so make sure to download the app

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in the Google Play or App Store and give this a try.

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Lastly, let's get into this week's giveaway.

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This week we will give away one

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set of our calisthenics family resistance bands.

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So one of you is set for a good start.

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So how to win? like this video

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Subscribe to our channel and comment

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within the first seven days after publishing this video.

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The winner will be announced in next week's video.

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So last week we gave away one set of our parallettes

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with optimal grip, and the winner will appear

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right here in the screen. Congrats.

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Let me know in the comments what thing

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you found most valuable of this video.

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And if you have something else to suggest

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that people should know when starting calisthenics.

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Thanks for watching.

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Don't forget to like subscribe and push notifications on

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so you don't miss the giveaway winner.

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And I'll see you next week. Peace out.

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