3 Secrets to Learn The Muscle Up Fast

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what's up guys it's boss here from

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calisthenics family and in this video

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i'm gonna give you three secrets that

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will help you boost your muscle up

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progress in no time this video is for

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you if you are close to getting a muscle

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up just unlock the muscle up or if

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you're trying to clean up your muscle up

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alright so let's jump right into the

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video but before we start make sure to

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subscribe if you like our videos and

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check out our weekly giveaway at the end

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of the video the first secret is to

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train specifically so in order to get

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better at the muscle up you need to do

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exercises that are specific to this

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you might be very good at dips or

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push-ups or even chin-ups but you won't

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get much better at the muscle up by

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progressing in these exercises compared

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to more specific ones the muscle up

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basically consists of three movements

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the explosive pull up the transition and

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the straight bar dip

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putting these three movements together

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you basically got a muscle up so if you

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want to get better at muscle ups focus

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more on explosive power by doing

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explosive pull-ups do negative muscle

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ups in order to gain strength through

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full range of motion and really focus on

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slowing down the transition and finally

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focus on getting better at the straight

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bar dip in order to complete this move

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so the second secret is assessing your

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weaknesses for me personally i struggled

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a lot with my explosiveness i did not

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used to train explosive pull-ups that

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frequently and that was the reason i had

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a hard time generating enough force to

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get myself high enough before doing the

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transition and the straight bar dip so

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when i decided to clean up my muscle up

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i started my workout by doing four to

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five sets of explosive pull-ups in order

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to get better at it however for some

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people the hardest part might be doing

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the transition or doing the straight bar

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dip don't forget everyone is different

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my tip would be to film yourself and

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decide which part of the muscle up needs

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the most attention turn your weak point

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into your strong point and you'll notice

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that your muscle up will get cleaner

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very soon the third and final secret is

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to add more frequency to clean up my

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muscle up i started to perform four to

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six muscle ups at the beginning and at

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the end of every workout even while

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doing my leg workouts this way your body

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will get used to the movement much

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quicker than only training them twice a

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week for example because the volume is

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not that much you won't get fatigued

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before your workout and you can still do

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the full workout so also referring back

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to secret 2 let's say you struggle with

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your explosive pull-ups start by doing

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1-3 explosive pull-ups at the start and

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at the end of every workout just for one

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set then as the weeks go by slowly build

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this number up to 6 explosive pull-ups

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for example i will guarantee you that

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you will notice a great difference when

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you do your muscle ups in your pool

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workout next to these three secrets i

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want to mention one more thing and that

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is drop the ego the final tip is more

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focused on the mental aspect the reason

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why i didn't progress in my muscle up

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for a long time was because i did not

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want to take a step back because it

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would hurt my ego i could do a muscle up

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however i was not honest with myself in

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the areas where i was lacking that's why

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i kept doing the same quality of muscle

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ups again and again instead of taking a

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break and focusing on my weaknesses when

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i finally accepted that i had to go back

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to the drawing board i finally started

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to progress now i'm doing muscle ups

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better than ever and cleaner than before

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and i even started doing weighted muscle

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so be honest with yourself and your

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current level don't fight it don't get

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frustrated but accept where you are and

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start working on the areas that need

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some work if you will do that you will

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finally break through that plateau and

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start making gains

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alright so those were the tips that

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really helped me getting better at the

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muscle up and finally start making

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progress again apply them to your own

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level and see how your progress will

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so guys if you are after watching this

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video looking for a muscle up program

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that really helps you to learn the

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muscle up in a safe and effective way

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make sure to check out our muscular

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program that you can find in our

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recently launched calisthenics family

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app in our app you can perfectly track

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progress with each single exercise which

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really helps with your progress you can

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start this program for free so make sure

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to download it in the google play or app

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store alright guys so now let's get into

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this week's giveaway one key piece of

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equipment to get better at the muscle

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ups are resistance bands so that's why

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we're gonna give away one of our four

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pack premium resistance bands to one of

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you guys so how to win like this video

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subscribe to our channel and comment

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within the first seven days of

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publishing this video last week we gave

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away one set of barolets and a winner

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will appear on the screen right now

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congrats and good luck with your journey

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so if you found this video helpful make

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sure to share it with your friends and

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on your socials so other people can

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benefit from it too

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thanks for watching and if you like this

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video make sure to subscribe and i'll

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see you in one of the next videos peace

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