3 SECRETS How We Stay Lean Year Round

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what's up guys it's your like a Mike

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we're from Cal Singh's family and in

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this video we're gonna tell you guys why

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we are always so lean year round so stay

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tuned guys

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alright guys so welcome to the video and

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in this video we're gonna tell you guys

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the three secrets how we always stay

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lean year round and we are actually

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gonna tell you guys this because lately

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we've got quite some messages from from

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you guys on YouTube and Instagram with a

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lot of also comments on a YouTube from

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Michael looks like a chiseled god and

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how do you guys stay stay so lean and we

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have seen these kind of questions like

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really really often so we thought let's

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make a short video about this topic

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explaining the three number rules why we

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always leave so yeah let's go to the

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first secret you're like the number one

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secret yes so the number one sequence is

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actually that we never sit down and

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believe it or not guys is true and with

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calisthenics training we don't have a

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bench or somewhere you can look at this

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gym and there's just no bench here

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because we actually don't need a bench

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we all exercises with bars with the deep

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bars but we don't need a bench and

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especially in comparison with the gym

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where we have a lot of benches where a

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lot of exercises are done on benches for

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example the bicep curl instead of the

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bicep curl we do for example the chin up

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and it's also just a exercise on the bar

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and another example is the bike we shall

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purchase the demo press in the gym when

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you're training shoulders you often see

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it only bench grab some dumbbells and do

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this exercise and you will just be

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sitting down while with calisthenics we

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do Pike push-ups or handstand push-ups

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so with these kind of exercises you just

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engage your whole body into the X

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so that's also what burns more calories

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and also with calisthenics during

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wrestling times between the sets we

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often just walk around or do some

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stretches instead of just sitting on a

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chair or bench watching our phone or

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something so that is actually one reason

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why we stay lean because it simply burns

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more calories to be active during the

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whole workout so that's the secret

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number one let's go to secret number two

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yes guys Street truth number two and

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that is we don't build so that means we

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don't over eat and that is something

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that you see very often in other sports

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especially in bodybuilding or

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powerlifting other athletes they cycle

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in between cutting phases and breaking

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phases to gain more muscle but we don't

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do that so the reason why we don't do

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that is it's because we want to stay as

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light as possible because we have to do

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some very complex exercises with our own

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for example handstand push-ups else to

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maybe the planche Beckley for stuff like

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that but also other basic bodyweight

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exercises the muscle up the regular dip

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it's all done with their own bodyweight

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and with even a little bit extra weight

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it's all necessary and it takes more

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weight to lift so that's why we want to

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stay very lean and that is exactly why

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we don't build but we also at the same

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time want to increase our muscle mass of

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course to increase your strength so what

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we do we only look at our maintenance

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level so our daily calorie intake is

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about 3000 calories and I only eat or we

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we only eat like 200 calories above our

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maintenance level so with this method we

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make sure that we still can increase in

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weight and gain muscle mass while

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staying relatively lean all year round

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and that works really really well with

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calisthenics and that's what we have

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done in the last ya three years so

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that's basically the secret number two

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don't build but stay at your maintenance

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level and only eat up

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to 200 galleries to increase muscle mass

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alright guys so that was secret number

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two now let's move on to secret number

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three yes exactly so the last secret is

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that our training intensity is very high

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and that is because of two reasons the

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first one is that we always only do

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compound exercises and with top power

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exercises I mean but we do a lot of

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exercises where we use multiple muscle

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groups like for the pull-up you will use

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your back your biceps your forearms and

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your core and that is for all

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calisthenics exercises and it's just the

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fact that the more muscles you are using

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for I exercise the more calories you

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will burn with that particular exercise

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and now the second reason is that we do

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a lot of repetition

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I think comparison with bodybuilding

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that we do a lot of repetitions because

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we very often do just maximum dips

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maximum push ups where we sometimes do

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about 40 or even 50 repetitions in just

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one set so that makes also you treating

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intensity very high and that makes it

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also to burn more calories in general so

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that is the last secret the training

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intensity is very high alright guys so

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that was basically the three secrets and

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why we always stay very lean all year

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round with the 3 most important secrets

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and lasting also what I want to

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emphasize is that when we are training

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we are working very hard so that means

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we are making sure that we are doing our

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reps our sets and we are finishing our

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workouts for like 90 minutes maybe 2

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hours and many times you see for example

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in the gym a lot of people like half the

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time doing nothing while they are

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working out so that's basically a waste

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of time

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so when we're training we're working art

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alright so these are basically the three

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secrets on how to stay lean and if you

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also want our help to get more lean to

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burn fat we can help you out by making a

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custom new friend because your diet is

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of course the most important factor when

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it comes down to staying lean and next

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that we can also help you out with a

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customized workout program based on your

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own level

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and your own goals and we also have a

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30-day fat burn challenge that

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challenges you to get shredded in 30

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days and next that at least guys we are

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currently working on our new worker

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program called bully weight basics are

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actually calisthenics Basics in which we

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are explaining all the basic exercises

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in full details of nets also the reason

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of course why we have this gym to

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improve our programs so the official

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release date will be twelve of January

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so keep an eye on that guys we are

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almost at 50 K sub so please guys hit

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the subscribe button and then I'll catch

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you guys in the next video please like

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subscribe peace out with our guys in

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this instruction video we're gonna

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explain the bench dip so we start with a

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bench and if you're training at home you

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can also use a chair

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