3 Days left before the Big Reveal | Day in the Life
what's up guys it's Michael here from
kill ascetics family and as you can see
it's a new day start of new day today
I'm gonna show you a day in the life so
it's gonna be a vlogging video and I
just really can't wait because we have
been working since some are already
already three months of construction
thinking working and yeah it's finally
coming guys so I'm gonna get this day
started so let's go
alright guys time for a new day let's go
and I can't show you much of the gym
because we're still under construction
and we got Yannick already over here
what's up guys 8 in the morning doing
some flexibility mobility routine yes
you get flexible in the legs in the hips
yes oh new package came what do we
have here young what do we have this one
is for the door as well
yes calisthenics family gym and studio
alright guys so it is 12 o clock right
time for breakfast and we always start
the day off with our plant-based blend
with a lot of fruits and vegetables so
Jana gets the the blend maker yes there
is that maker exactly so we've got some
right here also making the red color as
you can see and we've got a lot more we
got oranges banana ginger lemon and way
it's basically what we eat everyday to
start off today get some energy and I
will put a screenshot of all the
ingredients that we put in the blends so
you can check it out for yourself and
also with all the calories and
recognition scores let's see what they
actually sent us
six layer bars and different flavor from
the BCA energy drinks so that's it so my
protein thanks for supporting us for the
gym opening
alright guys look at this you know guys
we have been putting a lot of work to
get the parallettes back in stock and
one of our goals wants to get the
parallettes back in stock before the
opening of the gym and we just made it
four days prior to the opening and after
that we also gonna release the new
parallettes on our website so we are
really stoked about this it's going back
here and look at this alright guys so
it's four o'clock right now and we just
place the sticker on the wall and it's
looking so insane you're gonna see it in
the next video and now it's time to have
lunch and this is my go-to lunch
easy meal I actually already prepped the
meal before so this is what I'm eating
most of the time
brown rice black beans and corn and one
avocado so
so suddenly is the big day guys we're
gonna flock and document the whole day
it's going to be in the next video so
stay tuned for that and I'll catch you
guys in the next video like and
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