3 Calisthenics Skills All Beginners Can Learn In 30 Days

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What’s up guys it’s Michael from Calisthenics family

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and today we’re showing

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So for this video we have chosen the most important skills

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that you need to learn when starting with calisthenics

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Because these skills will lay down a very good strength foundation

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for further and more advanced calisthenics skills

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such as the muscle up,

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the handstand,

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or even the planche!

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These 3 skills where also the first skills

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that we unlocked at the start of own calisthenics journey

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in just 1 month of training

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and helped us a lot to move forward to more advanced skills

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So let’s get into the first skill.

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The first skill is the elbow Lever

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This is a pushing exercise

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as you’re using your shoulders and triceps a lot.

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This skills is pretty challenging,

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but it’s definitely not as hard as it looks,

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because with this exercise you balance a lot on your elbows

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which makes this skill easy to learn!

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So how to perform the elbow lever?

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Turn your hands outwards

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Bring your elbow together and press them into your hips

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Make sure you can feel your hipbones when pressing your elbow in

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From here get down the floor

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and lift your legs and chest simultaneously from the floor

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until you’re in a nice straight position.

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If you can’t get into the full elbow lever at once.

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Try these progressions:

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First you can try the frogstand

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to build isometric bent arm shoulder strength

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Second you attempt a tucked elbow lever where you tuck your legs in

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Third you can try the straddle eblow lever

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where you already moving more forward but only spread your legs out

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until you can move on the full elbow lever.

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To make this exercise easier

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you can try it on parallettes

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which give you more grip and stability!

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The second skill is the pull-over

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As the name implies,

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this is a pulling exercise

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where you use your back & biceps muscles

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to pull yourself on top of the bar.

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This exercise looks scary

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but once you get the technique down

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it’s a piece of cake.

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Next to that it’s a very usefull skill exercise

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to have in your pocket

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for example if you want get on top of the bar

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without being able of a muscle up

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so you can still train your straight bar dips or negative muscle ups.

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To perform the pull-over

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Grab the bar at shoulder with apart

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Start with an explosive pull up,

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while simultaneously raising your legs towards the bar

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Once your chins are on the same line of the bar

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pull your hips towards the bar

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and finish with a full rotation around the bar

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by tucking your knees in

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Of course you should not try this at first on a high bar

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So to break down this skill can you can try these progressions:

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First get comfortable with the swing on a low bar

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Second learn how to make a full rotation on a low bar

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Third move to a high bar

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and only practice the swing by using a lot of momentum with your legs

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until you’re able to make the full pull-over

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One very helpful tip to practice this skill

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is using an elevation like a box or a tier to jump from

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to get yourself around the bar.

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The third and final skill is the L-sit.

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This is a core exercise as you’re working both your abs and lowerback.

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The L-sit is just really cool skill to perform

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but also very effective for building isometric core strength

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for many static skills like the handstand

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or even the planche!

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To perform the l-sit

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Spread your hands out on the floor

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and place them next to your hips

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from here, push the floor away with straight arms

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while raising your legs off from the floor.

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At first this skill can be quite challenging,

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especially if you’re not so flexible in your hamstrings and hip flexors.

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So to learn this exercise, try these progressions:

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First build straight arm pushing strength with a p-bar hold

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Second attempt a tucked l-sit where you tuck your legs

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Next you can try the single leg kick out

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to get yourself comfortable with one straight leg

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Until you can move on to the full l-sit hold

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One key tips with this skill:

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definitely start on parallettes

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as you will have more grip to push yourself away from the floor

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but also more space to move, for those with tight hamstrings!

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Alright guys, these where the 3 calisthenics

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you should and can learn once you start with calisthenics

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but at this moment you are probably wondering

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well, how can I unlock this in just 30 days?

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Well, as these skills are categorized

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as push-pull-and core exercises.

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so you can perfectly train them

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in a structured push-pull-legs/core routine.

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So here's an overview how that looks like:

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on day 1 you’ll train your elbow lever

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and go through the progressions at your current level.

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On day 2 you’ll do the same for the pull over

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and on day 3 you practice your l-sit

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along with maybe some leg exercises like squats or lunges.

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Repeat this twice a week with 1 rest day on Sunday

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and here you have your perfectly structured routine

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with enough frequency and recovery time to learn these skills!

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So guys as you might now by now,

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we recently launched our own Calisthenics App

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where you can find all these exercises and progressions

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along with many other workout programs

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In our app you can create your own workout

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for example this workout routine from this video,

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so you can perfectly track progress with each single exercise.

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You can download the app for free

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in the Google play or the Appstore

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so make sure to do so by clicking the first link in the description!

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So let’s get into this weeks giveaway,

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I already mentioned the benefits of parallettes

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a few times in this video

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so we’re just giving away 1 set of paralletes again!

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the winner will be announced in the next video!

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Last video we also gave away one set of paralletes

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and the winner will appear right here.

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Congrats and good luck with your journey!

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Alright guys if you liked this video make sure to subscribe

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for more useful calisthenics workouts and tutorials,

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and we’ll see you in the next video.

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Peace out!

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