30 Day Body Transformation | Day 1 (Full Day of Shredding)
Whatsup guys! welcome to a new video
today is the first day of our 30-day body transformation
it is morning and we are outside because the first thing we are going to do is cardio
every day we go cardio in the morning, and today we go cycling
we are going to pack a mountain bike here, and then we will cycle for about 30-45 minutes
Then we go home to breakfast, and then we do a workout this afternoon
so stay tuned, and enjoy the video!
We cycled as well as ran all the way up.
and we have walked to beautiful view, where we are going now.
Wow! we are completely surrounded by the mountains
It is a fortress
Okay ladies and gentlemen we just cycled wonderfully
And we are now at breakfast, it is about 10 o'clock in the morning
And this is our first vegan breakfast for the transformation challenge
we have rice cakes with organic jam
This is an orange and some grapes
Hey guys! Today is April 1, so it is the first day of our body transformation!
Today we are at this fantastically beautiful park here in Italy
I think this place is the most beautiful area I have ever played.
there are mountains everywhere, even with snow peaks
and we have a nice sports park here
we are now in italy to give a private mastercalss
And of course we also have to train ourselves because it is the first day of our transformation
today we do one strength workout, we mainly focus on push and pull exercises.
and we divide the workout into 3 different parts. the first part is power
Hereby we focus on the muscle up and the handstand pushup
We will alternate those two exercises, and after that we will do a hypertrophy circuit
And at the end another endurance circuit
with the hypertrophy circuit we work between 8 and 12 repetitions
And with the endurance circuit we work with 15+ repetitions
Then we will make many repetitions to completely deplete our muscles
Also to burn fat because that is one of the most important goals of this transformation
We cycled tonight, so we've already done some cardio
So now it's time for the power workout, so I'd say let's go!
Okay so we just finished the power part, we did the handstand pushups against the board
Then we move on to the second part, and that is the hypertrophy circuit
And for this part we will do 5 exercises, the muscle up jumps, the straight bar dip
Wide pullups, explosive pullups and low bar australian pullups
And we do these exercises to build real strength for the muscle up and the handstand pushup
so in a rep range of 8 to 12 repetitions
We are not going to film all sets because we want to keep this video a bit short
Because we are also going to film other things, so let's go!
All right! this was the first round of the hyperthrophy circuit
5 exercises of 8-12 repetitions done, I am completely broken now.
Then we take a break now, and then we continue to the endurance circuit
We will also do 5 more exercises
We will start with the pike pushups of 15 repetitions
Then the australian pullups of 15 repetitions
Normal pushups, also 15 repetitions
In addition, we also do an Australian pullup hold and a pushup hold of at least 15 seconds
Let's do this!
Okay ladies and gentlemen, that was the power workout of today
Strength exercises in the beginning, then hypertrophy and then endurance
So we worked on different training methods
That way we work on building strength, muscle mass and our endurance.
So this was the first workout of our 30-day body transformation
We also all eat vegan, so I am curious how my body will respond to that
For now I am quite hungry, we only ate 4 rice cakes this morning and some fruit
And now we are going to make a delicious vegan shake, so let's go!
Okay ladies and gentlemen, so we are just calmer with our workout, we have trained outside
So we had our first vegetable breakfast this morning
Now we are going to eat our post-workout meal and we are going to make a blend for the first time
And I found a recipe from the internet
All kinds of healthy products, lots of vegetables with lots of color. because that seems to be good
As you can see we have germs, hemp seeds, avocado, banana ...
Rosemary itself, carrots, zucchini, beetroot
Green cabbage, Chinese cabbage, celery and parsley.
So all different products, and we will all do this in a blend.
So I am curious how it will taste
It sometimes seems to have a bitter taste, we are going to see it.
We have a nice blender here, everything can be done in one go.
Okay he is already quite full of vegetables, and we add some banana to get an extra sweet taste.
As a topping, we also add fresh sprouts
Just taste how it got
Yes it tastes very much like vegetables
maybe we can make it a little sweeter
And for that we can use this chef's nut, with the juice in it.
It gives that sweet taste just that little bit more
And we can even add the flesh
So I'm going to scoop that out
So this has become it. With all kinds of toppings and to finish it completely
And of course we are not going to eat here, but outside in nature. so let's go outside!
Are you ready for it? - I'm curious what you made of it
I like it! That coconut gives a good bite
I taste a lot of vegetables but still sweet
I think it's good for the first blend that we've made
Very good indeed! If you see what has gone into it
We will do this every day for the next 30 days
This was our first blend with all kinds of vegetable products
I really like this one, but I think we could have made something sweeter
So you will see it in the next 30 days, and hopefully we will form our own optimal blend
And who knows, we might have our own recipe!