25 Best Exercises to Master Calisthenics

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This is one of the 25 best exercises that you should do to master calisthenics.

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And in this video, we'll share every single one of them,

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including the best ways to achieve each of the 25 moves

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based on over ten years of training experience.

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So after watching this video, you know what exercises you should do

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at your current level and when to move on to the next progression.

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All right.

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We'll start with the ultra

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beginner exercises, also known as the Calisthenics Basics.

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The first one is the bodyweight row.

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One of the basics that everyone starting calisthenics should master.

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This horizontal pulling exercise develops the back and the biceps.

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And for those who can't do a chin up or a pull up yet,

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this is a must do exercise to build a good pulling foundation.

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But what's the most important thing

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a beginner should know when starting this exercise?

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Well, to get the most out of this exercise, you should always

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first engage your scapula muscles before initiating the pulling movement.

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So complete beginners can start with the standing row as an easier variation

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by performing the movement in a more upright position.

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And if the regular row is too easy,

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you can challenge yourself by doing elevated Australian ups.

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The goal for each progression is 15 clean, just to bar reps.

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All right. The next one is the bodyweight squat.

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Of course, you should never skip your legs,

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but a lot of people don't train their legs right.

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Well a lot of them don't.

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But your legs are half the size of your body, which can’t be neglected.

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So the bodyweight squat is the fundamental lower body exercise.

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Every beginner should master.

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Although most people can perform a bodyweight squat without practice,

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doing a lot of reps or throwing in

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some holds can still be challenging and leaves your muscles very sore.

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For beginners watching, if you struggle with the bodyweight squat,

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you can do a assisted squat where you hold on to a stable support

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or use resistance bands to help you with balance and stability.

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If you can do 15 bodyweight squats, you can challenge yourself

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by doing deep squats,

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which already prepares you for a pistol squat

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in a later stage of your calisthenics journey.

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We can't miss out on the pushup.

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It is the classic bodyweight exercise

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that strengthens the chest, the shoulders, the triceps, and the core.

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Although this is a very important horizontal pushing exercise, I won't say

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it's the most important basic push exercise to master calisthenics.

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All right, but which one is then?

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That's another one that I will dive into soon.

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So every beginner into calisthenics should master good form pushups first,

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meaning a straight body and full range of motion.

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Not these! Ultra beginners can start with knee pushups,

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and once you've reached 15

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regular pushups, you should not simply add weights on your back to make it harder,

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but increase the range of motion by doing deep push ups.

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This is much more effective for unlocking more advanced exercises in a later stage.

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Now that we have the first exercises covered, let me highlight

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a special equipment giveaway that we will do somewhere in this video.

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So make sure to keep watching to make it chance of winning this epic prize.

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All right, are you ready to get a six pack?

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The leg race is one of the most fundamental core exercises

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in calisthenics.

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Next to strengthening the core and targeting the lower,

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you will also train your grip strength, which is key in calisthenics.

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One key tip with this exercise is to control the movement on the way

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down, making sure you always have eyes on your toes.

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This prevents you from swaying all over the place like Crossfitters

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doing their leg raises,

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but complete beginners usually cannot hang on the bar for too long, right?

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That's why they can start with knee raises using parallel bars or leg

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raises on the floor.

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With this exercise, always aim for ten controlled reps before

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attempting the next progression, which is the toe to bar.

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This requires

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some core compression strength which you will soon learn with the L-sit.

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Now that we have covered the ultra beginner exercises from the first phase,

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let's move on to the second phase, which are the beginner exercises

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but also stay tuned for the final stage which showcases epic skills.

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Let's make the basics a little bit harder.

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Introducing the parallel bar dip a compound upper body exercise

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that strengthens and grows the triceps, the chest, and the shoulders.

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But most beginners that start can’t do bodyweight dips, right?

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Yeah, I know it can be a struggle to learn them, but although you might

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already have the strength, it's often performed incorrectly.

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So therefore we always recommend starting with band assisted

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dips to learn the proper technique and to improve mind muscle connection.

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So once you feel comfortable with bands and can do about ten

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good reps, you can move on to bodyweight dips.

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And from our experience, you can never train the basics enough.

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So once you can do about 15 parallel bar dips, start incorporating weighted dips,

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which will significantly increase your relative strength

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and make your bodyweight feel like featherweight.

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Next are the chin ups.

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These are your gateway to your first stage of vertical pulling.

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Wait for our beginners watching.

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What is vertical pooling?

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Well, it's when you pull yourself up in a straight line like this.

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They gap the bridge between bodyweight rows and pull ups.

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Okay, so chin ups are easier than pull ups. Yes.

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That's because the underhand grip position engages the biceps more

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and allows for stronger contraction, making it easier to lift your body up.

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So when learning your first chin up,

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you should use bends in order to learn the right technique

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and the negatives to get used to holding your own bodyweight.

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Once mastered your first chin up, work up to ten reps.

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Always make sure your chin clears the bar

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with each rep and fully extend your arms on the way down.

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Once you reach a ten rep mark, you can start with weighted chin ups.

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Do you want to get the strongest core in the room?

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Then start doing the hollow body hold.

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This core exercise was a game changer for us.

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It emphasizes full body tension and teaches you to right core

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activation for almost all calisthenics skills such as the handstand,

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the backlever, and the frontlever which we will dive in really soon.

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But you know,

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this exercise is done wrong so many times, so what cue should beginners remember?

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Well, you should always keep your lower back in contact with the floor.

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So when you notice that you arch your lower back,

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you should start with the tucked

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hollow body hold and slowly progress by extending 1 or 2 legs.

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So with each progression, work up to a 60 second hold.

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And do you want to bring your core strength to the next level.

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Then start using ankle weights.

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Let's make it really strong.

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The so-called skin the cat is a valuable exercise every beginner should master.

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It improves shoulder mobility, strength, and flexibility.

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It engages the core a lot and develops grip strength and coordination.

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Okay, but why is this cat named exercises so important?

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Because this exercise is a must in calisthenics, as it is a

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foundational movement for advanced skills like frontlevers, first and backlevers.

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We know that it can be quite uncomfortable to start with this move,

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so you can always start on a lower bar and do half skin the cats,

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once you get more comfortable, progress to a higher bar, and do full rotations.

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At first, you can bend your arms to get yourself up and finally try

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to do this move with completely straight arms and zero swinging.

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Aiming for full body control.

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The pull up can’t be missed.

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Out on this list is the classic upper body exercise that targets the back,

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the biceps, and the shoulders and ultimately is the foundation

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for all pulling movements in calisthenics.

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A common question should a beginner use bands?

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Yes for sure.

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So for learning the right technique, you should actually already learn to chin up.

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At this stage, we encourage you to mainly work with your own bodyweight.

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So master the scapula, pull up the negative pull ups and train

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the regular pull up

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work up to 12

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reps minimum to get yourself ready for the next stage in calisthenics.

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But before moving on to the next stage, did you know that in our calisthenics app,

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we have incorporated all these exercises with its individual progressions?

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In our app, you can also find over 50 different workout plans

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for all training levels and various goals.

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And the best part?

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You can start for free from an ultra beginner level, so click the link

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in the description to download the app in the Google Play or App Store right now.

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All right, now that we've covered the fundamentals and phase one and two,

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let's make things a bit more exciting.

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In the intermediate phase, we'll start with the straight bar dip.

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This is a variation of the regular dip performed on a straight bar.

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It mainly works the shoulders and triceps, and is an important exercise to master.

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And this exercise also the second half of the muscle up right?

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Yes, exactly.

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It is THE foundational

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move for this iconic exercise, which we will get into later.

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When learning this exercise, you can do straight bar jumps using your legs

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as an assistance.

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Furthermore, you can do assisted straight bar dips with a resistance band.

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Your goal is to progress through various bands for eight reps

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until you can perform them, which are bodyweight only when you master

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this exercise, you can even add weights, which is a go to progression

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for people trying to unlock and improve the muscle up.

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Here we are.

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We finally come to the most fundamental push exercise in calisthenics

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the Pike push up.

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This exercise is essential for moves such as the wall handstand push up

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and ultimately the handstand push up, which we will cover later in this video.

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And this exercise is an overhead push movement.

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Wait. What? Overhead?

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So you push overhead just like with the shoulder press.

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But then with your own bodyweight, it's probably the most important

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exercise to having a program to strengthen your shoulders.

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And since we've seen that this exercise can already be a challenge for beginners,

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you can start with half pike pushups or negative pike pushups, and from there,

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work your way up to the regular pike pushup progressions include the elevated

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pike pushup and the pike push up so you can increase the intensity

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by using a higher elevation or performing them deeper, or even both.

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So aim for ten reps on each progression to move on to the next one,

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which is the frog stand.

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This is an extremely important exercise to master before you try to learn

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any other balancing requiring exercise, such as the handstand,

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which isn't hard to learn more about a handstand in a bit.

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The frog stand improves balance and wrist strength,

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and even works the same muscle groups as the handstand itself.

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That's why we're telling all of our members

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to practice this exercise at an early stage.

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But one thing that I've noticed is that a lot of people

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get pain in the wrist when trying this exercise.

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Yes, correct.

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That's why you can start with frog stand taps to get your wrist used to this move.

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Why don't you feel comfortable?

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You can try to balance unassisted, and if you can hold it

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for 45 seconds, you can progress to the advanced frog.

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Stand where your knees are on your elbows and your hips are in a higher position.

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Next up is the wall handstand push up.

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This is probably the exercise that we’ve practice the most out

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of all exercises after mastering the pike pushup.

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Since we both have the ultimate goal, the free standing handstand push up.

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the wall handstand pushup is so important since it's the first progression

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that enables you to push your complete bodyweight,

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which is a hard requirement for the free standing

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handstand push up, so when first starting with this exercise, you should do

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back to wall handstand push ups and do a partial range of motion.

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And the next step is to do a full range of motions.

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And where you can do six reps of the wall handstand push ups,

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you should move on to belly to wall handstand push ups using the same progressions.

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Next is the L-sit, the L-sit

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is a crucial move to unlock during your calisthenics journey.

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No, not just because it looks cool.

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It also works on key areas that you will thank yourself later for.

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The first area is isometric core strength,

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which is necessary for all static calisthenics skills.

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Wait, let's explain the static calisthenics skills a little bit better.

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For all the beginners watching. Yes, certainly.

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Static skills are also known as holds because you try to hold a certain

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For example, the dragon flag, the human flag, or the frontlever,

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which we will all discuss later in this video.

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The second work area with the l-sit

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is scapular depression strength which will work all the downward pushing

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movements ranging from dips to the mighty planche.

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To get started with the L-sit as a beginner you can perform them

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with tuck knees or with alternating straight legs, for each progression

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aim for a 20 second hold.

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Once you master the l-sit holds

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you can even practice for the v-sit.

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Number 15 is the pistol squat.

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This is an exercise that everyone should have on their goal list

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after mastering the regular squat.

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So besides that, it's an impressive move to unlock.

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It has many benefits because it's a unilateral way of leg training,

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which enables you to increase your training load by two.

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But wait, why is it called a pistol squat?

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Well, because you look like a pistol when performing the move.

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A so furthermore, it improves balance,

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coordination, hip and ankle mobility, and overall leg flexibility.

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So to get started with this move, as a beginner

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we tell people to start with bar assisted pistol squats,

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then band assistant pistol squats, then elevated pistol squat.

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And once you can do eight reps of each progression,

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you can ultimately move on to the full bodyweight pistol squat.

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And once mastered these, you can even challenge yourself

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by doing weighted or balancing pistol squats.

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Next up is the handstand.

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You might be surprised that this skill is in the intermediate class,

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but it's actually pretty doable to learn for everyone

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since it doesn't require much strength, only frequent practice.

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Me and my brother,

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we learned this

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skill in about three weeks, by practicing every day for 20 minutes.

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Do you remember?

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Yeah I do, my wrist still hurt, but it was all worth it.

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So when starting this exercise, we would recommend achieving a 30 second wall

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handstand first, and from there start practicing free standing only first.

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You want to practice falling over comfortably and once that's no big deal

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anymore, it's just a matter of consistency and time until you've mastered

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the handstand, progressions for the handstand are high bar handstands

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or even one arm handstand.

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Next, the explosive pull up is the first vertical pulling exercise

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that you want to practice after mastering the regular pull up,

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and the goal of this exercise is to increase explosive strength,

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which is the number one requirement to achieve the muscle up. Wait,

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but this exercise is often confused with high pullups, right?

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So with the explosive pull up, the aim is to pull up as fast

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as you can, whereas with the high pull up, the goal is to pull yourself up

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as high as you can, for example, chest to bar or even hips to bar.

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Anyway, the higher and faster you can pull up, the easier the muscle up will be.

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So to start with the explosive pull up, we recommend using a resistance band

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first to master the technique since it's pretty different from the regular pull up.

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So once you can do five reps with each band.

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You can practice it with bodyweight only, and your focus on this

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exercise is not more reps, but faster and eventually higher reps.

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So to progress further, you can practice this exercise even with weights.

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All right, now it's time to get serious.

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Let's dive into the exercises from the advanced phase.

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Next up is the backlever, for me and my brother,

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this was the first skill that we unlocked on a static bar.

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Yeah, but also the most comfortable one.

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I really hated this exercise.

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Yeah, it's true, but we see the same with all the people that we have trained.

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It's just the easiest one to unlock first.

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Yeah, it's a skill that requires straight

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arm strength, a strong core, especially the lower back and good shoulder mobility.

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So when first starting with this exercise, you should practice the tucked backlever

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for up to a 20 second hold together with tucked backlever raises

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to strengthen your shoulders.

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Next, you should do the same for the advanced tucked back left for

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and when progressing through the single leg, the straddle and the full

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backlever, you should practice holds together with pulses and negatives

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for each progression.

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You want to aim for a ten second hold before moving on to the next one.

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The pseudo pushup

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is a variation of the regular pushup, also known as the forward lean push up.

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Since the goal with

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this exercise is to keep your hands at waist height instead of chest height

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So this exercise of one of the best exercises to increase waistline

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pushing strength, which is required for the 90 degree handstand pushups

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and even the planche, which we'll dive into in a few moments.

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Yes, I have done this exercise a thousand times before

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unlocking a 90 degree handstand push up.

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Getting started with this exercise is simple.

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You just start with the push up and then lean forward

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for a fixed amount of distance at each progression.

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We always use a simple measuring tape for this.

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The goal would be to do

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six reps at each progression until your hands are at your waistline,

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and you can even make this exercise harder by doing assisted planche push ups.

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Having your feet off the floor.

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Number 20.

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We have mentioned this exercise quite a lot already.

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The muscle up, this is probably the most iconic advanced calisthenics exercise.

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By now, you should know that mastering straight

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bar dips and explosive pullups are required to unlock this skill.

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But that's not all.

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It also requires quite a bit of technique.

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When starting to learn this move,

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you should practice the swing first to gain momentum.

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An excellent exercise for this are the tucked pulls.

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Once you get this down, you can start practicing the muscle up

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with a resistance band aiming for five reps at each band.

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Beside assist muscle ups, you should also do negative muscle ups and jumping muscle

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ups to gain specific muscle up strength using your own body weight.

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Once you've mastered the muscle up, you can progress to ring muscle ups,

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straight muscle ups, or even weighted muscle ups.

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We've come to the Dragon Flag, an exercise that you've probably seen

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some crazy athletes do.

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It requires a lot of core strength, but also pull strength.

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And once you've reached an advanced level in calisthenics, this exercise

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should probably never disappear from your workout plan.

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Since it has incredible

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benefits for all static skills such as the human flag and the frontlever.

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Well, that kind of makes sense, right?

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Because they look similar, don't they? Yeah. Very true.

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So as a beginner, you can start practicing this into an accessible way,

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starting with the half

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a dragon flag with half range of motion until you can do the full range of motion.

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The same goes for the one leg dragon flag.

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And when mastering a progression for six reps,

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you can move on to the next one until you can do six full Dragon flags.

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But it doesn't stop there.

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You can even attempt the single arm Dragon flags.

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How impressive is that?

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That's crazy man.

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All right, guys, things are getting real now.

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Less than 1% of all people get to this final stage.

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Let's explore the pro exercises.

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The next exercise is one that we've also mentioned a lot.

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Once you've mastered the wall handstand push up and the free standing

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handstand, you are totally ready to tackle the free standing handstand pushup,

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which is a skill that screams calisthenics mastery.

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Okay, but here's a question that I get a lot.

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How long should one be able to do a handstand to start practicing handstand push up?

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Yes. So what I would recommend is when you can do a 30 second handstand,

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you can start practicing this move by doing small handstand

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push up pulses, aiming for about six reps at the same time.

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You want to get used to the full range

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of motion of the handstand push up by doing negative handstand push ups.

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So once

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You can do the negative more and more controlled.

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You can make the pulses look more into small repetitions

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until you've achieved a handstand push up with elbows bent to 90 degrees.

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Further progressions

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are deep handstand pushups and even a 90 degree handstand pushup/

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Did we already mention

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that the handstand and handstand pushups are easier to learn on parallettes?

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That's how we both learned it at first.

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So to help you out to mastering them,

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we're going to give away one pair to one of you guys.

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So follow the steps below to enter and we will announce the winner

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in the next video.

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So this is the winner of the last video.

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The human flag is a jaw dropping exercise that for many people

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looks truly impossible.

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Meanwhile, is actually pretty doable to learn once

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you've built up to good basic strength and know the right steps to take.

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What makes this exercise unique is that it's both a pushing and pulling movement,

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forcing all your upper body muscles to work.

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Okay, but how on earth should one start with this move?

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Well, the best way to get started with this skill on a foundational

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level is by doing human flag side planks, building up your core

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strength and good shoulder mobility.

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Next up you should do the vertical flag down hold

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and hanging flag presses to get your body used to the pushing and pulling movement.

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One key exercise to master before attempting the various

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progressions is the vertical flag up hold.

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Do this by climbing up the ladder and hold your body vertically up.

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From here you can progress through the tucked, the one leg,

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the straddle, and ultimately the full human flag.

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The frontlever is a brutal display of pulling strength, and it's a must skill

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you need to have in your pocket when mastering calisthenics.

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However, looks don't justify the strength required for this skill,

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although it may not seem as impressive as, for example, the human flag,

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it's a lot harder.

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Yes, and guys, don't overtrain this one, otherwise you'll get yourself injured.

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So first make sure you're ready for it.

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Yes, we both definitely got our lesson learned there.

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So for our beginners watching

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they can start out with the tucked frontlever holds and band assisted holds

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to build straight arm pulling strength and for learning the right technique.

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Ultimately, the exercise that we're most effective for us

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to really increase strength for the front lever

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where the tucked and advanced tucked frontlever raises

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dragon flag bottom holds and simply heavy weighted pull ups.

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Because guys, if you become so damn strong in the basics, it's

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only a matter of technique and specific strength training to get this skill down.

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All right guys, are you ready for the final exercise?

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Finally, it's time for the Mighty Planche!

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This exercise is,

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for most people, the dream goal in the world of calisthenics.

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Achieving the planche showcases extraordinary power and the complete

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mastery of one's own bodyweight, earning respect among most calisthenics athletes.

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Even we only have come as far as the straddle planche, as it requires

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years of specific dedication, especially with a relatively higher body weight.

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So how much do you weigh?

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82 kgs, which is about 180 pounds.

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Well, that goes to show, calisthenics isn't only for small guys, right?

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Well, that goes to show, calisthenics isn't only for small guys, right?

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Well, that goes to show, calisthenics isn't only for small guys, right?

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Yeah, I suppose so.

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Anyway, beginners dreaming of the planche should start

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with tucked holds, followed by the l-sit and tucked blanches.

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Focus on pressing the floor away as you protract and depress your scapula,

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creating that rounded turtle upper back to build up your straight arm

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pushing strength.

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You should do band assisted presses and planche leans.

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Progress by doing advanced

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tucked blanches, single leg

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planches, straddle planches and ultimately the full planche.

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So these were the 25 exercises that you should do to master calisthenics.

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And don't forget to download our calisthenics app to start your journey for free

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by following our workout plans available for all goals and levels,

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click the first link in the description or search for calisthenics family

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in the app Stores.

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Start the journey, join the family and subscribe.

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Peace out guys!

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