20 Best Home Exercises To Start Calisthenics | + Beginner Workout Plan

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what's up guys it's yannick and michael

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here from calisthenics family and today

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we're gonna share 20 of the best

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exercises that you can do to start

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calisthenics at home without equipment

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and at the end of the video we will

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share a full beginner home workout

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routine to get you started

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alright guys so at this moment the gyms

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are closed in the netherlands and across

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the world we're all stuck at home

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because of the covet situation but that

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doesn't mean that we cannot work out in

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fact it's a good moment to try out

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calisthenics from home and start the

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year with a new challenge we have laid

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out 20 of the best exercises that helped

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us the most when we started out with

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calisthenics from home and these

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exercises were the foundation for us to

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work from a beginner level to advanced

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calisthenic skills so let's get started

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but first let us introduce our new year

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calisthenics transformation challenge

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with this event we challenge you to

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transform your physique get strong and

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learn calisthenics skills

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in previous challenges we have seen

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incredible results from hundreds of

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people so are you ready to take your

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goals to the next level in 2022

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join our challenge now with 40 off on

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our workout plans and coaching and win

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prizes worth of 500 euros for more

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information click the first link in the

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description so now let's get into the

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exercises and make sure to watch the

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video till the end for our weekly

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giveaways so we like to divide all the

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exercise into four different groups just

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to get a good balance between several

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muscle groups so let's get started with

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the first six exercises in the first

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all right so the first group are the

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push exercise and with these exercises

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you will work your chest your triceps

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and your shoulders and with each of

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these exercises i'm going to set targets

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for you to work towards as a beginner

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and i'm also going to give a regression

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and a progression to make this exercise

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harder so these are the six exercises

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all right so these six calisthenics

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exercises are one of the best that you

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can do at home without equipment and

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these will also lay a good foundation to

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move towards more advanced calisthenics

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exercises just like the lc2 handstand

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and the handsome push-up so let's move

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to the second group of exercises

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the second group of exercises are the

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pulling exercises with these exercises

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you work your back your biceps and your

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rear delts just like with the pushing

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exercises we will set targets for each

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exercise that you should work towards

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and also give a pro and regression with

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each exercise so let's get into the six

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pulling exercises

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all right so these were six of the best

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pulling exercises that you can do from

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home without equipment these exercises

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will lay down a good strength foundation

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for harder calisthenics exercises such

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as the muscle up weighted pull-ups but

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also skills like the front lever and

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back lever so now let's move on to the

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third group of exercises

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so the third group are the leg exercises

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and with these exercises you will work

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your quadriceps hamstrings calves and

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we're gonna give you four of the best

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exercises all with targets to work

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towards and easier variations and harder

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variations so these are the four

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so these were four of the best lag

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exercises that you can do from home

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without equipment and once you get more

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experience with these exercise you can

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move towards harder bodyweight leg

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exercises like the pistol squat so let's

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move on to the last group which are the

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core exercises

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all right so with the next four core

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exercises you will target your abs your

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obliques and your lower back we have

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chosen the best core exercises that

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helped us to progress with calisthenics

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it's really important that you work

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towards the given targets per exercise

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if it's still too hard we give you a pro

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and regression with each exercise so

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let's get into the best 4 core exercises

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alright so like you may have noticed we

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incorporated both static and dynamic

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core exercises because these exercises

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are key to work to harder exercises like

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the l-sit or dragon flag

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so these were the best 20 calisthenics

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exercises that you should do to start

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calisthenics at home without any

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equipment like we mentioned at the

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beginning of the video we will share the

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best calisthenics routine to start

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calisthenics from home this routine

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consists out of 3 trainings per week and

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you should follow this routine for at

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least 6 weeks to see significant

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progress make sure to make a screenshot

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of the routine so you can get started

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straight away so before we're gonna end

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this video let us introduce our new

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weekly giveaway so this means a new

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giveaway at the end of every single

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video so this week our giveaway will be

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the exclusive optimal grip calisthenics

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family parallettes so how to win like

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this video subscribe on our channel and

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comment within the first 24 hours after

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publishing this video so guys make sure

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to turn on the notification bell so you

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won't miss any upcoming giveaway and

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don't forget about our calisthenics

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transformation challenge with 40 off all

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programs and online coaching and huge

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prices to win you can sign up until next

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monday the 10th of january so don't miss

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out that's it for today hope you liked

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the video peace out guys

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