20 Best Exercises To Start Calisthenics | + Beginner Workout Plan

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what's up guys it's janaki here from

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calisthenics family and today i'm going

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to show you 20 of the best calisthenics

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exercises that you can do as a beginner

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if you want to get started with

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calisthenics and at the end of the video

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i'm going to share a full training plan

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so you can get started straight away so

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let's get started

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all right guys so at this moment i'm in

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nasabar which is a beautiful place in

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bulgaria and i found this epic

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calisthenics park because i'm still

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getting my workouts in even when i'm on

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vacation so today i wanted to share 20

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of the best calisthenics exercises that

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you can do as a beginner if you want to

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get started and these 20 exercises

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helped me a lot when i started with my

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calisthenics journey to get from level 0

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with body weight training to a good

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strength foundation to move on to

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further and harder calisthenics

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exercises alright so with calisthenics

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we have four really important categories

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that you have to work on in order to get

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a good strength foundation but not only

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strength we will also work on

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stabilization coordination balance and

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overall body control so the first

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category is the push exercises

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so the push exercises works the chest

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the shoulders and the tricep so i'm

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gonna show you six really important push

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exercises and for each exercise i'm

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gonna set targets that you can work

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towards as a beginner so these are the

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six push exercises

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so this last exercise was the frog stand

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and this is one of the most important

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exercises that you can do to work on

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balance wrist strength and overall body

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control so now let's move on to the

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second category which are the pull

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alright so the pull exercises are going

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to work the lats the biceps and the

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upper back so i'm gonna show you five

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exercises that you must do as a beginner

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if you want to get started with

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calisthenics and these five exercises

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are really the foundation if you want to

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work towards more difficult exercises

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such as the muscle up or the foam lever

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and for each exercise i'm gonna set

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targets as well that you can work

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towards as a beginner so these are the

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five pull exercises

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all right so this last exercise was the

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skinny cat and this exercise might look

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difficult at first but um once you get

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over your fear of being upside down it's

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actually really doable and this exercise

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not only looks cool but it's actually

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one of the most important exercises to

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build a foundation

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for the back lever and the front leafer

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so let's move on to the third and one of

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the most neglected but important

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categories which is the core exercises

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all right guys so the core exercises are

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gonna target the six-pack abs the

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obliques and the lower back and most of

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the beginners that wants to start with

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calisthenics are not aware that a strong

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and stable core is the most important

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factor if you want to progress with

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calisthenics so i'm gonna explain six

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must do core exercises as a beginner and

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with each exercise i'm gonna set targets

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that you should work towards as a

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beginner so these are the six

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exercises is

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alright so these were six of the most

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important core exercises that you should

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do as a beginner if you want to get

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started with calisthenics so now let's

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move on to the fourth category which is

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the lag exercises

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all right so the leg exercises are gonna

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work the quads the hamstrings the glutes

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the lower back and also the calves and

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training the legs is really

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underestimated in the calisthenics world

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which is completely wrong because strong

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and flexible legs are really important

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if you want to progress with exercises

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like the handstand the back leafer and

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the dragon flag because with these

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exercise and many more calisthenics

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exercises it's really important to not

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only focus on your upper body but also

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engaging your lower body so i'm going to

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explain three must-do leg exercises that

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you should incorporate into your workout

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routine and with each exercise i'm gonna

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set targets to work towards so these are

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the three leg exercises

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all right guys so these were four

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crucial categories that you have to work

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on as a beginner if you want to get

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started with calisthenics and next i'm

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gonna explain how to incorporate these

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20 exercises into a workout plan

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so as a beginner it's best to start with

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full body workouts and to start with

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three workouts per week if you're gonna

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train three times per week it's best to

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train on one day and take the next day

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off so you wanna start on monday train

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on wednesday and then train on friday

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and for each training you wanna pick two

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push exercises two pull exercises two

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core exercises and one leg exercise and

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you should follow this training plan

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until you've met all the targets that i

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just mentioned and when you met all the

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targets you're ready to move on to

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harder calisthenics exercises all right

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guys so these were 20 of the best

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calisthenics exercises that you can do

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to get started with calisthenics

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together with a training plan where they

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are all incorporated in so if you want

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some help with your calisthenics journey

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you can reach out to our website we have

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several training plans with different

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goals for example learning calisthenics

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skills from level zero

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losing weight training at home and we

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also have some free downloads so check

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out the link in description for our

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website and for now good luck with the

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training plan and we see you next week

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peace out guys

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give me a try

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