1 Year Backlever Progression | Calisthenics Motivation
what's up guys Yannick and microwave
from calisthenics family and today we're
gonna show you our one-year back-left
progress so stay tuned for the video
alright guys so in this video we're
gonna show you our one year back left
progression but as you might know we
already make a six months backlog for
video you can check that right here in
the corner if you haven't seen it so
this goes from January 2017 until July
2017 so first let's take a quick
love her
very hard
oh I chewed that know if kids like Alvey
I do that uh yeah
all right so at this moment we were able
to do a full Beckley for or at least
that's what we thought
so we actually stopped raining for the
Beckley for because we thought that we
had the strength for the BEC need for
and that that strength wouldn't just go
away so one month later I was on holiday
in the US and I visited 10x and I
thought okay let's do a good back left
together with Chris area and I couldn't
even hold it for two seconds so if that
was the moment that I thought okay I'm
not done with the battery for yet and
also on YouTube I read a lot of comments
that my back if it wasn't correct yet
that it looked like a banana so that
motivated me to keep training for the
back lever so that's exactly what I did
and I promised myself that I was trained
until I got the perfect magnifier and I
actually didn't got this confrontation
because obviously I didn't go to Miami I
didn't visit 10x so instead of training
and continuing with the bank before I
actually started to focus more on
different skills such as mastering my
handstand and also working on my strict
form Muslims so when I got home from my
holiday in Miami at the first thing that
that I did was taking a step back until
I could do a clean one leg back leaf and
a clean pallet baclofen before I went to
the full-back liver so let's have a look
at my progress when I started to improve
my back liver in the last six months
alright guys so this was my Becky for
progress after one year of training and
I'm really happy about results I went
from a banana Becky for to a clean back
leaver and the funny thing is that after
the first six months of training we
actually thought that we already had to
clean back before right yes so we didn't
yeah and after wash we actually noticed
that how bad our form was so what I
learned from this journey is that even
though you can hold a shirt and move for
a few seconds that doesn't mean that you
must this skill you just got to keep
practicing this skill for at least one
time per week so that's exactly what I'm
gonna do now with the back paper
yes and I actually got motivated because
of yelling because when he was able to
do the food correctly for then I had
this confrontation I started to do it
back me for once again after a while and
I couldn't do it so right now at this
moment I am able to do a better back
leave for because I implemented the the
exercises and the skills the training
for the full back leave work like
Yannick did okay so before we end this
video I want to show you guys my
absolute highlight of my battery for
journey as you've seen in the middle of
the video I feel to do a back knee for
together with this area and I actually
had the opportunity to straighten things
up and to prove that my hard work
finally paid off
so here you see me doing the back lever
again one year later one year later
yes yes hold that hold that
yes look at the cameraman yeah bro nice
ten seconds I have one last question for
you guys if you would like to know how I
got from a banana Beckley to do a full
back liver
let me know in the comments and if we
get 50 comments I leave the comments yes
we will do a full back leave of tutorial
so if you liked this video guys please
put a thumbs up it really really helped
us to grow this channel and also don't
forget to subscribe to our channel
because we will upload many more videos
and we will do two videos each week on
on Thursday and on Sunday so that was it
for today and we will catch you in the
next video will which will be on
Thursday and what are we gonna do
Thursday we're gonna do a Q&A we
actually did a cute a on Instagram on
Instagram story and we got so many
questions that we decided to do a Q&A on
YouTube so we are going to make a video
about this and that one will be up
alright peace out guys peace out