15 min. Beginner Handstand Routine (Follow Along)

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and welcome to a new

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video in this video we're gonna do a

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beginner handstand follow along workout

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and with this workout we're gonna work

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on all areas which is needed to unlock

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your handstand for example we're gonna

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work on our wrists our shoulder mobility

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scapula stability our balance and of

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course shoulder and core strength so

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let's get into today's video

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alright guys so welcome to the workout

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as you can see we are in this beautiful

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location this beautiful park here still

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in tane reef in arona and i just

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finished my workout here with my bro we

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did some epic handstand training some

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drone shots as well really cool but

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right now we're gonna get into the

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beginner handstand follow along workout

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so you can unlock your handstand within

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like a few months maybe if you're gonna

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repeat this workout for a consecutive

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amount of time so let's get started with

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the workout we first gonna start with

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the warming up and further on we're

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gonna work on several areas which i just

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mentioned to work on the handstand so

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let's get started with the warming up

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all right so for the warm-up we're going

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to start with warming up our wrist for

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this we're going to place our hands on

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the floor i'm going to turn sideways so

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you can see and we're basically going to

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do wrist leans so place our hands on the

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straight arms and from here we're gonna

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our shoulders forwards

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and backwards

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and we're gonna repeat this for ten

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times so let's do this together

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this is three

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and with each rep

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you want to move a little bit further

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each time

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eight maybe turn your wrist a little bit

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and ten all right

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now let's move on to

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the scapula

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knee push-up so we're already in this

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knee push-up position and from here

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we're going to do a push with straight

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so basically

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push into the ground

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and create a rounded upper back and from

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you go down again

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and we're gonna do this for 10 times

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as well so

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this is three

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five and the purpose of this exercise

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is to get more range of motion in that

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scapula area

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six if you can you can move your knees a

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little bit further away make it a little

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all right

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all right and for the last exercise for

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the warming up we're gonna do a shoulder

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opening stretch to work on our shoulder

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mobility which is really important for

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the handstand

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so we place our hands

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in front

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and we basically gonna bring

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our shoulders

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to the floor

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and bring your

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glutes in the air

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and we're going to make 10 pulses

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from this position

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you want to bring your shoulders or your

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a little closer to the floor each time

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and you can also move a little bit

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to the side

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to get a better stretch

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all right

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two more

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all right

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so that was the first part of warming up

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now let's move on to the second part

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which is working on our scapula

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stability and some balance

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so we're gonna do the scapula bike

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push-up and the frock stand for the

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first exercise it's best to have a

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little elevation so we can

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look for a bar

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which is a little higher

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from the floor if you train at home you

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can also use a little elevation

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for example a couch or whatever

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to elevate your legs

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elevate your feet basically

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and we're gonna start

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in the spike position

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bring your body in this bike position

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and do the scapula push-up so you're

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gonna lean a little bit forward from

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you push

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up with straight arms like this

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you go down

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and push up

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so you look towards

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your feet

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and push up

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let's do ten reps so this is four

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so that's definitely one of the best

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exercises that you should be doing as a

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beginner if you want to learn the

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handstand because this area

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tends to be

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really stiff

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and not so mobile

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so we want to create a better range of

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motion in the scapula area for the

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so the second exercise

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is the frock stand but this exercise

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we're going to work on our balance

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which is also a requirement for the

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handstand of course so we're going to

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bring our hands on the floor

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make sure that your hands

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and fingers are in a pretty wide stand

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like this

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and we basically

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gonna move forward

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while we bring our knees

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to our elbows like this and we're gonna

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push out like this while you go forward

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bring yourself forward and

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lift your feet from the floor

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and try to hold this for

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10 seconds

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maybe a bit longer if you can

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so 10 more

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all right

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and if you fall forward

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it doesn't matter just try to get back

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to the frozen position

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all right so that was the second part

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of this workout now let's move on to the

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third part which is working our shoulder

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our shoulders is the most important

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muscle when it comes to the handstand so

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we want to get really strong at this

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so for this we're going to do two

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exercises the first exercise is the pike

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to plank the second exercise is the

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elevated shoulder tabs so

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let's get started with the first one

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we're gonna need a little elevation this

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is perfect

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and we're gonna do the pike to plank so

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we stand in a pike position

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on this little elevation

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and from here

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you basically

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walk forward

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to a plank position

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and get back

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to the pike position we're going to

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repeat this for ten times

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so that was one

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four try to keep straight arms

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during the whole exercise

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and think of that scapula position like

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we just tried

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three more

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last one

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it's getting pretty hard now

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alright perfect

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so that exercise is really good to work

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your core but also your shoulders

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so let's take a little break

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and prepare for the next exercise which

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is the elevated pike shoulder taps

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this time we want to bring our

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body a little bit higher so we're gonna

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use this elevation again but right now

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we're gonna bring

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one hand off the floor

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tap one shoulder and then

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we're gonna do

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it on the other side as well so let's

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get started

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get into the starting position

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feet on the elevation

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bring yourself

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in the pike position try to keep

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straight legs

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and from here we're gonna tap our

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shoulders we're gonna do 20 repetitions

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and we can lean a little bit to the side

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if you want so one

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let's move on to the last part of this

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which is

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working our core strength

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all right so to work our core strength

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we're gonna do two

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really fundamental exercises to work our

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handstand we're gonna do static core

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exercises which means we're gonna do

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an exercise where we hold a certain

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position for a longer period of time so

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the first one is the hollow body hold

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and the second one is a superman hold

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so i'm gonna go a little bit more

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so i have more space

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and with both exercises we're gonna do

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30 seconds up to 40 seconds

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but the minimum requirement is 30

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seconds the first one the hollow body

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hold we're gonna

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on the floor like this

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and we're basically gonna bring our feet

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and arms in the air while we keep our

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lower back in contact with the ground so

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move backwards

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and we can start in the third position

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bring your arms back

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take position

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and we're gonna hold this

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for 30 seconds

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so let's get started

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ten if you can you can move a little bit

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more forward while you keep your lower

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back in contact with the floor 15 16

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19 20 10 more seconds come on

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27 28

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all right perfect

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as you saw

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at the end of the exercise

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i moved my legs even lower so that would

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be the end goal of this

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exercise but if you're a beginner this

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is a really hard exercise so it's best

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to start at the tucked position then

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extend your legs a little bit more until

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you reach the end position of the

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exercise the second one is a superman

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hold basically the same exercise but now

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we're gonna turn around lay down on our

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and we're gonna

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bring our arms

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and legs up in the air this is basically

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the same position as the handstand so

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you want to be really strong

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in this position so

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bring your hands forward

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on the floor and from here we're going

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to bring our arms and feet up so let's

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do this 30 seconds in three

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two one and go

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19 20

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23 24

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all right

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so this is a really good exercise to

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work your lower back

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and the first core exercise the hollow

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body hold is really good to strengthen

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your abs basically

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that was the full

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beginner handstand follow along workout

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and if you wish you can repeat all the

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exercises after warming up

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one more time or maybe two more times

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do this workout for two or three times

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per week you definitely get stronger in

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the basics the fundamentals for the

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and then you can move on to practicing

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the handstand itself so guys that's it

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for this follow along workout i hope you

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enjoyed this workout so let me know how

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it went and what kind of follow along

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workouts you would like to see next in

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the comments so that's it for this

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workout thanks for watching and thanks

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for joining and we'll see you in the

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next video with more workouts tutorials

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and tips about calisthenics peace out

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