10 Minute Home Chest Workout (NO Equipment)

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what's up guys it's janaki here from

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calisthenics family and today i'm going

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to show you the best 10 minute home

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chest workout without equipment so get

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ready to smash this workout all right

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guys so building muscle mass can be done

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in the gym we all know that but we can

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also do this with bodyweight training

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which i am doing for over 8 years now we

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just need the right training approach

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what we need to do is to make sure that

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we aim for progressive overload which

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means that we increase the intensity

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every single workout we can do this with

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more reps more sets or harder

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progressions this way we challenge our

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muscle fibers more and more so during

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recovery they will repair to a stronger

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state than before which will make the

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muscles bigger and stronger so guys if

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you don't have much time or you don't

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have access to a gym this home workout

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is just as effective or even more

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effective than a regular gym workout you

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might be doubtful now but you will

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definitely agree tomorrow after this

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we're going to do 7 exercises designed

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to target all the chest areas and all

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different muscle contractions which are

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concentric movements eccentric movements

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and isometric movements for each

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exercise i'm going to give you an easier

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variation so you can jump in at any

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level alright guys are you ready let's

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get started and make sure to watch the

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video till the end for our weekly

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giveaway we're going to start with

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negative push-ups which is an eccentric

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movement to warm up we're gonna start in

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a straight position with your hands

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beside the chest and move down for five

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then push up

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so repeat this for ten reps let's go

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the next exercise are small to white

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push-ups where we target the inner side

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and the outer side of our chest muscle

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fibers we're going to start with a small

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grip from here push down

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and up again and now go to a wide

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push up

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and go too small again

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you want to be doing 10 reps in total

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and to make it easier you can perform

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this exercise on your knees again let's

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go for 10 reps

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the third exercise is the forward lean

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push-up where we target the lower side

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of the chest so we're gonna start in a

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push-up position

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from here lean forward while keeping a

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protracted scapula which is a rounded

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back now move the upper abs to watch the

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hands like this

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and push up again

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so we want to do 10 reps in total and to

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make it easier you can place your hands

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on an elevation let's do this

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all right the next exercise are diamond

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decline push-ups targeting the upper

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chest so

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get your feet on an elevation i'm going

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to use this couch

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place your hands in a close grip

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position like this

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from here move your chest towards your

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hands while keeping your neck in a

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neutral position

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let's go for 10 reps and to make it

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easier you can do negative wraps only

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all right let's do this

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all right let's move on to the next one

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we're going to do explosive push-ups

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these are just regular push-ups but

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we're gonna push up as fast as possible

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push up and try

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to clap your hands or just lift your

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hands off the floor

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so if this is too hard you can do this

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on your knees let's go for 10 reps

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the next exercise is a unilateral

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exercise which means that we train one

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side at a time so we're gonna do incline

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single arm push-ups so get to an

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elevation that can be a table or a wall

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i'm going to use this wall so place your

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hands at the wall and the other arm

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alongside the body

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and push up and try to keep your body

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straight during the whole

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movement to make it easier you can step

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closer and place your hands at a higher

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position just like this

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alright let's go for 10 reps at each

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all right let's switch sides

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right hand to the wall

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let's go 10 reps

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all right we've come to the finisher

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we're gonna do wide push-up top and

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bottom hold this is gonna be an absolute

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killer so

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go to a wide position move towards a 90

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angle in your elbows and hold here for 5

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push up and hold here for 5 seconds at

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the top so repeat this

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as long as you can so to make it easier

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you can do this on your knees and the

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goal with this exercise is to improve

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your endurance every single time you do

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this workout so are you ready let's get

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started in three

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that's it guys my favorite selection of

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chest exercises that you can do at home

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thanks for following the workout with me

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and if you have a bit more time or if

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you feel like you can do more you can

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add one or two more rounds i always try

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to do three rounds in total but one

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round will do the job as you can see

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from my chest pump alright so let's get

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straight into this week's giveaway and

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today you can win our premium

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calisthenics family rings so you can not

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only do these chest exercises but also a

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whole range of other home exercises so

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how to win like this video subscribe to

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our channel and comment within the first

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24 hours and the winner will be

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announced in the next video so last week

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we gave away our calisthenics at home

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workout plan and the winner will appear

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right here in the screen congrats and

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good luck with the program for more

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effective workouts just like this we

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have multiple free ebooks with workouts

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for any goal so check out the first link

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in the description and if you really

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want to take your workouts to the next

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level and unlock calisthenics exercises

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from zero to an expert level have a look

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at our full journey workout plan and

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this is a long term plan where we teach

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you step by step how to work up to

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skills like the muscle up the handstand

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the human flag and many more while

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getting in the best shape of your life

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check out the link in the description

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and last but not least we have a huge

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announcement to make and that is that we

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are close to finishing off our

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calisthenics family workout app and this

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will include all the programs that we

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have at this moment but many many more

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workout plans so if you want to be the

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first that get access to this app with

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epic discounts

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make sure to sign up via a link down

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below and you will be the first one to

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be notified so that's it thanks for

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watching and we will see you in the next

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video peace out guys

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