10 min. Beginner Handstand Routine at Home (FOLLOW ALONG)

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what's up canvases family it's Michael

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fair and today we're going to do a 10

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minute handstand follow along workouts

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that you can do at home today I'm gonna

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do a handstand routine that is for

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beginners I'm currently in the 10 of my

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own 21 day handstand challenge and I

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asked on instagram to create a beginner

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routine and you guys can follow along

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and I got a really good response on that

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so that's why I'm doing the video today

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if you don't follow me on Instagram

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check out my own Instagram for daily

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updates on my handstand challenge but

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for now let's get into the routine so

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for this routine guys you need a soft

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box or you can also use a pillow and a

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mat and the wall so let's get straight

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into the routine we're gonna focus on

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the core the shoulder and also some

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shoulder mobility because those three

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aspects are the most important aspects

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to learn the handstand so we're gonna do

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with four different sequences so let's

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start with some shoulder mobility work

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to warm up we're gonna start off with

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some guest 2004 30 seconds so let's

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start a partner and let's get ready with

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this routine so you want to basically

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press into the floor with straight arms

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go down look forward create arch back

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and press as hard as you can into the

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ground again

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it's just a really good exercise warm up

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the shoulders especially for the

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handstand all right so that's 30 seconds

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to next you're going to do an exercise

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for your core the hollow body hold and

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we're going to do this for one minute

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for this we're going to use the box

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because it's just a little easier and

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more convenient to do this on a box all

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right so we're gonna aim for one-minutes

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or let's go three two one

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so basically straighten out your legs

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and also it works is if this is for you

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can also tuck your knees in and look

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like this but make sure that you have

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contact with the ground during the whole

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20 seconds that one keep breathing and

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really squeeze your glutes squeeze your

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nose keep your more constructive five

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more seconds alright now we can go to

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the first exercise for shoulder strength

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for the handstand and that is the fight

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extent we also gonna do this in one

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minute so you go stand on your toes or

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your feet and reach our hands on the

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floor and from here

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lean forward on your toes and hold this

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for one minute

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try to keep your scarecrow attracted so

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don't refract like this really press

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into the floor like this

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all right it's too easy for you you can

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also leave a little bit more forward

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there's just a really good exercise to

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work on shoulders and maybe also for

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some of you and really that's exercise

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to gets to our strong right hand

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shoulders alright so that's it first

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sequence done now we're going to move on

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to another shoulder mobility exercise

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and it's also our wrestling's are going

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for the next core exercise so now we're

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going to do a downward facing dog

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this is really you shoulder opener so

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make sure that you step on your heels

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and move towards your knees and from

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here really try to open up your

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shoulders maybe get some movement in

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you can also bet your legs Ami's alright

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so next for exercise

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it's a Superman bolt and this one is

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particularly for your lower back so it's

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basically the same exercise as a hot

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body goal but now we're gonna reverse

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mine sites break our arms and feet in

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the air all right one minute pull three

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two one

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and straighten your legs and also

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straighten out your arms try to squeeze

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your glutes that's really important and

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don't try to arch your back so don't try

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to bring your feet as high as possible

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but rather keep them close to the ground

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keep breathing

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if this is too hard you can also bring

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your arms to wash your body and hold it

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from here

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all right 10 more seconds come on

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all right so next exercise from a

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handstand is the handset kick up for

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this we're gonna do it on the wall so

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you're gonna do kick ups for one minute

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and every time where you kick up you

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also want to stand for like five seconds

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so starting to spray the position like

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this keep your hands they have distance

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apart from the wall and let's jump into

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a handstand with straight arms for one

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three two one and let's go hold for five

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seconds and get it back this is a really

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good exercise if you're new to the hand

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side and you want to get your body

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comfortable with this new movement also

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make sure that you press when you come

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up all right so one more all right so

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that one is quite intense if you've

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never do a head set but it just really

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good exercise so now we're gonna have 30

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seconds rest again while doing some

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short mobility for the next sequence so

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now we're gonna do the Child's Pose

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we're gonna bring our knees backwards

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and bring our glue stores are feeding

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straining arms and bring your elbows

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towards the floor and really try to open

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up your shoulders you also feel this in

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your legs and let's just hold this for

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30 seconds

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keep breathing really deep inhale slow

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exhale maybe bring your hands to the

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little forward to get more stretch out

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of it in your shoulders five more

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seconds all right so next is another

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core exercise and this is the classic

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black hole the black hole is important

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really exercise striking the core but

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also to get a better fuel between the

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band's name comes trouble between your

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lower body and upper body so let's do

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this hold plank on a low flame for 1

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minute 3 2 1 and let's go make sure you

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keep your head up and protracted so

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don't hang these shoulders like this and

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really press into the floor squeeze your

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moves together and hold and to make this

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a little bit more advanced for people

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that can do the plank easy for one

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minute we're going to try to do this one

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with one feet up in the air which you

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can also stay at the regular blanket

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all right 20 more seconds

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keep that feet in the air really maybe

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wear that as long as possible straighten

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out your leg five more seconds all right

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all right so next exercise is also with

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the hands and exercise for this time I'm

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going to wait one minute

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Walt has done so let's get back into the

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Sprint position and that's jump into

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that side three two one and hold keep

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straight arms and again press into the

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floor as hard as you can this is so

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important with a headset I see so many

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people doing it like this with bent arms

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try to press straight bars and hold from

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as way come on also squeeze your glutes

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always activate your core and also point

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your toes ten more seconds come on

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five four three two one and let's calm

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down all right

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so that's it for this little ten minute

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hence then beginning routine so thanks

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for joining with this handsome fellow

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don't work out if you want to see more

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videos just like this let me know in the

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comments and also don't forget to Like

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subscribe for more videos and also don't

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forget to follow me on Instagram before

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and daily updates and why not join the

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21-day Hansen challenge that I'm doing

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on my own Instagram

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just admit it story do the handsome

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every single day for this routine and

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I'll promise you you will see results in

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no time

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so that's it for this video guys like

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and subscribe for more and I'll get you

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in the next video peace out guys

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it's for real EMS on my face

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