10 Best Push Exercises to Start Calisthenics

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What's up guys!

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Its Michael from calisthenics family.

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And today I'm going to show you the top 10 push exercises that you should do

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as a beginner and intermediates to get started or progress in calisthenics.

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So first of all, let's share some of my experience,

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because when I started out with calisthenics about six years ago,

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I had these big dreams, which we all have.

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If you're watching this video right now to unlock the planche,

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the handstand push up, and, for example, a muscle up.

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But I just didn't know where to start and which exercises I needed

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to really progress and learn all these amazing calisthenics exercises.

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So after a lot of trial and error, getting to know my weaknesses

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and discovering new exercises, I gradually started to understand

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which exercises were important for me to progress.

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So for this video, I thought, Let's share these exercises

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that really helped me out so you can benefit from it, too.

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So let's get straight into the ten exercises and make sure

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to watch this video all the way to the end for our weekly giveaway

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and a special announcement.

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So the first push exercise that comes to mind is the pushup.

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Should you incorporate this exercise in your routine?

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Yes, you should

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It's a great fundamental exercise to get stronger in your pushing strength,

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but only if you perform this with proper form and technique.

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So don't do your pushups like this, but instead make quality reps

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only with full range of motion, scapular protection

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and a posterior pelvic tilt a.k.a no arched back.

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This is really the only way that the pushup will benefit

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you in more advanced exercises in a later stage.

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Next up is the frog stand.

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When I tried to learn a handstand, I did a ton of attempts just trying to balance

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and hopefully hold it for a few seconds, but mostly without success.

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This was a big waste of time because when I dropped my ego and started

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with the frog stand, I finally started to understand how to balance all my hands.

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This exercise really enables you to get started with hand balancing work

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in an accessible way and is a must have in your routine.

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Number three is the parallel bar dip.

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This is the most effective exercise to increase overall pull strength.

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This exercise will prepare you for all harder push exercises

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such as the hands and push up the muscle up and the L-sit to handstand.

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Furthermore, it is the most effective exercise to build muscle mass

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in both your shoulders, your chest and your triceps.

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Number four is the pike stand and isometric exercise

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that will help you to get started with straight arm strength,

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unlike with the wall handstand where you tend to arch your back.

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This exercise will help you to understand good body alignment for the handstand

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to level up, elevate your legs on a box and focus on complete straight arms,

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elevated scapular position and a posterior pelvic tilt.

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This exercise also helps to improve your shoulder mobility

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all aspects that are important for a proper form handstand

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number five are the scapula pushup and dip,

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probably the most forgotten and neglected exercises.

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These two exercises are essential to improve range of motion

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in your scapular area and to understand the different moving patterns

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like protection, elevation, depression and retraction.

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All these positions are a must to understand

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because you all need them in all calisthenics exercises.

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Next is the straight bar dip, also called the French Dip.

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The fundamental push exercise when learning the muscle up

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which consist out of a pull up and straight bar dip.

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This exercise helps you to get stronger in a deeper position of the dip.

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So when practicing this exercise, try to hit the chest to the bar

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and focus on pushing up as explosive as possible.

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Number seven is the pike pushup.

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If there's one exercise that you need to remember

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after watching this video, then it's this one.

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This exercise is really the only exercise that is a vertical push motion

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that replicates the handstand push up.

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You can level up by elevating your legs and increasing range of motion.

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So make sure to never skip this exercise in your routine.

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Next is the psuedo of push up or forward lean push up.

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When you've reached enough strength

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in the regular pushup, you can level up by moving more forward.

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This will get your body used to more lean and force in your shoulders.

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This exercise is a must to master to prepare yourself

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for, for example, a plank or 90 degree handstand push up

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number nine are the weight push up and dip.

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If there's one thing that I learned is that evidence

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based strength rules also apply to calisthenics training.

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So when you've reached a certain amount of regular pushups and dips,

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there's no need to increase with even more reps

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because then you start to train muscle endurance while you

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want to increase the intensity of the exercise by adding more weight

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so you stay in optimal rep ranges for building strength.

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As a result, your body weight exercises start to feel light weight.

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The last exercise of the list is the L sit hold,

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one of the most functional exercises besides working to complete core

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and six pack abs.

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This exercise practices core compression and is incredibly effective to improve

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scapular depression, which is useful for all downward pushing exercises

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such as the dips, muscle ups and the L-sit to handstand, since the l-sit

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It is pretty challenging to start.

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We would recommend to start with the tucked l-sit hold.

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All right, guys.

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So these were the 10 best push exercises that you have to incorporate

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into your routine as a beginner or intermediate athlete.

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I hope this was helpful and that you now have a better understanding

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which exercises are helpful and why they are.

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Of course, all of these exercises are also incorporated

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in all our training programs, in our Calisthenics Family Workout app,

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which you can download and start for free in the Google play and App Store.

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Make sure to check out the first link in the description.

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Also, I want to give you guys a heads up because next week we will have our app

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and coaching programs on sale with the highest discount of the year

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because of the Black Friday deals and the first 50 people

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that will sign up get free calisthenics, wrist reps.

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So make sure to keep an eye out on our socials and your email

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to be the first in line.

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So now let's get into this week's giveaway.

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And today we will give away one set of our optimal grip paralettes

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which are very useful to practice almost all calisthenics push exercises

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that you have seen in this video, like the pike pushup,

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the l-sit and the frog stand all with more stability.

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So how to win

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Last video, we gave away two pairs of our calisthenics,

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family wrist reps and the winners will appear right here in a screen.

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Congrats and guys, thanks for watching.

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Make sure to like this video.

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Subscribe to our channel for more workouts and tutorials

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and I'll see you in one of the next videos.

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Peace out.

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