10 Best Exercises To Start Calisthenics | + Beginner Workout Routine

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What’s up guys it’s yannick here from calisthenics family

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and today I’m going to show the top 10 exercises that you can do as a beginner

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to get started with calisthenics and I will also share a complete workout plan

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that includes all of these exercises

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so you can start your journey in the most effective way.

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So the exercises that I’m about to share are the ones

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that I’ve been doing over and over again when I started out with calisthenics

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which enabled me to build an incredible amount of functional strength

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and got me a lot of muscle mass too at the same time

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which is in my opinion the best part of practicing Calisthenics.

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Altogether, these 10 exercises will work every single muscle group in the body

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and will also target all the necessary aspects that are required to for calisthenics

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such as dynamic strength, static strength, balance, core strength and shoulder mobility.

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Alright so let’s get straight into the 10 exercises, and make sure to watch the video till the end for our weekly give-away.

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One of the best and most neglected exercises is the pike pushup.

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This exercise works mostly the shoulders and triceps

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and is the only exercise that is a vertical push motion,

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which makes it essential to have into your routine.

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This exercise is also the foundation for exercises like the handstand and handstand push-up.

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To make this exercise easier you can do negative pike push-ups.

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Next up is the pullup,

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which is an iconic exercise for calisthenics and bodyweight training

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and it is so for a reason

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It is the most effective exercise to strengthen your back

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Besides this, it’s also the best exercise to improve grip strength and scapula strength

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which are both required to become a pro in calisthenics.

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To make the pull up easier you can use a resistance band or do negatives.

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The 3rd exercise is the hollow hold.

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This is no doubt the one single exercise that helped me the most to acquire full body control

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and enabled me to perform clean static exercises such as the handstand and Backlever.

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The hollow hold works the complete abs, glutes and lower back,

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which will result in a good sixpack too.

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To make it easier you hold your legs in a diagonal line.

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Next is the frog stand.

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The best exercise to practice balance in an accessible way.

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One thing is for sure,

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if you cannot frog stand, you’ll not be able to handstand.

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Besides learning to balance it will increase wrist strength

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which is beneficial will prepare you for the handstand and all other floor exercises too.

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To make it easier you can start with kickups only.

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Number 5 is the parallel bar dip.

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This is the most effective exercise to increase overall push strength.

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This exercise will prepare you for all harder push exercises

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such as the handstand push up

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and the muscle up.

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Furthermore it’s the most effective exercise to build muscle mass on both your shoulders, chest and triceps.

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To make the dip easier you can perform the bench dip.

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Next up is the plank.

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Probably the first exercise that comes to mind when you think of a static core exercise.

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The plank is so effective because it does not only work your complete abs,

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but also you lower back, glutes

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and it’s one of the few exercises to practice posterior pelvic tilt and scapula protraction

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which is incredibly useful for pretty much all calisthenics skills.

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To make it easier, you can do the plank on your knees.

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Number 7 is the chin up, very similar to the pull up.

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But with this exercise the biceps are more engaged.

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This is therefore the best exercise to increase strength and muscle mass in the biceps.

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Besides that, it’s one of the few exercises uses a supinated grip which strengthens your grip, forearms and elbow joints like not other exercise.

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To make this exercise easier you can us a resistance band or do negative repetitions.

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Next is the pistol squat.

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One of the most functional bodyweight leg exercises.

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Besides gaining strength and muscle mass in the complete legs,

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this exercise improves balance, coordination, leg mobility and works the core too.

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Simply said this is the first leg exercise that you should implement into your workout routine.

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It’s quite challenging at first, therefore we’d recommend to try assisted pistol squats first.

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Then the 9th exercise is the skin the cat.

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Probably the best exercise to improve shoulder mobility and straight arm pull strength

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which prepares you for frontlever and Backlever progressions.

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Another benefit of this exercise is that you’ll overcome the fear of being upside down.

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Which will make exercises like the handstand easier too.

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If the skin the cat is too hard you can start with the upside down hold.

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The last exercise of the list is the L-sit hold.

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One of the most functional exercises.

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Besides working the complete core and sixpack abs.

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This exercise practices core compression and is incredibly effective to improve scapula depression,

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which is useful for all downward pushing exercises, such as dips, muscle ups and the l-sit to handstand.

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Since the l-sit is pretty challenging to start, we’d recommend to start with the tucked l-sit hold

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Alright guys so these were the 10 best exercises that you have to incorporate into your routine

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as a beginner if you want to get started with calisthenics

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and to make it easy for you guys I have laid out a complete and very accessible week routine

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that you can follow that includes all of today’s exercises.

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As a beginner it’s best to train 3 times per week and to do full body workouts.

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So this exact plan would be the optimal routine

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to have the best exercises with the right amount of reps and sets, with enough frequency and enough recovery as well.

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And to make it even easier guys, I have added this workout plan into our calisthenics app,

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which you can follow completely for free, so you have the workout plan right in your pocket

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where you can watch the instruction video’s again and even track your progress with each exercise.

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Make sure to head over to the App store or google play to download our app for free.

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So let’s get into this week’s give away,

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today we will give away one pair of our optimal grip parallettes,

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which are very useful to practice floor exercises pike pushup, l-sit and the frog stand with more stability.

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Alright guys thanks for watching, make sure to subscribe for more calisthenics tutorials and workouts

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and I’ll see you in one of the next video’s. peace out.

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