10 Best Calisthenics Leg Exercises for Beginners and Intermediate

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Getting big and strong

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legs with calisthenics is

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What's up, guys?

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It's Bas here from Calisthenics Family.

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Bodyweight exercises

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can be very effective for training legs,

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especially if you're a beginner or

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you don't have access to gym equipment.

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In this video,

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I'll show you the

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This video is for all calisthenics athletes

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who want to get bigger and stronger legs

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and also want to work on their

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All these exercises can be found

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in our Calisthenics

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Family workout app in a structured way.

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So make sure to check that out.

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Watch this video all the way to the end

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in order to enter t

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The first exercise is

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This exercise targets the quadriceps,

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hamstrings and glutes to perform this exercise.

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Start with your feet shoulder width apart.

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Lower your hips by bending knees,

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keeping weight in the heels and keeping your chest lifted.

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Go to about 90 degrees or more if you can.

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From there, push to your legs and use

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back up while also tensing your glutes.

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You can make this exercise harder by adding weight,

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increasing time under tension

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or doing paused reps.

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The second exercise is

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This exercise requires

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and can be modified in intensity.

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So it's a challenge for everyone,

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To perform

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this exercise, extend

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one leg straight in front of your body,

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keep the torso upright, and lower yourself

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until your hip is below your knee.

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From there, push through your heel leg and squeeze

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your glutes to return to a standing position.

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If the pistol squat is too hard,

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you can either do negative pistol squats

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with a box assisted, which will help

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with the strength requirement of this movement.

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Or you can do assisted pistol squats with a resistance band

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to focus more on the balance, stability

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and flexibility of this move.

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The third exercise is

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This exercise is great for building hamstring strength.

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You can do this exercise by either

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performing a negative Nordic girl

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where you try to control the downward motion

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of the movement, lengthening the hamstring.

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Or you can use resistance bands

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to do a full assisted Nordic Curl

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where you also do the concentric motion

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with help of the resistance band.

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To do this exercise, put your knees on the floor

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and your heels under a bar, couch or another heavy object.

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Extend your hips forward and squeeze your glutes.

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From here, try to lower yourself down

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in a controlled manner.

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If you don't have a place where

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you can put your heels under,

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then you can also do this with your partner.

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Your partner puts his or her weight on your heels

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so you can perform this exercise in the same manner.

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The fourth exercise is the

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This exercise is great for building

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quadriceps, strength and adding muscle to your leg.

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It is similar to the Nordic curl,

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but instead of your upper body moving forward,

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you move your upper body backwards while keeping

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your hips extended and your glutes tensed.

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Try to go as deep as you can

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without losing the line in your upper body.

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hold this position for one second

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to get rid of momentum and then activate your quadriceps

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to get back up while keeping your hips extended.

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Over time

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you will notice that you can go deeper and deeper.

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You can also perform this exercise

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with the help of a resistance band to make it easier.

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The fifth exercise is

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This exercise targets the

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It also helps with increasing your flexibility

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in the calf muscles, which will help with keeping

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your heels on the floor

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when performing squats or pistol squats.

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To perform this exercise, start in a lunge position.

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Drive the knee that is in front of your body

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over your toes as far as you can in a controlled manner.

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Try to keep the heel of the leg

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that is in front flat on the floor.

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Resist the urge to take your view of the floor

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in order to go deeper.

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Once you're in the deepest position.

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Hold this for 1 to 2 seconds.

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If this exercise is too easy, add weight to make it harder.

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If this exercise is too hard, elevate the front leg

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to make it easier.

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The sixth exercise is

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This exercise dogs predominantly

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the glutes and the hamstrings.

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To perform this exercise, lie on your back, knees

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bent and feet flat on the floor.

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Drive your hips up by squeezing your glutes,

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extending the hips and pushing your heels into the floor.

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Try to contract your glutes as much as you can.

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Hold the top position for 3 seconds

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and then lower yourself down in a controlled manner

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to make it harder,

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You can do a single leg hip thrust

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where you only have one foot on the floor.

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The seventh exercise is

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This exercise targets

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and can also improve

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balance and coordination.

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To perform this exercise, elevate the back foot

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and then lower the body into a lunge position

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with the front knee over the ankle

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and the back knee almost touching the ground.

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Hold this position for one second and then push back up.

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If you want to put more focus

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on the quadriceps with this exercise,

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get the front foot a bit closer to the box or bench.

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If you want to focus more on glute activation,

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then bring the front foot further away from the box

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or bench.

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If this exercise is too hard,

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you can start with normal lunges.

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If this exercise is too easy, you can as a way to make it

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more challenging.

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The eighth exercise is

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This exercise is a plyometric exercise

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that combines a squat with a jump, which is great

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for improving explosive power in the leg.

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It targets t

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and can also

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Start in a squat position with your feet shoulder

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width apart, then jump explosively upwards

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as high as you can, reaching your arms backwards.

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If this exercise is too hard, focus on normal bodyweight

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squats first to build up the strength in this exercise.

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If it's too easy, you can do a harder variation

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such as a jump to squat, where you start on your knees

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and jump into a squat and then do a jump squat.

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The ninth exercise is

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This unilateral exercise targets

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To perform this exercise, stand on one leg,

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keeping a slight bend in the knee while hinging

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forward at the hips and extending the non

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supporting leg straight behind the body.

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Return to the starting position and repeat.

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The 10th and final exercise is

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This exercise targets the calf muscle.

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There are two variations that you can do.

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You have the standing calf raise,

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Which targets mostly the bigger upper calf

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muscle known as the gastrocnemius.

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Or you can do the seated calf raise, which primarily works

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the soleus muscle, which is a smaller muscle

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located in the lower part of the calf.

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To perform both variations

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raise your heel as high as you can

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and contract your calf muscle as hard as you can,

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holding the position for one second, then

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lower yourself back down to the starting position.

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You can make this exercise harder by adding

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weights or performing them with a single leg.

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All right guys. That his already.

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These are

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Please don't skip leg day since it's half of your body.

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If you want to get started

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in a complete way with calisthenics, then

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check out our Calisthenics Family Workout app.

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This app has over 500 calisthenics videos

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and 40 different courses that you can take

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that will take you from

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You can start the program for free.

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So make sure to download

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our app and the Google Play or App store.

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Lastly, let's get into

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This week we will give away one

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set of our calisthenics family resistance bands.

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after publishing this video.

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The winner will be announced in next week's video.

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This is what we gave away in last week's video,

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and a winner will appear right here in the screen.

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Let me know in the comments

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Don't forget to like subscribe

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and put your notifications on so you don't miss the next

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week's giveaway winner and I'll see you next week.

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Peace out.

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