100 Push Ups every Day for 30 days | Mindblowing Results!

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so my girlfriend always wanted to get

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better at push-ups but never really

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so today i'm going to help her out and

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put her up for a big boost-up challenge

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she's currently downstairs let's do this

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how many pushes can you do right now

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four five four five i think try it out

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right now oh my god right here

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come on come on

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i have a big challenge for you 100

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push-ups for the next 30 days it doesn't

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matter if it's knee push-ups or regular

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push-ups and after 30 days the amount of

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push-ups that you do over the four that

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you did today you earn 25 euros so if

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you manage 20 push-ups that means

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500 euros well are you up for the

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challenge yeah yeah i'll do that yeah

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let's show them the date of today to

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show this video is real 19th of june

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right there all right so before we start

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this challenge we have to do a weight

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check 65.7

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now let's get outside

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make some physique photos and also do

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some measurements let's do this ready

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yeah first day of the challenge i'm here

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at the office and i just printed out

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this sheet right here

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to support her and give her a little bit

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of accountability to crush the 30-day

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push-up challenge for the next 30 days

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don't you see something different in the

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let's do it

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your first push-ups let's do it

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i don't want you caught off

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but you're taking somebody

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i am now at day three of the challenge

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it's really hard to do all the push-ups

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right now i'm feeling really really sore

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so i hope the pain is gone by tomorrow

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doing the push-ups

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before bedtime

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twenty refs nice all right so today it's

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sunday day seven so how do you feel

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after seven days uh yeah it was not easy

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but but i did

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you did it did you get all your push-ups

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in yes 700 push-ups in total yeah on the

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but the big question how many push-ups

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can you do right now and one set seven i

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can do seven yeah so that's

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75 bucks earned already

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so today is day 10 of the challenge

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i getting stronger every day and it's

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getting more easier

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i can do now 8 2 10 push-ups in one set

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all right so today is a special day

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because it's day 15 and we're gonna do a

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mid test to see

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how your push-ups are right now so okay

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let's do it eight

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two three

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seven then

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ten ten

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eleven come on 12 90 degree

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come on 14

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push sixteen how are you feeling this

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was your best right

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so it's day 16 of the challenge

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uh i have been on a meeting till five

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o'clock and i did zero

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push-ups so i have to do

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100 push-ups from now

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let's go

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it's day 20 special day only 10 days

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left are you gonna make it

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yeah i hope so yes yes

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so you did 60 push-ups recently yes so

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that's 12 more so you earn 300 bucks

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until now

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but there's something new to this

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the amount of money that you win you

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have to spend that money on the exact

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day okay oh the whole amount

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do you already have something in mind

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that you want to buy

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from the price that you get from this

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yes yeah i think so maybe

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maybe just think about it and we'll see

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all right so now mark off this day and

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let's finish the challenge yes let's do

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only 10 days left

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hi guys i'm at work today

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but i still have to do my push-ups so

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let's go

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come on

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let's go

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i don't know if you hear me but i am on

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the bike right now i did some drinks in

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the city but i still have to do my

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push-ups so

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if i come home i need to do my push-ups

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hi guys it's really really hot today

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but i have to do my push-ups

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let's go

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i did 19 that's the record

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so today it's five days till the end of

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the challenge

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uh michael asked me to think about

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the money the gifts that i need to spend

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but i don't know yet

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and i must say that i'm really happy

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when the challenge is over and i can

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celebrate my holiday

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good morning it's 10 o'clock in the

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morning so it's time to do my first

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all right so we're here at the gym the

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final big day it's 30 days later right

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now it's monday the 18th of july so that

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means it's time to perform your maximum

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amount of push-ups after doing 100

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push-ups every day for 30 days

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on day one you did four push-ups right

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yes so every

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extra push-up that you're doing today is

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worth 25 euros so are you ready yes

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let's do it let's do it

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all right are you ready

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cam is over there we have to do a strict

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form so make sure to do the push-up

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to a 90 degree angle in your elbows

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right okay all right let's go let's go

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ten come on eleven

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fourteen come on fifteen

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18 come on go for 20.

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19 come on

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20. let's go keep going

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i'm losing money here 23.

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let's go come on

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24 one more one more

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yes oh yeah that's 25

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come on push push push

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27 right

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all right i'm losing big money here

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that's like 23 more push-ups than 30

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days ago

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that's insane

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did you ever thought that you will be

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able to do this amount of push-ups in

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just 30 days

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so now all the hard work

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paid off so that's 23 push-ups more than

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on day one so 23 times 25 euros is

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575 euros in total alright so to finish

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off this challenge let's take some after

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photos right now to see the comparison

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so it actually feels strange to hand out

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this amount of money

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but this is for you

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see definitely deserves this 27 push-ups

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in 30 days that's insane so congrats

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thank you

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what do we have what's worth over 500

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what do you think it is it's a

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dyson air wrap so what the hell is that

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yeah it's a

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hair styler

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a hairstyle

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i'm really really happy with it

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i would never bought it for myself

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because it's so expensive

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no add no sponsor by the way guys right

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here we are at the end of the challenge

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so let's wrap up this video how do you

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feel now after 30 days yes i'm really

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happy with the results

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i never thought i could do so many

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push-ups and i feel

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so much stronger and that feels really

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and actually you wanted to do this

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because you want to you want to learn

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the handstand right yeah at the

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beginning yes at the beginning but you

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didn't have enough strength yeah so

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maybe we can do another challenge and

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handsome challenge very soon guys let us

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know if she should do a handsome

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challenge as well thank you for joining

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the challenge

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and guys if you also want to do a 30-day

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push-up challenge and basically bring

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your push-ups to the next level just

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like michelle did

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that make sure to download our brand new

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calisthenics workout app we have exactly

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created this 30-day push-up challenge

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which you can follow and just schedule

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this challenge into your workout

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you can download the app for free on

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google play or the app store so make

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sure to do so by the first link in the

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description so guys that's it for this

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video and maybe

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we'll see you next time and last but not

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least guys with every new video we're

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doing a huge giveaway and in this video

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you can win our optimal grip parallettes

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so how to win these parallettes make

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sure to like this video subscribe to our

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channel and comment within the first

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seven days after publishing this video

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thanks for watching i will see you in

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one of the next videos peace out

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