Why India's OG Electric Scooter Company is Failing? - Ather Energy Case Study

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This is Ather 450, the first scooter in  the world to have a touchscreen dashboard  

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and Google Maps for navigation. It was  also the fastest accelerating scooter  

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ever produced in India at the time, faster  than even other petrol scooters. The  

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company spent 5 years and at least  55 prototypes before coming to this.

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Today, in 2024, electric scooters have  become mainstream, but back in 2013,  

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there was no market for these in India. This was  when two engineers from IIT Madras, decided to  

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build Tesla of Electric Scooters in India. And the  most audacious decision was to completely design  

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and manufacture it in India. It took them 5 years  and millions of dollars to go from this to this.

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And when they launched Ather 450 in 2018, the  company had the best product in the market. Also,  

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there was almost no competition. But despite all  that, today Ather is way behind the market leaders  

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in India’s Electric Scooter Category. And all the  three companies that are ahead of Ather, launched  

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their scooters much after Ather did. So what went  wrong with Ather? And can it make a comeback?  

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These are the questions, I’ll try to answer in  this episode of Backstage with Millionaires.

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the story of Ather Energy began in 2009 at one of  the most prestigious colleges in India IIT Madras  

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two of its engineering students Tarun and Swapnil  wanted to do something in the energy space and  

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their first product was this fan called 'famp' the idea  here was to use thermal energy from oil lamps and  

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convert it into power to run these fans, something  they thought would be beneficial in remote Indian  

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villages with inadequate power supply. this idea  never turned into anything meaningful but their  

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passion to do something in energy space remained  during their last semester of engineering Tarun  

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discovered battery swapping and became came  convinced that electric vehicles are the future  

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and for electric vehicles to succeed the charging  infra had to be solved and so Tarun and Swapnil's  

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new goal now was to build a battery company the  idea was to manufacture lithium ion batteries and  

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sell them to EV owners who wanted to refurbish  their aging electric vehicles for the next 6  

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months Swapnil and Tarun conducted extensive market  research they spoke to hundreds of e vowners and  

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realized that by and large most of them hated  their EVS. EVS at the time were underpowered  

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unreliable and ugly and so why would these  customers who hated their electric vehicles buy  

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Ather's expensive batteries at this time Swapnil  came up with a crazy idea instead of batteries why  

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not build an electric vehicle that people actually  wanted to buy and then Swapnil suggested they both us  

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are passionate about building a brand why were  we even thinking of doing this nameless faceless  

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thing we should just build a brand no we should  build the vehicle and that is how the Journey  

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of building India's first smart electric scooter  was started now this was in 2013 and there were  

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many Brands who were building electric scooters in  India at the time but there were a ton of issues  

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firstly most of these companies were importing  electric scooters and their batteries from China  

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and the quality was really bad they couldn't go  beyond 30 km/ hour and looked very ugly heck they  

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could not even get over a flyover and because of  these reasons customers were not buying them few  

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who did, hated them and Ather energy wanted to  change this they were inspired by Tesla and so  

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they did not just want to make the best EV  scooter they wanted to make the best scooter  

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something that could beat petrol scooters in both  performance and design and for this they could not  

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just import it from China they had to build it  themselves here in India Swapnil and Tarun started  

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building their first prototype in the robotics  lab of IIT Madras they started by tearing down a yo  

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EXL electric scooter to understand its different  components things like the shape of its Chasses  

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suspension strength and other basic dimensions  these measurements were then used to build a  

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makesi sachche for aether's first prototype  Eevee it took them 4 months to build their  

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first prototype and this is how it looked after  completion tarun filmed this small video while  

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riding this prototype scooter this was a great  beginning but the team at ather had a long way to  

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go they got a 5 lakh rupees Grand from it Madras  which helped them make their second prototype but  

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now they needed serious money to build something  that customers would buy their 5 lak rupes Grant  

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had exhausted very quickly and VCS were not ready  to invest money into a young EV company and so  

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tarun and swapnil took the crowdfunding approach  they decided to take pre-orders for 25 scooters  

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at 85,000 rupees each and use that money to then  build the scooters they gave themselves around 6  

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months to do this this early Revenue strategy  impressed it Madras aluminous and entrepreneur  

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seren V shasan who then decided to invest 25 lakh  rupees into the company this preced money allowed  

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aether's team to move into their first office and  also start working on their next prototype in 2016  

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ather announced their first electric scooter  s340 and also claimed that they would start  

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producing them commercially by the end of the  same year and this is when ather problems with  

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production started you see turning a functional  vehicle into a final production vehicle is not  

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as easy as it sounds the problem was to build a  final scooter they needed hundreds of automobile  

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vendors who could build these parts for them the  parts that ather R&D team had built from scratch  

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in a lab these vendors had to build them at scale  tun's team had designed a component that was 1.5  

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mm thick and when they went to one of the vendors  to cast this component they said the lowest they  

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could go was 2.5 mm they don't do 1.5 mm thick  component casting so basically ather Innovation  

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was becoming the reason for their stagnation the  Indian Automotive vendors were not equipped to  

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handle ether's demanding quality requirements and  these vendors did not want to change their entire  

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workflow for a small client like ather who hadn't  even sold a single scooter and they didn't know  

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if people would even buy their electric scooter  it was too much of a risk for them this was when  

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hero motop came to save ather see hero wanted to  get on the electric vehicle bandwagon and ather  

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they wanted the support from a giant like hero  to get automobile vendors to listen to them and  

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so hero invested 205 CR rupees in Aether picking  up more than 25% stake this deal with hero became  

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a game changer for Aether not only did they get  enough money for production but they also got a  

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strategic partner who could help them set up a  production facility and meet the right people  

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people like venkatesh padmanabhan who had turned  the fortunes of Royal Enfield and then helped  

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ether to set up their production facility in  bangaluru and also get their functional vehicle  

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to production ready vehicle and with everything  in place tarun again came on stage and this time  

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launched ather 340 and ather 450 in 2018 these  scooters were what tarun had promised they would  

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be they were the state-of-the-art ones they were  the first scooters in the world to come up with a  

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touchscreen dashboard and they had Google Maps  to make navigation easy and that was not all  

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remember tarun had said he wanted to make better  electric scooters than petrol scooters he did it  

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with ather 450 which was the fastest accelerating  scooter in India at the time faster than even  

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petrol scooters tarun and his team had made the  impossible possible and all that was left now

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a technology provider they had tried a lot  of things but building an electric scooter  

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from scratch in India was making them bankrupt and  there was no hope tarun at this point went to his  

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investors and told them that they would fix this  pricing issue within a year but he had no idea  

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how they would pull it off they com to one of our  one of our shareholders that P Paka promise if he  

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don't fix this in one years I will get the makes  of the world to come and run this he then went to  

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the top consulting firms and asked for their help  in getting the costs down and they all told them  

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one thing we have never seen Automotive costs  drop more than 30% this wasn't enough for ather  

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they needed something tangible so the team went to  the drawing board and came up with a plan firstly  

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they decided they will make only 20000 scooters  a month even though their Factory was capable of  

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producing 2500 scooters a month they did this so  they were not burning money at a pace that would  

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put them out of business sooner next they pulled  all the resources they could from hero a company  

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that has been making two wheelers for decades and  understood their processes to make ather scooters  

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more efficient and by the start of 2021 ather  had managed to bring down the cost lower than  

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the price they were selling it to their customers  this was a Hercules task something that tarun has  

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often talked about in his interviews for example  this one where he said that building a hardware  

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product in India is so hard that no Indian startup  is building electric scooters in India just look  

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at Ola a company that had billions of dollars  in funds had to import an electric scooter from  

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outside India to start their EV Journey look about  right they had to import an entire product from  

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outside right because it's a hard journey to build  everything from scratch in here finally in 2021  

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ather was a real company with positive gross  margins and it was around the same time that  

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Ola started selling their electric scooters and  while Ather was busy surviving its competitors  

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like Okinawa who are importing their scooters from  China were dominating the Indian Market with close  

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to 40% market share in fy20 by the time ather had  got its [ __ ] together in 2021 TVs and Bajaj had  

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also launched their electric scooter and Ola was  just getting ready for the grand launch despite  

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being the first hather was already too late  for the party and if you compare Aether with  

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these players TVs and baj had huge distribution  networks that were built over decades then there  

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was Ola electric which was spending millions of  dollars on marketing to get customers ather did  

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not have much to show yes their product was made  in India and it was apparently better quality but  

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this did not help them sell more in whole of fy20  ather sold close to 3,000 scooters compare this to  

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Ola electric which got more than 880,000 bookings  within just 12 hours of the launch in fact even if  

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you combine ather sales of 4 years from fy19 to 22  it's still way less than ola's pre-booking numbers  

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so why is that the problem was despite fixing  their major issues ather was too busy perfecting  

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their scooters they thought this focus on quality  was enough to get them the customers but they  

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were clearly wrong just look at Ola they've made  the news for a lot of wrong reasons from their  

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scooters malfunctioning to them Catching Fire but  this did not make a dent in their growth in fact  

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Ola is the number one electric scooter company in  India with a market share of more than 50% take a  

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look at this 2019 fors article here tarun said  that ather success will depend on their product  

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Dev velopment and their after sales customer  service he never mentioned marketing but then in  

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this interview with nikil Kad he goes on to accept  the fact that ather messed up when it comes to  

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marketing the biggest problem that we discover  is that people don't even know what is ather  

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biggest feedback that I get is that most people  think that if they have heard of ather European

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norian even though ather has recently started  putting more money into marketing it's an uphill  

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battle now that EV space is aot lot more crowded  than it was back in 2018 when ather was the only  

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one but does that mean ather has lost the game  absolutely not so far you have only heard me  

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talk about how ather has failed to become a leader  in a category that they created in India but the  

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reason I wanted to highlight their Journey was  to show exactly how difficult it is to build a  

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hardware technology company out of India and  that's the reason most companies don't do it  

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from a pure growth perspective it makes sense  for a company to Simply import the technology  

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and start start selling it in India it's a winning  strategy just look at Ola We have seen it play out  

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over and over again but I'll be honest I'm a  little biased towards Aether and I want them  

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to win not because I have a personal stake in the  company but because aether's win means something  

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bigger it means that you can successfully build  a hardware technology startup in India and even  

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though ather might be behind giants like Ola TVs  and Bajaj they have built a reputation for Quality  

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they have built the Tesla's equivalent of an  electric scooter from India you can see that  

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from all these comments from their customers in  fact in the same podcast with nikel very mentioned  

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how ather messed up in marketing he also says  that ather one when it comes to Word of Mouth  

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so we may not have marketed the product well so  not enough people may buy it today but the ones  

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who are buying it have a better word of mouth  for us than many of a competitors that's been  

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their growth driver and just look at these numbers  their revenue has been growing significantly since  

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fi21 and a lot of this has to do with them making  top quality scooters that customers love to brag  

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about now another reason why ather stayed behind  in the race is that they were focused on the  

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premium Market when they started their customers  wanted a premium product and that's what they  

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were building that was a period when only early  adopters were buying electric scooters and they  

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wanted a premium product but now everyone wants  one and their customers have been complaining  

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that their scooters are not familyfriendly and  too small for a family and their latest product  

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resta is the answer to that they have tried to  fix all the issues people had with ather 450  

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and 450x and created resta for the mass market  and finally ather is bullish on software tarun  

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believes that over the long term electric vehicles  won't make money from servicing as there aren't a  

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lot of paths to repair like a traditional vehicle  be it cars or scooters he thinks that companies  

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will have to make money by selling software and  Technology upgrades like batteries and accessories  

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I think long-term electric vles will have to make  money on something else you'll have to make money  

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on more most likely upgrades they'll have to  make money on accessories they'll have to make  

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money on gen technology upgrades once you buy  an electric scooter you can change your battery  

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and it will feel like a new scooter next you can  get new software upgrades over the year which can  

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improve its performance in fact tun claims that  even today while 85% of their revenues coming  

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from selling the scooters the remaining 15% is  coming from selling software upgrades and it's  

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only going to increase ather does not charge the  customers separately for the software but that  

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price is included in the price of the vehicle  and by software upgrades I mean ather stack which  

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basically is the OS of your ather scooter and  controls everything you do on your device on top  

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of that they've also introduced smart accessories  like ather Halo helmet just like apple ather wants  

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to create an entire ecosystem for its customers  in the end let me know your opinions do you think  

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aether's focus on quality can beat Ola Electric's  huge scale also do you personally own an Aether  

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and how has been your experience share with us  in the comments and I'll see you in the next one

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