Using Your Nervous System to Enhance Your Immune System

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science

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and science-based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a Professor of Neurobiology

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and Ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, we are discussing the immune system,

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and we are also discussing the nervous system,

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which is the brain, spinal cord,

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and the connections of the brain and spinal cord

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with all the organs of the body.

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We are also going to discuss how the nervous system can be

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used to activate and control the immune system.

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Now, about 10, 20 years ago,

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if somebody said that the mind could control

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the immune system, they'd probably get laughed out

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of most academic conferences.

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And certainly the work wouldn't be published

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in quality journals, but nowadays there are dozens,

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if not hundreds of quality peer-reviewed studies

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on how the mind and how the nervous system

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can control activation of the immune system.

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This is a wonderful growing body of research.

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And just to give you a hint of

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where we are headed with this, just this last week,

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there was a paper published in "Nature"

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which is the apex journal for scientific publishing,

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premiere journal, extremely stringent,

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a paper published in "Nature"

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from Qiufu Ma's lab at Harvard Medical School,

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explored how acupuncture can reduce

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inflammation in the body.

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And I will describe this study in a bit more detail later,

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but what they discovered was that by stimulating the body

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in particular ways at particular sites on the body,

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they were able to liberate certain cells and molecules

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that enhance the function of the immune system,

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and potentially can be used to combat

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different types of infection.

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And just to give you another little hint,

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they found that a particular type of organ tissue

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called fascia, some of you may have heard of fascia,

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fascia surrounds our muscles.

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Just to look at it,

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you might think it's a kind of useless tissue,

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it's sort of like a dense bag

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in which the muscles are contained.

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Well, it turns out that those dense bags

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are much smarter than we thought.

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They don't have a mind of their own,

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but by stimulating the fascia

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in a particular location on the body,

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there's a pathway leading out of that fascia

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directly to an organ called the adrenal medulla,

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I'll explain what all this means,

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that could liberate particular chemicals

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that had a potent anti-inflammatory effect.

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So what we're basically saying

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is that the nervous system acts as a set of highways

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between the different tissues of your body,

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calling into action the immune system,

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liberating particular molecules that can reduce inflammation

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and lead to faster healing.

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And I will explain how all of that works

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as well as some other non-acupuncture methods

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for activating and enhancing the function

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of the immune system.

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So, today, we're going to be talking all about

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healing with the mind in a completely non-mystical,

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non-abstract sense.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information

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about science and science-related tools

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to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is ROKA.

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ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses

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that are absolute suburb quality.

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I've spent a lifetime working on the visual system,

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and I can tell you that one of the major issues

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our visual system has to contend with

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is how to see things clearly in bright environments

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or dimmer environments, et cetera.

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ROKA clearly understands the science of the visual system,

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because one thing that's wonderful about their sunglasses

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is that you can be in a very bright environment

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and then walk into a shadowed environment

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and you don't even notice the transition.

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Everything is still seen with crystal clarity.

Time: 232.61

Their eyeglasses as well allow you to see things

Time: 235.02

regardless of how bright or dim internal lighting is.

Time: 238.78

I wear readers at night, I wear sunglasses during the day,

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and ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses are particularly nice

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because they're very lightweight,

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so I often forget that they're even on my face.

Time: 248.52

They also don't slip off if you get sweaty.

Time: 250.84

They were actually designed to be used

Time: 252.63

while running or cycling.

Time: 254.25

And so I can use them while exercising.

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They also have a great aesthetic.

Time: 257.13

So you can go from exercising, to dinner or to work,

Time: 260.26

without having to change

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from one set of glasses to the next.

Time: 263.58

If you'd like to try ROKA glasses, you can go to,

Time: 266.79

that's and enter the code "Huberman"

Time: 269.74

to save 20% off your first order.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by Athletic Greens.

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Athletic Greens is an all-in-one vitamin,

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mineral probiotic drink.

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I've been taking Athletic Greens since 2012.

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And so, I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

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The reason I started taking Athletic Greens,

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and the reason I still take Athletic Greens

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once or twice per day is because it allows me to cover

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all of my basic nutritional bases.

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It's got the vitamins and minerals that make sure

Time: 297.85

that no matter what I'm eating,

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I'm covering all of my micronutrient bases.

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And it has the probiotics,

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and probiotics we now know are essential

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for a healthy gut microbiome.

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And a healthy gut microbiome we know is essential

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for many important biological functions

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related to human health, like metabolic needs,

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endocrine function, immune function, and so on.

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With Athletic Greens, I can mix that up with water.

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I usually add some lemon or lime juice.

Time: 322.2

It tastes delicious.

Time: 323.15

I like it very much and I'll drink it once early in the day,

Time: 325.83

and once again later in the afternoon.

Time: 329.06

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

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you can go to

Time: 332.967

And if you do that, you can claim a special offer.

Time: 335.65

They'll give you five free travel packs,

Time: 337.31

which make it very easy to mix up Athletic Greens,

Time: 339.42

whether you're in the car, or on a plane, or on the move,

Time: 342.33

and they'll give you a year supply of vitamin D3K2.

Time: 346.23

There is now a lot of data showing that vitamin D3

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is important for many biological functions

Time: 351.59

that impact our immediate and long-term health.

Time: 353.89

And most people do not get enough vitamin D3,

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even if they're getting a lot of sunshine.

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And K2 is also important or has been shown to be important

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for heart health and for blood lipid function, et cetera.

Time: 365.47

So, again, if you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 367.48

you can go to

Time: 370.57

to get the Athletic Greens, the five free travel packs,

Time: 372.99

and the year supply of vitamin D3K2.

Time: 375.88

Today's episode is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

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that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

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to help you better meet your immediate

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and long-term health goals.

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I've long been a fan of getting regular blood work done

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for the simple reason that many of the things

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that impact your immediate and long-term health

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can only be analyzed from a quality blood test.

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There's just simply no other body surface marker

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that you can look at somebody or yourself and say,

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"Ah, I know that my blood lipids or my cholesterol are good,

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or that my hormone levels are X, Y, or Z."

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We really need numbers on those things

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to know where they sit.

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The problem with a lot of blood tests, however,

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is you get all those numbers back,

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you don't know what to do with that information.

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InsideTracker has solved that problem,

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and they have a very easy to use dashboard

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where when you get your numbers back,

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it can tell you for instance,

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where your numbers are high or low or on target.

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And they can suggest very specific dietary intervention,

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supplemental interventions, and behavioral interventions

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that can allow you to bring those numbers

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to where you would like them to be.

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So they've simplified the whole process.

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And in terms of getting the blood tests,

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you can go to a local center to get the blood drawn,

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or they can even send somebody to your house.

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So, they've made the whole thing very, very easy

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from start to finish.

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If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

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you can visit

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to get 25% off any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 458.75

You just use the code "Huberman" at checkout.

Time: 461.67

Okay, let's talk about the immune system,

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and the nervous system, and how the two interact,

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and how you can control your immune system

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to serve you better.

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We are going to talk a lot of mechanistic science,

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a little bit of detail, you'll learn some new language

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around the immune system;

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names of the different cell types and so forth,

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but I promised to make it all very clear,

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regardless of your background.

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We are also going to discuss a lot of tools.

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And I think many of you are probably here because you want

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to know what you can do in order to boost

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or enhance the function of your immune system.

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That's a very reasonable question to ask.

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I want to begin by just acknowledging that if one were

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to put that question into the internet,

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you would get back a lot of answers.

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And there is now a sort of generic form of that answer

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that deserves our respect,

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but is not going to be the topic of conversation today.

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I just want to tip my hat to it, however,

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and list off a few of the things that we know

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set us up to be healthier than we would be

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if we didn't do these things.

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So the first of course is the foundation of all mental

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and physical health, which is to get adequate sleep.

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Meaning enough sleep, whatever it is for you

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that you require,

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to get deep sleep, so it's got to be of high quality,

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and to time that sleep correctly.

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Meaning you can't sleep during the day one day,

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and at night the next day,

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and expect your system to function well.

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I've talked a lot about that before on this podcast.

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You need a relatively consistent sleep schedule

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most of the time, about 80% of the time,

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or even better would be 90% of the time.

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But the realities of life make it that we can't always

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go to bed at the same time

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and wake up at the exact same time.

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Okay, so we need sleep.

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We do need sunshine.

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Why do we need sunshine?

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Because it sets our rhythm into a regular state

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where the genes in all of our cells

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can be expressed at the correct times.

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We're sort of a factory of cells, if you will,

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and that factory can only run properly if it knows

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when certain things should be active

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and when certain cells should not be active.

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And the best way to coordinate all of those activities

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of all the cells is to get sunshine in your eyes

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in the morning and again in the evening,

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and not to get too much bright light in your eyes

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in the middle of the night.

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That's just foundational.

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And then any lists that you'll find

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on any number of websites on the internet would say,

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"Okay, get good sleep, get sun, get exercise."

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How much exercise?

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We should all be getting 150 to 180 minutes

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of zone two cardio.

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That's cardiovascular exercise where we can

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just barely hold a conversation or maybe not, per week.

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We should be eating well.

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We're always told we have to get good nutrition.

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What good nutrition means to you is going to be different

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than what it means to somebody else.

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But we acknowledge that food intake

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and quality of food in particular, avoiding processed foods,

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that's going to be important.

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Social connection is important.

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Hydration is important.

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You're starting to get the picture.

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We can take all that, acknowledge it as useful

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and foundational for mental and physical health.

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But of course there are many people who still struggle

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with getting ill too often,

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or with not being able to heal

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from physical injuries and wounds,

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or from various bacterial and viral infections

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quickly enough or deal with chronic disease.

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And so, today's really about how you can

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take all of that information, acknowledge it, and follow it.

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But in addition to that,

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there are things that you can do to leverage

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your nervous system in order to enhance the function

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of your immune system in very robust ways.

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So that's where I'd like to shift the conversation to.

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The first topic we have to attack is the question of

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what is the immune system and how does it work?

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I think many of you have heard of antibodies or killer cells

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or the various organs of the body that are involved

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in the immune system,

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like the bone marrow, the spleen, the thymus,

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and the lymph nodes.

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I'd like to just take a moment and do a sort of

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brief immune system 101; really simple,

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cover the basic elements of the immune system

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so that everyone listening or watching this

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can get a clear sense of how the immune system functions

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and what its basic parts are.

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For some of you, this might be too basic.

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It might be a little bit of background

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that you already know.

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I think for most of you, this information will be new.

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And I promise you, you don't need a biology

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or medicine background in order to understand this.

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It's actually really simple

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because it is truly elegant in design.

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You have three main layers of defense for your health.

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These are the three things that are constantly at work

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to protect you from invasion and illness from bacteria,

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from viruses, and from parasites.

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And the first of those three is a physical barrier

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that we call your skin.

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And that might seem kind of obvious,

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but everything about you is contained in this compartment

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that is boundaried by your skin.

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And your skin is a very important aspect

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of your immune system.

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If you've ever had a cut,

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you essentially have a breach of the boundary

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that is your immune system,

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and you would notice a number of things would happen.

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You might get some swelling around that cut.

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You might get a scab, likely you would get a scab over time.

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If it got dirty, there were some bacteria that got in there,

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you might see some accumulation of white blood cells,

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what's called puss.

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I know it's kind of gross, but that's what that is.

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It might take on a yellow tint because of the accumulation

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of some dead cells there.

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But basically your skin is the primary barrier

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through which you keep things from the outside

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that could harm you from getting to the inside.

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Now, still in category one,

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your body and your external surface,

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you have openings to that surface, right?

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You're not just a round or a body shaped

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completely covered up with skin.

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You have openings, what are those openings?

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Well, let's start at the top and work our way down.

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A primary site of potential infection are your eyes.

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You have your ears, you have your nostrils,

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you have your mouth.

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Okay, those are going to be the primary sites

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by which things can get into your system.

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And you need to put things into your system;

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you need to drink and eat,

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and you need to get light into your system.

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That's why you have those openings,

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but bad things, meaning things that can harm you,

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can get into those systems.

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And then of course, along the back of your throat,

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all the way down to your stomach and your digestive system,

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and through your intestines and out your rectum,

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you have a tube, that you are basically a series of tubes.

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I've said that before on this podcast,

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and this is one such tube by which you extract nutrients

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from the outside environment.

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But all along that tube,

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including your nose and your mouth, it's lined with mucus.

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And while mucus might seem kind of gross to some of you,

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the more you learn about mucus,

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the more you realize that mucus is really, really cool

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because mucus essentially acts as a filter,

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as a trap for bacteria and viruses.

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And it has certain ways of scrubbing

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or killing those bacteria and viruses.

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Now, the mucus is constantly being turned over,

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as we'll talk about later,

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the chemistry of that mucus is really important

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in order to make sure that certain things

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don't make it into your system,

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and other things are allowed to move through your system

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and you can extract nutrients from them.

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So the reason I'm talking about this first category

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of barrier for immune system in such detail

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is I'd like you to envision yourself as a human, of course,

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but as a human that is a clear entity from everything else.

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And you have to bring in the right things

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and you have to keep out the wrong things or kill them.

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Now, inevitably, bacteria, viruses,

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and parasitic infections are going to make their way

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into our body, but whether or not they are killed off

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or whether or not they take over and cause us harm

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is going to be determined by layers two and three.

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So, layers two and three are the so-called

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innate immune system and the adaptive immune system.

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So the innate immune system is what I would call

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the second layer of defense.

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It's very fast.

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So whether or not it's bacteria, virus, or parasite,

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what happens when you have something enter your body,

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maybe you swallowed it, maybe got in through your eyes,

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maybe you shook somebody's hand who is carrying

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a particular kind of illness, and then you wiped your eyes.

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And I've talked about on this podcast before,

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very soon after we meet another person,

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usually within 30 seconds, believe it or not,

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most people wipe that person's chemicals

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somewhere on their face or on their body's surface.

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This has been demonstrated over and over again.

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If you want to learn more about that,

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we did an episode all about chemical signaling,

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where you can learn about it.

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I know it sounds weird and you might say, "I don't do that,"

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but indeed you do, most of the time most everybody does.

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Okay, so, this innate immune system is this rapid response

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when something enters our system

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and our body doesn't recognize it.

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It's not food, it's not clean air,

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it's something that's either a bacteria, virus or parasite.

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And the innate immune system involves the release

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of particular cells that are waiting dormant,

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ready to attack whatever this invader is.

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And some of these cell types you've heard of before.

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The most typical one are the so-called white blood cells.

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So, the white blood cells will actively go to the site

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of invasion and will start to encapsulate

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or try and surround that given invader.

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The other names of these different cell types

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are things like neutrophils, macrophages,

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natural killer cells are just a few

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of the many types of immune cells.

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So there's kind of like an ambulance system,

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but rather than go and try and heal something

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like a paramedic would, they go there and they try

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and surround and kill whatever this invader is.

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They work in concert with two other assistants,

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and those assistants are called the compliment proteins.

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Compliment proteins exist in the blood,

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and what they do is they travel to sites

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where there's an invasion and they mark certain things

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for being engulfed and eaten.

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So they sort of put an "eat me" tag on it.

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They basically put a chemical tag onto invaders

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that then allows those white blood cells, neutrophils,

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macrophages, natural killer cells to say,

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"Ah, I need to basically kill this thing,

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and then wrap it in a body bag and send it off.

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Kill that thing, wrap in a body bag and send it off."

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And I'm using the analogy of the body bag,

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but in the sense it's the right one rather

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because these cells that come in and kill things,

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the way they do that is actually to engulf

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the invading bacteria, virus or parasite.

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So they actually surround it.

Time: 1118.09

And when you see puss or you see infection

Time: 1122.29

in maybe a cut on the skin or something like that,

Time: 1125.45

or even in an ingrown hair that gets some bacteria in it,

Time: 1129.76

that puss and the white part,

Time: 1132.04

I know it's kind of gross to talk about,

Time: 1133.27

but those are the white blood cells,

Time: 1136.6

oftentimes it's dead cells,

Time: 1138.4

and that's the dead invader sitting there.

Time: 1140.45

So it's trying to create an isolated compartment

Time: 1142.72

'cause it wants to keep it in that part of the body.

Time: 1144.59

Okay, so you've got the innate immune system,

Time: 1147.01

the compliment comes through blood and helps it

Time: 1150.17

by tagging certain things with an "eat me" signal.

Time: 1152.89

And then there are the cells that are either damaged

Time: 1156.76

from the injury or from the parasite,

Time: 1159.14

or are suffering because of the bacteria

Time: 1161.84

or the virus itself, and the cells of your body

Time: 1166.16

will also release an alarm signal,

Time: 1168.91

which is not an "eat me" signal, but a "help me" signal.

Time: 1171.75

And those "help me" signals come in the form

Time: 1173.89

of what we call cytokines.

Time: 1175.81

And the cytokines are things like interleukin-1,

Time: 1178.48

interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha.

Time: 1181.65

You may have heard of these things if you are at all curious

Time: 1185.31

about or have been learning about the health space,

Time: 1187.5

online health space, especially in the last few years,

Time: 1189.59

inflammation is all the buzz word now.

Time: 1191.98

Everyone's talking about inflammation,

Time: 1193.06

inflammation, inflammation.

Time: 1194.33

What do we mean when we say inflammation?

Time: 1196.41

Well, inflammation is a physical response,

Time: 1198.83

but it's also a chemical response.

Time: 1201.1

And many times the markers of inflammation that are measured

Time: 1205.61

in people or in animal models where this research is done,

Time: 1210.09

are things like interleukin-1, interleukin-6,

Time: 1214.12

tumor necrosis factor alpha.

Time: 1215.75

So when those go up in the blood,

Time: 1217.39

it's a sign that somewhere there's a cell

Time: 1219.53

that's saying "help me, help me."

Time: 1220.87

And is secreting these things which calls in

Time: 1223.55

those neutrophils, macrophages, natural killer cells,

Time: 1225.99

and white blood cells, okay?

Time: 1227.87

And it might help to remember all this,

Time: 1230.023

by just telling people that what interleukin means

Time: 1234.24

is to communicate, right?

Time: 1236.57

So the interleukin is shouting out "help me,"

Time: 1238.56

the compliment proteins are coming in and saying,

Time: 1240.497

"eat this" and tagging the invader with an "eat me" signal.

Time: 1244.33

And then the killer cells and the white blood cells

Time: 1246.87

are doing the job of trying to kill off that thing.

Time: 1249.35

That's the innate immune system.

Time: 1251.18

So, your skin and your mucus lining

Time: 1254.97

plus your innate immune system are a beautiful two-layered

Time: 1260.94

set of defenses against various kinds

Time: 1263.56

of invaders and infections.

Time: 1265.59

And then there's the third type,

Time: 1267.12

which is the adaptive immune system.

Time: 1269.06

And you'll notice that leading up until now,

Time: 1271.35

I haven't said the word antibody at all,

Time: 1274.09

and that's because it is the job not of the skin

Time: 1278.04

or the mucus or the microbiome or the innate immune system

Time: 1282.28

to produce antibodies that can recognize specific invaders,

Time: 1285.88

but rather it is the job of the adaptive immune system

Time: 1289.2

to create antibodies against bacteria, viruses,

Time: 1293.77

and even parasites and even physical intruders

Time: 1297.55

to your system.

Time: 1298.91

So, the adaptive immune system has this incredible ability

Time: 1303.36

to show up at the site of invasion

Time: 1306

or infection or inflammation.

Time: 1307.56

It's called there by various cues,

Time: 1310.45

including the cytokines that we talked about earlier.

Time: 1313.41

And what it does is it actually attaches to

Time: 1318.89

and creates a sort of an imprint of the shape

Time: 1322.72

of whatever invader happens to be there.

Time: 1325.44

So if that particular invading bacteria or virus

Time: 1329.62

has a contour that's kind of rippled or kind of spiky

Time: 1332.75

or whatever shape it happens to have,

Time: 1335.16

it creates an imprint of that.

Time: 1337.39

And then, using that imprint in concert

Time: 1341.82

with some other cells, creates antibodies that are specific

Time: 1345.45

to recognize that invader should the body

Time: 1348.26

ever have that invader inside of it again.

Time: 1351.21

Now, that's why it's called the adaptive immune system.

Time: 1353.81

And in many ways it creates a memory of a prior infection

Time: 1358.9

so that these antibodies can be made anytime

Time: 1362.59

that same invader comes back again, all right?

Time: 1364.683

And so, this is the basis of what we call immunity.

Time: 1367.9

This is the basis of what we call an enhanced ability

Time: 1371.61

to combat certain types of infections.

Time: 1374.1

And it's really a wonderful, and I mean,

Time: 1376.68

I can't even state how incredible this really is,

Time: 1380.84

that all of our bodies have this capacity, right?

Time: 1383.69

We have something called leukocytes.

Time: 1387.01

These are essentially white blood cells.

Time: 1389.77

We have red blood cells and white blood cells,

Time: 1391.64

and they both are derived from the same type of origin cell.

Time: 1395.37

It's a stem cell.

Time: 1396.56

When you hear stem cell, a stem cell just means

Time: 1398.82

a cell that can become many different types of other cells.

Time: 1403.33

We sometimes hear about stem cells in terms of people

Time: 1405.86

that are getting injections of stem cells

Time: 1407.87

or the potential therapeutic effects

Time: 1410.79

or potential of stem cells.

Time: 1411.97

But we all harbor certain stem cells within us as well,

Time: 1415.25

that can become lots of different cell types.

Time: 1417.04

And there's one particular type of stem cell,

Time: 1419.13

which is the hematopoietic stem cell,

Time: 1421.09

which can give rise to red blood cells

Time: 1422.99

and white blood cells.

Time: 1424.42

And in general, these reside in the marrow,

Time: 1427

at least in adults.

Time: 1429.21

So, in our bone marrow,

Time: 1430.4

we have this ability to make certain cells

Time: 1433.21

that can go out when they are called out chemically,

Time: 1437.44

they get called out to sites of infection

Time: 1439.07

and create antibodies,

Time: 1440.75

and then maintain those antibodies in our system,

Time: 1443.7

or have a memory of that particular infection

Time: 1446.98

so that if the infection comes back again,

Time: 1449.09

we can kill it off immediately.

Time: 1450.66

And it doesn't have to pass through these multiple stages

Time: 1453.72

of first, the innate response,

Time: 1455.13

then the adaptive response, taking some time.

Time: 1457.63

Now, there are a lot more details

Time: 1458.77

to the adaptive immune system,

Time: 1460.41

but I just want to emphasize a few points

Time: 1463.64

that might be relevant.

Time: 1465.43

First of all, the name of the antibodies

Time: 1469.7

that are created sometimes come in the form

Time: 1472.1

of IgM and IgG, things of that sort.

Time: 1476.82

This isn't a full deep dive immunology class,

Time: 1479.56

but Ig stands for immunoglobulin, okay?

Time: 1483.47

So the immunoglobulins are a part of

Time: 1485.33

the adaptive immune response in creating antibodies.

Time: 1489.61

If you hear IgM, the IgM is the first

Time: 1494.73

of the adaptive immune responses,

Time: 1497.27

and it tends to come on earlier.

Time: 1498.79

So if somebody is immunopositive for IgM

Time: 1502.05

for a particular type of viral or bacterial invader,

Time: 1505.42

that means that it was a fairly recent infection.

Time: 1508.97

Later, one creates...

Time: 1511.2

The adaptive immune system, I should say, creates an IgG,

Time: 1514.1

which is the more stable form of the specific antibody

Time: 1517.02

that's going to recognize a given invader.

Time: 1519.87

So IgG tends to come up a little bit later.

Time: 1521.93

So, just to recap,

Time: 1524.14

something gets into your system through your eyes,

Time: 1526.9

through some hole in your skin, a cut, through your mouth,

Time: 1533.16

sexually transmitted diseases come in through

Time: 1535.67

the mucus membranes that are on the genitalia

Time: 1539.21

or in the genitalia,

Time: 1541.4

sexually transmitted disease, airborne disease,

Time: 1544.79

gets into the mucus, somehow gets into the bloodstream.

Time: 1547.93

Then there's the innate response,

Time: 1550.35

which is a more general response of trying to contain

Time: 1553.01

and combat the infection or invader.

Time: 1555.26

And then the adaptive response is the one

Time: 1557.04

that generates the antibodies.

Time: 1558.28

First, the IgM response, the immunoglobulin-M response,

Time: 1562.55

and then the immunoglobulin-G response, IgG response.

Time: 1567.06

So, how do we keep these three barriers

Time: 1571.67

or these three defense systems to infection tuned up?

Time: 1574.95

Well, leaving aside the list of things

Time: 1577.67

that I mentioned before that generally

Time: 1579.67

enhances their function,

Time: 1580.79

things like sleep and sunlight and good nutrition,

Time: 1582.91

et cetera, the sort of generic things for good health,

Time: 1586.6

one of the key ways we can do that is to keep

Time: 1589.14

that mucus lining in really good shape.

Time: 1592.07

And what does that mean?

Time: 1592.903

Well, the mucus lining needs to turn over quite often

Time: 1596.41

and it needs to be the correct chemistry to be a trap

Time: 1599.97

for the bad stuff and for it to be permeable

Time: 1604.81

to the good stuff, to the nutrients that we need.

Time: 1607.27

And it is now very clear from hundreds,

Time: 1609.58

if not thousands of studies that the best way to do that

Time: 1612.02

is to maintain a healthy so-called microbiome.

Time: 1615.38

The microbiome being these little bacterial organisms

Time: 1618.74

that are good for us that live all along our mucus pathways

Time: 1623.64

and even in our eyes.

Time: 1625.06

Now, just to be really clear,

Time: 1627.46

it's not just about the gut microbiome;

Time: 1629.6

we actually have a microbiome in our eyes,

Time: 1631.93

we have one that's specific to our mouth,

Time: 1633.56

we have a nasal specific microbiome,

Time: 1636.36

there's one all along the gut and the species of microbiota

Time: 1640.01

that live all along the digestive tract

Time: 1642.27

differ from the mouth, to the throat, to the stomach,

Time: 1645.5

intestines, into the rectum.

Time: 1647.18

It's well-established that there are healthy microbiota

Time: 1649.76

that live all along that length,

Time: 1651.28

and that they differ along that length.

Time: 1653.78

There's also a urethral microbiota,

Time: 1656.8

and there's a vaginal microbiota that promotes health

Time: 1659.5

of that environment as well.

Time: 1661.21

So how is it that one can maintain the healthy microbiota

Time: 1665.57

and not favor growth of harmful bacteria,

Time: 1668.98

or allow that mucus lining to become too permeable

Time: 1672.87

to the bad stuff that can come in from the environment?

Time: 1675.78

Well, as far as we know,

Time: 1678

there are three main ways to do that.

Time: 1680.7

The first two are purely structural and mechanical.

Time: 1685.92

It's very clear now from work,

Time: 1687.88

some of which was done at Stanford, but elsewhere as well,

Time: 1691.25

that the nasal microbiome is particularly good

Time: 1695.71

at scrubbing bacteria,

Time: 1698.87

at preventing certain types of infections.

Time: 1701.21

So, this is a reminder that whenever possible,

Time: 1704.96

unless eating or speaking, you want to be nasal breathing,

Time: 1708.73

not breathing through your mouth.

Time: 1710.16

Your nose is a much better filter for viruses

Time: 1714.5

and bacteria than is your mouth.

Time: 1716.52

The mouth contains certain structural features,

Time: 1718.98

even organs and cell types that can protect

Time: 1722.21

against incoming infection,

Time: 1723.86

but you don't want to be a mouth breather

Time: 1726.77

for a variety of reasons.

Time: 1728.1

And there's a terrific book called

Time: 1729.407

"Jaws: A Hidden Epidemic,"

Time: 1731.62

which was written by my colleagues,

Time: 1732.78

Sandra Kahn and Paul Ehrlich at Stanford,

Time: 1734.97

and Stanford Medicine with a foreword

Time: 1736.53

by Jared Diamond and Robert Sapolsky.

Time: 1738.76

So it's really a lot of heavy hitters on that book

Time: 1740.48

that talks about the increase in infection

Time: 1744.09

that one gets when breathing through the mouth,

Time: 1747.62

as opposed to the nose.

Time: 1748.69

Now, of course, during hard exercise,

Time: 1750.51

one breathes through the mouth,

Time: 1751.57

that's not necessarily bad.

Time: 1753.29

When one is eating or speaking,

Time: 1754.69

that's not necessarily bad at all.

Time: 1756.44

I guess it depends on what you're saying.

Time: 1758

That was a joke.

Time: 1758.9

But in general, when possible you want

Time: 1761.25

to be breathing through your nose.

Time: 1762.69

Many people have trouble breathing through their nose

Time: 1764.7

because of so-called deviated septums

Time: 1766.5

or chronically collapsed sinuses.

Time: 1768.83

The best way to dilate those sinuses is actually

Time: 1771.23

to breathe through your nose.

Time: 1772.24

So it can take a little bit of time,

Time: 1773.48

but there is some plasticity to the sinuses.

Time: 1776.86

And so, be a nose breather, not a mouth breather,

Time: 1779.64

you will combat more of the infections

Time: 1782.59

that you are constantly confronted with.

Time: 1784.14

I should mention that we are always bombarded

Time: 1786.28

with different types of bacteria, viruses,

Time: 1788.08

and parasites in our environment.

Time: 1789.59

And the goal of course,

Time: 1791.22

is to reinforce your immune system,

Time: 1793.41

so you can keep these things at bay and not get sick.

Time: 1798.11

There's actually a paper that was published

Time: 1799.58

in Cell Reports, "Cell Press Journal,"

Time: 1801.1

excellent journal that showed that the nasal microbiome,

Time: 1804.23

it has particular species of microbiota

Time: 1808.07

that are good at fighting off infection.

Time: 1811.46

There has not been a direct link between particular patterns

Time: 1814.43

of nasal breathing and the nasal microbiome yet,

Time: 1817.23

but oxygenation of that environment

Time: 1819.13

by breathing through your nose,

Time: 1820.52

turns out to be quite important overall

Time: 1823.02

for enhancing it as a filter.

Time: 1824.95

So don't just think of your nose as something

Time: 1826.94

to smell foods and to bring in air.

Time: 1828.82

It's also an active filter for things that could invade you.

Time: 1833.73

The other way to try and keep out bad things

Time: 1837.92

and to avoid getting sick is the advice that your mother,

Time: 1840.47

and certainly my mother gave me,

Time: 1842.28

which is to not touch your eyes after touching other people

Time: 1848.06

or touching other surfaces.

Time: 1849.47

And as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 1851.53

we tend to do this subconsciously.

Time: 1853.76

But the reason to avoid doing that is the eyes

Time: 1856.17

are a primary entry point for a lot of bacteria and viruses.

Time: 1860.38

You're constantly lubricating the surface of your eyes

Time: 1862.44

with the so-called lacrimal glands,

Time: 1864.02

and tears and things of that sort.

Time: 1866.72

If you've ever noticed when you wake up in the morning,

Time: 1868.26

you have some sleep in your eyes,

Time: 1870.197

you know the kind of crusty stuff

Time: 1871.28

in the corners of your eyes or on your eyelashes,

Time: 1874.47

that sleep, that crust are actually dead bacteria

Time: 1879.17

that you've successfully battled during the night.

Time: 1882.74

Okay, that's what that is.

Time: 1883.573

It's not the accumulation of some healthy tissue.

Time: 1886.66

It's the accumulation of that your healthy mucus membranes

Time: 1890.12

and tears and other things that are specifically

Time: 1893.39

combating those bacteria.

Time: 1895.4

So, I know that sounds a little bit gross,

Time: 1897.09

but that's what that is.

Time: 1897.95

So you're wiping away the casualties of a battle

Time: 1901.35

that you fought at night.

Time: 1903.08

So during the daytime, you don't want to introduce viruses

Time: 1905.86

and things to your eyes as much as possible.

Time: 1908.13

It is a primary site of entry.

Time: 1909.7

This is why people wear goggles in surgical units

Time: 1912.92

and things of that sort,

Time: 1914.47

to try and avoid getting things into their eyes.

Time: 1917.87

Very, very important.

Time: 1919.05

And then the third way to keep a healthy line of defense

Time: 1923.75

for your entire mucus tract is to enhance

Time: 1928.75

the proliferation of good gut microbiota.

Time: 1932.2

The best way to enhance the quality of your gut microbiome

Time: 1936.04

and the mucus lining that serves as this protective layer

Time: 1940.05

all along your body is to ingest two to four servings a day

Time: 1944.56

of fermented foods, low sugar fermented foods.

Time: 1947.21

I've talked about this before a bunch of times

Time: 1948.88

on the podcast, but these are data from my colleague,

Time: 1951.18

Justin Sonnenburg's lab at Stanford Med.

Time: 1953.64

And there, I just wiped my eyes.

Time: 1955.16

Yep, you got me.

Time: 1957.79

But a paper published in the journal "Cell,"

Time: 1960.52

which is a absolutely spectacular journal,

Time: 1963.82

really points to the fact that when

Time: 1965.87

people eat fermented foods, two to four servings per day,

Time: 1970.21

it helps reduce the activity of certain cytokines.

Time: 1973.54

Now, you know what those are, right?

Time: 1974.94

Cells make cytokines to call out, "help me, help me."

Time: 1977.61

To reduce the amount of cytokines,

Time: 1981.19

the so-called inflammatom.

Time: 1982.45

Now that doesn't render those cells more vulnerable.

Time: 1984.49

The reason they saw a reduction in IL-6 and IL-1,

Time: 1988.19

and some of these other cytokines

Time: 1989.43

is because when people have a healthy gut microbiome,

Time: 1992.37

there are fewer cells in the body being infected

Time: 1995.11

from outside infections and therefore less of a reason

Time: 1998.09

for cells to be crying out, "help,"

Time: 1999.49

because they are thriving, not suffering.

Time: 2002.63

So, don't wipe your eyes, keep your hands clean,

Time: 2006.28

everyone tells you that, right?

Time: 2007.24

But keep your hands clean, don't wipe your eyes,

Time: 2009.16

be a nasal breather, not a mouth breather,

Time: 2011.26

unless you're speaking, exercising or eating,

Time: 2013.9

and keep a healthy gut microbiome

Time: 2016.25

by eating two to four servings a day of quality, low sugar,

Time: 2020.19

fermented foods, things like sauerkraut,

Time: 2022

things like natto if you can access that.

Time: 2024.93

I've tried it before, it's interesting.

Time: 2026.96

It's sort of an acquired taste, kimchi, pickles,

Time: 2030.62

again, low sugar sources are going to be the sources

Time: 2033.36

that are going to be most effective for this.

Time: 2035.91

So now you're armed with three ways to enhance the function

Time: 2039.57

of your immune system and combat infection that is,

Time: 2043.28

I like to think separate from the typical

Time: 2045.05

type of information that you get such as get good sleep,

Time: 2048.61

good nutrition, good social connection, et cetera.

Time: 2050.56

All of that stuff still holds true,

Time: 2051.86

but these three other points I think can really make

Time: 2055.36

a substantial difference in terms of bolstering

Time: 2057.92

the immune system, your immune system.

Time: 2060.75

I do want to mention, because these names are going

Time: 2063.01

to come up several times during this episode,

Time: 2065.79

that while interleukins like IL-6 and IL-1

Time: 2070.366

encourage inflammation, they are these "help me" signals

Time: 2073.46

that call in cells to gobble up invaders.

Time: 2076.86

There are some interleukins that are anti-inflammatory.

Time: 2079.48

And the one that I'd like to highlight in particular,

Time: 2081.55

because it will come up again in a little bit

Time: 2083.57

is interleukin-10.

Time: 2085.25

So not all of the IL, insert number,

Time: 2088.97

not all of the interleukins are inflammatory,

Time: 2091.5

some are anti-inflammatory.

Time: 2093.9

So that's an important point to keep in mind

Time: 2095.33

as we go forward.

Time: 2096.43

Next, I'd like to talk about

Time: 2097.72

what's called sickness behavior.

Time: 2099.75

And indeed there is a category of behavior

Time: 2102.62

that we call sickness behavior that is very informative

Time: 2106.86

as to the things that we can do to avoid getting sick.

Time: 2110.95

Now, this notion of sickness behavior

Time: 2112.65

goes back several decades or more.

Time: 2115.01

And it's a very interesting way of looking

Time: 2118.3

at the function of the immune system,

Time: 2120.52

because what it does is it bridges us from this thing

Time: 2124.43

that we're calling the immune system where it's T-cells,

Time: 2127.2

and B-cells, and cytokines and leukocytes,

Time: 2130.28

and it starts taking us into the realm

Time: 2131.76

of the nervous system,

Time: 2132.593

because of course the nervous system controls behavior.

Time: 2135.67

So sickness behavior is a suite of responses

Time: 2140.08

that we tend to all undergo when we are feeling sick.

Time: 2144.22

So this is going to vary from person to person,

Time: 2147.69

but there's some general categories of things

Time: 2149.41

that we all do and that happen to all of us

Time: 2152.22

after we are wounded or sick

Time: 2154.21

or dealing with an infection of any kind.

Time: 2156.05

And by examining sickness behavior in some detail,

Time: 2159.54

it can be really informative as to routes

Time: 2162.47

that we can take to health.

Time: 2164.03

So the main thing about sickness behavior

Time: 2167.01

is that it tends to involve a slowing

Time: 2169.57

of our usual levels of activity.

Time: 2171.58

People start to feel lethargic,

Time: 2173.64

or they feel like the activities that previously

Time: 2176.68

they could do with relative ease

Time: 2178.61

are very difficult for them or somewhat overwhelming.

Time: 2182.45

The other thing you start to see is that people and animals,

Time: 2185.16

by the way, stop grooming,

Time: 2187.4

they stop taking care of themselves.

Time: 2188.93

Not necessarily stopped showering,

Time: 2190.34

although oftentimes that's the case,

Time: 2191.68

but they will stop doing their hair,

Time: 2194.31

they'll stop putting on makeup,

Time: 2196.88

depending on whether or not they did that before,

Time: 2198.93

they might stop.

Time: 2199.763

Animals will stop licking and grooming themselves.

Time: 2203.1

People will stop taking care of their cosmetic appearance.

Time: 2206.8

Now it's not just because they don't care

Time: 2209.34

how they look when they're sick,

Time: 2210.46

it's because there's this overall suppression

Time: 2213.32

of certain kinds of activities and an enhancement

Time: 2215.93

of other kinds of activities.

Time: 2217.07

And this is really important.

Time: 2219.27

Sickness behavior is actually a motivated state.

Time: 2223.01

It's a state that's designed to accomplish certain things.

Time: 2226.76

One of the other features of sickness behavior

Time: 2229.61

in addition to being lethargic, loss of grooming,

Time: 2232.16

will be a loss of appetite, right?

Time: 2235.83

Oftentimes people who have a great appetite normally

Time: 2238.36

just won't feel hungry at all.

Time: 2240.26

And there are several theories as to why this would be.

Time: 2242.62

One prominent idea in the literature is that

Time: 2246.33

it's to discourage vomiting and diarrhea,

Time: 2249.96

which of course can be infectious to other people.

Time: 2253.35

So, that's a theory.

Time: 2255.12

I don't know that that's ever been tested directly,

Time: 2257.54

but that's one idea.

Time: 2259.24

The other idea is that it's simply to harbor more resources

Time: 2263.41

for sake of repair.

Time: 2264.81

And I want to talk about that because we are all told

Time: 2268.78

to get extra sleep when we aren't feeling well or to rest.

Time: 2272.49

But just like any good two or three-year-old

Time: 2275.72

constantly asks, "why, why?"

Time: 2278.3

Good scientists, good people who are interested

Time: 2282.43

in health information should always be asking why.

Time: 2285.26

Why should I get more sleep?

Time: 2286.27

What happens in sleep that I should

Time: 2288.42

get more sleep when I'm sick?

Time: 2289.55

Why shouldn't I just push through this?

Time: 2291.18

And there are a couple of reasons for this

Time: 2293.33

that have been established in the literature.

Time: 2295.18

The first is that there does seem to be something useful

Time: 2298.55

about slowing circulation when we are ill.

Time: 2301.87

One idea that has some data to support it

Time: 2304.38

is that when we slow our circulation, our blood circulation,

Time: 2308.59

so not running around so much or running it all,

Time: 2310.95

but rather lying down, getting extra rest, maybe sleeping,

Time: 2315.23

maybe even just remaining still,

Time: 2317.28

is that the lymphatic system,

Time: 2319.43

which carries a lot of the immune-related cells and fluids,

Time: 2322.6

is able to ramp up its levels of activity.

Time: 2325.58

So, this is interesting, right?

Time: 2326.89

So reducing circulation of the blood,

Time: 2329.27

but increasing circulation of the lymphatic system.

Time: 2332.87

You've all probably been familiar with the lymphatic system

Time: 2335.96

when you're combating an infection,

Time: 2337.67

your lymph nodes can get sore.

Time: 2339.37

You've got lymph nodes behind your ears,

Time: 2340.77

in your groin, your armpits, around your throat,

Time: 2342.95

around near your thyroid, in your throat, et cetera.

Time: 2346.59

So, that's the other reason.

Time: 2348.94

Now, some people, when they get sick,

Time: 2353.27

psychologically go into a very vulnerable state

Time: 2356.85

where they really, really want people,

Time: 2359.22

other people to take care of them.

Time: 2360.9

You've probably witnessed this,

Time: 2362.88

or you feel this way yourself.

Time: 2365.33

About 50% of people have that response.

Time: 2367.69

They really want to be taken care of.

Time: 2369.41

Now, when you think about it from an adaptive perspective,

Time: 2372.02

this makes sense, right?

Time: 2373.53

A member of our species is ill and they more or less

Time: 2377.53

will cry out for help in one form or another

Time: 2380.86

to the other members of their species to take care of them.

Time: 2384.24

And of course this will be especially apparent in cases

Time: 2387.36

where people are young enough or incapacitated enough

Time: 2390.16

that they can't actually get resources on their own.

Time: 2392.77

If you've ever been really sick,

Time: 2393.75

just getting up and going to the fridge or to the restroom

Time: 2396.54

can feel like a monumental task.

Time: 2399.96

So about 50% of people report or describe seeking of help

Time: 2405.23

and support when they are sick.

Time: 2406.7

But you could also imagine how this would be

Time: 2409.13

a very non-adaptive response

Time: 2411.85

because it increases the opportunity to spread infection

Time: 2415.17

to the caretaker.

Time: 2416.41

So that's an interesting consideration.

Time: 2420.14

Another 50% of people seem to have the opposite response

Time: 2424.77

when they're sick.

Time: 2425.603

So, somehow, regardless of how they were

Time: 2428.17

prior to getting ill,

Time: 2429.84

the sickness behavior that's engaged

Time: 2432.22

by these neural circuits in the brain,

Time: 2434.08

they are indeed neural circuits in the brain,

Time: 2435.8

create a stay away from me.

Time: 2437.68

I don't want to be bothered.

Time: 2438.7

I want to be left alone.

Time: 2439.7

I don't want to be taken care of, right?

Time: 2441.28

It's not stubbornness.

Time: 2443.921

It's literally a lack of interest

Time: 2445.97

or a disinterest in social connection when one is sick.

Time: 2448.68

And you see this in animals too,

Time: 2450.2

some animals will seek out other members of their species.

Time: 2452.96

Others, like my unfortunately now

Time: 2454.73

passed away bulldog, Costello.

Time: 2456.58

When he was sick I always knew because he would go around

Time: 2459.22

the back of the house and he would just hide there.

Time: 2460.74

He would just take himself away from everybody else.

Time: 2463.64

He did not want to be taken care of.

Time: 2465.677

And it was just a natural response to him.

Time: 2467.53

I don't think he was trying to prevent me

Time: 2468.88

from getting whatever it was that he had.

Time: 2471.19

So if ever somebody doesn't want to be taken care of,

Time: 2474.44

or if they do want to be taken care of,

Time: 2475.69

realize that people tend to fall into

Time: 2477.35

these two bins naturally,

Time: 2479.43

and animals tend to fall into these bins.

Time: 2481.93

Regardless of what species they are, it's about 50/50.

Time: 2484.94

And again, this sickness behavior is a motivated state.

Time: 2488.51

It's designed to slow circulation of the blood,

Time: 2491.61

increase circulation of the lymph,

Time: 2493.56

and the other killer cells in the body,

Time: 2496.36

reduce the probability of infecting others by reducing,

Time: 2500.13

its thought, diarrhea and vomit,

Time: 2502.06

but also breathing on others, interacting with others.

Time: 2505.26

And in some cases it will activate this,

Time: 2508.35

I don't want to call it a regressed state,

Time: 2510.08

but many people feel somewhat more...

Time: 2512.685

If they are adults, they feel more childlike

Time: 2515.7

when they are ill and they want

Time: 2516.95

to be taken care of very badly.

Time: 2518.39

Some of it might be learned.

Time: 2519.33

Some of it might be innate.

Time: 2521.56

We don't know, but the sickness behavior is very interesting

Time: 2525.08

for a couple of reasons.

Time: 2526.13

First of all, it mimics another state

Time: 2529.17

that has been described in the neuroscience literature,

Time: 2531.8

which is major depression.

Time: 2534.84

And in both sick individuals,

Time: 2537.81

sick from bacterial or viral infection,

Time: 2540.2

and in people with major depression,

Time: 2541.77

it's been shown that there are robust increases

Time: 2544.8

in the levels of interleukin-6

Time: 2547.76

and tumor necrosis factor alpha.

Time: 2549.84

So there is an idea now circulating that depression involves

Time: 2554.53

these inflammatory cytokines being very active.

Time: 2557.63

And we know that illness involves

Time: 2559.83

inflammatory cytokines being very active.

Time: 2562.23

So if you think about it,

Time: 2563.063

the similarity between major depression and being sick

Time: 2566.96

ought to be able to point us in a direction of interventions

Time: 2569.99

that could help us either prevent illness

Time: 2572.71

or move through illness more quickly.

Time: 2575.14

But as we head in that direction,

Time: 2578.2

because indeed that's the case,

Time: 2580.06

I just want to emphasize that sickness behavior

Time: 2582.77

is what provides this bridge between the immune system

Time: 2586.25

and the nervous system.

Time: 2587.77

And what we'll soon see also is that healthy behavior,

Time: 2591.44

behavior that allows us to avoid infection,

Time: 2593.7

also points to a clear bridge between

Time: 2596.62

the nervous system and the immune system.

Time: 2598.84

That it isn't just that we have a brain

Time: 2600.63

and body and our organs, and then we have an immune system.

Time: 2603.07

That's true, but they're interacting all the time.

Time: 2605.96

And this is going to lead us to a place

Time: 2608

where it's going to be very clear and not at all surprising

Time: 2611.87

how certain patterns of thinking and certain behaviors

Time: 2614.82

that we can elect to take can help enhance

Time: 2617.87

our immune system function and vice versa.

Time: 2620.72

There are two other features of sickness behavior

Time: 2623.21

definitely worth pointing out.

Time: 2625.25

One is a theory, which is that the reduced appetite,

Time: 2628.71

in particular appetite for protein rich foods when sick,

Time: 2633.35

is thought to be an attempt, a subconscious attempt,

Time: 2638.18

of the organism to reduce the amount of iron

Time: 2641.61

that it's taking in.

Time: 2642.9

Now, typically the amount of iron intake

Time: 2646.61

that's recommended or more or less is for men,

Time: 2649.48

it's about eight milligrams per day.

Time: 2651.79

For women, it's anywhere from 18 to 27 milligrams per day,

Time: 2654.78

depending on whether or not they're pregnant,

Time: 2656.26

lactating or menstruating, et cetera, the ranges can vary.

Time: 2661.27

But, and indeed, it's true that if iron levels

Time: 2664.3

in the blood go too high, like over 45 milligrams per day

Time: 2668.93

can be very toxic to the system.

Time: 2670.95

But the theory that's prominent in the biology literature

Time: 2674.76

and in the health literature is that the reduction

Time: 2677.07

in appetite is actually an attempt

Time: 2678.57

to reduce iron intake specifically

Time: 2682.55

because many bacteria and other forms of infection

Time: 2685.56

seem to thrive when levels of iron in the blood are high.

Time: 2689.567

And I don't want to see anyone take this too extreme

Time: 2691.89

and suddenly do an iron deprivation diet

Time: 2693.74

in order to get well.

Time: 2695.99

But it's an interesting theory that I'd be remiss

Time: 2698.2

if I didn't mention, because it makes good sense.

Time: 2701.56

Iron is actually attached to hemoglobin

Time: 2704.83

and red blood cells in the bloodstream.

Time: 2706.79

Normally that can help us quite a lot.

Time: 2710.26

It's also in muscle, I should mention that.

Time: 2712.16

Iron can be a sequestered into muscle,

Time: 2714.38

and iron serves a lot of important health promoting roles,

Time: 2719.13

but by reducing appetite and thereby reducing iron intake,

Time: 2724.65

it does reduce the capacity of certain things,

Time: 2727.17

including infections to travel in certain compartments

Time: 2730.42

within the body.

Time: 2731.61

So, again, that's just theory,

Time: 2733.36

but I think many of you are probably familiar

Time: 2735.63

with not having an appetite when you're sick.

Time: 2739.98

The other thing that's very typical of people

Time: 2743.57

with major depression is loss of appetite,

Time: 2746.21

not always but often loss of appetite.

Time: 2747.87

So, here again, we have loss of appetite

Time: 2749.76

in sickness behavior, loss of appetite and major depression,

Time: 2752.59

and perhaps not surprisingly one of the major symptoms

Time: 2756.78

of sickness behavior and major depression

Time: 2759.11

that map more or less onto one another

Time: 2761.92

is loss of libido or interest,

Time: 2764.31

not just in social interactions,

Time: 2765.75

but in sex and reproduction.

Time: 2767.34

And so, again, if you think about sickness behavior

Time: 2769.82

and depression, they are very, very similar.

Time: 2772.95

Okay, so sickness behavior and major depression

Time: 2775.78

have certain core features in common.

Time: 2780.42

We need to therefore ask ourselves why and how does

Time: 2784.8

being sick influence the way that we think and perceive

Time: 2788.51

our environment and impact our appetite,

Time: 2792.57

whether or not we want to be cared for more

Time: 2794.45

or cared for less?

Time: 2795.45

Again, people tend to diverge into two different bins there,

Time: 2799.07

and believe it or not,

Time: 2800.38

the pathway for this has been identified.

Time: 2803.8

When we have an infection someplace in our body,

Time: 2807.33

and it could be up in our head,

Time: 2808.89

it could be a sinus infection, it could be an ear infection,

Time: 2811.94

or I should also mention many of these same mechanisms

Time: 2815.77

can also be the consequence of a wound

Time: 2817.82

or an injury to the body.

Time: 2821.167

A back injury or a slipped disc

Time: 2822.7

or I guess it's called a herniated disc

Time: 2824.74

is the way that you hear it described.

Time: 2827.74

When we have that, we can be kind of irritable,

Time: 2830.12

we don't want to do certain things

Time: 2831.81

and we just want to be left alone.

Time: 2833.94

Things are harder.

Time: 2834.81

How? Why?

Time: 2836.19

Well, there's a known pathway,

Time: 2838.96

which is the so-called vagus nerve

Time: 2841.87

that connects the body and the brain,

Time: 2844.39

signals to particular brain sites to engage this category

Time: 2849.63

of motivational state that we call sickness behavior.

Time: 2853.68

Many of you have probably heard of the vagus,

Time: 2855.82

V-A-G-U-S, vagus.

Time: 2858.44

The vagus nerve is a very extensive nerve pathway,

Time: 2860.85

as the 10th cranial nerve comes out of the back

Time: 2863.94

of the brainstem, heads into the body,

Time: 2867.04

and branches out extensively to innervate

Time: 2870.56

or connect to many of our organs,

Time: 2873.21

including our lungs, our heart, our gut, et cetera.

Time: 2875.44

And all of those organs are able also to send neural signals

Time: 2879.39

back up to the brain.

Time: 2881.53

We sometimes hear of the vagus as the route

Time: 2884.07

to calming ourselves down.

Time: 2886.63

Unfortunately, that's more or less a myth

Time: 2888.96

that I don't know how it got propagated.

Time: 2891

You have lots of different pathways in the vagus

Time: 2893.1

Usually vagal stimulation actually creates more arousal

Time: 2896.54

and alertness, although it does have multiple pathways,

Time: 2899.21

but there have now been many studies of the vagus

Time: 2903.55

in various contexts, including in sickness behavior.

Time: 2905.94

And it's very clear that the vagus nerve is the fast pathway

Time: 2911.37

by which an infection in the body is signaled to the brain,

Time: 2914.89

to a particular location in the brain

Time: 2916.24

called the hypothalamus,

Time: 2917.43

which harbors a lot of different types of neurons.

Time: 2920.22

Neurons, for instance, in the preoptic area

Time: 2922.31

that increase body temperature and fever, right?

Time: 2925.29

That's one of the most important things

Time: 2926.6

is to increase body temperature,

Time: 2929.13

it's the body's attempt to kill off this invader

Time: 2932.93

because many viruses and many bacteria

Time: 2937.04

don't survive well at elevated heat.

Time: 2939.24

That's the function of a fever.

Time: 2940.56

A fever actually has a functional role.

Time: 2942.19

So, in biology, we like complicated words,

Time: 2945.01

so we call anything that increases body temperature

Time: 2947.82

or creates a fever, a pyrogen.

Time: 2951.06

Many years ago, in my undergraduate years,

Time: 2954.13

I was working on pyrogens,

Time: 2956.34

injecting something called lipopolysaccharide

Time: 2959.22

into the belly, which then gives you a fever.

Time: 2962.91

The way it does that is LPS causes

Time: 2965.39

an inflammation response in the gut.

Time: 2968.04

The gut doesn't know what is happening.

Time: 2969.65

The stomach cells don't know what's happening.

Time: 2971.56

So they just start secreting the IL-6, the IL-1,

Time: 2975.9

all those cytokines, the killer cells migrate into the gut.

Time: 2978.76

That's why you sometimes get a stomach ache

Time: 2980.32

when you don't feel well, you have a flu,

Time: 2981.96

or something like it.

Time: 2984.17

A neural signal, electrical signals get sent up

Time: 2986.33

to the hypothalamus.

Time: 2987.4

The hypothalamus says, oh, I don't know what's going on

Time: 2989.47

out there, but there's a signal something's going on.

Time: 2991.56

Let's just heat up the body.

Time: 2993.17

Let's just start cooking whatever it is out there.

Time: 2996.04

And of course you don't want fever to go too high

Time: 2997.84

because you can kill brain cells.

Time: 2999.56

But within a particular range the fever is a functional

Time: 3005.09

and adaptive response, okay?

Time: 3006.81

So if you're taking drugs to try and lower the fever

Time: 3009.75

that might make you feel more comfortable,

Time: 3011.18

but actually that's limiting the response that your body

Time: 3014.61

is creating in order to try and kill off that invader.

Time: 3017.92

And again, you don't want fever to go too high.

Time: 3020.96

This is going to vary depending on age.

Time: 3023.48

You can look up online what the tolerable

Time: 3026.06

ranges are for fever.

Time: 3027.26

But when you're trying to lower body temperature

Time: 3029.82

when you have a fever,

Time: 3031.4

unless you're heading into dangerous levels of heating up,

Time: 3034.85

that's actually the wrong way to take your system

Time: 3036.92

if you do indeed want to kill off that invader.

Time: 3040.22

Okay, so the vagus nerve is the quick response.

Time: 3042.33

It also sends input to areas of the brain

Time: 3046.73

that change your perception of the outside world.

Time: 3049.24

One of the most obvious of these,

Time: 3051.9

obvious once I tell it to you, is photophobia, right?

Time: 3056.09

I love bright sunshine.

Time: 3057.49

I love bright lights when I want to be alert.

Time: 3060.14

We all have different levels of light sensitivity,

Time: 3062.98

but most people when they are sick,

Time: 3065.81

when there's an inflammation response in the body,

Time: 3068.45

they feel like bright lights are kind of aversive.

Time: 3070.67

They get a well-described kind of classical photophobia,

Time: 3074.1

and that's mediated by a pathway that goes from your eye

Time: 3077.84

to an area of your thalamus,

Time: 3080.91

called the anterior nucleus of the thalamus.

Time: 3084.08

This is work that was done by Clifford Saper

Time: 3086.03

at Harvard Medical School.

Time: 3087.92

It's really beautiful work.

Time: 3090.02

And then from there up to the outer lining of the brain,

Time: 3094.62

which is the meninges just sort of

Time: 3096.72

on the outside of the brain where the brain starts

Time: 3098.89

to interface with some of the other connective tissues.

Time: 3101.42

We'll talk more about these later.

Time: 3103.08

It can actually create a photophobia and a headache

Time: 3106.58

when one is ill.

Time: 3107.53

So, here's the pathway:

Time: 3109.729

Some invader gets into your system

Time: 3111.95

'cause you wiped your eyes or it got in through your mouth.

Time: 3113.97

You didn't listen to your mother

Time: 3115.19

and got in through your eyes.

Time: 3117.15

You're feeling sick.

Time: 3119.14

Something's going on there.

Time: 3120.02

You have a stomach ache because of all

Time: 3121.42

the inflammation there,

Time: 3123.23

the signal goes up from your vagus nerve.

Time: 3125.58

You're heating up with a fever.

Time: 3127.35

You've got photophobia because you've activated

Time: 3130.88

this pathway by which what would normally be tolerable light

Time: 3135.28

is triggering this thalamic nucleus, the anterior thalamus,

Time: 3139.14

that's projecting up to the meninges.

Time: 3140.84

You got a headache in response to looking at light.

Time: 3143.17

It's basically triggering an overall pathway

Time: 3145.36

to get you to go into a quiet, dark place and rest.

Time: 3148.44

And the last element I'd like to talk about is the rest.

Time: 3151.45

There's something that gets triggered from the body

Time: 3154.23

to the brain, to the hypothalamus,

Time: 3155.98

and we think we know which hypothalamic area it is.

Time: 3158.51

It's the supraoptic nucleus, we think.

Time: 3160.78

Supraoptic 'cause it's right above

Time: 3162.3

your so-called optic chiasm,

Time: 3164.02

If you want to look up where that is,

Time: 3165.14

it's right above the roof of your mouth.

Time: 3166.75

And there are nuclei there that promote the desire to sleep

Time: 3172.09

even during the daytime, what would normally be

Time: 3175.07

the active phase of your circadian cycle.

Time: 3177.84

Now, that is really interesting

Time: 3180.1

because what's happening here is you've got multiple

Time: 3182.75

pathways that are saying avoid light,

Time: 3186.62

reduce your amount of behavior, heat up,

Time: 3189.81

all the things that are making you sick.

Time: 3191.25

This is sickness behavior, and it's going from your body

Time: 3194.67

to your mind to make you do the right thing.

Time: 3198.09

Now there's also a slow pathway

Time: 3200.6

that's purely mediated by the blood,

Time: 3203.12

so-called humoral factors.

Time: 3204.73

Not 'cause they're funny,

Time: 3205.7

but humoral factors are factors of the blood.

Time: 3208.76

As you have an infection for many hours or days,

Time: 3214.58

the amount of IL-6 and IL-1

Time: 3218.315

and tumor necrosis factor and other inflammatory cytokines

Time: 3221.82

is starting to increase such that the total amount

Time: 3225.31

in your circulation gets high enough

Time: 3227.42

and is communicated to the brain.

Time: 3229.79

And it tends to enter the brain through

Time: 3232.74

a particular type of tissue that's really interesting

Time: 3235.25

called choroid, C-H-O-R-O-I-D.

Time: 3238.95

Choroid is really interesting.

Time: 3240.7

It's kind of this fluffy tissue

Time: 3243.15

that sits in your ventricles.

Time: 3244.3

The ventricles are the spaces in your brain,

Time: 3246.2

and the spaces in your brain have what's called

Time: 3248.14

cerebral spinal fluid in them.

Time: 3250.02

The cerebral spinal fluid contains

Time: 3251.15

a number of important things,

Time: 3252.43

but the choroid starts releasing and responding

Time: 3256.13

to these cytokines, the inflammatory cytokines,

Time: 3259.69

and then the brain actually starts to experience

Time: 3263.36

all sorts of changes in terms of inflammation to neurons,

Time: 3267.38

your memory tends to get poor,

Time: 3269.09

your cognition tends to get poor.

Time: 3271.34

These are transient things most often.

Time: 3274.03

Eventually these things will pass,

Time: 3275.6

but this is deep into sickness

Time: 3277.02

when you're really feeling lousy.

Time: 3278.39

You can't read, you can't watch a movie,

Time: 3279.92

you can't do anything.

Time: 3280.753

So if you ever get sick and you just can't

Time: 3282.98

be bothered by anything,

Time: 3284.66

it's probably because you've had that fast response

Time: 3287.42

from the body and you've also had the slower response

Time: 3290.36

where you literally have a set of tissues in your brain

Time: 3292.94

that are sending out these inflammatory signals.

Time: 3296.3

And now your whole brain is starting to cope,

Time: 3298.92

or is trying to cope with this infection.

Time: 3300.92

So you've got a slow pathway and a fast pathway.

Time: 3305.01

That all sounds really terrible.

Time: 3306.53

So, now, I'd like to talk about what you can do to reduce

Time: 3310.07

the probability of getting sick.

Time: 3312.55

And there are actually things that one can do

Time: 3316.63

as you start to get sick and once you're sick,

Time: 3319.16

to accelerate the healing process by flipping the equation.

Time: 3323.35

Up until now we've been talking about how the body

Time: 3326.24

activates certain areas in the brain to create

Time: 3328.61

sickness behavior that's very much like depression.

Time: 3330.96

You're probably all familiar with this from anytime

Time: 3332.63

you've had a cold or a flu or something really lousy

Time: 3334.79

or an injury.

Time: 3335.93

Now, let's flip the equation and ask what can we do

Time: 3340.53

with our nervous system in order to enhance

Time: 3343.04

the function of our immune system in order to be able

Time: 3345.94

to heal and recover from illness and injury more quickly.

Time: 3349.59

So let's say you are in that unfortunate circumstance

Time: 3352.65

of waking up one day or coming home,

Time: 3357.04

and you've got that tickle in your throat,

Time: 3359.99

or when you breathe,

Time: 3361.52

your nasal passages don't feel the same way.

Time: 3363.8

You've got a little bit of a headache.

Time: 3364.86

You're feeling kind of off.

Time: 3367.12

We all know what we should do.

Time: 3368.36

We should all hydrate, drink some water and go to sleep.

Time: 3372.09

Right, that's we are all told,

Time: 3374.38

but there are actually things that you can actively do

Time: 3378.21

in order to get your immune system to deploy a more robust

Time: 3382.7

response at that early phase of potential infection.

Time: 3389.6

Let's focus first on the rest component.

Time: 3392.67

Yes, of course we are all told that we should take

Time: 3394.99

a hot shower and go to sleep,

Time: 3396.79

and get nine or 10 hours of sleep.

Time: 3398.72

But there's an interesting way of looking at sleep,

Time: 3402.32

specifically for its role in enhancing the immune system.

Time: 3407.13

And there's a wonderful review,

Time: 3409.79

I'll put the review in the captions that looked specifically

Time: 3414.25

at the literature surrounding sleep that is different

Time: 3419.27

because it occurs in support of the immune system.

Time: 3422.75

So normally when we go to sleep,

Time: 3424.18

we have slow-wave sleep predominantly

Time: 3425.66

in the early phase of the night,

Time: 3426.96

and then over time as we sleep longer and longer,

Time: 3429.19

we get more so-called REM, rapid eye movement sleep.

Time: 3431.36

I talked all about this on the episodes on sleep.

Time: 3434.25

Of course you have slow-wave sleep and REM sleep

Time: 3436.25

throughout the night always,

Time: 3437.49

but it's the fraction of slow-wave sleep

Time: 3439.01

to REM sleep that shifts,

Time: 3440.62

and they have different functions, et cetera.

Time: 3443.82

There is some evidence that the sleep associated

Time: 3447.09

with an infection, in particular, early stage of infection,

Time: 3451.71

is associated with elevated levels of serotonin in the brain

Time: 3456.28

that either through an adaptive mechanism

Time: 3459.17

or for whatever reason, the neurons in the brain

Time: 3462.544

of the so-called raphe nucleus start

Time: 3464.26

releasing more serotonin.

Time: 3467.62

And that serotonin and its related pathways

Time: 3470.32

can help enhance some of the immune system function

Time: 3473.87

that could combat the infection.

Time: 3476.19

There is starting to be some data,

Time: 3479.59

and I emphasize starting because it's not

Time: 3481.62

a very robust literature yet,

Time: 3483.52

looking at whether or not supplementing precursors

Time: 3486.56

to serotonin like 5-HTP,

Time: 3489.34

which can be taken in a supplement form

Time: 3492.52

or consuming foods that increase serotonin naturally.

Time: 3497.56

So these would be any foods that contain

Time: 3499.74

high levels of tryptophan.

Time: 3500.83

You can look up what those are.

Time: 3502

So, white meat turkey, for instance,

Time: 3505.2

certain complex carbohydrates can often

Time: 3508.53

be rich with tryptophan.

Time: 3510.49

That consuming those foods can enhance

Time: 3513.08

the amount of serotonin that's available in the brain

Time: 3514.947

and blood and thereby lead to the particular

Time: 3517.97

quality of sleep that allows for more deep healing

Time: 3521.47

or for when I say deep healing,

Time: 3523.28

I mean for a more robust immune response.

Time: 3526.21

Now, again, those are still emerging data.

Time: 3529.92

What is very clear, however,

Time: 3532.07

is that during sleep and in particular,

Time: 3534.56

during sleep that's associated with the early stage

Time: 3536.94

of any kind of viral or bacterial infection,

Time: 3539.66

the so-called glymphatic system is much more active

Time: 3543.72

than it would be normally.

Time: 3545.06

What's the glymphatic system?

Time: 3546.45

The glymphatic system is actually

Time: 3547.83

a relatively recent discovery.

Time: 3550.54

I mentioned lymph and the lymphatic system earlier,

Time: 3554.05

the glymphatic system with a G, is a system in the brain

Time: 3558.55

by which debris that accumulates throughout the day,

Time: 3562.27

but in particular, debris that accumulates under conditions

Time: 3565.73

of neuroinflammation and inflammation of the body,

Time: 3569.86

is cleared out or is washed out of the brain.

Time: 3573.13

And the activity of this glymphatic system

Time: 3576.29

is extremely important for the recovery

Time: 3579.39

from infection of any kind.

Time: 3581.81

And it's now becoming clear, is important for recovery

Time: 3585.28

from traumatic head injury,

Time: 3586.86

and maybe even from psychological trauma.

Time: 3589.76

So, the glymphatic system can be thought of more or less

Time: 3592.72

as a plumbing system that runs through the ventricles,

Time: 3595.2

but also mainly through the lining that sits

Time: 3598.06

between the brain and the skull

Time: 3599.71

and some of the other tissues and things of that sort.

Time: 3603.05

The choroid is involved as well.

Time: 3605.2

Brain imaging reveals the glymphatic system

Time: 3607.25

is very active during deep sleep.

Time: 3608.69

And there's this kind of wash out of the glymphatic system.

Time: 3611.44

And I am aware of some studies that are ongoing now

Time: 3614.49

where augmenting the serotonin system through either

Time: 3618.26

supplementation of tryptophan or 5-HTP

Time: 3621.7

or even serotonin itself, these are laboratory studies,

Time: 3624.63

is being looked at for its capacity to increase

Time: 3627.21

the amount of circulation in the glymphatic system.

Time: 3630.02

And the idea is that it might, and I want to underscore might,

Time: 3632.9

potentially lead to more rapid recovery from injury

Time: 3636.69

and illness and potentially ramp up, if you will,

Time: 3640.08

the activity of the immune system.

Time: 3641.87

So, it essentially is a ramping up of the activity

Time: 3644.26

of the immune system.

Time: 3645.35

Now, regardless of whether or not you decide to,

Time: 3648.69

for instance, supplement with 5-HTP before sleep or not,

Time: 3652.1

I'll talk about what that might look like in a moment,

Time: 3654.31

there is a way that you can increase the activity

Time: 3656.48

of your glymphatic system under normal circumstances.

Time: 3660.2

Because of the mechanics of the glymphatic system,

Time: 3663.61

it turns out that if you elevate your heels

Time: 3666.74

by about 12 degrees, it doesn't have to be exactly 12,

Time: 3670.05

as you sleep by putting maybe a rolled pillow

Time: 3672.04

or two pillows underneath your feet,

Time: 3673.84

by having the head below your legs.

Time: 3677.5

It seems that there's more glymphatic washout

Time: 3680.13

or clearance during sleep.

Time: 3682

And this is without taking any compound

Time: 3683.63

to adjust the serotonin system.

Time: 3685.19

So I would say if you're not feeling well,

Time: 3687.47

yes, take the hot shower.

Time: 3688.66

Yes, get into bed and go to sleep,

Time: 3690.67

but elevate your feet to try and increase

Time: 3692.63

the activity of the glymphatic system.

Time: 3696.51

Some might even consider that if you have to be awake,

Time: 3701.14

that you might want to be awake

Time: 3702.47

with your feet elevated above your head.

Time: 3705.04

Now that might not be practical for the workplace,

Time: 3708.01

but it might be practical for a short nap during the day

Time: 3710.94

or something of that sort.

Time: 3711.82

The glymphatic system is not just active during sleep.

Time: 3714.31

It's also active during certain phases of waking,

Time: 3716.46

in particular when we are in a deep state of relaxation.

Time: 3720.02

So as many of you probably know I'm a big proponent

Time: 3723.24

of self-hypnosis because of the quality

Time: 3726.02

scientific literature on this.

Time: 3727.3

If you're interested in self-hypnosis,

Time: 3728.88

you can go to Reverie,

Time: 3732

Reverie is a cost-free app for Apple and Android

Time: 3736.02

that was developed by my colleague, David Spiegel,

Time: 3738.14

and others at the Stanford University School of Medicine,

Time: 3740.41

based on quality studies and peer reviewed data,

Time: 3743.29

showing that deep states of relaxation can be used

Time: 3746.83

to improve pain management,

Time: 3748.99

improve transition time to sleep,

Time: 3750.507

and a number of other things.

Time: 3752.45

You can select the various sort of outcomes

Time: 3755.9

that you're seeking using Reverie.

Time: 3758.13

It's a great thing especially for people

Time: 3760.13

that are challenged with meditation could use,

Time: 3762.36

because you just listened to the script.

Time: 3763.59

It involves deep relaxation.

Time: 3765.12

I would suggest using that script, or the script for sleep,

Time: 3768.87

but with feet elevated to increase activity

Time: 3770.84

of the glymphatic system.

Time: 3772.07

Now, if you do decide that you want to test out

Time: 3776.06

this serotonin hypothesis on your own,

Time: 3778.21

obviously check with a doctor.

Time: 3779.57

I'm not a doctor, I'm a professor.

Time: 3780.96

So, I'm professing things, not suggesting things,

Time: 3782.77

but 5-HTP is a supplement that I've talked about before

Time: 3786.65

on this podcast that I actually do not recommend

Time: 3790.39

for most people for sake of sleep,

Time: 3792.42

because it can disrupt the normal architecture of sleep

Time: 3795.97

and create a deep sleep early in the night,

Time: 3798.58

and then a spontaneous waking with some trouble

Time: 3800.65

to get back to sleep.

Time: 3801.81

And that's because of the way that the serotonin system

Time: 3803.88

and the melatonin system interact.

Time: 3805.95

However, under conditions where one is feeling

Time: 3808.92

like they might have an infection

Time: 3810.24

or an early stage of illness,

Time: 3812.58

in that case, 5-HTP might be a useful supplement

Time: 3815.82

in order to access these states of sleep

Time: 3818.25

that are not typical.

Time: 3819.75

They're not the typical deep sleep that you would achieve

Time: 3822.86

when you're feeling healthy.

Time: 3823.92

These are states of sleep that are specifically there

Time: 3827.18

in order to try and repair some of the immune system

Time: 3830.46

related inflammation that's occurring.

Time: 3832.61

If you'd like to explore the 5-HTP approach

Time: 3835.75

and you feel it's right and safe for you,

Time: 3837.83

and you've talked to your doctor,

Time: 3839.58

it's 300 to 500 milligrams taken about 30 to 60 minutes

Time: 3843.46

before going to sleep for the night.

Time: 3846.4

That's the typical protocol.

Time: 3848.62

Not incidentally, increasing serotonin is also

Time: 3853.94

one typical approach for the treatment of major depression.

Time: 3857.13

This is the basis for things like SSRIs,

Time: 3859.95

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,

Time: 3861.88

like Prozac and Zoloft, and so forth.

Time: 3866.47

The 5-HTP approach is a much milder approach

Time: 3869.91

than prescription drug, of course,

Time: 3872.55

but will allow more serotonin

Time: 3875.05

to be synthesized and/or released.

Time: 3877.43

Now, for those of you that are interested in learning more

Time: 3880.52

about the glymphatic system, it's a fascinating system,

Time: 3883.17

and you might want to do a deep dive there

Time: 3884.87

in terms of the behavioral protocols,

Time: 3886.41

and what's known about it,

Time: 3887.243

there's a wonderful article called

Time: 3889.947

"The Glymphatic System: A Beginner's Guide."

Time: 3892.61

This is a scientific article.

Time: 3895.04

The first author is Jessen is the last name, J-E-S-S-E-N.

Time: 3899.55

If you put in "Jessen, The Glymphatic System:

Time: 3902.01

A Beginner's Guide," you can access the full length

Time: 3903.99

manuscript easily online.

Time: 3905.34

It'll show up immediately in your search.

Time: 3908.29

And in a really interesting way,

Time: 3911.17

the glymphatic system has now also been tied

Time: 3914.52

to the iron deposition system.

Time: 3917.25

Earlier we were talking about iron and how,

Time: 3919.22

of course, getting enough dietary iron is important,

Time: 3921.72

but if levels of iron are too high

Time: 3923.98

it isn't good for a number of reasons.

Time: 3927.17

There's a very interesting article

Time: 3928.96

that just came out last year called

Time: 3930.647

"Dysfunction of the glymphatic system might be related

Time: 3934.61

to iron deposition in the normal aging brain."

Time: 3938.02

So, we're starting to see these links

Time: 3939.96

between iron levels being too high,

Time: 3942.67

the glymphatic system not being active enough and so forth,

Time: 3947.96

leading to sickness behavior, inflammation,

Time: 3950.57

and maybe even damage to neurons associated with aging.

Time: 3954.12

We can flip that on its head and say that increasing

Time: 3957.06

the activity of the glymphatic system,

Time: 3958.95

feet elevated during deep sleep,

Time: 3961.48

maybe even feet elevated above the head while awake,

Time: 3967.37

during a nap or doing a Reverie script

Time: 3969.43

once a day or something of that sort,

Time: 3971.43

could increase the activity of the glymphatic system,

Time: 3973.79

lowering iron to a point that's probably below

Time: 3978.92

the typical intake during periods of infection,

Time: 3982.76

perhaps, I should say,

Time: 3984.88

can enhance the glymphatic system and vice versa.

Time: 3987.52

And then you've got this specialized sleep

Time: 3990.51

that's related to sickness behavior

Time: 3992.75

that seems to have heightened levels of serotonin

Time: 3995.52

that might be augmented by ingesting 5-HTP.

Time: 4002.97

Again, not on a regular basis.

Time: 4004.94

I don't suggest that people take compounds

Time: 4007.1

that increase serotonin unless it's prescribed

Time: 4009.04

to you for depression or something,

Time: 4010.577

but not doing by supplement with tryptophan or 5-HTP

Time: 4015.23

on a regular basis, but only under conditions

Time: 4017.31

where as I mentioned, you might be starting to feel sick

Time: 4020.12

or you're coming down with something,

Time: 4021.19

or you're combating some sort of infection.

Time: 4023.55

So if we consider the advice that we typically get

Time: 4026.72

when we're not feeling well of take a hot shower,

Time: 4028.61

get into bed and go to sleep,

Time: 4030.41

and we've now touched on ways to potentially increase

Time: 4034.47

the efficacy of the sleep part through

Time: 4036.49

the glymphatic and the serotonin system.

Time: 4038.52

What about the take a hot shower part?

Time: 4040.14

Is that good advice?

Time: 4040.973

Well, it turns out it is,

Time: 4041.83

and there's actually a way to do even better.

Time: 4045.1

There's a study, a very interesting study,

Time: 4047.81

the title reveals where I'm going with this,

Time: 4049.68

it's "Effect of a single Finnish sauna session

Time: 4053.55

on white blood cell profile and cortisol levels."

Time: 4056.3

In this case, it was done in athletes and non-athletes,

Time: 4058.48

which is kind of nice.

Time: 4060.38

This involves taking athletes and non-athletes

Time: 4064.27

and exposing them to sauna.

Time: 4066.05

It wasn't particularly hot.

Time: 4067.77

It was 96 degrees, which isn't cool,

Time: 4069.94

but it's not really hot.

Time: 4070.99

Nowadays you hear about people doing very, very hot sauna.

Time: 4073.9

The humidity of the sauna, if you want to know,

Time: 4075.53

is 15 plus or minus 3%.

Time: 4076.87

But basically what they found was that just one 15 minutes

Time: 4080.64

sauna session could really increase

Time: 4082.13

white blood cell profiles and could adjust cortisol levels

Time: 4085.57

in ways that were beneficial for combating infection.

Time: 4088.78

And now there are many other studies like this.

Time: 4091.11

Now, this should immediately make sense based on

Time: 4093.34

what we said before about fever;

Time: 4094.59

heating up can actually help combat infection.

Time: 4097.81

But for those of you that have listened

Time: 4098.96

to the episodes on temperature,

Time: 4100.563

what you probably know is that when you get into a sauna

Time: 4102.95

or any kind of hot environment,

Time: 4104.35

your body is also going to be actively

Time: 4106.24

pushing to cool itself off.

Time: 4108.21

So, there's probably an increase in heat,

Time: 4110.75

there is an increase in heating,

Time: 4112.01

but then afterwards your body will cool off,

Time: 4114.36

maybe even with a dip below baseline.

Time: 4116.46

I do want to provide a cautionary note

Time: 4118.56

that if you are already running a fever,

Time: 4120.92

getting into a sauna could take your body temperature

Time: 4123.29

into dangerously high levels,

Time: 4124.77

dangerously meaning you can kill neurons.

Time: 4126.5

And once you kill neurons, they do not come back.

Time: 4128.99

So, please don't kill your neurons.

Time: 4131.78

I don't recommend getting into a sauna

Time: 4133.93

if you're already running a fever.

Time: 4135.22

So this would be something to do at the initial stage

Time: 4137.9

of an infection or if you're feeling a little bit off.

Time: 4140.38

So this is kind of a ramping up or a super protocol

Time: 4144.07

of the typical advice of take a hot shower and get into bed.

Time: 4146.39

That is good advice.

Time: 4147.223

Now we're talking about a hot sauna,

Time: 4149.92

probably showering off and then getting into bed,

Time: 4152.44

maybe augmenting serotonin.

Time: 4154.37

I know many people don't have access to sauna.

Time: 4156.57

So, in that case, a very hot bath or shower,

Time: 4159.64

don't scald yourself, of course,

Time: 4161.14

but as hot as you can comfortably tolerate

Time: 4163.64

or right at that edge of what you can tolerate

Time: 4166.23

would be a good idea.

Time: 4167.4

Some people I've heard are creating saunas

Time: 4169.3

in their bathrooms by running hot water

Time: 4171.36

and creating a ton of steam.

Time: 4172.47

Anything that really heats you up,

Time: 4175.55

but not to dangerously high levels

Time: 4176.9

is going to be beneficial.

Time: 4179.14

If you have access to a sauna, terrific.

Time: 4182.3

This again was only 15 minutes.

Time: 4185.73

They'd had a cool off session.

Time: 4187.83

Would you get more of an increase?

Time: 4190.21

People always want to know if you did it twice as much,

Time: 4191.62

would you get twice an increase?

Time: 4193.42

Those data don't really exist yet.

Time: 4194.81

However, if you are interested in maximizing

Time: 4197.13

the effects of sauna,

Time: 4198.64

it is clear that a cool off period is important.

Time: 4201.58

So it's not that a 15 minute sauna is good,

Time: 4204.35

and a 30 minute sauna is better.

Time: 4205.91

If you are going to take that route of exploring more,

Time: 4209.12

it does seem that doing a 15 minute heating period

Time: 4212.42

followed by a five to 10 minute cooling period,

Time: 4214.65

and then getting back into the heat can be beneficial.

Time: 4218.5

And this is interesting.

Time: 4219.62

It gets to the mechanisms by which the hypothalamus areas,

Time: 4224.71

the areas of the hypothalamus, that is,

Time: 4226.02

that generate increases in body heat,

Time: 4228.25

the activation of those neurons occurs as you heat up

Time: 4232.6

and then were you to just stay in that heated environment,

Time: 4235.55

they would actually shut off and some other neurons

Time: 4237.62

would be handling the job so to speak.

Time: 4239.68

But by getting in and out of the heated environment,

Time: 4242.23

you actually force that system to send repeated pulses

Time: 4245.46

of these cortisol lowering and white cell stimulating

Time: 4249.89

signals to the body.

Time: 4251.36

Some of you have probably heard the phrase,

Time: 4252.977

"feed a fever, starve a cold."

Time: 4256.17

I don't know who first said that.

Time: 4257.96

I couldn't find the citation, but we hear this.

Time: 4261.41

And we can speculate that the reason that phrase,

Time: 4265.397

"feed a fever, starve a cold" came to be

Time: 4268.17

is because of the adaptive function of fever,

Time: 4270.8

that increases in body temperature make it challenging

Time: 4274.36

for intruding viruses and bacteria to survive.

Time: 4279.16

Even though, of course, highly elevated body temperatures

Time: 4282.1

pose a danger to the host organism, to you.

Time: 4287.26

Feeding, eating does cause an increase in body temperature

Time: 4291.03

through the so-called thermogenic effect of food.

Time: 4293.48

So I can understand the logic of feed a fever.

Time: 4296.72

It would mean that when you have a fever,

Time: 4298.7

it's your body's natural attempt to heat up

Time: 4301.3

and kill some invading thing.

Time: 4304.15

And by eating, you would further increase

Time: 4306.18

your body temperature.

Time: 4307.93

Why you would want to starve a cold, I don't know, however.

Time: 4312.33

Maybe it's because when your nasal passages are congested,

Time: 4315.29

it's uncomfortable to eat or something of that sort.

Time: 4318.07

So the feet of fever part makes sense to me,

Time: 4320.22

the starve a cold part is still mysterious to me.

Time: 4322.9

I couldn't find any logical reason why that would be good.

Time: 4326.87

There are communities out there that believe that fasting

Time: 4329.83

is a viable way to combat certain types of infection.

Time: 4336

Fasting, in particular, prolonged fasts,

Time: 4338.38

do increase the amount of adrenaline,

Time: 4341.54

also called epinephrin, in the brain and body.

Time: 4344.31

And as we'll next explain, epinephrin,

Time: 4347.93

adrenaline does have a powerful effect on

Time: 4351.5

the various inflammatory cytokines

Time: 4353.25

and on the immune system in general.

Time: 4355.37

So, let's talk about a behavioral protocol

Time: 4358.19

that anyone can use; it doesn't involve any equipment,

Time: 4360.7

you don't need a sauna, you don't need anything at all,

Time: 4363.7

that has been demonstrated in excellent peer reviewed

Time: 4366.9

research to enhance the function of the immune system

Time: 4369.97

and actually allow people to combat infection

Time: 4372.92

in very dramatic ways.

Time: 4374.78

Next, I'd like to do an in-depth analysis of a study

Time: 4378.9

that has achieved some prominence out there,

Time: 4381.76

not just in the scientific literature, but on the internet,

Time: 4385.1

because it relates to how particular types of breathing

Time: 4389.51

can impact the immune system

Time: 4391.63

and the ability to combat infection.

Time: 4394.65

The title of this paper is

Time: 4396.277

"Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system

Time: 4399.62

and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans."

Time: 4404.02

This is a paper that was published in PNAS,

Time: 4407.34

which is the Proceedings of the National Academy

Time: 4409.01

of Sciences, USA.

Time: 4410.13

It's a very prestigious journal.

Time: 4413.16

For those of you that know PNAS,

Time: 4414.78

you know that there are certain papers published in PNAS,

Time: 4417.61

or there used to be that were not peer reviewed.

Time: 4419.41

In recent years, I think all of them have moved

Time: 4421.34

to peer reviewed papers.

Time: 4422.32

So this is a peer reviewed, very high quality study.

Time: 4426.36

And I just want to describe the basic contour of the study.

Time: 4430.17

I'll explain the findings, and then I want to go in-depth

Time: 4432.69

and explain the mechanistic basis for these findings

Time: 4435.81

and the protocol that we can all export from these findings.

Time: 4440.09

So, here we go.

Time: 4442.82

First of all, a couple of terms so that everybody

Time: 4445.17

is on the same page.

Time: 4447.42

The sympathetic nervous system is one division

Time: 4450.58

of our nervous system.

Time: 4451.5

It's a set of neurons down the middle of our spinal cord

Time: 4454.72

and in our brain that generally lead to a heightened state

Time: 4459.53

of arousal and alertness.

Time: 4461.03

It's associated with epinephrin release in the brain

Time: 4463.55

and adrenaline release in the body.

Time: 4465.68

It's the so-called fight or flight system

Time: 4467.86

when it's really active,

Time: 4469.44

but it's the system that's active when we are wide awake.

Time: 4474.45

And we already talked about the innate immune system.

Time: 4477.85

That's that first line of defense after the skin barrier,

Time: 4480.95

of course, whereby some infection comes into the body

Time: 4484.67

and there's this rapid response of increasing inflammation.

Time: 4488.69

And that's also about the time that you first feel lousy.

Time: 4492.07

So when you start to feel like,

Time: 4492.903

"ugh, I think I've got something.

Time: 4494.17

I don't feel right, a headache.

Time: 4495.67

I feel nauseous.

Time: 4497.01

I'm heating up.

Time: 4497.87

I don't feel good."

Time: 4498.71

That's the innate immune system kicking in.

Time: 4502.92

So what they did in this study,

Time: 4505.27

and by the way, I should say they,

Time: 4507.74

this first author is Kox, K-O-X,

Time: 4510.88

last author, last name Pickkers, P-I-C-K-K-E-R-S.

Time: 4515.57

What they did was they exposed human subjects

Time: 4520.2

to an endotoxin.

Time: 4522.83

In other words, they injected people with E. coli,

Time: 4525.79

which is a bacteria which makes people,

Time: 4529.43

all people feel terrible.

Time: 4530.95

Makes you nauseous, fever, vomiting, diarrhea,

Time: 4534.7

it's very unpleasant, okay?

Time: 4536.61

These people voluntarily signed up for this study.

Time: 4540.08

However, some of the subjects in this study

Time: 4543.63

performed a behavioral protocol that can best be described

Time: 4548.71

as cyclic hyperventilation.

Time: 4550.73

My lab works on these types of breathing protocols.

Time: 4553.21

This is not work that my lab did,

Time: 4554.67

but basically subjects hyperventilate,

Time: 4557.84

followed by breath retention, by breath holds,

Time: 4560.14

and I'll explain exactly what they did.

Time: 4562.22

They also looked at other forms of behavioral protocols,

Time: 4565.61

but let's focus on that one.

Time: 4568.39

So, they're comparing controls that do just sort

Time: 4570.82

of a basic meditation versus people that do

Time: 4573.06

this intense breathing followed by some breath holds.

Time: 4576.77

I'm just paraphrasing here, in the intervention group,

Time: 4579.447

the breathing group,

Time: 4580.51

plasma levels of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10,

Time: 4584.58

so this is a cytokine that is lowers inflammation,

Time: 4587.75

increased after endotoxin administration.

Time: 4593.1

And that was triggered by an increase

Time: 4595.84

in epinephrin and adrenaline.

Time: 4597.09

So, in other words,

Time: 4597.95

doing a particular pattern of breathing allowed

Time: 4599.9

an anti-inflammatory cytokine to be turned on,

Time: 4602.37

whereas that was not the case in the subjects

Time: 4605.44

that did not do this particular breathing protocol.

Time: 4609.89

And they discovered that levels

Time: 4611.42

of proinflammatory TNF-alpha, tumor necrosis factor alpha,

Time: 4616.53

IL-6, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8,

Time: 4619.47

which you should all be familiar with now,

Time: 4621.29

as proinflammatory cytokines were lower

Time: 4624.34

in the intervention group.

Time: 4626.52

Whereas these IL-10 levels

Time: 4627.8

that are anti-inflammatory went up.

Time: 4630.74

Finally, flu-like symptoms were lower

Time: 4633.2

in the intervention group.

Time: 4634.53

So this is an amazing finding, right?

Time: 4636.77

These are human subjects.

Time: 4639.208

One group of subjects is doing this breathing protocol.

Time: 4641.33

The other group of subjects is just meditating.

Time: 4644.42

Both sets of subjects have been injected with E. coli.

Time: 4648.56

So, you know everyone's getting the same amount

Time: 4651.55

placed into their system.

Time: 4653.51

This is very, very interesting.

Time: 4655.76

And it leads to the question that every good scientist,

Time: 4658.99

two year old or health information seeker asks,

Time: 4661.31

which is why?

Time: 4662.99


Time: 4663.823

How in the world does this work?

Time: 4664.81

Why does this work?

Time: 4665.97

Well to make a long story shortish,

Time: 4669.76

because I am going to go into depth here,

Time: 4672.03

the reason it works is because the sympathetic

Time: 4674.86

nervous system, the so-called stress part

Time: 4679.38

of our nervous system, it's not really called that,

Time: 4681.517

but the part of our nervous system that triggers stress

Time: 4684.17

from mild stress, to severe stress, even to panic,

Time: 4688.7

causes the release of adrenaline and epinephrin

Time: 4691.37

in the brain and body.

Time: 4693.06

And under normal circumstances,

Time: 4695.3

when we have some sort of invading infection,

Time: 4698.53

our body is able to push back on that,

Time: 4700.98

to resist it by engaging the stress response.

Time: 4703.95

So what's happening here is there's a behavioral protocol

Time: 4707.98

involving the nervous system, 'cause all behaviors

Time: 4710.18

are generated from the nervous system of course.

Time: 4712.42

A behavioral protocol that people are deliberately employing

Time: 4716.22

that allows them to activate the sympathetic nervous system,

Time: 4719.83

which in turn allows them to activate the normal pathways

Time: 4723.61

by which immune system function is enhanced.

Time: 4727.51


Time: 4728.37

Now, the reason I'm underscoring this is that

Time: 4731.3

the common interpretation of this study is that somehow

Time: 4734.57

it blocks the normal immune response,

Time: 4737.9

but that's not really what's happening here.

Time: 4739.78

Yes, there's a reduction in inflammatory cytokines

Time: 4743.54

and there's an increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines,

Time: 4746.41

but that's not really the same thing

Time: 4748.34

as blocking the immune response.

Time: 4750.6

This could just as easily be viewed as enhancing

Time: 4753.33

the immune response and combating the intruder,

Time: 4756.29

in this case, E. coli.

Time: 4758.12

So, let's parse this study a little bit more closely.

Time: 4761.96

First of all, what is this magical pattern of breathing?

Time: 4764.91

Some of you may recognize this

Time: 4766.34

as so-called Wim Hof breathing.

Time: 4768.2

Wim, of course the Dutchman.

Time: 4769.83

I think his occupation online used to be

Time: 4771.47

listed as daredevil, believe it or not, on Wikipedia.

Time: 4774.09

That's a pretty cool occupation.

Time: 4777.59

Wim is best known for his activities with cold exposure,

Time: 4782.68

he holds multiple world records for that,

Time: 4785

swimming under icebergs and other incredible feats,

Time: 4788.51

that you definitely don't want to try unless

Time: 4791.07

you're extremely skilled and really know

Time: 4792.76

what you're doing, as he does,

Time: 4794.75

but also for the use of breath work.

Time: 4796.977

The breathing that is so-called Wim Hof breathing

Time: 4800.43

is very similar, not exactly the same,

Time: 4802.37

but very similar to Tummo breathing,

Time: 4805.41

as it's been described historically.

Time: 4807.42

In the science and physiology community

Time: 4809.74

and in my laboratory, 'cause I run a university laboratory,

Time: 4812.55

we refer to it as cyclic hyperventilation,

Time: 4814.67

which just means repeated deep breaths in and out.

Time: 4817.95

And then there are these retentions.

Time: 4819.35

So, because I'm here in the hot seat anyway,

Time: 4823.13

I might as well demonstrate it for you

Time: 4824.91

so you know what this looks like.

Time: 4826.16

There are variations on this, so with respect to Wim,

Time: 4829.36

with respect to Tummo practitioners,

Time: 4831.12

with respect to the cyclic hyperventilators everywhere,

Time: 4834.15

this is one general theme of it.

Time: 4836.02

It involves 20 to 30 deep inhales

Time: 4840.42

and then exhales through the mouth,

Time: 4842.86

followed by a exhale of all one's air

Time: 4846.57

and a breath hold, that's the retention.

Time: 4849.82

And then at some point, 15 to 60 seconds later,

Time: 4853.33

repeating the 25 or 30 breaths.

Time: 4855.49

And then again, a breath hold with lungs empty.

Time: 4859.05

There are variations on this,

Time: 4860.49

but in our laboratory and in this particular study,

Time: 4864.49

it looks something like this.

Time: 4865.76

Okay, I'm not going to do the whole thing right now,

Time: 4867.42

but it goes something like this.

Time: 4869.156

[Andrew deeply breathing]

Time: 4877.87

Okay, so let's assume I did that for 30 breaths.

Time: 4880.97

I can already feel myself perspiring a little bit.

Time: 4883.85

You're heating up, that's the release of adrenaline.

Time: 4886.27

It's caused by that breathing pattern,

Time: 4887.59

and then exhaling all of one's air,

Time: 4889.01

no speaking in between like I'm doing.

Time: 4890.945

[Andrew deeply exhaling]

Time: 4896.03

And then sitting lungs empty until one feels the impulse

Time: 4899.42

to breathe and then repeating for several rounds,

Time: 4902.15

two or three or even four rounds.

Time: 4903.77

Now some people will also introduce a big inhale

Time: 4906.79

and breath hold at the end

Time: 4908.49

and find that indeed they can hold their breath much longer

Time: 4911.28

than they normally would be able to.

Time: 4913.03

Because the trigger to breathe is normally activated

Time: 4916.63

by increases in carbon dioxide in our blood.

Time: 4919.7

We have neurons in our brain stem

Time: 4921.58

and in our various regions of our brain, actually,

Time: 4924.27

that respond to when carbon dioxide is too high

Time: 4927.23

and trigger the reflex to breathe.

Time: 4928.74

But when we exhale deeply,

Time: 4930.98

we blow off a lot of carbon dioxide

Time: 4932.86

so we don't feel that impulse to breathe come quite as soon.

Time: 4937.9

Basically this study looked at people doing

Time: 4941.06

these cyclic hyperventilation with retention,

Time: 4944.44

25 or 30 breaths, then the retention,

Time: 4946.74

25 or 30 breaths, then retention,

Time: 4948.39

25 or 30 breaths, then the retention.

Time: 4950.21

So, three rounds of 25 to 30 breaths followed by exhale,

Time: 4953.48

hold in between of various duration.

Time: 4957.21

But in general, 15 to 60 seconds is typical.

Time: 4960.96

What happened physiologically?

Time: 4963.44

This is one of the reasons I like this study.

Time: 4966.3

What happened physiologically?

Time: 4967.81

Well, a couple of things.

Time: 4969.52

Of course, blood oxygenation drops.

Time: 4972.77

You would expect that based on hyperventilation

Time: 4975.41

and especially based on the exhale

Time: 4976.87

of so much carbon dioxide.

Time: 4978.14

We could explain why that is,

Time: 4979.24

but blood levels of oxygen drop.

Time: 4983.57

The pH, the alkalinity of the body goes way up.

Time: 4989.2

This is very interesting.

Time: 4990.12

If you look up this paper,

Time: 4991.43

you can look at Figure One, Panel C, the pH goes way up.

Time: 4994.73

People become alkaline.

Time: 4995.84

You've heard before of alkaline water.

Time: 4998.27

I hate to say this,

Time: 4999.103

I'll probably lose some friends for this,

Time: 5000.61

but yeah, don't waste your money on drinking alkaline water.

Time: 5004.14

You can't really shift the alkalinity of your body.

Time: 5007.43

There are cases where some compartment in your body

Time: 5010.34

needs to be more alkaline than the rest.

Time: 5011.95

Your gut is a different alkalinity than other areas

Time: 5014.53

of your body, et cetera, but ingesting high alkaline water

Time: 5018.31

isn't going to shift your overall alkalinity.

Time: 5021.32

If someone can send me a quality reference

Time: 5023.15

that shows different than I'm happy

Time: 5025.4

to revise that statement.

Time: 5026.45

But in any case, doing that pattern of breathing

Time: 5029.76

that I just described greatly increases the pH.

Time: 5032.54

Greatly, I should say, it doesn't send it off

Time: 5034.49

into dangerous levels.

Time: 5035.36

It takes it from 7.4 to 7.6,

Time: 5037.44

which is a significant increase in alkalinity.

Time: 5041.26

So, as pH levels, for those you remember high school

Time: 5044.63

or college chemistry, as the numbers on the pH go down,

Time: 5048.75

you're becoming more acidic,

Time: 5050.18

as they go up, you're becoming more alkaline,

Time: 5052.68

okay or more basic.

Time: 5054.11

So, these subjects went from 7.4 to 7.6

Time: 5057.87

during the breathing,

Time: 5058.92

and then afterwards it returned to normal.

Time: 5060.7

But that shift in alkalinity is thought

Time: 5063.26

to be important here.

Time: 5064.95

So, what's going on here?

Time: 5065.9

How is the breathing leading to the shifts in...

Time: 5071.69

Or I should say reduction in inflammatory cytokines

Time: 5075.07

and an increase in the liberation

Time: 5078.76

of these anti-inflammatory cytokines.

Time: 5081.24

Well, the authors make some good arguments

Time: 5083.45

as to why it's not the shift in pH per se,

Time: 5087.78

or the shift in carbon dioxide levels in the blood,

Time: 5092.03

but rather it's the release of epinephrin.

Time: 5095.858

And there's some good reason to believe why that's the case.

Time: 5097.74

It's beyond the scope of this discussion,

Time: 5099.18

but that it's actually the release of epinephrin,

Time: 5102.29

AKA adrenaline, that's causing this reduction

Time: 5105.93

in inflammation.

Time: 5107.17

And that's actually supported by something

Time: 5111.66

that you've probably experienced before,

Time: 5113.39

which is if you've ever worked, worked, worked, worked,

Time: 5115.19

worked really hard, or you've been a caretaker

Time: 5117.49

for somebody else or studying for exams,

Time: 5120.12

and people around you are getting sick

Time: 5121.56

and you're just powering through it

Time: 5123.69

and you're not getting sick,

Time: 5124.67

but then you stop, you turn in your final exam,

Time: 5127.32

you stopped taking care of somebody else,

Time: 5129.91

or you finally stop and rest or you go on vacation,

Time: 5132.35

and then you get sick.

Time: 5134.07

Well, you've just experienced the effect that adrenaline,

Time: 5138.87

epinephrin can have in activating your immune system

Time: 5142.04

by way of the nervous system,

Time: 5144.04

in order to keep fighting and combating infection.

Time: 5147.71

And that brings us to a larger theme,

Time: 5149.47

which is that stress and combating infection or a wound

Time: 5152.98

is not one unique system.

Time: 5156.49

It's the same stress system that you use

Time: 5158.21

to combat psychological stress.

Time: 5160.11

So when you're very, very stressed,

Time: 5161.83

at least in the short term,

Time: 5163.67

because you release so much adrenaline and epinephrin,

Time: 5166.67

you're actually better able to combat infections

Time: 5169.34

and you reduce inflammation

Time: 5170.517

and the whole feeling lousy response, right?

Time: 5172.62

Remember reduced flu-like symptoms here.

Time: 5174.81

So this pattern of breathing is actually a very useful tool.

Time: 5178.11

And I confess, I use this pattern of breathing anytime

Time: 5180.97

I am at the initial stages of getting some sort of bug.

Time: 5183.79

If I feel like I've been running myself ragged,

Time: 5186.44

or if I somehow, for whatever reason,

Time: 5188.47

have a tickle in my throat,

Time: 5189.75

or I have that kind of sensation in my nose,

Time: 5191.93

like I might've caught a bug of some sort,

Time: 5195.33

I will do this pattern of breathing.

Time: 5197.78

I've been doing it consistently,

Time: 5199.33

gosh, for the last four years or more.

Time: 5202.722

Now this is just anecdotal reports,

Time: 5205.19

but I find that it allows me indeed to either

Time: 5209.24

have those early symptoms disappear,

Time: 5211.75

or it allows me to just kind of push through

Time: 5214.56

and harder, longer.

Time: 5215.8

I don't suggest people continue to push through

Time: 5219.31

exposure to infections.

Time: 5220.61

Obviously you don't want to infect other people,

Time: 5223.12

nor do you want to crash and suddenly get a massive illness

Time: 5226.7

of some sort because you stopped doing this breathing.

Time: 5229.13

But I do think it's a useful tool.

Time: 5230.85

It's a purely behavioral intervention that has been shown

Time: 5234.73

here and now there are additional studies on the way,

Time: 5237.83

to enhance the function of your immune system

Time: 5241.31

and to reduce inflammation.

Time: 5242.74

And this is to me, one of the most concrete examples

Time: 5246.1

of a zero cost tool that bridges the activation

Time: 5251.24

of the nervous system through breathing

Time: 5253.88

with the immune system by way of releasing adrenaline

Time: 5258.2

and thereby reducing the terrible effects

Time: 5261.71

or feelings of lousiness from, in this case,

Time: 5266.09

an E. coli infection.

Time: 5268.05

Now, I'd like to focus on a couple of important points

Time: 5272.27

that I haven't heard discussed broadly elsewhere,

Time: 5275.82

which is that the hyperventilation

Time: 5278.67

and the breath retention are both important.

Time: 5281.68

So you can't simply hyperventilate to get this effect

Time: 5286.74

at the level of epinephrin release

Time: 5289.23

and reduction in inflammatory cytokines.

Time: 5291.88

It's been shown before that the hyperventilation phase

Time: 5295.26

and the hypoxia, which is a low oxygen saturation

Time: 5299.94

due to the breath retention,

Time: 5302.03

they both combine to increase epinephrin adrenaline levels.

Time: 5306.12

So, you have to do the 25 or 30 breaths,

Time: 5310.04

and then the retention.

Time: 5311.21

25 or 30 breaths then the retention,

Time: 5313.08

meaning that the exhale with the breath hold,

Time: 5314.79

in order to get the full effect.

Time: 5316.75

I'd also want to provide a critical cautionary note.

Time: 5319.82

Don't do this anywhere near water or while driving a car.

Time: 5323.73

These things might seem kind of obvious,

Time: 5325.61

but obviously in the off chance that you black out

Time: 5329.73

or something like that, it could be disastrous.

Time: 5331.3

So, please be careful.

Time: 5332.98

And again, don't try and push the breath hold.

Time: 5336.6

The moment you feel the impulse to breathe, just breathe.

Time: 5338.96

And it did seem that the three rounds of 25 to 30 breaths

Time: 5344.592

with breath hold retentions in between

Time: 5346.63

was the ideal protocol.

Time: 5348.55

There's one last very interesting feature of this study

Time: 5351.63

that I want to emphasize.

Time: 5352.97

And that was that they actually measured the so-called

Time: 5356.01

catecholamine concentrations.

Time: 5358.04

Catecholamines are things like dopamine,

Time: 5359.72

epinephrin, norepinephrine.

Time: 5362

These are chemicals in your nervous system and body

Time: 5365.83

that promote states of alertness, dopamine, of course,

Time: 5369.38

part of the reward and motivation pathways.

Time: 5372.76

They explored the levels of these molecules in blood,

Time: 5376.15

in plasma during and after this breathing protocol.

Time: 5381.18

And it was interesting, as I mentioned before,

Time: 5383.22

epinephrin showed robust increases compared

Time: 5385.54

to the control group,

Time: 5386.55

norepinephrine, significant increases occurred

Time: 5389.642

in the breathing group,

Time: 5392.354

in the cyclic hyperventilation retention breathing group,

Time: 5395.18

of course, but less so.

Time: 5397.93

And dopamine levels actually dropped somewhat.

Time: 5401.63

But this is very interesting because there's a new

Time: 5404.91

and emerging literature largely from Asya,

Time: 5409.48

A-Y-S-A Rolls' lab in Israel.

Time: 5413.43

What her laboratory has shown is that motivational state

Time: 5418.71

and mindset has a powerful impact on various aspects

Time: 5424.43

of the immune system that were thought to be

Time: 5426.01

independent of the brain and mind and thinking.

Time: 5429.43

So this brings us back to something that we discussed

Time: 5432.89

at the very beginning of this episode,

Time: 5434.27

which is that 20, 30 years ago,

Time: 5437.19

the idea that you could heal the body with the mind

Time: 5439.46

was considered kind of quackery.

Time: 5441.82

I think that there was an intervening period up until now

Time: 5445.35

where people might've said, "sure, if you're stressed out,

Time: 5448.12

it's going to make things worse."

Time: 5449.22

I mean, I think everyone agrees that stress

Time: 5450.95

makes every thing worse at some level,

Time: 5454.3

outcomes to neurodegeneration,

Time: 5456.64

performance in a physical endeavors and mental endeavors.

Time: 5460.53

If stress is too high for too long

Time: 5464.38

people experience different challenges

Time: 5467.48

and essentially every major psychiatric disorder,

Time: 5469.93

everything suffers, but in the short term,

Time: 5471.87

stress can actually be beneficial in the ways

Time: 5474.29

that we just described.

Time: 5475.22

And stress, if we break it down

Time: 5478.26

is really a neurochemical state, right?

Time: 5480.9

It's the release of these catacholamines.

Time: 5483.31

And what Asya Rolls' laboratory has shown

Time: 5486.76

is that when the so-called dopamine system

Time: 5489.92

and at several episodes,

Time: 5490.87

I described there are multiple dopamine systems,

Time: 5492.76

but the so-called mesolimbic reward pathway

Time: 5495.28

involving areas like the nucleus accumbens, et cetera.

Time: 5498.83

When the reward system that's associated with dopamine

Time: 5503.63

and norepinephrine is activated,

Time: 5507.27

you see incredible effects, including for instance,

Time: 5511.81

highly significant reduction in tumor size in cancers.

Time: 5515.97

Now, why would that be?

Time: 5517.57

How is it that mindset, dopamine and tumors,

Time: 5521.85

and tumor growth are somehow linked?

Time: 5525

We now know how this occurs largely through

Time: 5526.89

the incredible work of Asya Rolls and others.

Time: 5529.23

So, now I'd like to turn our focus to how it is specifically

Time: 5533.17

that certain mindsets impact the immune system

Time: 5537.31

in ways that we can actually point to specific

Time: 5539

biological pathways and also specific protocols

Time: 5542.28

related to mindset.

Time: 5543.76

I guess a simple way to frame all this would be to say

Time: 5547.66

that most of us are aware that yes, indeed,

Time: 5550.18

you can worry yourself sick.

Time: 5552.38

We've been told that, you're going to worry yourself sick.

Time: 5555.17

And actually there was a paper published in "Science,"

Time: 5557.87

again, one of the top three journals out there,

Time: 5559.95

the top three really being "Nature," "Science," and "Cell."

Time: 5563.15

And then other of course, excellent journals exist,

Time: 5565.57

but this was a paper that came out in "Science" last year.

Time: 5569.48

First author is Kataoka, K-A-T-A-O-K-A,

Time: 5575.02

describing psychogenic stress and fever.

Time: 5578.53

So this was looking or asking the question,

Time: 5581.4

are there areas of the brain that actually underlie

Time: 5585.11

this notion that we can worry ourselves sick?

Time: 5588.05

And they discovered a new pathway and they were able to

Time: 5590.78

both activate this pathway independent of worry and stress

Time: 5594.5

and see illness occur,

Time: 5596.28

and they were able to inhibit this pathway,

Time: 5598.21

block activity in this neural pathway

Time: 5600.27

and prevent psychogenic fever and the worrying

Time: 5604.93

of oneself sick.

Time: 5606.16

So, they were able to do this in a very controlled way.

Time: 5609.8

I'll just mention the pathway in case

Time: 5611.92

you want to look it up in more detail.

Time: 5615.39

This is a corticolimbic pathway.

Time: 5617.56

So, just to orient us, the cortex is more or less

Time: 5621.31

the outer shell of the brain.

Time: 5622.76

It's involved in thinking and sensation and perceptions

Time: 5625.39

and learning and maintenance of a lot of memories

Time: 5628.53

are stored there.

Time: 5629.363

We all hear that you learn and remember in the hippocampus,

Time: 5632.79

that's the initial site of learning and memory,

Time: 5635.09

but then that information, believe it or not,

Time: 5636.66

is passed off to the cortex where it's stored

Time: 5638.5

in kind of a long-term hard drive type storage.

Time: 5641.89

So the corticolimbic pathway is one in which

Time: 5645.6

your thoughts, your prior experiences can literally

Time: 5650.24

in a structure way, feed down onto the areas of the brain

Time: 5653.76

that control very basal processes,

Time: 5655.82

including temperature regulation.

Time: 5657.12

So this is a corticolimbic hypothalamic pathway.

Time: 5660.34

We talked earlier about the hypothalamus

Time: 5661.72

as controlling temperature and a lot of sickness

Time: 5663.56

related behavior, right?

Time: 5665.19

Remember vagus up to the hypothalamus

Time: 5666.86

and all the sleep more, less appetite, fever.

Time: 5669.77

Okay, that's all in the hypothalamus.

Time: 5671.45

This is a top-down corticolimbic hypothalamic pathway,

Time: 5676.61

and it has a fancy name.

Time: 5678.08

It's the dorsal peduncular cortex, dorsal tinea tecta.

Time: 5682.9

The short of that is the DP/DTT.

Time: 5684.98

Let's just call it the DP/DTT,

Time: 5686.96

to the dorsomedial hypothalamus.

Time: 5690.18

A lot of D's.

Time: 5691.2

It shouldn't mean anything.

Time: 5693.439

It doesn't really matter what we call it.

Time: 5695.2

But what's important is conceptually it's a pathway

Time: 5700.47

that originates insights to the brain

Time: 5702.44

that are associated with thinking,

Time: 5704.83

with emotion and with prior history,

Time: 5707.47

and feeds directly into an area of the brain

Time: 5709.42

that's involved in basic physiological

Time: 5711.5

subconsciously controlled processes.

Time: 5713.66

So, that's incredible, right?

Time: 5715.34

And it points to a physical pathway by which the way

Time: 5719.04

we think about something changes something core

Time: 5721.94

about our physiology.

Time: 5723.77

Now, in some ways that shouldn't be surprising, right?

Time: 5725.71

If you think about something that excites you,

Time: 5727.39

your heart rate can increase.

Time: 5728.85

You think about something that terrifies you,

Time: 5730.12

your heart rate can increase.

Time: 5731.1

So the idea that thinking controls our physiology

Time: 5733.61

is not a new concept at all, but somehow human beings,

Time: 5738.46

we have been challenged with the idea that we could actually

Time: 5743.01

think ourselves into being sick.

Time: 5744.68

But this paper from Kataoka shows that if you expose

Time: 5750.18

somebody to a psychological stress,

Time: 5753.66

you can actually activate this pathway and create a fever.

Time: 5756.47

And how do they do that?

Time: 5757.303

Well, you can do this by exposing subjects

Time: 5759.77

to a very stressful real event,

Time: 5762.96

and you cue it through our associative learning.

Time: 5765.08

So, maybe, like my PILOT V5s, which I love so much,

Time: 5767.97

we could traumatize me to the PILOT V5

Time: 5770.3

if I had some horrible experience happen to me

Time: 5771.93

while I'm looking at and concentrating on the PILOT V5.

Time: 5774.51

Then you take away the horrible experience,

Time: 5776.03

you give me the PILOT V5,

Time: 5777.007

and I start to experience a lot of the symptoms

Time: 5779.91

associated with that terrible event.

Time: 5782.4

They were able to do this using sickness inducing stimuli

Time: 5785.92

and so forth.

Time: 5786.753

They did all the various derivations

Time: 5789.32

and identified this pathway that when activated,

Time: 5793.13

even in the absence of some horrible event,

Time: 5795.21

could create fever and illness-like behavior and so forth.

Time: 5799.83

And if they blocked certain stations

Time: 5802.58

along this neural pathway, they could block that effect.

Time: 5804.59

So this is really concrete evidence, proof, if you will,

Time: 5808.36

that there are dedicated pathways in the mammalian brain,

Time: 5811.32

your brain and mine,

Time: 5812.8

that allow us to turn thoughts into illness.

Time: 5816.64

That's kind of a depressing idea.

Time: 5818.28

What about the inverse?

Time: 5819.55

What about turning thoughts into health?

Time: 5822.29

Well, that's the work of Asya Rolls.

Time: 5825.66

They explored the well-established psychological phenomenon

Time: 5831.32

that when cancer patients or very ill people

Time: 5835.64

or people who are suffering from very debilitating injuries,

Time: 5838.735

when people had a reported a sense of hope,

Time: 5843.97

their rates of recovery were much higher, right?

Time: 5846.68

Sounds very subjective.

Time: 5849.69

But what is a sense of hope?

Time: 5852.09

A sense of hope is a sense of the future.

Time: 5854.89

A sense of the future is tightly associated

Time: 5857.01

with the dopamine system.

Time: 5858.67

Dopamine, again, being this molecule of reward

Time: 5860.97

and motivation and movement,

Time: 5862.93

but movement and motivation are about things that are beyond

Time: 5868.61

the confines of our skin and are about the future.

Time: 5871.44

And so what they've discovered and through other studies

Time: 5874.16

from other groups have discovered is that stimulation

Time: 5877.4

of the dopamine pathway,

Time: 5878.61

either simply by thinking about a future,

Time: 5883.13

ideally a positive future,

Time: 5884.43

but thinking about a positive future leads to activation

Time: 5887.11

of the so-called mesolimbic reward pathway

Time: 5889.6

and could reduce the size of tumors,

Time: 5891.74

could accelerate wound healing,

Time: 5893.59

could greatly accelerate the passage from a state of illness

Time: 5898.38

to a state of health and wellbeing.

Time: 5901.24

So there are many, many studies now starting

Time: 5904.06

to wick out related to this.

Time: 5907.28

There's also the idea that augmenting the dopamine system

Time: 5910.73

can increase the rate of healing.

Time: 5913.24

And so, there are individuals out there who opt,

Time: 5915.74

for instance, to take things that increase dopamine.

Time: 5918.86

Now, obviously drugs of abuse would not be a good idea

Time: 5922.26

in this context, even though they increase dopamine,

Time: 5924.28

they lead to big crashes,

Time: 5925.33

they have addictive properties, et cetera.

Time: 5928.03

I've talked before on this podcast about things

Time: 5930.05

like L-tyrosine, taking anywhere from 500 to 750 milligrams

Time: 5935.97

can increase dopamine because tyrosine

Time: 5938.29

is a dopamine precursor, of course.

Time: 5940.14

Things like Mucuna pruriens, which are L-dopa,

Time: 5942.1

the immediate precursor to dopamine.

Time: 5944.23

Some of these will lead to somewhat of a crash

Time: 5947.55

in certain individuals.

Time: 5948.46

Other people tolerate them a little bit better.

Time: 5950.61

Again, you have to talk to your doctor,

Time: 5951.86

you have to figure out what's right for you.

Time: 5953.16

If you have bipolar or mania or schizophrenia,

Time: 5956.25

these things, I would not recommend them at all.

Time: 5959.3

I'm not recommending them at all,

Time: 5960.39

I'm just mentioning them for potential exploration

Time: 5962.64

if it's safe and right for you.

Time: 5964.23

But the point is this:

Time: 5966.2

the dopamine system, when activated can accelerate healing,

Time: 5970.17

it can accelerate the recovery from injury of all kinds.

Time: 5974.18

And that shouldn't come as a mystery

Time: 5977.47

or surprise result to us.

Time: 5979.49

It's because this reward pathway and the fact

Time: 5982.76

that it's related to a sense of the future

Time: 5985.22

seems to liberate entire systems within the body

Time: 5988.43

that make inflammatory cytokines go down,

Time: 5992.78

and anti-inflammatory cytokines go up.

Time: 5995.61

Exactly as was demonstrated in the beautiful PNAS study

Time: 6000.33

where breathing, cyclic hyperventilation,

Time: 6004.03

was used to increase epinephrin, increase norepinephrine,

Time: 6007.63

and to augment the catecholamine system.

Time: 6010.8

So, I think that the bridges between these studies

Time: 6014.61

are really relevant.

Time: 6015.443

In one case, I'm talking about potentially

Time: 6017.18

taking an over-the-counter compound to increase dopamine

Time: 6020.36

to accelerate healing.

Time: 6021.29

In another case, we're talking about using breathing.

Time: 6024.38

There's also the use of cold water exposure

Time: 6027.66

to increase dopamine.

Time: 6028.57

I talked about this several episodes ago,

Time: 6030.3

but it's been shown that immersing oneself in cold water

Time: 6033.64

up to the neck or so.

Time: 6035.01

How cold?

Time: 6035.843

Well, it depends on what you can tolerate,

Time: 6037.03

but uncomfortably cold,

Time: 6038.31

but not so cold that you become hypothermic,

Time: 6040.21

but where it's challenging to get in,

Time: 6042.87

but you can stay there for three to 10 minutes or so,

Time: 6046.28

has been shown to lead to very significant,

Time: 6050.12

up to doubling or more of baseline dopamine levels

Time: 6053.82

and epinephrin levels that go on for several hours.

Time: 6056.89

This may be the basis for why people will do cold showers

Time: 6061.23

or ice baths and then get into a sauna.

Time: 6063.11

So, what's called cold-heat contrast therapy,

Time: 6066.89

as a way to augment these neurotransmitters.

Time: 6069.33

Today, we've been talking about how these neurotransmitters

Time: 6071.21

can be used to enhance the function of the immune system.

Time: 6074.95

And so just keep in mind that anytime you're talking about

Time: 6077.87

increasing neurotransmitter levels,

Time: 6079.33

that can be done pharmacologically through supplementation,

Time: 6082.19

or the can be done behaviorally through exposure

Time: 6084.56

to cold water, for instance,

Time: 6086.35

or it can be done even just simply by breathing

Time: 6089.21

in a particular way,

Time: 6090.1

cyclic hyperventilation followed by retention.

Time: 6093.93

The catacholamines, noradrenaline, dopamine,

Time: 6096.42

and norepinephrine are the bridge of activation

Time: 6099.78

for the immune system and the nervous system.

Time: 6102.38

They are the way that the nervous system calls out

Time: 6104.49

to the immune system, "Aha, we have a problem.

Time: 6108.04

We need to counter this."

Time: 6109.29

So you can think of them, them meaning dopamine,

Time: 6113.05

epinephrine, and norepinephrine,

Time: 6114.88

as being able to deploy larger amounts of immune cells,

Time: 6120.27

all the types of immune cells that we talked about

Time: 6122.1

at the beginning of the episode.

Time: 6124.12

Okay, so thus far, we've been discussing how one can prevent

Time: 6129.08

getting sick or when one starts to feel ill,

Time: 6132.72

how one might be able to shorten the course

Time: 6134.71

of that infection by ramping up the activity

Time: 6137.42

of the immune system.

Time: 6138.98

But what about when you're already experiencing symptoms?

Time: 6142.44

The runny nose, stuffed up nose, congestion,

Time: 6145.83

headache, et cetera.

Time: 6147.86

Well, there are many ways to address that

Time: 6150.41

at the symptom level.

Time: 6151.59

You're probably aware of all

Time: 6153.07

the over the counter medications,

Time: 6155.05

many of which focus on the epinephrin system.

Time: 6159.13

Things that are of the Sudafed variety prevent

Time: 6163.16

or reduce congestion because of the way

Time: 6166.06

that they cause release of epinephrin,

Time: 6168.54

and some of the effects on dilating the bronchioles

Time: 6172.19

and dilating the nasal passages and so forth.

Time: 6176.05

I'm not going to speak to whether or not

Time: 6177.48

those are good or bad choices.

Time: 6179.24

They do have a couple of effects that are not so great

Time: 6182.16

for the course of treating the underlying cause,

Time: 6185.66

which are first of all they can cause dehydration.

Time: 6189.15

So you have to make sure that you're hydrating well,

Time: 6190.9

both fluids and electrolytes,

Time: 6193.58

and they also can interfere with sleep

Time: 6196.84

because as I've talked about in the episodes on sleep,

Time: 6200.35

one of the hallmarks of deep sleep and in particular

Time: 6202.71

REM sleep is that epinephrin, adrenaline levels are low.

Time: 6207.31

This is what allows you to have intense,

Time: 6209.84

often very emotionally-laden dreams during REM sleep

Time: 6213.77

and not act those out.

Time: 6216.37

And low adrenaline, epinephrin during REM sleep

Time: 6220.14

is basically a signature,

Time: 6222.23

a neurochemical signature of the REM sleep state,

Time: 6224.33

which is so vital for emotional and physical repair

Time: 6227.56

and so forth.

Time: 6228.393

So, the fact that they can inhibit sleep,

Time: 6230.49

the fact that can cause dehydration,

Time: 6232.56

the fact that they can make people feel kind of lightheaded

Time: 6234.39

and jittery makes them not terrific choices

Time: 6237.41

for a number of people.

Time: 6239.04

There is an interesting alternative choice.

Time: 6241.15

And when I say alternative, I do mean alternative.

Time: 6244.11

The choice that I'm referring to is spirulina,

Time: 6246.66

which is actually a form of algae.

Time: 6249.04

Years ago, I think when I first heard about spirulina,

Time: 6252.07

it sounded very much of the kind of 1970s,

Time: 6254.937

80s health food store variety.

Time: 6257.29

It seemed really kind of mystical and wacky,

Time: 6259.96

but actually now there are some really nice studies

Time: 6262.45

and some data, and also an understanding of the mechanism

Time: 6265.24

by which spirulina can have potent effects

Time: 6268.01

in reducing what's called rhinitis,

Time: 6269.93

which is a fancy word for congestion of the nose

Time: 6273.44

and an inflammation of the nose.

Time: 6274.82

Basically, anytime you hear a word that includes "itis,"

Time: 6279.86

at least if it's in the medical or health context,

Time: 6281.85

it generally means inflammation of some tissue.

Time: 6285.49

So rhinitis just being inflammation of the nasal passages,

Time: 6288.65

but that's one of the most uncomfortable symptoms

Time: 6290.53

of any kind of infection.

Time: 6292.08

So there are two studies I'd like to highlight

Time: 6294.33

just very quickly.

Time: 6295.2

One is the effects of spirulina on allergic rhinitis.

Time: 6298.22

And the other is a clinical comparison

Time: 6300.02

to the efficacy of spirulina platensis,

Time: 6305.36

that's a technical name,

Time: 6306.802

and cetirizine for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Time: 6310.63

These looked at humans, so this is not a mouse study,

Time: 6313.59

this is a study on humans.

Time: 6316.21

Both sexes, so males and females.

Time: 6318.82

In one case, looking at 100 plus subjects, 129 subjects.

Time: 6322.376

The other, 65 subjects, so decent number of subjects,

Time: 6324.7

randomized trial, double blind.

Time: 6327.48

Both cases saw significant decreases in nasal obstruction,

Time: 6333.09

improved ability to smell, improved sleep,

Time: 6337.43

daily working inflammatory cytokines were reduced as well,

Time: 6343.44

reduction in nasal itching,

Time: 6344.46

all the stuff that you'd like to experience,

Time: 6346.34

I can imagine, after taking two grams,

Time: 6349.34

two grams, not milligrams, but two grams of spirulina.

Time: 6352.77

Sometimes had to be taken for a short while

Time: 6355.21

before the effect kicked in.

Time: 6356.76

So, that's pretty impressive, I would say,

Time: 6359.48

but it doesn't really speak to mechanism,

Time: 6361.32

but in exploring the underlying mechanisms for spirulina's

Time: 6365.24

effects on reducing rhinitis,

Time: 6368.28

it's interesting to find that spirulina actually can inhibit

Time: 6372.56

the formation and/or activity of so-called

Time: 6375.57

histaminergic mast cells, M-A-S-T, mast cells.

Time: 6379.55

We haven't talked a lot about mast cells,

Time: 6381.62

but they are a very interesting cell type

Time: 6383.8

in the immune response.

Time: 6385.61

Essentially what they are, are little packets of histamine.

Time: 6389.51

And when we have some sort of injury or irritant rather

Time: 6396.97

to the skin, so a mosquito bite, for instance,

Time: 6400.29

or poison oak or poison ivy,

Time: 6403.47

something that causes an itch

Time: 6404.86

or something that causes inflammation internally,

Time: 6407.08

doesn't just have to be on the skin,

Time: 6408.59

these mast are these little bubbles that contain histamine

Time: 6411.69

that go to that site [hissing],

Time: 6413.85

and release their histaminergic contents

Time: 6416.2

and cause swelling and inflammation of whatever cells

Time: 6420.27

are affected locally.

Time: 6422.52

You might think, well, why would I want to have a mechanism

Time: 6424.53

in my body that would cause swelling and inflammation?

Time: 6426.76

Ah, well then those cells in turn send out cytokine signals

Time: 6431.14

that recruit the very cell types that we were talking about

Time: 6435.01

way back at the beginning of the episode,

Time: 6437.64

the cells that are characteristics

Time: 6439.47

of the innate immune system that come in,

Time: 6441.73

the macrophages and the other types of cells

Time: 6444.29

that will come in and gobble up the foreign invaders

Time: 6446.96

or will help sequester and move away,

Time: 6449.86

say the poison from a bite or from whatever irritant.

Time: 6454.04

Again, it doesn't just have to be at the skin surface.

Time: 6456.91

I'm describing an example of at the skin, for instance,

Time: 6460.16

if you've ever had hives of any kind,

Time: 6463.18

that almost certainly involved mast cells.

Time: 6467.06

So, and when you take an anti-histamine in order to deal

Time: 6471.64

with seasonal allergies, for instance,

Time: 6476.014

you're taking a compound that's reducing

Time: 6477.97

histamines in mast cells.

Time: 6479.69

And spirulina has also been used quite effectively as a way

Time: 6482.75

to treat seasonal allergies and some of the symptomatology.

Time: 6486.33

Equally on par with some of the major prescription

Time: 6489.1

and over the counter drugs for that.

Time: 6491.42

One cautionary note, spirulina can carry some side effects

Time: 6495.48

for people that have a genetic mutation

Time: 6499.13

leading to something called PKU.

Time: 6500.35

These people know who they are.

Time: 6501.43

They're very sensitive to phenylalanine.

Time: 6504.65

These same people cannot drink any sort

Time: 6506.52

of NutraSweet or diet soda for reasons that they understand.

Time: 6510.13

It can be quite dangerous.

Time: 6511.01

It's a rare genetic disorder, but nonetheless,

Time: 6513.3

spirulina can be an issue for those people.

Time: 6516.42

For most people, the side effect profile is pretty minimal.

Time: 6520.31

And just to be clear, I don't have any relationship

Time: 6522.07

to spirulina company or anything.

Time: 6523.75

I just find it interesting that there are these compounds

Time: 6526.48

that sound rather, forgive the phrase,

Time: 6529.08

but rather new-agey because they come from

Time: 6532.44

a algae, from a plant.

Time: 6534.14

But when you look at the underlying mechanism,

Time: 6535.7

it makes perfect sense.

Time: 6537.01

So that's often what we like to point out here

Time: 6539.5

is that if there are these so-called alternative therapies,

Time: 6543.33

alternative because most people haven't heard of them,

Time: 6545.04

it's always nice if they map to a specific logical mechanism

Time: 6548.04

and framework by which that compound would work,

Time: 6549.88

as opposed to just some anecdote of,

Time: 6551.527

"Oh, I hear spirulina is great for allergies."

Time: 6553.52

Well, now we know why, it inhibits mast cells

Time: 6555.9

and histaminergic mast cells in particular.

Time: 6558.81

Earlier, I mentioned a new and very exciting study

Time: 6562.38

published as a full article in "Nature."

Time: 6564.57

Full article means that it is a major finding.

Time: 6568.49

At the journal, "Nature," they have letters,

Time: 6570.71

which are important findings.

Time: 6572.12

They're still very high stringency for getting

Time: 6574.63

a letter in "Nature" published.

Time: 6576.61

But the full articles, generally there's only one or two

Time: 6580.4

per issue in the weekly edition of "Nature."

Time: 6584.73

And just last week, there was a very exciting article

Time: 6587.77

published from Qiufu Ma's lab at Harvard Medical School.

Time: 6591.42

Qiufu I've known for a number of years.

Time: 6593.36

His group has done phenomenal work on the mechanisms

Time: 6595.7

of itch and pain and discovering some of the receptors

Time: 6598.98

and pathways for itch and pain.

Time: 6600.37

And more recently they've been exploring

Time: 6602.44

the mechanistic basis of acupuncture.

Time: 6605.66

And the title of the article is,

Time: 6607.627

"A neuroanatomical basis for electroacupuncture to drive

Time: 6611.17

the vagal adrenal axis."

Time: 6613.13

And while that's a mouthful,

Time: 6615.19

now most all of you are probably familiar with what I mean

Time: 6619.36

when I say vagal adrenal axis;

Time: 6621.54

vagal meaning of the vagus,

Time: 6623.42

and adrenal of the adrenal glands.

Time: 6625.31

And so perhaps we should not be surprised,

Time: 6627.95

although excited, nonetheless,

Time: 6630.25

that when Qiufu's lab looked at stimulation of the body

Time: 6636.66

with so-called electroacupuncture.

Time: 6638.802

So, these are needles where a small bit

Time: 6640.74

of electrical current, low level of electrical current,

Time: 6643.19

is passed into the needle and therefore into the body.

Time: 6647.54

They located sites on the body that can increase

Time: 6651.27

inflammation by way of releasing inflammatory cytokines.

Time: 6655.14

These areas included the abdomen,

Time: 6657.63

and they found areas on the body such as the lower limbs,

Time: 6661.72

or the hind limbs in this case,

Time: 6663.62

that can stimulate the vagal adrenal reflex

Time: 6667.37

and can lead to reduced inflammation.

Time: 6670.79

And what was really interesting is that they figured out

Time: 6674.44

that it was activation of nerve endings

Time: 6677.23

that resided in the fascia.

Time: 6679.12

I mentioned earlier what fascia is,

Time: 6680.61

but just to remind you,

Time: 6681.46

the fascia is a really thick sheath of tissue

Time: 6685.21

that surrounds muscle.

Time: 6686.97

If ever you've heard of Rolfing,

Time: 6688.581

Rolfing is a form of very intense massage.

Time: 6691.44

I've never had this done, but I've heard about this.

Time: 6694.56

It involves among other things,

Time: 6697.07

actually separating the muscle away

Time: 6699.58

from the fascia somewhat.

Time: 6700.84

So it's a very, very deep tissue massage.

Time: 6703.49

Actually a good friend of mine who had this done

Time: 6707.07

told me that it was probably

Time: 6708.41

the most challenging physical experience

Time: 6711.88

that he had ever been through going through

Time: 6713.25

this Rolfing procedure.

Time: 6714.26

Maybe some of you have have been Rolfed, as they say,

Time: 6717.15

and can report to the experience,

Time: 6719.03

whether or not it was pleasant or unpleasant,

Time: 6720.62

or you felt benefits or not.

Time: 6722.14

In any case, this study isn't about Rolfing per se,

Time: 6724.97

but it is about the fascia.

Time: 6726.55

And so what they discovered is there's a specific

Time: 6729.28

population of neurons.

Time: 6730.55

Those neurons have a name, as they often do in science.

Time: 6733.17

Name isn't important, but if you want to look it up,

Time: 6735.26

it's the PROKR2 neurons, P-R-O-K R2 neurons.

Time: 6740.49

And they send a connection deep into

Time: 6743.37

the limb fascial tissue, okay?

Time: 6746.07

And then they send another connection,

Time: 6747.92

the connections we're referring to are axons,

Time: 6750.14

neurons have axons.

Time: 6750.973

So a wire in one direction that goes

Time: 6754.31

into the deep fascial tissue of the lower limb,

Time: 6757.85

near the calf and thigh.

Time: 6759.49

And then they send another wire up into the spinal cord,

Time: 6764.05

into a region of the hind brain in the back of your brain

Time: 6767.59

kind of near your neck in the medulla oblongata,

Time: 6771.17

that neuron also has a name called the DMZ, doesn't matter.

Time: 6773.57

And that neuron connects to the adrenal gland

Time: 6776.84

to release our good old friends, the catacholamines,

Time: 6779.16

noradrenaline, adrenaline, and dopamine,

Time: 6782.83

or norepinephrine, epinephrin, and dopamine.

Time: 6786.34

And their release causes a reduction in inflammation,

Time: 6792.12

even in response to an injection of something called

Time: 6794.17

lipopolysaccharide, which can actually induce fever.

Time: 6796.4

So, what does all this saying?

Time: 6797.3

This is saying that activation of the deep fascial tissue

Time: 6801.49

causes a chain of neural reactions that leads eventually

Time: 6806.61

to the release of norepinephrine, noradrenaline,

Time: 6809

adrenaline, and dopamine.

Time: 6811.31

And once again, lowers inflammation,

Time: 6813.48

very much like the breathing study

Time: 6815.91

that we talked about earlier in the pattern

Time: 6817.65

of cyclical hyperventilation with retention,

Time: 6819.7

leading to reductions in inflammation.

Time: 6821.76

I can't tell you how happy this makes me.

Time: 6823.36

I had nothing to do with this work,

Time: 6824.67

but the reason it makes me happy is because

Time: 6827.38

I have a particular fondness for when practices

Time: 6831.15

that have existed for many centuries

Time: 6833.28

or even thousands of years, such as acupuncture,

Time: 6835.82

such as respiration work, start to converge with some

Time: 6840.38

of the hardcore mechanistic science.

Time: 6842.77

And the reason this excites me is not because we want to

Time: 6845.78

take science and erase the previous tools

Time: 6848.58

and methods of these ancient practices, not at all.

Time: 6851.68

And it certainly isn't the case that we just want

Time: 6853.77

to name things or rename things with modern science.

Time: 6857.19

What's very exciting is when we can discover mechanism

Time: 6860.89

that explains why certain practices work.

Time: 6863.68

First of all, that validates those as legitimate practices,

Time: 6868.47

maybe even insurance will start to cover them,

Time: 6871.27

whereas maybe they previously had not,

Time: 6873.11

I don't know what the current status

Time: 6874.39

is for insurance coverage of acupuncture.

Time: 6876.75

I'm guessing there are places that do it,

Time: 6878.5

maybe others that don't.

Time: 6880.43

I personally am not somebody who receives acupuncture.

Time: 6883.39

I have in the past, but it's not that I'm in particular

Time: 6886.38

a fan of it, but I think that there are a number of people

Time: 6888.77

that have benefited from it.

Time: 6889.79

So, I think that's wonderful.

Time: 6891.64

Breath work and respiration work is something

Time: 6894.28

that I've cultivated as a practice over the years.

Time: 6896.44

I mentioned earlier, how I use it to push back

Time: 6898.91

on incoming infections and so forth.

Time: 6900.76

And now that doesn't sound like total...

Time: 6904.05

You know, like just a figment of my imagination,

Time: 6906.01

there's actually a mechanism,

Time: 6906.97

a published mechanism to explain it.

Time: 6909.14

But the most exciting thing to me about all this

Time: 6911.64

is that practices that traditionally have been shrouded

Time: 6915.12

in complicated language or were the unique domain

Time: 6917.52

of the practitioners and relied on phrases

Time: 6921.21

like the meridians or the chakras,

Time: 6923.87

of which I think is perfectly valid language,

Time: 6925.86

but doesn't inform mechanism.

Time: 6927.35

And then in a separate community, the community I come from,

Time: 6931.19

the community of scientists,

Time: 6932.44

have used language like PROKR2 neurons,

Time: 6935.96

medulla oblongata, vagal adrenal axis.

Time: 6938.34

And basically no one can communicate with one another

Time: 6940.76

because the language is shrouding.

Time: 6941.99

What we're now starting to see is that at their convergence

Time: 6946.59

is a common mechanism.

Time: 6948.16

And with that understanding,

Time: 6949.67

what's going to be really terrific

Time: 6952.49

is as new protocols start to emerge.

Time: 6955.1

So in understanding mechanisms and pathways,

Time: 6957.39

and in being able to understand the base set of practices

Time: 6961.36

like breathing, like electroacupuncture, and so forth,

Time: 6964.16

we can now start to daydream in a very realistic way

Time: 6968.03

about the development of new protocols,

Time: 6970.33

more effective protocols.

Time: 6971.7

Protocols that perhaps one can do at home without needles,

Time: 6974.82

perhaps protocols such as the breathing

Time: 6977.27

that you can do anywhere, anytime,

Time: 6978.86

and be confident that you're actually impacting the IL-6

Time: 6981.997

and the IL-8 pathways, reducing those and increasing IL-10.

Time: 6985.81

So we are no longer wandering around in the fog

Time: 6989.21

hearing about these magical techniques without understanding

Time: 6991.95

why they work, nor are we just seeing a bunch of science

Time: 6994.95

that is descriptive, but not mechanistic

Time: 6998.04

or pointing to specific protocols.

Time: 6999.73

So, I'm just delighted.

Time: 7001.38

Again, I had nothing to do with this work,

Time: 7002.84

but really terrific work, Qiufu and colleagues.

Time: 7007.88

And I also want to acknowledge a journal

Time: 7010.25

as prominent as "Nature" for featuring this upfront,

Time: 7013.62

because I think it really does mark the beginning

Time: 7015.61

of a new path in medicine.

Time: 7018.96

And just to underscore that point a little bit further,

Time: 7022.26

the National Institutes of Health,

Time: 7023.61

of course has a cancer institute, an eye institute,

Time: 7025.81

that deal with trying to combat cancer

Time: 7027.5

and to cure blindness and so forth.

Time: 7030.43

And now they have what's called NCCIH,

Time: 7032.85

which has complimentary health.

Time: 7034.61

And so, there are good tax dollars being put

Time: 7038.1

to the kinds of explorations that we're talking about

Time: 7040.16

that undoubtedly are going to lead to better treatments

Time: 7043.31

for immunological diseases, neurological diseases,

Time: 7046.52

the convergence of the immune system and the nervous system.

Time: 7049.04

Very exciting times and I hope that by learning about

Time: 7052.18

some of this new and emerging science and hearing about

Time: 7054.47

some of the protocols that are either zero cost or low cost,

Time: 7058.76

certainly for respiration that's the case

Time: 7061.27

or for the use of heat or cold,

Time: 7063.13

or maybe even electroacupuncture if you have access to that,

Time: 7067.36

that we can really see that we're starting to evolve

Time: 7070.1

as a field of health and medicine and science

Time: 7072.31

and ancient practices,

Time: 7073.3

and that they're really starting to converge

Time: 7075.07

and have a vector, as we say,

Time: 7076.44

in a new and more exciting direction.

Time: 7079.17

Once again, we've covered a lot of information today.

Time: 7081.5

We learned about the immune system,

Time: 7082.82

the adaptive immune system, the innate immune system,

Time: 7085.37

and the nervous system and how those interact.

Time: 7087.68

And throughout, we discussed protocols that can allow you

Time: 7090.74

to tap into this relationship between

Time: 7092.8

the nervous system and immune system,

Time: 7094.67

and hopefully avoid and/or shorten the course

Time: 7098.28

of any illnesses, injuries, or inflammation

Time: 7101.24

that you might encounter.

Time: 7103

If you're enjoying and/or learning from this podcast,

Time: 7106.71

please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Time: 7108.74

And also on YouTube, please leave us a comment.

Time: 7111.89

One of the best forms of comments you can give us

Time: 7114.09

are suggestions for future topics and future guests

Time: 7117.74

to have on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 7119.98

Please also subscribe to our podcast on Apple and Spotify.

Time: 7123.74

And on Apple, you can also leave us up to a five star review

Time: 7126.49

and leave us a comment there as well if you like.

Time: 7129.73

In addition, please check out our sponsors

Time: 7131.56

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Time: 7133.66

That's the best way to support this podcast.

Time: 7136.55

And we have a Patreon.

Time: 7138.14


Time: 7140.59

And there, you can support the podcast

Time: 7142.47

at any level that you like.

Time: 7144.54

A few times during this episode,

Time: 7146.05

and in many previous episodes, I mentioned supplements.

Time: 7149.2

Not everybody needs to take supplements,

Time: 7150.81

but many people find benefit from them.

Time: 7153.04

A key thing if you're going to take supplements is to know

Time: 7155.36

that the quality of the supplements that you're taking

Time: 7157.99

is very high and that's not always the case

Time: 7160.4

with many supplement brands.

Time: 7161.54

That's why we partnered with Thorne, that's T-H-O-R-N-E.

Time: 7165.38

Thorne supplements are known to be

Time: 7166.213

of the very highest quality and the specificity

Time: 7169.73

of the ingredients is very high as well.

Time: 7171.69

Meaning what they list on the bottle

Time: 7172.86

is actually what's contained in that bottle.

Time: 7174.91

They've worked with the Mayo Clinic,

Time: 7176.1

all the major sports teams.

Time: 7177.24

So, trust is very, very high with Thorne products.

Time: 7180.5

If you'd like to see the supplements that I take,

Time: 7182.07

you can go to

Time: 7187.03

And there, you can see all the supplements that I take.

Time: 7189.28

You can get 20% off any of those supplements.

Time: 7191.6

And if you enter the Thorne site through that portal,

Time: 7193.84

you can get 20% off any of the supplements

Time: 7196.18

that Thorne makes.

Time: 7197.03


Time: 7203.45

to see the supplements that I take or get 20% off

Time: 7206.05

any of the supplements that Thorne makes.

Time: 7208.16

If you're not already following HubermanLab on Instagram,

Time: 7210.96

please do so.

Time: 7212.18

There I teach neuroscience and health-related topics,

Time: 7215.04

sometimes, but not always overlapping

Time: 7216.88

with the content of the podcast.

Time: 7219.37

We are also HubermanLab on Twitter.

Time: 7222.43

And last but not least,

Time: 7224.62

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 7226.208

[light music]

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