Using Science to Optimize Sleep, Learning & Metabolism

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[upbeat music]

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast

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where we discuss science

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and science-based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a Professor of Neurobiology

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and Ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine.

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This podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information

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about science and science-related tools

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to the general public.

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Along those lines,

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I want to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens, which is an all-in-one

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vitamin mineral probiotic liquid supplement.

Time: 38.1

I've been using Athletic Greens since 2012

Time: 41.58

because I really like getting my total vitamin mineral

Time: 45.27

base covered in one easy to consume product.

Time: 49.06

It also tastes really good.

Time: 50.01

I mix mine with a little bit of lemon juice.

Time: 51.53

I've been doing that well over a decade now.

Time: 54.68

And the inclusion of probiotics is important to me because

Time: 58.1

there's a lot of data out there right now

Time: 60.04

about the importance of gut health

Time: 61.54

for the immune system for, mood.

Time: 63.89

And so by combining all these things in one product

Time: 66.94

you get all those things at once.

Time: 68.6

If you want to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 70.14

you can go to

Time: 73.36

and that will give you a special offer

Time: 75.59

where you will get a year supply of liquid vitamin D3 and K2

Time: 80.23

vitamin D3 has been shown to be important

Time: 82.34

for various aspects of immune function

Time: 85.3

as well as other biological functions.

Time: 87.38

And so once more, if you want to try athletic greens

Time: 89.75

and get the year supply of vitamin D3 K2

Time: 92.43

just go to

Time: 96.29

The other sponsor of today's podcast is InsideTracker.

Time: 99.61

InsideTracker is a way to measure metabolic factors,

Time: 104.59

hormones, and DNA related factors

Time: 108.23

by way of blood tests and saliva

Time: 110.58

in order to assess one's health.

Time: 112.93

I'm a big believer in blood tests and saliva tests

Time: 115.99

for assessing one's health markers, because I like data.

Time: 119.95

And there's really no other way to measure

Time: 122.27

what's going on in one's body

Time: 124.48

without taking the occasional blood test or saliva test.

Time: 128.31

You can guess what's going on

Time: 130.26

but if you really want to know what's going on under the hood

Time: 132.966

InsideTracker can be of great help.

Time: 135.7

One of the problems with a lot of products out there

Time: 138.32

or just regular blood testing

Time: 139.69

is that you get a lot of data back about the levels

Time: 141.92

of various hormones, metabolic factors, et cetera,

Time: 143.93

but you don't know what to do with those data.

Time: 145.96

Great thing about InsideTracker is provided in a format.

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They have an online dashboard

Time: 151.35

that given your particular levels of various things

Time: 155.04

directs you

Time: 155.873

toward potential lifestyle related changes

Time: 159.39

like changes in exercise, or changes in sleep patterns,

Time: 163.23

or changes in nutritional patterns,

Time: 165.64

that can really help move those markers and those numbers

Time: 168.89

on those metabolic factors, hormones, et cetera

Time: 171.13

in the direction that you want.

Time: 172.99

If you'd like to try InsideTracker

Time: 174.57

you can go to

Time: 177.71

And if you do that,

Time: 178.547

you'll 25% off their program at checkout.

Time: 182.74

Okay, let's get started.

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Today is episode three of the podcast

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and it is office hours.

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Office hours as many of you know, it's where students

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come to the office of the professor,

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sit down and ask questions,

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requesting clarification about things that were confusing,

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or to simply go down the route of exploring a topic

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with more depth and detail.

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I asked for your questions to be listed

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in the comment section of the previous two episodes

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of the podcast on YouTube, as well as on Instagram.

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And I first of all just want to thank you

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for the many questions, they are excellent.

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We read them all.

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We distilled from that large batch of questions

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to two types of questions.

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Questions that were asked very often

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and were light very often with a little thumbs up like tab

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as well as questions that we thought could really expand

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on the topics that we've covered previously.

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And today we're going to cover both of those.

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If we did not get to your question, please don't despair.

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We will keep track of those.

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And we have several more episodes devoted to this topic

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of sleep and wakefulness and learning

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during the month of January, maybe even,

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leaking over a little bit into the month of February.

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So, we have time that's one of the unique formats

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of this podcast is that we have time for dialogue,

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we have time for your questions

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and we have time to really go deep into these topics.

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It's official Costello is sleeping in the background.

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So if you hear snoring, Costello is going to be keeping time

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with his deep and melodic snoring.

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There he goes.

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So the questions that we received, I batched crudely

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into a couple of different categories,

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light, exercise, supplementation, temperature, learning,

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plasticity, and mood, and sort of mood related disorders.

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There were a lot of questions about those.

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Before we begin any of this

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I want to point out something that I,

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I always say it sounds like boiler plate

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but it's important not just to protect me

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but to protect you, which is that I am not a physician.

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I'm not a medical doctor.

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I don't prescribe anything, including behavioral protocols.

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I'm a professor.

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So I profess a lot of things

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based on quality peer reviewed studies.

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You should take that information.

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You should filter it through whatever it is

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that you currently happen to be dealing with,

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whether or not that's health or illness, you should consult

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with a licensed healthcare professional before you add

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or remove anything from your daily life protocol.

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I'm not responsible for your health.

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You are, so be smart with this information

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and be a stringent filter, as we say.

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Okay, very well let's get started on the actual material.

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Somebody asked, what is the role of moonlight and fire,

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I'm presuming they mean fireplace

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or candle or things of that sort, in circadian rhythms.

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Is it okay to view moonlight at night

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or will that wake me up?

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Will a fire in my fireplace or using candle light

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be too much light.

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Great question, also offers me the opportunity

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to share with you

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what I think is a quite beautiful definition

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of what light is in a quantitative sense.

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So I've mentioned a few times the use of apps

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and light meters and things to measure things like locks,

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which sometimes are also described in terms of Kendals.

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So those are the two units for measuring light intensity.

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Typically lux, L-U-X is the, is the unit.

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And so before we go forward and discuss this many lux

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or that many lux, I want to just tell you what a lux is

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because it relates to this question.

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One lux equals the illumination of one square meter surface

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at one meter away from a single candle.

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Think about that.

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So somebody actually decided at some point

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that the amount of illumination at one square meter surface,

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one meter away from a single candle, that equals one lux.

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So when we talk about 6,000 lux of light intensity

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or 10,000 lux of light intensity, now you have a kind of

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a reference or a framework that would be the equivalent of,

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you could think of it as 6,000 candles

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all with their light intensity shown

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on one square meter from one meters distance away.

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Or of course, if it was a different number of lux

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it would be a different number of candles.

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So you get the idea.

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Here's the great thing.

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It turns out that moonlight, candle light,

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and even a fireplace, if you have one of these roaring fires

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going in the fireplace,

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do not reset your circadian clock at night

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and trick your brain into thinking that it's morning

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even though if you've ever sat close to a fireplace

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or even a candle, that light seems very bright.

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And there are two reasons for that that are very important.

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The first one is that these neurons in your eye

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that I discussed in the previous episode

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these melanopsin ganglion cells

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also called intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells.

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Those cells adjust their sensitivity across the day,

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and those cells respond best to the blue-yellow contrast

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present in the rising and setting sun,

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so-called low solar angle sun,

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also discussed in the previous episode,

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but those cells adjust their sensitivity such that

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they will not activate the triggers in the brain

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that conveyed daytime signals when they view moonlight,

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even a full moon a really bright moon or fire.

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Now this does raise an interesting kind of thought point,

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which is, you know, a lot of people talked

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about lunacy and the fact that when there's a full moon out

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people act differently and behave differently.

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There's a lot of lore around that.

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There's actually a little bit of quality science around that

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that maybe we can address in the future.

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But, moonlight is typically not going to wake us up

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too much, except maybe the moon is really full

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and really bright, there's possibility for that.

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So, providing you're not going to burn down the structure

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you're in, you're not going to burn down the forest,

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enjoy your, your fireplaces, enjoy your lights from candles.

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And those are perfectly safe

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without disrupting your circadian rhythm.

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Because we talked about just how crucial it is

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to avoid bright lights

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between the hours of about 10:00 PM and 4:00 AM.

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Except when you need to view things for sake of safety

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or work or so and so forth.

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I also received a lot of questions about red light.

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Now, I think I was asked those questions

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because red light is used

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in a number of different commercial products

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where these products tend to include a sheet,

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of very bright red lights.

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That one is supposed to view early in the day.

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And there are various claims attached

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to these red light devices

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that they improve mitochondrial function,

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that they improve metabolism there-

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I'm going to be really honest and I can't name brands,

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and I'm not going to name particular studies.

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'Cause what I'm about to say

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about these studies is not particularly unkind

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but let's just say that none of the studies that I've seen

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except for one that I'll talk about in a moment,

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pointing to the positive effects of red light

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on the visual system are published in blue ribbon journals.

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They tend to be published in journals

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that I had to work hard to find.

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I'm not sure what the peer review and stringency level is.

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Now, that's not to say red light isn't beneficial

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because there is one study in particular

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that came from Glen Jeffrey's Lab

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at the University of College, London

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it was published last year.

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Glen is somebody I happen to know

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is an excellent reputation, excellent vision scientist,

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what this study essentially showed.

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And again, this is a study that

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I very much liked the data

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and think it was done with very high standards.

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What this study shows is that, viewing red light

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for a few minutes each morning

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can have positive effects on mitochondria

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in a particular retinal cell type, that tends to degenerate

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or decline in function with age in humans.

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And that cell type is the photoreceptor.

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The photoreceptor is a type of cell in your eye

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that sits at the back of the eye.

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It's kind of some distance away from the ganglion cells.

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And it's the cell that converts light information

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into electrical signals that the rest

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of the retina and brain can understand.

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These are vitally important cells without them,

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people are blind.

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And many people's vision gets worse with age.

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In particular, age related macular degeneration

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but also related to some other factors

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including photo receptor functionality

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just getting worse with time.

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And what Glen showed was that red light flashes

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delivered in particular early in the day

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but not late in the day can help repair the mitochondria.

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Now this study needs more support

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from additional studies of course.

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They are doing a clinical trial.

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They did report on what I think it was 12 patients.

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And so the work is ongoing, but that was very interesting.

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And it points to some potentially really useful things

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about red light.

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However, most of the questions I got

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about red light for sake of office hours

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were about the use of red light later in the day.

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So here's the deal, in principle red light

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will not stimulate the melanopsin retinal neurons

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that wake up the brain and circadian clock

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and signal daytime.

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However, most of the red lights in particular the red lights

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that come on these sheets of these products

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that people are supposed to view them in order to

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access a number of proclaimed health effects,

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those are way too bright

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and would definitely wake up your body and brain.

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So if you're going to use those products

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and I'm not suggesting you do, or you don't,

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but if that's your thing, you would want to use those

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early in the day.

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Who knows you might even derive some benefit

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on mitochondria function in these photo receptors.

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But if you're thinking about red light

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for sake of avoiding the negative effects of light

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later in the day and at night, then you want that red light

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to be very, very dim, certainly much dimmer

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than is on most of those commercial products.

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Now, do you need red lights? No.

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Although red lights are rather convenient

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because you can see pretty well with them on,

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but if they're dim, they won't wake up the circadian clock.

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They won't have this dopamine disrupting thing

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that we talked about in the previous podcast.

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So there's a role for red light

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potentially early in the day

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and for mitochondrial repair in the photoreceptors,

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there's a role for dim red light

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later in the day and at night.

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So you're starting to notice a theme here which is that,

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there's no immediate prescription of look at these light,

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it's look at these lights potentially

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if that's what you want to do at particular times of day

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and we're particular intensities.

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It brings us back to the blue light issue

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which is so many people are obsessed

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with avoiding blue light, but you actually

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want a ton of blue light early in the day

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and throughout the day.

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So don't wear your blue blockers then

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or maybe even don't wear them at all.

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And at night, it doesn't matter if you have blue blockers on

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if the lights are bright enough, then you're still

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going to be activating these cells and mechanisms.

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I just want to add something

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about the science behind the blue blocker confusion.

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So these melanopsin retinal cells do react to blue light.

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That that is the best stimulus

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for one of these melanopsin cells, which led

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to the belief that blue blockers would be a good thing

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for preventing resetting of the circadian clock at night

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and deleterious effects of screens, et cetera.

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However, the people that made these products

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fail to actually read the papers from start to finish

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or if they did, they didn't comprehend a critical element

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which is that most of those papers early on

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took those neurons out and put them in a dish.

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And when they did that, they divorced those neurons

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from their natural connections in the eye.

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It turns out in your IMI right now,

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because that's what we care about, these cells exist

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and the cells respond to blue light

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but also to other wavelengths of light

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because they not only respond directly to light

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as they do in a dish, they also respond

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to input from photo receptors.

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So if you talk to anyone in the circadian biology field,

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they'll tell you, "Oh, yeah this blue light thing,

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has really gotten out of control."

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Because people assume that blue light is the culprit

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because blue light is the best stimulus.

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That doesn't mean that blue light is the only stimulus

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that will trigger these cells, okay?

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So like many things a scientific paper can be accurate

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without being exhaustive.

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And a lot of claims about products can be accurate,

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but not exhaustive.

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So blue light during the day is great.

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Get that screen light, get that sunlight

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especially getting overhead lights.

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I'll talk about all this in the previous podcast,

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but at night you really want to avoid those bright lights.

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And it doesn't matter if it's blue light or something else.

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And so there was a real confusion about

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the papers and the data when most

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of those product recommendations were made.

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While we're on that topic, let's talk about light

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in other orifices of the body.

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I made a kind of a joke about this, the last podcast episode

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but a couple of people wrote to me and said,

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well, I've seen some claims that light delivered

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to the ears into the ears or the roof of the mouth

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or up the nose can be beneficial

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for some setting circadian rhythms, no.

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Not directly anyway.

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And this is a great opportunity for us to distinguish

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between what is commonly called the placebo effect

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but a more important way to think about any manipulation

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behavioral or otherwise that you might do is

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the difference between modulation and mediation.

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There are a lot of things that will modulate your biology.

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Putting a couple of lights up your nose,

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please don't do this.

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Might modulate your biology by way

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of the stress hormone that's released

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when you stuffed those things up your nose.

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Remember earlier a previous podcast, I said that

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virtually anything we'll face shifts your circadian rhythm

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if it's different and dramatic enough.

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So the question is, is it the light delivered

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up the nose or through the ears

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or some other orifice that's mediating the process?

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Is it actually tapping into the natural biology

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of the system that you're trying to manipulate?

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And this is where I like to distinguish

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between real biology and hacks.

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I don't like the word hack

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or frankly neuro hacking or bio hacking.

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I just don't like the term because a hack is

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is using something for a purpose

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for which it was not intended, right?

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But where you can kind of, it's kind of a cheat

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and that's not how biology works well.

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So I try and distinguish

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between things that really mediate biological processes

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and things that Modulate them.

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There are a number of commercial products out there

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with some studies attached to them,

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claiming that light delivered to the ears or wherever can

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adjust your wakefulness or adjust your sleep.

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I've looked at those papers again,

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I'm probably going to lose some friends by saying this

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but maybe I'll gain a few as well.

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Not blue ribbon journals, frankly,

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oftentimes read the small print.

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There was a conflict of interest clause there

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related to commercial interests.

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If somebody disagrees with me outright on this

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and can send to me a peer reviewed paper,

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published in a quality journal

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about light delivered anywhere, but the eyes of humans

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that can mediate circadian, rhythms, wakefulness et cetera,

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I'm more than happy to take a look at that

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and change my words and stance on this

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and do it publicly, of course.

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But until then I'm guessing that

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the proper controls were not done

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of adjusting for heat that could be delivered

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which can definitely shift circadian rhythms.

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We're going to talk about temperature

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and other things like that.

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So light to the eyes folks is where these light effects work

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in humans, in other animals,

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they have extra ocular photo reception in humans, no.

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And just be mindful, I mean,

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I'm not trying to encourage people

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to avoid certain products in particular

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but just be mindful of this difference

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between modulation and mediation.

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A mediating, a process through a hard wired

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or long-standing biological mechanism is really

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where you're going to see the powerful effects over time.

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I also, as you've probably noticed,

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I really tend to favor behavioral tools

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and zero cost tools first,

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and getting those dialed in before you start,

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plugging in and swallowing and putting things

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in various places just to really figure out

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how your biology works and explore that,

Time: 1149.21

unless there's of course a clinical need

Time: 1150.73

to take a prescribed drug in which case,

Time: 1153.12

by all means, listen to your doctor.

Time: 1155.23

Okay, a huge number of people asked me about

Time: 1159.49

what about light through windows?

Time: 1161.72

And I actually did an Instagram post about this look,

Time: 1167.01

setting your circadian clock with sunlight

Time: 1169.64

coming through a window is going to take 50

Time: 1171.277

to 100 times longer.

Time: 1172.75

If you want the date on that, I'd be happy to send you

Time: 1176

to the various papers that were described

Time: 1177.72

in the previous podcast that Jamie Zeitzer from Stanford.

Time: 1181.14

And I have discussed also elsewhere

Time: 1183.28

but here's really the key thing with us.

Time: 1185.63

Do the experiment.

Time: 1186.65

You can download the free app Light Meter.

Time: 1189.22

You can have a bright day outside

Time: 1190.95

or some sunlight hold up that app, take a picture.

Time: 1193.47

It'll tell you how many lux now, you know what lux are.

Time: 1196.05

It will tell you how many lux are in that environment.

Time: 1198.16

Now close the window.

Time: 1199.62

And if you want close the screen or don't open the screen

Time: 1201.64

you can do all sorts of experiments.

Time: 1202.72

You'll see that it will at least half the amount of lux.

Time: 1206.41

And it doesn't scale linearly.

Time: 1208.82

Meaning let's say I get a 10,000 lux outside,

Time: 1213.34

5,000 looking out through an open window

Time: 1215.45

and then I closed the window and it's 2,500 lux.

Time: 1218.29

It does not mean that you just need to view that sunlight

Time: 1220.87

for twice as long if it's half as many lux, okay?

Time: 1225.253

It's not like 2,500 lux means you need to look

Time: 1229.01

for 10 minutes

Time: 1229.843

and 5,000 lux means you look for five minutes.

Time: 1233.09

It doesn't scale that way

Time: 1234.69

just because the biology doesn't work that way.

Time: 1237.03

Best thing to do is to get outside, if you can,

Time: 1239.49

if you can't next best thing to do

Time: 1240.99

is to keep that window open.

Time: 1242.6

It is perfectly fine to wear prescription lenses

Time: 1245.17

and contacts.

Time: 1246.6

Why is it okay to wear prescription lenses and contacts,

Time: 1249.06

when those are glass also,

Time: 1250.88

but looking through a window, diminishes the effect.

Time: 1254.9

Well, we should think about this.

Time: 1256.59

The lenses that you wear in front of your eyes

Time: 1258.83

by prescription or on your eyes

Time: 1260.28

are designed to focus the light on to your neural retina.

Time: 1263.47

In fact, that's what near-sightedness is, is when the image

Time: 1266.77

because your lens doesn't work quite right.

Time: 1269.16

The image falls in front of the neural retina,

Time: 1271.35

wearing a particular lens in front of that

Time: 1274.08

focuses the lens onto your retina onto these very neurons.

Time: 1277.4

So they can communicate that to the brain.

Time: 1279.59

It's Costello is loving this light.

Time: 1281.87

He's deep in sleep.

Time: 1283.01

And if we, maybe we could play him some tones

Time: 1285.1

and he'll remember it later, based on the studies,

Time: 1287.02

we're going to talk about in a little bit.

Time: 1290.14

I don't know how we'd know if he remembered it or not,

Time: 1292.15

but prescription lenses are fine.

Time: 1295.38

In fact, they're great for this reason

Time: 1296.94

they're actually focusing the light onto the retina.

Time: 1299.98

So think about this logically

Time: 1301.98

and all of a sudden it makes perfect sense your glass window

Time: 1304.84

or your windshield or the side window of your car,

Time: 1308.28

it isn't optically perfect to bring the image

Time: 1313.03

and the light onto your retina.

Time: 1314.57

In fact, what it's doing is it's scattering

Time: 1316.22

and filtering light in particular

Time: 1317.68

the wavelengths of light that you want.

Time: 1319.47

So, if you live in a low light environment

Time: 1322.91

lots of questions about this.

Time: 1324.09

We talked about this, the previous podcast

Time: 1325.8

but just get outside for longer or,

Time: 1329.42

and/or use really bright lights inside.

Time: 1332.89

Okay, so let's think about

Time: 1334.42

why I'm making some of these recommendations

Time: 1337.14

because I think it can really empower you

Time: 1340.54

with the ability to change your behavior

Time: 1343.84

in terms of light viewing and other things,

Time: 1346.53

depending on time of year,

Time: 1348.26

depending on other lifestyle factors.

Time: 1352.05

The important point to understand is that early in the day,

Time: 1354.96

your central circadian clocks

Time: 1356.83

and all these mechanisms are looking for a lot of light.

Time: 1360.24

I mean, they don't have a mind of their own,

Time: 1361.57

but it needs a lot of light to trigger this daytime signal,

Time: 1365.03

alertness et cetera.

Time: 1367.48

And early in the day, but not in the middle of the day,

Time: 1371.27

you can sum or add photons.

Time: 1373.95

So there's this brief period of time early in the day,

Time: 1376.24

when the sun is low in the sky

Time: 1378.27

when your brain and body are expecting

Time: 1380.5

a morning wake up signal

Time: 1382.33

where let's say, it's not that bright outside.

Time: 1384.57

Someone sent me a picture or a little movie of their walk

Time: 1387.82

in England, and it was pretty overcast

Time: 1390.01

and they were using light meter and they said

Time: 1391.41

it's only about 700 lux or maybe even less.

Time: 1395.09

And I said, well, stay outside longer.

Time: 1397.61

But when you get inside, turn on the lights really bright

Time: 1400.2

and overhead lights in particular,

Time: 1401.96

because those will be best for stimulating these mechanisms.

Time: 1405.78

And that's because at least

Time: 1407.11

for the first few hours of the day,

Time: 1408.56

you can continue to some or add photon activation

Time: 1412.84

of the cells in the eye and the brain.

Time: 1415.37

In the middle of the day, once the sun is overhead, or even

Time: 1417.7

if you stay inside all morning,

Time: 1420.34

and then you're in the circadian dead zone,

Time: 1423.04

which sounds terrible and it is terrible.

Time: 1425.47

You doesn't matter if you get a ton of artificial light

Time: 1428.28

or even sunlight,

Time: 1430.16

you're not going to shift your circadian clock.

Time: 1431.57

You're not going to get that wake up signal.

Time: 1433.99

And then in the evening, you want to think about

Time: 1436.79

this whole system as being vulnerable

Time: 1438.48

to even a few photons of light because of their sensitivity

Time: 1441.45

to light really goes up at night.

Time: 1443.21

And I talked last time about how you can protect

Time: 1445.53

against that sensitivity by looking at the setting sun

Time: 1450.22

and watching the evening sun,

Time: 1452.25

even if it's not crossing the horizon

Time: 1453.87

around the time of sunset.

Time: 1455.35

And that's because it adjusts your retinal sensitivity

Time: 1457.96

and your melatonin pathway

Time: 1459.16

so that light is not as detrimental to melatonin at night.

Time: 1462.78

Think about the afternoon sunlight viewing as kind of a,

Time: 1466.8

I think of it as kind of a Netflix inoculation.

Time: 1469.4

It allows me to watch a little bit

Time: 1470.76

of Netflix in the evening, although it's very

Time: 1473.21

hard to watch a little bit of anything on Netflix.

Time: 1475.31

It seems like there's some other neuro-biological process

Time: 1477.96

that going on there where I have to watch

Time: 1480.04

episode after episode after episode.

Time: 1482.42

But in any case, you can protect yourself

Time: 1485.73

against some of that bad effect of light at night

Time: 1489.44

by looking at light in the evening.

Time: 1490.73

It really does adjust down the sensitivity of the system.

Time: 1494.16


Time: 1495.08

I want to talk about seasonal changes

Time: 1497.54

in all these things as they relate to mood and metabolism.

Time: 1501.87

So depending on where you are in the world,

Time: 1503.75

Northern hemisphere, Southern hemisphere

Time: 1505.34

at the equator or closer to the poles,

Time: 1507.35

the days and nights are going to be different lengths.

Time: 1510.72

That just makes sense.

Time: 1512.14

But that translates to real biological signals

Time: 1514.68

that impact everything from wakefulness and sleep times

Time: 1518.37

but also mood and metabolism.

Time: 1521.06

So here's how this works.

Time: 1522.74

Now, after seeing the previous episode of the podcast

Time: 1525.97

and paying attention here, you are armed

Time: 1529.62

with the knowledge to really understand how it is

Time: 1532.71

that believe it or not, every cell in your body is tuned

Time: 1536.35

to the movement of the planet relative to the sun.

Time: 1539.84

So as all of you know,

Time: 1541.36

the earth spins once every 24 hours on its axis.

Time: 1545.11

So part of that day were bathed in sunlight

Time: 1547.07

depending on where we are the other half of the day

Time: 1548.86

or part of the day we're in darkness.

Time: 1550.85

The earth also travels around the sun 365 days

Time: 1555.36

is the time that it takes, one year,

Time: 1557.41

to travel around that sun.

Time: 1560.5

The earth is tilted.

Time: 1562.08

It's not perfectly upright.

Time: 1565.16

So the earth is tilted on its axis.

Time: 1568.22

So depending on where we are in that 365 day journey

Time: 1571.79

and depending on where we are in terms of hemisphere,

Time: 1573.65

Northern hemisphere, Southern hemisphere,

Time: 1575.77

some days of the year are longer than others.

Time: 1579.24

Some are very short, some are very long.

Time: 1581.15

If you're at the, at the equator

Time: 1583.05

you experience less variation

Time: 1584.59

in day length and therefore nightlife.

Time: 1586.15

And if you're closer to the poles,

Time: 1587.93

you're going to experience some very long days.

Time: 1590.76

And you're also going to experience some very short days

Time: 1593.41

depending on which poll you're at

Time: 1594.9

and what time of year it is.

Time: 1596.57

The simple way to put this as depending on time of year

Time: 1598.9

the days are either getting shorter or getting longer.

Time: 1601.22

Now, every cell in your body adjusts its biology

Time: 1605.38

according to day length, except your brain, body and cells

Time: 1611.16

don't actually know anything about day length.

Time: 1613.81

It only knows night length.

Time: 1615.98

And here's how it works.

Time: 1617.24

Light inhibits melatonin powerfully.

Time: 1621.43

If days are long and getting longer,

Time: 1624.75

that means melatonin is reduced.

Time: 1628.2

The total amount of melatonin is less

Time: 1631.5

because light is more, therefore melatonin is less.

Time: 1636.13

If days are getting shorter,

Time: 1638.44

light can't inhibit melatonin as much,

Time: 1641.51

through the summing of photon mechanisms

Time: 1643.31

that we talked about before,

Time: 1644.98

and that melatonin signal is getting longer.

Time: 1648.84

So every cell in your body actually knows

Time: 1651.3

external day length and therefore time of year

Time: 1654.76

by way of the duration of the melatonin signal.

Time: 1657.87

And in general, it's fair to say that in diurnal animals,

Time: 1661.71

meaning animals like us that tend to be awake

Time: 1663.87

during the daytime and not nocturnal animals,

Time: 1666.43

which tend to be awake at night.

Time: 1669.26

The longer the melatonin signal, the more depressed

Time: 1672.7

not necessarily clinically depressed,

Time: 1674.76

although that can happen

Time: 1675.77

but the more depressed our systems tend to be.

Time: 1679.3

Reproduction, metabolism, mood, turnover rates of skin cells

Time: 1686.35

and hair cells all tend to be diminished

Time: 1688.89

compared to the spring and summer months

Time: 1693.21

for some Northern hemisphere, spring and summer months,

Time: 1695.6

or the times in which days are very long.

Time: 1697.91

And there's less melatonin that tends to,

Time: 1699.7

in almost all animals, including humans, more breeding,

Time: 1703.9

more hormone elevation of the hormones

Time: 1706.61

that stimulate breeding reproduction

Time: 1708.372

and fertility metabolism is up, lipid metabolism

Time: 1715.02

fat-burning is up, protein synthesis is up.

Time: 1718.14

These things tend to correlate with the seasons.

Time: 1720.83

Now, some people are very, very

Time: 1723.05

strongly tied to the seasons.

Time: 1724.33

They get depressed, clinically depressed in winter

Time: 1727.28

and light therapies are very useful for those people.

Time: 1731.57

Some people love the winter and they're happiest in winter

Time: 1733.96

and they feel kind of depressed in summer.

Time: 1735.47

Although that is far more rare.

Time: 1737.65

That doesn't mean depression cannot exist in the summer,

Time: 1739.88

but when we're talking about seasonal depression

Time: 1742.68

that tends to be true.

Time: 1744.08

It's more depression in winter.

Time: 1747.5

Now there's other things that correlate with seasonality.

Time: 1749.9

Suicide rates tend to be highest in the spring

Time: 1752.64

not in the winter,

Time: 1753.98

but that has to do with some of the more

Time: 1756.8

complicated and unfortunately tragic aspects of suicide

Time: 1760.15

which is that oftentimes people will commit suicide

Time: 1762.91

not at the very depths of their energy levels,

Time: 1766.42

but as they're emerging from those depths of low energy.

Time: 1769.72

So we'll talk about suicidality and mood disorders

Time: 1772.66

in a later podcast season, meaning a month later.

Time: 1776.04

But for now, just understand that

Time: 1779.8

everybody is going through these natural fluctuations

Time: 1781.85

depending on the duration of the melatonin signal.

Time: 1784.84

Now this might lead you to say, "Well,

Time: 1787.11

then I should just really get as much light as I can

Time: 1789.16

all the time and reduce melatonin feel great all the time."

Time: 1791.83

Unfortunately, doesn't work that way

Time: 1793.05

because melatonin also has important effects

Time: 1796.37

on the immune system.

Time: 1798.76

It has important effects

Time: 1800.64

on transmitter systems in the brain, et cetera.

Time: 1803.9

So everybody needs to figure out for themselves

Time: 1806.86

how much light they need early in the day

Time: 1809.97

and how much light they need to avoid

Time: 1812.25

late in the day,

Time: 1813.16

in order to optimize their mood and metabolism.

Time: 1815.65

There is no one size fits all prescription

Time: 1818.56

because there's a range of melatonin receptors,

Time: 1821.18

there are a range of everything from metabolic types

Time: 1825.48

to genetic histories, family histories, et cetera.

Time: 1829.41

There is no one size fits all prescription

Time: 1831.73

but by understanding that light and extended day length

Time: 1835.04

inhibit melatonin and melatonin tends

Time: 1837.65

to be associated with a more depressed

Time: 1839.36

or reduced functioning of these kinds of activity driving

Time: 1843.4

and mood elevating signals,

Time: 1845.5

and understanding that you have some control

Time: 1848.01

over melatonin by way of light, including sunlight

Time: 1850.93

but also artificial light, and that should empower you

Time: 1853.46

I believe, to make the adjustments

Time: 1855.29

that if you're feeling low you might ask,

Time: 1858.96

how much light am I getting?

Time: 1859.96

What am I getting that light?

Time: 1861.58

Because sleep is also important for restoring mood, right?

Time: 1864.93

So you need sleep.

Time: 1865.77

You can't just, just crush melatonin across the board

Time: 1869.91

and expect to feel good because

Time: 1871.27

then you're not going to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Time: 1874.01

Melatonin, not incidentally comes from,

Time: 1877.92

is synthesized from serotonin.

Time: 1880.68

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is associated

Time: 1883.77

with feelings of well-being provided to proper levels,

Time: 1887.47

but well-being of a particular kind.

Time: 1889.44

Well-being associated with quiescence and calm

Time: 1893.39

and the feeling that we have enough resources

Time: 1895.84

in our immediate kind of conditions.

Time: 1898.11

Is the kind of thing that comes from a good meal

Time: 1900.15

or sitting down with friends or holding a loved one,

Time: 1903.22

or conversing with somebody that you really bond with.

Time: 1907.74

Serotonin does not stimulate action.

Time: 1910.73

It tends to stimulate stillness.

Time: 1913.63

Very different than the neuromodulator dopamine

Time: 1916.3

which is a reward feel good neuromodulator

Time: 1919.17

that stimulates action.

Time: 1920.73

And actually dopamine is the cursor

Time: 1925.04

to epinephrin, to adrenaline

Time: 1926.57

which actually puts us into action.

Time: 1928.13

There it's actually made from dopamine, right?

Time: 1931.46

So, you can start to think how about light

Time: 1934.26

as a signal that is very powerful

Time: 1936.47

for modulating things like sleep and wakefulness

Time: 1938.66

but also serotonin levels, melatonin levels.

Time: 1942.53

And I talked about this previously

Time: 1944.27

but I'll mention once more,

Time: 1945.2

that light in the middle of the night

Time: 1946.21

reduces dopamine levels to the point where

Time: 1948.57

it can start causing problems

Time: 1950.51

with learning and memory and mood.

Time: 1952.68

That's one powerful reason to void bright light

Time: 1955.76

in the middle of the night.

Time: 1957.308


Time: 1958.95

Seasonal rhythms have a number of effects

Time: 1961.41

but humans are not purely seasonal breeders.

Time: 1964.46

Unlike a lot of animals, we breed all year long.

Time: 1967.95

In fact, there's a preponderance of September babies

Time: 1972.39

in my life, not actual babies,

Time: 1974.05

because they're born in September

Time: 1975.22

which means that they were conceived in December,

Time: 1978.17

without knowing the details we can fairly assume that.

Time: 1982.07

And December, at least in the Northern hemisphere

Time: 1984.47

at days tend to be shorter and nights tend to be longer.

Time: 1988.49

So clearly humans aren't seasonal breeders

Time: 1990.89

but there are shifts in breeding and fertility

Time: 1994.2

that exist in humans,

Time: 1995.24

but also much more strongly in other animals.

Time: 1997.7

So seasonal effects vary.

Time: 1999.29

Some of you will experience very strong seasonal effects

Time: 2001.36

others of you will not.

Time: 2003.02

I think everybody should be taking care to

Time: 2006.11

get adequate sunlight and to avoid bright light at night

Time: 2009.05

throughout the year if possible.

Time: 2012.75

Throughout this podcast and in previous episodes,

Time: 2014.96

I've been mentioning neuromodulators,

Time: 2016.83

things like serotonin and dopamine

Time: 2019.33

which tend to buy a certain brain circuits

Time: 2022.37

and things in our body to happen in certain brain circuits

Time: 2025.03

and things in our body not to happen.

Time: 2027.34

One of the ones I've mentioned numerous times is epinephrin

Time: 2030

which is a neuromodulator that tends to put us into action,

Time: 2033.03

make us want to move.

Time: 2034.54

In fact, when it's released in high amounts in our brain

Time: 2036.617

and body, it can lead to what we call stress

Time: 2039.24

or the feeling of being stressed.

Time: 2041.85

Several people ask me, what's the difference

Time: 2043.59

between epinephrin and adrenaline.

Time: 2046.36

Adrenaline is secreted from the adrenal glands

Time: 2048.96

which sit right above our kidneys.

Time: 2050.92

Epinephrin is the exact same molecule

Time: 2054.14

except that it's released within the brain.

Time: 2056.52

And so people use these phrases or these words

Time: 2059.22

rather interchangeably, epi means near

Time: 2062.91

or on top of sometimes and neph, neph

Time: 2066.26

Anytime you see nephron or ph it means kidney.

Time: 2069.22

So it means near the kidney.

Time: 2070.3

So epinephrin actually means near the kidney.

Time: 2072.31

So it was used originally to describe adrenaline,

Time: 2075.64

but epinephrin and adrenaline are basically the same thing

Time: 2078.43

and they tend to stimulate agitation and the desire to move.

Time: 2082.54

That's what that's about.

Time: 2084.54

Which brings us to the topic of exercise.

Time: 2087.59

Got a lot of questions about exercise.

Time: 2089.97

What forms of exercise are best for sleeping well?

Time: 2093.61

When should I exercise et cetera.

Time: 2096.96

There's a lot of them individual variability around this,

Time: 2099.79

but I can talk about what I know from the science literature

Time: 2104.36

and what I happened to do myself.

Time: 2107.27

There are basically two forms of exercise

Time: 2109.28

that we can talk about although, of course

Time: 2110.67

I realize there are many different forms of exercise.

Time: 2113.21

There's much more nuance to this,

Time: 2114.41

but we can talk about cardiovascular exercise,

Time: 2116.63

where the idea is to repeat a movement

Time: 2118.67

over and over and over continuously.

Time: 2120.18

So that'd be like running, biking, rowing

Time: 2121.86

and cycling this kind of thing.

Time: 2124.04

Or there's a resistance exercise where you're moving,

Time: 2128.93

lifting, presumably putting down also

Time: 2131.68

things of progressively heavier and heavier weight

Time: 2135.01

that you couldn't do continuously for 30 minutes.

Time: 2139.39

So cardiovascular exercise is typically

Time: 2142.89

the more aerobic type exercise and resistance exercise

Time: 2145.84

of course is the more anaerobic type exercise.

Time: 2147.69

And yes, there's variation between the two.

Time: 2150.07

Most studies of exercise have looked at aerobic exercise

Time: 2154.29

because that's basically the thing that you can get a rat

Time: 2156.99

or a mouse to do.

Time: 2158.28

You know what's really weird about rats and mice,

Time: 2159.88

they like to run on wheels so much,

Time: 2162.73

that someone actually did this study,

Time: 2164.1

it was published in science they put a wheel,

Time: 2166.57

a running wheel in the middle of a field

Time: 2168.5

and mice ran to that wheel and ran on the wheel.

Time: 2171.96

They turns out that what they like is the passage

Time: 2176.01

of the visual image of the bars in front of their face,

Time: 2179.17

which I find kind of remarkable

Time: 2183.03

and troubling because it seems so like trivial,

Time: 2185.44

but anyway they love aerobic exercise.

Time: 2187.547

And so most of the studies were done on these mice

Time: 2189.66

that love running on wheels.

Time: 2190.7

Whereas so far as it's been challenging to find

Time: 2194.7

conditions in which mice really liked to lift weights

Time: 2197.12

or we'll do it in a laboratory.

Time: 2198.88

So any weight bearing exercise studies

Time: 2201.21

really have to be done in humans.

Time: 2203.03

And since humans are what we're interested in,

Time: 2206.69

there are some studies looking at these two things

Time: 2210.3

and when they tend to work best.

Time: 2212.04

Now you will see some places aerobic exercise

Time: 2214.11

is best done in the morning

Time: 2215.41

and weight training is best done in the afternoon.

Time: 2217.87

I think there's far more individual variation than that.

Time: 2221.86

I think there are however, a couple of windows

Time: 2224.84

that the exercise science literature

Time: 2226.78

and the circadian literature points to as

Time: 2229.4

windows related to body temperature

Time: 2231.56

in which performance, injury,

Time: 2235.35

in which performance is optimized

Time: 2237.2

injury is reduced and so on.

Time: 2240.3

And those tend to be 30 minutes after waking.

Time: 2243.82

And that probably correlates with the inflection in cortisol

Time: 2246.83

associated with waking whether or not

Time: 2248.33

you've gotten light or not, three hours after waking,

Time: 2251.52

which probably correlates to the rise in body temperature

Time: 2254.36

sometime right around waking.

Time: 2256.12

And the later afternoon, usually 11 hours after waking

Time: 2260.31

which is when temperature tends to peak.

Time: 2262.8

So some people like to exercise in the morning.

Time: 2265.14

Some people like to exercise in the afternoon.

Time: 2266.65

It really depends.

Time: 2268.2

I think for those of us with very busy schedules,

Time: 2271.29

it's advantageous to be able to do your training

Time: 2275.87

whenever you have the opportunity to do it,

Time: 2278.51

unless you can really control your schedule.

Time: 2281.55

And so I would never want these recommendations

Time: 2284.9

to seem like recommendations, what I'm really describing

Time: 2286.94

are some opportunities, 30 minutes after waking,

Time: 2289.6

three hours after waking or 11 hours after waking

Time: 2293.27

has been shown at least in some studies

Time: 2294.98

to optimize performance, reduce injury

Time: 2297.327

and that sort of thing.

Time: 2298.447

But you really have to figure out what works for you.

Time: 2301.37

A note about working out first thing in the morning.

Time: 2304

Last time we talked about non-photo phase shifts.

Time: 2306.43

If you exercise first thing in the morning,

Time: 2309.28

your body will start to develop an anticipatory circuit.

Time: 2312.51

There's actually plasticity in these circadian circuits

Time: 2315.19

that will lead you to want to wake up

Time: 2317.68

at the particular time that you exercised

Time: 2319.43

the previous three or four days.

Time: 2321.09

So that can be a powerful tool

Time: 2322.66

but you still want to get light exposure.

Time: 2324.74

Because it turns out that light and exercise converged,

Time: 2328.14

so giving even bigger, wake up signal to the brain and body.

Time: 2332.29

So you might want to think about that.

Time: 2334.07

Some people find if they exercise late in the day

Time: 2336.32

they have trouble sleeping

Time: 2337.96

in general intense exercise does that,

Time: 2341.92

whereas the kind of lower intensity exercise doesn't.

Time: 2345.03

I found some interesting literature

Time: 2347.06

that talked about sleep need and exercise.

Time: 2349.25

I found this fascinating that

Time: 2352.21

if one is waking not feeling rested and recovered from

Time: 2358.17

and yet sleeping the same amount that they typically have,

Time: 2361.86

it's quite possible that the intensity of exercise

Time: 2364.94

in the proceeding two or three days is too high.

Time: 2367.43

Whereas if one can't recover

Time: 2371.65

no matter how much sleep they get,

Time: 2373.39

they're just sleepy all the time,

Time: 2375.2

I realized these things are correlated

Time: 2376.83

that the volume of training might be too high.

Time: 2379.45

Now I'm not an exercise scientist.

Time: 2380.92

We should probably get Andy Galpin or somebody else on here,

Time: 2383.43

who's really an expert in this kind of stuff.

Time: 2385.999

I do realize as soon as anyone talks about exercise

Time: 2388.76

or nutrition publicly,

Time: 2389.84

they're basically opening themselves up

Time: 2391.83

to all sorts of challenges

Time: 2393.93

because you can basically find support

Time: 2396.07

for almost any protocol in the literature.

Time: 2399.1

What I've looked at was two journals in particular,

Time: 2402.246

International Journal Chronobiology

Time: 2405.41

and journal Biological Rhythms.

Time: 2408.03

Excuse me, to assess these parameters

Time: 2412.21

that I I've mentioned just just a moment ago

Time: 2414.45

because the studies tended to be done in humans.

Time: 2416.5

They were fairly recent and they came from

Time: 2419.4

groups that I recognized as well as

Time: 2421.764

knowing that those journals are peer reviewed.

Time: 2424.7

Many of your questions were about neural plasticity

Time: 2427.55

which is the brain and nervous system's ability to change

Time: 2430.45

in response to experience.

Time: 2433.48

There was a question that asked whether or not

Time: 2435.45

these really deep biological mechanisms around wakefulness,

Time: 2438.91

time of waking sleep, et cetera

Time: 2441.4

were subject to neuroplasticity and indeed they are.

Time: 2444.82

Some of that plasticity is short-term

Time: 2446.7

and some of it is more long-term.

Time: 2449

There's a really good analogy here which is,

Time: 2451.38

if you happen to eat on a very tight schedule

Time: 2455.61

where every day say it 8:00 AM, noon and 7:00 PM

Time: 2460.14

is when you eat your food not suggesting you do this

Time: 2462.19

but let's say you were to do that for a couple of days.

Time: 2465.47

After a few days,

Time: 2466.8

you would start to anticipate those meal times

Time: 2469.15

where no matter where you were in the world,

Time: 2472.3

no matter what was going on in your life

Time: 2473.8

about five to 10 minutes before those meal times,

Time: 2477.1

you would start to feel hungry and even a little agitated,

Time: 2479.99

which is your body's way

Time: 2481.9

of trying to get you to forage for food.

Time: 2484.11

And that's because of some peptide signals

Time: 2486.69

that come from the periphery from your body,

Time: 2489.26

things like hypocretin norexin

Time: 2492.15

that signal to the hypothalamus

Time: 2493.92

and brainstem to make you active

Time: 2495.65

and alert and look for food and feel hungry.

Time: 2498.49

So there's kind of an anticipatory circuit,

Time: 2501.07

that's a chemical circuit, but eventually over time,

Time: 2504.01

the neurons, the neural circuits

Time: 2506.29

that control hypocretin orexin

Time: 2507.84

would get tuned to the neural circuits

Time: 2510.35

that are involved in eating and maybe even smell and taste

Time: 2515.05

to create a kind of eating circuit

Time: 2516.96

that's unique to your pattern, to your rhythms.

Time: 2520.4

The same thing is true for these waking and exercise

Time: 2524.1

and other schedules, including all trade-in schedules.

Time: 2526.77

If you wake up in the morning

Time: 2528.74

and start getting your sunlight, you start exercising

Time: 2530.86

in the morning or you exercise in the afternoon,

Time: 2534.17

pretty soon, your body will start to anticipate that

Time: 2536.36

and start to secrete hormones and other signals

Time: 2539.05

that prepare your body for the ensuing activity

Time: 2542.34

of waking up or going to sleep.

Time: 2544.36

So if you get onto a pattern or a rhythm,

Time: 2548.07

even if that rhythm isn't down to the minute,

Time: 2550.89

you'll find that there's plasticity in these circuits

Time: 2553.16

and it becomes easier to wake up early.

Time: 2555.05

If that's your thing or exercise at a particular day

Time: 2557.27

if that's your thing.

Time: 2559.2

That's the beauty of neuroplasticity.

Time: 2562.22

A number of people ask,

Time: 2563.277

"What can I do to increase plasticity?"

Time: 2565.837

And that really comes in two forms.

Time: 2568.31

There's plasticity that we can access in sleep

Time: 2571.95

to improve rates of learning and depth of learning

Time: 2576.18

from the previous day or so.

Time: 2578.09

And there's this an SDR non-sleep deep breaths

Time: 2581.37

that can be done without sleeping, to improve rates

Time: 2584.35

of learning and depth of retention, et cetera.

Time: 2586.56

So let's consider those both

Time: 2588.65

and you can incorporate these protocols if you like.

Time: 2590.86

Again, these are based on quality peer reviewed studies.

Time: 2594.69

First, let's talk about learning in sleep.

Time: 2597.29

This is based on some work that

Time: 2598.69

I'll provide the reference for

Time: 2600.93

that was published in the journal Science.

Time: 2603.7

Excellent journal, Matt Walker also talks about some

Time: 2606.07

of these studies done by others in his book "Why We Sleep".

Time: 2610.91

The studies just to remind you are

Time: 2613.3

structured in he following way an individual

Time: 2616.35

is brought into a laboratory, Lowe does a

Time: 2618.9

spatial memory task.

Time: 2619.94

So there tends to be a screen

Time: 2622.87

with a bunch of different objects popping up on the screen

Time: 2625.52

in different locations.

Time: 2626.48

So it might be a Bulldog's face that might be a cat,

Time: 2628.99

and it might be an Apple than it might be a pen

Time: 2631.31

in different locations.

Time: 2632.28

And that sounds trivial easy

Time: 2634.01

but with time you can imagine it gets pretty tough

Time: 2636.69

to come back a day later and remember,

Time: 2638.71

if something presented in a given location

Time: 2641.14

was something you've seen before and whether or not

Time: 2643.07

it was presented in that location or a different location.

Time: 2645.15

If you had enough objects and changed locations enough,

Time: 2648.1

this can actually be quite difficult.

Time: 2650.23

In this study, the subjects either just

Time: 2653.64

went through the experiment or a particular odor

Time: 2657.51

was released into the room while they were learning

Time: 2661.56

or a tone was played in the room while they were learning.

Time: 2665.08

And then during the sleep of those subjects

Time: 2668.87

the following night and the following night,

Time: 2671.63

so this was done repeatedly for several nights,

Time: 2675.32

the same odor or tone was played

Time: 2678.94

while the subjects were sleeping.

Time: 2681.89

They did this in different stages of sleep

Time: 2683.5

non-REM sleep and rapid eye movement, sleep REM sleep.

Time: 2686.77

They did this with just the tone in sleep.

Time: 2690.235

If the subjects had the odor but not the tone,

Time: 2694.5

they did it with putting the tone,

Time: 2696.52

if they had had the odor while learning.

Time: 2698.3

So basically all the controls,

Time: 2699.52

all the things you'd want to see done to make sure

Time: 2701.57

that it wasn't some indirect effects, a modulatory effect.

Time: 2704.96


Time: 2705.793

And what they found was that providing the same stimulus,

Time: 2710.64

the odor, if they smelled an odor or a tone

Time: 2713.59

if the subjects heard a tone while learning

Time: 2716.55

if they just delivered that odor or tone

Time: 2719.08

while the subject slept, rates of learning

Time: 2721.97

and retention of information was significantly greater.

Time: 2726.23

This is pretty cool.

Time: 2727.16

What this means that you can cue the subconscious brain,

Time: 2730.077

and the asleep brain to learn particular things

Time: 2733.5

better and faster.

Time: 2735.9

So how might you implement this?

Time: 2737.21

Well, you could play with this if you want.

Time: 2739.43

I don't see any real challenge

Time: 2740.81

to this provided the odor and is a safe one

Time: 2743.93

and then doesn't wake you up

Time: 2744.867

and the tone is a safe one, and doesn't wake you up.

Time: 2749.14

You could do this by having a metronome, for instance,

Time: 2752.15

while I'm learning something,

Time: 2753.55

playing in the background or particular music

Time: 2755.44

and then have that very faintly while you sleep.

Time: 2758.1

So you could apply this if you like and try this.

Time: 2761.14

There are a number of groups I think now

Time: 2763.31

that are trying this using tactile stimulation.

Time: 2765.46

So slight vibration on the wrist during learning

Time: 2768.35

and then the same vibration on the wrist during sleep.

Time: 2770.9

It does not appear that the sensory modality,

Time: 2774.37

whether or not it's odor or auditory tone

Time: 2777.55

or tactile stimulation,

Time: 2779.9

some as a sensory stimulation, whether or not it matters.

Time: 2782.92

It's remarkable because it really shows

Time: 2784.62

that sleep is an extension of the waking state.

Time: 2786.88

We've known that for a long time

Time: 2788.36

but this really tethers those two

Time: 2790.65

in a very meaningful and actionable way.

Time: 2793.41

So I think I'll report back to you

Time: 2795.19

as I learned more about these studies,

Time: 2796.54

but that's what I know about them at this point.

Time: 2799.14

As long as we're there

Time: 2799.973

we might as well talk about dreaming

Time: 2801.12

'cause I got so many questions about dreams.

Time: 2803.46

A couple of you, we want to ask me what their dreams meant.

Time: 2806.22

Look, I don't even know what my dreams mean half the time.

Time: 2810.2

I occasionally will wake up from a dream and remember it.

Time: 2813.81

If you want to remember your dreams better,

Time: 2815.65

if you're somebody who has challenges

Time: 2817.74

remembering your dreams, you can set your alarms

Time: 2820.22

that you wake up in the middle of this

Time: 2821.45

one of these 90 minute cycles which toward morning

Time: 2823.87

tend to be occupied almost exclusively by REM sleep.

Time: 2826.5

Remember early in the night, you have less REM sleep

Time: 2828.57

than later in the night.

Time: 2830.16

But you want to get as much sleep as you can

Time: 2832.83

'cause that's healthy.

Time: 2833.663

So I don't know that you want to wake yourself up.

Time: 2835.94

Some people find that

Time: 2837.2

writing down their thoughts immediately

Time: 2839.07

first thing in the morning

Time: 2839.98

allows them to relater spontaneously remember

Time: 2843.04

their dream they had.

Time: 2844.34

There's some literature on that.

Time: 2846.07

The meaning of dreams is a little bit controversial.

Time: 2848.63

Some people believe they have strong meaning

Time: 2850.18

other people believe that they can be

Time: 2853.41

just spontaneous firing of neurons that were active

Time: 2856.72

in the waking state and don't have any meaning.

Time: 2860.68

There are good data to show that when you learn spatial,

Time: 2864.88

new spatial environments that there's a replay of those

Time: 2867.49

environments, so-called place cells that fire in your brain

Time: 2871.64

only when you enter a particular environment,

Time: 2873.65

that those are replayed in sleep in almost direct fashion

Time: 2877.15

to the way that things were activated

Time: 2880.56

when you were learning that spatial task.

Time: 2882.51

Dreams are fascinating, they're were paralyzed during dreams

Time: 2885.98

which brings us to another question.

Time: 2887.79

Somebody asked about sleep paralysis.

Time: 2890.519

We are paralyzed for much of our sleep,

Time: 2893.16

so-called atonia so presumably

Time: 2895.16

so we don't act out our dreams.

Time: 2896.89

Some people wake up and they're still paralyzed.

Time: 2900.45

I've actually had this happen to me

Time: 2902.25

not very many times, but a few times.

Time: 2903.9

And then they jolt themselves awake

Time: 2905.89

and it actually is quite terrifying.

Time: 2907.41

I can say from personal experience to wake up

Time: 2909.57

be wide awake and you cannot move your body at all.

Time: 2913.22

It's really quite frightening.

Time: 2914.89

There are a couple of things that will increase

Time: 2917

the intrusion of atonia into the wakeful state

Time: 2920.56

which is essentially means you're waking up

Time: 2922.6

but you can't, you can't move.

Time: 2924.52

One is marijuana, THC, a I'm not a marijuana smoker.

Time: 2928.68

I'm not a copper.

Time: 2930.23

I don't know the legality where you live.

Time: 2931.73

So I'm not saying one thing or another about marijuana.

Time: 2933.82

I'm just, the fact that I had that experience

Time: 2936.695

without marijuana means that it can happen regardless,

Time: 2940.36

but marijuana smokers, for whatever reason

Time: 2942.95

maybe it has something to do with the cannabinoid receptors

Time: 2946.16

or the serotonin receptors downstream of the motor pathways.

Time: 2950.01

I don't know.

Time: 2951.52

I couldn't find any literature on this

Time: 2953.04

but marijuana smokers report, higher frequency

Time: 2956.1

of this kind of paralysis and wakefulness

Time: 2959.34

as you transition from sleep to wakefulness.

Time: 2961.94

I suppose probably

Time: 2962.86

one could learn to get comfortable with it.

Time: 2964.72

For me, it was terrifying, 'cause I'm just

Time: 2966.82

used to being able to move my limbs fortunately

Time: 2968.59

and I wasn't able to, and it's a quite a thing,

Time: 2974.85

let me tell you, okay.

Time: 2976.83

some other questions about neuroplasticity.

Time: 2979.79

So the other form of neuroplasticity

Time: 2982.77

is not the neuroplasticity that you're amplifying

Time: 2985.95

by listening to tones or smelling odors in sleep,

Time: 2990.49

but the neuroplasticity that you can access

Time: 2992.18

with non sleep deep rest.

Time: 2994.2

So NSDR, non sleep deep rest

Time: 2997.24

as well as short 20 minute naps,

Time: 2999.41

which are very close to non sleep deep rest

Time: 3001.55

because people rarely drop

Time: 3002.91

into deep States of sleep during short naps,

Time: 3005.09

unless they're very sleep deprived.

Time: 3008.05

NSDR has been shown to increase rates of learning

Time: 3012.94

when done for 20 minute bouts for a proxy-

Time: 3016.56

to match an approximately 90 minute about of learning.

Time: 3020.47

So what am I talking about?

Time: 3021.71

90 minute cycles are these ultradian cycles

Time: 3024.81

that I've talked about previously.

Time: 3026.41

And we tend to learn very well by taking a 90 minute cycle

Time: 3030.53

transitioning into some focus mode early in the cycle,

Time: 3033.57

and it's hard to focus and then deep focus

Time: 3035.7

and learning feels almost like agitation and strain

Time: 3039.34

and then by the end of that 90 minute cycle,

Time: 3041.57

it becomes very hard to maintain focus

Time: 3044.74

and learn more information.

Time: 3046.7

There's a study published in Cell Reports last year.

Time: 3049.04

Great journal, excellent paper showing that

Time: 3053.18

20 minute naps or light sleep

Time: 3056.29

of a sort of non sleep deep rest taken immediately after

Time: 3060.32

or close to it, doesn't have to be

Time: 3061.68

immediately after you finished the last sentence

Time: 3063.62

of learning or whatever it is, or bar of music.

Time: 3067.12

But you know, a couple of minutes after transitioning

Time: 3069.23

to a period of non sleep deep rest,

Time: 3071.96

where you're turning off the analysis of duration path

Time: 3074.78

and outcome has been shown to accelerate learning

Time: 3077.43

to a significant degree.

Time: 3079.05

Both the amount of information

Time: 3080.76

and the retention of that information.

Time: 3082.72

So that's pretty cool,

Time: 3084.32

because this is a cost-free, drug-free way of

Time: 3089.24

accelerating learning without having to get more sleep.

Time: 3092.6

But simply by introducing these 20 minute bouts.

Time: 3095.69

I would encourage people if they want to try this

Time: 3097.73

to consider the 20 minutes per every 90 minutes

Time: 3101.27

of ultradian learning cycle, there you're incorporating

Time: 3103.78

a number of different neuroscience backed tools

Time: 3107.41

90 minute cycles for focused learning.

Time: 3110.09

It could be motor, it could be cognitive,

Time: 3111.62

it could be musical, whatever, and then transitioned

Time: 3115.39

to a 20 minute non sleep deep rest protocol.

Time: 3118.36

I just want to cue you the fact that in last` episode

Time: 3120.52

in the caption on YouTube, we provided links

Time: 3123.21

to two different yoga nidra, non sleep deep rest protocols

Time: 3126.026

as well as hypnosis protocols that are clinically backed

Time: 3128.88

from my colleague David Spiegel

Time: 3130.66

at Stanford Psychiatry Department.

Time: 3134.52

All those resources are free.

Time: 3136.54

There are also a lot of other hypnosis scripts out there.

Time: 3140.54

I like the ones from Michael Sealey

Time: 3142.15

S-E-A-L, I think it's E-Y, maybe it's just L-Y,

Time: 3146.3

you can find them easily on YouTube,

Time: 3148.09

clinical hypnosis scripts meaning not stage hypnosis.

Time: 3151.31

They're not designed to get you to do anything.

Time: 3153.6

In fact they're just designed to

Time: 3155.6

help rewire your brain circuitry.

Time: 3157.32

Now, how does hypnosis work that way?

Time: 3159.62

This has a lot to do with sleep because

Time: 3161.77

it engages neuro-plasticity by bringing together

Time: 3163.98

two things that normally are separate from one another,

Time: 3166.39

one is the alert focused wakeful state

Time: 3169.24

where you activate the learning.

Time: 3170.75

And then there's the deep rest where the actual

Time: 3173.33

reconfiguration of the neurons and synopsis takes place.

Time: 3177.16

Hypnosis brings both the focus and the deep rest component

Time: 3181.34

into the same compartment of time.

Time: 3184.02

It's a very unique state in that way.

Time: 3185.97

So hypnosis kind of maximizes the learning about

Time: 3190.05

and the non sleep deep breasts bow and combines them.

Time: 3193.07

But of course that requires some guidance from a script

Time: 3196.74

or from a hypnotist clinically, a trained hypnotist

Time: 3200.05

and it becomes hard to acquire detailed information.

Time: 3203.04

It's more about shifts in state, like fear to states of calm

Time: 3208.01

or smoking to quitting smoking, anxiety around a trauma

Time: 3214.58

to release of anxiety around a trauma

Time: 3216.66

rather than specific information learned in hypnosis, okay?

Time: 3220.47

So hypnosis seems more about modulating the circuits

Time: 3223.05

that underlie state as opposed to specific information.

Time: 3226.48

Although I would not be surprised

Time: 3228.72

if there weren't certain forms of hypnosis

Time: 3230.34

that could increase retention and learning

Time: 3232.55

of specific information, but I'm not aware

Time: 3234.21

of any of those protocols out there yet.

Time: 3237.57

Which brings us to the next thing about learning

Time: 3239.92

and plasticity which is nootropics, AKA smart drugs.

Time: 3244.399


Time: 3245.77

This is a big topic that sigh was

Time: 3248.17

a sigh of concern about how to address nootropics

Time: 3252.07

in a thorough enough, but thoughtful enough way.

Time: 3256

Look, I have a lot of thoughts about nootropics.

Time: 3259.15

First of all, it means smart drugs, I believe.

Time: 3262.137

And I don't like that phrase because

Time: 3264.7

let's just take a step back and think about exercise.

Time: 3268.43

You just say, I want to be more physically fit.

Time: 3271.18

What does that mean?

Time: 3272.24

Does it mean I would ask for more specificity, I'd say,

Time: 3274.75

Do you want to be stronger?

Time: 3276.47

Okay, maybe you need to lift heavier objects progressively.

Time: 3279.34

Do you want more endurance

Time: 3281.3

very different protocol to access endurance.

Time: 3283.23

Do you want flexibility?

Time: 3284.38

Do you want explosiveness or suppleness?

Time: 3286.98

Huge range of things that we call physical fitness.

Time: 3289.67

Maybe you want all of those.

Time: 3291.7

If we were talking about emotional fitness

Time: 3294.78

we would say, well, inability to feel empathy

Time: 3298.35

but probably also to disengage from empathy

Time: 3300.5

because you don't want to be tethered

Time: 3301.54

to other people's emotions all the time.

Time: 3303.01

That's not healthy either.

Time: 3304.99

You would think about being able

Time: 3307.1

to access a range of emotions, but for some people

Time: 3310.78

their range into the sadness regime is really quite vast

Time: 3314.61

but their range into the happiness regime

Time: 3316.36

might be kind of limited.

Time: 3317.33

For other people who are in a manic state,

Time: 3319.3

it might be, they can access all that happy stuff

Time: 3321.23

but not the sadder stuff.

Time: 3322.98

So I'm speaking by way of analogy here.

Time: 3326.938

But if we say we're talking about cognitive

Time: 3330.99

and cognitive abilities we have to ask,

Time: 3334.95

okay, creativity, memory.

Time: 3338.01

We tend to associate intelligence with memory.

Time: 3341.2

And I think this goes back to like spelling bees

Time: 3342.9

or something, the ability to retain a lot of information

Time: 3346.531

and just regurgitate information

Time: 3348.5

which will get you some distance

Time: 3349.83

in some disciplines of life.

Time: 3351.66

But it won't allow you creative thinking,

Time: 3353.5

it's necessary for creative thinking.

Time: 3355.67

You need a knowledge base, right?

Time: 3357.83

You can't just look up everything on Google, despite what

Time: 3360.49

you know, certain educators or so-called educators say,

Time: 3363.83

you need a database so that you can have the raw materials

Time: 3367.26

with which to be creative.

Time: 3368.44

So necessary to have memory

Time: 3370.66

but not sufficient to be creative, right?

Time: 3373.04

The creative could have a poor memory for certain things

Time: 3376.31

but certainly not for everything.

Time: 3377.77

They can't have anterograde and retrograde amnesia.

Time: 3380.33

They'd be like the goldfish that every time

Time: 3382.13

around the tank, it, you know

Time: 3384.43

I can't remember where it's at.

Time: 3386.456

I actually don't know that they've ever done that experiment

Time: 3387.79

by the way, but you know, so no disrespect to goldfish

Time: 3390.53

but you know, so you get the idea.

Time: 3393.41

You've got creativity, you have memory,

Time: 3395.14

you have the ability to task switch, right?

Time: 3397.81

You have the ability to

Time: 3400.81

strategy development, strategy implement.

Time: 3403.09

So the problem I have with the concept of a nootropic

Time: 3405.88

or a smart drug is it's not specific as to what cognitive

Time: 3410.6

algorithm you're trying to engage.

Time: 3412.7

We need more specificity.

Time: 3414.59

That said, there are elements to learning

Time: 3417.15

that we've discussed here before

Time: 3418.93

that are very concrete things like

Time: 3421.07

the ability to focus and put the blinders

Time: 3424.05

on to everything else that's happening in

Time: 3426.01

around you and in your head mainly, right?

Time: 3428.7

Distractions about things you should be doing,

Time: 3430.44

could be doing or might be doing

Time: 3432.31

and focus on what you need to do.

Time: 3434.2

And then that's required for triggering the acetylcholine

Time: 3437.54

neuromodulator that will then allow you to

Time: 3441.44

highlight the particular synopsis that will then

Time: 3443.21

later change in sleep.

Time: 3444.89

So no nootropic allows you to bypass the need

Time: 3447.59

for sleep in deep rest.

Time: 3449.9

That's important to understand.

Time: 3451.32

So I daydream about a day when people will be able

Time: 3458.78

to access compounds that are safe,

Time: 3462.25

that will allow them to learn better meaning,

Time: 3464.5

to access information, focus better,

Time: 3467.27

as well as to sleep better and activate the plasticity

Time: 3470.4

from the learning about.

Time: 3471.97

Right now most nootropics

Time: 3473.58

tend to bundle a bunch of things together.

Time: 3475.44

Most of them include some form of stimulant, caffeine.

Time: 3479.62

Episode two, I'll tell you more probably

Time: 3481.78

than you ever wanted to know about caffeine,

Time: 3483.37

adenosine and how that works.

Time: 3484.6

So refer there for how caffeine works.

Time: 3487.63

But stimulants will allow you to increase focus

Time: 3490.79

up to a particular point.

Time: 3492.55

If you have too little alertness in your system,

Time: 3495.36

you can't focus, too much however,

Time: 3497.31

you start to cliff and focus drifts, okay?

Time: 3499.46

So you can't just ingest more stimulant to be more focused.

Time: 3503.13

It doesn't work that way.

Time: 3504.57

Most nootropics also include things that increase

Time: 3508.03

or a desire to increase acetylcholine.

Time: 3510.42

Things like alpha GPC and other things of that sort.

Time: 3514.1

And indeed, there's some evidence

Time: 3515.85

that they can increase acetylcholine.

Time: 3517.3

I refer you again to the website to

Time: 3520.3

evaluate any supplements or compounds for their safety

Time: 3523.35

and their effects in humans and animals, free website

Time: 3528.01

as well as with links to studies.

Time: 3529.95

So we need the focus component.

Time: 3531.77

We need the alertness component.

Time: 3532.99

The alertness component comes from epinephrin,

Time: 3534.84

traditionally from caffeine stimulation.

Time: 3537.28

The acetylcholine stimulation traditionally comes

Time: 3540.14

from Coleen donors or alpha GPC, things of that sort.

Time: 3543.86

And then you would want to have some sort of off switch,

Time: 3547.03

because anything that's going to really

Time: 3549.36

stimulate your alertness, that then provides a crash.

Time: 3552.39

That crash is not a crash

Time: 3554.03

into the deep kind of restful slumber

Time: 3556.5

that you would want for learning,

Time: 3558.54

it's a crash into the kind of,

Time: 3562.68

let's just call it lopsided sleep, meaning it's deep sleep

Time: 3566.87

but it lacks certain spindles and other elements

Time: 3569.36

of the physiology sleep spindles,

Time: 3571.23

that really engage the learning process

Time: 3573.73

and the reconfiguration of synopsis.

Time: 3575.93

So right now, my stance on nootropics is that

Time: 3580.13

maybe, maybe for occasional use, provided it's safe for you,

Time: 3585.63

I'm not recommending it, but in general

Time: 3588.5

it tends to use more of a shotgun approach

Time: 3591.61

than is probably going to be useful

Time: 3593.708

for learning and memory in the long run.

Time: 3596.94

A lot of people ask about Modafinil or armodafinil

Time: 3599.67

which was designed for treatment of narcolepsy.

Time: 3601.57

So right there, it tells you it's a stimulant.

Time: 3603.49

And yes, there is evidence, it will improve learning memory.

Time: 3605.9

Modafinil is very expensive.

Time: 3607.39

Last time I checked our Modafinil

Time: 3608.88

I think is the recent released a generic version

Time: 3612.62

of this that's far less expensive.

Time: 3614.99

Most of these things look a lot like amphetamine

Time: 3617.09

and many of them have the potential for addiction

Time: 3621.41

or can be habit forming.

Time: 3624.13

But more importantly, a lot of those things

Time: 3626.41

also can create metabolic effects by disruption

Time: 3628.83

to insulin receptors and so forth.

Time: 3630.51

So you want to approach those with a

Time: 3632.45

strong sense of caution.

Time: 3634.75

Now, there are the milder things that act as nootropics

Time: 3637.98

that I mentioned, some of them like alpha GPC.

Time: 3641.49

Some people like Gingko.

Time: 3642.323

Gingko gives me vicious headaches, so I don't take it.

Time: 3645.76

So people really differ.

Time: 3647.72

Last podcast, I recommend magnesium threonate

Time: 3652.1

if you were exploring supplements

Time: 3654.01

I'm not recommending anything directly.

Time: 3655.64

I'm just saying if you're exploring supplements,

Time: 3657.62

magnesium threonate seems among the magnesiums

Time: 3660.636

to be one of the more bioavailable and useful for sleep.

Time: 3665.25

I recommended it actually to a good friend of mine,

Time: 3667.55

it gave him at very low dose, he had stomach issues with it.

Time: 3671.35

He just had to simply stop taking it.

Time: 3672.87

So there's variability there.

Time: 3674.027

You just, it gave him some stomach cramping

Time: 3676.38

and just didn't feel good on it.

Time: 3677.84

Stopped it, he felt better.

Time: 3679.58

Other people take magnesium threonate and feel great.

Time: 3682.62

I was asked, do magnesium need to be taken

Time: 3685.04

with or without food or before sleep?

Time: 3687.21

If you're going to go that route

Time: 3689.11

it should be taken 30 to 60 minutes before sleep,

Time: 3691.38

'cause it's designed to make you sleepy.

Time: 3693.07

And I'm not aware that it has to be taken with food,

Time: 3696.46

but again all of this has to be run by your doctor

Time: 3698.52

and this is your healthcare to govern not,

Time: 3702.24

these are not strict recommendations so look into it.

Time: 3704.82

But magnesium threonate, most people I recommend it to

Time: 3710.21

have benefit from it tremendously.

Time: 3712.19

Some people can't tolerate it, so you have to find out.

Time: 3715.3

There were a number of questions about other supplements

Time: 3717.32

designed to access deep sleep,

Time: 3719.7

in part to access neuroplasticity,

Time: 3721.83

but now I'm just sort of transitioning from neuroplasticity

Time: 3724.78

to these compounds that can regulate sleep.

Time: 3727.16

One of them that I discussed at the end of the last podcast,

Time: 3729.28

I got a lot of questions about is apigenin

Time: 3731.27

A-P-I-G-E-N-I-N, apigenin.

Time: 3735.6

If you will look in the literature

Time: 3736.8

the way it works is it increases some of the enzymes

Time: 3739.31

associated with GABA metabolism.

Time: 3741.13

It actually, GABA's an inhibitory neurotransmitter.

Time: 3744.68

It's the neurotransmitter that is increased

Time: 3747.33

after a couple alcohol drinks containing alcohol.

Time: 3751.01

And that shut down the forebrain.

Time: 3754.08

Apigenin is a derivative of the camomile.

Time: 3757.54

I think that the proper pronunciation

Time: 3759.35

of this is metric caria kemo mila.

Time: 3761.69

Although I always feel like

Time: 3762.523

I should be using a Spanish accent.

Time: 3764.963

Whenever I say something like that

Time: 3767.11

other related things that impact the GABA system

Time: 3769.36

and increase GABA or things like passion flower

Time: 3771.9

which is [speaks in foreign language].

Time: 3774.728

[chuckles] I don't know why the Italian, is that Italian.

Time: 3777.34

Anyway, my Italian colleagues, please forgive me.

Time: 3779.77

I have some very close Italian friends

Time: 3782.54

and colleagues in Genoa.

Time: 3784.76

I butchered the Italian, sorry.

Time: 3786.64

In any event apigenin and passion flower found in a lot of,

Time: 3792.43

a lot of supplements designed to increase sleepiness

Time: 3795.76

and sleep because, and they work presumably

Time: 3797.64

because they increase GABA.

Time: 3798.87

Actually they work on chloride channels

Time: 3801.11

rather than give you a whole lecture

Time: 3802.4

on membrane biophysics in neurons.

Time: 3804.85

I'll just say that when neurons are really active

Time: 3807.23

it's because sodium ions, salt rushes into the cells

Time: 3811.78

and causes them to fire electrically.

Time: 3813.72

The cells tend to become less active as more chloride

Time: 3816.72

which is a negatively charged ion.

Time: 3820

This is probably taking some of you back to the

Time: 3821.88

either the wonderful times

Time: 3824.26

or traumas of high school physics.

Time: 3826.33

The chloride is negatively charged so,

Time: 3828.14

it tends to make cells less electrically positive,

Time: 3831.42

'cause carries a negative charge

Time: 3833.12

and hyperpolarizes the neuron.

Time: 3835.51

So apigenin works through these increasing the activity

Time: 3838.61

of these chloride channels.

Time: 3839.72

Passionflower works by increasing the activity

Time: 3842.11

of these chloride channels and GABA transmission.

Time: 3844.55

It tends to increase this inhibitory neurotransmitter

Time: 3847.38

that shuts off our thinking

Time: 3849.53

our analysis of duration path and outcome.

Time: 3852.89

So if you're going to explore these things

Time: 3854.27

I suggest you at least know how they work.

Time: 3856.39

You at least go to

Time: 3859.33

that you talked to your doctor about them.

Time: 3861.25

Some people asked about serotonin

Time: 3863.78

for getting to sleep and staying asleep.

Time: 3866.86

Now I understand the rationale here.

Time: 3869.61

Just like I understand the rationale of taking something

Time: 3871.73

like Macuna Purina or L-DOPA to increase dopamine

Time: 3874.91

but sometimes what works on paper

Time: 3876.81

doesn't really work in the real world.

Time: 3878.94

I personally have tried taking a supplement

Time: 3881.13

which was Al tryptophan, which is the precursor to serotonin

Time: 3885.26

or five HTP, which is designed to increase,

Time: 3888.09

it is serotonin basically.

Time: 3889.65

You're just a one biochemical step away

Time: 3892.4

from actually taking actual serotonin.

Time: 3895.14

And I'll be honest the sleep that I had

Time: 3897.86

with increased serotonin

Time: 3899

by way of tryptophan or five HTP was dreadful.

Time: 3901.78

I fell asleep almost immediately.

Time: 3903.66

You say, well, that's great.

Time: 3904.66

And 90 minutes later, I woke up

Time: 3906.26

and I couldn't sleep almost for 48 hours.

Time: 3908.47

Now that was me, I have a pretty sensitive system

Time: 3910.54

to certain things and not to other things.

Time: 3912.24

Some people love these things.

Time: 3913.53

So you really have to be thoughtful

Time: 3915.39

and explore them with that kind of awareness

Time: 3918.51

of being thoughtful and realizing that what works for you

Time: 3922.08

might not work for everybody

Time: 3923.11

and what works for everybody might not work for you.

Time: 3925.81


Time: 3926.643

I'd like to continue by talking about

Time: 3927.76

the role of temperature in sleep, accessing sleep,

Time: 3932.41

staying asleep and wakefulness.

Time: 3936.11

But first I want to tell a joke.

Time: 3938.38

Because I think this joke

Time: 3939.46

really captures some of the critical things to understand

Time: 3942.65

about any self-experimentation that you might do.

Time: 3946.2

So this is a story that was told to me

Time: 3948.27

by a colleague of mine who's now a professor of Caltech

Time: 3951.18

not to be named.

Time: 3953.6

So there's a scientist and they're in their lab.

Time: 3957.13

And they're trying to understand

Time: 3959.07

how the nervous system works.

Time: 3961.13

So they go over to a tank and they pick up a frog,

Time: 3964.804

and they take the frog and they put it down on the table

Time: 3968.2

And they clap. [claps]

Time: 3970.44

And the frog jumps.

Time: 3972.63

So they think for awhile, they pick up the frog, okay.

Time: 3976.35

They go over to the cabinet and they take out

Time: 3980.18

a little bit of a paralytic drug and they inject it locally

Time: 3984.31

into the back leg, set it down and clap. [claps]

Time: 3989.47

And the frog jumps,

Time: 3990.91

but it kind of like jumps to the side a little bit.

Time: 3994.36

They pick it up, they inject the paralytic

Time: 3996.43

into the other back leg.

Time: 3998.56

They clap again, the frog jumps,

Time: 4001.11

but it really doesn't jump well that time,

Time: 4002.78

it kind of drags itself forward.

Time: 4005.37

So they pick it up and they inject the paralytic

Time: 4007.14

into the remaining two legs.

Time: 4009.35

They set it down and they clap and the frog doesn't jump.

Time: 4014.64

And they go,

Time: 4015.473

"Oh my goodness! The legs are used for hearing."

Time: 4019.84

Now they publish the paper.

Time: 4022.33

Paper comes out in a great journal, news releases.

Time: 4025.61

It's a really big deal, their career takes off.

Time: 4028.47

20 years later, a really smart graduate student

Time: 4031.75

comes along and says, "Yeah but that's loss of function.

Time: 4035.23

It doesn't really show gain of function."

Time: 4037.41

So let's take a closer look.

Time: 4039.95

So they repeat the first experiment and checks out,

Time: 4042.81

everything happens the same way, but then they take the frog

Time: 4047.51

and they inject a drug into all four legs that turns off

Time: 4052.21

the paralytic, right?

Time: 4054.18

It's an antagonist.

Time: 4055.6

They set the frog down, they clap, and the frog jumps

Time: 4060.27

and they go, "Oh my goodness! It's true.

Time: 4062.22

The legs really are for hearing."

Time: 4065.22

Now, first of all, I want to make the point that

Time: 4068.97

this is not to illustrate that science

Time: 4070.95

is not a good practice, it is.

Time: 4072.9

We need to do loss of function

Time: 4074.51

and gain and function experiments.

Time: 4076.75

But just to show that correlation and causation

Time: 4079.4

is complicated.

Time: 4080.26

You need to do a variety of control experiments,

Time: 4082.47

and you really need to figure out what works for you.

Time: 4084.84

And so while science can provide answers about what works

Time: 4088.44

under very controlled conditions, it doesn't

Time: 4091.42

and can never address all the situations

Time: 4094.14

in which a given compound,

Time: 4095.67

a given practice will or won't work.

Time: 4097.82

And it's not just individual variability

Time: 4099.41

is that there are a number of different factors.

Time: 4101.16

You all of course know that light can activate

Time: 4103.98

and shift your circadian rhythm, but so can exercise,

Time: 4106.05

so can food.

Time: 4107.29

The last point I want to make is an important one,

Time: 4108.98

which is that no frogs were hurt

Time: 4112.05

in the telling of this joke.

Time: 4114.02

Okay. So let's continue.

Time: 4115.68

I want to talk about temperature.

Time: 4117.42

Temperature is super interesting as it relates to

Time: 4120.02

circadian rhythms and wakefulness and sleep.

Time: 4124.69

First let's take a look at what's happening to our

Time: 4128.17

body temperature across each 24-hour cycle.

Time: 4131.94

In general, our temperature tends to be lowest

Time: 4134.82

right around 4:00 AM and starts creeping up around 6:00 AM,

Time: 4139.66

8:00 AM and peaks sometime between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

Time: 4145.23

Now that varies from person to person, but in general

Time: 4147.96

if we were to continuously monitor or occasionally monitor

Time: 4150.85

temperature that's what we would see.

Time: 4152.97

Now what's interesting is that even in the absence

Time: 4154.98

of any light cues or meal cues, we would have a shift.

Time: 4159.61

We would have an oscillation or a rhythm in our temperature.

Time: 4162.13

They would go from high to low.

Time: 4164.49

This is why the idea that we're all 96.8

Time: 4166.71

and that's our correct temperature.

Time: 4167.9

Forget that. That is no longer true.

Time: 4170.53

It never was true.

Time: 4171.62

It depends on what time of day you measure temperature.

Time: 4174.26

However, there is a range which is within normal range,

Time: 4177.36

I think most of us associate fever with somewhere around

Time: 4180.104

100, 101 103, that's concerning.

Time: 4182.88

And we will be very concerned

Time: 4184

if temperature drop too low as well.

Time: 4186.63

The way that the temperature rhythm that's indogenous,

Time: 4190.17

that's within us and rhythmic no matter what,

Time: 4192.74

the way it gets anchored to the pattern I described before,

Time: 4197.1

or being lowest at 4:00 AM and increasing again around,

Time: 4200.56

through the day until about four to 6:00 PM is by way

Time: 4204.55

of entrainment or matching to some external cue,

Time: 4209.46

which is almost always going to be light, but also exercise.

Time: 4213.36

Now you may have experienced this temperature rhythm

Time: 4217.15

and how quickly it can become uninterested

Time: 4220.86

or it can fall out of entrainment.

Time: 4223.52

Here's an experiment I wouldn't want you to do

Time: 4225.94

but you've probably experienced this before,

Time: 4228.15

where you wake up, it's sunny outside,

Time: 4231.47

and maybe you have some email or some things to take care of

Time: 4233.81

or maybe you didn't sleep that well the night before

Time: 4235.44

and so you stay in doors.

Time: 4237.71

You don't change anything about your breakfast,

Time: 4239.38

you don't change anything about your within home temperature

Time: 4242.67

or anything like that.

Time: 4243.97

And somewhere right around 10 or 11 o'clock

Time: 4245.93

you start feeling kind of chilled, like you're cold.

Time: 4248.92

Well, what happened was the oscillators, the clocks

Time: 4252.29

in your various tissues that are governed by temperature

Time: 4255.017

and circadian rhythm are starting to split away

Time: 4258.72

from your central clock mechanisms.

Time: 4260.92

So it's actually important

Time: 4262.34

that your temperature match day length.

Time: 4264.8

Now there's another way

Time: 4265.633

in which temperature matches, oh daytime, excuse me.

Time: 4268.49

There's also an important way

Time: 4269.91

in which temperature matches day length in general

Time: 4272.73

as days get longer, it tends to be hotter out.

Time: 4275.62

Not always, but in general, that's the way it is.

Time: 4278.34

And as days get shorter, it tends to be colder outside.

Time: 4281.77

So temperature and day length are also linked metabolically.

Time: 4286.33

They're linked biologically they're linked, excuse me,

Time: 4289.84

and atmospherically they're linked

Time: 4291.37

for the reason that we talked about before

Time: 4292.7

about duration of day length

Time: 4294.767

and other climate features and so forth.

Time: 4297.47

So one of the most powerful things

Time: 4299.52

about setting your circadian rhythm properly

Time: 4301.81

is that your temperature will start to fall

Time: 4304.24

into a regular rhythm.

Time: 4305.44

And that temperature has a very strong effect

Time: 4308.46

on things like metabolism

Time: 4310.48

and when you will feel most willing and interested

Time: 4313.89

in exercising, typically the willingness to exercise

Time: 4317.08

and engage in any kind of activity mental or physical

Time: 4320.29

is going to be when that rise in temperature is steepest.

Time: 4323.64

When the slope of that line is greatest.

Time: 4325.26

That's why 30 minutes after waking

Time: 4327.08

is one of those key windows,

Time: 4328.34

as well as three hours after waking.

Time: 4330.127

And then when temperature actually peaks

Time: 4332.38

which is generally, generally about 11 hours after waking.

Time: 4337.81

So this is why we say that temperature and circadian rhythm

Time: 4341.76

are linked but they're actually even more linked than that.

Time: 4345.35

We've talked before about how light enters the eye,

Time: 4347.92

triggers activation of these melanopsin cells,

Time: 4350.16

which then triggers activation

Time: 4351.43

of the super charismatic nucleus,

Time: 4352.96

the master circadian clock.

Time: 4354.69

And then I always say the master circadian clock

Time: 4356.66

informs all the cells and tissues of your body

Time: 4358.66

and puts them into a nice cohesive rhythm.

Time: 4361.8

But what I've never answered was how it actually puts them

Time: 4365.16

into that rhythm.

Time: 4366.69

And it does it two ways.

Time: 4368.4

One is it secretes a peptide.

Time: 4370.22

And peptide is just a little protein that floats

Time: 4371.99

through the bloodstream and signals to the cells.

Time: 4374.7

Okay, we're tuning your clock.

Time: 4375.86

Kind of like a little, we know watch store,

Time: 4377.81

the watch store owner would tune the clocks.

Time: 4380.34

But the other way is it synchronizes the temperature

Time: 4383.73

under which those cells exist.

Time: 4385.86

So temperature is actually the effector

Time: 4388.75

of the circadian rhythm.

Time: 4390.69

Now this is really important because

Time: 4392.9

changes in temperature by way of exercise, by way of eating,

Time: 4396.41

but especially by way of exercise

Time: 4398.8

can start to shift our circadian rhythm pretty dramatically.

Time: 4402.25

But let's even go to in a more extreme example.

Time: 4404.96

Nowadays, there's some interest in cold showers

Time: 4408.2

and ice baths, not everybody is doing this I realize.

Time: 4410.9

People seem to either love this or hate this.

Time: 4413.24

I don't mind the cold dunk thing.

Time: 4415.94

I get regular about this from time to time and I'll do it.

Time: 4418.33

I haven't been doing it recently.

Time: 4419.93

It's always painful to do the first couple of times

Time: 4421.81

then you get kind of used to it.

Time: 4423.31

However, I've taken people to a cold, dunk or an ice bath.

Time: 4426

I have a family member who wouldn't get in

Time: 4428.32

literally passed her toes.

Time: 4430.01

She was like, this is just too aversive for me.

Time: 4432

Some people really like the cold, people very tremendously.

Time: 4435.57

Getting into an ice bath is very interesting

Time: 4437.89

because you have a rebound increase in thermogenesis.

Time: 4441.57

Now you should know from the previous episode

Time: 4443.76

that as that temperature increases,

Time: 4446.06

it will shift your circadian rhythm

Time: 4448.02

and which direction it shifts your circadian rhythm

Time: 4450.17

will depend on whether or not you're doing it

Time: 4451.41

during the daytime or late in the day.

Time: 4452.81

If you do it after 8:00 PM,

Time: 4454.95

it's going to make your day longer, right?

Time: 4457.76

Because your body and your central clocks

Time: 4461.36

are used to temperature going up early in the day

Time: 4464.75

and throughout the day and peaking in the afternoon.

Time: 4466.83

If you then increase that further

Time: 4469.15

or you simply increase it over its baseline at 8:00 PM

Time: 4472.12

after temperature was already falling,

Time: 4474.27

even if it's just by a half a degree or a couple of degrees

Time: 4476.59

or you do that with exercise

Time: 4477.83

doesn't have to be with the ice bath,

Time: 4479.41

you are extending, you are shifting forward your phase,

Time: 4482.96

delaying your clock.

Time: 4484.32

You're convincing your clock

Time: 4485.96

and therefore the rest of your body

Time: 4487.36

that the day is still going, right?

Time: 4489.55

You you're giving it the perception, the cellar

Time: 4491.72

and physiological perception that the day is getting longer.

Time: 4494.707

And you will want to naturally stay up later

Time: 4497.61

and wake up later.

Time: 4499.27

Now you might say, "Wait

Time: 4500.26

I do an ice bath late at night, and I feel great.

Time: 4502.72

And I fall deeply asleep."

Time: 4504.34

Well, cold can trigger the release of melatonin.

Time: 4507.68

There's a rebound increase in melatonin.

Time: 4509.51

So that could be the cause of that effect.

Time: 4511.79

You have to see what works for you,

Time: 4513.35

but if you do the ice bath early in the day and then get out

Time: 4517.52

you will experience a more rapid rise

Time: 4520.07

or cold shower early in the day, a more rapid rise

Time: 4522.89

in your body temperature that will phase advance your clock

Time: 4527.17

and make it easier to get up early the following day.

Time: 4530.34

So for those of you that are having trouble getting up

Time: 4532.75

and this is going to almost sound laughable

Time: 4534.61

but a cold shower first thing in the morning

Time: 4536.45

will wake you up, but that's waking you up in the short term

Time: 4540.3

because of a different mechanism

Time: 4541.63

which I'll talk about in a moment,

Time: 4543.01

but it also is shifting your clock,

Time: 4544.68

it's phase advancing your clock

Time: 4547.25

in a way that makes you more likely to get up

Time: 4549.97

earlier the next day, okay?

Time: 4552.42

So in other words, increasing your temperature

Time: 4554.67

by getting in an ice bath or cold shower or exercising

Time: 4559.1

which causes a compensatory increase in body temperature.

Time: 4563.04

Think about the normal pattern of body temperature.

Time: 4565.23

Low around 4:35 AM starts to peak right around waking start,

Time: 4569.24

excuse me, starts to increase right around waking

Time: 4571.66

then steep slope, steep slope to a peak

Time: 4573.88

around four to 6:00 PM and then drops off.

Time: 4576.37

If you introduce an increase in body temperature

Time: 4578.5

by way of cold exposure early in the day,

Time: 4581.86

let's say 6:00 AM or 5:00 AM

Time: 4584.19

if you're masochistic enough to get into a cold shower

Time: 4587.03

at that time more power to you,

Time: 4588.76

it's going to make, you want to wake up about half hour

Time: 4591.78

to an hour earlier the next day than you normally would.

Time: 4594.2

Whereas if you do it while your temperature is falling,

Time: 4597.06

it will tend to delay and make your body perceive

Time: 4599.45

as if the day is getting longer.

Time: 4601.33

These are phase advances and phase delays.

Time: 4603.52

We're going to get into this in far more detail

Time: 4605.61

when we talk about jet lag and shift work in episode four

Time: 4608.75

as well as other other things.

Time: 4610.3

But temperature is,

Time: 4612.24

again is not just one tool to manipulate

Time: 4615.91

wake up time and circadian rhythm and metabolism.

Time: 4618.84

It is the effector.

Time: 4620.16

It is the way that the central circadian clock

Time: 4622.28

impacts all the cells and tissues of your body.

Time: 4624.43

If you want to read further about this

Time: 4626.13

and you're really curious about the role of temperature

Time: 4628.17

work by Joe Takahashi

Time: 4629.78

who used to be at Northwestern University

Time: 4632.51

and is now at UT Southwestern in Dallas,

Time: 4635.409

incredible scientist and has really worked out

Time: 4639.22

a lot of the mechanisms around temperature

Time: 4640.78

in circadian rhythms.

Time: 4642.67

You can just Google his name

Time: 4643.95

and you'll see a whole bunch of studies there.

Time: 4647.38

I want to talk about cold and cold exposure

Time: 4650.18

because there's a great misconception about this

Time: 4652.87

that actually you can leverage once you understand

Time: 4655.82

how to use cold to either increase thermogenesis

Time: 4659.89

and fat loss, metabolism,

Time: 4662.07

or you can use it for stress, mitigation and mood.

Time: 4665.1

And it really depends on one simple feature

Time: 4667.42

of how you approach the ice bath or cold shower.

Time: 4671.23

If you get into an ice bath or cold shower

Time: 4674.04

and you are calming yourself you're actively calming

Time: 4677.35

the autonomic nervous system.

Time: 4678.48

Maybe through some deep breathing,

Time: 4679.97

maybe through visualization, maybe you sing a song.

Time: 4682.62

You know, people do this stuff.

Time: 4684.23

They use various tools.

Time: 4685.33

Some people find paying attention

Time: 4687.09

to an external stimulus is more helpful.

Time: 4689.62

You know, thinking about something

Time: 4691.08

not the experience of the cold,

Time: 4692.41

other people find that directly experiencing the cold

Time: 4694.81

in its most intense form and kind of "going into the cold"

Time: 4698.293

is the best way to approach it.

Time: 4699.69

It really varies for people.

Time: 4701.78

There's no right or wrong way to go about this.

Time: 4704.23

But the goal of using cold exposure for stress inoculation

Time: 4708.14

and to raise your stress threshold

Time: 4710.85

to be able to tolerate heightened levels

Time: 4712.91

of real life stress, not the ice bath, but real life stress

Time: 4716.65

like work stress and relational stress, et cetera

Time: 4720.63

is by suppressing the activation

Time: 4723.9

of the so-called sympathetic nervous system,

Time: 4726.41

meaning the alertness or stress system.

Time: 4729.82

That involves buffering

Time: 4731.67

or trying to resist the shiver response.

Time: 4733.75

The shiver response is an autonomic response

Time: 4736.04

designed to generate heat, presumably,

Time: 4739.11

and actually that is what it does

Time: 4741

in order to counter the cold.

Time: 4743.16

So when you use cold exposure

Time: 4745.8

and you're kind of muscling through it,

Time: 4747.39

or you're learning to relax within it

Time: 4749.13

as a form of stress inoculation,

Time: 4751.47

that's great and works quite well for that purpose.

Time: 4754.6

And there's a reason why cold exposure is used

Time: 4756.95

in a variety of forms of military stress inoculation,

Time: 4760.63

most famous of which of course is the Navy seal buds,

Time: 4763.67

a strep test really,

Time: 4766.01

which is screening procedure for becoming a seal

Time: 4767.81

involves a lot of exposure to cold water.

Time: 4771.33

However, if you're interested in using cold exposure

Time: 4775.35

for fat loss and thermogenesis,

Time: 4777.73

you want to do the exact opposite thing.

Time: 4780.62

There was a paper published in nature two years ago

Time: 4783.95

which showed that cold induced shiver,

Time: 4787.43

the actual physical shiver activates the release of

Time: 4792.37

a chemical in the body from muscle called succinate

Time: 4796.63


Time: 4799.184

Succinate travel in the bloodstream and then goes

Time: 4802.95

and activates a particular category of fat

Time: 4805.92

not the typical kind pink or white fat

Time: 4808.06

that we think of is like blubber in humans.

Time: 4810.01

That the stuff that people will seem to

Time: 4811.41

generally want less of,

Time: 4813.86

except for those genetic freaks that seem to have none of it

Time: 4816.79

depending what they consume.

Time: 4818.12


Time: 4821.43

Brown fat is called Brown fat

Time: 4823.21

because it's actually dark under the microscope.

Time: 4825.548

It's rich with mitochondria and it exists mostly

Time: 4829.08

between the scapulae and in the upper neck.

Time: 4831.12

And it generates thermogenesis and heat in the body.

Time: 4835.84

It's rich with a certain category of agile anergic receptor,

Time: 4840.89

in insanely epinephrin binds to adrenergic receptors.

Time: 4846.93

These Brown fat cells increase metabolism,

Time: 4850.31

it's called Brown fat thermogenesis

Time: 4852.86

and cause fat burning, burning of other kinds of fat,

Time: 4856.21

the pink and white fat.

Time: 4857.91

So what does this all mean?

Time: 4858.83

This means if you want to use the ice bath

Time: 4861.39

in order to increase metabolism, shiver away.

Time: 4864.62

If you want to use the ice bath or cold shower

Time: 4866.66

in order to stress inoculate, resist the shiver

Time: 4870.41

and learn to stay calm or "muscle through it".

Time: 4874.193

I mean, I don't know that anyone's ever really talked

Time: 4875.92

about this publicly because I think the data are so new.

Time: 4879.74

And I think that people assume that the ice bath

Time: 4882.35

or cold exposure is just one thing.

Time: 4884.2

Here I've talked about it three ways

Time: 4886.23

to shift your circadian rhythm depending on whether or not

Time: 4888.75

you're doing it early in the day

Time: 4890

while your temperature is still rising or at its peak

Time: 4894.48

or after that peak, in order to extend the perception

Time: 4898.84

of your day as continuing and make you want to go

Time: 4901.95

to sleep later and wake up later.

Time: 4905.4

Now, and then the third way of course is to either

Time: 4908.25

activate brown fat thermogenesis and increase metabolism.

Time: 4911.08

I suppose the fourth way would be to

Time: 4915.02

increase stress tolerance or stress threshold, okay?

Time: 4918.76

But remember, temperature is the effector

Time: 4921.14

of circadian rhythms.

Time: 4922.52

Light is the trigger.

Time: 4925.04

The super charismatic nucleus is the master circadian clock

Time: 4928.01

that mediates all these changes,

Time: 4930.32

also influenced by non-photic influence

Time: 4932.25

like exercise and feeding and things of that sort.

Time: 4935.67

But temperature is the effector.

Time: 4938.27

Now you can also shift your circadian rhythm with eating.

Time: 4941.75

When you travel and you land in a new location

Time: 4944.79

and your schedule is inverted 12 hours.

Time: 4947.75

One way that we know you can shift your rhythm

Time: 4949.72

more quickly is to get onto the local meal schedule.

Time: 4952.89

Now that probably has to do with two effects.

Time: 4954.45

One or changes in temperature inducer,

Time: 4956.2

eating induced increases in body temperature.

Time: 4959.63

Now you should understand why that would work

Time: 4961.49

as well as eating has this anticipatory secretion

Time: 4965.29

of beta, of hyper cretin orexin

Time: 4967.86

that I talked about it earlier.

Time: 4969.54

So, if this is getting a little too down in the weeds,

Time: 4971.82

don't worry about it.

Time: 4973.45

I will get more into this in episode four

Time: 4975.57

of how to shift one's rhythm.

Time: 4976.82

But I would love for people to understand that light

Time: 4979.3

and temperature are the real heavy duty leavers

Time: 4982.42

when it comes to moving your circadian rhythm

Time: 4983.957

and sleep times and activity schedules

Time: 4986.33

and exercise and feeding can help,

Time: 4988.69

but really temperature and light,

Time: 4990.46

with light being the primary one are the most important

Time: 4993.54

when it comes to sleep and wakefulness.

Time: 4996.44

Many people asked questions about food and neurotransmitters

Time: 5000.258

and how those relate to sleep, wakefulness and mood,

Time: 5003.7

which is essentially 25 hours of content for me to cover.

Time: 5008.74

But I'm going to try and distill out the most common questions.

Time: 5012.53

We've talked a lot about neuromodulators like dopamine,

Time: 5014.78

acetylcholine and norepinephrine.

Time: 5017.08

You may notice in those discussions that the precursors

Time: 5020.64

to say serotonin is tryptophan.

Time: 5022.57

Tryptophan actually comes from the diet.

Time: 5024.97

It comes from the foods that we eat.

Time: 5027.68

tyrosine is the precursor to dopamine.

Time: 5031.06

It comes from the foods that we eat.

Time: 5033.19

And then once we ingest them

Time: 5036.6

those compounds are circulated to a variety

Time: 5039.13

of different cells and tissues, but it is true that our food

Time: 5043.437

and the particular foods we can influence,

Time: 5046.4

things like neuromodulator levels to some extent,

Time: 5049.44

it's not the only way, because there are also enzymes

Time: 5052.47

and biochemical pathways that are going to regulate

Time: 5054.49

how much tyrosine gets converted into dopamine

Time: 5057.34

and there are elements of the dopaminergic neurons,

Time: 5059.98

the dopamine neurons themselves that are electrical

Time: 5062.15

that have influence on this as well.

Time: 5064.1

But there are a couple fair assumptions that we can make.

Time: 5068.52

First of all, nuts and meats in particular red meats,

Time: 5072.95

tend to be rich in things like tyrosine, right?

Time: 5076.66

That tells you right there,

Time: 5077.94

that because tyrosine is the precursor of dopamine,

Time: 5080.28

and dopamine is the precursor of norepinephrine,

Time: 5082.86

and epinephrine that those foods tend to lend themselves

Time: 5087.67

toward the production of dopamine

Time: 5090.88

and epinephrin and the sorts of things

Time: 5093.11

that are associated with wakefulness.

Time: 5095.73

Now, of course, the volume of food that we eat

Time: 5098.26

also impacts our wakefulness.

Time: 5099.63

If we eat a lot of anything,

Time: 5101.47

whether or not it's ribeye steaks, rice, or cardboard,

Time: 5105.54

please don't eat cardboard,

Time: 5106.81

your stomach if it's very distended it will

Time: 5109.47

draw a lot of blood into your gut and you will divert blood

Time: 5112.66

from other tissues and you'll become sleepy.

Time: 5114.77

So it's not just about food content,

Time: 5116.31

it's also about food volume, all right?

Time: 5118.7

Fasting states generally are associated with more alertness,

Time: 5122.87

epinephrin so forth and fed states are generally associated

Time: 5128.32

with more quiescence and relaxation, serotonin,

Time: 5131.67

and the kind of things that lend themselves more towards

Time: 5134.84

sleep and less toward alertness.

Time: 5137.22

Foods that are rich in tryptophan tend to be things

Time: 5139.85

like white meat, turkey, also complex carbohydrates.

Time: 5143.09

So if you like you can start experimenting

Time: 5146.75

depending on what foods you eat.

Time: 5148.67

You can start experimenting with carbohydrate rich meals

Time: 5153.11

for accessing sleep and more depth of sleep.

Time: 5157.9

This is actually something I personally do.

Time: 5159.7

I tend to eat pretty low carbs during the day.

Time: 5162.01

I actually fast for until about noon.

Time: 5163.95

Not because I have to work to do that,

Time: 5165.56

but because I'd rather just drink caffeine

Time: 5167.22

and water during that time.

Time: 5168.86

And then sometime around noon

Time: 5170.3

I can't take it anymore and I'm hungry.

Time: 5172.36

And I eat and I try and eat low carb-ish

Time: 5174.75

unless I've worked out extremely hard

Time: 5176.54

in the previous two hours, which I rarely do,

Time: 5179.72

although I do it sometimes.

Time: 5181.48

And that meal is then designed to prolong my period

Time: 5185.44

of wakefulness into the late afternoon.

Time: 5187.16

And then sometime around dinner time

Time: 5189.21

which for me is around 6:37 PM, 8:00 PM.

Time: 5191.86

Sometimes as late as 9:00 PM, I tend to eat things

Time: 5194.1

like white meat, fish, pastas, rice, that kind of thing.

Time: 5199.5

My favorite food of all

Time: 5201.04

for accessing tryptophan is actually a starch.

Time: 5203.32

It's actually a vegetable.

Time: 5204.611

And it's the croissant, which is my favorite vegetable.

Time: 5207.69

I don't eat those all the time, but I love them

Time: 5210.48

and they seem to increase dopamine as well.

Time: 5213.16

I've never actually done the mass spectrometry

Time: 5215.41

on a croissant, but they definitely increase tryptophan

Time: 5217.82

and relaxation for me.

Time: 5220.57

In all seriousness, low carbohydrate/fasted/ketogenic diets

Time: 5225.86

tend to lend themselves toward wakefulness

Time: 5227.55

by way of increasing epinephrin, norepinephrine, adrenaline

Time: 5231.93

dopamine, and things of that sort.

Time: 5234.61

Carbohydrate rich meals.

Time: 5236.61

And I suppose we talked about meals as opposed to diet

Time: 5239.05

tend to lend themselves more toward tryptophan, serotonin

Time: 5243.3

and more lethargic states.

Time: 5246.38

There is very limited evidence that I am aware of

Time: 5249.7

that carbohydrates should be eaten at one time a day

Time: 5252.36

as it relates to metabolism, et cetera.

Time: 5255.89

I'm sure that will open up a certain amount of debate.

Time: 5259.17

If you work out very hard

Time: 5260.24

and you deplete glycogen, then this all changes.

Time: 5263

So some people are working out very hard

Time: 5264.33

in depleting glycogen and other people are not.

Time: 5266.72

That gets way outside the context

Time: 5268.85

of this particular podcast, but yes indeed different foods

Time: 5271.96

can bias different neuromodulators

Time: 5274.017

and thereby can modulate awaking

Time: 5277.09

or our feelings of lethargy and sleepiness.

Time: 5282.15

There are a couple effects of food that are independent

Time: 5286.24

or I should say a couple of facts of eating,

Time: 5287.86

'cause the food won't do it when it's sitting

Time: 5289.24

across the table, but of eating that are powerful

Time: 5293.58

for modulating circadian, rhythm, wakefulness, et cetera.

Time: 5296.73

And that's because every time we eat

Time: 5298.04

we get eating induced thermogenesis

Time: 5300.63

regardless of what we eat.

Time: 5301.98

Now that eating induced thermogenesis

Time: 5304.26

and increase in metabolism,

Time: 5305.58

which is an increase in temperature really,

Time: 5308.43

is probably greatest for amino acid rich foods like meats,

Time: 5314.76

but also other types of foods.

Time: 5317.28

It's a minimal increase in body temperature

Time: 5319.56

compared to say cold exposure or exercise.

Time: 5322.84

Now, whether or not it's a quarter of a degree

Time: 5324.99

or half a degree or a degree,

Time: 5326.1

it really depends on the individual.

Time: 5328.03

And of course there are blood sugar effects.

Time: 5330.41

There are things like whether or not

Time: 5333.26

you are type one or type two diabetic,

Time: 5335.49

whether or not you're insulin resistant,

Time: 5336.97

whether or not like there's a kid who

Time: 5339.86

interns on the podcast here, who's 17 years old

Time: 5343.17

and I'm convinced that he can eat anything

Time: 5345.77

and he just seems to like burn it up

Time: 5348.33

and he's growing it every time.

Time: 5349.55

Actually the other day, he walked into the other room

Time: 5351.38

and two days later, he walked out of the same room.

Time: 5354.12

He came out in between of course,

Time: 5355.36

but and I was like, you're grow?

Time: 5358.248

And he was like, you know, but he's at that stage where

Time: 5360.05

he's just growing.

Time: 5361.89

Food is going to affect a teenager very differently

Time: 5363.75

than it's going to affect a full-grown person.

Time: 5366.06

So, in general, starchy carbohydrates, white meat,

Time: 5371.15

such as turkey, some fish increased tryptophan,

Time: 5373.94

therefore serotonin, therefore

Time: 5376

more lethargic states more calm.

Time: 5379.41

Meat, nuts and there are probably some plant-based foods

Time: 5382.69

that I'm not aware of and I apologize,

Time: 5384.61

I should read up on this that also are high in tyrosine

Time: 5388.1

that can increase things like dopamine,

Time: 5390.56

norepinephrine, epinephrin alertness.

Time: 5393.87

So you can vary these however you like.

Time: 5396.44

Most people I think are eating a variety of these things

Time: 5398.93

in a given meals.

Time: 5400.38

And there are other parameters of nutrition

Time: 5402.62

that are important too.

Time: 5403.82

Volume of food for the reasons that I mentioned before,

Time: 5405.97

the volume of food in the gut, less food in the gut

Time: 5409.28

whether or not it's empty or a small amount of food

Time: 5410.91

which tend to correlate with wakefulness.

Time: 5414.2

Large volumes of food of any kind will tend to correlate

Time: 5418.16

and drive the calming response

Time: 5421.05

and that's by way of this nerve pathway called the vegas.

Time: 5423.13

We actually have sensory fibers in the gut that communicate

Time: 5425.86

to a little protrusion of neurons

Time: 5427.81

that sit right next to the juggler called the nodose ganglia

Time: 5430.57

N-O-D-O-S-E unlike Costello,

Time: 5434.21

it's no dose right now he's all dose.

Time: 5436.691

Nodose actually means having many protrusions

Time: 5439.89

and it's like kind of a lumpy collection of neurons.

Time: 5442.41

A ganglia is just a collection of neurons.

Time: 5443.73

And then it goes into the brain stem and then forward

Time: 5447.21

in the brain to the areas of the brain they're involved

Time: 5449.31

in production of various neuromodulators.

Time: 5453.95

So what we eat and the volume of food

Time: 5457.21

are both signaling to the brain.

Time: 5459.26

It's not just one or the other.

Time: 5461.2

And then there's also this eating induced thermogenesis.

Time: 5464.27

And now, you know, from the discussion about temperature

Time: 5466.2

that if you're eating early in the day

Time: 5468.07

you're tending to shift your rhythm earlier.

Time: 5470.07

So that you'll want to wake up earlier the next day

Time: 5473.46

if you're eating very late in the day,

Time: 5475.34

even if you can fall asleep after that,

Time: 5477.62

there's a tendency for you to want to sleep later

Time: 5479.53

the next day.

Time: 5480.73

Now this of course is all going to be constrained by

Time: 5483.7

when your kids need to eat,

Time: 5484.74

and when your spouse needs to eat,

Time: 5485.88

and when your friends need to eat,

Time: 5486.79

or if you live alone or what other things you're doing,

Time: 5488.89

if you're like me and you kind of don't eat until noon

Time: 5491.38

then eat sometime around noon.

Time: 5492.65

And then I'm terrible about meals.

Time: 5493.93

I just start eating the ingredients

Time: 5495.24

while I'm supposed to be cooking

Time: 5496.2

and then eventually they're all gone

Time: 5497.64

and I guess that's a meal.

Time: 5500.25

It varies.

Time: 5501.41

Some people are neurotically attached

Time: 5503.19

to a particular meal schedule.

Time: 5505.31

Some people are not.

Time: 5506.143

I take my light exposure schedule far more seriously

Time: 5509.26

than I take my meal schedule.

Time: 5510.9

Although in general, try and eat healthy foods

Time: 5513.12

for the most part croissants included.

Time: 5516.31

I was asked several times whether or not

Time: 5518.937

men and women or males and females

Time: 5520.74

differ in terms of these neurotransmitter phenotypes

Time: 5523.14

and the rhythms of sleep and temperature,

Time: 5528.1

or we could probably devote a whole month

Time: 5529.4

and we probably will devote an entire month

Time: 5531.11

to what are called sex differences

Time: 5533.16

because those tend to be related to things

Time: 5534.99

we absolutely know like XX, or XY chromosomes

Time: 5538.06

or XYY in some cases are double X chromosomes

Time: 5541.08

as opposed to gender, sex and karyotype as we call it

Time: 5544.98

genetic makeup is crystal clear.

Time: 5548.77

There are things that correlate with one or the other

Time: 5552.11

but it's complicated

Time: 5553.42

and it's not something that's been explored in

Time: 5556.09

what I think is enough detail.

Time: 5558.22

Actually recently, I guess it was about five years ago,

Time: 5562.24

the national institutes of health made it a mandate

Time: 5564.925

that all studies use sex as a biological variable,

Time: 5568.82

and actually explore both sexes of mice,

Time: 5571.41

both sexes of humans when doing any kind of study

Time: 5573.53

because there was a bias towards only using male animals

Time: 5576.37

or male subjects prior to that time.

Time: 5578.72

So a lot of data now coming out

Time: 5580.26

revealing important sex differences

Time: 5582.65

that I think are going to have powerful impact

Time: 5585.19

on health practices, et cetera.

Time: 5586.81

Response to drugs,

Time: 5587.74

response to just different sleep schedules, et cetera.

Time: 5590.8

Perhaps the most salient and obvious one

Time: 5593.25

is that during pregnancy females experience a whole range

Time: 5598.47

of endocrine and neuro effects

Time: 5601.06

and we definitely will devote a month to pregnancy

Time: 5603.92

and childbirth and child rearing.

Time: 5606.63

And for that, I'd really like to bring in some experts.

Time: 5609.09

I've got terrific colleagues at Stanford and elsewhere

Time: 5611.18

that work on these things,

Time: 5612.14

so that we can go into those in more depth.

Time: 5613.58

So I'm not blowing off those questions.

Time: 5615.7

I'm just, I'm kind of pushing them down the road

Time: 5617.78

a little bit where I can give you a more thorough answer.

Time: 5622.37

So as we finish up, I just want to offer you

Time: 5625.26

the opportunity to do an experiment.

Time: 5628.08

We've talked about a lot of variables

Time: 5629.83

that can impact sleep and wakefulness.

Time: 5631.97

And in keeping with the theme of the podcast

Time: 5633.83

we are going to continue to talk about sleep and wakefulness

Time: 5637.33

and tools for those, and the science behind those tools

Time: 5640.13

as we go forward.

Time: 5641.61

But there are really just four simple parameters

Time: 5645.17

that you have control over,

Time: 5647.46

that you can immediately start to record

Time: 5651.73

and take note of just to see how you're doing

Time: 5654.08

with these things.

Time: 5655.35

With no judgment or perhaps no change

Time: 5658.57

to what you're actually doing.

Time: 5660.15

It might be interesting, just a suggestion to write down

Time: 5664.44

for each day when you went outside to get sunlight

Time: 5669.01

and when you did that, relative to waking.

Time: 5671.03

So you would write down,

Time: 5671.863

like the way I do this in my calendar is I'll

Time: 5673.84

write down that I don't get exact about it.

Time: 5676.19

I might say, I woke up at 6:15 and then I,

Time: 5680.57

as I'll put a W 6:15, and then SL for sunlight

Time: 5685.296

and you'll sometimes get outside right away.

Time: 5686.77

Other times I'm less good at that.

Time: 5687.957

And I'll go out around, let's say seven

Time: 5691.05

and for how long, I don't maybe like 10, 15 minutes or so.

Time: 5695.03

And then I'll put a little check

Time: 5696.72

at the times that I eat my so-called meals.

Time: 5699.91

Although, as I mentioned, sometimes my meals are

Time: 5701.7

a bunch of small checks that just kind of extend

Time: 5703.69

through the late hours of the day.

Time: 5705.23

Yours might be more confined to certain times.

Time: 5709.87

And then you might just take note of when you exercised,

Time: 5714.19

just put down an E for when you exercise.

Time: 5716.34

Weight training or aerobic exercise.

Time: 5719.105

And you might note when you might've felt chilled or cold

Time: 5723.11

if you do, or you might've felt particularly hot,

Time: 5725.81

or if you woke up in the middle of night,

Time: 5726.96

when you felt particularly hot.

Time: 5728.01

And then the last thing you might want to do

Time: 5729.72

is just write down

Time: 5731.03

if and when you did a non sleep deep rest protocol,

Time: 5733.72

an STR protocol, that could be meditation,

Time: 5735.74

that could be yoga nidra, that could be hypnosis.

Time: 5738.57

Anything that you're using to deliberately

Time: 5742.758

teach your nervous system, how to go from more alertness

Time: 5745.98

to more calmness in the waking state,

Time: 5748.08

even if it's waking up in the middle of the night

Time: 5749.41

and doing an SDR protocol or in the afternoon,

Time: 5752.14

or first thing in the morning to recover some sleep

Time: 5754.65

and ability to perform DPOs that you might've lost

Time: 5757.45

from a minimal or poor night's sleep.

Time: 5759.55

So you're going to rite down when you woke up,

Time: 5761.66

when you viewed sunlight, that might be in the morning

Time: 5764.27

and the evening, or just the morning, hopefully

Time: 5766.1

it's the morning and the evening, when you exercised,

Time: 5768.96

when you eat your meals and using a simple

Time: 5771.63

record keeping scheme like W for waking, SL for sunlight

Time: 5776.3

maybe you come up with a system where it's a check

Time: 5778.14

or an X or something for exercise.

Time: 5779.955

This is not designed to make you neurotically attached

Time: 5782.93

to tracking all your behaviors and everything you do.

Time: 5788.28

I for instance, don't track what I eat.

Time: 5790.07

In particular, I kind of know what works for me

Time: 5792.47

and I'd just try and stay within that range.

Time: 5795.69

But by doing this you can start to reveal

Time: 5798.12

some really interesting patterns.

Time: 5799.87

Patterns that no answer that I could provide you about

Time: 5803.27

any existing tool or protocol could counter.

Time: 5808.17

It's really about taking the patterns of behaviors,

Time: 5811.51

of waking, and light viewing, and eating,

Time: 5813.67

and exercise and superimposing that on

Time: 5818.16

what you're learning

Time: 5818.993

in this podcast and elsewhere of course

Time: 5821.08

and what you already know and trying to see where

Time: 5823.91

certain problem or problems or pain points might be arising.

Time: 5827.05

Maybe you're eating really late in the day

Time: 5828.487

and you're waking up

Time: 5829.784

in the middle of the night, really warm.

Time: 5830.617

Well, now you would say, "Well, that could be due to

Time: 5833.24

kind of an increase in temperature that is extending my day

Time: 5837.44

or maybe you start to find that using cold exposure

Time: 5841.25

early in the day is great for you,

Time: 5842.98

but using it late, if it's too late in the day,

Time: 5845.02

that's not great.

Time: 5845.96

Or if you're into the sauna or it's even

Time: 5849.12

like some people, including myself, if I take a hot shower

Time: 5851.9

or sit in a hot tub or a sauna late at night,

Time: 5854.45

well then I get a compensatory decrease in body temperature

Time: 5857.72

and I sleep great provided I hydrate well enough,

Time: 5860.32

'cause that can be kind of a dehydrating thing to sit

Time: 5862.37

in hot, hot conditions.

Time: 5864.32

But if I do the sauna early in the day,

Time: 5866.69

unless I exercise immediately afterward

Time: 5869.78

then I tend to get the temperature drop, which makes sense

Time: 5872.41

because when you get in the sauna, you're get vasodilation.

Time: 5875.34

You throw off a lot of heat and then you

Time: 5876.8

generally get a compensatory drop in temperature.

Time: 5878.72

If you do that early in the day, that's right

Time: 5880.55

about the time that temperature

Time: 5882.32

is trying to entrain the circadian clocks of your body.

Time: 5884.99

That's what happens to me.

Time: 5886.38

Other people, it might be slightly different

Time: 5888.09

and some people have more resilient systems than others.

Time: 5892.47

So I just encourage you to start becoming scientists

Time: 5895.81

of your own physiology of your own brain and body

Time: 5899.35

and seeing how the various tools that you may

Time: 5901.04

or may not be using are effecting your patterns of sleep,

Time: 5905.42

your patterns of attention and wakefulness.

Time: 5907.76

It's vitally important that if you do this,

Time: 5910.41

that you know that it's not about trying to get

Time: 5912.88

onto an extremely rigid schedule,

Time: 5915.81

it's really about trying to identify variables

Time: 5918.36

that are most powerful for you, and that push you

Time: 5921.2

in the direction that you want to go.

Time: 5922.62

And changing the variables that are pushing your body

Time: 5925.75

and your mind in the directions that you don't want to go.

Time: 5927.93

Self experimentation is something that should be done

Time: 5930.62

slowly, carefully, you don't want to be reckless about this.

Time: 5934.05

And this is where I would say manipulating one

Time: 5937.49

or two variables at a time is really going to be best

Time: 5939.9

as opposed to changing of a dozen things all at once

Time: 5942.67

to really identify what it is that's most powerful for you.

Time: 5946.694

As always, thank you so much for your questions.

Time: 5949.548

We are going to continue to answer questions.

Time: 5952.02

I certainly didn't get to all of them

Time: 5953.077

but we tried to get to most all of the ones

Time: 5955.47

that were frequently asked.

Time: 5957.74

Episode four of the podcast, I'm going to get into,

Time: 5960.65

shift work, jet lag and age dependent changes

Time: 5964.84

in sleeping and wakefulness and cognition.

Time: 5968.46

So for those of you with kids,

Time: 5970.53

for those of you that are kids

Time: 5972.09

for those of you with older relatives or who might be older

Time: 5976.47

meaning probably when you start to get into

Time: 5979.41

late '60, '70 and '80 is when there's some marked

Time: 5982.25

biological shifts in temperature regulation

Time: 5984.74

and things that relate to sleep.

Time: 5987.28

And for those of you that travel,

Time: 5989.27

we're going to talk about jet lag.

Time: 5990.76

The shift work discussion might seem only relevant

Time: 5993.4

to those that work nights, but actually that's not the case.

Time: 5996.51

Most people because of the way they're interacting

Time: 5998.64

with devices are actually in a form of shift work now,

Time: 6003.08

where the days are certainly not nine to five,

Time: 6005.327

the so-called banker's hours,

Time: 6006.93

and then the lights are out at nine

Time: 6008.74

and they're asleep until 5:00 AM.

Time: 6010.59

Some people have that schedule, most people do not.

Time: 6012.86

So episode four, we will go deeply into shift work, jet lag

Time: 6017.68

age dependent changes in sleep alertness and cognition

Time: 6020.76

and I will touch back on a few of your questions

Time: 6022.89

but don't think that

Time: 6023.723

if your question wasn't answered during these office hours

Time: 6025.77

that we won't get to it, I absolutely will at some point.

Time: 6030.199

In addition to that, several of you

Time: 6032.59

have graciously asked how you can help support the podcast.

Time: 6035.56

And we very much appreciate that.

Time: 6037.307

You can support the podcast by liking it on YouTube,

Time: 6041.86

by subscribing on YouTube,

Time: 6043.81

by recommending the YouTube videos to others,

Time: 6046.51

as well as subscribing and downloading the podcast on Apple

Time: 6050.14

where you can also leave a review and on Spotify,

Time: 6053.61

we're all three, if you like.

Time: 6055.86

you can also help us by supporting our sponsors.

Time: 6058.09

So check out some of the sponsor links that were described

Time: 6060.28

at the beginning of the episode.

Time: 6062.11

And in general, recommending the podcast

Time: 6064.37

to people that you know and that you think would benefit

Time: 6066.12

from the information would be terrific.

Time: 6068.33

As always I will be continuing to post on Instagram.

Time: 6072.05

You can expect another podcast episode out next Monday

Time: 6075.35

about the topics that we've been discussing this month

Time: 6077.86

and above all, [upbeat music]

Time: 6079.07

thank you for your interest in science.

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