Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #66

Time: 0.36

- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science

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and science based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a professor of neurobiology

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and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, we are going to discuss the use

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of deliberate cold exposure

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for health and performance.

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Temperature is a powerful stimulus on our nervous system

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and indeed on every organ and system of our body

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and cold in particular can be leveraged

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to improve mental health, physical health, and performance,

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meaning for endurance exercise, for recovering

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from various forms of exercise,

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for actually improving strength and power

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and for enhancing mental capacity.

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In order to properly leverage deliberate cold exposure

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for sake of mental health, physical health and performance,

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you have to understand how cold impacts the brain and body.

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So today we are going to discuss that.

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We're going to talk about some of the neural circuits

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and pathways, some of the hormones involved.

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I promise to make it all clear and accessible

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regardless of whether or not

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you have a scientific background or not.

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We are also going to discuss very specific protocols

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that you can apply,

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which leverage variables like temperature,

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how cold, how to deliver the cold, for instance,

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whether or not you use a cold shower,

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cold immersion, ice bath, circulating water, or still water,

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whether or not you're going for walks outside in a t-shirt

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when it's cold or whether or not

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you're purposefully using things like cryo,

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if you have access to that or not.

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One thing I can promise you

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is that by the end of today's episode,

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you will know a lot about the biology of thermal regulation,

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that is how your brain and body regulates its temperature.

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You will also have a lot of tools in your arsenal

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that you can use and leverage

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toward improving mental health,

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physical health, reducing inflammation in the body,

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improving athletic performance,

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improving mental performance.

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I promise to spell out all those protocols in detail

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as I go along and to summarize them again at the end.

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I'd like to make a point now that I'm going to make

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several additional times during today's episode

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and that is that temperature is a very potent stimulus

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for the brain and body.

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That also means that it carries certain hazards

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if it's not done correctly.

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Now, everyone shows up to the table,

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meaning to protocols,

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with a different background of health status

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and there's simply no way that I can know

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what your health status is.

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So anytime you are going to take on a new protocol,

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that means a behavioral protocol or a nutritional protocol

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or a supplementation protocol,

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you should absolutely consult a board certified physician

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before initiating that protocol.

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I don't just say this to protect us,

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I also say this to protect you.

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If you'd like to see our medical disclaimer,

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you can go to our show notes, it's described there.

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In fact, I encourage you to please do that.

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And in general,

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when embarking on new protocols in particular,

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if they involve strong stimuli like changing temperature

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or placing yourself into unusual temperatures,

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I would encourage you to progress gradually.

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I would also encourage you to not look at

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gradual progression as the kind of weak version

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of a protocol.

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In fact, today I'm going to discuss

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a really beautiful peer reviewed study

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that involved having people do deliberate cold exposure

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so they were immersing themselves into water

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up to about their neck

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and the water was actually not that cold.

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It was only about 60 degrees Fahrenheit,

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which for most people is pretty tolerable.

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So nowhere near the kinds of extreme temperatures

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that one could use in other protocols.

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And the interesting thing is despite

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that fairly modest cold temperature,

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by simply extending the duration of time

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that people were in that water,

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they experienced enormous increases in neurochemicals

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that ought to translate to improvements in focus and mood.

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And indeed, that's what's been observed

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in subsequent studies.

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So again, please see our medical disclaimer

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in our show notes, please proceed with caution always,

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please also understand that the most potent stimulus

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isn't always the one that you experience

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as the most intense in the moment.

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In fact, I would encourage you to you find

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the minimum threshold of stimulus

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that will allow you to drive the maximum benefit

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from each protocol and indeed,

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I will point out what those thresholds ought to be today.

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I'll give you some simple formulas,

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gauges or guides that you can use in order to navigate

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this extremely interesting and potent tool

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that we call deliberate cold exposure.

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Before we talk about deliberate cold exposure

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and its many powerful applications,

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I'd like to highlight a study

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that I find particularly interesting,

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that I think you will find

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particularly interesting and useful.

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The title of this study is brief aerobic exercise

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immediately enhances visual attentional control

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and perceptual speed,

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testing the mediated role of feelings of energy.

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Now, the reason I like this study is first of all,

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it's a fairly large size sample group.

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They looked at 101 students.

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These were college-aged students and they had two groups.

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One group did 15 minutes of jogging at moderate intensity.

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So they did measure percent heart rates, et cetera,

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but this would be analogous to zone two cardio,

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which I've discussed on this podcast before.

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Zone two cardio is cardiovascular exercise

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that places you at a level where you can hold a conversation

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with a little bit of strain,

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meaning that you can get the words out,

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but every once in a while you have to catch your breath

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whereas if you were to push any harder by any mechanism

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going faster or on a steeper incline, et cetera,

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that you would have a hard time carrying out a conversation.

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So zone two cardio is a common form of describing

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that level of intensity that they call moderate intensity.

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So one group did 15 minute of jogging at moderate intensity,

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which I'm translating to roughly zone two cardio.

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The other group did 15 minutes of relaxation concentration

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that is somewhat akin to mindfulness meditation.

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And then they were analyzed for perceptual speed,

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visual attentional control, something called working memory,

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which is your ability

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to keep certain batches of information online.

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Just imagine someone telling you their phone number,

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and you have to remember that sequence of numbers

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in your head for some period of time, that's working memory.

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And it depends very heavily on the so-called

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prefrontal cortical networks,

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which are involved in planning and action.

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And they also looked at people's feelings of energy

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and they measured that subjectively,

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how energetic people felt.

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Now the major takeaways from this study

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that I'd like to emphasize are that

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the 15 minutes of jogging group

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experienced elevated levels of energy

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for some period of time after they ceased the exercise

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whereas the group that did mindfulness meditation

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actually reported feeling more calm

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and having less overall energy.

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Now that's very subjective and indeed they used

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subjective measures to analyze energy,

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but what gets interesting is when they looked at performance

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on these various cognitive tasks and the two tasks

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that they use were called the trail making tests,

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they have different versions of this,

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version A, version B,

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I don't want to go into too much detail,

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but version A essentially involves having a page of numbers

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that are distributed somewhat randomly.

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So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and so on,

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but distributed randomly across the page

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and people have to use visual search

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to circle those numbers in sequence.

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So this involves visual attention,

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it involves some motor skills,

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involves a number of things

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that certainly require energy and focus.

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The second test was the trail making test part B,

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as I mentioned earlier,

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and this involved also circling numbers in sequence,

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but interspersed between those numbers were letters.

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So rather than just having

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to circle off numbers in sequence,

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they actually had to connect one,

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then the letter A, then two, then the letter B, et cetera

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and remember these are randomly distributed across the page.

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The major takeaway from the study is that the group that did

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the 15 minutes of moderate exercise prior to these two tests

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showed significant decreases in the amount of time required

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to complete these tests accurately.

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That is interesting and indeed surprising at least to me,

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because there have been many studies looking at the effects

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of mindfulness meditation on the ability to focus.

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The key variable in the study turned out to be energy.

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This subjectively measured feeling I should say

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of having more energy and thereby the ability to focus,

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especially in these high cognitive demand tasks.

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Now the takeaway from this study for all of us

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I think is pretty straightforward.

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If you are going to sit down to do some work

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that requires focus and working memory

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and cognitive attention

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and especially if it's some visual spatial control,

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meaning you have to search for things on a page,

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you have to organize things on a page,

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so some writing, arithmetic,

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basically cognitive work of any kind,

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15 minutes of moderate exercise done prior

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to that work about could be very beneficial for you.

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This does not mean that mindfulness meditation

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would not be a benefit to you.

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I wouldn't want you to conclude that,

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but if you had to choose between doing

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15 minutes of mindfulness meditation

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and doing 15 minutes of moderate exercise

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prior to a cognitive work about,

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I would say the 15 minutes of moderate exercise would be

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more valuable at least based on the data in this paper.

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In many previous podcasts,

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I have talked about the powerful effects of doing things

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like mindfulness meditation, and other forms of NSDR,

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non-sleep deep rest.

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So these could be 20 minute naps or just lying there quietly

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with your eyes closed or yoga nidra

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or NSDR scripts are available on YouTube

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and various other places free of cost of any kind.

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You just go to YouTube, put in NSDR,

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non-sleep deep rest.

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Those protocols have been shown to be very beneficial

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for enhancing neuroplasticity,

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the changes in the brain and body that encode

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or shift the neural circuits that allow

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for memory to change,

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that allow for learning to occur after a learning about.

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What I'm referring to today in this particular study

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is the use of moderate exercise

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in order to increase one's focus and attention

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in order to trigger that neuroplasticity.

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So the simple sequence here is get energetic and alert,

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do that prior to the learning about,

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engage in the cognitive work or learning about,

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and then mindfulness meditation,

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NSDR and so forth should follow.

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And if you would like to access this paper

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and like to look more at the details in the paper,

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we'll be sure to put a link in the show notes.

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The first author is Legrand.

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And again, the title of this paper is brief aerobic exercise

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immediately enhances visual potential control

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and perceptual speed,

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testing the mediating role of feeling of energy.

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And I also just want to emphasize immediately.

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I think most people out there are interested in tools

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and protocols that work the first time

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and that work every time

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and indeed, I think this protocol fits that bill.

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I'm pleased to announce

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that I'm hosting two live events this May.

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The first live event will be hosted

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in Seattle, Washington on May 17th.

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The second live event

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will be hosted in Portland, Oregon on May 18th,

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both are part of a lecture series entitled

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the Brain Body Contract during which I will discuss science

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and science-based tools for mental health,

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physical health and performance.

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And I should point out that while some of the material

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I'll cover will overlap with information covered here

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on the Huberman Lab Podcast

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and on various social media posts,

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most of the information I will cover is going to be distinct

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from information covered on the podcast or elsewhere.

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So once again, it's Seattle on May 17th,

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Portland on May 18th.

Time: 687.37

You can access tickets by going to

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and I hope to see you there.

Time: 692.95

Before we begin,

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I'd like to emphasize that this podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is however part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science-related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens, also called AG One.

Time: 713.65

I started taking AG One way back in 2012

Time: 716.59

so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

Time: 719.01

The reason I started taking AG One

Time: 720.69

and the reason I still take AG One

Time: 722.43

once or twice a day is that it covers my

Time: 724.69

foundational vitamin mineral and probiotic needs.

Time: 727.86

It also has adaptogens and things like zinc

Time: 730.31

for immune system function,

Time: 732.02

but the probiotics are one of the key features in there.

Time: 734.78

I've done several podcasts on the gut microbiome,

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which are these trillions of microbiota

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that live in our digestive tract,

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and that are crucial for our immune system,

Time: 742.4

brain function and so on.

Time: 744.75

One way to enhance our gut microbiome

Time: 746.99

to ensure that it's healthy is to make sure

Time: 748.87

that we get the correct probiotics and Athletic Greens

Time: 752.39

has the correct prebiotics and probiotics that ensure

Time: 755.33

a healthy gut microbiome.

Time: 756.96

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 758.4

you can go to

Time: 761.21

to claim a special offer.

Time: 762.53

They'll give you five free travel packs that make it

Time: 764.4

very easy to mix up Athletic Greens

Time: 766.11

while you're on the road.

Time: 766.98

So in the car and on the plane.

Time: 768.48

I should mention the Athletic Greens is delicious.

Time: 770.41

I love the way it tastes.

Time: 771.243

I mix mine with some water

Time: 772.655

and a little bit of lemon or lime juice.

Time: 773.82

The special offer is the five free travel packs

Time: 776.01

plus a year supply of vitamin D three, K two.

Time: 778.93

Vitamin D three has been shown to be important

Time: 780.94

for a tremendous number of biological functions.

Time: 783.43

Many of us who get sunlight get enough vitamin D three,

Time: 786.84

many of us, even if we do get sunlight,

Time: 788.93

do not get enough vitamin D three.

Time: 790.86

So the year supply of vitamin D three also has K two,

Time: 793.87

which is important for cardiovascular function,

Time: 795.75

for calcium regulation.

Time: 797.4

Again, go to

Time: 800.06

to get the five free travel packs

Time: 801.4

and the year supply of vitamin D three, K two.

Time: 804.07

Today's episode is also brought to us by ROKA.

Time: 806.42

ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 808.52

that are the absolute highest quality.

Time: 810.58

The company was founded by two All-American swimmers

Time: 812.49

from Stanford and everything about their eye glasses

Time: 814.86

and sunglasses were designed with performance in mind.

Time: 818.6

Now the glasses were initially designed

Time: 820.13

for athletic performance,

Time: 821.17

meaning they were designed

Time: 822.17

to be worn while cycling or running.

Time: 823.99

And indeed you can wear them while cycling or running.

Time: 826.18

If you get sweaty, they won't slip off your face.

Time: 827.89

They're very lightweight.

Time: 828.723

In fact, you hardly ever remember that they're on your face,

Time: 830.92

at least I can't remember that they're on my face.

Time: 832.88

I wear the sunglasses when I drive, I wear readers at night,

Time: 836.19

but they're not just for athletic performance.

Time: 838.23

They have a terrific aesthetic

Time: 839.69

so you could wear them to the office

Time: 841.16

or to work or to school, they look great.

Time: 843.06

Unlike a lot of high performance sunglasses out there

Time: 844.97

that make people look like cyborgs,

Time: 846.21

these you would be happy to wear anywhere.

Time: 848.22

If you'd like to try ROKA glasses,

Time: 849.74

you can go to, that's

Time: 852.95

and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off

Time: 855.56

your first order.

Time: 856.77

Again, that's ROKA,

Time: 859.34

Enter the code Huberman at checkout.

Time: 861.26

Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep.

Time: 864.04

Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows

Time: 866.17

that are uniquely designed to your sleep needs.

Time: 869.08

Everybody knows the importance of sleep for mental health,

Time: 871.36

physical health, and performance,

Time: 873.18

but probably what everyone doesn't realize

Time: 875.28

is that you have unique sleep needs,

Time: 877.65

your body and indeed the way you sleep

Time: 880.14

need to be matched the correct mattress

Time: 881.72

in order to get the best possible sleep.

Time: 883.77

Helix understands that and if you go to their website,

Time: 886.71

they have a brief two minute quiz that anyone can take

Time: 889.25

that will match your body type and sleep preferences

Time: 891.56

to the perfect mattress for you.

Time: 893.45

So they ask questions like,

Time: 894.51

do you sleep on your side, your back of your stomach,

Time: 896.14

or maybe you don't know.

Time: 896.973

Do you tend to run hot or cold through the night

Time: 898.42

or maybe you don't know?

Time: 899.66

I matched to the dusk mattress, D-U-S-K,

Time: 902.17

because I wanted a mattress

Time: 903.24

that wasn't too firm nor too soft

Time: 904.98

and I've been sleeping on that mattress for over a year now,

Time: 907.35

it's the best sleep I've ever had.

Time: 909.04

So if you're interested in upgrading your mattress,

Time: 910.77

go to,

Time: 913.3

take their two minute sleep quiz and they'll match you

Time: 915.35

to a customized mattress and you'll get up to $200 off

Time: 918.68

any mattress order and two free pillows.

Time: 920.98

They have a 10 year warranty

Time: 922.26

and you get to try the mattress out

Time: 924.16

for a hundred nights risk free.

Time: 926.05

They'll even pick it up for you if you don't like it

Time: 927.63

although I think you will like it.

Time: 928.98

I certainly love mine.

Time: 930.18

Again if you're interested,

Time: 931.23

go to to get

Time: 933.75

up to $200 off your mattress order and two free pillows.

Time: 937.6

Let's talk about the use of cold for health and performance.

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I confess I love this topic

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because it takes me back to my undergraduate years

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when I worked in a laboratory studying cold physiology,

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its effects on the brain and its effects the body.

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And over the years,

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I've always kept track of the literature in this area

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and indeed there have been some tremendous discoveries,

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both in animal models, so in rodents like mice and rats,

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but also in humans

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and today we're going to talk about both categories

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of studies and I'll be careful to point out when discoveries

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were made in animal models

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and when they were made in humans.

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A key point when thinking about the use of cold as a tool,

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and the key point is that you have a baseline level

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of temperature that is varying,

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changing across the 24 hour cycle.

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So any use of deliberate cold exposure

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is going to be super imposed on that rhythm,

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that circadian rhythm, meaning that 24 hour rhythm.

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The basic contour of your circadian rhythm in temperature

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is that approximately two hours before the time you wake up

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is your so-called temperature minimum.

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So your temperature minimum is a time

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within the 24 hour cycle

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when your body temperature is at its lowest.

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So if you normally wake up around 6:00 AM,

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your temperature minimum is probably about 4:00 AM.

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If you normally wake up at about 7:00 AM,

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your temperature minimum is probably about 5:00 AM.

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It's not exactly two hours before your wake up time,

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it's approximately two hours before your wake up time.

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Now, as you go from your temperature minimum

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to the time in which you're going to awake,

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your temperature is rising slightly.

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And then at the point where you wake up,

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your temperature starts to go up more sharply

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and will continue to go up into the early

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and sometimes even into the late afternoon.

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And then sometime in the late afternoon and evening,

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your temperature will start to decline.

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And indeed, as you approach sleep,

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your body temperature will drop

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by anywhere from one to three degrees.

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And in fact that decrease in core body temperature

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is important if not essential for getting into

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and staying in deep sleep.

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So temperature rises with waking, that's easy to remember.

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It tends to continue to rise throughout the day

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and in the late afternoon and evening,

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your temperature WILL start to go down and the drop

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in temperature actually helps you access sleep.

Time: 1093.85

That background or what we call baseline circadian rhythm

Time: 1098.31

in core body temperature is important to remember

Time: 1101.16

because it helps us frame both the effects

Time: 1104.3

of deliberate cold exposure and helps us frame

Time: 1108.64

when you might want to use deliberate cold exposure

Time: 1111.09

in order to access specific states.

Time: 1113.6

It also points to times within the 24 hour cycle

Time: 1116.74

when you might want to avoid using deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 1119.83

if your primary goal is to get to sleep.

Time: 1122.72

So that's the circadian rhythm in temperature.

Time: 1125.59

Now I just briefly want to touch on

Time: 1127.57

thermal regulation at the level of body and the brain.

Time: 1131.09

And this will be very surprising to many of you.

Time: 1135.26

Let's do what's called a Gedanken experiment,

Time: 1137.51

which is a thought experiment.

Time: 1138.96

Let's say I send you out into the desert heat

Time: 1141.93

for a jog or a run and it's very hot outside,

Time: 1145.65

102 or 103 degrees, and you start to move,

Time: 1151.36

you start to sweat

Time: 1152.26

and of course your core body temperature goes up.

Time: 1154.9

Now, then I offer you a cold towel,

Time: 1158.89

maybe a really, really cold towel

Time: 1161.22

and this towel is saturated with water

Time: 1162.85

so you could actually squeeze the water out of that

Time: 1164.517

and cool your body off.

Time: 1166.36

And our Gedanken experiment is for me to say okay,

Time: 1169.43

where are you going to place the towel?

Time: 1171.48

How are you going to cool yourself off?

Time: 1173.82

And I'm guessing that most of you would think

Time: 1175.91

that the best way to cool yourself off

Time: 1177.59

would be to drape that towel over your head,

Time: 1179.55

maybe your neck, over your torso,

Time: 1182.04

that it would feel really, really good,

Time: 1183.32

and it would cool you off.

Time: 1185.37

Well, that's exactly the wrong approach

Time: 1188.26

if you want to cool off.

Time: 1189.33

And in fact, if you were to use that approach,

Time: 1192.1

your body temperature would continue to increase even more.

Time: 1196.62

Yes, even more than had you not placed

Time: 1199.3

that cold towel on your head or your torso.

Time: 1202.55

And here is why.

Time: 1204.5

Thermal regulation meaning your brain and body's ability

Time: 1207.42

to regulate your internal core temperature

Time: 1210.96

is somewhat like a thermostat and that thermostat

Time: 1213.39

resides in your brain.

Time: 1215.17

So if you think about the thermostat

Time: 1216.65

in your home or apartment,

Time: 1218.68

if it's too warm in your home or apartment

Time: 1222.6

and you were to take a bag of ice

Time: 1224.98

and to put it on that thermostat,

Time: 1227.64

what would the thermostat do?

Time: 1229.09

It would register the environment as artificially cool.

Time: 1232.67

It would think that the environment

Time: 1234.67

was actually much colder than it is.

Time: 1237.98

And so as a consequence,

Time: 1239.78

it would trigger a mechanism

Time: 1241.04

to further increase the temperature in the room.

Time: 1243.67

And you have such a thermostat as well.

Time: 1245.54

It's called the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus.

Time: 1248.55

The hypothalamus is a small region of brain tissue

Time: 1252.18

about over the roof of your mouth

Time: 1254.11

and a little bit in front of that.

Time: 1256.23

So it's basically right behind your nose and over the roof

Time: 1260.64

of your mouth and it's a collection of neurons.

Time: 1262.65

Those neurons have a lot of different functions

Time: 1264.54

that include things like the control of aggression,

Time: 1267.53

the control of sex behavior,

Time: 1269.24

the control of temperature regulation and so on.

Time: 1271.73

The medial preoptic area has connections with

Time: 1275.85

the rest of the brain

Time: 1277.29

or areas within the brain, I should say

Time: 1279.09

and with many areas within the body,

Time: 1281.51

it receives input from receptors in our skin

Time: 1286.13

and inside our body that register temperature

Time: 1289.6

and it acts as a thermostat.

Time: 1291.32

So if the surface of your body is made cool,

Time: 1294.58

your medial preoptic area will send signals

Time: 1298.42

by way of hormones

Time: 1300.51

and by way of chemicals that will serve

Time: 1302.6

to heat your body up.

Time: 1304.68

So what this means is that if you want to cool down,

Time: 1307.28

the last thing you want to do is to bring a cold surface

Time: 1312.16

of any kind, towel or splashing water,

Time: 1314.6

to the majority of your body surface.

Time: 1316.54

It might be very, very surprising to you.

Time: 1319.107

And you might say, wait, if I want to cool down,

Time: 1320.93

I should jump into a cold lake or something of that sort.

Time: 1322.98

That's a different thing altogether.

Time: 1325.53

What I'll tell you,

Time: 1326.51

and we'll get into this in more depth later,

Time: 1328.32

is that if you really

Time: 1329.22

want to cool down quickly and efficiently,

Time: 1331.36

you should leverage particular portals,

Time: 1334.81

meaning particular sites on your body

Time: 1338.21

where heat can leave your body more readily

Time: 1341.7

and where cooling can have a dramatic and fast impact

Time: 1346.13

on your core body temperature,

Time: 1347.19

can even save your life if you're going hyperthermic.

Time: 1349.44

We're going to talk more about the specific protocols to reduce

Time: 1352.67

core body temperature for sake of performance

Time: 1354.64

and avoiding hyperthermia later in the episode.

Time: 1357.56

Hyperthermia of course is a very, very dangerous situation

Time: 1360.62

because while your body can drop in core temperature

Time: 1364.21

somewhat and still be safe,

Time: 1365.86

you can't really increase your body temperature that much

Time: 1368.5

before your brain starts to cook

Time: 1370.05

and other organs start to cook and by cook,

Time: 1372.08

I mean the cells actually start to die.

Time: 1374.17

So you have to be very, very careful with the use of heat.

Time: 1376.95

Heat stroke is no joke.

Time: 1378.46

People die from heat stroke all the time.

Time: 1380.31

You really want to avoid that.

Time: 1382.38

One way to avoid that is to cool the appropriate surfaces

Time: 1386.64

of your body and the appropriate surfaces in this case

Time: 1390.05

are the upper cheeks

Time: 1391.91

or I would say the upper half of the face,

Time: 1394.56

the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet.

Time: 1396.52

I've talked about this on the podcast before

Time: 1398.6

and in the guest episode with Dr. Craig Heller,

Time: 1400.93

my colleague in the biology department at Stanford,

Time: 1403.9

but just very briefly, these surfaces,

Time: 1406.51

the upper half of the face,

Time: 1408.37

the palms of the hands and the bottoms of the feet

Time: 1411.12

are what we call

Time: 1412.72

glabrous skin surfaces, G-L-A-B-R-O-U-S, glabrous.

Time: 1418.38

And those surfaces are unique in that just below them,

Time: 1422.71

the vasculature is different than elsewhere in the body.

Time: 1426.12

Normally the passage of blood goes from

Time: 1428.48

arteries to capillaries to veins,

Time: 1430.64

but just beneath the glabrous skin on the bottoms

Time: 1434.15

of the feet, the hands in the upper half of the face,

Time: 1436.28

you have what are called arterio-venous anastomoses.

Time: 1439.97

These are portals of blood that go directly

Time: 1443.02

from arteries to veins and in doing so,

Time: 1445.53

allow the body to dump heat more readily, more quickly.

Time: 1451.95

So as it turns out that if you are to cool the palms

Time: 1455.25

of the hands, the bottoms of the feet

Time: 1456.37

and the upper half of the face,

Time: 1457.47

you can more efficiently reduce core body temperature

Time: 1460.69

for sake of offsetting hyperthermia

Time: 1463.19

and for improving athletic performance

Time: 1465.42

and maybe even cognitive performance.

Time: 1467.3

So we will return to the specific protocols

Time: 1469.18

for doing that later in the episode,

Time: 1471.28

I'll give you a lot of details about how to do that,

Time: 1474.14

how to do that without the use of

Time: 1475.68

any fancy or expensive technology.

Time: 1478.27

There are some technologies

Time: 1479.41

that are now commercially available, for instance,

Time: 1481.93

the so-called CoolMitt

Time: 1483.04

that will allow you to do that with maximum efficiency,

Time: 1485.19

but I'll also give you some at home methods to do this

Time: 1488.48

either in the gym or on runs or for sake of cognitive work.

Time: 1492.47

So the two key themes again

Time: 1494.27

are understand that baseline circadian rhythm

Time: 1497.58

in temperature, and understand that the best way to cool

Time: 1501.05

the body is going to be

Time: 1502.84

by making sure that something cold contacts

Time: 1507.43

the bottoms of your feet,

Time: 1508.39

the palms of your hands and the upper half of the face.

Time: 1510.53

Ideally all three

Time: 1511.47

if your goal is to lower core body temperature quickly,

Time: 1513.92

and again, just cooling off the back of your neck

Time: 1517.15

or the top of your head or your torso with a towel

Time: 1519.39

is going to be the least efficient way

Time: 1521.4

to lower core body temperature and might even increase

Time: 1524.7

body temperature under certain conditions.

Time: 1527.5

With those two points in mind,

Time: 1528.87

we can start to think about directed deliberate

Time: 1531.3

cold exposure protocols,

Time: 1532.71

and there are a number of different reasons

Time: 1534.78

to use deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 1536.83

And I want to separate those out for you.

Time: 1540.04

There are cold protocols that have been tested

Time: 1542.85

in peer reviewed studies that are designed

Time: 1545.03

to improve mental performance.

Time: 1547.17

They are designed to improve things like resilience

Time: 1549.86

or your grittiness,

Time: 1550.693

or your ability to move through challenge

Time: 1552.55

or to regulate your mind and your internal state

Time: 1556.31

under conditions of stress

Time: 1557.83

and we can define stress very specifically as times

Time: 1561.32

when adrenaline also called epinephrine

Time: 1564.88

and or norepinephrine also called noradrenaline,

Time: 1569.29

are elevated in your body.

Time: 1570.6

Forgive me for the noradrenaline,

Time: 1572.44

norepinephrine, adrenaline, epinephrine nomenclature,

Time: 1575.28

I didn't make that up.

Time: 1576.5

It turns out that every once in a while,

Time: 1577.9

scientists disagree, imagine that,

Time: 1580.1

and you'll get multiple scientists

Time: 1581.79

naming the same molecule different things.

Time: 1583.81

So epinephrine and adrenaline are the same thing.

Time: 1586.65

I will use them interchangeably.

Time: 1588.39

Norepinephrine and noradrenaline are the same thing.

Time: 1591.23

I will use those terms interchangeably.

Time: 1594.4

Noradrenaline and adrenaline

Time: 1596.1

are often co-released in the brain and body.

Time: 1598.12

So they work as kind of a pair to increase

Time: 1601.27

our level of agitation,

Time: 1602.82

our level of focus and our desire and our ability to move.

Time: 1607.45

They are often co-released from different sites

Time: 1610.47

in the brain and body with dopamine,

Time: 1612.89

a molecule that is commonly misunderstood

Time: 1616.71

as the molecule of pleasure,

Time: 1618.04

but is actually the molecule of motivation,

Time: 1620.35

reward and pursuit.

Time: 1622.75

So dopamine, norepinephrine and noradrenaline

Time: 1624.97

tend to be released together under certain conditions

Time: 1628.22

and today you'll learn how deliberate cold exposure

Time: 1631.19

can be used to cause increases in the release of several,

Time: 1635.31

if not, all of these in ways

Time: 1636.93

that can improve your levels of attention and your mood.

Time: 1641

But the key point is that your mental state is shifted

Time: 1646.74

when you are exposed to certain forms of cold,

Time: 1649.84

and many people use deliberate cold exposure

Time: 1652.1

specifically to shift their body state as a way

Time: 1655.73

to train their mental state so that they can better cope

Time: 1658.93

with stress in real life and by real life,

Time: 1661.29

I mean when life presents stressful events,

Time: 1663.94

and I will give you specific protocols

Time: 1665.8

as to how you can do that, in other words,

Time: 1667.63

how you can become more resilient

Time: 1669.68

through the use of deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 1672.2

Now, because of the ways in which deliberate cold exposure

Time: 1675.42

can increase this category of chemicals

Time: 1677.84

called the catecholamines,

Time: 1678.92

that includes dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine,

Time: 1682.82

it can also be used to elevate mood

Time: 1685.87

for long periods of time.

Time: 1687.74

And I'm going to discuss a specific protocol

Time: 1690.12

that has been shown to increase these chemicals

Time: 1693.07

anywhere from 2.5X to 250%, to as high as 500%,

Time: 1701.32

five times over baseline.

Time: 1703.74

Now you might be asking whether or not it is a good thing

Time: 1706.33

to raise chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine

Time: 1709.18

to such a great degree,

Time: 1711.17

whether or not that's healthy for us,

Time: 1712.48

whether or not they can harm us.

Time: 1714.1

But it turns out that these elevations in norepinephrine

Time: 1716.75

and dopamine are very long lasting in ways

Time: 1719.82

that people report feeling vast improvements

Time: 1723.09

in mood and vast improvements

Time: 1725.19

in levels of cognitive attention and energy.

Time: 1728.76

So by my read of the literature,

Time: 1730.92

these seem to be healthy increases in our baseline levels

Time: 1735.23

of these chemicals in ways that can really support us

Time: 1737.76

so I'll give you a protocol for that.

Time: 1739.81

Now, those are some of the mental effects

Time: 1741.76

of deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 1743.23

but deliberate cold exposure has also been studied

Time: 1745.5

in animal models and in humans

Time: 1747.04

in the context of increasing metabolism,

Time: 1749.86

even in converting certain fat cells

Time: 1752.98

that we call white fat cells,

Time: 1754.32

which are the ones where energy is stored,

Time: 1756.12

they're the ones that we typically think of

Time: 1757.47

as kind of blubbery fat, to beige or brown fat,

Time: 1761.56

which is thermogenic fat,

Time: 1763.33

meaning that it can increase core body temperature

Time: 1765.42

and serves kind of the furnace

Time: 1767.68

by which we increase our core metabolism.

Time: 1771.04

So with a very broad stroke,

Time: 1773.18

I can say that white fat is generally the kind of fat

Time: 1775.66

that people want less of and beige fat and brown fat

Time: 1778.61

is generally the kind of fat that

Time: 1780.85

if you're going to have fat cells and

Time: 1782.81

you certainly need fat cells that you want more of.

Time: 1785.33

They are thermogenic, they help you stay lean.

Time: 1787.6

They actually serve as a reservoir for heating your body up

Time: 1790.13

if you're ever confronted with a cold challenge.

Time: 1792.19

So we're going to talk about how to use cold

Time: 1793.96

for metabolism as well.

Time: 1795.58

And of course,

Time: 1796.413

people are using deliberate cold exposure

Time: 1797.96

to reduce inflammation post exercise,

Time: 1800.01

to reduce inflammation generally.

Time: 1802.71

And people are also using cold to enhance performance

Time: 1806.55

in the context of strength training,

Time: 1808.56

in the context of endurance training

Time: 1810.16

and we'll talk about those data as well,

Time: 1812.48

but where I'd like to start is with mental performance

Time: 1814.97

and I'd like to detail what happens

Time: 1818.32

when we deliberately expose ourselves to cold.

Time: 1821.46

It's key to point out the word deliberate.

Time: 1824.65

If I don't say otherwise, then throughout this episode,

Time: 1827.64

if I say cold exposure, I mean deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 1830.75

And the reason I point that out is that as my colleague,

Time: 1833.1

David Spiegel, and the department of psychiatry

Time: 1834.74

at Stanford says,

Time: 1836.17

it's not just about the state that we are in,

Time: 1838.59

it's about the state that we are in and whether or not

Time: 1840.53

we had anything to with placing ourselves into that state

Time: 1843.92

and whether or not we did that on purpose or not.

Time: 1845.92

And what he really means by that statement is that

Time: 1850.06

there are important effects of what we call mindset.

Time: 1853.11

Mindset was a topic discussed in the guest episode

Time: 1856.38

with Ali Crumb some weeks ago.

Time: 1858.67

If you haven't seen that episode, I highly recommend it.

Time: 1861.27

And the science of my mindset tells us that if we are doing

Time: 1864.94

something deliberately and we believe

Time: 1866.91

that it's going to be good for us,

Time: 1868.64

it actually can lead to a different set

Time: 1871.44

of physiological effects than if something

Time: 1875.23

is happening to us against our will or without our control.

Time: 1878.85

Now, this is different than placebo effects.

Time: 1880.65

Placebo effects are distinct from mindset effects.

Time: 1883.9

If you want to learn more about that distinction,

Time: 1885.35

please see the episode with Ali Crumb.

Time: 1887.3

But again, when I talk about cold exposure in this episode,

Time: 1890.36

I'm talking about deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 1893.28

meaning that you are placing yourself into a

Time: 1896.12

cold environment on purpose in order to extract

Time: 1898.87

a particular set of benefits.

Time: 1902.49

When we talk about deliberate cold exposure, almost always,

Time: 1905.82

that means getting uncomfortable.

Time: 1908.1

And one of the most common questions I get

Time: 1910.08

when discussing the use of cold for sake of mental

Time: 1912.7

or physical performance, metabolism, et cetera,

Time: 1914.72

is how cold should it be?

Time: 1917.34

How cold should the water be?

Time: 1918.48

How cold should the environment be?

Time: 1920.94

And I just will tell you now

Time: 1922.3

and I'm going to say this again and again

Time: 1923.76

throughout the episode,

Time: 1924.593

cause it will continue to be true throughout the episode

Time: 1926.86

and long after the episode is over,

Time: 1929.61

how cold depends on your cold tolerance,

Time: 1932.87

your core metabolism,

Time: 1934.32

and a number of other features that there is simply no way

Time: 1938.07

I could know or have access to.

Time: 1940.48

So I would like you to use this rule of thumb.

Time: 1944.62

If you are using deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 1947.38

the environment that you place yourself into

Time: 1950.82

should place your mind into a state of whoa,

Time: 1954.29

I would really like to get out of this environment,

Time: 1956.84

but I can stay in safely.

Time: 1959.44

Now that might seem a little bit arbitrary,

Time: 1961.26

but let's say you were to get into a warm shower

Time: 1963.61

and it would feel really, really nice

Time: 1965.16

and you were to start turning down the warm

Time: 1967.12

and turning up the cold.

Time: 1968.4

There would be some threshold at which

Time: 1970.35

it would feel uncomfortable to you.

Time: 1972.6

And if you were to continue to make a little bit colder

Time: 1974.8

than that, you would really want to get out of the shower,

Time: 1977.61

but you are confident that you could stay in

Time: 1980.17

without risking your health, without risking a heart attack.

Time: 1984.08

Now that's very different than jumping into

Time: 1985.87

a very, very cold lake or

Time: 1989.2

I've seen these images of people that will cut holes into

Time: 1992.78

frozen over lakes and they'll get into that cold water.

Time: 1996.04

If you are trained to do that

Time: 1997.24

and you have the right conditions, et cetera,

Time: 1999.17

that can be done reasonably safely,

Time: 2001.27

but that's certainly not what I would start with.

Time: 2003.77

And for many people, that would be too cold

Time: 2005.74

and indeed some people can go into cold shock

Time: 2008.67

and can die as a consequence of getting

Time: 2010.17

to that extremely cold water very quickly.

Time: 2012.25

Now that's not to scare you away

Time: 2013.45

from deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 2014.88

It's just to say that there's no simple prescriptive

Time: 2018.3

of how cold to make environment

Time: 2019.84

in order to extract maximum benefit

Time: 2023.25

for mental or physical performance.

Time: 2026.26

So the simple rule of thumb is going to be

Time: 2029.27

place yourself into an environment

Time: 2031.15

that is uncomfortably cold,

Time: 2033.59

but that you can stay in safely.

Time: 2035.33

And you'll have to experiment a bit and that number,

Time: 2037.98

meaning that temperature, will vary from day to day.

Time: 2040.22

It will vary across the 24 hour cycle

Time: 2043.46

because of that endogenous,

Time: 2045.29

meaning that internal rhythm,

Time: 2046.92

in temperature that I talked about earlier.

Time: 2049.25

Low early in the day,

Time: 2050.19

rises into the afternoon, drops at night.

Time: 2052.49

You can actually do this experiment if you like.

Time: 2054.9

Try getting into a cold shower at 11 o'clock at night

Time: 2057.73

if you want versus try doing it

Time: 2060.52

in the middle of the afternoon.

Time: 2062.02

It's quite a different experience

Time: 2064.137

and by quite a different experience,

Time: 2065.62

I mean it requires quite a different degree of resilience

Time: 2069.63

and leaning into the practice.

Time: 2071.11

Your willpower will have to be higher I suspect

Time: 2075.65

late in the day as it compared to early in the day,

Time: 2079.84

but that will vary of course between individuals as well.

Time: 2082.73

So the most common question I get

Time: 2083.99

about deliberate cold exposure

Time: 2085.31

is how cold should the water be?

Time: 2088.11

And we've answered that with uncomfortably cold to the point

Time: 2091.25

where you want to get out,

Time: 2092.083

but you can safely stay in.

Time: 2093.81

The second most common question I get

Time: 2095.52

about deliberate cold exposure is whether or not

Time: 2097.88

cold showers are as good,

Time: 2099.5

better or worse than cold water immersion

Time: 2102.5

up to the neck, for instance.

Time: 2104.3

I also get a lot of questions about whether or not

Time: 2106.36

cryo chambers are better than all the others,

Time: 2108.95

et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 2110.3

I'm going to make all of that

Time: 2112.02

very simple for you by saying cold water immersion

Time: 2114.97

up to the neck with your feet and hands submerged also

Time: 2118.27

is going to be the most effective.

Time: 2120.97

Second best would be cold shower.

Time: 2123.74

Third best would be to go outside

Time: 2126.05

with a minimum amount of clothing, but of course,

Time: 2129.48

clothing that is culturally appropriate

Time: 2132.1

and that would allow you to experience cold to the point

Time: 2135.58

where you would almost want to shiver or start shivering.

Time: 2138.47

Now there are a number of different,

Time: 2140.06

important constraints that are going to dictate

Time: 2142.41

whether or not you use one form of cold exposure

Time: 2144.58

or the other.

Time: 2145.42

For instance, some people don't have access

Time: 2147.01

to cold water immersion.

Time: 2148.04

They don't have access to ice baths or cold water tanks,

Time: 2153.2

cold ocean or cold lakes, et cetera.

Time: 2155.22

In that case, showers would be the next best solution.

Time: 2158.8

I do want to emphasize that there have been very few,

Time: 2161.21

if any, studies of cold showers,

Time: 2164.41

and you can imagine why this would be the case.

Time: 2167.25

In a laboratory,

Time: 2168.083

you want to control for as many variables as possible.

Time: 2171.01

So placing people into a cold water immersion or an ice bath

Time: 2176.16

up to the neck and insisting they keep their hands

Time: 2178.37

and feet under is very easy to control.

Time: 2181.27

It means that everyone can do essentially the same thing

Time: 2183.62

whereas with cold showers,

Time: 2185.16

people are different sized bodies.

Time: 2187.32

Some people are going to put their head under.

Time: 2188.62

Some people are going to lean forward.

Time: 2191.29

Measuring the amount of cold water exposure on the body

Time: 2194.02

is very hard to do

Time: 2195.23

and so there aren't a lot of studies of cold showers,

Time: 2198.27

but of course,

Time: 2199.43

a lot of people don't have access to cold water immersion

Time: 2201.72

so they have to use cold showers.

Time: 2203.42

And if you don't have access to both, of course,

Time: 2205.43

then going outside on a cold day can be of a benefit.

Time: 2209.55

But I will point out that the heat transfer

Time: 2213.44

from your body into water is much higher,

Time: 2217.02

four times greater, if not even greater,

Time: 2220.76

depending on the temperature of the water,

Time: 2222.44

in water as opposed to in air.

Time: 2224.41

So it's going to be much more efficient

Time: 2225.93

to do cold water immersion than anything else,

Time: 2227.81

cold showers after that and put yourself into

Time: 2230.65

a cold environment would be the third best thing.

Time: 2233.44

I'm not going to get into cryo chambers

Time: 2235.03

because they carry quite a high degree of cost.

Time: 2238.27

And again, there aren't many studies of them.

Time: 2240.66

So if you have access to cryo chambers,

Time: 2243.1

I'm sure that the cryo chamber facility

Time: 2244.78

has told you about all these incredible benefits

Time: 2246.38

and I don't doubt that some of those benefits truly exist,

Time: 2249.08

but most people just don't have the resources

Time: 2251.38

or the access to those

Time: 2252.42

so we're going to leave cryo chambers

Time: 2253.67

out of today's discussion.

Time: 2254.98

And of course I realize there's a fourth category

Time: 2257.12

of cold exposure out there.

Time: 2258.44

People are wearing ice vests.

Time: 2259.9

Believe it or not, those exist, ice underwear.

Time: 2261.92

Yes, those exist.

Time: 2264.37

You can look for them on Amazon if you like.

Time: 2266.79

They are putting cold packs in their armpits

Time: 2269.38

or in their groin or elsewhere in order to

Time: 2271.68

stimulate some of the effects of cold

Time: 2274.52

on mental and physical performance.

Time: 2276.82

I'm not going to address those in too much detail today.

Time: 2279.97

They can be efficient in certain ways,

Time: 2282.46

but as you'll learn about later in the episode,

Time: 2284.94

cooling the palms, the upper face

Time: 2287.5

and the bottoms of the feet

Time: 2288.65

is going to be far more efficient

Time: 2290.45

and unfortunately I think most of the people that are using

Time: 2293.45

ice packs to increase their core metabolism

Time: 2295.41

are not aware of the glabrous skin cooling

Time: 2298.47

and how it can be a very, very potent stimulus

Time: 2300.86

so we'll return to that later.

Time: 2303.13

Unless I say otherwise,

Time: 2304.4

I'm mainly going to be focusing on cold water immersion

Time: 2306.877

and cold showers.

Time: 2308.05

So let's talk about protocols for enhancing mental health

Time: 2310.84

and performance using deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 2314.5

What happens when we get into cold is that we experience

Time: 2318.82

an increase in norepinephrine,

Time: 2321.48

in noradrenaline release and in adrenaline release.

Time: 2324.55

The fact that cold exposure, deliberate or no,

Time: 2327.22

increases norepinephrine and epinephrine

Time: 2330.19

in our brain and body means that it is

Time: 2332.53

a very reliable stimulus for increasing

Time: 2334.67

norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Time: 2336.59

That's sort of an obvious statement,

Time: 2338.44

but that obvious statement can be leveraged

Time: 2342.07

to systematically build up what we call resilience.

Time: 2345.58

Now, when we experience a stressor in life,

Time: 2348.71

whether or not it's something bad happens

Time: 2350.85

in our relationship or something bad happens in the world

Time: 2354.27

and we feel stress,

Time: 2356.39

that stress is the consequence of increases

Time: 2358.5

in norepinephrine and epinephrine in our brain and body.

Time: 2362.01

Very similar, if not identical,

Time: 2363.7

to the kinds of increases

Time: 2364.76

that come from deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 2367.23

So deliberate cold exposure is an opportunity

Time: 2369.99

to deliberately stress our body and yet,

Time: 2373.51

because it's deliberate

Time: 2374.56

and because we can take certain steps,

Time: 2376.05

which I'll describe in a moment,

Time: 2378.39

we can learn to maintain mental clarity,

Time: 2381.88

we can learn to maintain calm while our body

Time: 2385.73

is in a state of stress.

Time: 2387.54

And that can be immensely useful

Time: 2389.84

when encountering stressors in other parts of life.

Time: 2393.32

And that's what we call resilience or grit,

Time: 2395.58

our ability or mental toughness,

Time: 2397.52

our ability to lean into challenge or to tolerate challenge

Time: 2401.61

while keeping our heads straight, so to speak.

Time: 2404.2

So one simple protocol for increasing resilience

Time: 2407.73

is to pick a temperature that's uncomfortable

Time: 2410.45

of shower or cold immersion,

Time: 2412.57

and then to get in for a certain duration of time

Time: 2415.87

and then to get out.

Time: 2417.24

Now, it's important to understand

Time: 2418.27

that people will experience different levels

Time: 2420.19

of norepinephrine and adrenaline release

Time: 2422.36

when getting into cold water.

Time: 2424.2

Some people, because they dread the cold so much,

Time: 2428.01

will actually experience norepinephrine

Time: 2429.777

and epinephrine increases

Time: 2431.08

even before they get into the cold water

Time: 2433.61

or under the cold shower.

Time: 2435.15

Now you may have experienced this.

Time: 2436.27

I've certainly experienced this.

Time: 2437.93

I'm dreading it, I don't want to do it

Time: 2439.45

and I have to force myself to do it.

Time: 2441.86

And indeed epinephrine and norepinephrine and its surges

Time: 2445.61

can be thought of as sort of walls that we have to confront

Time: 2448.92

and go over.

Time: 2449.96

And I'd like you to conceptualize them that way,

Time: 2452.06

because it allows us to build protocols

Time: 2454.61

that can be very objective and can allow us

Time: 2458.12

to monitor our progress in terms of building resilience.

Time: 2461.28

So one option is to simply say, okay,

Time: 2464.17

I'm going to force myself

Time: 2465.32

to get into the cold shower for one minute.

Time: 2467.75

How cold, again, uncomfortably cold,

Time: 2469.39

but you can stay in safely

Time: 2470.46

or I'm going to get into the ice bath for one minute.

Time: 2473.72

Ice baths are very cold inevitably.

Time: 2476.86

And what is also inevitable is that

Time: 2479.48

when you get into the cold,

Time: 2480.91

you will experience a surge

Time: 2482.4

in epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Time: 2484.13

That's non-negotiable because it's mediated

Time: 2486.71

by cold receptors on the surface of your body

Time: 2489.29

and your skin and the way that they trigger the release

Time: 2492.1

of norepinephrine and epinephrine,

Time: 2493.61

not just from the adrenals,

Time: 2495.3

from the adrenal glands above your kidneys,

Time: 2497.27

but also from regions of your brain,

Time: 2498.82

like the locus coeruleus,

Time: 2499.99

which cause increases in the tension and alertness,

Time: 2502.94

and from other locations in your body where epinephrine

Time: 2505.727

and norepinephrine are released.

Time: 2507.15

In other words, cold is a non-negotiable stimulus

Time: 2511.8

for increasing epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Time: 2515.14

Even if you are the toughest person in the world

Time: 2518.01

and you love the cold,

Time: 2520.36

that increase in epinephrine and norepinephrine

Time: 2522.56

is going to happen.

Time: 2524.07

So the way to think about norepinephrine and epinephrine

Time: 2526.75

in this context of building mental resilience

Time: 2529.25

is that you have two options.

Time: 2531.48

You can either try to extend the duration of time

Time: 2535.37

that you are in the deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 2537.48

So going from one minute to 75 seconds to two minutes

Time: 2541.01

and so on over a period of days

Time: 2543.44

or one way to approach this

Time: 2545.837

and the way that I particularly favor

Time: 2547.87

is to take the context of the day

Time: 2550.747

and the moment into account,

Time: 2552.61

meaning we have different levels of grit and resilience

Time: 2556.3

on different days and depending on the landscape

Time: 2558.73

of our life at the time,

Time: 2559.78

even the time of day that we're doing these protocols

Time: 2562.12

and start to be able to sense the release of epinephrine,

Time: 2567.809

and norepinephrine in our brain and body and see those

Time: 2570.41

as walls that we want to climb over

Time: 2572.52

in order to build resilience and to start counting

Time: 2575.32

the number of walls that we traverse

Time: 2577.95

and the distance between those walls

Time: 2579.79

as we do deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 2581.73

Let me give you an example of the timed protocol

Time: 2585.29

because that one is very straightforward,

Time: 2586.89

although I do not think it is as powerful

Time: 2589.6

for building mental resilience.

Time: 2591.05

The time protocol would be Monday,

Time: 2592.92

I do one minute of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 2595.35

at a given temperature.

Time: 2596.19

Wednesday, I extend that by 50% and Friday,

Time: 2599.34

I do deliberate cold exposure for twice as long

Time: 2602.38

as I did it on Monday.

Time: 2603.85

And if I were to continue that every week,

Time: 2606.24

Monday, Wednesday, Friday,

Time: 2607.1

I would continue to either increase the duration

Time: 2609.53

or I would lower the temperature and reduce the duration,

Time: 2614.16

this kind of thing, very much like sets and reps in the gym.

Time: 2616.52

Now that option is very objective.

Time: 2618.71

You could even log it in a book

Time: 2620.3

and as you develop the ability to stay in cold temperatures,

Time: 2626.16

even progressively colder and colder temperatures

Time: 2628.2

for longer and longer periods of time,

Time: 2630.23

you will become more resilient.

Time: 2632.47

What do I mean by that?

Time: 2633.66

Well, my operational definition of resilience

Time: 2635.64

is that you are able to resist escape from the stressor,

Time: 2639.16

the cold, by virtue of your willpower,

Time: 2642.91

which is really your prefrontal cortex

Time: 2645.8

causing top down control on your reflexes

Time: 2648.83

and your limbic system and your hypothalamus,

Time: 2650.83

which are basically telling you

Time: 2651.87

to get out of that cold water,

Time: 2653.96

get out of that cold environment and in doing so,

Time: 2657.54

you are basically getting better

Time: 2659.07

at controlling your behavior when your brain and body

Time: 2661.89

are flooded with norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Time: 2664.04

That's a very reductionist way to explain resilience

Time: 2666.63

or grit or mental toughness,

Time: 2668.14

but it's a reductionist way of explaining it

Time: 2670.53

that is very closely tied to the biology end

Time: 2672.55

of the psychology.

Time: 2673.67

And it is a fact that norepinephrine and epinephrine

Time: 2677.71

release in the brain and body

Time: 2679.2

are the generic universal code for stressor.

Time: 2683.55

There is no unique chemical signature

Time: 2685.52

for different forms of stressors, that is the only one,

Time: 2688.43

although of course there are

Time: 2689.263

other chemicals involved as well.

Time: 2690.86

So you could go for time and you could try

Time: 2692.78

and reduce the temperature and increase the time

Time: 2695.47

over a period of days or weeks.

Time: 2697.48

Now that's an attractive way to approach things,

Time: 2700.05

but the problem is that you don't have an infinite amount

Time: 2703.79

of room with which to lower temperature,

Time: 2706.04

because eventually you will get into temperatures

Time: 2708.14

that are either so cold that they are dangerous

Time: 2710.9

or you have to stay in cold temperatures

Time: 2713.39

for such long periods that it becomes impractical

Time: 2716.98

because presumably you also have to

Time: 2718.97

take care of other aspects of your life,

Time: 2720.49

you can't just sit all day in the ice bath.

Time: 2723.06

Now for that reason,

Time: 2724.27

I favor a protocol in which you build mental resilience

Time: 2727.64

and mental toughness through

Time: 2729.49

two different types of protocols.

Time: 2731.09

The first one involves counting walls.

Time: 2733.42

Now, what do I mean by walls?

Time: 2734.43

I mean the sensation of, no,

Time: 2737.21

I don't want to do this and the idea or the sensation

Time: 2741.32

in your brain and body that you actually want to leave

Time: 2743.71

that environment and go warm up.

Time: 2745.56

Now again, for some people,

Time: 2746.72

that will be even before getting into the ice bath

Time: 2749.16

or cold shower.

Time: 2750.11

So if you are feeling very resistant

Time: 2752.74

to getting into the ice bath

Time: 2754.04

or cold shower and you manage to do that,

Time: 2756.34

that's going over what I would call one wall.

Time: 2760.21

Then for some period of time,

Time: 2761.69

you might actually feel comfortable in the ice bath,

Time: 2765.6

cold water or cold shower.

Time: 2767.8

And you feel like you could stay there

Time: 2769.56

for some period of time,

Time: 2770.45

that you could stay there for a minute or two minutes,

Time: 2772.3

but inevitably, the next wall will arrive.

Time: 2775.89

And I would encourage you to pay attention to

Time: 2777.87

when that next wall arrives

Time: 2779.33

and actually having an awareness,

Time: 2781

that so-called interceptive awareness as we call it,

Time: 2784.38

of when that next surge adrenaline epinephrine comes

Time: 2787.69

or whether or not it reaches a certain threshold

Time: 2790.37

in your brain and body that you feel you want to get out

Time: 2792.44

and you're able to stay in for even just 10 seconds longer,

Time: 2796.27

that means you've traversed yet another wall.

Time: 2799.29

And if you continue to stay in that cold environment,

Time: 2802.19

you'll find that the next wall will come

Time: 2803.907

and the next wall will come.

Time: 2805.07

Now eventually of course, you will get very, very numb

Time: 2808.3

depending on how cold it is

Time: 2809.4

and you could also place yourself into danger.

Time: 2811.22

So you have to maintain cognitive control,

Time: 2814.05

counting these walls, traversing these walls,

Time: 2816.3

but getting out at some point, of course.

Time: 2819.16

So my favorite protocol for building mental toughness

Time: 2823.89

AKA grit, AKA resilience,

Time: 2826.24

is to take into account that some days,

Time: 2828.37

just getting into the ice bath

Time: 2830.15

or cold shower represents a wall, some days it doesn't.

Time: 2832.68

Some days you get in and you feel you could go 10 minutes,

Time: 2835.74

other days you get in and you feel like

Time: 2837.09

you could only go a minute and setting a designated number

Time: 2840.46

of walls before you start the protocol

Time: 2843.01

is going to be very beneficial here.

Time: 2844.68

So you say, as long as I can do it safely,

Time: 2847.09

I'm going to do three walls today.

Time: 2849.4

The first wall is getting in.

Time: 2850.53

The second wall will arrive when it arrives

Time: 2852.8

and the third wall will arrive when it arrives

Time: 2855.41

and I'll get over that wall and then I'll get out.

Time: 2857.13

The next day, you might do five walls.

Time: 2858.73

The next day, you might do three walls again,

Time: 2861.96

but you might lower the temperature.

Time: 2863.53

This gives you tremendous flexibility

Time: 2865.92

and indeed it gives you much more latitude

Time: 2868.84

to be able to use the same temperatures in different ways,

Time: 2872.52

or to reduce the temperature only a little bit

Time: 2874.74

and still get a lot of stimulus,

Time: 2876.8

meaning a lot of results out of a given protocol.

Time: 2880.17

Whereas people who are just going for temperature and time

Time: 2882.9

eventually become cold adapted.

Time: 2884.95

They get very, very good at doing three minutes

Time: 2887.8

or six minutes or even 10 minutes at a given temperature

Time: 2890.76

and so then they feel like they have

Time: 2892.14

to lower the temperature even more and even more

Time: 2894.53

and eventually they just bought them out.

Time: 2896.29

There's nowhere else to go.

Time: 2897.32

There's no way to get improvements out of the protocol.

Time: 2901.14

At least not in terms of mental resilience.

Time: 2904.28

Of course, there's still the positive effects

Time: 2906.61

on inflammation and metabolism, et cetera,

Time: 2908.63

that we'll talk about in a little bit.

Time: 2910.84

But the key thing here is to design protocols

Time: 2913.54

that are going to work for you over time

Time: 2915.63

and for you very, very hardy,

Time: 2917.41

very, very tough guys and gals out there

Time: 2919.55

that can get right into

Time: 2920.68

an ice bath or a very, very cold immersion

Time: 2923.12

and you can just grind it out for six or 10 minutes,

Time: 2925.53

or you can even do that by remaining peaceful,

Time: 2928.73

well more points to you, but guess what?

Time: 2931.1

That's the equivalent of already having loaded up

Time: 2933.27

the barbell with 600 pounds and done your 10 reps.

Time: 2936.36

There's not a whole lot more variable space

Time: 2939

with which to get benefits from that stimulus.

Time: 2942.33

And in the weight room,

Time: 2943.44

people understand that you can adjust, for instance,

Time: 2945.33

the speed of the movement,

Time: 2946.51

or you can start combining that movement

Time: 2948.01

with pre-exhaustion, et cetera.

Time: 2949.66

With cold exposure,

Time: 2951.1

you don't have as much variable space to play with.

Time: 2953.62

So if your goal is to build resilience,

Time: 2955.71

either go for time as a function of temperature,

Time: 2958.56

or what I suggest is to start recognizing these walls

Time: 2963.25

as an experience of resistance in you

Time: 2965.9

and going over those walls, set a certain number of walls

Time: 2968.85

that you're going to go over on a given day and do that

Time: 2971.84

at a given temperature, and then to mix it up.

Time: 2974.68

And ideally you might even throw in one more wall

Time: 2978.45

at the end,

Time: 2979.283

if you're really feeling bold and brave

Time: 2981.11

because that's going to build out further resilience.

Time: 2983.46

But if you want cold exposure to work for you

Time: 2985.5

for sake of building up resilience

Time: 2986.93

and mental toughness over time,

Time: 2988.51

you're going to want to vary this parameter space

Time: 2991.38

in some sort of way.

Time: 2992.75

And you don't have to be super systematic about it.

Time: 2996.1

That's the beauty of this kind of approach

Time: 2998.35

because you're relying on the fact

Time: 2999.93

that those walls really represent times

Time: 3002.9

in which you are forcing your top down control,

Time: 3005.41

your prefrontal cortex to clamp down on your reflex

Time: 3008.15

and you're learning behavioral control in the context

Time: 3011.05

of your body having elevated levels

Time: 3012.98

of these catecholamines, norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Time: 3015.55

And that translates to real life

Time: 3017.5

in a much more realistic way I believe because in real life,

Time: 3021.56

you're not really engaging in stressors

Time: 3024.33

for a given amount of time

Time: 3026.27

that you know how long it's going to last

Time: 3028.04

and you know the context, no.

Time: 3029.46

Most stressors arrive in the form of surprises

Time: 3031.83

we don't like, text messages that deliver bad news,

Time: 3034.85

information about the outside world or real world

Time: 3037.53

and online interactions that send our system

Time: 3040.01

into a state of increased norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Time: 3042.85

And if you start to think of those as walls

Time: 3044.66

that you can tolerate and climb over

Time: 3046.1

while staying and calm and clear of mind,

Time: 3048.5

then you can really imagine how the ice bath

Time: 3052.18

and other forms of cold exposure are really serving

Time: 3055

to train you up for real life stressors.

Time: 3058.07

The next question that I always get is

Time: 3060.25

what should my mental state be

Time: 3062.22

while I'm exposing myself to this uncomfortable,

Time: 3064.94

yet safe condition of cold?

Time: 3067.68

Well, you have two options

Time: 3069.59

and there are probably other options as well.

Time: 3071.49

One is to try and calm yourself

Time: 3074.01

to remain as mentally still as possible.

Time: 3077.68

The other is to lean into that challenge

Time: 3081.15

and so to grind it out and here,

Time: 3083.42

I have to say that this is a lot like teaching someone

Time: 3085.75

to drive on a gravel road.

Time: 3087.41

For any of you that have driven on a gravel road,

Time: 3089.9

you know that there is no optimal speed

Time: 3092.87

for all gravel roads.

Time: 3093.99

It depends on the density of the gravel, et cetera,

Time: 3095.937

and the vehicle, et cetera.

Time: 3097.76

So for instance, on some gravel roads,

Time: 3100.14

when you start to drive and the dust starts to kick up,

Time: 3102.99

your best option is to drive fast

Time: 3104.7

and put that dust cloud behind you.

Time: 3106.74

On other gravel roads, if you try and do that,

Time: 3109.12

the dust actually kicks up around the vehicle

Time: 3110.8

and it makes it hard to see

Time: 3112.02

and sometimes you have to slow down.

Time: 3113.96

The same thing is true for getting through

Time: 3115.81

deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 3117.52

Sometimes it's easier to calm yourself.

Time: 3119.53

One way to do that is through double inhales

Time: 3121.73

through the nose and extended exhales through the mouth,

Time: 3124

or simply by trying to control your breathing

Time: 3126.77

and reduce the pace of your breath and increase

Time: 3129.74

the volume of your breathing.

Time: 3132.37

I have to say that everyone experiences a shortening

Time: 3135.42

of breath when they get into uncomfortably cold water,

Time: 3138.34

that is a universal physiological response.

Time: 3141.62

Everyone also experiences a 30 to 80% decrease

Time: 3146.21

in cognitive function, in particular, the frontal cortex.

Time: 3149.43

The metabolism of your frontal cortex goes down,

Time: 3151.44

the metabolism meaning the activity of brain areas

Time: 3154.44

associated with stress and panic goes way up.

Time: 3156.97

And so anchoring your mind in cognitive activities

Time: 3161.4

as you get into the cold can be very,

Time: 3163.22

very helpful for maintaining clarity of mind.

Time: 3166.86

In fact, one thing that I sometimes recommend

Time: 3168.82

is that people try and engage

Time: 3170.69

in some sort of cognitive exercise while in the cold,

Time: 3173.72

not as a form of distraction,

Time: 3175.61

but as a way to maintain clarity of thinking

Time: 3177.64

and to learn how to do that when the body is flooded

Time: 3179.89

with all these chemicals that make us stressed.

Time: 3182.29

So for instance,

Time: 3183.123

you could do math problems and not two plus two equals four,

Time: 3186.05

not three times three equals nine,

Time: 3188.25

but things that require a little bit more focus

Time: 3190.74

and attention working memory and so forth.

Time: 3193.38

You could also start to have thoughts

Time: 3196.47

that you deliberately impose a full sentence structure on.

Time: 3200.6

That's actually quite tough.

Time: 3202.14

You could try and recall specific bouts of information

Time: 3205.32

that are challenging.

Time: 3206.153

This is teaching your mind how to stay online,

Time: 3209.28

or rather I should say,

Time: 3210.113

this is you teaching your prefrontal cortex,

Time: 3212.49

how to stay engaged while you have high levels of stress

Time: 3215.88

in your body.

Time: 3216.88

Years ago, I had a friend who works

Time: 3219.29

in the neuroscience world, research neuroscientist,

Time: 3222.49

who was obsessed with this very bizarre sport

Time: 3225.72

that I don't necessarily recommend at all,

Time: 3227.7

which is the combination of boxing and chess.

Time: 3230.63

You may have seen this on YouTube

Time: 3231.84

where people will box around,

Time: 3233.28

legitimate boxing around, they're sparring all out often.

Time: 3236.54

And then at the end of the round,

Time: 3238.22

instead of resting in the corner,

Time: 3239.31

they actually sit down and play chess,

Time: 3241.03

and then they go back to boxing and back to chess.

Time: 3243.1

Again, not a sport that I recommend,

Time: 3245.59

but the reason he was obsessed with this is because

Time: 3248.11

he studies the impact of stress on cognitive performance.

Time: 3251.41

And what that particular very bizarre sport was doing

Time: 3254.37

was toggling back and forth

Time: 3255.63

between different states of mind.

Time: 3257.61

Now it's used both to increase cognitive clarity

Time: 3262.09

for the fighter when they box,

Time: 3263.63

because staying calm and clear thinking

Time: 3265.46

is very important to winning boxing matches.

Time: 3267.75

Believe it or not, it's not an all outrage.

Time: 3269.81

It's a very calculated game of mental chess

Time: 3272.22

and physical chess that's quite high stakes

Time: 3274.57

as you can imagine.

Time: 3276.53

It's also used in some circles as a way to teach people

Time: 3280.73

how to engage in cognitive performance

Time: 3282.67

when their body is simply filled to a stress.

Time: 3284.39

So in the boxing chess example,

Time: 3286.87

the replacement for the cold water is actually the boxing,

Time: 3290.4

it's the thing that's supposed to induce the stress

Time: 3292.31

cause getting hit is stressful and the risk

Time: 3294.59

of getting hit is stressful for most people.

Time: 3297

So again, if you think about deliberate cold exposure

Time: 3300.74

as a way of just systematically and reliably

Time: 3303.4

inducing epinephrine and norepinephrine release

Time: 3305.45

and delivering stress,

Time: 3307.04

well then this idea of maintaining cognitive clarity

Time: 3309.75

and actually engaging in cognitive tasks

Time: 3311.64

while in the ice bath or cold shower

Time: 3314.29

can actually be very beneficial.

Time: 3315.65

Even though it might sound a little bit silly,

Time: 3316.98

you are really training up your ability

Time: 3318.67

to keep your brain working

Time: 3320.43

when the reflex is to shut down the parts of your brain

Time: 3324.2

that are involved in deliberate planning and thinking.

Time: 3326.34

Now another important aspect of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 3329.33

that I rarely if ever hear discussed,

Time: 3332.29

but is vitally important is whether or not

Time: 3335.51

you move around or not.

Time: 3337.71

And here's the reason.

Time: 3338.9

When you get into cold water and you remain there

Time: 3343.3

for some period of time,

Time: 3344.28

your body is generating heat and that heat generates

Time: 3347.71

what's called a thermal layer

Time: 3349.38

that surrounds your entire body.

Time: 3352.27

So if you stay still,

Time: 3354.41

you are actually warmer than if you move around,

Time: 3357.27

you can try this the next time

Time: 3358.47

you're doing your deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 3359.96

If you're submerged up to the neck,

Time: 3361.22

sit there for about 10, 30 seconds

Time: 3363.68

and be very, very still of body.

Time: 3365.51

In fact, this is the way that most people start

Time: 3367.82

to do deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 3369.13

They give this very stoic look.

Time: 3370.46

They don't blink, they look very peaceful.

Time: 3372

Some of them even look tough

Time: 3373.81

or they make a very even A, emotional face

Time: 3377.8

and so it looks like they're really tough,

Time: 3380.19

but they are so still that believe it or not,

Time: 3382.41

they're not providing the most potent stimulus.

Time: 3386.56

If they or you were to move around in that water,

Time: 3390.69

what would happen is you'd break up the thermal layer

Time: 3392.73

and that you actually experience that as much colder.

Time: 3396

So if you really want to push the resilience aspect,

Time: 3399.14

or for instance, if you want to use a given temperature

Time: 3402.07

that you're comfortable in,

Time: 3403.3

but that you want to increase the stimulus

Time: 3405.54

and you want to get some more benefit

Time: 3407.39

for mental resilience training,

Time: 3409.19

well then get into the cold water,

Time: 3411.6

move your body around continuously,

Time: 3413.85

but try and keep your mind still,

Time: 3415.37

or even do some sort of cognitive task.

Time: 3417.59

So as you're starting to realize,

Time: 3419.2

there are a bunch of different variables

Time: 3420.36

that you can play with while maintaining

Time: 3422.24

the same temperature of water and in doing so,

Time: 3425.16

really keep you in the zone of what should

Time: 3428.65

and absolutely has to be safe for you

Time: 3430.85

without having to just continually drop the temperature

Time: 3433.16

from say 60 degrees to 55 to 40 to 33

Time: 3435.75

because as I mentioned before,

Time: 3436.67

eventually you're going to bottom out.

Time: 3438.31

So if you're one of those people that likes to look tough

Time: 3440.75

or really relaxed while you're in the ice bath

Time: 3442.93

or cold water immersion,

Time: 3444.12

just realize that you're actually cheating yourself out

Time: 3446.553

of part of the stimulus.

Time: 3448.37

Keep those limbs moving and of course,

Time: 3451.47

limbs under the water, feet and hands

Time: 3453.64

is going to be a more potent stimulus

Time: 3455.77

than hands and feet out for reasons

Time: 3458.45

that should be obvious based on what we talked about

Time: 3460.21

in terms of glabrous skin cooling.

Time: 3462.54

Keep those submerged, move your body,

Time: 3465.57

maybe move your knees up and down, pedal your feet

Time: 3468.08

and trust me, it's going to feel a lot colder

Time: 3470.12

than were you to remain stone still.

Time: 3472.3

Another very common question

Time: 3473.5

is how often to do deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 3476.76

It's tough to make a recommendation on that

Time: 3479.37

based on any peer reviewed study

Time: 3481.77

although there are a few in humans that point to a threshold

Time: 3484.74

of 11 minutes total per week.

Time: 3487.55

So that's total throughout the week

Time: 3489.44

divided into two or four sessions

Time: 3491.65

of two or three minutes or so.

Time: 3493.58

Now that 11 minute cutoff is not a strict threshold

Time: 3496.38

and is actually geared more towards increases in metabolism,

Time: 3500.15

we'll get into this a little bit later in the episode,

Time: 3502.98

but I think the 11 minute threshold,

Time: 3505.64

meaning 11 minutes total of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 3508.26

per week is a pretty good number to use

Time: 3511.46

if you need a number in order to keep you consistent.

Time: 3514.97

But as we talked about earlier,

Time: 3516.43

some of you are going to be in the ice bath

Time: 3519.53

or cold immersion or cold shower for one minute,

Time: 3522.07

others of you will be in there for 10 minutes,

Time: 3524.17

depending on how frequent and how high, if you will,

Time: 3527.59

those walls of adrenaline are coming.

Time: 3530.18

So for some of you,

Time: 3532.02

getting into a cold shower for three minutes total

Time: 3534.3

for the whole week will represent a tremendous

Time: 3537.53

achievement in terms of willpower and overcoming

Time: 3540.08

the resistance to doing that, overcoming those walls.

Time: 3542.38

For others of you, three minutes is nothing.

Time: 3545

So what do I recommend,

Time: 3546.92

I recommend that you get at least 11 minutes total per week,

Time: 3551.11

but at the point where 11 minutes total per week

Time: 3553.28

is very easy for you,

Time: 3554.18

where is no longer representing

Time: 3555.81

a significant mental challenge,

Time: 3557.21

meaning you're not experiencing many of these walls,

Time: 3559.13

you're excited to get into the cold shower immersion,

Time: 3561.79

you're going through it easily, you're cruising basically.

Time: 3564.61

Then I would say either lower the temperature safely,

Time: 3567.85

of course, extend the duration safely, of course,

Time: 3571.43

or increase the frequency so that you're doing this

Time: 3573.88

perhaps every day or maybe five days a week

Time: 3576.69

or three days a week.

Time: 3577.55

I personally get tremendous benefit

Time: 3579.37

from doing deliberate cold exposure three times a week

Time: 3582.48

and using the walls method that I described earlier

Time: 3585.6

as my gauge for how long to stay in

Time: 3587.48

and typically that means that I'm staying in for anywhere

Time: 3590.36

from two minutes to six minutes per session

Time: 3593.77

and that averages out to about

Time: 3596.8

11 to 15 minutes total per week.

Time: 3599.63

So again, I do not think that you need to be super strict

Time: 3602.9

about these guidelines.

Time: 3604.24

It's most important when embracing a protocol A,

Time: 3607.14

that you do it safely,

Time: 3608.26

but secondarily that you do it consistently.

Time: 3611.38

So find what you can do consistently

Time: 3613.17

and then vary the parameters

Time: 3614.46

that will allow you to continue to do

Time: 3616.38

deliberate cold exposure consistently,

Time: 3618.4

regardless of whether or not you have access to a shower

Time: 3620.52

or cold immersion, et cetera.

Time: 3622.41

So we've been talking about mental effects

Time: 3624.43

and the use of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 3626.3

for sake of building resilience,

Time: 3628.09

which I do believe can be tremendously powerful.

Time: 3630.66

Look, it's no coincidence that the screening

Time: 3635.07

and the training for Navy Seals

Time: 3637.05

involves a lot of exposure to cold water.

Time: 3640.11

One could argue that it is deliberate

Time: 3641.82

because they elect to go to buds,

Time: 3643.77

but when they get into the cold water at buds

Time: 3646.44

is dictated by the instructors and the reason

Time: 3649.42

they use cold water exposure as the stressor

Time: 3652.3

is that it does offer considerable leeway

Time: 3655.23

in terms of duration and temperature,

Time: 3658.05

in terms of how you can use it as a stressor

Time: 3660.82

whereas things like heat don't offer much variable space

Time: 3664.01

as we say.

Time: 3665.16

There isn't a lot of room beyond which you start injuring

Time: 3668.69

or even killing people by using heat.

Time: 3670.76

So there are a lot of forms of stressors out there,

Time: 3672.57

but cold is one that we can titrate,

Time: 3674.54

that we can adjust in ways that can allow us

Time: 3676.47

to continually build up and or maintain mental toughness.

Time: 3681.89

Now, deliberate cold exposure also has many effects

Time: 3685.63

on chemicals other than norepinephrine and epinephrine,

Time: 3688.8

most notably the neuromodulator dopamine,

Time: 3692.05

which is involved in elevating our mood,

Time: 3694.45

making us feel energized and enhancing our ability to focus.

Time: 3698.17

And that has a lot to do with how dopamine engages us

Time: 3701.21

in motivated states,

Time: 3703.12

tends to narrow our thinking in our behavior

Time: 3705.24

into a particular trench of goal-directed behavior.

Time: 3708.01

If you want to learn more about dopamine,

Time: 3710.59

you can learn a lot about dopamine

Time: 3712.41

in our episode about dopamine, it's at

Time: 3715.33

You can find it, it's a two and a half hour plus

Time: 3718.42

kind of deep dive into all things dopamine,

Time: 3720.99

focus, motivation, et cetera.

Time: 3724.86

Deliberate cold exposure has a very powerful effect

Time: 3728.75

on the release of dopamine in our brain and body.

Time: 3731.1

And this is one of the main reasons why people continue

Time: 3734.36

to do deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 3737.07

Basically it makes us feel good

Time: 3739.21

and it continues to make us feel good

Time: 3741.3

even after we get out of the cold environment.

Time: 3743.65

In fact, some people would say

Time: 3745.49

they don't feel good in the cold environment,

Time: 3747.02

it's all stress for them,

Time: 3747.93

but afterwards they feel great.

Time: 3750.18

One of our previous guests, Dr. Anna Lembke,

Time: 3752.33

who's a medical doctor at Stanford University

Time: 3754.39

School of Medicine, she's a close colleague of mine,

Time: 3757.32

described the use dopamine in her book, Dopamine Nation,

Time: 3760.43

an incredible book about addiction and dopamine

Time: 3762.37

I should mention.

Time: 3763.47

And the use of dopamine elicited by cold water exposure

Time: 3769.52

by one of her patients.

Time: 3770.64

What I'm referring to is the fact that one of her patients

Time: 3773.86

helped themselves get and stay sober off drugs

Time: 3777.13

by using deliberate cold exposure to increase dopamine.

Time: 3781.04

So a healthier form of dopamine release

Time: 3783.13

than they were engaged in prior to getting sober.

Time: 3787.06

Now, the basis for dopamine release

Time: 3789.93

in response to cold exposure

Time: 3791.49

is that the catecholamines, norepinephrine,

Time: 3793.37

epinephrine and dopamine tend to be co-released

Time: 3796.59

by the same sorts of stimuli,

Time: 3798.7

but most stressors and in particular things

Time: 3801.41

that evoke stress or our feelings of stress internally

Time: 3804.85

that we don't like do not increase dopamine.

Time: 3808.02

They only increase norepinephrine and epinephrine,

Time: 3810.56

but deliberate cold exposure

Time: 3812.24

seems to cause a dramatic increase in dopamine.

Time: 3816.05

And this has actually been substantiated

Time: 3817.86

in a really beautiful study entitled

Time: 3820.18

human physiological responses

Time: 3821.73

to immersion into water of different temperatures.

Time: 3824.67

The first author is Sramek.

Time: 3826.99

I'm almost certainly pronouncing that poorly

Time: 3830.09

and if not incorrectly, S-R-A-M-E-K.

Time: 3834.23

This was published in the European Journal

Time: 3835.82

of Applied Physiology in the year 2000,

Time: 3838.46

really a beautiful study, I love this study.

Time: 3840.7

They took people and they had them sit in chairs

Time: 3843.74

underwater but their head was out and so they were immersed

Time: 3846.75

up to the neck in either of three different temperatures.

Time: 3852.194

32 degrees Celsius, which is 89 degrees Fahrenheit,

Time: 3856.26

20 degrees Celsius, which is 68 degrees Fahrenheit,

Time: 3859.37

or 14 degrees Celsius, which is 57.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

Time: 3863.76

So not super cold, but then what they did

Time: 3867.42

is they measured people's core body temperature throughout.

Time: 3870.01

They measured their metabolism

Time: 3871.697

and they looked at serum levels

Time: 3873.75

of things like norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine,

Time: 3876.82

and cortisol, serum meaning within the blood.

Time: 3879.41

So a really nice and quite thorough study.

Time: 3883.27

There were not a huge number of subjects in the study,

Time: 3886.27

but nonetheless, it was a very thorough study

Time: 3888.5

in terms of the number of variables that they explored.

Time: 3892.63

So I just want to briefly highlight

Time: 3894.05

some of what they saw or what they observed in this study.

Time: 3897.76

First of all, all the groups were in the water

Time: 3901.68

of a given temperature for one hour,

Time: 3904.52

which is much longer than most

Time: 3906.26

of the deliberate cold exposure protocols

Time: 3908.12

that anyone is using at home.

Time: 3909.5

I mean, maybe you're taking one hour long cold showers,

Time: 3912.24

maybe you're getting into the ice bath for an hour

Time: 3914.46

although I don't recommend that.

Time: 3915.54

I think you'd probably get badly hypothermic or maybe

Time: 3918.84

you're getting into a cold water immersion

Time: 3921.47

for some period of time,

Time: 3922.53

but I have a hard time imagining that it would be an hour

Time: 3925.01

and I don't suggest that if it's very cold.

Time: 3927.16

So this study focused on actually somewhat

Time: 3929.42

moderately cool temperatures,

Time: 3931.84

not what I think most people would consider

Time: 3933.99

very, very cold temperatures,

Time: 3935.68

but extended the duration for quite a while.

Time: 3938.41

So again, 32 degree Celsius,

Time: 3941.24

20 degree Celsius or 14 degree Celsius.

Time: 3944.1

Here's what they observed.

Time: 3945.73

The group that was immersed up to the neck

Time: 3948.78

in 32 degrees Celsius, that is 89 degrees Fahrenheit,

Time: 3951.96

water did not experience a shift in metabolism

Time: 3955.42

nor a significant increase in dopamine,

Time: 3958.33

norepinephrine or these other catecholamines.

Time: 3961.07

The group that was in 20 degree Celsius,

Time: 3963.67

meaning 68 degree Fahrenheit,

Time: 3966.4

water for an hour experienced a 93% increase

Time: 3970.57

in metabolic rate, which is remarkable

Time: 3973.38

given that the water wasn't that cold

Time: 3975.96

and yet an hour is a pretty long time to be in there.

Time: 3978.54

And again, it speaks to the dramatic effect

Time: 3981.34

of heat transfer that water has, which I mentioned earlier,

Time: 3984.65

as opposed to being out in the air at 68 degrees,

Time: 3987.39

it would certainly not cause that increase

Time: 3989.61

in metabolic rate.

Time: 3991.57

The group that was at 14 degrees Celsius,

Time: 3995.02

meaning 57.2 degrees Fahrenheit,

Time: 3997.84

water for an hour experienced a 350% increase in metabolism.

Time: 4002.83

So huge increases in metabolism.

Time: 4005.29

Now the most interesting data to me,

Time: 4008.72

at least in terms of mental effects

Time: 4010.56

of deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 4012.45

were that the plasma or serum levels of norepinephrine

Time: 4018.2

in the blood increased 530%.

Time: 4021.66

These are huge increases in norepinephrine

Time: 4024.38

so it suggests that this is a stressful stimulus

Time: 4027.27

at least neurochemically speaking, stressful,

Time: 4030.07

despite the fact that it's not super super cold,

Time: 4032.35

although 57.2 degrees Fahrenheit,

Time: 4034.87

14 degrees Celsius it's not a warm environment,

Time: 4040.41

but it's not a ultra, ultra cold environment,

Time: 4042.61

but an hour is a very long time to be in there.

Time: 4046.6

The subjects also experienced a 250% increase

Time: 4051.71

in dopamine concentrations,

Time: 4054.1

which while not 530% as it was with norepinephrine

Time: 4058.13

is still a very large increase

Time: 4060.67

in baseline levels of dopamine.

Time: 4062.55

And what was interesting is that those increases in dopamine

Time: 4065.46

persisted for a very long period of time afterwards,

Time: 4069.25

even out to two hours.

Time: 4071.53

And they stopped the study after 120 minutes

Time: 4074.44

of getting out of the cold, but nonetheless,

Time: 4078.23

these increases in norepinephrine are huge and long lasting

Time: 4081.83

and these increases in dopamine

Time: 4083.37

are very large and long lasting.

Time: 4085.84

And I do believe that these documented effects in humans

Time: 4088.91

explain much of the enhancement of attention and of feelings

Time: 4093.06

of wellbeing and mood that people typically experience

Time: 4096.43

after doing deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 4099.12

And the reason I say that is that

Time: 4101.78

if you were to go back to the episode

Time: 4103.63

that I did on dopamine,

Time: 4104.77

or you were to go back to the episode

Time: 4106.22

that I did with Dr. Anna Lembke on addiction and dopamine,

Time: 4109.77

what you would find is that increases in dopamine

Time: 4112.88

of the sort evoked by deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4115.88

are actually very similar to the kinds of increases

Time: 4118.14

in dopamine that are elicited by things like nicotine

Time: 4121.44

or from other behaviors

Time: 4123.21

that are known to be addictive and bad for us

Time: 4125.96

because they lead to other effects on the brain

Time: 4128.09

and body that we simply don't want.

Time: 4130.29

And yet deliberate cold exposure provided is done safely

Time: 4133.86

can create similar if not greater increases in dopamine

Time: 4138.61

that are not just fleeting, that don't just occur during,

Time: 4141.89

say the consumption of some deleterious drug or activity,

Time: 4145.22

but that are very long lasting and that can be leveraged

Time: 4147.82

toward activities other than deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 4151.86

So I want to emphasize this.

Time: 4153.14

I'm not suggesting

Time: 4154.15

that people do deliberate cold exposure for an hour a day.

Time: 4156.84

And unfortunately there are not many studies yet

Time: 4160.33

exploring how shorter colder temperature

Time: 4163.83

environment exposure, say one minute or three minutes

Time: 4167.11

or six minutes at 55 degrees or at 50 degrees,

Time: 4172.17

whether or not that leads to similar,

Time: 4174.7

greater or reduced levels of dopamine in the brain and body.

Time: 4178.82

And yet almost everybody who does deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4182.62

will say yeah, it was stressful.

Time: 4184.52

I didn't enjoy it, or I eventually grew to like it,

Time: 4187.4

but that I always feel better afterwards

Time: 4189.67

and then that feeling last a very long period of time.

Time: 4192.71

And I think it's almost certain

Time: 4194.62

that those experiences that people report

Time: 4196.86

relate to these increases in dopamine

Time: 4198.85

and in concert with the increases in norepinephrine

Time: 4202.05

also explain the other effect that's commonly reported,

Time: 4204.53

which is an enhancement in mental acuity

Time: 4206.98

and the ability to focus.

Time: 4209.19

Now, here we can extrapolate to the study

Time: 4211.77

that I discussed at the early part of the episode,

Time: 4214.9

where I was talking about the use of

Time: 4216.37

short 15 minute exercise,

Time: 4218.15

kind of moderate intensity exercise

Time: 4219.8

and how that was shown to increase levels of energy

Time: 4222.78

and mental acuity

Time: 4223.8

in these working memory, visual attention tasks.

Time: 4226.5

And there, again, we have to assume somewhat

Time: 4229.35

because they weren't doing neurochemical measurements,

Time: 4231.49

but we can reasonably assume that those improvements

Time: 4235.27

in cognitive performance were due

Time: 4237.52

at least in part to the increase in catecholamines

Time: 4239.76

known to a company, moderate intensity zone two cardio.

Time: 4243.75

So what you're starting to see here is a theme.

Time: 4245.83

The theme is that virtually any stimulus

Time: 4249.28

that delivers more norepinephrine,

Time: 4251.13

epinephrine and dopamine to our system

Time: 4253.21

will sharpen our mental acuity and elevate our mood

Time: 4255.68

and will do so for some period of time.

Time: 4258.31

Deliberate cold exposure, it turns out,

Time: 4260.52

is a very potent way to increase these catecholamines,

Time: 4263.52

this category of chemicals and thereby to improve mood,

Time: 4266.74

mental acuity and levels of alertness.

Time: 4269.19

And as we'll next see, it not only has that effect,

Time: 4273.07

which can be very beneficial for many people

Time: 4275.17

in a bunch of different circumstances,

Time: 4276.94

but it also has the positive effects that many people seek

Time: 4281

in terms of metabolism, in lowering inflammation in the body

Time: 4284.35

and other physiological effects as well.

Time: 4286.62

And forgive me,

Time: 4287.453

I was almost ready to move on to effects

Time: 4290.12

of deliberate cold exposure on metabolism

Time: 4292.78

and inflammation and so forth,

Time: 4294.33

but I neglected to point out one of the other

Time: 4296.69

very interesting aspects of the study

Time: 4299.95

showing deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4301.72

can increase in norepinephrine and dopamine,

Time: 4304.21

which is that they observed no significant increases

Time: 4308.18

in the stress hormone cortisol

Time: 4310.3

and that is both surprising, interesting, and important

Time: 4313.67

because what it means is that the quality of stress

Time: 4317.5

that deliberate cold exposure is creating in the body

Time: 4320.78

is likely to be one of what we call use stress.

Time: 4324.56

Hans Selye, the great physiologist,

Time: 4327.42

won a Nobel Prize for distinguishing between distress,

Time: 4330.83

which is stress in the brain and body

Time: 4333.23

that causes the release of things like cortisol

Time: 4336.6

along with the other catecholamines,

Time: 4338.01

and that we experience as negative happening to us

Time: 4340.78

and can lead to negative health outcomes.

Time: 4342.91

And he distinguished that from eustress,

Time: 4345.44

which was stress that we now understand

Time: 4347.92

is associated with increases in things like norepinephrine

Time: 4350.59

and dopamine, but no increases or minimal increases

Time: 4354.01

in cortisol, and that can lead to positive health outcomes.

Time: 4357.6

So it appears that deliberate cold exposure can create

Time: 4361.33

what we call or what Hans Selye called eustress.

Time: 4364.83

In other words, it can create a condition in the brain

Time: 4366.99

and body in which we are stressing ourselves,

Time: 4369.9

we are training up resilience,

Time: 4371.24

and yet we are creating a neurochemical milieu

Time: 4374.18

that actually has many health benefits.

Time: 4376.42

Now I'd like to shift our attention

Time: 4377.63

to the effects of deliberate cold exposure on metabolism.

Time: 4380.83

And I'd like to start by detailing a study

Time: 4383.35

that was performed on humans

Time: 4385.18

and published just at the end of last year.

Time: 4387.79

The title of the study is altered

Time: 4389.29

brown fat thermoregulation,

Time: 4390.89

and enhanced cold induced thermogenesis

Time: 4393.67

in young, healthy winter swimming men.

Time: 4396.02

And I should point out that while the study

Time: 4398.37

was only performed on male subjects,

Time: 4400.63

there's no reason to think that the effects

Time: 4402.88

that they discovered would only pertain to men.

Time: 4405.19

I would hope that they would also do a study on women

Time: 4407.16

at some point in the future,

Time: 4408.84

but the effects that they describe

Time: 4410.9

are very basic core physiological processes.

Time: 4414.74

What they did is they looked at at deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4417.26

in this group of young men,

Time: 4418.76

and they used that 11 minute threshold per week.

Time: 4423

So in other words, they had them get into cold water

Time: 4426.82

for approximately 11 minutes per week.

Time: 4430.2

And again, that's 11 minutes total per week.

Time: 4433.64

They divided that into two sessions

Time: 4436.03

although in speaking with the first author of this study,

Time: 4438.8

Dr. Susanna Søberg,

Time: 4439.99

I learned that it probably is not important

Time: 4442.35

that it be two sessions,

Time: 4443.54

it could be three or even four sessions,

Time: 4446.31

as long as it reaches that 11 minute threshold.

Time: 4449.91

What they discovered was

Time: 4451.21

that by going into these cold environments,

Time: 4454.86

in this case cold water immersion up to the neck,

Time: 4458.01

for 11 minutes total per week,

Time: 4461.29

that these men experienced increases

Time: 4463.83

in so-called brown fat thermogenesis,

Time: 4466.7

I'll talk more about what that is in a moment,

Time: 4468.75

and increases in core body temperature

Time: 4470.84

that translate to increases in core body metabolism.

Time: 4474.95

Now, the overall increases in core body metabolism

Time: 4477.86

that they experienced were not extremely large.

Time: 4482.89

They were statistically significant,

Time: 4484.64

but they weren't extremely large.

Time: 4485.99

However, the changes in brown fat stores

Time: 4490.43

are perhaps what's most interesting about this study

Time: 4493.15

and I'll tell you why.

Time: 4494.47

The metabolic increases of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4497.62

are both acute meaning happening in the short term.

Time: 4500.33

When you get into the cold and immediately after,

Time: 4502.95

one does experience an increase in core metabolism,

Time: 4506.47

you burn some calories, in other words,

Time: 4509.73

and while those might not be very significant increases,

Time: 4514.56

or I should say they can be statistically significant,

Time: 4517.77

but they are not enormously large numbers

Time: 4520.74

of calories burned,

Time: 4522.67

the longer lasting effects of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4527.24

on metabolism seem to take place by changes that occur

Time: 4530.71

in the types of fat that we store in our body

Time: 4534.13

and the way that that fat impacts our metabolism

Time: 4536.7

at other times throughout the 24 hour cycle.

Time: 4541.82

This actually has a somewhat anecdotal basis,

Time: 4544.69

in particular in Scandinavia.

Time: 4546.93

I don't speak Swedish nor I speak Danish,

Time: 4549.47

nor do I speak Norwegian,

Time: 4551.2

but I do have Danish relatives

Time: 4553

and they were able to help me decipher

Time: 4555.44

a common Swedish saying,

Time: 4558.06

which essentially translates to the fact that

Time: 4561.16

in preparation for the summer, they say,

Time: 4565.36

one should expose themselves to warm environments

Time: 4569.03

so that one is comfortable in warm environments

Time: 4572.28

in the summer.

Time: 4573.17

That's one half of this traditional Swedish

Time: 4576.5

and also Danish saying.

Time: 4577.97

The other half of this traditional Danish-Swedish saying

Time: 4582.42

is that in preparation for winter,

Time: 4584.83

in order to not feel too cold in cold environments,

Time: 4588.8

one should prepare for those in the fall

Time: 4591.33

by not wearing a jacket and exposing one's self

Time: 4594.27

to cold environments.

Time: 4596.24

Now, of course, this is just anecdotal cultural lore,

Time: 4600.17

but it actually has a physiological basis,

Time: 4602.25

which is by exposing oneself to cold environments

Time: 4606.43

on a repeated basis in anticipation of exposure

Time: 4610.08

to more extreme cold environments,

Time: 4612.14

one can feel more comfortable

Time: 4614

in those extreme cold environments.

Time: 4616.04

And that's exactly what they observed

Time: 4618.21

in this study by Søberg et al.

Time: 4620.43

The men felt more comfortable in extreme cold

Time: 4623.98

if they had trained through deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 4627.41

which might not seem surprising at all,

Time: 4629.92

but based on what we talked about earlier,

Time: 4632.31

whereby deliberate cold exposure evokes this discomfort

Time: 4636.07

and this experience of norepinephrine release,

Time: 4638.67

at least in the short term, then you would say, well,

Time: 4641.99

shouldn't that deliberate cold exposure also

Time: 4644.11

make them feel uncomfortable

Time: 4645.28

like they really want to get out?

Time: 4646.72

Well, that is true

Time: 4648.28

in the beginning of a deliberate cold exposure protocol,

Time: 4651.46

meaning in the first week or in the second week

Time: 4653.51

or the third week, but what one finds

Time: 4655.06

and what you will find if you do

Time: 4656.87

deliberate cold exposure consistently is that you will then

Time: 4661.19

become more comfortable at cold temperatures

Time: 4664.6

away from the deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 4666.75

So whereas you might have previously been the person

Time: 4669.21

who is always cold in the room with air conditioning,

Time: 4671.21

or always seeking a sweater, always wanting to bundle up,

Time: 4674.03

you will be more comfortable in those cold environments.

Time: 4676.06

And the reason for that is well substantiated

Time: 4680.02

from this study and from animal studies

Time: 4683.29

whereby deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4686.26

converts one particular kind of fat cell,

Time: 4689.56

the white fat cell,

Time: 4691.12

which is a very low metabolic output cell.

Time: 4695.32

It's basically a storage site for energy

Time: 4697.45

in the body fat cells to a different type of fat cell,

Time: 4701.29

which is the beige fat cell called beige

Time: 4704.44

because it's actually beige or slightly brown

Time: 4707.03

under the microscope, or even to brown fat cells,

Time: 4710.47

which are very dark under the microscope and dark

Time: 4712.95

because they contain mitochondria

Time: 4715.96

and are very metabolically and thermogenetically active.

Time: 4720.53

In other words, white fat doesn't burn many calories.

Time: 4723.89

It's basically a storage site.

Time: 4725.56

It's a bank account for energy.

Time: 4727.65

It's filled with lipids,

Time: 4730.02

and those lipids can be used if the body needs energy

Time: 4733.53

and if it goes into a caloric deficit.

Time: 4735.72

Beige fat and brown fat acts as sort of a furnace

Time: 4739.7

or the sort of fat that you would find in a kindle,

Time: 4743.43

a fuel that can increase core body temperature.

Time: 4746.13

So beige fat and brown fat is very good

Time: 4749.55

at raising our metabolism and helps burn white fat.

Time: 4753.36

Now of course,

Time: 4754.193

it does that only in the context of a caloric deficit,

Time: 4758.38

but it can actually help create that caloric deficit.

Time: 4762.01

Having more beige fat and brown fat

Time: 4764.61

can increase your overall core metabolism, in other words,

Time: 4767.88

the number of calories that you burn per day,

Time: 4770.33

and therefore the number of calories

Time: 4771.73

that you need to either maintain or to lose weight.

Time: 4775.86

The simple translation of this is that getting into

Time: 4779.18

cold water for a total of 11 minutes, perhaps more,

Time: 4783.08

but at least 11 minutes per week

Time: 4785.02

divided into two or four sessions

Time: 4787.75

can increase your core metabolism in part

Time: 4790.55

by increasing your beige and brown fat stores.

Time: 4794.24

And we know how that works at least in animal models

Time: 4797.44

and there's now reason to suspect

Time: 4799.31

that the exact same mechanisms are occurring in humans.

Time: 4802.35

The primary way in which deliberate cold exposure converts

Time: 4805.92

white fat cells into these more metabolically

Time: 4808.54

thermogenetically active metabolism increasing

Time: 4811.73

beige and brown fat cells is because norepinephrine

Time: 4818.28

released when we get into the cold binds to receptors

Time: 4822.29

on the surface of white fat cells and activates

Time: 4825.87

downstream pathways such as UCP1,

Time: 4830.04

so this is an uncoupling protein one,

Time: 4832.67

that acts on the mitochondrial metabolism of cells

Time: 4835.55

and increases the mitochondrial output of those cells

Time: 4839.11

and the mitochondrial density of those cells.

Time: 4841.38

In other words,

Time: 4842.26

it takes a cell that has a kind of a weak engine

Time: 4846.18

or no engine for generating energy.

Time: 4848.91

Although every cell has some mitochondria,

Time: 4851.04

it takes cells that have very few mitochondria

Time: 4853.65

and increases the engine size.

Time: 4856.36

It kind of stokes the furnace of those particular cells

Time: 4860.01

and actually can change gene expression in those cells.

Time: 4863.51

So that's what's really interesting.

Time: 4864.68

Deliberate cold exposure causes increases in norepinephrine.

Time: 4868.46

which bind to receptors on the surfaces of white fat cells,

Time: 4872.72

which triggers the release of things like UCP1.

Time: 4876.34

It also causes the release of things like P-part gamma,

Time: 4879.6

and co-factor PGC1.

Time: 4882.1

I'm going to refer you to a review

Time: 4883.57

if you want to learn more about these.

Time: 4885.48

For those of you that don't want to learn more,

Time: 4886.87

all you need to know is that the downstream of all that

Time: 4889.64

are increases in mitochondria and metabolism

Time: 4892.44

and actual genetic changes in the white fat cells

Time: 4896.29

that convert them into beige and brown fat cells.

Time: 4899.52

This is especially important for adults

Time: 4901.43

because babies and young children actually don't have

Time: 4906.69

the ability to shiver

Time: 4907.78

or they have a less robust capacity to shiver.

Time: 4911.57

Very small babies really can't shiver

Time: 4913.46

so they have a lot of brown fat in order to keep them warm.

Time: 4917.48

Young children eventually develop the ability to shiver

Time: 4921.23

and maintain these brown fat stores,

Time: 4922.95

mainly around the clavicles, the heart, the upper spine,

Time: 4926.02

and in the upper back.

Time: 4927.69

And it's no coincidence that kids can often run around

Time: 4930.88

with a minimal of clothing and be comfortable

Time: 4932.58

in environments that adults would be cold in.

Time: 4936.97

As life goes on, we tend to lose beige and brown fat,

Time: 4941.05

but this mechanism that I'm referring to

Time: 4943.72

points to the plasticity of white fat,

Time: 4945.7

meaning the ability for white fat to actually convert

Time: 4947.93

its identity into this metabolically thermogenetically

Time: 4951

enhancing form of beige and brown fat.

Time: 4953.95

So deliberate cold exposure is a terrific way

Time: 4956.56

to increase your core metabolism

Time: 4958.47

and oftentimes critics will say, well,

Time: 4960.3

the increase in metabolism isn't that significant

Time: 4962.58

although I do want to point out again,

Time: 4964.47

the 93% and 350% increases in metabolism

Time: 4969.56

from that previous study.

Time: 4971.08

But critics then will say, well,

Time: 4973.77

that doesn't really translate to that big of a caloric burn

Time: 4979.04

during the deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 4980.98

But to that, you should say, ah,

Time: 4982.7

but that's only limiting your optics

Time: 4984.87

to just a portion of the effects

Time: 4986.33

of deliberate cold exposure because deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4989.13

can also convert white fat to beige fat and brown fat

Time: 4992.86

and lead to these more lasting increases in metabolism.

Time: 4997.04

So for any of you interested in increasing your metabolism

Time: 4999.737

and or being comfortable in cold environments

Time: 5002.52

and or being comfortable in terms of

Time: 5005.25

being able to combat stress mentally,

Time: 5007.55

deliberate cold exposure, I do believe is a powerful tool.

Time: 5011

And there is simply no reason why you couldn't and shouldn't

Time: 5014.39

use the same protocols that I described earlier

Time: 5016.99

for building resilience to increase metabolism.

Time: 5019.97

Provided you're hitting that 11 minute per week threshold,

Time: 5023.45

you ought to be stimulating both mechanism increases

Time: 5027.17

in resilience and increases in core metabolism.

Time: 5031.85

As I mentioned earlier,

Time: 5032.683

most of the detailed studies on the conversion of white fat

Time: 5035.58

to beige fat and brown fat through the use of cold

Time: 5037.86

have been done in animal models,

Time: 5039.56

but the human data are starting to emerge.

Time: 5041.5

And if you'd like to do the deep dive into these mechanisms,

Time: 5044.26

things like UCP1, P-part gamma, et cetera,

Time: 5047.24

there's a beautiful review that was published recently

Time: 5049.68

in the journal cell,

Time: 5050.62

which is one of the three apex journals,

Time: 5052.16

nature, science, cell.

Time: 5053.71

And the title of that paper is adipose tissue plasticity

Time: 5057.22

in health and disease.

Time: 5058.17

I love this review.

Time: 5059.46

It has beautiful diagrams detailing all of the pathways

Time: 5062.82

from cold to norepinephrine through UCP1

Time: 5066.5

downstream of things like cyclic AMP.

Time: 5068.14

If none of those names mean anything to you,

Time: 5070.28

don't worry about it.

Time: 5071.13

You certainly don't need to know these mechanisms

Time: 5072.87

to benefit from deliberate cold exposure protocols.

Time: 5075.81

If those names do mean something to you,

Time: 5078.19

or you are interested in exploring the downstream effects

Time: 5081.2

of deliberate cold exposure and something else

Time: 5083.63

that's really nice that's covered in this paper

Time: 5085.62

is how deliberate cold exposure interacts

Time: 5088.1

with fasted states and fed states.

Time: 5091.77

I think you'll also find this review very interesting.

Time: 5094.33

I don't want to go too deeply into fasted states

Time: 5096.37

and fed states right now,

Time: 5098.14

suffice to say that when we are fasted,

Time: 5100.49

meaning when we have an eaten for some period of time,

Time: 5103.07

our baseline levels of norepinephrine

Time: 5106.08

and epinephrine are already elevated.

Time: 5109

And so cold exposure at those times

Time: 5111.39

ought to have an even greater effect on metabolism

Time: 5114.9

and resilience and so on.

Time: 5116.51

So for you fasters or your intermittent fasters out there,

Time: 5120.44

if you really want to get fancy,

Time: 5121.89

you can do your deliberate cold exposure

Time: 5124.13

when you are fasted.

Time: 5125.63

I certainly wouldn't recommend doing it

Time: 5127.15

with a very full stomach in any case.

Time: 5129.5

And as I mentioned before on this podcast,

Time: 5133.01

intermittent fasting is, but one way,

Time: 5136.24

and certainly there are other ways

Time: 5137.58

to limit total caloric intake for sake of maintaining

Time: 5140.72

or losing weight if that's your goal.

Time: 5143.15

I know many people are using and benefit

Time: 5145.51

from intermittent fasting, however,

Time: 5147.44

and so it certainly can be combined

Time: 5149.7

with deliberate cold exposures in order

Time: 5151.54

to get even greater increases

Time: 5153.04

in norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Time: 5154.89

So for those of you that are primarily interested

Time: 5157.14

in using deliberate cold exposure

Time: 5158.61

to increase dopamine levels in your brain and body,

Time: 5162.26

you can also do a combined protocol

Time: 5165.52

whereby you ingest caffeine 60 to 120 minutes

Time: 5169.17

before the deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 5171.77

This is based on a study that I've talked about before

Time: 5174.7

entitled caffeine increases striatal dopamine D-2,

Time: 5178.04

D-3 receptor availability in the human brain.

Time: 5180.44

And as the title suggests, this study was done on humans,

Time: 5183.79

looking at the density and or efficacy

Time: 5187.58

of these dopamine receptors

Time: 5189.05

in an area of the brain called the striatum,

Time: 5190.83

which is involved in planning in action

Time: 5192.54

and also suppressing planning in action.

Time: 5194.35

It's involved very closely with whether or not

Time: 5197.63

we can engage in behavior and withhold behavior,

Time: 5201.12

the so-called go and no go ways in the brain.

Time: 5204.27

Dopamine plays a critical role in that

Time: 5205.627

and many other things as well as you now know.

Time: 5209.27

So why would you want to ingest caffeine 60 to 120 minutes

Time: 5212.67

before deliberate cold exposure?

Time: 5215.05

Well, as I talked about earlier,

Time: 5217.72

dopamine can increase quite substantially

Time: 5220.3

in response to deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 5222.21

but dopamine on its own doesn't do anything,

Time: 5224.05

it has to bind to receptors

Time: 5226.02

and this paper shows quite definitively

Time: 5228.72

that ingesting caffeine in this case,

Time: 5230.37

it was 300 milligram dose of caffeine,

Time: 5232.4

which is about the dose of caffeine

Time: 5234.2

in two or three cups of coffee,

Time: 5235.48

it depends on the strength of the coffee, of course,

Time: 5237.6

but it's not an outrageous amount of caffeine,

Time: 5241.15

that increases the density and or efficacy

Time: 5243.85

of these receptors,

Time: 5244.683

which you would allow that dopamine

Time: 5245.86

to have its greatest effect.

Time: 5248.86

And for those of you that want to get really, really fancy,

Time: 5251.16

I suppose you could do this fasted

Time: 5252.62

so you get the further increase in norepinephrine,

Time: 5255.047

then you get the dopamine increase from the cold exposure,

Time: 5257.24

the binding of the dopamine.

Time: 5258.92

Although I do want to point out that at some point,

Time: 5262.14

you start layering together enough protocols

Time: 5264.11

that you would to be spending your entire day

Time: 5265.71

trying to get this dopamine pulse

Time: 5267.12

and I would hope that you would have other activities

Time: 5269.6

that you would engage in,

Time: 5270.81

but if you're getting up in the morning and you're fasted

Time: 5273.81

because you haven't eaten all night

Time: 5275.07

and you have a cup of coffee, and then 60 minutes later,

Time: 5277.38

you take your cold shower or two hours later,

Time: 5280.54

you do your cold immersion or your cold shower,

Time: 5282.93

you would be layering together

Time: 5284.76

these different mechanisms of dopamine receptors,

Time: 5286.95

epinephrine and so forth in a way that at least to me,

Time: 5289.21

doesn't seem incompatible with having some other life

Time: 5292.5

like going to school and having relationships, et cetera.

Time: 5295.09

And this increase in dopamine,

Time: 5296.77

particularly in the striatum is not a trivial one.

Time: 5300.78

I do want to point out as the authors do

Time: 5303.21

that preclinical studies have shown

Time: 5304.9

that increases in striatal dopamine

Time: 5307.38

induced by things like modafinil,

Time: 5309.43

which is used to treat ADHD and treat narcolepsy,

Time: 5313.32

is necessary for their wake promoting actions.

Time: 5316.18

What this really says is that just having elevated levels

Time: 5318.67

of dopamine from a drug or from an ice bath,

Time: 5321.23

or what have you is not sufficient

Time: 5323.31

to get the effects of dopamine,

Time: 5324.61

you really need the receptors to be available

Time: 5327.41

and you need those receptors to be available

Time: 5329.09

in the appropriate density

Time: 5330.48

and you need those receptors to be available

Time: 5332.64

in the appropriate density in the striatum in particular.

Time: 5335.35

So I think there are a number of reasons why

Time: 5337.54

if it's compatible with the other aspects of your health,

Time: 5340.6

cause of course always you have to consider this

Time: 5342.32

on a background of cardiovascular health

Time: 5343.99

and blood pressure, et cetera,

Time: 5345.2

that ingesting a cup or two of coffee

Time: 5347.29

an hour before your ice bath may be fasted as well

Time: 5351.29

could be quite beneficial for increasing dopamine

Time: 5353.55

over quite extended periods of time.

Time: 5355.69

A couple of key points that you'll want to pay attention to

Time: 5358.29

in thinking about deliberate cold exposure and metabolism.

Time: 5361.3

In the Søberg study,

Time: 5362.3

they also explored the use of sauna and how to use sauna,

Time: 5367.1

meaning deliberate heat in conjunction with cold.

Time: 5370.45

We are going to do an entire episode about the use of heat

Time: 5373.49

for health and performance.

Time: 5374.7

So that is not the focus now, however,

Time: 5378.8

it does raise an important point

Time: 5380.2

that we do need to address at this moment,

Time: 5382.15

which is if you are using sauna

Time: 5385

or if you are taking warm showers

Time: 5387.34

or if you are simply using deliberate cold exposure

Time: 5390.09

of any kind,

Time: 5391.19

should you get into the heat afterward

Time: 5394.06

or before or not at all?

Time: 5395.84

And this is where we can point to the so-called

Time: 5399.26

Søberg principle, at least I call it the Søberg principle,

Time: 5402.38

the Søberg principle named after first author of this study,

Time: 5405.33

I referred to earlier, Dr. Susanna Søberg.

Time: 5409.17

In science, it is appropriate to take a key piece of data

Time: 5412.98

and call it a principle

Time: 5414.51

if in fact it translates to something larger,

Time: 5416.54

which I believe it does.

Time: 5418.2

It is generally not appropriate for people

Time: 5420.41

to name a principle after themselves

Time: 5422.02

although there are a few scientists that have done that.

Time: 5425.43

So I have named it the Søberg principle,

Time: 5427.05

but I did that to give it appropriate credit

Time: 5430.31

to Dr. Susanna Søberg,

Time: 5432.07

who discovered that and pointed out quite appropriately,

Time: 5436.29

that to achieve the greatest increases in metabolism

Time: 5440.43

through deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 5442.76

you want to force yourself to reheat on your own

Time: 5447.49

after the deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 5449.28

meaning you wouldn't want to go from the cold shower

Time: 5452.16

to a hot shower or from the cold shower to a sauna.

Time: 5454.87

Rather if you were going to start with a hot shower

Time: 5457.17

or you're going to start with a sauna

Time: 5458.77

that you would end with the cold,

Time: 5461.03

and then you would reheat naturally.

Time: 5463.83

Now I personally take a cold shower a few times a week

Time: 5466.93

or do cold immersion

Time: 5468.33

and because I'm not specifically focused

Time: 5470.73

on increasing metabolism, although I probably should be,

Time: 5473.92

that's not what I'm using it for now,

Time: 5476.49

I will take a hot shower afterwards and in doing so,

Time: 5478.84

I'm short circuiting

Time: 5479.92

some of the further metabolic increases that I would achieve

Time: 5482.81

were I to just end with the cold.

Time: 5485.21

So the Søberg principle is

Time: 5487.75

if you want to increase your metabolism, end with cold,

Time: 5491.55

and we can take this a step further and say

Time: 5494.6

that if you want to use deliberate cold exposure

Time: 5497.01

to increase metabolism, that you should make sure

Time: 5500.98

that you get to the point where you shiver.

Time: 5503.64

And the reason in for this is that there are

Time: 5505.5

a series of studies, but in particular,

Time: 5507.11

one study published in the journal Nature,

Time: 5509

excellent journal in the year 2018,

Time: 5511.77

showing that deliberate cold exposure that evokes shivering

Time: 5517.81

from the muscles causes the release of a molecule

Time: 5520.84

called succinate from the muscles

Time: 5523.48

and that succinate plays

Time: 5525.41

a key role in activating brown fat thermogenesis,

Time: 5528.86

which you now have heard about and understand

Time: 5530.99

as critical to the increases in metabolism

Time: 5533.14

caused by deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 5535.89

So what this means is if you want to

Time: 5537.25

increase your metabolism, end on cold,

Time: 5539.16

that's a Søberg principle and as best you can,

Time: 5542.3

try and get to the point where you are shivering

Time: 5544.9

either when you are in the cold exposure

Time: 5547.4

or immediately afterwards.

Time: 5549.29

Now one efficient way to do this is to, for instance,

Time: 5552.62

you could get into the cold shower for a minute

Time: 5556.12

or two minutes or three minutes, uncomfortably cold,

Time: 5558.97

but safe to stay in.

Time: 5560.12

Remember that's our general rule of thumb.

Time: 5562.5

Then turn off the water and stand there,

Time: 5565.47

make sure that you're not holding yourself

Time: 5567.86

close to your body,

Time: 5568.693

you're not hugging yourself to try and keep yourself warm,

Time: 5570.81

but rather your limbs are extended at your sides.

Time: 5573.96

And then if that fails to induce shiver

Time: 5576.9

than to turn on the cold water again,

Time: 5579.71

and then turn it off again,

Time: 5580.95

so alternating perhaps a minute to three minutes

Time: 5583.03

of cold exposure followed by a minute to three minutes

Time: 5585.56

of drying out in air

Time: 5587.69

and going back into the cold exposure, et cetera.

Time: 5590.65

I can tell you this from experience,

Time: 5592.17

this is a pretty brutal protocol.

Time: 5595.19

If you have never tried getting into an ice bath

Time: 5598.73

or cold water immersion or shower for one minute

Time: 5601.63

and then getting out and trying to stand there

Time: 5603.37

with your arms extended in cool or cold air for one minute,

Time: 5607.25

and then getting back into the cold shower

Time: 5608.81

or water immersion, you are in for an experience because

Time: 5613.47

even for those of you that are pretty shiver resistant,

Time: 5616.11

you'll find that it is much, much harder

Time: 5618.27

to get out of that cold water and stand there arms extended

Time: 5621.92

and drying off by evaporation,

Time: 5623.82

which further draws heat from the body

Time: 5626.64

than it is to wrap yourself in a towel,

Time: 5628.3

get in a warm shower or a sauna.

Time: 5630.21

So there's certainly no requirement to end on cold.

Time: 5634.09

There's certainly no requirement to induce shiver,

Time: 5637.65

but if your primary goal

Time: 5639.34

is to induce increases in metabolism,

Time: 5642.76

both in the short term and in the long term,

Time: 5645.18

following the cold exposure,

Time: 5646.69

well then you'll want to end on cold

Time: 5648.01

and you'll want to find a way to shiver

Time: 5650.57

provided that the level of cold

Time: 5652.83

that you're exposing yourself to

Time: 5654.13

is still safe for you overall.

Time: 5655.88

So up until now,

Time: 5656.713

I've been talking about deliberate cold exposure

Time: 5658.84

as a potent stimulus for the release of norepinephrine

Time: 5661.98

in the brain and body and indeed it is,

Time: 5664.43

but the way I've been describing it has been in the context

Time: 5667.94

of circulating plasma levels of norepinephrine,

Time: 5671.87

meaning circulating within the blood.

Time: 5674.66

What I haven't mentioned,

Time: 5675.78

but is absolutely true is that the fat cells themselves

Time: 5681.74

actually receive input from neurons.

Time: 5684.74

So there are neurons that release norepinephrine

Time: 5687.54

in response to cold, directly into the fat.

Time: 5691.1

So I want to give you this picture of how the architecture

Time: 5695.1

of all this works,

Time: 5695.933

because I think it can help you navigate

Time: 5698.02

and indeed build better deliberate cold exposure protocols.

Time: 5701.81

Your adrenal glands release norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Time: 5705.36

Your brain has sites within it like the locus coeruleus

Time: 5708.94

that release norepinephrine and epinephrine,

Time: 5712.05

but there are also neurons within your skin that sense cold

Time: 5716.23

and other neurons that can directly release norepinephrine

Time: 5719.41

into the fat stores and cause those white fat cells

Time: 5722.68

to convert to beige and brown fat.

Time: 5724.42

And I think this particular aspect of our physiology

Time: 5726.96

is often overlooked in studies.

Time: 5729.77

And when people say, oh,

Time: 5731.06

well the increases in metabolism aren't that great,

Time: 5733.63

the circulating levels of norepinephrine,

Time: 5735.37

those are very large, but they're very transient and so on,

Time: 5739.22

that fails to understand that neurons

Time: 5743

that actually sense cold are in a position to communicate

Time: 5746.87

via other neurons directly to the fat cells

Time: 5749.97

and release norepinephrine into those fat cells,

Time: 5751.9

which as I pointed out earlier,

Time: 5753.57

set off a huge set of immediate

Time: 5755.57

and long term cascades of even gene expression changes.

Time: 5759.89

So the picture that I'd like you to have in your mind

Time: 5762.07

is that when you get into the cold, yes,

Time: 5764.45

of course you experience that as a experience of

Time: 5767.79

I don't want to do this, I'm going to overcome this,

Time: 5769.59

I'm going to climb over these mental walls

Time: 5771.33

that represent adrenaline release in my brain and body,

Time: 5774.05

but also that your fat cells are receiving signals,

Time: 5778.12

norepinephrine signals that are changing those fat cells

Time: 5780.837

and the way that they metabolize energy.

Time: 5782.9

Now I'd like to shift our attention to the use

Time: 5784.67

of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 5786.29

for sake of physical performance.

Time: 5788.78

And there are a lot of opinions out there

Time: 5790.45

about the use of deliberate cold,

Time: 5792.48

whether or not it should be done for instance,

Time: 5794.03

before or after exercise,

Time: 5796.2

whether or not if done immediately after strength training

Time: 5799.76

or hypertrophy training,

Time: 5800.84

meaning training designed to grow muscles

Time: 5803.49

or make them stronger,

Time: 5804.38

whether or not it can inhibit that process

Time: 5806.18

and so on and so forth.

Time: 5807.64

I think today in looking over the literature

Time: 5810.69

and trying to bring forward the simplest

Time: 5812.75

and most straightforward,

Time: 5813.63

and yet scientifically grounded protocols,

Time: 5816.03

we can set up some general guidelines that will allow most,

Time: 5819.28

if not, all of you to still extract the benefits

Time: 5821.52

of deliberate cold exposure on physical performance

Time: 5825.08

without getting too neurotic about the exact timing,

Time: 5828.41

but for sake of discussion

Time: 5830.71

and because it's a prominent theme

Time: 5833.27

in many online communities,

Time: 5834.92

let's just start with the big one out there,

Time: 5838.18

meaning the question of whether or not doing an ice bath

Time: 5842

or doing deliberate cold exposure or taking a cold shower

Time: 5845.07

after strength slash hypertrophy training,

Time: 5848.31

meaning training designed to increase strength

Time: 5850.72

and or I should say the size of muscles

Time: 5854.15

will somehow short circuit or diminish that process,

Time: 5857.84

whether or not it will reduce or eliminate

Time: 5859.89

those strength gains and hypertrophy gains.

Time: 5861.7

And the short answer that I was able to arrive at

Time: 5865.08

on the basis of a review article that I'll talk about

Time: 5868.2

in a moment and some other studies as well,

Time: 5871.17

is that if your main goal is hypertrophy and strength,

Time: 5876.33

it is probably best to avoid cold water immersion

Time: 5880.5

and ice bath immersion in the four hours

Time: 5884.37

immediately following that strength

Time: 5886.89

and or hypertrophy training.

Time: 5888.69

Again, if your main goal is to achieve hypertrophy

Time: 5892.91

or strength or some combination of those,

Time: 5895.94

probably best to avoid cold water immersion up to the neck

Time: 5900.2

or ice bath immersion up to the neck

Time: 5903.07

immediately after strength and hypertrophy training

Time: 5906.12

and extending out to about four hours after that training.

Time: 5911.15

If you're really neurotic about this,

Time: 5912.95

then perhaps you'd want to move the cold water exposure

Time: 5915.52

to a different day entirely,

Time: 5917.17

but it all depends on how neurotically attached you are

Time: 5919.84

to getting every last bit of strength and hypertrophy.

Time: 5922.38

And if that's your goal, terrific,

Time: 5924.09

well then probably moving the cold exposure four hours

Time: 5927.77

or more away from that training

Time: 5929.08

is going to be necessary for you.

Time: 5930.74

Now you'll notice I did not talk about cold showers

Time: 5933.73

and the reason I did not talk about cold showers

Time: 5935.88

is that there simply are not very many studies

Time: 5939.38

of deliberate cold exposure through cold showers

Time: 5942.01

for the reasons I talked about

Time: 5943.08

at the beginning of the episode.

Time: 5945.13

It's hard for me to imagine that taking a brief cold shower

Time: 5948.4

after a strength or hypertrophy training session

Time: 5951.07

would completely reverse or short circuit the effects

Time: 5953.7

of that strength and hypertrophy training.

Time: 5955.51

But again, if you're neurotically attached

Time: 5957.9

to getting every last bit of strength and hypertrophy

Time: 5961.14

out of your training sessions, then by all means,

Time: 5963.73

err on the side of caution and wait four hours or more

Time: 5966.28

to do your cold shower just as you would wait four hours

Time: 5969.65

or more to do your cold water immersion.

Time: 5971.62

Now there are nice data pointing to the fact

Time: 5973.95

that doing cold water immersion after a hard run,

Time: 5977.6

so endurance training,

Time: 5979.1

or even sprint and interval training

Time: 5981.69

or after a weight workout where your main focus

Time: 5985.69

is on performance of those movements

Time: 5987.56

or after a skill training workout

Time: 5989.23

where your main focus on performance of those movements,

Time: 5992.3

that there's no reason to think that that

Time: 5994.58

cold water immersion or ice bath or cold shower

Time: 5997.41

would inhibit the progress or the stimulus

Time: 6001.58

that would lead to progress

Time: 6003.4

that occurred during that training session.

Time: 6005.29

In other words, I don't see any reason

Time: 6007.49

based on the literature to avoid deliberate cold exposure

Time: 6010.6

immediately after training,

Time: 6012.08

again unless your goal is hypertrophy and strength.

Time: 6015.92

And in fact,

Time: 6016.753

there's a very nice review recently published

Time: 6019.22

on deliberate cold exposure

Time: 6021.61

and how it can impact physical performance,

Time: 6024.75

whether or not it's done before or after,

Time: 6027.78

different types of training and so forth.

Time: 6030.3

The paper is entitled impact of cold water immersion

Time: 6033.55

compared with passive recovery,

Time: 6035.31

following a single about of strenuous exercise

Time: 6037.82

on athletic performance in physically active participants,

Time: 6041.32

a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta regression.

Time: 6045.12

So this is a meta-analysis of 52 studies

Time: 6049.57

that looked at a tremendous number of variables

Time: 6051.93

and contexts, as you would expect in a meta-analysis

Time: 6055.25

of 52 studies.

Time: 6056.85

I'm going to read you the conclusions of the study

Time: 6058.41

and I will provide a link.

Time: 6059.93

We certainly don't have the time to go through

Time: 6061.61

all the details of the study.

Time: 6062.74

I will highlight a few specific outcomes

Time: 6065.15

that I found particularly interesting,

Time: 6067.1

but here I am paraphrasing their conclusions,

Time: 6070.44

that cold water immersion, I want to emphasize immersion,

Time: 6075.13

not cold showers, but cold water immersion

Time: 6078.12

they say was an effective recovery tool

Time: 6080.08

after high intensity exercise.

Time: 6082.34

They observed positive outcomes,

Time: 6083.88

meaning improvements in certain variables,

Time: 6087.41

for muscular power, muscular soreness,

Time: 6090.31

meaning reduced muscular soreness,

Time: 6091.61

increased muscular power,

Time: 6093.32

perceived recovery after 24 hours of exercise.

Time: 6096.76

However, there were certain forms of exercise

Time: 6099.36

that were not benefited by cold water immersion,

Time: 6103.37

such as eccentric exercise,

Time: 6105.83

exercise focusing only on the lowering component

Time: 6109.26

or the so-called eccentric component of resistance exercise.

Time: 6112.75

They saw some very entry dose response relationships

Time: 6116.67

for things like endurance training, meaning the longer

Time: 6120.47

the cold exposure post-endurance training,

Time: 6122.84

the more improvement in endurance performance,

Time: 6125.33

reductions in circulating creatine kinases

Time: 6128.79

and things that relate to muscle damage

Time: 6131.3

under certain conditions.

Time: 6132.4

At some point in the future, by the way,

Time: 6134.28

we'll do an entire episode on creatine and creatine kinase,

Time: 6137.23

which are important not just for muscular function,

Time: 6139.74

but also for brain function.

Time: 6141.62

But the basic takeaway was that cold water immersion

Time: 6145.32

performed after high intensity exercise

Time: 6147.75

was beneficial from a number of different standpoints

Time: 6150.76

and indicated that shorter duration,

Time: 6154.43

cold exposure and lower temperatures

Time: 6157.21

can improve the efficacy of cold water exposure

Time: 6160.58

if used after high intensity exercise.

Time: 6162.97

There I'm directly pulling from their conclusions.

Time: 6165.45

So what this says is that it's not just those

Time: 6167.92

longer duration, 30, 45 minute and 60 minute protocols

Time: 6172.46

of cold water immersion that we discussed earlier,

Time: 6174.91

but also shorter duration of one minute, three minute,

Time: 6178.13

five minute exposures to lower temperatures.

Time: 6182.51

Temperatures that would make you psychologically

Time: 6184.79

want to get out as soon as you possibly can,

Time: 6187.73

but again that you can safely stay in

Time: 6190.03

done after training really have been shown to

Time: 6192.81

improve outcomes in terms of reducing soreness

Time: 6195.97

and improving training efficacy,

Time: 6198.75

meaning your ability to get back into training more quickly

Time: 6202.48

and thereby deliver more training stimuli

Time: 6205.77

to a given muscle or in your endurance training protocol.

Time: 6209.11

Translate to English,

Time: 6209.943

what this means is that taking a cold shower or getting into

Time: 6213.02

an ice bath or some other form of cold water immersion

Time: 6215.81

within the immediate minutes or even the immediate hours

Time: 6219.16

following your training has been shown to be beneficial.

Time: 6223.12

I'm sure a number of you have questions for instance,

Time: 6225.86

how long should you be in that cold exposure?

Time: 6229.07

Is it the same as the 11 minute threshold described earlier?

Time: 6232.75

To be honest with you,

Time: 6233.68

there are not enough studies to really point

Time: 6236.34

to the critical threshold for eliminating

Time: 6239.9

or reducing delayed onset muscle soreness

Time: 6241.84

or for getting maximal results from power

Time: 6245.4

and endurance training,

Time: 6246.6

but this study does make a couple of key points

Time: 6249.34

and here I will just paraphrase.

Time: 6251.22

For instance, that cold water immersion

Time: 6253.67

is more likely to positively influence

Time: 6256.9

muscular power performance,

Time: 6258.7

to reduce muscle soreness, to reduce serum creatine kinase,

Time: 6262.73

and to improve perceived recovery

Time: 6264.96

after high intensity exercise,

Time: 6266.81

as compared with passive recovery.

Time: 6269.29

This can be translated to cold water exposure after training

Time: 6273.04

is beneficial and probably better

Time: 6275.48

than passive recovery from a number of standpoints.

Time: 6278.67

In addition, they say that dose response relationships

Time: 6282.91

meaning the amount and the degree of cold

Time: 6287.16

that people were exposed to and how often they did that

Time: 6291.27

in particular in lower temperature cold immersion.

Time: 6293.77

So these would be the sorts of cold immersion protocols

Time: 6297.05

that are one minute or two minutes, three minutes,

Time: 6299.57

maybe five minutes,

Time: 6300.86

but that one couldn't stay in there longer

Time: 6302.83

because it feels stressful

Time: 6303.82

and one wants to get out.

Time: 6305.61

Maybe more effective after high intensity exercise

Time: 6308.28

for removal of serum creatine kinase

Time: 6311.41

as well that these shorter duration

Time: 6313.46

cold water immersion approaches may be more effective

Time: 6316.13

after high intensity endurance performance as well.

Time: 6319.86

So all of this can be translated to say that

Time: 6322.92

unless your main goal is hypertrophy and strength,

Time: 6327.2

that cold exposure, ideally cold immersion

Time: 6330.877

and cold water ice bath,

Time: 6332.59

but if you don't have access to that,

Time: 6334.28

then cold showers is likely going to be beneficial

Time: 6337.22

if done immediately after or in the minutes

Time: 6339.9

or hours after your training,

Time: 6342.5

especially high intensity training.

Time: 6344.31

One particularly nice thing about this meta-analysis

Time: 6346.57

is that it included some studies that

Time: 6348.92

involve the use of cooling packs.

Time: 6350.77

So again, vests that can essentially ice packs

Time: 6355.43

and indeed even cryotherapy chambers and so on.

Time: 6359.04

There's a nice table in the study

Time: 6360.37

if you want to get really detailed and go

Time: 6362.22

and look specifically at those studies,

Time: 6363.81

I invite you to do that.

Time: 6364.85

We'll put a link to this study in the caption

Time: 6367.26

for this episode, but all in all,

Time: 6369.32

what this study shows is that deliberate cold exposure

Time: 6372.99

can be very useful for recovery likely through reductions

Time: 6377

in inflammation, in muscle and connective tissue.

Time: 6380.69

And while this study did not look specifically

Time: 6382.94

at the mechanisms of reduced inflammation

Time: 6385.9

caused by deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 6387.89

those mechanisms are somewhat known.

Time: 6390.52

There are a number of studies that have pointed to the fact

Time: 6392.73

that deliberate cold and cold generally

Time: 6394.87

can reduce inflammatory cytokines,

Time: 6397.4

such as IL-6, interleukin six.

Time: 6399.56

It can increase anti-inflammatory cytokines

Time: 6403.16

such as interleukin 10 and so on.

Time: 6406.31

Without getting into all those details,

Time: 6408.04

I think it's sufficient to say that

Time: 6410.59

if you are somebody who experiences

Time: 6412.18

a lot of delayed onset muscle soreness,

Time: 6414.3

taking a cold shower after your training

Time: 6416.06

or getting into a cold immersion after your training,

Time: 6418.37

even if it's a few hours later ought to help.

Time: 6421.06

And if you are doing particularly intense training,

Time: 6424.61

then you probably want to ratchet up the number

Time: 6427.46

of cold exposure sessions that you're doing

Time: 6430.22

even if those have to be done on separate days

Time: 6432.42

from your training,

Time: 6433.253

because a lot of the inflammatory effects of training,

Time: 6435.91

endurance and strength training are actually occurring

Time: 6437.92

some hours away from the training stimulus.

Time: 6440.72

So it's not just that inflammation goes up

Time: 6442.38

radically during training, which it often can,

Time: 6445.1

but that it can occur even in the days

Time: 6447.26

and even weeks afterwards,

Time: 6448.48

depending how intense and how long duration

Time: 6450.44

that training is.

Time: 6451.34

So deliberate cold exposure is very powerful

Time: 6453.87

as an anti-inflammatory tool.

Time: 6456.44

Now I'd like to emphasize the topic that we touched on

Time: 6458.6

at the beginning of the episode,

Time: 6460.43

which are those glabrous skin surfaces,

Time: 6463.14

the hands, the upper face,

Time: 6464.42

and the bottoms of the feet through which heat

Time: 6467.87

is especially good at leaving the body.

Time: 6470.46

And another way of putting that is that one can cool

Time: 6474.86

the body much more efficiently

Time: 6476.64

through the glabrous skin surfaces.

Time: 6478.92

Now, if you want to understand all of the science

Time: 6481.53

behind this and all of the various applications,

Time: 6485.9

I invite you to please listen to the episode

Time: 6487.84

that I did with Dr. Craig Heller, again,

Time: 6490.32

in the biology department at Stanford.

Time: 6493.71

For sake of this episode,

Time: 6494.76

I'm just going to detail a couple of findings

Time: 6497.1

from his laboratory.

Time: 6498.41

The first one, dealing with exercise induced hyperthermia,

Time: 6501.43

because I think this is very interesting

Time: 6502.84

and it can even save lives

Time: 6504.62

if you understand the way this works.

Time: 6508.04

There's a particular paper that focuses on this,

Time: 6510.73

and we will put a link to this as well.

Time: 6512.35

The title of this paper is novel application

Time: 6514.2

of chemical cold packs for treatment

Time: 6515.59

of exercise induced hyperthermia,

Time: 6517.64

a randomized control trial.

Time: 6519.6

This is a pretty brutal study,

Time: 6522.2

brutal for the subjects that is.

Time: 6525.23

This study involved was having subjects walk on a treadmill

Time: 6529.49

at a pretty significant incline and anywhere

Time: 6531.32

from nine to 17% wearing a substantial amount of clothing

Time: 6536.3

that was not well ventilated

Time: 6538.24

and the room was kept to 40 degrees Celsius,

Time: 6540.73

which is 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Time: 6543.24

This is definitely not something to do at home.

Time: 6546.73

This study was designed to induce hyperthermia,

Time: 6549.21

which as I mentioned earlier, can be quite dangerous.

Time: 6551.65

And they compared two types of cooling.

Time: 6554.43

In the first form of cooling

Time: 6556.24

that they call traditional cooling,

Time: 6558.24

they had ice packs on their neck,

Time: 6561.54

in their armpits and in their groin.

Time: 6563.92

And in the other group,

Time: 6565.55

there was the so-called glabrous skin cooling.

Time: 6567.87

So the palms, the soles of the feet,

Time: 6569.62

which were actually so they were cooling inside the boots

Time: 6573.58

or inside of gloves and on the upper portion of the face.

Time: 6579.09

And the basic takeaway of this study

Time: 6581.27

is that by cooling the glabrous skin,

Time: 6584.28

the subjects were able to sustain this walking

Time: 6587.31

on these inclined treadmills for much longer

Time: 6590.93

than were the people who received traditional cooling.

Time: 6594.24

And also the return to baseline temperature

Time: 6596.42

was much faster in the glabrous skin cooling group.

Time: 6599.86

So how this translates to the real world

Time: 6601.89

is that if ever you are hyperthermic

Time: 6604.07

or someone else's hyperthermic,

Time: 6606.81

one way to cool them down quickly is to cool

Time: 6610.43

these palmer glabrous, soles of the feet glabrous

Time: 6614.55

and upper portion of the face glabrous portions of the body

Time: 6618.06

using cool rags, using ice packs or using any number

Time: 6622.36

of different cold objects or temperatures.

Time: 6626.47

One key thing, if you're going to use glabrous skin cooling,

Time: 6630.15

is that whatever you use to cool those surfaces

Time: 6633.19

cannot be so cold that it causes vasoconstriction.

Time: 6637.12

Because as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 6638.97

the arterio-venous anastomoses

Time: 6641.7

these portals of arteries directly to veins

Time: 6643.97

that exist only in these glabrous skin surfaces,

Time: 6649.64

the way that they're able to cool the body

Time: 6651.61

and essentially pass cool into the body

Time: 6653.95

although that's not really what they're doing,

Time: 6655.11

they're actually extracting heat from the body

Time: 6657.45

to be technical, they're extracting heat from the body,

Time: 6660.57

the only way they can do that is if those veins

Time: 6664.15

don't collapse and veins will collapse

Time: 6666.78

if they are made very, very cold.

Time: 6668.83

So if you want to use glabrous skin cooling

Time: 6671.58

to offset hyperthermia

Time: 6672.89

or for the other forms of performance,

Time: 6674.47

which we'll talk about in a moment,

Time: 6676.22

you need to use a cool object or surface

Time: 6679.69

that is not so cold that it causes vasoconstriction.

Time: 6682.27

And this can be a little bit tough to dial in,

Time: 6684.76

meaning it can be tough to identify such an object.

Time: 6687.96

And for that reason,

Time: 6688.85

Dr. Heller and some of his colleagues have developed

Time: 6690.87

a commercial product called the CoolMitt.

Time: 6692.54

You can actually go to their website,

Time: 6694.59

I don't have any financial or other relationship to them.

Time: 6697.83

I know they've been developing this technology

Time: 6699.56

for some period of time.

Time: 6700.47

It involves a glove that you put your hand into,

Time: 6703.58

it circulates water of a given temperature and it does so,

Time: 6707.8

and does so at a tempera or that is sure to not

Time: 6711.12

cause vasoconstriction of the palm.

Time: 6713.17

And you may be asking,

Time: 6714.003

how can you just put your hand into one glove

Time: 6716.22

and have this work?

Time: 6717.053

Well, that's how powerful these glabrous skin surfaces are.

Time: 6719.77

Even just by cooling one palm,

Time: 6722.85

the core body temperature drops radically.

Time: 6726.33

Now that's their commercial technology.

Time: 6728.96

I know that some people out there have started to experiment

Time: 6731.95

with a home version of this,

Time: 6733.1

which would be taking a package for instance

Time: 6735.64

of frozen blueberries or some other cold drink

Time: 6738.95

or cold metal object, and actually bringing it into the gym

Time: 6741.81

or out on a run.

Time: 6743.42

There are even people who are now developing

Time: 6745.13

cooled psych bicycle handles for long rides.

Time: 6749.23

This might seem a little kooky or crazy to you,

Time: 6751.32

but as you'll soon hear in the study

Time: 6753.8

I'm about to describe, the increases in endurance

Time: 6757.3

and in the volume of strength training

Time: 6759.89

that people can conduct if they appropriately cool

Time: 6763.3

their body through these glabrous skin portals

Time: 6766.19

is actually quite significant.

Time: 6768.41

So again, as it relates to hyperthermia,

Time: 6770.53

if someone is overheating by all means,

Time: 6772.88

try and get them out of that heat,

Time: 6774.25

get them to stop exercising, you can die from hyperthermia,

Time: 6777.65

try and cool the bottoms of the feet,

Time: 6779.08

the palms of their hands

Time: 6781.34

and the upper portion of their face.

Time: 6783.24

That does not mean it would be a bad idea

Time: 6786.48

to put cold water on the top of their head.

Time: 6788.2

That probably would also help and perhaps on their neck.

Time: 6790.69

What is probably not going to be a good idea is to do

Time: 6794.61

the more standard thing of draping someone in cold towels

Time: 6797.33

on the surface of their body because as I mentioned,

Time: 6799.22

the beginning of the episode,

Time: 6800.51

that thermostat in the hypothalamus,

Time: 6802.39

the medial preoptic area will typically react to that

Time: 6805.7

by increasing core body temperature further.

Time: 6808.27

The effects of glabrous skin cooling on physical performance

Time: 6811.59

are truly remarkable

Time: 6812.82

provided the glabrous skin cooling is done correctly.

Time: 6816.4

And I want to point out that the main degree of effect

Time: 6820

is on volume or the ability to do more work.

Time: 6824.22

And I want to point this out because I think that many people,

Time: 6827.69

certainly in the exercise science community,

Time: 6829.36

but even in the general public,

Time: 6830.55

when they hear about some of these effects

Time: 6832.46

that are measured in the laboratory,

Time: 6834.64

they sort of look at those effects a bit of scans

Time: 6839.13

and they think, well, that's not possible.

Time: 6841.09

Effects for instance, that have been documented

Time: 6843.43

showing doubling or tripling of the number of dips

Time: 6845.9

that one can do in a relatively short amount of time

Time: 6848.81

or doubling of the number of pullups one can do

Time: 6851.81

or 14% increases in strength or even comparable degrees

Time: 6855.57

in increase in weight training output

Time: 6858.33

to people who are on performance enhancing drugs,

Time: 6860.45

et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 6862.25

Part of the confusion is that the effects

Time: 6865.04

of proper palmer cooling,

Time: 6867.43

because it almost always is done by palmer cooling

Time: 6870.12

and less often in these experiments

Time: 6872.46

by cooling of the bottoms of the feet

Time: 6873.787

and the upper portion of the face,

Time: 6875.57

but those effects tend to be the ability to do more work

Time: 6881.54

over time and just to illustrate some of the major effects

Time: 6885.21

that the Heller lab is seen

Time: 6886.37

and they are document entered in this manuscript

Time: 6888.12

that I'll share with you in a moment.

Time: 6890.99

The typical protocol is to have people come in

Time: 6893.37

and do some endurance training

Time: 6894.77

so running on a treadmill and to have a condition where

Time: 6898.7

one group is actually doing palmer cooling

Time: 6901.02

while they are on a bike or on a treadmill

Time: 6903.64

and inevitably the outcome is that they can do more work.

Time: 6907

They can pedal further at a given speed,

Time: 6909.95

or they can run longer at a given speed than people

Time: 6913.19

who are not doing palmer cooling

Time: 6914.81

or who are receiving cooling by way of

Time: 6918.08

cold compress to the back of the neck or ice pack

Time: 6920.77

to the armpits, et cetera.

Time: 6922.82

So the effects of palmer cooling are very clear

Time: 6925.07

and very robust.

Time: 6926.76

And in the context of endurance exercise

Time: 6929.59

almost always allow people to do more work,

Time: 6931.96

to go longer with less perceived effort and to quit later

Time: 6935.41

so to speak.

Time: 6937.16

In terms of strength training,

Time: 6938.81

they've looked at the capacity to perform sets of dips.

Time: 6942.58

So one of the more famous examples of this

Time: 6944.81

that Dr. Heller shares in the episode that we did earlier,

Time: 6948.8

and that you can find at involves

Time: 6951.66

someone coming in and doing sets of dips, maybe 40 dips.

Time: 6955.94

This person actually could do 40 dips on their first set,

Time: 6958.36

then resting for a period of two to three minutes

Time: 6960.66

and then doing 35

Time: 6962.47

and then resting for a period of two or three minutes,

Time: 6964.53

and then doing progressively fewer and fewer and fewer

Time: 6966.87

to the point where over a period of time,

Time: 6969.43

they add up the total number of dips that they can do

Time: 6971.86

and then they have them come back

Time: 6974.26

after a period of recovery, so not immediately after,

Time: 6976.96

but take a couple of days,

Time: 6978.71

come back and do effectively the same protocol,

Time: 6981.57

but during their rest periods,

Time: 6982.93

they're doing two minutes of palmer cooling,

Time: 6985.92

which essentially allows heat to move out of the body,

Time: 6989.35

lowering core body temperature in other words.

Time: 6991.54

And what they find is that they see enormous increases

Time: 6995.35

in the total number of dips that people can do,

Time: 6997.34

but that doesn't mean that the person goes

Time: 6998.63

from being able to do 40 dips,

Time: 6999.91

to being able to do 50 dips or 60 dips on that first set,

Time: 7003.12

what it means is they are able to do 40 on the first set,

Time: 7006.07

then 40 on the second,

Time: 7007.26

then 38 on the third and so on and so forth

Time: 7010.09

so that the total duration of the workout is extended

Time: 7012.93

and yet they're doing much more work,

Time: 7015.53

even though it takes more time.

Time: 7017.33

So that's an important point

Time: 7019.167

and I think a point that perhaps wasn't as clear

Time: 7022.84

or as clearly made by me in the previous episodes

Time: 7025.42

that discuss this topic.

Time: 7027.46

For those of you that are interested

Time: 7028.75

in exploring palmer cooling, first of all,

Time: 7031.45

I recommend taking a brief glance or even a deep dive

Time: 7035.09

into this study,

Time: 7037.09

which is entitled work volume

Time: 7038.6

and strength training responses to resistive exercise

Time: 7041.24

improve with periodic heat extraction from the palm.

Time: 7045.4

In this study, they describe big increases in anaerobic,

Time: 7050.85

meaning strength training output,

Time: 7052.66

things like improvement in dips,

Time: 7055.28

improvement in bench press,

Time: 7057

improvement in pull-ups, et cetera, in human subjects.

Time: 7060.84

And it's a really nice study and points

Time: 7063.07

to some of the protocols that you might be able

Time: 7064.89

to adapt in your own setup.

Time: 7066.81

For instance, over six weeks of pull up training,

Time: 7068.92

palm cooling in between sets improved volume by 144%,

Time: 7074.64

and this was in experienced subjects.

Time: 7076.52

So that's interesting because a lot of studies

Time: 7078.89

of strength training and improvements in hypertrophy

Time: 7081.38

and strength are done in inexperienced untrained athletes,

Time: 7084.61

which changes the picture somewhat

Time: 7087.37

compared to experienced athletes.

Time: 7090.68

They found that strength,

Time: 7091.98

meaning the one repetition maximum,

Time: 7093.48

increased 22% over 10 weeks in bench press training.

Time: 7097.17

And they point to the particularly strong effects

Time: 7100.05

of using palmer cooling when people reach plateaus

Time: 7103.41

in endurance and strength training.

Time: 7105.12

And there, I think it's an important point.

Time: 7106.68

I think that if you're going to explore palmer cooling,

Time: 7110.3

it's probably not the sort of thing that you're going to do

Time: 7112.6

in every run or in every about of cycling

Time: 7116.05

or in every strength training session,

Time: 7118.64

but that it might be used to vastly increase your volume

Time: 7122.52

or vastly increase your endurance

Time: 7124.59

in a given session or a set of sessions

Time: 7126.7

in order to push through plateaus.

Time: 7129.1

A particularly interesting point in light of that

Time: 7131.66

is Dr. Heller has observed again and again

Time: 7134.71

that palmer cooling reduces delayed onset muscle soreness,

Time: 7137.65

or it can eliminate it entirely.

Time: 7139.49

And that's very interest because it also points to the fact

Time: 7142.07

that reducing core body temperature may somehow be involved

Time: 7145.35

in short circuiting

Time: 7146.2

the normal mechanisms of delayed onset muscle soreness.

Time: 7149.66

And you might say, well,

Time: 7150.54

how would temperature be involved

Time: 7152.38

in delayed onset muscle soreness?

Time: 7154.36

Well, I want to refer you back to the meta-analysis

Time: 7157.61

that we talked about earlier, where the short duration,

Time: 7160.39

very cold temperature exposure after training did indeed

Time: 7163.99

reduce delayed onset muscle soreness

Time: 7165.52

in part through reduction, excuse me, in creatine kinase.

Time: 7168.99

So it's not inconceivable that temperature

Time: 7172.31

and delayed onset muscle soreness are related.

Time: 7175

And that raises perhaps the most important point,

Time: 7177.21

which is the way that palmer cooling can improve performance

Time: 7182.57

by way of reducing core body temperature is known

Time: 7186.11

and that is because when one engages in exercise

Time: 7190.4

or muscular output of any kind,

Time: 7192.12

strength or endurance exercise,

Time: 7194.93

the range of temperatures under which a muscle can perform

Time: 7198.41

is actually very narrow.

Time: 7200.61

There's an enzyme called pyruvate kinase,

Time: 7202.8

which is critical to muscle contractions

Time: 7205.64

and pyruvate kinase can only function

Time: 7207.94

in a very narrow range of temperatures.

Time: 7209.81

If that temperature gets too hot,

Time: 7211.55

meaning if the muscle heats up locally,

Time: 7213.93

whether or not by running

Time: 7214.763

or cycling or swimming or weightlifting,

Time: 7217.99

the ability for that muscle to continue

Time: 7219.87

to contract is reduced and eventually

Time: 7222.16

is short circuited completely.

Time: 7223.95

And I think this is a much underexplored

Time: 7226.89

or at least a much under discussed aspect

Time: 7229.42

of so-called muscular failure or the failure

Time: 7232.29

of one to continue to endure in running.

Time: 7235.31

So for instance,

Time: 7236.143

when you run as compared to a bench press or something,

Time: 7238.75

you don't stop running

Time: 7239.95

because you can't actually contract the muscles further,

Time: 7242.47

but somehow signals about the heating up

Time: 7246.04

of muscular tissue are conveyed to the brain.

Time: 7248.74

There's a crosstalk there,

Time: 7249.76

it's probably bidirectional and people stop, they quit.

Time: 7253.37

This is the quitting reflex.

Time: 7256.1

In strength training, one can no longer perform a repetition

Time: 7260.21

or set of repetitions in part

Time: 7261.76

because of heating up of the muscle locally.

Time: 7263.5

There are other mechanisms as well, of course,

Time: 7265.58

and I realize that,

Time: 7267.03

but what's very clear from the palmer cooling work is that

Time: 7270.39

by simply holding onto a cool object,

Time: 7273.26

remember not an object so cold

Time: 7274.91

that it constricts the vessels of the palms

Time: 7277.14

or constricts the vessels on the bottoms of the feet,

Time: 7280.07

but by holding onto a relatively cool object

Time: 7282.8

in one or both hands in between sets for two minutes or so,

Time: 7286.12

you can very efficiently reduce your core body temperature

Time: 7289.81

and in doing so, reduce the temperature of the muscles

Time: 7292.92

that are doing the work,

Time: 7295.09

increase the capacity for pyruvate kinase

Time: 7297.91

to continue to allow your muscles to contract

Time: 7300.8

and thereby allow you to do more volume of endurance

Time: 7304.01

and strength training.

Time: 7305.05

So a simple protocol that Dr. Heller passed to me

Time: 7308.24

is find a relatively cool object.

Time: 7311.61

So you could, for instance,

Time: 7312.67

fill two bottles with cold water,

Time: 7314.41

maybe put a few ice cubes in there.

Time: 7316.46

This is not exact because we're not talking about

Time: 7318.62

the commercial CoolMitt product here,

Time: 7320.06

we're talking about an at home version

Time: 7321.82

or use a pack of frozen blueberries or broccoli

Time: 7325.31

sort of pack of those as what he described.

Time: 7327.83

And then in between sets to put your hands

Time: 7330.42

and ideally you'd put the bottoms of your feet,

Time: 7332.12

but that's not always feasible in most gyms

Time: 7333.92

where they won't let you take off your shoes and so forth,

Time: 7336.22

but to put the palms of your hands on that cool surface

Time: 7339.16

for a minute or two minutes between sets

Time: 7342.57

and then returning to your sets of work.

Time: 7344.93

Now, if you are heating up through other mechanisms

Time: 7348.71

like you're wearing a stocking cap

Time: 7350.02

and you're in a very warm environment,

Time: 7351.54

this might not have as potent effect

Time: 7353.42

as if you were to do this cooling

Time: 7355.11

in a more moderate environment,

Time: 7356.77

wearing lighter clothing, et cetera.

Time: 7358.7

So by all means warm up to do your exercise,

Time: 7361.51

lubricate your joints,

Time: 7362.49

and get into a place where you're not going to injure yourself,

Time: 7364.38

doing whatever form of exercise you do.

Time: 7366.45

But then if you'd like to explore palmer cooling,

Time: 7368.95

I know a number of people who've written to me saying

Time: 7371.16

they heard about palmer cooling

Time: 7372.26

on the episode with Dr. Heller.

Time: 7373.5

They've tried this and they see quite excellent results.

Time: 7376.66

It does take some discipline.

Time: 7378.25

It's one thing to just kind of hang out in the gym

Time: 7379.99

and play on your phone in between sets.

Time: 7381.28

It's another to do deliberate cooling with your palms

Time: 7384.14

or the bottom of your feet

Time: 7384.973

or the upper portion of your face.

Time: 7386.237

You might get some weird looks,

Time: 7387.92

but of course you'll be the one

Time: 7389.11

doing significantly more volume,

Time: 7391.09

not experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness and achieving

Time: 7394.56

better endurance and strength gains

Time: 7396.04

were you to do this properly.

Time: 7397.54

Now as a final topic related to the use

Time: 7399.96

of deliberate cold exposure for improving health

Time: 7402.65

and performance, I'd like to touch on this theme

Time: 7406.21

that exists online, on social media,

Time: 7408.33

on YouTube and in various fitness communities

Time: 7411.8

of using deliberate cold exposure to the groin,

Time: 7414.34

in particular to the testicles,

Time: 7416.36

in order to try and increase testosterone.

Time: 7419.31

And while this might sound really kooky,

Time: 7422.52

indeed this practice exists.

Time: 7424.4

Indeed if you were to go onto Amazon,

Time: 7427.15

there are actually ice pack underwear

Time: 7430.718

that are being marketed for sake of increasing testosterone.

Time: 7434.84

Now, I am not aware of any specific well-controlled studies

Time: 7437.84

that show that this indeed works.

Time: 7440.42

I can imagine based on what I know about the nervous system,

Time: 7443.74

testosterone and cold, et cetera,

Time: 7446.05

that there are a couple of mechanisms

Time: 7447.38

by which one might experience increases in testosterone

Time: 7451.04

as a consequence of deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 7453.16

First off, let me say there is no reason why

Time: 7455.15

you would have to apply these ice packs

Time: 7458

in the way that I just described.

Time: 7460.41

One could of course take a cold shower.

Time: 7462.25

One could of course use cold immersion of various kinds,

Time: 7466.32

and you're still going to get that exposure

Time: 7468.7

of the groin and the testicles to cold.

Time: 7471.43

Now I should point out that people do report

Time: 7474.72

at least anecdotally increases in testosterone

Time: 7478.49

as a consequence of this practice

Time: 7480.04

and I have to imagine

Time: 7481.22

that they are measuring their serum testosterone,

Time: 7483.08

that they're not just guessing

Time: 7484.08

that their testosterone went up.

Time: 7486.46

If you know of a study exploring this directly,

Time: 7488.53

please let me know, put in the comment section on YouTube,

Time: 7491.55

or even just email me.

Time: 7493.2

We have a email that you can find it,

Time: 7497.42

Please email me the reference.

Time: 7498.91

I wasn't able to find a reference,

Time: 7500.63

but I can imagine two reasonably plausible mechanisms

Time: 7504.26

by which deliberate cold exposure to the groin,

Time: 7507.57

in particular the testicles, would increase testosterone.

Time: 7510.77

The first is somewhat direct,

Time: 7513.28

which is that anytime you cool a body surface,

Time: 7517.11

that if it's cold enough,

Time: 7518.53

you're going to get vasoconstriction.

Time: 7520.32

And then subsequently you're going to get

Time: 7521.96

a rebound increase in vasodilation,

Time: 7524.73

meaning you're going to constrict

Time: 7526.02

the blood vessels in that area.

Time: 7527.45

And then after the cold is removed,

Time: 7529.56

there's going to be more blood flow to that area.

Time: 7531.939

And of course,

Time: 7532.938

blood flow relates to organ health

Time: 7534.5

and tissue health generally.

Time: 7535.84

So perfusion of that region and the gonads to be specific

Time: 7541.55

with additional blood,

Time: 7542.91

you could imagine in some ways increasing testosterone,

Time: 7546.24

that's reasonably plausible.

Time: 7548.34

The other probably more likely mechanism

Time: 7551.06

relates to the dopamine increases caused by cold exposure

Time: 7554.94

that we talked about earlier.

Time: 7556.34

Again, anytime you have a somewhat stressful stimulus,

Time: 7559.69

but in particular with cold exposure,

Time: 7561.48

it seems that the catecholamines,

Time: 7563.3

norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine all increase

Time: 7567.36

and dopamine is known to be in the pathway

Time: 7570.84

that can stimulate testosterone.

Time: 7573.1

And so while there isn't a direct relationship

Time: 7575.13

between dopamine stimulating testosterone,

Time: 7577.3

there is an interesting pathway way whereby

Time: 7579.08

dopamine increases can trigger increases

Time: 7581.33

in things like luteinizing hormone,

Time: 7583.35

which can trigger increases in testosterone

Time: 7586.1

as well as estrogen for that matter.

Time: 7588.19

So I know that there are a lot of people out there

Time: 7590.22

that are interested in the use of cold exposure

Time: 7592.01

for increasing testosterone.

Time: 7593.4

And some of those people in communities are

Time: 7596.39

indeed using cold exposure directly on the gonads,

Time: 7600.28

on the testees in order to do this.

Time: 7602.46

I'm not certain that that direct contact is necessary.

Time: 7606.4

And in some cases it might actually be quite dangerous

Time: 7611.07

or you at least should be careful in terms of tissues there

Time: 7614.12

and avoiding damage.

Time: 7615.81

But nonetheless, I think that a dopamine impact

Time: 7619.92

on testosterone is very likely given the 250% increases

Time: 7624.07

in dopamine that have been observed

Time: 7625.34

with cold water immersion and all of that points to the fact

Time: 7627.68

that cold water immersion

Time: 7630.73

very likely increases testosterone,

Time: 7633.36

but as a downstream consequence

Time: 7635.3

of the cold water immersion effects on dopamine

Time: 7638.18

and luteinizing hormone,

Time: 7639.55

and again there's no reason to think that the increases

Time: 7642.26

in luteinizing hormone would also increase estrogen.

Time: 7645.29

Probably not to dangerous or levels

Time: 7649.35

that one would want to avoid,

Time: 7651.6

but I don't think that there's anything

Time: 7653.19

particularly specific about cold

Time: 7655.68

for inducing testosterone and not other hormones.

Time: 7658.18

I think it's very likely to increases

Time: 7659.56

a number of different hormones.

Time: 7661.57

I do hope that there will be a systematic study on this

Time: 7664.32

in the not too distant future.

Time: 7665.85

I also hope to not be a subject

Time: 7667.76

in the cooling of the gonads experiment.

Time: 7670.4

Now I promise you the last topic was the last topic,

Time: 7672.59

but there's one other really important point

Time: 7674.62

that I think everyone should be aware of

Time: 7676.44

if you're going to use deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 7679.07

And that brings us back to the very first thing

Time: 7681.97

that we discussed today,

Time: 7683.51

along the lines of deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 7685.21

which is that your baseline temperature

Time: 7687.2

is going to be lowest about two hours before you wake up,

Time: 7691.49

it's going to increase in the morning

Time: 7693.76

and as you wake up

Time: 7695.07

and increase throughout the day and afternoon,

Time: 7697.28

and then start to drop in the evening and come down at night

Time: 7700.39

as you head to sleep.

Time: 7703.01

I also want you to remember that if you are to cool

Time: 7706.52

the external portion of your body, in particular your torso,

Time: 7710.37

the net effect of that is going to be an increase

Time: 7713.83

in body temperature.

Time: 7715.51

So for many people, not all, but for many people,

Time: 7718.94

if you are going to do deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 7722.01

you are going to increase your core body temperature

Time: 7725.22

and that makes sense

Time: 7726.053

if you think about how deliberate cold exposure

Time: 7728.64

can increase metabolism by increasing thermogenesis.

Time: 7732.44

What that all means is that if you are doing

Time: 7736.12

your deliberate cold exposure early in the day,

Time: 7738.74

you are going to get yet a further increase

Time: 7741.53

in core body temperature

Time: 7743.08

that would be associated with wakefulness,

Time: 7745.66

your ability to be alert that morning

Time: 7747.49

or throughout the day and so on.

Time: 7750.32

It also means that if you do your deliberate cold exposure

Time: 7753.92

very late in the evening, or at night,

Time: 7756.33

so 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:00 PM and so on,

Time: 7761.34

you are going to increase your core body temperature

Time: 7763.787

and if you recall,

Time: 7765.83

a decrease in core body temperature

Time: 7767.64

of one to three degrees is not just beneficial,

Time: 7771.35

but is necessary in order to get into deep sleep

Time: 7774.38

and remain in deep sleep.

Time: 7776.41

So the takeaway from this is deliberate cold exposure

Time: 7779.73

done properly will increase your core body temperature

Time: 7782.28

and make you feel more alert.

Time: 7784.27

So if you're doing it early in the day,

Time: 7786.23

that's probably terrific

Time: 7788.21

given that most of us want to be alert during the day.

Time: 7790.99

However, if you do it too late in the day, evening or night,

Time: 7794.56

it can disrupt sleep by way of disrupting

Time: 7797.04

your core body temperature.

Time: 7798.82

Now, the caveat to that is I myself

Time: 7802.36

tend to do deliberate cold exposure early in the day.

Time: 7805.19

Maybe not first thing in the morning, but mid morning,

Time: 7807.6

maybe as late as three or four in the afternoon

Time: 7809.63

in some cases.

Time: 7810.463

In the longer days of summer, I might do it even later,

Time: 7812.8

five or 6:00 PM and have no trouble sleeping.

Time: 7815.65

I have done deliberate cold exposure very late at night,

Time: 7818.97

10:00 PM, 11:00 PM and so on

Time: 7821.78

as part of a 30 day challenge

Time: 7823.23

of doing deliberate cold exposure every day for 30 days

Time: 7825.99

and I got sloppy with my timing

Time: 7827.57

and then in order to not miss a day,

Time: 7829.34

I would do it at 11 o'clock at night.

Time: 7831.01

And I must say

Time: 7831.91

I found that I could still fall asleep very easily,

Time: 7835.37

even doing deliberate cold exposure very late at night.

Time: 7838.1

However, on those particular days, I was particularly busy

Time: 7842.32

and so I was particularly exhausted when I arrived

Time: 7845.61

at the deliberate cold exposure

Time: 7846.9

and I had no trouble falling asleep

Time: 7849.14

after doing deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 7850.6

and then taking a nice warm shower and then going to sleep.

Time: 7853.05

But I could imagine that because of the increases

Time: 7856.06

in core body temperature caused by deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 7859.38

that were one to do that too late in the day,

Time: 7862.1

evening or night that it could indeed disrupt your sleep.

Time: 7864.91

So my recommendation would be

Time: 7866.24

for most people only do deliberate cold exposure

Time: 7869.25

if you are prepared to be fairly alert for the next one

Time: 7872.75

to four or maybe had been six hours

Time: 7874.91

following that deliberate cold exposure.

Time: 7877.04

So for today's episode,

Time: 7878.24

as is the case with most episodes

Time: 7880.18

of the Huberman Lab Podcast, I covered a lot of material.

Time: 7883.22

We talked about mechanisms of catecholamines and stress

Time: 7885.99

and pulsatile release of epinephrine, metabolism,

Time: 7889.48

mental effects, performance, glabrous skin cooling

Time: 7891.947

and on and on and on.

Time: 7893.92

And while the goal of course is to make sure that everyone

Time: 7897.03

arrives at specific,

Time: 7898.54

very clear mechanistic and actionable protocols,

Time: 7901.8

I do realize that it is an immense amount of information.

Time: 7904.82

And for that reason,

Time: 7905.68

I've created a list of deliberate cold exposure protocols

Time: 7909.97

aimed at improving mental toughness and resilience,

Time: 7913.7

mood, performance, metabolism, reducing inflammation,

Time: 7918.1

and so on and so forth.

Time: 7919.49

All of those have been condensed into succinct form

Time: 7922.74

and can be found at the Huberman Lab

Time: 7925.21

Neural Network Newsletter.

Time: 7926.92

This is a monthly or semi-monthly newsletter

Time: 7929.42

that we release

Time: 7930.253

that includes takeaways from the podcast and protocols.

Time: 7933.7

You can access those as protocols zero cost

Time: 7936.52

by simply going to,

Time: 7939.11

signing up for the neural network newsletter.

Time: 7940.93

It's very easy to do, you just supply your email

Time: 7943.23

and you will receive the newsletter.

Time: 7944.97

We do not share your email with anybody else.

Time: 7947.83

In fact, we have our privacy policy laid out

Time: 7950.78

on the website

Time: 7952.95

so you can find that there and the protocols

Time: 7955.87

that I've designed should make it very straightforward

Time: 7958.12

for you to create a set of protocols

Time: 7961.33

that you could use with cold showers, with cold immersion,

Time: 7963.62

with or without ice in combination with exercise

Time: 7966.36

specifically for one goal or another,

Time: 7967.96

or to accomplish multiple goals simultaneously.

Time: 7970.62

If you're learning from and or enjoying this podcast,

Time: 7972.82

please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Time: 7974.62

That's a terrific zero cost way to support us.

Time: 7977.29

In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on Spotify

Time: 7980.43

and or Apple and on Apple,

Time: 7982

you have the opportunity to leave us

Time: 7983.55

up to a five star review.

Time: 7985.24

You can also now leave reviews on Spotify

Time: 7987.97

so we'd appreciate if you would do so.

Time: 7990.08

If you have suggestions for future guests or topics

Time: 7992.76

that you would like us to cover or feedback generally

Time: 7995.51

for the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 7996.81

please put that in the comment section on YouTube.

Time: 7999.66

Please also check out the sponsors mentioned

Time: 8001.47

at the beginning of today's episode,

Time: 8003.35

that is the best way to support this podcast.

Time: 8005.91

In addition, we have a Patreon,

Time: 8007.66


Time: 8010.42

And there you can support the podcast at any level

Time: 8012.93

that you like.

Time: 8013.8

On many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 8016.39

we talk about supplements.

Time: 8017.86

While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,

Time: 8019.97

many people derive tremendous benefit from them,

Time: 8022.21

for things like sleep and focus

Time: 8023.98

and other aspects of health and performance.

Time: 8026.52

One issue with the supplement industry

Time: 8028.01

that's very serious, however,

Time: 8029.63

is that these supplement companies simply

Time: 8032.02

do not use high quality ingredients

Time: 8033.85

or the amounts of the ingredients they list on the packaging

Time: 8037.22

does not match what's actually contained in their product.

Time: 8039.83

For that reason,

Time: 8040.663

we partner with Thorne, T-H-O-R-N-E,

Time: 8043.57

because Thorne supplements

Time: 8044.78

are known to be of the very highest quality ingredients

Time: 8047.35

and the very highest degree of specificity in terms of

Time: 8050.97

the amounts of the ingredients

Time: 8052.19

that are listed on the packaging

Time: 8053.75

accurately match what's contained in their products.

Time: 8056.67

If you'd like to see the Thorne products that I take,

Time: 8058.59

you can go to Thorne, that's

Time: 8064.107

And there, you can see the Thorne products

Time: 8065.72

that I take and get 20% off any of those products.

Time: 8068.62

In addition, if you navigate deeper into the Thorne site,

Time: 8071.08

through that portal, Thorne,,

Time: 8076.41

you can also get 20% off

Time: 8077.79

any of the other products that Thorne makes.

Time: 8080.07

If you're not already subscribed to Huberman Lab

Time: 8082.19

on Instagram and Twitter, please do so.

Time: 8084.47

There I cover science and science related tools

Time: 8086.92

that sometimes overlap with the content of the podcast,

Time: 8089.64

but oftentimes is distinct from the information

Time: 8091.94

covered on this podcast.

Time: 8093.61

So thank you once again

Time: 8094.69

for joining me in the discussion about the use

Time: 8097.18

of deliberate cold exposure for health and performance

Time: 8099.97

and last but certainly not least,

Time: 8102.25

thank you for your interest in science.

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