Using Caffeine to Optimize Mental & Physical Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast 101

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor

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of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today we are discussing caffeine.

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Caffeine is one of the most widely used substances

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on the planet.

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Estimates are that more than 90% of adults and as many as 50%

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of kids that is adolescents and teenagers

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use caffeine on a daily basis.

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Caffeine is an amazing molecule.

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Most people are familiar with caffeine's ability

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to increase alertness and to reduce our feelings

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of sleepiness and fatigue.

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And indeed, it does that.

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But what most people are not aware of

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is that caffeine acts as a strong reinforcer.

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What I mean by reinforcer is that, when caffeine

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is present in a drink or food--

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and yes, indeed, caffeine is present in many foods

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even unbeknownst to us.

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When it's present in drinks and foods,

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we actively come to like those foods and drinks more than

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if caffeine were not contained in those foods and drinks.

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So it reinforces our liking of particular foods and drinks.

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And indeed, it even reinforces our liking

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of the containers they are consumed from

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and the company we keep when we consume foods and drinks that

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contain caffeine.

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That is, caffeine is not just a stimulant.

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Caffeine is a reinforcer.

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And it's a reinforcer that plays an active role in almost

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everybody's daily life.

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We can say that with confidence because, as I mentioned

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a moment ago, more than 90% of people are consuming caffeine.

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And most people think that they consume caffeine because it

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makes them feel more alert.

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But there are many reasons why you're consuming caffeine.

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And I'm not going to tell you that consuming caffeine is

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necessarily bad.

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In fact, today, I'm going to tell you about many

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of the positive health benefits of caffeine,

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including neuroprotective effects,

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antidepressive effects, and certainly

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performance-enhancing effects, both for mental performance

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and for physical performance.

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Now that said, there are certain situations in which you

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want to avoid caffeine, and there are certain people who

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might opt to avoid caffeine.

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That's especially the case when one thinks about caffeine

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not just as a stimulant but as a reinforcer.

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In fact, caffeine is such a strong reinforcer

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that, if even tiny amounts of caffeine

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are present in certain foods and drinks,

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you will very quickly come to prefer those foods

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and drinks over other choices, which

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can be a good thing or a bad thing,

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depending on what sorts of food and drink choices

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you're trying to make.

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So today, I'm going to inform you

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about how caffeine works at a mechanistic level.

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I promise to do that with a minimum

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of nomenclature and such that, even if you don't have

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a background in biology, you will

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be able to digest that information easily.

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And then I'll tell you how to use caffeine to your advantage

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or conversely how to avoid caffeine at certain times

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to your advantage.

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So today's episode will focus both on mechanisms and tools

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that is the use and leverage of caffeine

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to improve mental health, physical health,

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and performance.

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Before we go any further into today's discussion,

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I want to tell you about some recent results about a molecule

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that's found in certain caffeinated beverages

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and that has been proven to be very useful for both weight

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loss, mental performance, and controlling blood sugar levels.

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And that's GLP-1 or glucagon-like peptide 1.

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Glucagon-like peptide 1 is found in the brain and body.

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It acts both on the brain and body.

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It does many different things.

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But one of its primary effects that's been discovered

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is to reduce hunger.

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And it does that in two ways.

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It does that by activating certain neurons

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in your hypothalamus.

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So that's a brain region that controls hunger and satiety.

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It makes us feel full at the level of the brain,

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so it makes us feel sated, that is.

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And it actually makes us feel full.

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It turns out that GLP-1 acts on certain receptors in the gut

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to make us feel as if we've ingested enough food.

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It doesn't necessarily make us feel

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as if our gut is distended, but it makes us feel full.

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That's really interesting because, if you

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think about it, when we eat, our stomach fills up, obviously.

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And that information has to be communicated to the brain such

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that the brain can then send satiety signals that actually

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shut off our hunger.

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And believe it or not, the brain actually

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activates signals to reduce the desire

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to chew when our stomach is full.

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And GLP-1, as I mentioned, works on the brain

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to create these feelings of satiety as if we've had enough

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and to reduce our desire to eat more.

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And GLP-1 acts directly on the gut

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to give us a slight sense of fullness in the gut, which then

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is communicated to the brain.

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So really, there are two parallel signals

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being sent when we have GLP-1 present in our system.

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Now a little bit of relevant history on GLP-1.

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It was actually discovered in Gila monsters.

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These are these reptiles that can go long periods of time

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without eating.

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And a very clever scientist decided

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to study why it is that certain animals like Gila monsters

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can go a long period of time without ingesting anything.

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And it's because they produce very large amounts of GLP-1.

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They isolate the peptide from GLP-1,

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then they looked for the analogous peptide in humans.

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And it turns out that does exist.

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And as I mentioned, it's released in both brain and body

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to make you feel full and sated.

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Why am I telling you all this?

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Well, today we're going to talk about caffeine.

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And there's one particular caffeine source,

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which is yerba maté, and there are some other forms of teas

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similar to yerba mate that stimulate the release of GLP-1

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There are also nowadays drugs which are called analogues

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of GLP-1.

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So these are drugs that mimic or are

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identical to the kind of GLP-1 that you would make.

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And those drugs are proven to be very effective

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for the treatment of certain forms of diabetes

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and for the treatment of obesity,

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but they trigger enormous amounts

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of GLP-1 pathway activation.

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So those are extreme cases for people that are really

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struggling for weight loss.

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But the clinical trials and the data that are out there

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in the general population now are very,

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very promising for GLP-1 analogues.

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Yerba maté tea, provided it's not the smoked variety--

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and I mention that because a number of people have cued me

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to the fact that yerba maté teas come in smoked varieties

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and nonsmoked varieties.

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And the smoked varieties are thought

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to perhaps be carcinogenic.

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That is, procancer-causing.

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So I advise people to avoid smoked varieties of yerba maté

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But yerba maté teas are known to stimulate significant amounts

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of GLP-1 release.

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And so they can be effective as a weight loss tool,

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mainly by blunting appetite.

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And again, they do that both at the level of the brain

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and at the level of the gut.

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Now all of what I just told you has

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been known for some period of time,

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but there are new set of findings that were just

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published in Cell Reports Medicine, Cell Press

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journal, excellent journal--

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which indicate exactly how it is that GLP-1

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stimulates both satiety and can trigger additional weight

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loss through other mechanisms.

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And I find the mechanism to be really interesting and actually

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really important, given some other topics we've

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covered on this podcast before.

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So the basic finding is that GLP-1,

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whether or not it's stimulated through the release of analogue

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drug that one is prescribed or by drinking yerba maté tea,

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for instance, and stimulate release of your own so-called

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endogenous GLP-1, yes, it makes you feel more full at the level

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of brain and body.

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But it turns out it also stimulates thermogenesis.

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Now thermogenesis is the active utilization

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of more metabolic energy.

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And fat cells, in particular-- so-called beige and brown fat

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are a potent source of thermogenic activity

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in your body.

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The basic background is that you have white adipose cells, so

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white fat cells.

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You have beige fat cells, and you have brown fat cells.

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And the beige and brown ones are fat cells

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that you actually want more of.

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They are not abundant under your skin.

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They're abundant really around your clavicles

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and your upper neck.

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They are the ones that generate heat.

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And the beige and brownness of them

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is actually the consequence of having a lot of mitochondria

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in those cells.

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When GLP-1 is elevated in your system,

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it turns out that it communicates

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to those white fat cells and helps convert them

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into beige and brown fat cells.

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That is, it takes fat cells that are not

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doing anything useful for you except being stored energy.

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And I think most people out there

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would like to have fewer of those white adipose cells.

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There are few of you out there that actually

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need more of them that are too thin, too lean,

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but most people are suffering from having too many

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of these white adipose cells.

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Well, when you ingest yerba maté tea or you were to take a GLP-1

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analogue or stimulate GLP-1 in any number of different ways,

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yes, you stimulate increased satiety,

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but you're also stimulating the conversion of these white fat

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cells into beige and brown fat cells,

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which makes you more thermogenic and over time raises your basal

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metabolic rate.

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So you're burning more calories even at rest.

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It also makes you feel as if you're

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more comfortable in colder environments at rest.

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This is very much the same as the mechanism that's

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induced when you were to, say, take a cold shower

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or do regular ice baths or get into cold water regularly.

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That, too, stimulates the conversion of white fat cells

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to beige and brown fat cells.

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So I like these findings very much

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because they provide a mechanistic coherence.

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They provide that is a really nice story as to how

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something like GLP-1 could be so effective for weight loss.

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Yes, on the one hand, GLP-1 is reducing appetite,

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and that, of course, will help people maintain or lose weight.

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But it's also increasing basal metabolic rate.

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And we now know how that's accomplished.

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It's likely accomplished at least through this one

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mechanism by the stimulation of conversion

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of these white fat cells, which don't do much for us

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except as energy storage units to these metabolically

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mitochondrial-rich beige and brown fat cells,

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which you can think of as sort of the oil in the candle

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that allows your furnace, your metabolism to burn at a higher

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temperature and a higher rate.

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So that's the mechanism.

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And the basic tool takeaway is that,

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if you are somebody who's interested in losing weight

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and you want to leverage the GLP-1 pathway,

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drinking a cup or two of yerba maté tea early in the day would

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be a great way to stimulate GLP-1 release.

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There are other ways to stimulate GLP-1 release.

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You can get it through certain forms of exercise.

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In particular, fasted exercise.

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This is actually a vote in favor of fasted exercise.

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There's a debate as to whether or not

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fasted cardio burns more fat than nonfasted cardio.

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And the data basically say no, it doesn't really matter.

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But that doesn't really take into account

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the longer arc of things like GLP-1 release,

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so that needs to be taken into consideration.

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So you could do fasted cardio.

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You could drink yerba maté tea, keeping in mind that yerba maté

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tea does contain caffeine.

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We'll talk more about the specific forms of stimulants

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including caffeine that maté has.

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But maté would be a great way to stimulate GLP-1 release.

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And then, of course, for those of you that are interested

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in more robust activation of GLP-1,

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then perhaps you might want to consider some of the new

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prescription GLP-1 analogues that are out there.

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But that's a more severe stimulus for GLP-1, of course.

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And for everybody, regardless of whether or not you're trying

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to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain weight,

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I think we're going to be hearing a lot more about GLP-1

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analogues and drinks and supplements and things of that

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sort that stimulate GLP-1 in the very near future because it

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does appear to be a very important biological mechanism.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information

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about science and science-related tools

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to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme, I'd like

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to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Levels.

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Levels is a program that lets you

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see how different foods affect your health by giving you

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real-time feedback on your diet using a continuous glucose

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The blood glucose or blood sugar is a critical aspect

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of your immediate and long-term health and, indeed,

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your feelings of vigor and mental clarity and well-being

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at any moment.

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One of the key things is to know how different foods and food

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combinations and timing of food intake

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is impacting blood glucose.

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And with Levels, you're able to assess

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all of that in real time.

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I tried Levels, and what it taught

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me, for instance, was that I can eat certain foods

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at certain times of day.

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But if I eat them at other times a day,

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I get a blood sugar crash.

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It also taught me, for instance, how

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to space my exercise and my food intake.

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Turns out for me exercising fasted is far more beneficial.

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That's something I learned using Levels,

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and it's completely transformed not just the spacing and timing

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of my diet and exercise but also use

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of things like the sauna and other activities.

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It's been a tremendous learning for me

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that's really shaped an enormous number of factors in my life

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that have led to me feeling far more vigorous with far more

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mental focus and physical strength and endurance.

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So if you're interested in learning more about Levels

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and trying a continuous glucose monitor yourself,

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go to

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Again, that's

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Today's episode is also brought to us by Eight Sleep.

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Eight Sleep make smart mattress covers with cooling, heating,

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and sleep-tracking capacity.

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I've talked many times on this podcast

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about the critical relationship between sleep and body

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That is, in order to fall asleep and stay deeply asleep

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throughout the night, our body temperature

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needs to drop by about 1 to 3 degrees.

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And conversely, when we wake up in the morning,

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that is in large part because of our body

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heating up by 1 to 3 degrees.

Time: 787.948

Now people have different core body temperatures,

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and they tend to run colder or hotter throughout the night.

Time: 792.51

Eight Sleep allows you to adjust the temperature

Time: 794.533

of your sleeping environment so that you

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have the optimal temperature that gets you the best night's

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Time: 799.29

I started sleeping on an Eight Sleep mattress

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cover about eight months ago, and it has completely

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transformed my sleep.

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I sleep so much deeper.

Time: 806.61

I wake up far less during the middle of the night, if at all.

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And I wake up feeling far better than I ever have even

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after the same amount of sleep.

Time: 814.01

If you want to try Eight Sleep, you can go

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to to save up to $400 off their Sleep

Time: 820.29

Fit Holiday Bundle, which includes their new Pod 3 Cover.

Time: 823.62

Eight Sleep currently ships in the USA,

Time: 825.51

Canada, United Kingdom, selected countries in the EU,

Time: 828.36

and Australia.

Time: 829.56

Again, that's

Time: 832.26

Today's episode is also brought to us by ROKA.

Time: 834.69

ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 836.94

that are of the absolute highest quality.

Time: 839.07

The company was founded by two all-American swimmers

Time: 841.26

from Stanford.

Time: 842.16

And everything about ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 844.68

were designed with performance in mind.

Time: 846.72

I've spent a lifetime working on the biology, the visual system.

Time: 849.61

And I can tell you that your visual system has

Time: 851.13

to contend with an enormous number of challenges in order

Time: 853.65

for you to see clearly, for instance, when you move

Time: 855.775

from a sunny area to a shady area

Time: 857.15

and back again, whether or not you're looking at something up

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close or often to the distance.

Time: 861

ROKA understands the biology of the visual system

Time: 863.46

and has designed their eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 865.65

accordingly, so you always see with perfect clarity.

Time: 868.44

ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses were initially

Time: 870.6

designed for activities such as running and cycling.

Time: 873.847

And indeed, they are very lightweight.

Time: 875.43

Most of the time I can't even remember

Time: 876.84

that they're on my face.

Time: 877.77

They're so lightweight.

Time: 878.728

But the important thing to know about ROKA eyeglasses

Time: 880.95

and sunglasses is that, while they

Time: 882.6

can be used during sports activities,

Time: 885.09

they also have a terrific aesthetic,

Time: 887.16

and they can be used just as well for wearing to work or out

Time: 890.76

to dinner, et cetera.

Time: 891.96

If you'd like to try ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses,

Time: 894.51

you can go to ROKA.

Time: 895.53

That's and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off

Time: 900.03

on your first order.

Time: 900.87

Again, that's Roka, R-O-K-A, dot com and enter the code Huberman

Time: 904.59

at checkout.

Time: 905.25

The Huberman Lab podcast is now partnered

Time: 906.99

with Momentous supplements.

Time: 908.18

To find the supplements we discuss on the Huberman Lab

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podcast, you can go to livemomentous, spelled O-U-S,

Time: 913.34

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And I should just mention that the library

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of those supplements is constantly expanding.

Time: 919.49

Again, that's

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Let's talk about caffeine.

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So as I mentioned earlier, caffeine

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is consumed by basically most all adults every single day

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and consumed at very regular times each day.

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In fact, if you were to take a look at your caffeine intake

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or the caffeine intake of somebody close

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to you, what you would realize is

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that they don't do so well if their caffeine intake arrives

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even 10, 20, or 30 minutes past their expected or usual intake

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of caffeine.

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That's pretty remarkable, and it brings

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to mind ideas that we are all, quote

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unquote, "addicted to caffeine" or that caffeine is somehow

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I'm certainly not going to make the argument that caffeine is

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First of all, I'm a regular caffeine user.

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I wouldn't call myself a caffeine abuser,

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but I am a regular caffeine user.

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And caffeine is known to have certain health benefits.

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I listed off a few of them earlier,

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but I'll mention those again now before going forward.

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Caffeine is known to have certain neuroprotective

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And that is because of its ability

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to increase neuromodulators, such as dopamine,

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but also other so-called catecholamines

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like norepinephrine.

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If you don't know what those names mean,

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these are molecules that increase levels of alertness,

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motivation, and drive.

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And so then therefore not surprisingly the large scale

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analyses of the relationship between depression and caffeine

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shows that, provided people are not drinking so much caffeine,

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that it makes them overly anxious,

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that regular intake of caffeine is inversely related

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to levels of depression.

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So it may have some antidepressant effects.

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And those could be direct or indirect.

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What do I mean by that?

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Well, you can imagine that if people are ingesting caffeine

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and they are more motivated to do work and pursue

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quality social interactions, then

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the probability that they will have depression could be lower.

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It could also be that there are direct effects

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on the chemical systems of the brain that

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relate to mood and well-being that could offset depression.

Time: 1033.94

It is not clear whether or not the effects

Time: 1036.52

of caffeine in countering depression

Time: 1038.68

are direct or indirect.

Time: 1039.73

Nonetheless, there's a relationship there,

Time: 1041.56

and it's an interesting and positive one.

Time: 1044.95

Or I should say negative correlation,

Time: 1047.03

positive effect overall on mood and well-being, to be exact.

Time: 1052.73

Now it's also the case that caffeine

Time: 1054.49

can improve mental performance and physical performance.

Time: 1057.7

This has been demonstrated in tens of thousands of studies.

Time: 1060.94

I will review a few studies on this, in particular, today.

Time: 1063.49

But to just give you a sense of how

Time: 1064.96

caffeine works at the level of its timing and impact

Time: 1068.44

on mental performance and physical performance, when

Time: 1071.08

we ingest caffeine, provided that we don't have

Time: 1073.33

a lot of food in our stomach and that our blood sugar isn't

Time: 1077.17

particularly high, generally, we experience an increase

Time: 1080.32

in alertness within about five minutes.

Time: 1082.18

And that increase in focus and alertness peaks

Time: 1084.82

around 30 minutes after ingestion of caffeine

Time: 1087.52

and persists for as long as 60 minutes.

Time: 1090.32

Now this is assuming that one takes caffeine in pill form

Time: 1093.19

or drinks the entire caffeine drink

Time: 1095.14

within a short period of time.

Time: 1096.405

But a little bit later, I'll talk

Time: 1097.78

about how you can consume caffeine at regular intervals

Time: 1101.68

while doing mental work or physical work in a way that

Time: 1104.2

can further increase mental performance

Time: 1106.3

and physical performance.

Time: 1107.68

But let's just touch on what caffeine

Time: 1109.48

intake really does for mental performance

Time: 1111.19

and physical performance.

Time: 1112.96

Perhaps the most robust finding across all

Time: 1116.29

of the studies that I've examined

Time: 1117.88

is that caffeine reduces our reaction time.

Time: 1121.3

That is, it improves our reaction time.

Time: 1123.367

It doesn't make it longer.

Time: 1124.45

It makes it shorter.

Time: 1125.36

So for instance, in a laboratory study

Time: 1127.03

where people were asked to hit a lever every time they hear

Time: 1130.36

a tone, you can greatly reduce the time between the tone

Time: 1134.5

and the pressing of the lever if people ingest caffeine

Time: 1137.35

about 30 minutes before they do that task.

Time: 1140.122

Now that seems like a trivial task,

Time: 1141.58

but this is also seen in the domain of sports performance

Time: 1144.7

and even in cognitive performance, where

Time: 1147.16

people have to arrive at a particular answer

Time: 1149.56

to a question.

Time: 1150.62

And the answer to that question has

Time: 1152.32

to be pulled from their memory banks

Time: 1154.307

within their brain, their hippocampus,

Time: 1155.89

for instance, a brain structure involved in memory.

Time: 1158.48

And if you are asking people, for instance,

Time: 1161.05

to remember the capitals of different states or cities

Time: 1164.92

or to remember certain historical facts,

Time: 1167.92

they will do that at a particular rate.

Time: 1169.84

But if they've ingested caffeine within the hour prior,

Time: 1173.68

their ability to recall that information

Time: 1175.99

is much, much better.

Time: 1177.1

They are faster, and it does not appear

Time: 1179.23

that accuracy is reduced.

Time: 1180.46

In fact, in many cases, accuracy is enhanced.

Time: 1183.49

And that's because caffeine both works on the reaction time

Time: 1187.45

systems of the brain and body.

Time: 1189.387

I'll talk about the mechanisms for that in a little bit.

Time: 1191.72

But it also stimulates certain neurotransmitters

Time: 1195.05

and so-called neuromodulators within the brain and body

Time: 1197.74

that give the neural circuits in the brain that

Time: 1200.98

are associated with learning and memory a lower

Time: 1204.66

threshold to activation.

Time: 1205.86

What does that mean?

Time: 1206.74

That means that we are better able to access

Time: 1209.61

the brain circuitry involved in learning and memory

Time: 1212.22

when we have a certain amount of caffeine circulating

Time: 1214.65

in our system.

Time: 1215.44

So this makes caffeine an incredible

Time: 1217.2

performance-enhancing compound.

Time: 1219.39

And I could give you tens of thousands

Time: 1220.98

of examples of this in humans.

Time: 1223.26

But before I do that, I want to just touch

Time: 1226.08

on what we know about the existence of caffeine in nature

Time: 1229.89

and what the existence of caffeine in nature

Time: 1232.47

and its effects on other animals tells us about what

Time: 1235.2

caffeine does in humans.

Time: 1236.61

Because as I alluded to earlier, what caffeine is doing

Time: 1240.96

for us is not just making us more alert,

Time: 1244.05

improving our memory, improving our reaction time, and so on.

Time: 1248.23

It's actually acting as a powerful reinforcer

Time: 1251.19

of experience.

Time: 1252.67

And it's acting as not just a powerful reinforcer

Time: 1255.54

of the caffeine-containing drink that we drink

Time: 1258.63

but also the mug that it's contained in,

Time: 1261.72

plus the person that we might be sitting

Time: 1263.67

across from when we consume that caffeine, and so on and so

Time: 1266.76


Time: 1267.31

If it's a little bit hard for you

Time: 1268.685

to conceptualize what a reinforcer is

Time: 1271.62

and why I'm calling it a reinforcer,

Time: 1274.62

let me spell it out in three specific ways.

Time: 1278.55

We often hear about the word reward,

Time: 1280.53

and we think, OK, if we do certain things

Time: 1282.96

and we like the outcome, then those certain things

Time: 1285.63

are rewarded.

Time: 1286.36


Time: 1286.86

If we're doing something, we receive praise.

Time: 1289.148

The praise is the reward.

Time: 1290.19

And therefore, we are more likely to do

Time: 1291.93

that thing in the future.

Time: 1293.25

In fact, a lot of parenting is like that.

Time: 1295.47

And a lot of life is like that.

Time: 1297.76

However, when we hear the word reward,

Time: 1300.09

we often think about something that feels good to us.

Time: 1302.7

And certainly, if we've worked hard and we get some praise,

Time: 1305.41

that's natural for the praise to feel good to us.

Time: 1308.22

Or for instance, if we work very hard

Time: 1311.28

and we get a certain outcome--

Time: 1313.77

a trophy, a financial outcome, a degree outcome, recognition,

Time: 1318.33

et cetera-- all of those can act as rewards,

Time: 1320.49

but those are all conscious rewards.

Time: 1322.98

We are aware that they are happening.

Time: 1325.32

Reinforcers are a little bit different because the word

Time: 1327.87

reinforcement can apply to conscious rewards of the sort

Time: 1330.9

that I just described, but there are also

Time: 1332.94

many ways in which caffeine stimulates

Time: 1334.59

the release of chemicals in our body that act as reinforcers.

Time: 1338.35

But those reinforcers are subconscious.

Time: 1341.1

That is, we are not aware that they

Time: 1343.8

cause this preference for the activities that

Time: 1347.67

cause their release.

Time: 1348.84

So the study I'm about to describe beautifully,

Time: 1352.08

I believe, encapsulates how is it

Time: 1354.87

that humans came to consume caffeine

Time: 1357.33

and why caffeine exists in nature and the powerful effects

Time: 1361.08

of caffeine as a reinforcing agent both in animals, insects,

Time: 1365.58

and in you and me.

Time: 1366.57

And the title of the paper is "Caffeine

Time: 1368.22

and floral nectar enhances a pollinator's memory of reward."

Time: 1371.79

Keep in mind that caffeine is made from plants.

Time: 1374.128

Some of you will say, duh, but I think some of us

Time: 1376.17

don't realize that the reason why there is caffeine in coffee

Time: 1380.19

is because coffee comes from a plant.

Time: 1381.76

It's a coffee bean, certain teas,

Time: 1383.7

which, of course, are plants that people brew.

Time: 1387.26

Caffeine is contained in those teas, such as yerba maté.

Time: 1391.07

Well, why would this bitter substance-- because,

Time: 1394.31

in fact, caffeine is quite bitter in high concentrations.

Time: 1396.827

Why would this bitter substance be something

Time: 1398.66

that insects or animals would want to consume at all?

Time: 1401.16

It turns out that, in most plants,

Time: 1402.92

caffeine is present in small enough quantities

Time: 1406.46

that insects and other animals-- and in fact, we can't actually

Time: 1409.7

taste the caffeine.

Time: 1410.503

If I were to give you a little bit of pure caffeine,

Time: 1412.67

yes, it would be a stimulant for you,

Time: 1415.16

but you would say that it tasted awful.

Time: 1417.448

It's in a category of compounds that would strongly stimulate

Time: 1419.99

the bitter receptors on your tongue

Time: 1422.48

and would make you cringe and pucker

Time: 1424.85

and essentially walk away from whatever it is that contain

Time: 1427.91

that caffeine and from the experience that

Time: 1430.52

contain that caffeine.

Time: 1431.63

Well, in nature, caffeine is present in very low

Time: 1434.33

concentrations or is masked by other flavors

Time: 1438.56

within flowers, beans, and plants.

Time: 1442.25

And what this paper really points to

Time: 1444.5

is that caffeine in nature is acting

Time: 1447.35

as a reinforcer for bees that are consuming different nectar.

Time: 1451.548

So the way that it works is that bees, of course,

Time: 1453.59

go from flower to flower, and they are consuming the nectar.

Time: 1457.43

They are bringing nectar and pollen back to the hive,

Time: 1461.48

and that provides critical nourishment for the bee colony.

Time: 1466.91

The bees are foraging in a way that includes information

Time: 1471.272

about color, in particular, ultraviolet color, things

Time: 1473.48

that we can't see but they can see,

Time: 1474.74

because they have different photoreceptors than we do.

Time: 1476.99

And what the study shows is that plants and nectars that

Time: 1481.71

contain very small amounts of caffeine

Time: 1485.4

are the preferred sources of food for bees.

Time: 1489.36

And the study is beautiful because they

Time: 1491.73

were able to confirm that they could mask the caffeine taste.

Time: 1494.445

So they know that the bees are not preferring

Time: 1496.32

the taste of caffeine.

Time: 1497.88

But what they do is they pair caffeine

Time: 1499.47

with different food sources for the bees,

Time: 1501.178

then they remove the caffeine.

Time: 1502.68

And what they find is that the bees very strongly

Time: 1504.99

prefer flavors that contain caffeine,

Time: 1508.23

not because they could taste the caffeine but rather for the way

Time: 1512.1

that those caffeine-containing flavors made the bees feel.

Time: 1516.81

So how do those caffeine-containing flavors

Time: 1520.53

make the bees feel?

Time: 1521.598

The same way that they make you and I

Time: 1523.14

feel, a little bit more alert and thereby

Time: 1526.47

able to do more work.

Time: 1527.97

For the bee, the more work is the consumption

Time: 1530.46

of more food, which then has a further reinforcing effect.

Time: 1534.595

So what we're really talking about here

Time: 1536.22

is the fact that A, caffeine exists in nature, in plants.

Time: 1540.69

It exists in concentrations that are very low, so low, in fact,

Time: 1544.18

that they are not detectable to the taste receptors of insects,

Time: 1547.23

and, in many cases, to the taste receptors of humans.

Time: 1549.883

And, of course, there can be high levels

Time: 1551.55

of caffeine in a plant.

Time: 1552.72

But if the plant also contains compounds

Time: 1555.3

that mask the flavor of caffeine,

Time: 1557.19

well then, those plants are going to essentially

Time: 1560.28

be even stronger reinforcers for the flavor of the plant, OK?

Time: 1563.77

So now we're talking about strong flavors

Time: 1565.5

plus strong neurostimulant effects of caffeine.

Time: 1569.25

And the most important point here

Time: 1571.56

is that all of these effects of caffeine are subconscious.

Time: 1575.34

It is not because the bee or you likes the taste of caffeine.

Time: 1580.62

In fact, most people, when they take their first sip of coffee,

Time: 1583.38

they find it taste bitter and kind of noxious.

Time: 1586.41

They don't like it.

Time: 1587.31

You may not even remember that because it happened so long ago

Time: 1590.44

and because caffeine is such a strong reinforcer

Time: 1592.44

that very quickly you come to like the taste of coffee.

Time: 1596.31

You might even come to like the feeling of your mug

Time: 1599.52

in your hand.

Time: 1600.49

You might even come to like the smell of coffee

Time: 1603.09

and so on and so forth.

Time: 1604.51

And that's because caffeine stimulates

Time: 1606.54

the release of certain neurochemicals in the brain,

Time: 1608.79

in particular, dopamine and acetylcholine,

Time: 1611.64

two neuromodulators that increase our focus

Time: 1614.58

and alertness and our feelings of well-being.

Time: 1616.565

A little bit later, I'll tell you

Time: 1617.94

that caffeine stimulates the release of dopamine

Time: 1620.61

in a way that's very much distinct

Time: 1622.71

from the classical dopamine pathway associated

Time: 1625.26

with addiction and reward.

Time: 1626.46

In fact, we can think of caffeine

Time: 1627.835

as having a somewhat privileged access to the reward systems.

Time: 1631.962

I'll give you a bit of a hint of where this is going.

Time: 1634.17

Caffeine stimulates the release of dopamine and acetylcholine

Time: 1637.68

not within the classic so-called mesolimbic reward pathway.

Time: 1641.04

That's just fancy nerd speak for the reward

Time: 1642.973

pathways of the brain.

Time: 1643.89

They're associated with things like sex and food

Time: 1646.05

and drugs of abuse, like cocaine and methamphetamine.

Time: 1648.75

But rather, caffeine seems to stimulate

Time: 1651.36

the release of dopamine in the parts of the brain that

Time: 1653.85

are associated with alertness and cognition,

Time: 1656.94

meaning the forebrain.

Time: 1658.83

This is very important.

Time: 1660.19

We have multiple dopamine systems in the brain and body,

Time: 1662.58

and caffeine seems to stimulate dopamine directly

Time: 1665.28

within the components of the brain that are associated

Time: 1667.92

with clarity of thought and well-being,

Time: 1671.1

but more so clarity of thought.

Time: 1673.32

Now, I'm also talking about caffeine

Time: 1676.02

as a strong reinforcer in that it makes you feel good overall.

Time: 1681.93

And it does.

Time: 1682.768

And that suggests that it also taps into the more

Time: 1684.81

classic reward pathway.

Time: 1686.16

But it does that in a very interesting and frankly almost

Time: 1688.95

diabolical way.

Time: 1690.42

When we regularly ingest caffeine,

Time: 1692.49

it stimulates the increase in dopamine receptors

Time: 1696.27

at multiple sites throughout the brain but, in particular,

Time: 1698.94

within the reward pathways of the brain.

Time: 1700.72

So not the areas of the brain that

Time: 1701.76

are associated with focus and clarity of thought

Time: 1703.76

and cognition.

Time: 1704.52

It does that, but it is also increasing

Time: 1707.76

the level of dopamine receptors in the reward pathway.

Time: 1711.33

And what that means is that, for any dopamine that's

Time: 1713.85

released in response to a positive experience,

Time: 1716.13

social experience, or any number of the other things

Time: 1718.86

that can stimulate dopamine release,

Time: 1721.26

there are more receptors, more parking spots,

Time: 1724.3

if you will, for that dopamine to arrive at

Time: 1726.66

and to exert its increases in mood, increases in motivation,

Time: 1731.7

and overall feelings of drive and excitement.

Time: 1735.41

So there are four ways that caffeine works

Time: 1737.16

that we need to understand.

Time: 1738.285

First of all, caffeine acts as a reinforcing agent.

Time: 1741.78

It increases the probability that you

Time: 1743.85

will return to and engage in a certain activity

Time: 1747.06

or consume a certain beverage or food.

Time: 1749.49

Second of all, caffeine increases

Time: 1752.49

dopamine and acetylcholine, which

Time: 1754.59

are both neuromodulators in the forebrain, which

Time: 1757.32

helps us improve our ability to think, to modify our rule sets.

Time: 1762.69

That is, to adjust our strategies

Time: 1764.76

for different social situations and mental demands

Time: 1767.52

and physical demands.

Time: 1769.47

And third, it increases the number and efficacy

Time: 1773.13

of dopamine receptors in the reward pathways of the brain.

Time: 1776.91

That is, it makes things that would feel pretty good

Time: 1780.27

feel even better.

Time: 1782.28

And fourth, caffeine acts as an antagonist

Time: 1784.74

to adenosine, which offsets the sleepiness that we would

Time: 1788.76

otherwise feel from the accumulation of adenosine that

Time: 1791.46

occurs as we are awake for more and more hours

Time: 1793.83

throughout the day.

Time: 1794.68

So let's talk first about caffeine

Time: 1796.097

as a reinforcing agent.

Time: 1797.7

Again, this was first most beautifully demonstrated

Time: 1800.94

in this study on honeybees where the bees prefer

Time: 1803.79

nectars that contain caffeine.

Time: 1805.77

And that all makes perfect sense in terms

Time: 1807.6

of the ecology of bees and flowers that contain nectar.

Time: 1811.44

There's an advantage, at least in terms of adaptation,

Time: 1814.17

that the flower benefits because of distribution of things

Time: 1817.05

from the flower, which is good for the flowers and the bees

Time: 1819.66

benefit, because they're getting food.

Time: 1821.34

And so there's a kind of a symbiosis there.

Time: 1824.13

But with humans, we're consuming caffeine-containing beverages

Time: 1827.88

for our sake.

Time: 1828.57

I don't think we have it in mind,

Time: 1829.982

nor do the bees have it in mind, frankly,

Time: 1831.69

that we're trying to preserve the plants that

Time: 1833.565

provide the caffeine.

Time: 1834.66

I think we would all suffer, or I should say 90% of adults

Time: 1838.74

would suffer greatly if all the caffeine-containing coffee

Time: 1841.68

and tea plants were gone, certainly.

Time: 1843.69

But most of us are not consuming coffees and teas

Time: 1846.87

and caffeine-containing foods because we're

Time: 1848.73

thinking about the plants they come from

Time: 1850.24

and we want to help those plants.

Time: 1851.19

We're thinking about how we want to help ourselves.

Time: 1853.315

And yet the point of the reinforcing effects of caffeine

Time: 1857.07

are that they are largely subconscious.

Time: 1859.59

We are not aware of them.

Time: 1861.445

Now you might say, no, that's not true.

Time: 1863.07

When I drink caffeine, it makes me feel really good.

Time: 1865.237

So I'm aware that it makes me feel good.

Time: 1868.05

In order to illustrate how reinforcement really works,

Time: 1871.54

let me give you the counter example, which

Time: 1873.99

would be an aversive agent.

Time: 1876.04

So we have reinforcing agents and we have aversive agents.

Time: 1878.64

Let's say that there were compounds in nature that exist

Time: 1882.27

in plants that are aversive.

Time: 1884.19

And indeed, they are.

Time: 1885.09

And let's say that these compounds

Time: 1886.86

were present at such low concentrations

Time: 1888.9

that you couldn't taste them.

Time: 1890.61

Let's say you wake up in the morning

Time: 1892.11

and you go to your refrigerator and you open it up

Time: 1894.24

and you are thirsty, and so you reach

Time: 1896.28

for a nice rich red-containing beverage in a glass jar.

Time: 1900.48

Maybe it looks like cranberry juice or something

Time: 1902.82

of that sort.

Time: 1903.51

Or even a nice clear glass of water.

Time: 1906.148

It looks like a jug of water or a glass of water,

Time: 1908.19

and you drink that.

Time: 1909.75

Taste fine to you.

Time: 1910.56

Maybe even tastes great to you.

Time: 1912.78

And then let's say about 30 minutes later,

Time: 1914.95

you feel a little queasy, you feel a little off,

Time: 1917.25

you feel like going back to sleep,

Time: 1918.667

you just don't feel very good.

Time: 1920.61

You don't know why, but your nervous system

Time: 1925.05

is a predictive machine, and it has a process in which it back

Time: 1930


Time: 1931.59

Or I should say integrates backwards

Time: 1933.15

into your immediate experience that preceded that not so

Time: 1936.3

good feeling.

Time: 1937.78

We can reliably say that there is a much lower probability

Time: 1941.56

that the next day when you wake up

Time: 1943.27

that you would reach for that same beverage

Time: 1946.9

or for that same container even.

Time: 1949.15

And maybe if you're in a novel environment,

Time: 1951.455

maybe you're staying in an Airbnb or a hotel or something

Time: 1953.83

of that sort, you might even find that you don't really

Time: 1956.29

like the kitchen in which you consume that beverage

Time: 1959.41

in the first place.

Time: 1960.49

And you don't know why.

Time: 1962.2

And unless you got very, very sick the day before,

Time: 1965.53

it's unlikely that you would have such a strong response

Time: 1968.26

that you would entirely avoid, for instance, water or glass

Time: 1970.96

jars containing liquids, et cetera.

Time: 1972.97

Let's say you went back to the refrigerator

Time: 1975.58

and you consume a beverage again and you just

Time: 1977.74

didn't feel so well, you felt less good

Time: 1980.02

than you normally would.

Time: 1981.93

Well, even without any ability to taste

Time: 1985.71

what's in that beverage and even without any understanding

Time: 1988.98

of what was happening to you at a conscious level,

Time: 1991.89

there is a very, very high probability

Time: 1994.59

that you will avoid drinking that particular beverage

Time: 1997.41

and certainly at that location and in the same volume

Time: 2001.73

in the subsequent days.

Time: 2003.08

That's just the way that aversive agents work.

Time: 2005.03

And they work by way of activating neurons

Time: 2007.1

in the gut that communicate with areas in the brain that give us

Time: 2010.34

this feeling of queasiness.

Time: 2012.05

And for some of you hearing this,

Time: 2014.12

that pathway and that association

Time: 2017

with times in which you felt queasy and as if you wanted

Time: 2019.67

to vomit is so powerful that you might even be feeling

Time: 2024.8

some of that symptomology now.

Time: 2027.47

For certain people that's going to be increased salivation

Time: 2030.36

which precedes vomiting, we know that there's

Time: 2032.3

a class of neurons in the brain relate

Time: 2034.25

to an area called area postrema that actually stimulates

Time: 2036.98


Time: 2037.68

And if I keep talking about this,

Time: 2038.63

I'll probably feel like I want to vomit,

Time: 2039.86

so I'm going to move on from this in a moment.

Time: 2041.61

So when we ingest caffeine-containing beverages

Time: 2043.64

and foods, it's the exact opposite scenario

Time: 2046.07

as to what I just described.

Time: 2047.69

Caffeine, as a reinforcer, makes us

Time: 2051.11

feel slightly better or a lot better

Time: 2054.17

in the immediate minutes and hours after we ingest it.

Time: 2058.11

So it's acting as a reinforcing agent

Time: 2060.5

not just while you are under the effects of caffeine

Time: 2063.59

but for the things that preceded the ingestion of caffeine,

Time: 2066.659

which is why you return again and again

Time: 2068.78

to caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee

Time: 2071.33

and tea or maybe even foods that contain caffeine,

Time: 2074.25

even if the taste of those foods is not something

Time: 2076.639

that you would otherwise consider, especially delicious.

Time: 2080.179

In fact, most people when they take their first sip of coffee

Time: 2083.15

or tea or other caffeine-containing beverage,

Time: 2085.25

they find it to be very bitter.

Time: 2086.75

And that's not because of the taste of caffeine.

Time: 2089.06

It's because of the taste of the beverage itself independent

Time: 2092.48

of caffeine.

Time: 2093.56

However, when caffeine is present in there,

Time: 2096.02

they come to prefer that taste over most all tastes.

Time: 2100.97

In fact, they will, as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 2103

will invest a lot of financial resources and time and energy

Time: 2105.5

to make sure that they get that beverage.

Time: 2107.3

What they're trying to make sure is not that they get that taste

Time: 2111.29

but that they get the caffeine.

Time: 2113.42

It is that positively reinforcing.

Time: 2115.67

And the taste therefore takes on new significance, new meaning,

Time: 2119.84

and we come to associate it as positive.

Time: 2121.88

And in fact, most of us, including myself,

Time: 2124.13

love the taste of espresso, love the taste of coffee,

Time: 2126.56

love the taste of yerba maté even if the initial taste,

Time: 2130.67

the very first time that we consume that beverage,

Time: 2133.64

was either neutral or negative.

Time: 2136.02

And that is all because of the reinforcing properties

Time: 2138.44

of caffeine.

Time: 2139.1

And then, of course, there are the more direct actions

Time: 2141.38

of caffeine.

Time: 2142.22

That is, the faster actions of caffeine.

Time: 2144.59

And just to list those off again very briefly so that you

Time: 2147.5

have them in mind going forward, caffeine also

Time: 2150.95

increases the release of dopamine and acetylcholine,

Time: 2153.59

both of which are neuromodulators

Time: 2155.06

in the forebrain, which increases clarity of thought

Time: 2158.54

and your ability to rule switch, your ability

Time: 2162.11

to move from one context to another

Time: 2164.54

and change and understand the rules of engagement,

Time: 2167.69

social engagement, physical engagement, mental engagement,

Time: 2171.39

and so forth.

Time: 2172.26

And as I mentioned before, caffeine also

Time: 2173.99

increases the number of dopamine receptors in the reward

Time: 2177.53

pathway, such that any good thing that happens to you.

Time: 2180.74

Any positive experience that you have

Time: 2182.96

will have a more potent effect on your feelings of well-being.

Time: 2187.04

And last but certainly not least, caffeine

Time: 2190.85

acts as an adenosine antagonist.

Time: 2192.92

It reduces your feelings of lethargy and fatigue

Time: 2197.3

and your desire to sleep by parking

Time: 2199.58

in the receptors for adenosine and not

Time: 2201.62

allowing adenosine to have its pro-sleepy, if you will,

Time: 2205.43

effects on your brain and body.

Time: 2207.06

I'd like to take a quick break and acknowledge

Time: 2209.18

one of our sponsors,

Time: 2210.17

Athletic Greens.

Time: 2211.34

Athletic Greens, now called AG1, is a vitamin mineral probiotic

Time: 2215.66

drink that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs.

Time: 2218.99

I've been taking Athletic Greens since 2012,

Time: 2221.78

so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

Time: 2224.03

The reason I started taking Athletic Greens and the reason

Time: 2226.447

I still take Athletic Greens once or usually twice a day

Time: 2229.55

is that it gets me the probiotics

Time: 2231.65

that I need for gut health.

Time: 2233.27

Our gut is very important.

Time: 2234.41

It's populated by gut microbiota that

Time: 2236.92

communicate with the brain, the immune system, and basically

Time: 2239.42

all the biological systems of our body

Time: 2241.16

to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health.

Time: 2244.67

And those probiotics and Athletic Greens

Time: 2246.62

are optimal and vital for microbiotic health.

Time: 2250.403

In addition, Athletic Greens contains a number

Time: 2252.32

of adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals

Time: 2253.94

that make sure that all of my foundational nutritional needs

Time: 2256.58

are met.

Time: 2257.21

And it tastes great.

Time: 2259.178

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 2260.72

you can go to,

Time: 2263.93

and they'll give you five free travel packs that make it

Time: 2266.48

really easy to mix up Athletic Greens while

Time: 2268.467

you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera.

Time: 2270.8

And they'll give you a year supply of Vitamin D3K2.

Time: 2274.4

Again, that's

Time: 2277.01

to get the five free travel packs and the year supply

Time: 2279.59

of Vitamin D3K2.

Time: 2281.47

I'd like to just briefly talk about adenosine and some

Time: 2284.11

of its molecular features.

Time: 2286.912

And again, if you don't have a background in biology,

Time: 2289.12

don't worry.

Time: 2289.67

I promise to make this very clear to everyone.

Time: 2292.94

First of all, caffeine is what's called a methylxantine.

Time: 2296.23

It's a plant alkaloid.

Time: 2297.52

That's why caffeine itself is very bitter.

Time: 2299.545

Again, if I were to give you just the tiniest

Time: 2301.42

little bit of pure caffeine, you would find

Time: 2303.85

it to be extremely aversive.

Time: 2306.1

So these plants that have snuck small enough amounts

Time: 2308.56

of caffeine into them or that have

Time: 2310.57

masked the flavor of caffeine with other flavors

Time: 2313.36

such that bees and humans want to consume them,

Time: 2316

while we don't know what plants think, it does

Time: 2318.22

seem very diabolical and very clever

Time: 2320.62

in that we are seeking out these caffeine-containing plants,

Time: 2324.7

beverages, and foods even though caffeine itself

Time: 2327.88

is this alkaloid that is very, very bitter.

Time: 2331.24

Methylxantine-- that is caffeine--

Time: 2334.87

binds to adenosine receptors.

Time: 2336.28

And there are really two types of adenosine receptors.

Time: 2338.53

There are these so-called A1 receptors and the A2 receptors.

Time: 2341.47

And they are present in different parts of the brain

Time: 2343.637

and body at different levels.

Time: 2345.23

We don't have to get too far into receptor subtypes.

Time: 2347.53

More importantly to understand is

Time: 2349.72

that adenosine makes us feel tired because of the way

Time: 2353.26

that it taps into the ATP pathway.

Time: 2357.76

The ATP pathway is central to energy production and feelings

Time: 2361.72

of overall energy in our brain and body

Time: 2363.61

in all cells and organ systems.

Time: 2366.37

When caffeine binds to adenosine receptors,

Time: 2369.37

it prevents adenosine from breaking down

Time: 2372.31

certain components of the energy production pathway.

Time: 2375.43

And the net consequence of that is increased cyclic AMP.

Time: 2379.18

So basically, when we ingest caffeine,

Time: 2382.15

we are biasing our system towards

Time: 2384.1

the pro-energetic aspects of these cellular pathways.

Time: 2387.61

Now it's really important to understand that, in biology,

Time: 2391.27

even if you block a receptor or you prevent

Time: 2393.61

the activity of an enzyme and--

Time: 2395.583

at least, in this case, you end up

Time: 2397

with more cyclic AMP, more energy.

Time: 2399.37

You're not really getting more energy.

Time: 2401.41

You're actually borrowing energy against an overall system

Time: 2406.03

that is frankly nonnegotiable.

Time: 2408.34

What do I mean by that?

Time: 2409.34

Well, let's say that you were to wake up after six or eight

Time: 2412.99

hours of sleep and to drink a lot of caffeine

Time: 2416.71

and keep drinking caffeine throughout the day blocking

Time: 2419.62

those adenosine receptors.

Time: 2420.76

Yes, you'll offset fatigue.

Time: 2423.52

You'll offset sleepiness because that adenosine simply

Time: 2426.25

can't function.

Time: 2427.39

But at the point where the caffeine becomes dislodged

Time: 2431.02

from the adenosine receptors, you

Time: 2433.6

will have a massive glut, a backlog of adenosine,

Time: 2438.16

and you will feel extra, extra sleepy.

Time: 2440.62

So really, there's no way to create more energy

Time: 2443.17

in your system.

Time: 2443.89

Really, what you're doing is you're

Time: 2445.6

changing the timing in which the sleepy signals and the more

Time: 2449.08

energetic signals are arriving.

Time: 2451.15

And this is really important to understand as the backdrop

Time: 2454.288

to the various tools that we're going

Time: 2455.83

to get into next, in which you can use caffeine for enhancing

Time: 2459.61

mental performance and physical performance

Time: 2461.5

and other aspects of health.

Time: 2463.4

But it's very important to understand this concept

Time: 2466.27

that, when you wake up in the morning provided that you slept

Time: 2470.48

well and enough the night before,

Time: 2472.76

your levels of adenosine will be about as

Time: 2475.588

low as they will ever be.

Time: 2476.63

Actually, in order to get your adenosine levels really

Time: 2479.84

bottomed out, you want to avoid caffeine in the first 90 to 120

Time: 2482.895

minutes after waking.

Time: 2483.77

We'll talk about why that is because it turns out

Time: 2485.812

there's a way to completely clear adenosine

Time: 2487.61

out of your system in the hour or so after waking.

Time: 2490.85

But for most people, adenosine levels

Time: 2493.07

are going to be close to their lowest

Time: 2494.96

after a good night's sleep.

Time: 2497.02

But there's really no negotiating the accumulation

Time: 2499.99

of adenosine that's going to occur

Time: 2502.36

and going to bias you towards feeling more sleepy than you

Time: 2505.28


Time: 2505.78

Otherwise, that's going to occur throughout the day.

Time: 2507.85

There's really no way to eliminate adenosine.

Time: 2509.77

All you can really do is block its function.

Time: 2511.64

So it's sort of like borrowing energy against the fatigue

Time: 2514.6

that you will inevitably feel.

Time: 2516.07

Now this actually has a very important

Time: 2517.99

socioeconomical relevance.

Time: 2522.28

Before caffeine was regularly consumed by human beings,

Time: 2526.06

we were really slaves to the light/dark cycle.

Time: 2530.05

And this was especially true before the presence

Time: 2532.45

of artificial lighting.

Time: 2533.68

But even before the advent of artificial lighting,

Time: 2536.59

humans were largely constrained to the outside light/dark

Time: 2540.89


Time: 2541.39

We need to be active during the day and working during the day,

Time: 2544.015

and we need to be asleep at night.

Time: 2545.68

Caffeine allows us to divorce ourselves

Time: 2547.87

from that circadian cycle.

Time: 2549.25

Circadian just means about 24 hour.

Time: 2551.68

Caffeine allows us to do that at least somewhat by way

Time: 2555.19

of increasing our alertness.

Time: 2556.9

That is, spiking our alertness at various times

Time: 2559.69

throughout the day and even at night.

Time: 2561.232

This is how we can have shift workers, for instance,

Time: 2563.398

that can sleep during the day and then drink

Time: 2565.3

a strong cup of coffee at 8:00 PM

Time: 2567.22

and then work into the night.

Time: 2568.51

That ability completely transformed our society.

Time: 2572.41

Now, of course, the healthiest schedule-- and we

Time: 2574.698

know this with certainty.

Time: 2575.74

The healthiest schedule for brain and body

Time: 2578.14

is going to be alert during the daytime and asleep at night.

Time: 2580.868

There's no question about that.

Time: 2582.16

Shift workers run into all sorts of health problems.

Time: 2584.68

And thank you shift workers for doing the important work

Time: 2586.63

that you do.

Time: 2587.15

We need you.

Time: 2588.04

Air traffic controllers, paramedics, firefighters,

Time: 2590.15

police officers, et cetera.

Time: 2591.4

But we know that there are serious health consequences,

Time: 2595.4

negative health consequences, that is, for shift workers.

Time: 2598.13

But for most people out there, about 95% of people

Time: 2601.87

follow a typical schedule.

Time: 2603.01

They're awake during the day and asleep at night.

Time: 2605.052

And yet it used to be before the advent

Time: 2607.047

of caffeine-containing beverages that, if you were

Time: 2609.13

sleepy in the afternoon, you either

Time: 2611.23

had to take a nap or battle that sleepiness,

Time: 2613.57

that your activity rhythms and your sleep rhythms were

Time: 2616.9

governed by these circadian changes in availability

Time: 2622.75

of sunlight and when you slept.

Time: 2625.51

And you just didn't have the ability

Time: 2627.52

to ingest a beverage that would increase

Time: 2629.65

your levels of alertness because you block adenosine.

Time: 2631.923

So this is important to understand

Time: 2633.34

that, nowadays, we certainly live

Time: 2635.08

in a time in which we use--

Time: 2637.24

in fact, 90% or more of adults and half or more

Time: 2640.87

of adolescents and teenagers use caffeine

Time: 2643.57

as a way to negotiate with, to borrow

Time: 2646.72

against this natural pattern of adenosine making us sleepy.

Time: 2651.01

But again, you're just offsetting

Time: 2652.39

the effects of sleepiness that adenosine causes.

Time: 2655.07

You can't eliminate the adenosine entirely.

Time: 2657.61

The important point is that adenosine

Time: 2659.47

as a pro-sleep molecule is a nonnegotiable aspect

Time: 2663.7

of your biology.

Time: 2664.99

In fact, it's so nonnegotiable that, every 24 hours, you

Time: 2668.59

are going to release adenosine, and you're

Time: 2671.05

going to release adenosine in direct proportion to how long

Time: 2673.72

you've been awake.

Time: 2674.47

So the longer you've been awake, the more

Time: 2676.178

adenosine circulating in your system.

Time: 2677.78

There are really only a handful of ways to completely clear out

Time: 2681.04


Time: 2681.85

The major one being to get sleep.

Time: 2684.8

The other is to take a short nap, which, of course, is

Time: 2687.5

sleep, but it's shallow sleep.

Time: 2689.15

Or non-sleep deep rest, so-called NSDR,

Time: 2691.7

has been shown to reduce levels of adenosine.

Time: 2694.73

And there are certain things such as viewing morning

Time: 2698.92

sunlight, which because of its effects on cortisol,

Time: 2701.47

can quote unquote, "clear out adenosine."

Time: 2703.78

We'll talk about this in more detail in a few minutes.

Time: 2706.09

And there's also evidence that certain forms of exercise,

Time: 2710.02

provided that it's brief and intense,

Time: 2712.36

can also reduce adenosine, not just block its effects.

Time: 2716.238

Now that we've talked about some of the incredible mechanisms

Time: 2718.78

by which caffeine changes our experience of life,

Time: 2721.6

increases alertness and mood, et cetera,

Time: 2723.91

I want to talk about the use of caffeine as a tool.

Time: 2727.03

Now caffeine is a very potent and useful tool

Time: 2730.24

for enhancing mental health, physical health,

Time: 2732.31

and performance.

Time: 2733.39

But there are certain considerations

Time: 2735.07

one has to keep in mind, in particular, dose.

Time: 2738.28

Now, first off, not everybody will

Time: 2740.68

respond to the same dose of caffeine the same way,

Time: 2743.41

but we can reliably say that your body weight is

Time: 2747.61

a good measure by which you can estimate

Time: 2750.34

what a healthy, useful dose of caffeine would be.

Time: 2754.33

So for most people, ingesting 1 to 3 milligrams

Time: 2757.78

of caffeine per kilogram of body weight

Time: 2760.72

is going to be the range in which caffeine

Time: 2763.15

can have positive effects without making us feel overly

Time: 2767.11

anxious and give us that feeling that we're jumping out

Time: 2770.53

of our skin and turn the otherwise

Time: 2772.63

positive experience of caffeine into an aversive one.

Time: 2776.54

For those of you that aren't familiar with thinking in terms

Time: 2779.04

of kilograms and normally think in pounds,

Time: 2781.5

I'll just quickly give you some general estimations

Time: 2785.19

that, for instance, 100 kilograms equals 220 pounds.

Time: 2789.54

So for me, I weigh 100 kilograms.

Time: 2791.97

That means that 1 to 3 milligrams--

Time: 2796.17

again, milligrams, thousandth of a gram.

Time: 2798.48

1 to 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight

Time: 2802.05

would mean for me.

Time: 2803.1

I could safely ingest 100 to 300 milligrams of caffeine

Time: 2808.02

in a single dose, in a single drink,

Time: 2811.2

if that's the way I'm consuming it,

Time: 2812.88

or pill form if that's the way that I'm consuming it.

Time: 2815.46

And it's very likely that that will be a tolerable dose.

Time: 2818.77

However, if you are not somebody that's

Time: 2820.98

accustomed to drinking caffeine on a regular basis,

Time: 2824.07

I suggest you start on the lower end of that 1 to 3

Time: 2828.03

milligrams per kilogram of body weight range.

Time: 2830.862

So for instance, if you're somebody

Time: 2832.32

who weighs 50 kilograms, that's approximately 110 pounds.

Time: 2836.55

And you would be pretty comfortable

Time: 2839.07

ingesting somewhere between 50 and 150 milligrams of caffeine.

Time: 2843.39

So what I recommend is that people who are considering

Time: 2845.64

using caffeine as a tool or who are already ingesting caffeine,

Time: 2849.72

start to think about the dosage of caffeine

Time: 2851.67

that you are ingesting or plan to ingest

Time: 2853.74

and the timing in which you ingest that caffeine

Time: 2856.47

relative to certain tasks throughout your day,

Time: 2859.59

your waking, and your sleep.

Time: 2860.76

And we'll talk about that in just a moment.

Time: 2862.552

But the first step for you is to figure out

Time: 2864.87

how much you weigh in kilograms and then

Time: 2867.6

to go to that number of 1 to 3 milligrams of caffeine

Time: 2871.56

per kilogram of body weight.

Time: 2873.1

And that's a good range in which you

Time: 2875.67

might want to explore the use of caffeine

Time: 2877.74

in a single application, meaning a single dose.

Time: 2881.7

Now, I do realize that some people out there are

Time: 2884.55

drinking coffee all day long or having coffee in the morning

Time: 2887.43

and again in the afternoon.

Time: 2889.62

What I'm referring to here is the ingestion of caffeine

Time: 2893.37

in a single bout, right?

Time: 2895.02

1 cup of coffee or 2 cups of coffee, for instance,

Time: 2899.13

to achieve that 100 to 300 milligram

Time: 2900.91

range if that's what's appropriate for your body

Time: 2902.91


Time: 2903.41

But to avoid any confusion, when I talk about dosage

Time: 2906.33

of caffeine, what I'm really talking about

Time: 2908.13

is not the total amount of caffeine ingested per day.

Time: 2910.703

I'm talking about the total amount

Time: 2912.12

of caffeine ingested in one sitting or setting, that is.

Time: 2917.13

And if you're somebody who's drinking caffeine multiple

Time: 2919.77

times throughout the day, you can imagine-- for instance,

Time: 2922.21

let's say the appropriate dose for you

Time: 2925.47

in order to get an enhancement in mental performance

Time: 2928.2

or physical performance is 200 milligrams.

Time: 2930.523

And you are somebody who's doing some work in the morning,

Time: 2932.94

and you want to have that lift in the morning

Time: 2934.44

to be able to focus better.

Time: 2935.617

And you're doing some physical exercise in the afternoon

Time: 2937.95

or vice versa that you would ingest 200 milligrams

Time: 2941.4

of caffeine at two separate times per day

Time: 2943.98

separated by about four hours.

Time: 2945.96

Now you don't have to separate them.

Time: 2947.86

You could put them two hours apart, for instance.

Time: 2950.34

But we'll talk about half-life of caffeine and so forth.

Time: 2953.28

Just keep in mind that, if you're ingesting 200 milligrams

Time: 2956.34

of caffeine and that's the appropriate dose for you

Time: 2959.01

based on your body weight and then you

Time: 2960.72

are ingesting another 200 milligrams of caffeine an hour

Time: 2963.18

later, you are effectively ingesting approximately 400

Time: 2967.23

milligrams of caffeine, which is going

Time: 2968.88

to start exceeding the dose in which you can normally

Time: 2972.06

tolerate without feeling anxious and jittery.

Time: 2974.52

With all of that said, there is a range

Time: 2976.98

of tolerance for caffeine that's based on two things.

Time: 2979.33

One is a preexisting disposition that is whether or not

Time: 2982.515

your genetics and nervous system and the backdrop of your life,

Time: 2985.14

how much stress you're experiencing

Time: 2986.598

tends to make you feel more anxious and alert and jittery

Time: 2989.37

before you ingest any caffeine.

Time: 2991.23

And the other is how so-called caffeine-adapted you are.

Time: 2994.71

We often hear about tolerance.

Time: 2996.12

Tolerance means something very specific.

Time: 2997.9

It's the ability to ingest more and more of something

Time: 3000.68

with a plateau that is a no increase or an actual reduction

Time: 3006.35

in the effectiveness of that thing.

Time: 3007.92

But here we're not really talking about tolerance

Time: 3010.14

to caffeine.

Time: 3010.64

What we're talking about is being caffeine-adapted.

Time: 3012.89

A simple way to understand whether or not

Time: 3014.6

your caffeine-adapted or not is that, if you drink caffeine

Time: 3017.99

and it tends to increase your heart rate

Time: 3020.09

and make you feel more alert and a bit more anxious,

Time: 3022.67

then chances are you are not caffeine-adapted,

Time: 3025.04

provided the amount of caffeine is within the healthy range

Time: 3027.8

for you, that is, the ranges we talked about a moment ago.

Time: 3030.57

However, here's somebody who drinks caffeine

Time: 3032.42

and you actually feel alert and relaxed,

Time: 3034.88

chances are you are caffeine-adapted.

Time: 3037.37

And so at various times during today's episode,

Time: 3039.47

I'll talk about people who are caffeine-adapted

Time: 3041.428

and people who are not caffeine-adapted.

Time: 3043.1

We'll talk about the use of caffeine every other day.

Time: 3045.75

I know a few habitual caffeine drinkers including myself,

Time: 3048.63

just the simple mention of that probably sounds aversive.

Time: 3052.49

But there is actually great utility

Time: 3054.65

to using caffeine every other day as opposed to every day.

Time: 3057.53

But just keep in mind that some people

Time: 3059.57

will drink caffeine and not get much of a lift from it at all.

Time: 3062.635

Other people will drink caffeine,

Time: 3064.01

and they will feel extremely anxious even at dosages

Time: 3066.74

far lower than that 1 to 3 milligrams per kilogram

Time: 3070.52

of body weight range that I described a moment ago.

Time: 3074.46

So you have to take into account individual differences.

Time: 3077.2

That said, 1 to 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body

Time: 3080.35

weight for a given sitting.

Time: 3083.05

For your morning coffee or your morning yerba maté tea is

Time: 3086.83

a good range from which to start.

Time: 3088.45

And I do encourage you to go online and look up

Time: 3091.598

the various beverages and foods that you might be

Time: 3093.64

eating that contain caffeine.

Time: 3095.65

For instance, some people are surprised to discover

Time: 3099.34

that the coffee that they get from some of the more standard

Time: 3102.58

popular vendors out there, the small coffee

Time: 3106.54

or the medium coffee, for instance,

Time: 3108.41

can contain as much as 400 to 600 milligrams of caffeine.

Time: 3112.39

And the large coffee that is often

Time: 3114.67

sold at those commercial vendors can

Time: 3116.17

contain as much as 1 gram, 1,000 milligrams, of caffeine.

Time: 3120.69

Now you may be adapted to that such

Time: 3122.53

that it doesn't make you feel anxious,

Time: 3124.21

but if you wonder why you feel irritable

Time: 3126.85

and you get a headache when you don't

Time: 3129.07

get that caffeine or that amount of caffeine

Time: 3132.1

at precisely the time that you're used to getting it

Time: 3135.04

each day, that's because you are consuming

Time: 3137.47

quite large quantities of caffeine on a regular basis.

Time: 3141.77

So I do recommend whether or not you drink soda or coffee or tea

Time: 3145.06

that you figure out the source of that.

Time: 3147.7

OK, so figure out what vendor you purchase it

Time: 3150.55

from, what kind of coffee, and go online and spend

Time: 3152.882

a little bit of time because the information is

Time: 3154.84

out there to discover what levels of caffeine

Time: 3158.02

you're actually ingesting.

Time: 3159.46

Now if you happen to be ingesting more than 1

Time: 3161.69

to 3 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of caffeine,

Time: 3164.74

that's not necessarily bad.

Time: 3166.27

However, you do want to be careful about ingesting

Time: 3169.45

very high levels of caffeine over long periods of time

Time: 3173.41

in your life because there can be issues that start to arise.

Time: 3176.5

In particular, a bias towards higher levels

Time: 3179.2

of anxiety and depletion of certain electrolytes.

Time: 3182.68

Because caffeine is a diuretic can

Time: 3184.15

cause you to lose sodium and other things of that sort.

Time: 3186.79

And also just from simply a dependent standpoint,

Time: 3191.71

it does appear that if you ingest high levels of caffeine

Time: 3194.92

that is exceeding the dosages that normally you

Time: 3197.53

could get away with and get just as

Time: 3199.27

much mental-enhancing and physical-enhancing benefits

Time: 3203.02

that you can cause some disruption

Time: 3205.6

to the microvasculature.

Time: 3207.01

You can bias yourself towards headaches, anxiety attacks,

Time: 3209.8

and you can become actually quite irritable

Time: 3211.797

when you're not getting those higher levels of caffeine.

Time: 3214.13

So I do encourage you to figure out

Time: 3215.68

not just what an appropriate caffeine dosage would

Time: 3218.62

be for you but also how much caffeine

Time: 3220.21

you might already be ingesting.

Time: 3222.01

The first tool I'd like to talk about

Time: 3223.6

is one that I've mentioned before

Time: 3225.49

on this podcast several times.

Time: 3227.65

And it's something that if you haven't heard of

Time: 3230.77

will be very useful to you.

Time: 3231.97

And if you have heard this tool before,

Time: 3234.25

I'm going to add some additional features

Time: 3236.08

to the description of this tool that

Time: 3237.91

should make this worthwhile for you as well.

Time: 3239.81

And that is to delay your caffeine intake

Time: 3243.37

to 90 to 120 minutes after waking up on most days.

Time: 3248.56

And I'll be very clear as to days

Time: 3251.02

in which you might want to ingest caffeine more

Time: 3253.96

closely to when you wake up.

Time: 3255.52

Why would you want to delay your caffeine intake to 90

Time: 3259.59

to 120 minutes after waking?

Time: 3261.91

The answer to that is very simple.

Time: 3263.59

Many people wake up in the morning.

Time: 3266.59

They drink caffeine within 10, 20, 30, sometimes

Time: 3270.16

within 2 minutes of waking.

Time: 3272.38

And they feel more alert naturally.

Time: 3274.66

That makes sense because of the effects of caffeine

Time: 3276.85

in blocking the effects of adenosine

Time: 3278.65

that I talked about earlier and its effects

Time: 3280.93

on other neurotransmitter systems.

Time: 3282.67

But then what they find is that, in the early afternoon,

Time: 3286.09

in particular, after lunch, they experience a dramatic dip

Time: 3290.2

in their overall levels of energy, the so-called afternoon

Time: 3292.66


Time: 3293.98

And in most cases, the way they respond to that

Time: 3296.71

is to ingest more caffeine, which

Time: 3298.63

indeed can increase their levels of mood and alertness.

Time: 3302.74

However, as we'll soon talk about,

Time: 3304.93

there is a problem with ingesting caffeine

Time: 3306.97

in the afternoon if it falls within 8 or 10

Time: 3311.83

or dare I even say 12 hours of going to sleep.

Time: 3314.29

And that is, the caffeine ingested in the afternoon--

Time: 3318.18

for most everybody, let's say for 95-plus percent of people--

Time: 3323.28

disrupts the architecture and quality

Time: 3325.74

of their nighttime sleep.

Time: 3327

And I should say that it doesn't necessarily

Time: 3328.95

impact their ability to fall asleep and maybe even sleep

Time: 3331.56

through the night but that the depth and quality of that sleep

Time: 3335.1

is disrupted by consuming caffeine in the afternoon.

Time: 3338.035

A little bit later, I'll talk about how

Time: 3339.66

you can offset some of those negative effects

Time: 3341.73

if you absolutely require caffeine in the afternoon.

Time: 3344.7

But there's a huge advantage to restricting your caffeine

Time: 3347.46

intake to the early part of your day

Time: 3349.2

but not consuming caffeine within the first 90

Time: 3352.3

to 120 minutes after waking.

Time: 3355.23

In fact, many people find that if they delay their caffeine

Time: 3358.47

intake to 90 to 120 minutes after waking up

Time: 3361.98

that they feel more alert in the morning,

Time: 3364.74

and they completely avoid that afternoon crash.

Time: 3367.74

Now that said, many people, including myself,

Time: 3369.84

do need a short nap or non-sleep deep rest

Time: 3374.01

or other form of relaxation for 10 to 30 minutes

Time: 3376.56

in the afternoon.

Time: 3377.31

That is natural and healthy.

Time: 3379.24

I'm not referring to the need for that

Time: 3382.17

when I refer to the so-called afternoon crash.

Time: 3384.165

What I'm talking about in the afternoon crash

Time: 3386.04

is a inability to recover energy and focus and a need

Time: 3390.54

to consume more caffeine just to make it through the afternoon.

Time: 3394.17

By delaying caffeine intake to 90 to 120 minutes after waking,

Time: 3398.645

there are a couple of things that are accomplished.

Time: 3400.77

First of all, you offset that afternoon crash.

Time: 3403.288

And this is an effect that many people experience

Time: 3405.33

the very first time they start delaying their caffeine

Time: 3407.58

intake to 90 to 120 minutes after waking.

Time: 3410.52

And the reason this works so well is the following.

Time: 3413.83

As I mentioned earlier, adenosine

Time: 3415.62

is a molecule that builds up the longer that we are awake.

Time: 3418.26

It is a molecule that is reduced or cleared

Time: 3421.53

from our system by sleep.

Time: 3423.96

So when we emerge from sleep regardless

Time: 3426.36

of how long we've slept, our adenosine levels

Time: 3429.51

are lower than they were when we went

Time: 3431.4

to sleep the previous night.

Time: 3433.82

If you slept well enough and long enough,

Time: 3437.71

those adenosine levels can be very, very low,

Time: 3440.67

but they are never completely zero.

Time: 3443.328

When you wake up in the morning, even

Time: 3444.87

if you're one of these people that springs out of bed

Time: 3447.078

and is ready to attack the day-- and here I'm certainly

Time: 3449.4

not describing myself.

Time: 3451.2

I'm not one of those people.

Time: 3453.46

I tend to wake fairly slowly.

Time: 3454.96

But if you're one of those spring up and attack the day

Time: 3457.86

or you're one of the people who moves

Time: 3460.77

more slowly into your day, regardless, there's

Time: 3464.34

still some residual adenosine in your system.

Time: 3466.51

And this is particularly the case

Time: 3468.03

if you did not get enough sleep or enough depth of sleep

Time: 3471.252

the night before.

Time: 3471.96

The correct ratio is a slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement

Time: 3474.55


Time: 3475.05

And for those of you interested in optimizing sleep,

Time: 3477.217

I'll just refer you to our master your sleep episode

Time: 3479.88

of the Huberman Lab podcast, the perfect your sleep episode

Time: 3482.6

of the Huberman Lab podcast.

Time: 3483.86

And we have a tool kit for sleep all of which are available,

Time: 3486.36

zero cost, time-stamped, et cetera at

Time: 3491.18

You wake up in the morning.

Time: 3492.38

And your adenosine levels are low, but they're not zero.

Time: 3496.96

And if you didn't sleep that well or deeply enough the night

Time: 3499.46

before, you're going to have more adenosine in your system.

Time: 3504.3

You might think the logical thing

Time: 3505.71

to do is therefore to drink caffeine

Time: 3507.24

and to block the adenosine that's there.

Time: 3509.41

But what happens if you do that is

Time: 3511.02

there's an accumulation, a sort of glut of adenosine

Time: 3513.9

that hangs around.

Time: 3515.64

And then in the afternoon, when the effects of that caffeine

Time: 3518.31

start to wear off, you will experience

Time: 3520.26

the so-called afternoon crash.

Time: 3522.69

As I mentioned earlier, there is a way

Time: 3525.12

to clear out the adenosine that's present when you wake up

Time: 3528.3

in the morning and to clear it out essentially

Time: 3531.9

completely without just blocking its receptors

Time: 3535.32

and letting it accumulate or hang around.

Time: 3537.93

And the way to do that is to deliberately spike

Time: 3541.14

your cortisol.

Time: 3542.078

Now, many of you have heard of cortisol, the so-called stress

Time: 3544.62

hormone, as a bad thing.

Time: 3546.42

And indeed, chronically elevated cortisol is a bad thing.

Time: 3549.55

It depletes your immune system.

Time: 3551.2

It's bad for psychosocial effects.

Time: 3553.74

It tends to make us feel anxious and on and on.

Time: 3556.5

But cortisol itself is not bad.

Time: 3558.45

Cortisol is wonderful.

Time: 3559.68

Cortisol enhances the efficiency of the immune system.

Time: 3563.64

It makes us alert and focused.

Time: 3565.32

It stimulates our metabolism.

Time: 3566.64

It does a huge number of positive things, provided

Time: 3570.18

that it is released in a circadian fashion.

Time: 3573.66

That is, at the appropriate times

Time: 3575.22

every 24 hours and that it tends to peak very close to waking.

Time: 3578.748

In fact, one of the reasons you wake up in the morning,

Time: 3581.04

assuming that you weren't woken up by some noise

Time: 3583.65

or sleeping in an environment that's too warm, et cetera,

Time: 3586.62

is that your cortisol levels start to rise.

Time: 3589.14

And shortly after waking, your cortisol levels

Time: 3591.54

will start to reach their peak.

Time: 3592.92

And when I refer to a cortisol pulse,

Time: 3595.2

that's just biology nerd speak for a rise

Time: 3599.49

and peak in cortisol.

Time: 3601.65

You want that cortisol pulse to occur early in the day close

Time: 3605.31

to waking, and you want that for a couple of reasons.

Time: 3607.75

First of all, if you don't restrict that cortisol pulse

Time: 3610.77

to early in the day, it will tend

Time: 3612.84

to bleed into the later parts of the day.

Time: 3614.97

And actually, a late shifted cortisol peak

Time: 3617.73

is one of the hallmark signatures

Time: 3619.74

of depression, low-level depression,

Time: 3621.24

and serious depression.

Time: 3622.2

And it can start to disrupt sleep

Time: 3623.67

and certainly can disrupt mood metabolism

Time: 3626.19

and your immune system.

Time: 3627.94

So you want that cortisol peak early in the day.

Time: 3629.94

How do you ensure that that happens?

Time: 3631.41

Well, you wake up in the morning.

Time: 3632.7

And whether or not you're a bounce-out-of-bed type

Time: 3634.783

or you're more groggy, you kind of wade slowly into the day

Time: 3637.98

type like I am, you wake up, and you don't ingest caffeine.

Time: 3643.98

Fine and, in fact, beneficial to hydrate

Time: 3646.77

with water and electrolytes.

Time: 3649.8


Time: 3650.88

In fact, I would say necessary to get

Time: 3654.01

bright light in your eyes ideally from sunlight.

Time: 3656.01

I've talked about this many, many times

Time: 3657.27

before on the podcast.

Time: 3658.2

If you wake up before the sun comes out,

Time: 3659.917

then turn on bright artificial lights.

Time: 3661.5

But then certainly once the sun is out and even on cloudy days,

Time: 3664.51

in fact, especially on cloudy days, get outside for anywhere

Time: 3667.74

from 5 to 20, maybe even 30 minutes.

Time: 3669.75

Do some work outside, take your breakfast outside

Time: 3672.15

if you're a breakfast eater.

Time: 3674.01

Get something done outside even if it's just to get outside

Time: 3677.373

and get bright light in your eyes.

Time: 3678.79


Time: 3679.29

Well, because it's been shown in studies

Time: 3682.23

on humans that getting bright light in your eyes

Time: 3685.14

in the first hour after waking or as soon as possible

Time: 3688.65

after waking increases the peak of that cortisol pulse

Time: 3692.43

by 50%, 5-0.

Time: 3694.95

And that cortisol pulse, yes, increases mood, yes, increases

Time: 3698.25

alertness, but it does one other very important thing,

Time: 3700.93

which is that, through an indirect pathway,

Time: 3703.86

it can clear out any residual adenosine that

Time: 3706.93

might be present in your system when you wake up

Time: 3708.93

in the morning.

Time: 3709.705

Again, this is going to be especially important for those

Time: 3712.08

of you that are not getting as much sleep

Time: 3713.82

or as much quality sleep as you would like.

Time: 3716.852

It's going to be very important for you to get that morning

Time: 3719.31

bright light ideally from sunlight,

Time: 3721.14

get that cortisol peak going.

Time: 3722.82

Other ways to increase that cortisol peak

Time: 3724.59

would be to do some physical activity.

Time: 3726.7

If you don't have time to do a full workout, well then,

Time: 3729.72

getting some movement--

Time: 3731.535

10 minutes of skipping rope or even

Time: 3733.05

5 minutes of skipping rope or jumping jacks or walking

Time: 3736.32

if that's all you have time for ideally while getting

Time: 3738.66

the sunlight in your eyes.

Time: 3739.87

But that's going to zero out the adenosine present

Time: 3742.74

in your system.

Time: 3745.57

If, however, you were to wake up and immediately

Time: 3748.08

drink caffeine--

Time: 3749.55

caffeine itself can stimulate the release

Time: 3752.04

of cortisol a little bit more than it would otherwise

Time: 3755.4

be present in your system.

Time: 3756.96

But by blocking those adenosine receptors

Time: 3760.92

and because of the indirect effects

Time: 3763.08

of caffeine on the cortisol system,

Time: 3765.24

you actually are reducing the clearance of adenosine

Time: 3768.48

that would otherwise occur.

Time: 3770.32

So I realize that's a mouthful.

Time: 3771.75

Just to be very clear, if you wake up

Time: 3773.49

and you ingest caffeine right away,

Time: 3775.375

you're blocking the adenosine receptor,

Time: 3777

but you're not clearing it out.

Time: 3778.292

You're also preventing cortisol from having its normal increase

Time: 3782.64

and rise such that it can directly clear out adenosine

Time: 3786.63

because cortisol can clear out adenosine.

Time: 3790.2

And that's what you want.

Time: 3791.53

You want to be at maximum alertness

Time: 3793.32

and focus in your morning and throughout your day.

Time: 3795.87

And by delaying your caffeine to 90 to 120 minutes after waking,

Time: 3800.67

you set up your system so that you get that morning cortisol

Time: 3803.74


Time: 3804.24

Ideally, a peak that's even greater because you're

Time: 3806.34

getting your bright light viewing.

Time: 3809.1

And then when you ingest your caffeine 90 to 120 minutes

Time: 3812.61

after waking, not only will you be craving it just a little

Time: 3815.73

bit, but you will be drinking that caffeine

Time: 3818.25

on an already existing backdrop of increased alertness for two

Time: 3823.29


Time: 3823.81

One is adenosine is zeroed out, and your cortisol peak

Time: 3829.32

is higher.

Time: 3830.01

And so now when you ingest caffeine,

Time: 3831.69

you can actually ingest levels of caffeine

Time: 3833.67

that are a little more reasonable that

Time: 3835.92

almost with certainty are going to fall in this 1 to 3

Time: 3838.26

milligrams per kilogram dosage and will allow you to feel

Time: 3842.22

really alert and will carry that alertness well

Time: 3846.03

into the afternoon hours without the need to drink more caffeine

Time: 3849.66

and thereby will prevent you from drinking

Time: 3852.69

caffeine and disrupting your nighttime sleep.

Time: 3854.91

And, of course, by getting better nighttime sleep,

Time: 3857.28

you're going to zero out your adenosine even more.

Time: 3859.53

So what I'm describing here are essentially two tools.

Time: 3862.108

I'm telling you to get morning sunlight and maybe

Time: 3864.15

some exercise in conjunction with that

Time: 3865.733

even if it's brief exercise.

Time: 3867.57

But the main tool of delaying caffeine

Time: 3870.27

90 to 120 minutes after waking has immediate effects,

Time: 3875.37

but it also sets in motion a cascade or domino

Time: 3878.91

falls that lead to better sleep and more wakefulness

Time: 3882.93

the next night and the next day and so on and so forth.

Time: 3886.78

Now I realize there are some people who just simply cannot

Time: 3889.77

or will not delay their caffeine 90 to 120 minutes after waking

Time: 3893.22

for whatever reason.

Time: 3894.6

First off, let me say that, if you are somebody

Time: 3896.94

who likes to wake up and do very intense exercise

Time: 3899.82

within the first 90 minutes after waking, well,

Time: 3902.362

in that case, it would be appropriate to ingest

Time: 3904.32

your caffeine just prior to doing that exercise.

Time: 3906.63

Not a problem.

Time: 3907.89

Not a problem.

Time: 3908.55

But you should expect that the combination of drinking

Time: 3912.15

caffeine very shortly after waking plus exercising very

Time: 3915.54

intensely shortly after waking will increase

Time: 3918.57

the intensity of that early afternoon and afternoon fatigue

Time: 3922.59

that you feel.

Time: 3923.28

Now for some people, that's a great thing.

Time: 3925.03

They can afford to take a nap or do non-sleep deep rest, step

Time: 3928.23

away from work, and so forth.

Time: 3930.81

In that case, I strongly encourage

Time: 3932.34

you to do whatever it is that allows

Time: 3933.87

you to get regular exercise because regular exercise is

Time: 3937.143

going to be very beneficial.

Time: 3938.31

In fact, we did an entire episode

Time: 3940.17

called tool kit for fitness that describes a couple of different

Time: 3943.14

but really one main structure that

Time: 3944.97

allows you to get the appropriate amount

Time: 3946.92

of resistance training and cardiovascular training

Time: 3949.605

and flexibility training throughout the week.

Time: 3951.48

I happen to follow that program, and it works very well.

Time: 3955.17

And it does involve some of those workouts

Time: 3958.26

to come very early in the morning shortly after waking.

Time: 3961.41

And in those cases, I do ingest caffeine

Time: 3963.36

just prior to those, so within 10, 20 minutes of waking.

Time: 3966.45

However, on other days, I personally

Time: 3969.03

delay my caffeine intake 90 to 120 minutes,

Time: 3971.25

and I've done that to great benefit.

Time: 3973.2

And most people, if not, all people that try that,

Time: 3976.17

have reported the same.

Time: 3977.73

I should mention that some people will find getting out

Time: 3980.37

to that 90 minutes to be excruciatingly

Time: 3982.08

difficult because they're so accustomed to ingesting

Time: 3985.11

caffeine close to waking up.

Time: 3987.03

In that case, maybe just push out your caffeine intake

Time: 3989.31

by about 15 minutes each day until you

Time: 3991.98

hit that 90 to 120-minute mark.

Time: 3994.013

And that will make it much easier.

Time: 3995.43

It might take you a week or so to get there.

Time: 3996.94

But once you get there, you'll find it

Time: 3998.523

to be quite easy to maintain.

Time: 4000.107

The other thing is that, if you are somebody

Time: 4001.94

who insists on drinking caffeine very shortly after waking,

Time: 4005.06

I would encourage you to drink half of your caffeine then

Time: 4008.33

and then the other half of your caffeine about an hour later.

Time: 4012.08

That also will help offset some of the afternoon crash

Time: 4015.11

for reasons related to the so-called kinetics of caffeine.

Time: 4018.44

Caffeine has a quarter life of about 12 hours.

Time: 4021.18

That means that if you were to ingest a cup of coffee

Time: 4023.87

at let's say 8:00 AM--

Time: 4026.33

and let's say 100 milligram coffee

Time: 4028.01

just for sake of simplicity, that about 25% of that caffeine

Time: 4032.99


Time: 4033.8

we wouldn't really say 25 milligrams, but about 25%

Time: 4036.86

of that caffeine action will still

Time: 4038.75

be present at 8:00 PM that night,

Time: 4043.35

which is pretty remarkable.

Time: 4044.81

So there's a long arc of caffeine effects,

Time: 4046.6

and this is why it can impede sleep if we

Time: 4049.12

take caffeine in the afternoon.

Time: 4050.66

But again, if you're somebody who wakes up

Time: 4052.595

and you really need caffeine right away

Time: 4054.22

and you refuse to do this 90 to 120-minute delay thing

Time: 4057.13

that I'm talking about, well then, in that case,

Time: 4059.372

I would drink half of your caffeine upon waking

Time: 4061.33

and then a little bit more or the other half about an hour

Time: 4065.89


Time: 4066.41

And that will extend the arc of that caffeine effects

Time: 4069.04

such that you don't need it again in the afternoon

Time: 4071.2

because you won't experience the afternoon crash.

Time: 4073.33

Because of the way caffeine works,

Time: 4074.89

I should mention that, if you ingest caffeine

Time: 4077.2

on an empty stomach, it will have a more potent stimulant

Time: 4080.23


Time: 4081.94

That will also tend to increase the level of jitteriness

Time: 4085

that caffeine can produce.

Time: 4086.38

Later, I'll talk about ways to offset that jitteriness,

Time: 4088.69

but I'll just tell you one tool now.

Time: 4090.34

Many people opt to take 100 milligrams of theanine,

Time: 4094.12

T-H-E-A-N-I-N-E, theanine, as a way to offset some of that

Time: 4098.74


Time: 4100.6

Theanine will reduce the jitteriness

Time: 4102.22

of caffeine, which is why many energy drink

Time: 4104.29

manufacturers and even some coffee manufacturers

Time: 4107.05

are now putting theanine in energy drinks

Time: 4109.359

and in ground coffee because, no surprise,

Time: 4113.05

it allows people to consume more of that beverage

Time: 4115.93

and thereby purchase more of that beverage, which

Time: 4118.24

is what these vendors want without feeling overly

Time: 4121.06

anxious and jittery.

Time: 4122.29

So you can take pill form theanine

Time: 4123.758

if you want with your caffeine.

Time: 4125.05

I don't tend to do that.

Time: 4126.05

Rather, I control the total dosage of my caffeine.

Time: 4128.68

I do tend to consume caffeine on an empty stomach

Time: 4130.853

because I do restrict my caffeine intake

Time: 4132.52

to the early part of the day.

Time: 4134.38

And I generally eat my first meal somewhere around 11:00 AM,

Time: 4138.34

and then I generally my last meal some time around 8:00

Time: 4141.38

PM or so.

Time: 4143.2

Those are averages.

Time: 4144.37

I would say plus or minus an hour.

Time: 4146.06

And that's not because I'm religiously

Time: 4147.819

following any kind of time-restricted feeding.

Time: 4151.18

It's just that tends to work best

Time: 4153.55

with my schedule and my appetite.

Time: 4155.83

But again, that's a general theme.

Time: 4157.99

There are days in which I wake up and I'm very hungry,

Time: 4160.24

and I might ingest something, small snack or something.

Time: 4163.872

Or if I'm meeting somebody for breakfast,

Time: 4165.58

sometimes I'll have breakfast.

Time: 4166.83

Sometimes I won't.

Time: 4167.96

And so on and so forth.

Time: 4169.22

The point is that you can get away

Time: 4171.069

with drinking less caffeine to get the stimulant effect if you

Time: 4174.1

do it on an empty stomach.

Time: 4175.42

And if you're somebody who likes to exercise

Time: 4177.399

on an empty stomach--

Time: 4179.2

and I'm one of those people--

Time: 4180.52

well then, ingesting caffeine just prior to exercise

Time: 4183.729

can be a fantastic tool.

Time: 4184.901

A little bit later, we'll talk about some

Time: 4186.609

of the physical performance-enhancing effects

Time: 4190.12

of caffeine.

Time: 4190.779

But I'll just briefly jump to a point about that

Time: 4194.26

as we relate to morning exercise.

Time: 4196.3

If you are somebody who regularly ingests caffeine--

Time: 4199.12

and we can define regularly by, if you've

Time: 4202.24

ingested caffeine every day for the last two weeks,

Time: 4206.02

you're a regular consumer of caffeine.

Time: 4207.993

Whereas if you're somebody who only ingests caffeine

Time: 4210.16

somewhere between two and four times per week, well then,

Time: 4212.95

you are not a regular consumer of caffeine.

Time: 4215.29

You're an intermittent user of caffeine.

Time: 4217.42

Well, if you're somebody who's a regular user of caffeine,

Time: 4219.88

the performance-enhancing effects of caffeine are going

Time: 4222.85

to be most dramatic if you take two or three days off from

Time: 4226.84

drinking caffeine, which to my mind as a--

Time: 4229.555

I don't want to call myself a caffeine addict

Time: 4231.43

but a regular caffeine user.

Time: 4232.9

That's a horrible notion to me, it is an aversive notion,

Time: 4236.26

because I do like the effects of caffeine so much.

Time: 4238.54

But if you really want to see the maximum

Time: 4240.52

performance-enhancing effects of caffeine,

Time: 4242.53

you will do either one of two things.

Time: 4244.49

You will either abstain from caffeine

Time: 4246.13

for a few days or three days prior to ingesting caffeine,

Time: 4250.84

or you will use caffeine on an empty stomach.

Time: 4254.2

It's very clear that caffeine on an empty stomach

Time: 4256.66

enhances both the mental and physical enhancing

Time: 4259.6

effects of caffeine.

Time: 4260.527

And, of course, all of that has to be stated

Time: 4262.36

on the backdrop of consideration that you're very, very hungry,

Time: 4266.218

it can be make it hard to concentrate

Time: 4267.76

and so on and so forth.

Time: 4268.718

So I'm not encouraging people to starve themselves by any means.

Time: 4272.17

Certainly, don't do that.

Time: 4273.32

But if you want to maximize the performance-enhancing effects

Time: 4275.92

of caffeine, you will consume it on an empty stomach.

Time: 4278.17

And then as a final point to that, caffeine is a diuretic.

Time: 4282.2

It causes us to lose fluid and, along with that fluid,

Time: 4285.46

to excrete sodium because of the effects of caffeine

Time: 4288.07

on various processes within the kidney.

Time: 4290.72

So one thing that works very well to maintain mood

Time: 4294.61

and alertness longer given a certain amount of caffeine

Time: 4299.23

intake and to avoid the jitteriness

Time: 4301.15

and what can sometimes feel like a crash or low blood sugar

Time: 4303.97

feeling or even blurry vision is to make sure

Time: 4306.49

that you consume at least an equal volume of water

Time: 4310.6

with your caffeine.

Time: 4311.668

And ideally, that water would contain

Time: 4313.21

maybe a small pinch of salt or some sort

Time: 4314.92

of electrolyte drink--

Time: 4316.51

or powder, rather.

Time: 4317.59

For me, I use element.

Time: 4318.82

Full disclosure, they are a podcast affiliate and sponsor.

Time: 4321.91

But you don't need to do that.

Time: 4323.32

You could simply just have a glass of water alongside

Time: 4326.44

your coffee or espresso or your yerba maté and just put a small

Time: 4329.56

pinch of sea salt in that or evem just playing table salt.

Time: 4333.25

And that will help offset some of the jitteriness of caffeine.

Time: 4336.01

A lot of people think that, when they ingest caffeine,

Time: 4338.59

they get the jitteriness and crash because their blood

Time: 4340.96

sugar is low.

Time: 4341.83

And while that can be the case, oftentimes, it's

Time: 4343.87

simply because of the excretion of sodium

Time: 4345.842

that's occurred when they've ingested caffeine.

Time: 4347.8

So I encourage you to hydrate well

Time: 4350.41

and to hydrate with something that contains

Time: 4352.69

a little bit of sodium.

Time: 4353.83

Obviously, not so much that increases hypertension

Time: 4355.96

or something of that sort but a small amount of sodium

Time: 4357.88

or an electrolyte drink like Element.

Time: 4359.44

And there are other electrolyte drinks

Time: 4361.287

out there that can accomplish the same, of course.

Time: 4363.37

Just a couple of quick notes about

Time: 4364.787

theanine because there are a growing number of products

Time: 4368.187

out there that contain theanine.

Time: 4369.52

And there's certainly a growing number of people out there

Time: 4371.68

who are using theanine for the effect that I described before,

Time: 4374.48

which is to offset some of the jitteriness associated

Time: 4376.84

with caffeine-containing beverages or foods.

Time: 4379.39

And, of course, I should mention that I've

Time: 4382.18

talked about the effects of theanine

Time: 4384.28

on sleep at that sleep tool kit that you

Time: 4387.37

can find as a free download.

Time: 4388.73

You don't even have to sign up for.

Time: 4389.83

Anything you just download it from

Time: 4391.96

Go to the menu, go to a newsletter.

Time: 4393.22

You'll see the tool kit for sleep.

Time: 4394.66

You'll see that the so-called sleep stack

Time: 4397.33

that I use and recommend includes magnesium 3 and 8,

Time: 4401.8

something called apigenin and theanine,

Time: 4404.68

although that sleep stack is designed

Time: 4407.23

to be taken 30 to 60 minutes prior to sleep.

Time: 4409.87

And I make the point there, and I'll

Time: 4411.43

make it again here that ingesting theanine prior

Time: 4414.52

to sleep is not a good idea if you are somebody

Time: 4417.43

who tends to have very vivid dreams, night terrors, or night

Time: 4420.76


Time: 4421.45

sleepwalking, excuse me, et cetera.

Time: 4424.46

In that case, eliminate theanine from the sleep stack.. .

Time: 4427.442

However, a number of people are using theanine,

Time: 4429.4

and products are using theanine to offset jitteriness

Time: 4432.22

from caffeine-containing products

Time: 4433.75

during the daytime, daytime consumption, that is.

Time: 4437.2

A couple of notes about theanine-- theanine

Time: 4439.12

is something that is present in green tea, right?

Time: 4441.73

It's now been created as a supplement.

Time: 4443.8

It's what's called a nonprotein amino acid.

Time: 4445.927

So while there are amino acids and proteins,

Time: 4447.76

there are, of course, amino acids and nonproteins.

Time: 4450.22

And theanine is one such nonprotein amino acid.

Time: 4453.61

Theanine tends to stimulate the so-called glutamate and

Time: 4457.72

glutamine pathway.

Time: 4459.34

It's actually very similar to glutamate and glutamine,

Time: 4462.265

and it has a lot of effects on a lot of different aspects

Time: 4465.82

of the nervous system.

Time: 4466.94

But the general effect of theanine

Time: 4468.82

is to compete for the receptors for certain neurotransmitters.

Time: 4472.93

And the neurotransmitters I'm referring to

Time: 4475.45

are all excitatory neurotransmitters,

Time: 4477.25

things like glutamate.

Time: 4478.3

And they govern a tremendous amount of our daily thinking

Time: 4481.48

and action and feeling, et cetera,

Time: 4483.07

because they're present at so many connections

Time: 4484.987

between neurons in the brain.

Time: 4487.18

Theanine competes for the receptors for glutamate

Time: 4490.93

and tends to reduce our overall levels of alertness.

Time: 4494.9

So really, when people take theanine along

Time: 4497.38

with caffeine, what they're doing

Time: 4498.91

is they're really taking a slight--

Time: 4501.572

I don't want to call it depressant to the point

Time: 4503.53

where it misleads people and makes people think that it

Time: 4505.87

will make you depressed.

Time: 4506.95

The word is a little bit misleading.

Time: 4508.45

But it tends to reduce or blunt some

Time: 4510.94

of the more excitatory pro-alertness actions

Time: 4514.27

of neurons in the brain.

Time: 4515.535

So when you take it alongside caffeine,

Time: 4517.16

tends to, quote unquote, "even things out a bit."

Time: 4519.7

I should mention that the dosages of theanine

Time: 4521.95

that are effective for offsetting

Time: 4523.99

the jitteriness of caffeine is 200 to 400 milligrams,

Time: 4527.68

and the studies that I was able to find

Time: 4530.14

showed that essentially up to 900 milligrams per day

Time: 4533.23

can be safe.

Time: 4534.13

But that's a very high dosage of theanine.

Time: 4536.41

In fact, so much so that it might increase

Time: 4539.14

sleepiness to the point where it wouldn't feel good.

Time: 4541.97

There are also some positive effects

Time: 4544.06

of daytime consumption of theanine

Time: 4546.22

that are independent of reducing the jitteriness of caffeine.

Time: 4549.688

For instance, there's a study demonstrating

Time: 4551.48

that 17 days of ingesting theanine at these 200 to 400

Time: 4555.8

milligram dosage at one to three times per day

Time: 4560.27

can reduce depression and anxiety.

Time: 4562.212

There are also some good data out there showing

Time: 4564.17

that theanine can have positive effects on endothelial cells--

Time: 4567.53

so blood vessels, capillaries, and so on--

Time: 4569.63

and increase some of the function of blood vessels,

Time: 4572.33

allowing them to pass more blood through them

Time: 4575.63

and give them a little bit more elasticity, if you will.

Time: 4578.31

So theanine has certain pro-sleep effects

Time: 4581.06

if it's taken prior to sleep.

Time: 4582.44

It can enhance the quality, depth, and duration of sleep.

Time: 4585.89

Again, if you're a sleepwalker or somebody who

Time: 4587.87

has extremely vivid dreams from which you wake up

Time: 4590.21

in the middle of the night, probably best

Time: 4591.95

to leave out theanine or maybe reduce the dosage down

Time: 4594.38

to 100 milligrams.

Time: 4595.31

And if that's still too much, then eliminate it completely.

Time: 4597.83

But theanine can be terrific for enhancing quality, depth,

Time: 4601.34

and duration of sleep.

Time: 4602.63

It can also reduce the jitteriness

Time: 4606.17

associated with caffeine-containing beverages

Time: 4608.81

and foods.

Time: 4609.83

And it has certain antidepressant

Time: 4612.59

and pro-endothelial effects.

Time: 4615.23

That is, it can offset depression.

Time: 4618.36

It can offset anxiety, although those are minor effects,

Time: 4621.8

subtle effects.

Time: 4623.04

And it has been shown to improve endothelial cell.

Time: 4626.21

That is, vessel and capillary function and structure

Time: 4630.44

in ways that can be beneficial for both brain and body.

Time: 4633.62

Now one final point about theanine

Time: 4635.24

that's worth paying attention to is

Time: 4636.86

that the kinetics of theanine are

Time: 4638.24

such that you don't need to take theanine every time you ingest

Time: 4642.5

a caffeinated beverage.

Time: 4645.07

When we ingest caffeine, the peak effects of caffeine

Time: 4648.85

occur about 30 minutes after we drink it.

Time: 4652.72

And there, I'm assuming one takes it all at once.

Time: 4655.64

And this is a key point that we'll come back to later rather

Time: 4658.24

than sipping your coffee slowly over a couple of hours

Time: 4661.21

or an hour.

Time: 4662.11

If you drink all 200 or 300 milligrams of caffeine

Time: 4665.38

in your coffee or 600 milligrams of your coffee

Time: 4668.47

if you're getting one of those commercial coffees

Time: 4671.59

and you take theanine along with it,

Time: 4673.3

theanine will block some of the jitteriness

Time: 4676.75

and anxiety-inducing effects of caffeine

Time: 4679.7

that can occur for much longer than the effects that

Time: 4683.17

caffeine lasts.

Time: 4683.98

So the peak in theanine occurs about an hour after ingestion.

Time: 4688.28

I suppose if you want to get really fancy

Time: 4690.61

and really dial in the kinetics, you

Time: 4692.53

could ingest theanine about half hour

Time: 4694.15

before you ingest your caffeine.

Time: 4695.483

But I think that's getting a little bit excessive in terms

Time: 4698.92

of controlling your microenvironment, if you will.

Time: 4701.65

I think it would be perfectly fine to take a 100 to 200

Time: 4706.06

milligram capsule of theanine along with your coffee or tea

Time: 4710.77

or so forth and just realize that if you drink more caffeine

Time: 4714.25

or you extend your caffeine intake over several hours

Time: 4717.07

that you don't necessarily have to take theanine repeated

Time: 4719.68

times throughout the day.

Time: 4720.91

I'd like to take a brief break and thank

Time: 4723.37

our sponsor, InsideTracker.

Time: 4725.62

InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

Time: 4728.26

that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

Time: 4730.72

to help you better understand your body

Time: 4732.43

and help you reach your health goals.

Time: 4734.23

I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

Time: 4736.84

for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact

Time: 4739.792

your immediate and long-term health

Time: 4741.25

can only be analyzed from a quality blood test.

Time: 4743.795

The problem with a lot of blood and DNA

Time: 4745.42

tests out there, however, is that you get data

Time: 4747.64

back about metabolic factors, lipids, and hormones,

Time: 4750.18

and so forth, but you don't know what to do with those data.

Time: 4752.68

InsideTracker solves that problem

Time: 4754.63

and makes it very easy for you to understand

Time: 4756.82

what sorts of nutritional, behavioral, maybe even

Time: 4760.42

supplementation-based interventions

Time: 4762.7

you might want to take on in order

Time: 4764.38

to adjust the numbers of those metabolic factors, hormones,

Time: 4767.08

lipids, and other things that impact

Time: 4768.76

your immediate and long-term health to bring

Time: 4770.83

those numbers into the ranges that are appropriate

Time: 4773.32

and indeed optimal for you.

Time: 4775.03

If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

Time: 4776.59

you can visit

Time: 4779.11

and get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 4781.66


Time: 4784.27

to get 20% off.

Time: 4785.59

Let's talk for a moment about when to avoid caffeine.

Time: 4788.47

And in the same stroke, let's also talk about some

Time: 4792.01

of the myths around caffeine.

Time: 4793.63

For instance, one of the major myths around caffeine

Time: 4795.97

is that it can increase osteoporosis.

Time: 4799.24

It turns out that, while there is a relationship, of course,

Time: 4802.33

between calcium and osteoporosis--

Time: 4804.73

that is reductions in bone density.

Time: 4807.82

And it is the case that caffeine can extract calcium

Time: 4811.6

from certain tissues.

Time: 4812.92

The large scale studies that are out there essentially

Time: 4816.4

prove that, if people are ingesting enough calcium

Time: 4819.37

through their diet, which most everybody is-- although

Time: 4822.688

certainly, there are some people that

Time: 4824.23

need to supplement calcium or make it a point to consume

Time: 4827.11

more calcium-containing foods.

Time: 4828.79

But assuming that you are getting

Time: 4830.32

adequate levels of calcium, there

Time: 4832.87

is no direct relationship between caffeine intake

Time: 4836.5

and osteoporosis, at least not that I'm aware of.

Time: 4839.44

I know this was debated for a number of years

Time: 4841.39

in the literature, but the literature

Time: 4843.58

seems to have arrived at a general consensus

Time: 4846.13

now that caffeine itself is not going to create or exacerbate

Time: 4850.69

osteoporosis, provided people are getting enough calcium

Time: 4853.63

through their diet.

Time: 4855.4

That is, through foods, through supplementation, or both.

Time: 4859.72

Some of the other myths around caffeine

Time: 4861.43

are that, for instance, caffeine will reduce testosterone levels

Time: 4865.9

or will reduce estrogen levels.

Time: 4868.63

Other myths out there are in exact opposite

Time: 4872.92

to that, that caffeine will increase testosterone levels,

Time: 4876.01

in particular, free testosterone levels.

Time: 4878.32

There have been some large scale studies addressing the hormone

Time: 4881.29

effects of caffeine.

Time: 4882.49

They are a little bit difficult to do.

Time: 4884.69

I should just mention that caveat.

Time: 4886.28

And the reason they are difficult to do

Time: 4888.04

is because 90% of adults are consuming caffeine.

Time: 4891.61

And therefore, you can imagine it's

Time: 4893.53

very hard to find a control group to compare the caffeine

Time: 4897.46

consumers to.

Time: 4899.41

In particular, a control group that's

Time: 4901.21

well controlled for other things like lifestyle, diet, exercise,

Time: 4904.57

et cetera.

Time: 4905.98

However, when one controls as well as one can

Time: 4910.42

for all the various factors that could impact hormones, what one

Time: 4914.56

discovers is that caffeine intake, at least at the dosages

Time: 4917.86

we talked about earlier, 1 two 3 milligrams per kilogram

Time: 4920.32

of body weight or even up to double that,

Time: 4924.024

that there are no consistent increases or reductions

Time: 4929.75

in testosterone or estrogen in men or women

Time: 4933.17

that can be directly attributed to the caffeine intake.

Time: 4936.35

And I say directly attributed because in these association

Time: 4938.84

studies, one always has to wonder,

Time: 4940.43

for instance, if because people are ingesting more caffeine,

Time: 4944.3

they have more energy and therefore exercising more.

Time: 4946.61

And exercise is known to have effects

Time: 4948.35

on testosterone, estrogen, and other hormones,

Time: 4950.73

whether or not the effects of caffeine on those hormones

Time: 4953.3

is indirect and so on and so forth.

Time: 4954.805

And this all just underscores the challenges

Time: 4956.87

of doing studies on humans in the wild

Time: 4959.09

in their natural habitat of living as opposed

Time: 4961.218

to an acute study as it's called to bring someone

Time: 4963.26

into the laboratory and studying them just

Time: 4965.15

for those hours or moments.

Time: 4967.25

With all that said, there does appear to be a relationship

Time: 4970.46

between caffeine intake and so-called sex hormone binding

Time: 4974.09

globulin, which is a protein present in the body of both men

Time: 4981.2

and women that binds to the sex steroid hormones--

Time: 4984.77

testosterone and estrogen-- and prevents them

Time: 4986.75

from being in their free or active form.

Time: 4989.93

It has been shown that ingestion of caffeine--

Time: 4993.75

even in the sorts of dosage ranges that are considered safe

Time: 4996.26

and that we've been discussing-- can increase sex hormone

Time: 4999.29

binding globulin such that it can slightly

Time: 5002.32

reduce overall levels of free testosterone

Time: 5005.02

and free estradiol in women.

Time: 5008.26

Now those effects are relatively minor, but they do exist.

Time: 5011.942

If any of you are interested in reading further

Time: 5013.9

into the effects of caffeine on hormones,

Time: 5016.39

I'll just refer you to a couple of studies.

Time: 5018.433

We will link to this in the show note caption.

Time: 5020.35

The title of the study is "Consumption

Time: 5022.45

of caffeinated beverages and serum concentrations of sex

Time: 5025.24

steroid hormones in US men."

Time: 5027.13

And within this study, there is a reference

Time: 5029.44

to a equally sized empowered study done

Time: 5033.58

on women, both of which converged

Time: 5035.44

on the same conclusion, by examining more than a thousand.

Time: 5039.34

So in this case, 1,410 men or more than a thousand women,

Time: 5043.24

that there are increases in sex hormone binding globulin

Time: 5046.39

associated with increased intake of coffee, in particular.

Time: 5051.37

But they were able to narrow that down specifically

Time: 5054.31

to ingestion of caffeine.

Time: 5055.88

So it's not coffee per se that's causing the increase in sex

Time: 5058.75

hormone binding globulin.

Time: 5060.1

It's actually caffeine itself.

Time: 5062.3

So again, the increases in sex hormone binding globulin

Time: 5065.32

were not so significant that, at least to my mind,

Time: 5067.75

they seem like a concern, although I

Time: 5069.61

think that it is worth noting that if you're going to consume

Time: 5072.79

caffeine that you probably want to consume caffeine

Time: 5075.49

in a way that is in dosages and with the sort of timing that

Time: 5080.65

will allow you to get away with ingesting caffeine

Time: 5082.93

but not to excess, so to derive the benefits of caffeine

Time: 5086.83

without for instance driving up sex hormone binding globulin

Time: 5089.68

too far.

Time: 5090.49

Now why would that be a good idea?

Time: 5091.94

Why would you want to make sure that you have enough free

Time: 5094.315

testosterone and free estrogen?

Time: 5095.74

Well, some of that is related to the acute effects

Time: 5098.65

of those hormones in terms of well-being and libido

Time: 5101.77

and strength and mood, et cetera, but some of those

Time: 5105.25

also relates to the longer term effects of sex steroid

Time: 5108.49


Time: 5109.57

Many people don't realize this, but the sex

Time: 5111.91

steroid hormones operate on the receptors

Time: 5114.46

at the surface of cells to have immediate effects.

Time: 5117.17

But they also can enter cells and actually

Time: 5119.53

go into the nucleus of cells where the DNA of those cells

Time: 5122.32

are contained and control gene expression in those cells.

Time: 5125.48

So the sex steroid hormones, testosterone and estrogen,

Time: 5127.93

are controlling a lot of different cellular functions

Time: 5130.54

over long periods of time.

Time: 5131.93

So blunting their action over long periods of time

Time: 5135.13

is probably not a great idea.

Time: 5137.008

But again, at the dosages of caffeine

Time: 5138.55

that we're talking about today, 1 to 3 milligrams

Time: 5141.52

per kilogram of body weight, unlikely

Time: 5143.86

that the increases in sex hormone binding globulin

Time: 5146.26

that one experiences from that are going to be detrimental.

Time: 5148.792

And certainly, the positive effects

Time: 5150.25

of caffeine that one experiences in terms of mental performance

Time: 5153.4

and physical performance and the fact

Time: 5154.99

that it increases energy to do the sorts of things

Time: 5157.21

like exercise that we know can profoundly

Time: 5160.33

improve hormone profiles, twofold

Time: 5163.87

or threefold improvement in hormone profiles.

Time: 5167.24

In that case, it seems that ingesting caffeine is overall

Time: 5170.92

a good thing, provided it's not in excess.

Time: 5173.29

That also makes this the appropriate time

Time: 5175.15

to mention one of the more impressive effects of caffeine,

Time: 5178.37

which is on overall levels of mood and mental health.

Time: 5181.54

There are several studies on this,

Time: 5183.67

but the one that I'm particularly fond of

Time: 5186.25

was published in 2019 in Psychiatry Research.

Time: 5189.79

And the title of the paper is "Inverse association

Time: 5192.31

between caffeine intake and depressive symptoms

Time: 5194.5

in US adults."

Time: 5195.61

And these are data from the National Health and Nutrition

Time: 5198.13

Examination Survey.

Time: 5199.42

And the basic takeaway is that, while, of course,

Time: 5202.34

there are a ton of different factors

Time: 5204.25

that are going to relate to whether or not

Time: 5206.2

people are depressed or not, life circumstances,

Time: 5208.57

genetics, and so on, that--

Time: 5210.85

and here I'm quoting from the study.

Time: 5212.35

"Caffeine's psychostimulant properties--

Time: 5214.12

that just means the ability to make

Time: 5215.578

us feel more alert and positive--

Time: 5217.57

appeared to protect against depressive symptoms."

Time: 5219.78

And, of course, they acknowledge that additional studies are

Time: 5222.28

needed, but this is just one of several studies pointing

Time: 5224.992

to the fact that people who regularly ingest caffeine

Time: 5227.2

in the appropriate dosages do seem

Time: 5229.9

to enjoy an antidepressive effect overall.

Time: 5232.9

I wouldn't want anyone to consider caffeine

Time: 5235.36

a treatment for severe depression

Time: 5238.3

or at least not alone a treatment

Time: 5239.74

for severe depression.

Time: 5240.91

But provided the anxiety-inducing effects

Time: 5243.31

of caffeine can be kept in check through use of theanine

Time: 5246.01

or making sure that the dosage and the timing of caffeine

Time: 5248.86

ingestion is correct, then caffeine overall

Time: 5251.08

seems to be good for our mood and prevent depression

Time: 5254.92

or at least keep depression at bay

Time: 5257.05

when depression might otherwise surface or be more severe.

Time: 5261.1

And, of course, there are the don'ts surrounding caffeine

Time: 5263.74

intake as it relates to sleep.

Time: 5267.27

And to put it very simply, sleep--

Time: 5269.7

that is getting enough quality sleep

Time: 5271.62

each night-- is the foundation.

Time: 5273.713

It is the bedrock of mental health, physical health,

Time: 5275.88

and performance.

Time: 5276.63

Sleep and the power of sleep far exceeds any nootropic

Time: 5280.95

you could ever take, any prescription drug

Time: 5283.38

you could ever take, any health-promoting tool

Time: 5286.89

for your immune system, your metabolism,

Time: 5289.27

your mental function, your physical function you

Time: 5291.27

could ever take.

Time: 5291.96

Sleep is the bedrock.

Time: 5293.67

I know a lot of people experience challenge

Time: 5296.07

with sleep.

Time: 5297.24

Nobody is perfect about sleep.

Time: 5298.89

That's important to keep in mind.

Time: 5300.55

I think a good goal is to get enough quality

Time: 5303.75

sleep of sufficient duration 80% of the nights of your life

Time: 5306.96

and then as much as possible to make sure that the remaining

Time: 5309.69

20% of nights you are not getting enough

Time: 5311.777

sleep for good reasons as opposed to hard reasons.

Time: 5313.86

Good reasons would include raising children.

Time: 5316.08

That's important.

Time: 5316.92

After all, every species desires to make more of itself

Time: 5321.03

and to preserve and extend the well-being of its young,

Time: 5324.99

so child-rearing is a perfectly legitimate reason

Time: 5327.99

to get a lack of sleep.

Time: 5329.74

But you really want to strive to get quality sleep most nights

Time: 5333.66

of your life, which means that, even if you're somebody who

Time: 5337.86

can, quote unquote, "drink an espresso"

Time: 5339.63

and then fall right asleep, that you avoid caffeine intake

Time: 5343.86

in the 12 hours prior to sleep.

Time: 5346.89

I realize not everyone will be able to do that.

Time: 5349.12

And in fact, I sometimes violate that,

Time: 5350.95

so I tend to go to sleep around 10:00 PM every night,

Time: 5355.6

sometimes 11:00, occasionally 12:00 midnight,

Time: 5358.32

but usually around 10:00 PM every night.

Time: 5362.61

I confess that my last ingestion of caffeine

Time: 5365.97

is not always 10:00 AM or prior to that,

Time: 5369.55

so sometimes I will have caffeine up

Time: 5371.28

until 11:00 AM or maybe noon.

Time: 5374.16

And very, very rarely, I'll have an afternoon coffee or espresso

Time: 5379.62

or noncalorie-containing soda or tea or something

Time: 5384

that's of that sort.

Time: 5385.48

But I really tried to restrict my caffeine intake

Time: 5387.96

to the early part of my day that is before noon, given

Time: 5391.56

that I go to sleep around 10:00 PM each night.

Time: 5394.47

And I strongly encourage everyone out there

Time: 5397.29

to try and limit their afternoon caffeine intake.

Time: 5400.83

This is something that Dr. Matt Walker, who's an expert

Time: 5404.1

sleep researcher out of University of California

Time: 5407.07

Berkeley Psychology and neuroscience department there,

Time: 5409.56

author of the incredible book Why We sleep.

Time: 5411.42

He's been on this podcast, many other podcasts,

Time: 5414.63

talking about the importance of sleep.

Time: 5416.61

He will remind us, and I'll remind you now

Time: 5419.13

that the quarter life of caffeine is 12 hours.

Time: 5422.772

I mentioned this earlier, but I'm going to repeat it again.

Time: 5425.23

And that means that, if you ingest caffeine at noon,

Time: 5429.3

25% of its effects more or less, OK?

Time: 5432.385

I'm using a broad stroke here to talk about quarter life.

Time: 5434.76

25% of that is still going to be bioactive at midnight

Time: 5439.2

that night, which will disrupt the early phase of your night,

Time: 5442.62

the amount of slow-wave sleep, which then in turn

Time: 5445.32

will disrupt the amount of rapid eye movement sleep, which will

Time: 5448.35

disrupt your emotional processing

Time: 5450.72

during the following day and so on and so forth.

Time: 5453.28

None of this is to say that if you

Time: 5454.74

have the occasional cup of coffee in the afternoon,

Time: 5456.635

that it's going to completely demolish

Time: 5458.37

your sleep/wake cycle forever.

Time: 5459.9

But I really encourage people to avoid drinking caffeine

Time: 5463.26

in the 12 hours prior to sleep.

Time: 5465.468

And if you can't do that, within the 10 hours prior to sleep.

Time: 5468.01

And if you can't do that, within the 8 hours prior to sleep.

Time: 5470.46

So really try and limit your caffeine

Time: 5472.002

intake in the 8 to 12 hours prior

Time: 5475.11

to going to sleep at night.

Time: 5476.26

And, of course, slow-wave sleep, aka deep sleep,

Time: 5478.62

is the sleep that's associated with somewhat mundane dreams,

Time: 5482.725

which makes it sound like it might not be that important.

Time: 5485.1

But it's also the sleep that's associated with growth hormone

Time: 5489.24

release, which is important for protein synthesis,

Time: 5492.48

repair of all bodily tissues and metabolism.

Time: 5495.36

And slow-wave sleep is also critically

Time: 5498.33

attached to your immune system's ability

Time: 5500.82

to clear out bacteria and viruses that might otherwise

Time: 5503.58

infect your tissues.

Time: 5504.63

Now I'd like to talk about caffeine and performance.

Time: 5507.48

And that includes both mental performance

Time: 5509.25

and physical performance.

Time: 5511.84

Now I'd like to talk about caffeine

Time: 5513.57

and its positive effects on performance

Time: 5515.85

when used correctly.

Time: 5517.5

And here we are referring to both mental performance

Time: 5520.47

and physical performance.

Time: 5522.69

The exploration of caffeine as a pro-performance tool

Time: 5526.59

has been explored since the 1930s, at least

Time: 5529.95

that's some of the earliest documented literature on this.

Time: 5533.19

Although I have to imagine, given

Time: 5534.72

that people have been using caffeine for much

Time: 5536.64

longer than that, that long ago somebody realized that,

Time: 5540.42

by ingesting a certain plant, that they

Time: 5542.91

felt much more alertness and were

Time: 5544.29

able to hunt and gather or do any number of different things

Time: 5547.05

better and, as a consequence, decide

Time: 5549.18

to consume more of that plant.

Time: 5552.18

Now these days, we consume a lot of caffeine

Time: 5554.37

in the form of coffee and tea mainly,

Time: 5556.08

and some people consume it in the form of caffeine tablets

Time: 5559.29

or energy drinks, et cetera.

Time: 5562.17

Across the board, one finds that caffeine intake

Time: 5565.61

at a level of 1 to 3 milligrams per kilogram of body weight

Time: 5568.85

improves reaction time.

Time: 5571.13

That is, it reduces the amount of time

Time: 5573.02

to take a physical action or to answer a question correctly

Time: 5578.63

with a verbal response.

Time: 5581

It can also improve coordination.

Time: 5582.77

It can also improve memory, although I

Time: 5585.38

do want to mention that, whereas most studies of the effects

Time: 5588.92

of caffeine on improving mental and physical performance

Time: 5592.22

involve taking caffeine at 1 to 3 milligrams per kilogram

Time: 5596.48

of body weight before the mental task or physical task,

Time: 5600.53

there is also a pro-performance effect of caffeine on memory

Time: 5604.61

if one takes caffeine after learning certain material

Time: 5608.3

or I should say being exposed to certain material.

Time: 5611.87

We'll come back to that in a few minutes.

Time: 5614.61

If one examines reaction time, mood, alertness, focus,

Time: 5620.95

and memory or the ability to call up

Time: 5624.16

information from memory, or physical dexterity, power

Time: 5628.63

output, endurance, and overall feelings of well-being

Time: 5633.46

during exercise and exertion, caffeine

Time: 5637.36

has been shown in numerous studies in both men and women

Time: 5640.9

to improve all of those metrics significantly.

Time: 5644.3

So this is all just to say that caffeine

Time: 5647.86

is an incredible performance-enhancing tool.

Time: 5650.26

Now, what's not obvious from the statement that caffeine is

Time: 5653.83

a performance-enhancing tool across the board

Time: 5656.05

and in men and women and in different contexts

Time: 5658.96

is that the way in which caffeine is taken

Time: 5662.14

is very important.

Time: 5664.41

Because 90% or more of adults consume caffeine,

Time: 5670.22

finding controls for studies of caffeine is really challenging.

Time: 5674.21

That is, finding people who don't ingest caffeine

Time: 5676.7

regularly is a very challenging task for the researcher.

Time: 5680.54

And as a consequence, many of the studies

Time: 5682.88

of caffeine on human beings involve

Time: 5685.22

depriving regular caffeine users of caffeine

Time: 5688.73

and then examining the effects of caffeine

Time: 5691.67

given after a period of, say, 5 to 15 days of abstinence

Time: 5695.99

in a person that is essentially experiencing mild withdrawal

Time: 5700.07

symptoms because they haven't had the caffeine that they were

Time: 5702.62

used to getting.

Time: 5703.34

So this is an important point.

Time: 5704.75

And it's a point that likely exacerbates

Time: 5707.6

the observed pro-performance effects of caffeine.

Time: 5711.15

Now all of that isn't necessarily a problem,

Time: 5713.18

provided you keep it in mind.

Time: 5715.13

And it actually points to a way in which

Time: 5718.43

even if you're a regular caffeine user,

Time: 5720.59

you can extract more of the benefits of caffeine.

Time: 5723.17

The simplest way to do this, for instance,

Time: 5725.12

is to look back to what we talked about earlier in terms

Time: 5729.02

of the need to have most of your cortisol increase restricted

Time: 5732.83

to the hour or hours just after waking in terms of mood

Time: 5736.43

and alertness and performance.

Time: 5738.29

One of the ways to increase the peak of that cortisol

Time: 5741.86

early in the day is to consume caffeine shortly

Time: 5746.21

after that peak occurs.

Time: 5748.22

And this was really nicely demonstrated

Time: 5750.32

in a study entitled caffeine stimulation

Time: 5752.96

of cortisol secretion across the waking hours in relation

Time: 5755.87

to caffeine intake levels.

Time: 5757.61

We will provide a link to this study.

Time: 5759.38

It's a somewhat complicated study

Time: 5761.33

because they looked at a bunch of different times of day

Time: 5763.88

for caffeine intake.

Time: 5765.47

And I should mention, in this study,

Time: 5767.27

they use this 300 milligrams per day or 600 milligrams per day.

Time: 5771.19

So that's quite high, although for people of sufficient body

Time: 5773.69

weight and who are accustomed to taking caffeine,

Time: 5775.94

it's certainly not going to be in excess

Time: 5778.28

of what a lot of people out there are taking.

Time: 5780.32

But basically, what they observed was the following.

Time: 5784.73

Cortisol responses to caffeine are reduced but not

Time: 5787.55

eliminated in people who consume caffeine on a daily basis.

Time: 5791.06

What this means is that, if you wake up--

Time: 5793.85

as I recommended earlier, you avoid

Time: 5795.95

drinking caffeine for the first 90 to 120 minutes after waking,

Time: 5799.55

but you do get some sunlight or other bright light in your eyes

Time: 5802.52

in that time, maybe even get some exercise

Time: 5805.04

in that time, which would be even better--

Time: 5806.79

and then you ingest caffeine, you will get a further increase

Time: 5810.02

in cortisol, which, provided it's restricted

Time: 5812.93

to the early part of the day, is a good thing overall for mood

Time: 5815.69

and alertness.

Time: 5816.57

So this is a simple performance-enhancing tool,

Time: 5820.05

which is to stack caffeine on the tail

Time: 5822.05

of that early cortisol peak.

Time: 5824.36

I should also mention, however, that, in this study,

Time: 5826.8

they had people do a five-day caffeine abstinence prior

Time: 5830.9

to being tested with 300 milligrams or 600 milligrams

Time: 5834.71

of caffeine.

Time: 5835.53

So the simple tool to extract from this and other studies

Time: 5838.22

like it is that, if you want to experience

Time: 5840.32

the maximum alertness-promoting effects of caffeine

Time: 5843.44

when you ingest it early in the day,

Time: 5845.67

you would abstain from caffeine for five days

Time: 5848.12

and then ingest caffeine 90 to 120 minutes after waking.

Time: 5851.182

I would still hope that you were doing all the other things

Time: 5853.64

that I described-- morning sunlight, exercise, et cetera--

Time: 5856.057


Time: 5856.64

But regardless, it's very clear that a five-day abstinence

Time: 5860.06

from caffeine however painful that might be

Time: 5862.7

will increase the performance-enhancing effects

Time: 5865.13

of caffeine when you take caffeine on that sixth day.

Time: 5868.13

Now, I'm sure many of you out there are saying, why would

Time: 5870.77

I ever want to abstain from caffeine for five days

Time: 5873.53

in order to just get this six-day performance-enhancing

Time: 5876.35


Time: 5877.04

Well, there are a couple of reasons for doing that.

Time: 5879.165

Perhaps you're planning to travel to a new time zone,

Time: 5882.84

and you want to use caffeine as a stimulant

Time: 5884.87

to stay up during the day in the new time zone.

Time: 5887.36

That's a somewhat unusual case.

Time: 5889.04

Others of you might be interested

Time: 5890.48

in the pro-physical performance effects of caffeine.

Time: 5893.807

We'll talk more about these in a little bit.

Time: 5895.64

But you want to get the maximum strength

Time: 5897.83

increase or the maximum endurance increase

Time: 5900.23

from ingesting, in this case, 300 to 600 milligrams

Time: 5904.46

of caffeine.

Time: 5905.06

Well, in that case, abstaining from caffeine for five days

Time: 5907.61

will greatly exacerbate the pro-performance effects

Time: 5911.15

of caffeine when you take it on that sixth day,

Time: 5913.76

although admittedly, those five days are

Time: 5915.56

likely to be pretty painful if you're a regular caffeine user.

Time: 5918.41

Another variation on this, however,

Time: 5920.1

might be to have the amount of caffeine

Time: 5922.49

that you ingest on a daily basis and then go back

Time: 5925.43

to your regular level of caffeine intake on that

Time: 5928.07

day in which you need the caffeine to really boost

Time: 5930.29

your mood, energy, and performance.

Time: 5931.94

Another reason why you might want to abstain from caffeine

Time: 5934.705

or reduce your caffeine intake for a period of time

Time: 5936.83

and then go back to your regular caffeine intake

Time: 5939.14

is simply to identify how much of an effect caffeine

Time: 5943.28

is really having on your overall level of daily functioning

Time: 5947.48

and mood.

Time: 5948.05

This was something that was actually

Time: 5949.1

covered in beautiful detail in a book by Michael Pollan

Time: 5951.74

all about caffeine.

Time: 5952.97

It's available on Audible.

Time: 5954.23

I really enjoyed that book.

Time: 5956.21

It describes his experience with the decision

Time: 5958.88

to completely abstain from caffeine

Time: 5960.92

for a period of months, although I confess that after hearing

Time: 5965.21

that book, what it basically made me want to do

Time: 5967.19

is never quit drinking caffeine because it sounded

Time: 5969.44

as if, at least my interpretation was, that

Time: 5971.54

even after several weeks or months of abstaining

Time: 5973.88

from caffeine, that he still fantasized

Time: 5976.28

about the effects of caffeine.

Time: 5977.93

But he did mention that, when returning to ingesting caffeine

Time: 5981.62

after a period of long abstinence,

Time: 5983.63

that it had almost a--

Time: 5986.45

let's not call it a psychedelic property,

Time: 5988.55

but it had such obvious effects on mood

Time: 5992.69

and alertness and feelings of well-being

Time: 5994.79

that it really highlighted for him the extent

Time: 5997.13

to which caffeine normally was allowing him to just function

Time: 6000.04

what he thought was normally.

Time: 6001.33

So in other words, many of us don't even

Time: 6003.43

really know what our normal basal level

Time: 6005.74

of cognitive and physical functioning

Time: 6007.96

is because we're ingesting caffeine

Time: 6009.46

on such a regular basis.

Time: 6010.81

I confess that, as much as I enjoyed that book

Time: 6013.33

and as intriguing as his description of caffeine

Time: 6016.42

abstinence and then the return to caffeine was,

Time: 6018.82

I don't intend to ever find out personally.

Time: 6020.95

Now a very good reason why you might

Time: 6022.81

want to abstain from caffeine for a deliberate period of time

Time: 6025.51

and then return to caffeine intake

Time: 6028.27

is for its physical performance-enhancing effects.

Time: 6032.84

And here we can look to a really interesting study.

Time: 6035.445

The title of which is "Time course

Time: 6037.222

of tolerance to the performance effects of caffeine."

Time: 6039.43

And what I like about this study is that, while yes,

Time: 6041.77

it does say that abstaining from caffeine

Time: 6043.78

and then returning to caffeine intake

Time: 6045.52

can enhance physical performance in a very specific way,

Time: 6048.65

it also says that, if you take caffeine regularly,

Time: 6050.92

you can still see the physical performance-enhancing effects

Time: 6053.86

of caffeine.

Time: 6054.64

Although they are not quite as robust as they would be had

Time: 6058.195

you abstained from caffeine.

Time: 6060.82

The design of the study is pretty straightforward.

Time: 6064.01

They had people either ingest 3 milligrams

Time: 6066.49

per kilogram of caffeine for 20 consecutive days.

Time: 6069.583

Many people are already doing that, I realize,

Time: 6071.5

but they had people do that or ensure

Time: 6073.357

that they were doing that.

Time: 6074.44

Or others ingested a placebo for 20 days,

Time: 6077.65

so they abstained from caffeine without realizing it.

Time: 6080.75

Then after that 20 days of either ingesting caffeine

Time: 6085.36

or a placebo, their peak performance

Time: 6089.59

was measured in terms of aerobic output.

Time: 6092.02

But prior to that measurement, they had caffeine, OK?

Time: 6094.78

So it's 20 days of caffeine and then a 21st day of caffeine

Time: 6098.08

and then the physical task on that 21st day.

Time: 6100.66

Or it's 20 days of abstinence from caffeine.

Time: 6103.42

And then on day 21, you get caffeine,

Time: 6105.34

and you get the same physical test.

Time: 6106.96

And what they discovered was that the ingestion of caffeine

Time: 6111.55

increased peak performance in this aerobic output

Time: 6115.65

dramatically if people had abstained from caffeine.

Time: 6120.18

But for people that had consumed caffeine all the way through up

Time: 6124.29

until that day, it still was effective to ingest caffeine

Time: 6128.55

on day 21 but not as effective as it would have been had

Time: 6132.75

they abstained.

Time: 6134.01

And in fact, the magnitude of what

Time: 6137.37

they call ergogenic effect, which

Time: 6139.74

is the pro-performance-enhancing effect of caffeine,

Time: 6142.65

was higher on the first day than in subsequent days

Time: 6146.842

when they allowed people to continue caffeine intake.

Time: 6149.05

So the takeaway from this study is really straightforward.

Time: 6151.36

If you want to get the maximum physical performance-enhancing

Time: 6153.902

effects of caffeine, you abstain from caffeine for 20 days.

Time: 6157.86

Then on day 21, when you're going

Time: 6159.84

to do the physical thing, the task,

Time: 6162.12

you ingest caffeine about 30 minutes to an hour

Time: 6165.18

before you do that physical challenge.

Time: 6168.66

Now 20 days of abstinence is going

Time: 6170.19

to be rough for a lot of people.

Time: 6171.523

I certainly don't want to sign up for this study.

Time: 6174.512

In which case, you might want to do five days of abstinence

Time: 6176.97

as we talked about before.

Time: 6178.36

And then on day six is the day that you ingest caffeine and do

Time: 6182.01

the physical task.

Time: 6183.432

There are even some studies showing

Time: 6184.89

that you can abstain from caffeine for just two days,

Time: 6187.32

for just 48 hours.

Time: 6189

And, in particular, if you are a regular user of caffeine,

Time: 6192.99

this allows you to, on day three,

Time: 6195.78

ingest caffeine at the dose that's appropriate for you

Time: 6198.75

and do the physical, or I should mention mental performance task

Time: 6202.74

and perform significantly better than those

Time: 6205.5

that have been taking caffeine throughout the entire period

Time: 6208.44

leading up to the challenge.

Time: 6210.09

So you don't necessarily need to abstain for 20 days

Time: 6213.27

in order to get the pro-performance effects

Time: 6215.37

of caffeine on day 21.

Time: 6216.72

You could do five days of abstinence prior or even

Time: 6218.91

two days of abstinence prior.

Time: 6220.2

Or if that's intolerable to you as it is in my mind,

Time: 6223.47

to me, to just reduce your caffeine intake slightly

Time: 6226.86

or even perhaps have it if you can tolerate that

Time: 6230.07

in the week or two weeks or maybe even three

Time: 6233.4

weeks preceding some physical or mental challenge.

Time: 6235.83

Now again, this sort of implies that you're going up

Time: 6238.47

against a marathon, or you're going up

Time: 6240.06

against a series of long tests, maybe standardized tests

Time: 6243.63

in one day.

Time: 6244.59

There, I just really want to point out

Time: 6246.21

that there is an abundant literature showing that people

Time: 6249.03

perform best on mental tests if they are in the state

Time: 6253.62

that they were when they studied for that material.

Time: 6257.17

Now in college, I knew a number of people

Time: 6259.027

who took this to the extreme, thinking that if they were

Time: 6261.36

to study under the effects of alcohol,

Time: 6263.25

that they would be best off consuming alcohol

Time: 6266.16

prior to taking exams.

Time: 6267.54

And it turns out to not be the case.

Time: 6269.16

Here we're talking, in particular, about

Time: 6271.17

psychostimulant effects of caffeine and other compounds.

Time: 6274.72

So don't think that you can drink

Time: 6276.93

or be under the influence of THC and then take--

Time: 6280.118

when you study and then take an exam under the same influence

Time: 6282.66

and do just as well as you would had you not ingested anything.

Time: 6284.82

Please don't let that be the takeaway.

Time: 6286.59

However, do let it be the takeaway

Time: 6289.41

that caffeine's effects are made more

Time: 6291.54

potent by a brief to not so brief period of abstinence

Time: 6295.11

prior to taking a dosage of caffeine.

Time: 6297.51

And then the final point to make is

Time: 6299.79

that, if you are somebody who is not accustomed to drinking

Time: 6302.255

caffeine, meaning you're hypersensitive to caffeine

Time: 6304.38

or you don't regularly ingest caffeine, please

Time: 6306.66

do not ingest caffeine on the day

Time: 6308.64

of any important mental or physical challenge

Time: 6310.98

or performance, because what you will find

Time: 6312.81

is that because you are not caffeine-adapted,

Time: 6315.12

you will experience changes in your thermal regulation,

Time: 6318.24

in your levels of anxiety and jitteriness,

Time: 6320.802

and your levels of focus that could

Time: 6322.26

be very detrimental to mental or physical performance.

Time: 6325.78

So you don't want to throw yourself in the deep end

Time: 6328.38

by ingesting caffeine if you're not used to it.

Time: 6330.6

And I should mention that for people

Time: 6332.1

that are not accustomed to ingesting caffeine

Time: 6334.11

or are very sensitive to caffeine.

Time: 6335.86

Even 25 to 50 milligrams of caffeine in the amount

Time: 6339.217

that's found in, for instance, a piece

Time: 6340.8

of certain types of chocolate can actually cause anxiety.

Time: 6344.16

So be careful there.

Time: 6345.33

Here, I'm referring only to people that are accustomed

Time: 6347.58

with caffeine intake.

Time: 6348.9

So what I recommend is to explore the ergogenic effects

Time: 6353.4

of caffeine during your training and then to make a decision

Time: 6356.58

about what you can reasonably and reliably do

Time: 6359.16

in terms of abstinence and then pulse with caffeine

Time: 6362.4

on the day of the challenge.

Time: 6364.035

I get a lot of questions as to whether or not

Time: 6365.91

caffeine has different effects on the nervous system

Time: 6368.077

and on performance in particular, depending on phases

Time: 6370.71

of the menstrual cycle.

Time: 6372.605

So I explored that in my research for this episode,

Time: 6374.73

and I found two studies both of which

Time: 6376.557

we will reference in the show note captions.

Time: 6378.39

The first one is entitled "Caffeine consumption

Time: 6381.63

and menstrual function."

Time: 6382.78

So it's actually the relationship between caffeine

Time: 6384.9

and menstrual function.

Time: 6385.59

We will do an entire episode about the menstrual cycle

Time: 6387.96

and menstrual function.

Time: 6388.953

But the other one as it relates to performance

Time: 6390.87

was published in 2020 in the European Journal of Nutrition,

Time: 6394.33

which is "Ergogenic effects of caffeine

Time: 6396.943

on peak aerobic cycling power during the menstrual cycle."

Time: 6399.36

And the basic takeaway of this study is--

Time: 6402.54

frankly, a very nice study, showed that quote, "Caffeine

Time: 6405.72

increased peak aerobic cycling power in the early follicular,

Time: 6409.71

preovulatory, and midluteal phases of the menstrual cycle."

Time: 6413.56

Thus, the ingestion-- and again, here they

Time: 6415.31

use 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body mass

Time: 6419.01

might be considered an ergogenic aid for women

Time: 6423.38

who are in the menstrual cycle during all three

Time: 6426.02

phases of their cycle.

Time: 6427.29

So keep that in mind, women--

Time: 6429.32

for those of you that are regular users of caffeine

Time: 6431.57

or you're using caffeine to enhance physical performance,

Time: 6434.33

there does not seem to be any menstrual cycle phase-dependent

Time: 6438.08

effects of caffeine on performance.

Time: 6440.27

That is, caffeine seems to always increase

Time: 6442.73

physical performance regardless of the phase

Time: 6445.248

of the menstrual cycle you might happen to be in.

Time: 6447.29

I'd like to touch on a little bit more of the use of caffeine

Time: 6451.19

for enhancing mental performance.

Time: 6453.08

Yes, it is the case that ingesting 1 to 3 milligrams

Time: 6457.04

of caffeine per kilogram of body weight in the 30 minutes

Time: 6460.31

or so prior to doing a memory task

Time: 6462.89

or sitting down to doing some studying

Time: 6465.59

or learning of any kind, physical or mental performance,

Time: 6469.61

of any kind is beneficial for all the reasons we talked

Time: 6472.88

about before, relate to dopamine and acetylcholine, et cetera.

Time: 6476.96

But it turns out that it is also the case that

Time: 6480.89

spiking one's adrenaline and other so-called

Time: 6484.13

catecholamines-- so this would be dopamine, norepinephrine,

Time: 6486.63

and epinephrine-- after a bout of learning

Time: 6490.73

can greatly enhance memory for the information

Time: 6493.67

that one was trying to learn.

Time: 6495.42

That's right.

Time: 6496.4

Spiking your adrenaline after learning

Time: 6499.07

can greatly increase memory for the material

Time: 6502.37

you're trying to learn.

Time: 6504

In fact, this is a practice that dates back centuries and was

Time: 6507.59

written about in a beautiful Annual Review of Neuroscience

Time: 6511.28

on the biology of memory by James McGaugh, where he talks

Time: 6514.16

about medieval practices of children

Time: 6517.34

being taught information and then being thrown literally

Time: 6520.16

into cold water to stimulate the release of adrenaline

Time: 6523.46

and that increase in adrenaline.

Time: 6526.1

While the mechanism wasn't completely understood,

Time: 6528.44

it was understood that that sort of shock

Time: 6531.17

to the system from the cold water

Time: 6533.33

led to better memory and retention of the information

Time: 6537.53

that these children had been exposed to.

Time: 6539.258

And it turns out the exact same thing

Time: 6540.8

is true for adults in the laboratory

Time: 6543.02

or kids in the laboratory.

Time: 6544.19

And here I'm not suggesting throwing anyone

Time: 6546.02

into cold water.

Time: 6546.687

If you want to get into cold water,

Time: 6548.24

there's a reason we call it deliberate

Time: 6549.93

cold exposure on the podcast is that it

Time: 6551.922

should be deliberate and controlled by you, not

Time: 6553.88

by somebody else.

Time: 6554.81

And if it's controlled by somebody else,

Time: 6556.477

that might be military screening or something.

Time: 6559.11

But here we're talking about deliberately increasing

Time: 6563.03

your levels of adrenaline and other catecholamines, dopamine,

Time: 6566.55

norepinephrine, et cetera.

Time: 6568.16

You can do that certainly by deliberate cold exposure

Time: 6570.98

with a cold shower or getting in up to your neck

Time: 6574.13

in cold water of any kind.

Time: 6576.23

But the other way to do that is to spike your adrenaline

Time: 6579.5

by ingesting 1 to 3 milligrams per kilogram of caffeine

Time: 6584.66

after sitting down to try and learn some material I confess

Time: 6588.59

that, more often than not, I use caffeine in the same way

Time: 6591.2

that most people use it, which is OK.

Time: 6592.903

I'm going to sit down.

Time: 6593.82

I'm going to research information for a podcast

Time: 6596.51

or assemble some information for a paper or grant,

Time: 6600.05

and I want to focus.

Time: 6601.07

So I will drink a cup of coffee at the beginning of that

Time: 6604.91

and maybe even throughout that or a couple of yerba maté

Time: 6607.61

at the beginning or throughout that.

Time: 6609.11

Or I'll sip on one or both throughout trying to learn.

Time: 6613.01

And that works quite well in terms

Time: 6615.74

of maintaining focus and alertness and retention

Time: 6619.37

of information, but it is indeed the case.

Time: 6622.25

That is, the research supports the fact.

Time: 6624.08

And I've experienced the fact that,

Time: 6625.76

if I abstain from caffeine while I'm trying to learn something--

Time: 6628.76

but then I drink caffeine immediately after.

Time: 6631.97

Somewhat surprisingly to me but certainly in a way that's

Time: 6635.57

consistent with the research literature, memory

Time: 6639.14

for the information that I was focused on prior to ingesting

Time: 6643.34

that caffeine is much greater.

Time: 6644.827

And here I'm talking about as a personal anecdote,

Time: 6646.91

but this is actually what the data point to both in animals

Time: 6649.37

and in humans.

Time: 6650.84

And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense

Time: 6652.91

because the way that the memory systems of the brain

Time: 6656.78

are organized is that we go through life experiencing

Time: 6659.76


Time: 6660.26

We encounter surprises both good and bad.

Time: 6662.75

We go through the motions of things both typical, mundane,

Time: 6667.16

exciting, and novel, and not novel.

Time: 6671.332

And then every once in a while, something

Time: 6673.04

will happen that will spike our catecholamines.

Time: 6675.47

Dopamine, typically if it's a positive surprise.

Time: 6679.01

Adrenaline, which can be associated

Time: 6680.69

with both positive surprise or positive events

Time: 6683.39

and negative events or surprises.

Time: 6686.39

And without fail, increases in the catecholamines

Time: 6691.4

tend to lock in memories for things

Time: 6694.67

that preceded the increase in those catecholamines.

Time: 6697.19

Again, the catecholamines being dopamine, epinephrine,

Time: 6699.68

and norepinephrine, sometimes all three in combination,

Time: 6702.05

sometimes just two of those, sometimes just one of those,

Time: 6704.425

depending on the experience.

Time: 6706.35

So it makes perfect sense that using caffeine

Time: 6709.55

at the end of a learning bout would

Time: 6712.22

enhance our memory for the information

Time: 6714.483

that we are trying to learn.

Time: 6715.65

So if you decide that you want to try and extract

Time: 6718.22

this performance-enhancing effect of caffeine, what

Time: 6720.71

I recommend would be to try and abstain from caffeine for a day

Time: 6725.36

or two prior.

Time: 6726.05

But if you can't, you just continue

Time: 6727.64

with your normal caffeine intake.

Time: 6729.23

But then when you sit down to study or learn something

Time: 6731.99

to not ingest any caffeine as you do that but then afterward

Time: 6736.94

to ingest caffeine.

Time: 6738.21

Now in theory, you could probably further enhance

Time: 6740.57

the memory encoding effects of adrenaline

Time: 6743.36

and the other catecholamines by drinking caffeine

Time: 6745.94

and then taking a cold shower or doing deliberate cold exposure

Time: 6749.39

if you really wanted to or had the ability to

Time: 6751.52

or doing some sort of intense form of exercise.

Time: 6754.79

And we'll talk in a moment about how

Time: 6756.29

caffeine, exercise, and the adrenaline system interact.

Time: 6760.04

But as a brief but relevant to side,

Time: 6762.83

brief bouts of intense exercise ranging from 10 to 50 minutes

Time: 6767.18

or so have been shown to improve memory for information

Time: 6771.11

that one was trying to learn prior to the intense exercise.

Time: 6774.14

This is work from Dr. Wendy Suzuki's lab at NYU

Time: 6777.98

as well as other laboratories, some of the work

Time: 6780.5

that's being done at Stanford in the Mind, Body Laboratories.

Time: 6784.665

And our laboratory points in the direction of these kinds

Time: 6787.04

of effects as well.

Time: 6788.76

They all come back to the same general neurochemical

Time: 6792.68

theme, which is that, when we experience

Time: 6795.29

an increase in these catecholamines that include

Time: 6798.08

adrenaline, dopamine, and norepinephrine,

Time: 6801.08

the memory systems of the brain flip on in a way that

Time: 6804.58

try to capture the information and the perceptions

Time: 6808.18

and the experiences that we were exposed to just prior

Time: 6811.78

to the increase in catecholamines and caffeine

Time: 6815.2

but also exercise and also cold water.

Time: 6817.45

And, of course, any of those alone or in combination

Time: 6821.2

all increase the levels of catecholamines,

Time: 6823.55

so it makes perfect logical mechanistic sense

Time: 6826.15

as to why this would work.

Time: 6827.5

And in fact, it does work.

Time: 6828.82

If you want to remember specific information,

Time: 6831.34

you might consider using caffeine as you move through

Time: 6834.01

and absorb and are exposed to that information.

Time: 6836.11

But you might also consider using caffeine

Time: 6839.44

after being exposed to that information

Time: 6841.45

because studies in animals and humans

Time: 6843.46

show that that is a potent way to increase memory for what

Time: 6846.88

you are just exposed to.

Time: 6848.23

I should mention that what I just described also

Time: 6850.36

pushes back on something that I know a number of people

Time: 6853.03

perhaps have heard about and maybe even use, which is

Time: 6856.03

this notion of the nappuccino.

Time: 6857.402

I remember hearing about this a few years back.

Time: 6859.36

It was sort of trend, if you will.

Time: 6862.87

The trend involved drinking a cup of coffee

Time: 6865.24

or a double espresso and then going down for a nap typically

Time: 6868.27

in the afternoon and then waking up.

Time: 6869.77

And the idea was that the caffeine would hit your system

Time: 6872.2

right at the time that you awake from the nap

Time: 6874.09

and that you would be better able to focus and exercise.

Time: 6878.17

There are a couple of things about that practice that I

Time: 6880.6

don't like.

Time: 6881.29

First of all, it implies, in most cases,

Time: 6884.65

that you're napping and ingesting

Time: 6887.32

caffeine in the afternoon, which I realize for many students

Time: 6891.043

and for people that are comfortable staying up

Time: 6892.96

until the wee hours of the night and then waking up

Time: 6895.33

late the next day might be compatible with their schedule.

Time: 6898.94

But again, because of the sleep-diminishing effects

Time: 6902.56

of caffeine--

Time: 6904.09

and we talked about earlier.

Time: 6905.41

I'm not crazy about the idea of people

Time: 6907.18

ingesting caffeine in the late afternoon

Time: 6909.16

in order to perform better in the late afternoon.

Time: 6912.01

Far better would be to restrict caffeine intake

Time: 6914.08

to the early part of the day as we talked about earlier.

Time: 6916.49

The other reason is that the data

Time: 6919.42

on things like non-sleep deep rest

Time: 6922.18

and naps in the afternoon-- and again, the rule here

Time: 6926.14

is that you don't have to nap.

Time: 6927.43

But if you want to nap, it's been

Time: 6928.96

shown that naps of 90 minutes or less

Time: 6931.3

or non-sleep deep rest protocols-- and you

Time: 6933.49

can find those-- for instance, there's one with me speaking.

Time: 6935.99

You just put NSDR Huberman into YouTube.

Time: 6938.38

You can hear that.

Time: 6939.13

It's completely zero cost.

Time: 6940.21

There are other NSDR scripts out there

Time: 6941.793

now, of course, if you prefer those, that those can all

Time: 6945.16

lead to increases in one of the catecholamines

Time: 6948.79

at least, which is dopamine.

Time: 6950.86

That's been shown in a really nice neurotransmitter labeling

Time: 6955.36

study, not from my laboratory, but from another laboratory,

Time: 6957.88

but also can improve mood, focus, and alertness on its own

Time: 6961.51

without the need to ingest caffeine prior

Time: 6963.85

to going into those states.

Time: 6965.29

And in fact, ingesting caffeine prior to a nap

Time: 6967.81

or ingesting caffeine prior to NSDR

Time: 6970.33

is most certainly going to reduce the effectiveness

Time: 6974.2

of that nap and NSDR in restoring

Time: 6976.42

natural levels of alertness and focus

Time: 6978.283

that would lead to the performance-enhancing effect.

Time: 6980.45

So I'm not such a fan of the so-called nappuccino,

Time: 6982.78

although if any of you out there have derived

Time: 6984.91

great benefit from it, definitely

Time: 6986.41

let me know your protocol and what you've experienced.

Time: 6988.81

Put it in the comment section if you would.

Time: 6991.93

I'd appreciate that.

Time: 6993.01

There's another very important and potent use of caffeine

Time: 6996.07

for enhancing performance.

Time: 6997.66

And this relates not just to the dopamine and epinephrine

Time: 7002.19

and the arousal-inducing effects of caffeine.

Time: 7005.79

And it doesn't even just relate to the effect of caffeine

Time: 7010.11

on enhancing frontal lobe function.

Time: 7011.8

It does include all that, but it also

Time: 7013.68

includes those reinforcing effects of caffeine

Time: 7016.86

that we talked about at the beginning of the episode.

Time: 7019.83

And the best way to illustrate these performance-enhancing

Time: 7023.01

effects of caffeine that stem directly

Time: 7025.38

from its association with reinforcement

Time: 7028.89

is to highlight a study.

Time: 7030.51

And the title of the study is "Blood dopamine level

Time: 7033.09

enhanced by caffeine in men after treadmill running."

Time: 7036.33

And as the title suggests, this was carried out in men,

Time: 7039.09

but there's no reason to think that the same results wouldn't

Time: 7042.45

also be present in women.

Time: 7044.38

There are some sex-dependent effects of caffeine.

Time: 7046.59

I'll touch on just briefly at the end.

Time: 7048.25

But those are largely present in kids.

Time: 7051.48

That is, adolescents and teens as opposed to adults.

Time: 7055.21

So this study is really interesting.

Time: 7057

What they had people do was run on a treadmill and either

Time: 7060.87

ingest caffeine-- again, 3 milligrams per kilogram of body

Time: 7064.8


Time: 7065.56

or to not ingest caffeine.

Time: 7067.77

And then they looked at levels of dopamine

Time: 7070.65

and other neurotransmitters and hormones,

Time: 7073.26

such as prolactin and cortisol.

Time: 7075.42

And the basic takeaway is, as the title suggests,

Time: 7078.3

that exercise, while on its own, can increase cortisol

Time: 7082.44

in healthy ways, provided it's not too intense and too long.

Time: 7085.89

A little note here, if you have trouble recovering

Time: 7089.028

from exercise or you want to continue

Time: 7090.57

to derive the benefits from exercise, in general, best not

Time: 7094.56

to do high-intensity exercise for longer than 75 minutes.

Time: 7097.95

Or 90 minutes probably being the outer threshold.

Time: 7100.368

I realized that there are some genetic freaks out there

Time: 7102.66

or people that are chemically assisted

Time: 7104.243

that can recover from very intense long bouts of exercise.

Time: 7107.4

But most people don't do well through long bouts

Time: 7111.66

of intense exercise on a regular basis.

Time: 7113.52

And limiting their intense exercise

Time: 7115.92

to 60 minutes or less--

Time: 7117.893

that doesn't include the warm-up--

Time: 7119.31

is going to be beneficial.

Time: 7120.393

See the episode on tool kit for fitness

Time: 7123.12

if you'd like details on that.

Time: 7125.46

Exercise is known to increase levels of dopamine, cortisol,

Time: 7129.51

and other catecholamines and neurotransmitters very potently

Time: 7133.86

and things like testosterone and estrogen

Time: 7135.69

in ways that we know are beneficial to us

Time: 7137.13

and, of course, have all these positive effects

Time: 7139.11

on the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular effects.

Time: 7142.14

But unbeknownst to most people, ingesting 3 milligrams

Time: 7147.63

per kilogram of caffeine prior to exercise further

Time: 7150.6

increases the dopamine release associated with exercise

Time: 7154.14


Time: 7155.31

And this has two important effects.

Time: 7157.39

First of all, that increase in dopamine

Time: 7159.42

is great because it provides a long-lasting increase

Time: 7162.87

in focus alertness and motivation,

Time: 7164.79

not just during the exercise, but also after the exercise.

Time: 7168.9

And second, it-- that is, caffeine and dopamine

Time: 7174.08

in combination-- act as a reinforcer

Time: 7176.45

to make the experience of exercise and the period

Time: 7179.61

immediate after exercise more pleasant and, in fact,

Time: 7183.33


Time: 7184.32

So in other words, one way to enjoy exercise more

Time: 7188.72

and to enjoy the activities that follow exercise more

Time: 7192.02

and to experience a genuine increase in dopamine that's

Time: 7195.53

beneficial for mood and alertness

Time: 7197.96

is to ingest caffeine prior to exercise.

Time: 7202.1

Now this is important because a number of people out there

Time: 7205.76

are exercising, love exercise, love eating great,

Time: 7209.593

love doing all the things that are

Time: 7211.01

beneficial for their health, but a number of people out there

Time: 7213.56

really don't like to exercise.

Time: 7215.42

And that serves as a serious block for their willingness

Time: 7220.04

and their consistency to exercise.

Time: 7224.91

Ingesting caffeine gives us energy to exercise.

Time: 7228.21

It increases the release of neurochemicals and hormones

Time: 7231.48

that are good for us during exercise.

Time: 7233.34

But as I'm highlighting here, it also

Time: 7236.49

increases the reinforcement pathways

Time: 7239.58

associated with exercise.

Time: 7241.74

That is, it creates a positive feeling

Time: 7244.86

about the general theme of engaging in exercise,

Time: 7248.25

and it creates a general positive experience

Time: 7251.52

of the things that follow exercise.

Time: 7253.54

So I think this, if nothing else is a call for or support

Time: 7258.3

for the idea, that ingesting caffeine

Time: 7260.43

as a performance-enhancing tool makes perfect sense.

Time: 7263.47

But for those out there that don't enjoy exercise,

Time: 7266.13

in particular, certain forms of exercise,

Time: 7268.47

ingesting caffeine can change your relationship

Time: 7271.68

to that exercise.

Time: 7273.31

In other words, make it more positive, much in the same way

Time: 7276.24

that ingesting caffeine alongside a certain taste that

Time: 7279.69

would otherwise be neutral or maybe even negative

Time: 7281.91

can actually make the taste of that particular drink or food

Time: 7285.09


Time: 7285.85

So again, this brings us back to the reinforcing properties

Time: 7288.39

of caffeine that are subconscious.

Time: 7290.68

It's not just about the enhanced performance in the test

Time: 7294.33

or the enhanced performance on the treadmill

Time: 7296.64

or with the weights in the gym.

Time: 7298.5

It's enhanced feelings of mood and well-being

Time: 7300.6

that are genuine because of the effect of caffeine

Time: 7303.24

on certain neurotransmitter and hormone systems,

Time: 7305.73

but it also is creating an overall milieu

Time: 7308.82

of reinforcing all of the things that

Time: 7311.04

led in to occur during and occur after exercise.

Time: 7315.41

I do want to point out something that's very important as it

Time: 7317.91

relates to combining things like caffeine

Time: 7321.75

and exercise in order to increase dopamine.

Time: 7323.925

This is something that came up in the episode

Time: 7325.8

that I did on dopamine, motivation, and drive, which

Time: 7328.56

turns out to be one of our most popular episodes.

Time: 7331.05

Again, you can find that at and links

Time: 7333.84

to all formats with time stamps, et cetera.

Time: 7335.7

This also came up in the episode on ADHD

Time: 7338.79

because of the relationship between ADHD and dopamine.

Time: 7341.58

And that's this notion of dopamine stacking.

Time: 7344.55

In the episode on dopamine, motivation, and drive,

Time: 7347.82

I pointed out that, while there are a near-infinite number

Time: 7351.12

of things that can increase dopamine release,

Time: 7354

most notably positive surprise or positive anticipation

Time: 7359.19

or experiencing a win.

Time: 7361.17

Certainly, there are compounds, both drugs of abuse, food, sex,

Time: 7366.72

and certain supplements that can increase dopamine

Time: 7368.82

to varying levels and to varying degrees,

Time: 7370.95

both healthy and unhealthy.

Time: 7372.688

That's all contained in that episode on dopamine,

Time: 7374.73

motivation, and drive.

Time: 7375.81

But what I pointed out is that, if you

Time: 7377.7

are somebody who tends to experience difficulty

Time: 7380.91

with motivation-- that so-called dopamine

Time: 7383.49

stacking as I called it might be something

Time: 7385.682

that you want to avoid.

Time: 7386.64

What's dopamine stacking?

Time: 7387.69

Dopamine stacking would be combining

Time: 7390.21

a highly caffeinated energy drink that also includes

Time: 7393.72

the amino acid tyrosine, which is a precursor to dopamine,

Time: 7396.93

plus loud music plus getting yourself really ramped up

Time: 7399.75

then an intense workout.

Time: 7401.16

All of that can be great if you do it every once in a while.

Time: 7404.8

But what you will quickly find is that the extent to which

Time: 7408.21

your dopamine peaks also dictates

Time: 7411.54

the extent to which your dopamine will

Time: 7413.28

drop after that peak.

Time: 7414.69

And when I say drop, I mean drop below baseline.

Time: 7416.702

So a lot of people find that, if they stack a lot of things

Time: 7419.16

to peak their dopamine, then they experience a low,

Time: 7422.94

and it does take some time for them to return to baseline.

Time: 7425.85

And I highly recommend not engaging in activities

Time: 7429.54

or consuming compounds that are in attempt to accelerate

Time: 7434.13

that return to baseline because all it will do

Time: 7436.17

is drive that baseline lower and lower.

Time: 7438.58

So this requires being able to tolerate

Time: 7440.25

a drop in dopamine baseline for a period of time, et cetera.

Time: 7442.975

Now the reason I'm bringing this up now

Time: 7444.6

in the context of this caffeine episode

Time: 7446.34

is I just described a study in which using caffeine

Time: 7449.55

prior to exercise increases dopamine after exercise.

Time: 7452.43

And so you might be saying, especially

Time: 7454.563

if you heard that earlier episode, wait, isn't

Time: 7456.48

that dopamine stacking?

Time: 7458.1

Aren't you encouraging me to stack my dopamine?

Time: 7460.47

Well, in some sense, yes.

Time: 7462

But keep in mind, I'm not suggesting

Time: 7463.59

that you do this every time you exercise.

Time: 7465.61

So just as in that earlier episode,

Time: 7467.28

I emphasized the fact that, while stacking

Time: 7470.1

multiple stimuli--

Time: 7472.23

caffeine or energy drinks and music and et cetera--

Time: 7476.44

for exercise or for mental work or for any experience

Time: 7479.2

for that matter is OK to do every once in a while for most

Time: 7482.11

people, you don't want to get in the habit of doing it

Time: 7484.36

consistently every time you exercise

Time: 7487.33

or every time you go out, for instance.

Time: 7489.74

And so you really want to be cautious.

Time: 7491.59

That is, you want to protect your both baseline

Time: 7493.6

levels of dopamine and your peak levels of dopamine.

Time: 7496.99

That said, for people that want to experience

Time: 7499.36

an increase in mood, alertness, and performance,

Time: 7501.67

or who want to condition themselves--

Time: 7503.38

because that's really what it is.

Time: 7504.755

It's conditioning yourself by the reinforcing effects

Time: 7506.98

of dopamine to increase your liking or maybe even

Time: 7512.68

your loving of exercise.

Time: 7514.33

Occasionally, using caffeine or frequently

Time: 7517.42

using caffeine prior to exercise is fine but be very careful.

Time: 7521.08

And by being very careful, what I mean

Time: 7523.03

is pay attention to how you feel in the hours and days

Time: 7526.39

after that dopamine increase wears off.

Time: 7529.69

So for instance, if you ingest caffeine and then exercise

Time: 7533.53

very intensely and you're feeling great afterwards

Time: 7536.26

but then eight hours later or the next day,

Time: 7538.6

you're feeling a little bit low, I

Time: 7540.072

suggest you don't go back and do the exact same thing right

Time: 7542.53


Time: 7542.86

I would give yourself a little bit of time

Time: 7544.75

to let that baseline of dopamine return to normal.

Time: 7548.24

So again, stacking different things,

Time: 7550.87

chemical and behavioral, in order to increase dopamine

Time: 7553.81

can be done in a safe way that's beneficial to you,

Time: 7556.03

depending on your goals.

Time: 7557.17

But be careful about not stacking too many stimuli

Time: 7561.04

for dopamine too often.

Time: 7562.96

That's the key.

Time: 7563.8

Early in the episode, I mentioned

Time: 7565.27

one possible caffeine-consuming schedule

Time: 7568.9

that works very well that doesn't fortunately subject you

Time: 7572.17

to long 20-day bouts or 5-day or even 2-day bouts of abstinence.

Time: 7577.18

And that's the every other day schedule of caffeine.

Time: 7580.18

If you look at the half-life of caffeine

Time: 7582.94

and you look at its effects on the dopamine system

Time: 7585.94

and its performance-enhancing effects

Time: 7588.22

and how a period of abstinence can, in fact, increase

Time: 7591.392

the performance-enhancing effects of caffeine--

Time: 7593.35

but also take into consideration that caffeine

Time: 7596.23

can be habit-forming, and we can develop a sort of tolerance

Time: 7599.35

to caffeine.

Time: 7600.37

Well then, what emerges from all of that

Time: 7602.92

is that being a person who consumes caffeine

Time: 7606.8

every other day can actually help

Time: 7609.05

you maximize most of the positive effects of caffeine

Time: 7612.47

without subjecting you to the kind of misery that occurs

Time: 7615.29

if you're accustomed to consuming

Time: 7616.73

caffeine every single day and then suddenly go into a 2 or 5

Time: 7620.63

or 20-day abstinence.

Time: 7622.07

So I myself have never tried an every other day caffeine

Time: 7625.16

approach, although I'm considering

Time: 7627.86

doing it based on the literature that I've read.

Time: 7630.11

And I'm considering doing it in a very specific way, which

Time: 7632.6

would be to only consume caffeine on the days in which I

Time: 7635.15

resistance train.

Time: 7636.02

And since I tend to do that about three or four days

Time: 7637.97

per week organized in a way that's every other day-- again,

Time: 7640.428

if you want to see the exercise schedule that I follow,

Time: 7642.78

including cardiovascular exercise and weight

Time: 7644.613

training and all the reasons and rationale for what I do

Time: 7647.93

and how it maps on to the scientific literature,

Time: 7651.05

relate to health span and lifespan, vitality, et cetera,

Time: 7653.78

you can find that at

Time: 7655.7

And we had a tool kit for fitness

Time: 7657.44

that ought to be posted to our website before long.

Time: 7660.77

The every-other-day schedule of caffeine intake, to me,

Time: 7663.77

seems like the most rational one if one

Time: 7665.84

wants to maximize on the performance-enhancing effects

Time: 7668.57

of caffeine without suffering the effects of caffeine

Time: 7672.35

withdrawal that are associated with being

Time: 7674.81

a regular consumer of caffeine and then stopping

Time: 7676.97

caffeine intake, such as headache and irritability

Time: 7679.61

and so forth.

Time: 7680.42

Not I nor anyone in my life wants

Time: 7682.395

me to experience those effects, and I'm

Time: 7684.02

sure you don't want to experience

Time: 7685.395

those effects for you either.

Time: 7686.803

So if you're somebody that decides

Time: 7688.22

to try the every other day protocol

Time: 7690.38

or you are somebody who's already doing that protocol,

Time: 7693.29

please let me know what your experiences with that are.

Time: 7696.56

At least by my read of the literature on caffeine

Time: 7698.787

and it's performance-enhancing effects

Time: 7700.37

but also the effects of caffeine on neurotransmitter and hormone

Time: 7703.4

systems, the every-other-day caffeine schedule

Time: 7707

does seem to be the most rational and scientifically

Time: 7710.09

grounded one in order to maximize on all those effects.

Time: 7712.97

In addition to so-called performance-enhancing effects

Time: 7715.37

of caffeine, there are also the well studied and now fairly

Time: 7719.84

well mechanistically understood pro-health effects of caffeine.

Time: 7724.08

Now, here when I talk about pro-health effects of caffeine,

Time: 7727.82

I want to be very clear that, if your schedule of caffeine

Time: 7732.11


Time: 7732.77

that is, your timing of caffeine intake

Time: 7734.66

or anything else for that matter--

Time: 7737.21

offsets getting regular high quality sleep

Time: 7741.08

of sufficient duration, well, then you

Time: 7742.82

are undermining the pro-health effects of that thing.

Time: 7745.28

This is true for exercise.

Time: 7746.507

This is true for caffeine.

Time: 7747.59

This is true for supplementation.

Time: 7748.965

This is true for prescription drugs.

Time: 7750.858

Again, you don't want to be neurotically attached

Time: 7752.9

to the idea that you have to get perfect sleep every night

Time: 7755.317

because that's simply not true but is absolutely

Time: 7757.55

the case that anything, whether or not it's good for you

Time: 7760.04

or bad for you in the short term, that disrupts your sleep

Time: 7764.54

because of the timing in which you're doing that thing is

Time: 7767.84

going to undermine your immediate and long-term health

Time: 7770.54

before long.

Time: 7771.5

So with that said, there are several well

Time: 7774.92

described health-promoting effects of caffeine ingestion.

Time: 7779.03

And once again, when I say caffeine ingestion,

Time: 7782.21

I'm referring to that 1 to 3 milligrams per kilogram

Time: 7784.46

of body weight dosage.

Time: 7786.8

There are really nice studies showing that being a regular

Time: 7789.77

consumer of caffeine can help offset some of the probability,

Time: 7794.76

some of the probability of developing

Time: 7797

Parkinson's and maybe Alzheimer's-related dementia

Time: 7799.52

as well.

Time: 7800.85

These are not terribly controversial data

Time: 7802.94

because of the fact that caffeine

Time: 7804.5

is known to increase the release of those catecholamines,

Time: 7807.8

dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, as well

Time: 7810.17

as acetylcholine.

Time: 7811.7

All those neurotransmitter and neuromodulator systems

Time: 7814.22

are the ones that are known to be defective

Time: 7817.763

in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, although there

Time: 7819.68

are other transmitter and hormone systems that

Time: 7822.05

are defective as well.

Time: 7823.52

There are beautiful reviews on the neuroprotective effects

Time: 7826.58

of caffeine and neurodegenerative diseases.

Time: 7829.19

They're quite extensive.

Time: 7830.57

And I'll just refer you to one and the references therein,

Time: 7833.42

and we'll provide a link to this in the show note caption.

Time: 7835.837

So the title as the topic at hand suggests

Time: 7839.32

is the neuroprotective effects of caffeine

Time: 7841.07

and neurodegenerative diseases.

Time: 7842.67

This was published in 2016.

Time: 7844.64

I'm sure there have been other reviews since then,

Time: 7846.8

but it includes many, many quality references and studies,

Time: 7850.01

both in animals and in humans, pointing to the fact

Time: 7852.29

that specific enzymes that are associated

Time: 7854.96

with the health of, in particular, dopamine neurons

Time: 7857.99

are made more robust by regular ingestion of caffeine.

Time: 7862.04

It also points to the fact that the increase

Time: 7864.95

in dopamine receptors that is induced

Time: 7867.47

by regular ingestion of caffeine that I referred to earlier

Time: 7870.92

is another way in which dopamine, however many dopamine

Time: 7874.7

neurons remain around in people with Parkinson's or people

Time: 7877.31

who are aging that lose dopamine neurons naturally,

Time: 7880.34

that dopamine can have its maximal effect because

Time: 7883.91

of the increase in receptors for dopamine that caffeine induces.

Time: 7887.87

And there are other biological mechanisms

Time: 7890.57

that further support why caffeine

Time: 7893.06

ought to be neuroprotective, including

Time: 7895.88

its effects on the acetylcholine system, which

Time: 7897.95

is one of the major systems disrupted

Time: 7900.23

in Alzheimer's dementia.

Time: 7901.892

So in other words, it makes perfect sense

Time: 7903.6

as to why caffeine would be neuroprotective.

Time: 7905.91

Caffeine has also been shown to diminish headache,

Time: 7908.79

particularly when taken in combination with aspirin.

Time: 7911.005

And that's because of the effects of caffeine and aspirin

Time: 7913.38

on blood flow.

Time: 7914.29

There's also evidence that caffeine

Time: 7915.81

can provide brief but substantial relief from asthma.

Time: 7919.45

So I wouldn't want people to rely on caffeine

Time: 7921.51

as a lifesaving approach to an asthmatic attack.

Time: 7926.52

That said, for people that suffer from minor asthma,

Time: 7929.25

that caffeine intake--

Time: 7930.87

again, of the dosages that we talked

Time: 7932.37

about before has been shown to alleviate some

Time: 7935.07

of the major symptoms of asthma for anywhere

Time: 7936.96

from one to four hours.

Time: 7939.06

And I know this is of relevance to a lot of people out there.

Time: 7943.59

Because caffeine increases the catecholamines

Time: 7946.68

and in particular because caffeine increases

Time: 7949.47

dopamine transmission in the prefrontal cortex--

Time: 7952.24

this area of the brain that's associated with focus and rule

Time: 7955.05

setting and context and task switching--

Time: 7957.81

caffeine is known to improve focus and alertness,

Time: 7962.13

in particular, in people who have

Time: 7963.78

symptoms of ADHD or other attention and focus issues.

Time: 7970.17

Now caffeine alone does not appear

Time: 7972.39

to be as potent for the treatment of ADHD

Time: 7975.6

as are things like Ritalin, Adderall, modafinil,

Time: 7979.05

or modafinil and Vyvanse.

Time: 7981.48

If you would like a sort of head by head comparison

Time: 7984.51

of prescription drugs, supplements,

Time: 7988.44

and things like caffeine as well as

Time: 7991.11

coverage of behavioral tools and nutritional tools, et cetera

Time: 7994.77

that can positively offset some of the symptoms of ADHD,

Time: 7999.12

please see the episode that I did on ADHD.

Time: 8001.01

Again, that's available at in all formats.

Time: 8003.8

But that said, caffeine does increase focus,

Time: 8005.787

and it does it through a number of different mechanisms,

Time: 8008.12

not the least of which is to increase dopamine transmission

Time: 8010.85

in the forebrain just as a drug like Ritalin or Adderall would,

Time: 8014.03

although not to the same extent as a drug like Ritalin

Time: 8017.51

or Adderall does.

Time: 8018.59

Before we close today, I do want to just briefly return

Time: 8021.56

to the reinforcing effects of caffeine

Time: 8023.87

that we talked about earlier.

Time: 8025.52

This study on the honeybees that showed

Time: 8027.17

that bees prefer certain vectors because they contain caffeine.

Time: 8030.45

Even though they are not aware that those vectors contain

Time: 8032.93

caffeine, they just come to like the feeling that those nectars

Time: 8036.32

provide them so much that they associate that

Time: 8039.86

in a subconscious way with the flowers themselves,

Time: 8042.11

and they come to like those flowers.

Time: 8043.61

Or human beings.

Time: 8044.78

For instance, children that ingest caffeinated beverages

Time: 8048.23

come to adore the taste of those beverages.

Time: 8051.41

And beautiful studies have been done that describe how children

Time: 8056.06

and adults truly cannot distinguish between the taste

Time: 8059.09

of a caffeinated and noncaffeinated beverage.

Time: 8062.31

And caffeine can be placed into essentially any beverage

Time: 8065.67

in order to give us a preference for that beverage or food.

Time: 8069.24

In fact, the studies have been done with yogurt.

Time: 8071.4

If you put caffeine into yogurt of different flavors--

Time: 8075

even plain yogurt which most kids don't like--

Time: 8079.38

they will come to prefer whatever flavor contain

Time: 8083.13

the caffeine even if then you remove

Time: 8085.65

the caffeine from that flavor.

Time: 8087.04

Now eventually, their preference for that flavor

Time: 8089.04

will be extinguished, but all of this

Time: 8091.35

is just to say that so many of the things that we like,

Time: 8094.26

whether or not it's coffee or tea or a given flavor of food

Time: 8098.31

or a given experience or even exercise,

Time: 8102.03

occur because we ingest caffeine in conjunction

Time: 8105

with those activities.

Time: 8106.69

Now these are not tricks that your nervous system

Time: 8109.05

plays on you.

Time: 8109.63

These are real neurochemical-reinforcing

Time: 8112.06


Time: 8112.56

And I think that we would all do well

Time: 8114.63

to think about and to leverage these reinforcing effects

Time: 8117.96

much in the same way we would do well

Time: 8119.7

to think about and hopefully not leverage aversive effects

Time: 8123.87

of certain compounds, right?

Time: 8125.22

The simple way to put this is I or anyone

Time: 8127.95

could get you to dislike something, someone,

Time: 8130.95

or some place by making you feel slightly less good, lower mood.

Time: 8136.74

I don't even have to make you feel nauseous but less good

Time: 8139.99

after ingesting something or having

Time: 8141.91

a certain kind of interaction or being in a certain environment,

Time: 8145.09

very straightforward to do that, because of the way

Time: 8147.58

that your nervous system is wired for conditioning.

Time: 8150.86

However, there's the positive side of all this,

Time: 8152.9

which is that it's very straightforward to reinforce

Time: 8155.98

the experience of a given food, including its taste,

Time: 8158.95

but all the context around it, the container, the texture,

Time: 8161.542

the people you consume it with, where you consume it,

Time: 8163.75

et cetera.

Time: 8165.86

For instance, I wonder why we are not

Time: 8169.13

pairing caffeine with broccoli.

Time: 8171.74

And here I'm not suggesting that people actually

Time: 8174.14

do that experiment or play that trick on people,

Time: 8178.04

but you have to sort of imagine that, if caffeine

Time: 8181.4

is this incredible reinforcer of all sorts of things,

Time: 8185.21

in particular, things that we ingest and would want to ingest

Time: 8187.85

more of if it's paired with caffeine, well then,

Time: 8191.18

you actually can use caffeine as a tool

Time: 8193.549

to increase reinforcement of different things.

Time: 8195.86

And you can avoid caffeine as a way to further reinforce things

Time: 8201.203

that you would like to stop.

Time: 8202.37

And here I'd like to just give the example of sugar cravings.

Time: 8204.98

A lot of people ask me, how do I avoid sugar cravings?

Time: 8207.29

I've talked about the use of L-glutamine for that.

Time: 8209.6

I've talked about making sure you're

Time: 8211.1

getting enough essential fatty acids and essential amino acids

Time: 8215.09

as a way to reduce sugar cravings.

Time: 8218.2

Please note, however, that if you

Time: 8219.61

are somebody who likes to have your sugar, whether or not

Time: 8222.549

it's a piece of chocolate or your dessert, et cetera--

Time: 8224.799

I'm not saying that's bad, but if you're

Time: 8226.466

trying to reduce your sugar cravings, ask yourself,

Time: 8229.36

are you ingesting sugar along with caffeine?

Time: 8232.097

Could be the caffeine contained in that sugar-containing food

Time: 8234.639

like chocolate.

Time: 8235.395

Or it could be that you're having

Time: 8236.77

a cup of coffee along with your pastry,

Time: 8238.395

and then you're struggling with sugar cravings.

Time: 8240.575

Well, think about it.

Time: 8241.45

You're not just being reinforced by the sugar and the effects

Time: 8244.059

of sugar on dopamine which are real

Time: 8245.74

and both conscious and subconscious

Time: 8247.719

through the gut to the brain dopamine system

Time: 8249.67

and direct on the brain dopamine system.

Time: 8251.98

But by coingesting caffeine, you are also

Time: 8255.16

further enhancing the reinforcing effects of sugar.

Time: 8259.48

The flip side to all of this is that you could use caffeine

Time: 8262.27

as a way to increase your appetite for certain things.

Time: 8265.097

I actually know somebody.

Time: 8266.139

I won't reveal who this person is,

Time: 8267.556

but they are quite prominent podcaster

Time: 8269.77

who ingests 125 to 150 milligrams of in tablet

Time: 8276.07

form along with herbal tea and use this

Time: 8278.98

as a way to develop a preference for herbal tea

Time: 8281.98

because they found that coffee was giving them

Time: 8285.459

other effects that weren't good for them.

Time: 8287.24

So it works quite well in animals,

Time: 8289.33

and it works quite well in insects.

Time: 8290.99

And it works quite well in humans.

Time: 8292.99

I suppose animals, insects, and humans

Time: 8294.67

are all animals at the end of the day, so no surprise there.

Time: 8297.5

But it all underscores the extent to which caffeine

Time: 8300.91

is an absolutely fascinating molecule.

Time: 8303.25

I mean, its ability to offset the sleepiness system,

Time: 8307.07

if you will, this adenosine system,

Time: 8308.53

and to control our schedules in that way

Time: 8310.51

to essentially take a withdrawal against the bank that

Time: 8313.24

is adenosine and then pay that back

Time: 8314.86

later in the form of getting sleepy later as

Time: 8317.02

opposed to when we want to be alert,

Time: 8318.79

its ability to enhance focus, alertness, and mood.

Time: 8322.07

And if taken after trying to learn something and remember

Time: 8324.82

it, to enhance memory, especially.

Time: 8327.82

And its ability to increase VO2 max, increased strength.

Time: 8331.222

We didn't even talk today about it,

Time: 8332.68

but I'll just briefly mention that caffeine

Time: 8335.559

ingested in the sorts of doses we talked about earlier.

Time: 8337.969

Because its effects on the neuromuscular system

Time: 8340.27

and the calcium system associated with neuromuscular

Time: 8344.379

exertion and fatigue can increase peak power output

Time: 8347.83

and muscle contractability.

Time: 8350.139

It's enhancing performance there as well.

Time: 8352.18

And, of course, caffeine does a number of other things

Time: 8354.91

just generally related to overall and basal level of mood

Time: 8358.18

and alertness, not the least of which are

Time: 8360.01

these increases in dopamine.

Time: 8361.969

So caffeine is really an incredible molecule.

Time: 8364.629

It's affecting all these various neurotransmitter

Time: 8366.94

systems but not haphazardly.

Time: 8368.95

It's increasing dopamine and acetylcholine in the forebrain

Time: 8372.712

to increase attention.

Time: 8373.629

It's reducing fatigue.

Time: 8374.74

It's improving mental and physical performance

Time: 8376.959

for some obvious and some not so obvious reasons.

Time: 8379.34

And what I think is among the more miraculous and powerful

Time: 8382.54

effects of caffeine, it is a potent, potent, potent

Time: 8385.87

reinforcer of things, foods, people, and experiences.

Time: 8391.51

And it's one that you can leverage in any direction

Time: 8394.03

that you like once you understand

Time: 8396.13

the way that caffeine exerts those reinforcing properties.

Time: 8399.4

So today, I've really tried to cover as much as I could

Time: 8402.4

about the mechanisms of caffeine action in the brain and body,

Time: 8405.28

as well as tools and schedules and dosages

Time: 8408.28

in which you can leverage caffeine in order

Time: 8410.71

to meet your physical performance,

Time: 8412.69

mental performance, and frankly mental health,

Time: 8415.21

and overall health goals.

Time: 8416.972

If you're learning from and/or enjoying this podcast,

Time: 8419.18

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Time: 8420.847

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Time: 8423.19

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Time: 8425.38

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Time: 8426.88

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Time: 8428.5

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Time: 8430.51

If you have questions for us or comments about the podcast

Time: 8433.26

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Time: 8435.76

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Time: 8438.34

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Time: 8440.41

In addition, please check out the sponsors

Time: 8442.39

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Time: 8444.85

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Time: 8447.25

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Time: 8449.92

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Time: 8451.93

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Time: 8455.29

And all of those places, I describe science

Time: 8457.343

and science-related tools, some of which

Time: 8459.01

overlap with the contents of the Huberman Lab podcast,

Time: 8461.26

but much of which is distinct from content on the Huberman

Time: 8464.35

Lab podcast.

Time: 8464.89

So again, it's Huberman Lab on all social media platforms.

Time: 8467.77

During today's episode and on many previous episodes

Time: 8470.08

of the Huberman Lab podcast, we discuss supplements.

Time: 8472.81

While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,

Time: 8474.91

many people derive tremendous benefit from them

Time: 8477.07

for things like sleep, hormone augmentation, and focus.

Time: 8479.893

If you'd like to see the supplements discussed

Time: 8481.81

on various episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast,

Time: 8484.39

please go to

Time: 8487.72

We partnered with Momentus because they

Time: 8490.09

are extremely high quality, they ship internationally,

Time: 8493.27

and they formulated supplements in the precise ways that

Time: 8496.57

are discussed as optimal to take for various outcomes

Time: 8500.11

here on the Huberman Lab podcast.

Time: 8501.79

If you haven't already subscribed to the Huberman Lab

Time: 8503.998

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Time: 8506.62

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Time: 8509.14

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Time: 8512.77

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Time: 8515.38

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Time: 8517.36

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Time: 8519.11

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Time: 8522.11

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Time: 8523.01

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Time: 8524.648

Click on that link and you'll receive

Time: 8526.19

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Time: 8527.19

And you can also access any of the previous newsletters

Time: 8529.658

that we've released, including the tool kist for sleep,

Time: 8531.95

for fitness, deliberate cold exposure, and so on.

Time: 8534.59

By going to, go into the Menu,

Time: 8537.02

go into Newsletter, and there you'll

Time: 8538.61

see those as immediately downloadable PDFs.

Time: 8540.912

Thank you for joining me for today's discussion

Time: 8542.87

about caffeine, both its mechanisms,

Time: 8544.64

and its many powerful uses.

Time: 8546.62

And last but certainly not least,

Time: 8548.685

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 8550.31


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