Understand & Improve Memory Using Science-Based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #72

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science, and science based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today we are discussing memory.

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In particular, how to improve your memory.

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Now the study of memory is one that dates back

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many decades, and by now there's a pretty good understanding

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of how memories are formed in the brain.

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The different structures involved

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and some of the neuro chemicals involved.

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And we will talk about some of that today.

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Often overlooked, however, is that memories

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are not just about learning.

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Memories are also about placing your entire life

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into a context.

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And that's because what's really special about the brain

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and in particular the human brain,

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is its ability to place events in the context

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of past events, the present,

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and future events.

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And sometimes even combinations of the past and present.

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Or present and future and so on.

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So when we talk about memory what we're really talking about

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is how your immediate experiences relate

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to previous and future experiences.

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Today I'm going to make clear how

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that process occurs.

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Even if you don't have a background

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in biology or psychology, I promise

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to put it into language that anyone

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can access and understand.

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And we are going to talk about

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the science that points to specific tools

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for enhancing learning and memory.

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We're also going to talk about unlearning

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and forgetting.

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There are of course incidences in which

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we would like to forget things.

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And that too is a biological process

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for which great tools exist.

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To, for instance, eliminate or at least reduce

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the emotional load of a previous experience

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that you really did not like,

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or that perhaps even was traumatic to you.

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So today you're going to learn

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about the systems in the brain and body

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that establish memories.

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You're going to learn why certain memories

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are easier to form than others.

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And I'm going to talk about specific tools

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that are grounded in not just one,

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not just a dozen, but well over 100 studies

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in animals and humans that point

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to specific protocols that you can use

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in order to stamp down learning

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of particular things more easily.

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And you can also leverage that same knowledge

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to better forget or unload the emotional weight

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of experiences that you did not like.

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We're also going to discuss topics like deja vu

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and photographic memory.

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And for those of you that do not

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have a photographic memory,

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and I should point out that I do not have

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a photographic memory, either.

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Well, you will learn how to use

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your visual system in order to better learn

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visual and auditory information.

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There are protocols to do this

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grounded in excellent peer reviewed research.

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So while you may not have a true photographic memory,

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by the end of the episode you will

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have tools in hand, or I should say,

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tools in mind or in eyes and mind,

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to be able to encode and remember specific events

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better than you would otherwise.

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Before we begin I would like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my teaching

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and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Eight Sleep.

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Eight Sleep makes smart mattress covers

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with cooling, heating, and sleep tracking.

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Many times on this podcast I've talked about

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the incredible relationship between temperature and sleep

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as well as temperature and wakefulness.

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Many people aren't aware of this,

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but waking up in the morning is in part

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the consequence of your body heating up.

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And falling asleep at night and remaining in deep sleep

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is in part the consequence of your body temperature

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dropping by one to three degrees.

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So it's vitally important that the temperature

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of your sleeping environment is controlled.

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I've had trouble over the years falling and staying asleep.

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Or I should say, falling asleep hasn't been

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so much of an issue for me,

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but waking up two or three or four hours later

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has been an issue.

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Often times I'm too warm,

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I need to open a window.

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I need to adjust the temperature of the room and so on.

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Eight Sleep mattress covers are terrific

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because you can program the specific patterns

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of temperature that you want in your bed,

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or I should say below you, coming from the mattress,

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throughout the night.

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So I've programmed my Eight Sleep

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to put my mattress into a state of coolness

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in order to fall asleep.

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And then to get slightly cooler as the night goes on.

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To get into even deeper sleep.

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And then to warm up as morning approaches.

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Now, as mentioned before, Eight Sleep mattresses

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can be used for cooling and heating.

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So some of you may actually need

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to heat your mattress and Eight Sleep's terrific for that.

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For me, I use Eight Sleep to keep the mattress really cool.

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And I have to say, even though I thought

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I was sleeping pretty well before,

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I have not experienced the sort of sleep

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that I've been getting with Eight Sleep until now.

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By creating this descending temperature

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in the beginning part of the night,

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cooler, cooler, cooler.

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And then warming up towards morning.

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It even has a nice little vibration function

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so I wake up now to a slightly vibrating bed.

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And the sleep that I'm getting is just amazing.

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And I feel so much better during the day as a consequence.

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If you'd like to try Eight Sleep

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you can go to EightSleep.com/Huberman

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and check out the pod pro cover

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and save 150 dollars at checkout.

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Eight Sleep currently ships within

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the USA, Canada, and the UK.

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Again, that's EightSleep.com/Huberman

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to save 150 dollars at checkout.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by Thesis.

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Thesis makes custom nootropics.

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And to be quite honest, I don't like the word nootropics.

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Because nootropics means smart drugs.

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And there really isn't a neuroscience of smart.

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Of course, there is this notion of intelligence,

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but we now know there are lots

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of different forms of intelligence.

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Also, as a neuroscientist,

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we don't really think about intelligence,

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we think about those particular types

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of operations that you want your brain to perform

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in different contexts.

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So for instance, some tasks and life experiences

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require that you remember information better.

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Other tasks and life experiences

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and forms of learning involve focus and task switching.

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Others creativity, and so on, and so on.

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So the word nootropics is too much

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of a catchall or throw away phrase to appeal to me.

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Thesis understands this.

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And what they've done is they've created

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nootropics that are each designed

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toward a particular end goal.

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For instance, they have blends for focus.

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Blend for motivation.

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A blend for clarity.

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They use only the highest quality ingredients.

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Things like Alpha GPC and phosphatidyl serine.

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I've been using Thesis for close to six months now

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and I can confidently say their nootropics

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have been a game changer for me.

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I often take the clarity formula

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prior to long bouts of work, meaning cognitive work.

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And the energy formula prior to physical workouts.

Time: 389.33

To get your own personalized nootropics starter kit,

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you can go online to TakeThesis.com/Huberman.

Time: 395.286

Take the three minute quiz and Thesis will send you

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four different formulas to try in your first month.

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Again, that's TakeThesis.com/Huberman

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and use the code Huberman at checkout

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to get 10% off your first box.

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Today's podcast is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

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that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

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to help you better understand your body

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and help you reach your health goals.

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I've long been a believer

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in getting regular blood work done.

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For the simple reason that many of the factors

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that impact your immediate and long term health

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can only be assessed from a quality blood test.

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One of the challenges with a lot of blood tests

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and DNA tests out there, however,

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is that you'll get the numbers back.

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You'll get information about your blood lipids

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and hormones and so forth.

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But there are no directives as to what

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to do with that information.

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InsideTracker has solved that problem

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by creating a very easy to use dashboard.

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So you'll get your numbers back

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and you see what's in range and what's out of range.

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And then they will point you

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to specific nutritional supplementation

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and behavioral tools that will allow you to bring

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those numbers into the proper ranges for you.

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And I find that immensely beneficial

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because just having a bunch of data

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without any knowledge of what to do with that data

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is more overwhelming than having no data at all, frankly.

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If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

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you can go to InsideTracker.com/Huberman

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to get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 470.81

Again, that's InsideTracker.com/Huberman

Time: 473.15

to get 20% off.

Time: 474.83

Okay, let's talk about memory.

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And let's talk about how to get better

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at remembering things.

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Now in order to address both of those things

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we need to do a little bit of brain science 101 review.

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And I promise this will only take two minutes.

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And I promise that even if you don't have a background

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in biology, it will make sense.

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We are constantly being bombarded with physical stimuli.

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Patterns of touch on our skin,

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light to our eyes, light to our skin, for that matter.

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Smells, tastes, and sound waves.

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In fact, if you can hear me saying this right now,

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well, that's the consequence of sound waves

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arriving into your ears through headphones,

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a computer, or some other speaker device.

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Each one of and all of those sensory stimuli

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are converted into electricity

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and chemical signals by your so-called nervous system.

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Your brain, your spinal cord,

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and all their connections with the organs of the body.

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And all the connections of your organs of the body

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back to your brain and spinal cord.

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One of the primary jobs of your nervous system, in fact,

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is to convert physical events in the world

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that are non-negotiable, right?

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Photons of light are photons of light.

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Sound waves are sound waves.

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There's no changing that.

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But your nervous system does change that.

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It converts those things into electrical signals

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and chemical signals which are

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the language of your nervous system.

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Now just because you're being bombarded

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with all this sensory information

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and it's being converted into a language

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that neurons and the rest of your nervous system

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can understand, does not mean that you are aware of it all.

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In fact, you are only going to perceive

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a small amount of that sensory information.

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For instance, if you can hear me speaking right now

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you are perceiving my voice but you are also,

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most likely, neglecting the feeling

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of the contact of your skin with whichever surface

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you happen to be sitting or standing on.

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So it is only by perceiving a subset,

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a small fraction of the sensory events

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in our environment, that we can make sense

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of the world around us.

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Otherwise we would just be overwhelmed

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with all the things that are happening

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in any one given moment.

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Now memory is simply a bias in which

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perceptions will be replayed again in the future.

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Anytime you experience something,

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that is the consequence of specific chains

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of neurons, that we call neural circuits, being activated.

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And memory is simply a bias in the likelihood

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that specific chain of neurons will be activated again.

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So for instance, if you can remember your name

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and I certainly hope that you can,

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well, that means that there are specific chains

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of neurons in your brain that represent your name

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and when those neurons connect with one another

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and communicate electrically with one another

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in a particular sequence, you remember your name.

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Were that particular chain of neurons to be disrupted,

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you would not be able to remember your name.

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Now this might seem immensely simple,

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but it raises this really interesting question

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which we've talked about before.

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Which is, why do we remember certain things

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and not others?

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Because according to what I've just said,

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as you go through life,

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you're experiencing things all the time.

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You're constantly being bombarded with sensory stimuli.

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Some of those sensory stimuli you perceive,

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and only some of those perceptions

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get stamped down as memories.

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Today I'm going to teach you how certain things

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get stamped down as memories.

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And I'm going to teach you how

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to leverage that process in order

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to remember the information that you want far better.

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Now, even though I've told you

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that a memory is simply a bias in the likelihood

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that a particular chain of neurons

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will be activated in a particular sequence

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again and again, it doesn't operate on its own.

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In fact, most of what we remember takes place

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in a context of other events.

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So for instance, you can most likely remember your name

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and yet you're probably not thinking about

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when it was that you first learned your name.

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This generally happens when we are very,

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very young children.

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And yet, I'm guessing you could probably remember

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a time when someone mispronounced your name,

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or made fun of or name.

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Or, as the case was for me,

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I got to the 3rd grade and there were two Andrews.

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And sadly for me, I lost the coin flip

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that allowed me to keep Andrew.

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And from about 3rd grade until about 12th grade

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people called me Andy.

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Which I really did not prefer.

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So if you call me Andy in the comments,

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I'll delete your comment.

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Just kidding, doesn't bother me that much.

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But eventually I reclaimed Andrew as my name.

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Well, it was mine to begin with and throughout,

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but I started going by Andrew again.

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Why do I say this?

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Well, there's a whole context to my name for me.

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And there may or not be a whole context

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to your name for you.

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But presumably, if you asked your parents

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why they named you your given name,

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you'll get a context, etc.

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That context reflects the activation

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of other neural circuits that are also

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related to other events in your life.

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Not just your name, but probably your siblings names

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and who your parents are.

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And on, and on, and on.

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And so, the way memory works is that each

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individual thing that we remember

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or that we want to remember

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is linked to something by either

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a close, a medium, or a very distant association.

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This turns out to be immensely important.

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I know many of you will read

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or will encounter programs that are designed

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to help you enhance your memory.

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You know, you have these phenoms that can remember

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50 names in a room full of people.

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Or they can remember a bunch of names of novel objects

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or maybe even in different languages,

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and often times that's done by association.

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So people will come up with little mental tricks

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to either link the sound of a word

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or the meaning of a word in some way

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that's meaningful for them

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and will enhance their memory.

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That can be done and is impressive when we see it

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and for those of you who can do that, congratulations.

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Most of us can't do that,

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or at least it requires a lot of effort and training.

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However, there are things that we can do

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that leverage the natural biology

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of our nervous system to enhance

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learning and memory of particular perceptions,

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and particular information.

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Let's first just talk about

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the most basic ways that we learn and remember things

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and how to improve learning and memory.

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And the most basic one is repetition.

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Now the study of memory and the role

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of repetition actually dates back

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to the late 1800s, early 1900s

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when Ebbinghaus developed

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the first so-called learning curves.

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Now learning curves are simply what results

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when you quantify how many repetitions

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of something are required in order to remember something.

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In fact, it's been said that Ebbinghaus liberated

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the understanding of learning from the philosophers

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by generating these learning curves.

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What do we mean by that?

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Well, before Ebbinghaus came along,

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learning and memory were thought

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to be philosophical ideas.

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Ebbinghaus came along and said, well,

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let's actually take some measurements.

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Let's measure how well I can remember

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a sequence of words or a sequence of numbers

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if I just repeat them.

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So what Ebbinghaus did is he would

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take a sequence of numbers,

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or words on a page and he would read them.

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And then he would take a separate sheet of paper.

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And we have to presume he didn't cheat,

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and he would write down as many of them

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as he could and he would try and keep

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them in the same sequence.

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Then he would compare to the original list

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and he would see how many errors he made.

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And he would do this over, and over,

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and over again.

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And as you would expect,

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early in the training and the learning

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it took a lot more repetitions

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to get the sequence correct.

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And over time, it took fewer sequences.

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And he referred to that difference

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in the initial number of repetitions

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that he had to perform versus

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the later number of repetitions he had

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to perform as a so-called savings.

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So he literally thought of the brain

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as having to generate a kind of a currency of effort.

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And he talked about savings as the reduction

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in the amount of effort that he had

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to put forward in order to learn information.

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And what he got was a learning curve.

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And you can imagine what that learning curve looked like.

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It had a very sharp peak at the beginning

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that dropped off over time.

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And of course, he remembered all this

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meaningless information.

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But even though the information might

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have been meaningless, the experiment itself

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and what Ebbinghaus demonstrated was immensely meaningful.

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Because what it said was that with repetition

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we can activate particular sequences of neurons

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and that repeated activation lays down

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what we call a memory.

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And that might all seem like a big duh,

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but prior to Ebbinghaus, none of that was known.

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Now, I should also say Ebbinghaus,

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because of when he was alive,

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was not aware of these things

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that we called neural circuits.

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It was in 1906 that Golgi and Cajal got the Nobel prize

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for actually showing that neurons are independent cells

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connected by synapses, these little gaps between them

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where they communicate.

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So he may have been aware of that,

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but the whole notion of neural circuits

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hadn't really come about.

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Nevertheless, what the Ebbinghaus learning curves

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really established was that sheer repetition,

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just repeating things over and over and over again

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is sufficient to learn.

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Something that no doubt had been observed before

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but had never been formally quantified.

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Now, if we look at that result,

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there's something really important that lies

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a little bit cryptic, that's not so obvious to most people.

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Which is, the information that he was trying to learn

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wasn't any more interesting the second time

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than it was the first, probably it was even less interesting

Time: 1024.71

and less and less interesting with each repetition.

Time: 1026.95

And yet it was sheer repetition

Time: 1029.17

that allowed him to remember.

Time: 1031.95

Now sometime later in the early to mid 1920s,

Time: 1035.06

a psychologist in Canada named Donald Hebb

Time: 1037.53

came up with what was called Hebb's postulate.

Time: 1040.09

And Hebb's postulate, broadly speaking,

Time: 1043.09

is this idea that if a sequence of neurons

Time: 1046.95

is active at the same time, or at roughly the same time,

Time: 1051.53

that would lead to a strengthening

Time: 1053.23

of a connections between those neurons.

Time: 1055.41

And many, many decades of experimentation later

Time: 1058.51

we now know that postulate to be true.

Time: 1062.13

Neurons themselves are not smart, they don't have knowledge.

Time: 1066.46

So every memory is the consequence,

Time: 1068.49

as I told you before, of the repeated activation

Time: 1071.13

of a particular chain of neurons.

Time: 1073.36

And what Ebbinghaus showed through repetition

Time: 1075.68

and what Donald Hebb proposed and was eventually verified

Time: 1079.24

through experimentation on animals and humans

Time: 1082.37

was that if you encourage the co-activation of neurons.

Time: 1086.52

Meaning have neurons fire at roughly the same time,

Time: 1090.824

they will strengthen their connections.

Time: 1093

It leads to a bias in the probability

Time: 1094.97

that those neurons will be active again.

Time: 1096.783

Now, this is vitally important because nowadays

Time: 1099.26

we hear a lot about how memories are the consequence

Time: 1102.81

of new neurons added into the brain.

Time: 1105.5

Or that every time you learn something,

Time: 1108.38

a new connection in your brain forms.

Time: 1110.81

Well, sorry to break it to you,

Time: 1111.85

but that's simply not the case.

Time: 1114.13

Most of the time, and I want to emphasize most,

Time: 1116.4

not all but most of the time when we learn something

Time: 1118.98

it's because existing neurons, not new neurons,

Time: 1122.44

but existing neurons strengthen their connections

Time: 1125.51

through co-activation over and over and over.

Time: 1128.98

Through repetition or, and this is a very important or,

Time: 1133.09

or through very strong activation once and only once.

Time: 1138.14

In fact, there's something called one trial learning

Time: 1139.94

whereby we experience something

Time: 1142.01

and we will remember that thing forever.

Time: 1145.35

This is often most associated with negative events,

Time: 1148.12

and I'll explain why in a few minutes.

Time: 1150.04

But it can also be associated with positive events.

Time: 1152.97

Like the first time you saw your romantic partner.

Time: 1157

Or something that happened with that romantic partner.

Time: 1159.69

Or the first time that you saw your child.

Time: 1162.43

Or any other positive event, as well as any other

Time: 1165.1

extremely negative event.

Time: 1166.87

So again, both repetition, and I guess

Time: 1169.6

we could label it intensity.

Time: 1171.94

But what we really mean when we say intensity

Time: 1173.66

is strong activation of neurons can lay down

Time: 1176.51

these traces, these circuits that are far more likely

Time: 1179.87

to be active again, than had there not been repetition

Time: 1183.88

or not some strong activation of those circuits.

Time: 1187.25

So with that in mind, let's return to the original

Time: 1190.41

contrarian question that I raised before.

Time: 1192.77

Which is, why do we remember anything?

Time: 1195.8

Everyday you wake up, your neurons

Time: 1198.23

in your brain and body are active.

Time: 1200.18

Different neural circuits are active.

Time: 1201.82

And yet, you only remember a small fraction

Time: 1204.18

of the things that happen each day.

Time: 1205.57

And yet, you retain a lot of information

Time: 1207.25

from previous days and the days before those and so on.

Time: 1210.62

It is only with a lot of repetition

Time: 1214.29

or with extremely strong activation

Time: 1217.14

of a given neural circuit that we will create new memories.

Time: 1220.08

And so in a few minutes I'll explain how

Time: 1221.85

to get extremely strong activation

Time: 1224.04

of particular neural circuits.

Time: 1226.02

Repetition is pretty obvious.

Time: 1227.4

Repetition is repetition.

Time: 1229.12

But in a few minutes I'll illustrate

Time: 1231.66

a whole set of experiments and a whole set

Time: 1233.57

of tools that point to how you can get

Time: 1236.23

extra strong activation of a given neural circuit

Time: 1239.59

as it relates to learning so that you will

Time: 1241.22

remember that information, perhaps not just

Time: 1244.04

with one trial of learning,

Time: 1245.88

but certainly with far fewer repetitions

Time: 1248.52

than would be required otherwise.

Time: 1250.42

Before we go any further I want to preface

Time: 1252.22

the discussion by saying

Time: 1253.06

that there are a lot of different kinds of memory.

Time: 1255.06

In fact, were you to take a voyage

Time: 1256.72

into the neuroscience, and or psychology of memory

Time: 1260.21

you would find an immense number

Time: 1261.81

of different terms to describe

Time: 1263.03

the immense number of different types

Time: 1264.93

of memory that researchers focus on.

Time: 1267.92

But for the sake of today's discussion,

Time: 1269.38

I really just want to focus on short term memory,

Time: 1271.8

medium term memory, and longterm memory.

Time: 1274.45

And while there is still debate,

Time: 1276.37

as is always the case with scientists, frankly,

Time: 1278.53

about the exact divisions between

Time: 1280.01

short term, medium, and longterm memory,

Time: 1282.16

we can broadly define short term memory

Time: 1285.41

and longterm memory.

Time: 1286.78

And we can describe a couple different types

Time: 1288.65

of those that I think you can relate to

Time: 1290.64

in your everyday life.

Time: 1292.05

The most common form of short term memory

Time: 1293.7

that we're going to focus on is called working memory.

Time: 1296.22

Working memory is your ability to keep

Time: 1298.69

a chain of numbers in mind for some period of time

Time: 1301.92

but the expectation really isn't

Time: 1304.22

that you would remember those numbers the next day

Time: 1306.83

and certainly not the next week.

Time: 1308.26

So a good example would be a phone number.

Time: 1309.82

If I were to tell ya a phone number,

Time: 1311.35

493-2938, well you could probably remember it.

Time: 1314.957


Time: 1317.01

But if I came back tomorrow and asked you

Time: 1319.47

to repeat that chain of numbers,

Time: 1320.74

most likely you would not.

Time: 1322.47

Unless, of course, we used a particular tool

Time: 1325.21

to stamp down that memory into your mind

Time: 1327.22

and commit it to longterm memory.

Time: 1330.09

Now of course, in this day in age,

Time: 1331.62

most people have phone numbers programmed into their phone

Time: 1334.14

and they don't really have to remember the exact numbers.

Time: 1336.67

It's usually done by contact identity and so forth.

Time: 1340.94

So a different example that some of you

Time: 1342.7

are probably more familiar with

Time: 1344.1

would be those security codes.

Time: 1345.93

So you try and log unto an app or a website

Time: 1348.21

and it asks you for a security code

Time: 1349.9

that's been sent to your text messages

Time: 1351.6

and you can either plug that in directly

Time: 1353.38

in some cases, or you have to remember

Time: 1355.439

that short sequence of anywhere usually

Time: 1357.148

from six to seven, sometimes eight numbers.

Time: 1358.82

Your ability to do that, to switch back and forth

Time: 1360.9

between web pages or apps and plug in that number

Time: 1365.6

by remembering the sequence and plugging it in,

Time: 1367.82

by texting or keying it in on your keyboard,

Time: 1370.84

that's a really good example of working memory.

Time: 1373.15

Longterm memory, of the sort that we're

Time: 1374.66

going to be talking a lot about today

Time: 1376.47

is your ability to commit certain patterns

Time: 1378.59

of information, either cognitive information

Time: 1380.86

or motor information.

Time: 1382.48

Right, the ability to move your limbs

Time: 1383.88

in a particular sequence.

Time: 1385.6

Over long periods of time.

Time: 1387.053

Such that you could remember it a day,

Time: 1389.36

or a week, or a month, or maybe even a year

Time: 1391.1

or several years later.

Time: 1392.92

So we've got short term memory and longterm memory.

Time: 1394.64

And we've got this working memory

Time: 1395.95

which is sort of keeping something online

Time: 1398.18

but then discarding okay.

Time: 1400.04

Not online on a computer,

Time: 1401.14

but online within your brain.

Time: 1403.71

There are also two major categories of memory

Time: 1405.43

that I'd like you to know about.

Time: 1406.58

One is explicit memory.

Time: 1408.51

So this is not necessarily explicit

Time: 1410.76

of the sort that you're used to thinking about.

Time: 1413.01

But rather the fact that you can declare you know something.

Time: 1416.47

So you have an explicit memory of your name.

Time: 1419.54

Presumably you have an explicit memory

Time: 1421.77

of the house or the apartment that you grew up in.

Time: 1424.36

You know something and you know you know it.

Time: 1426.73

And you can declare it.

Time: 1427.74

So I can ask you, what was the color

Time: 1429.4

of the first car that you owned?

Time: 1431.83

Or what is the color of your romantic partner's hair?

Time: 1436.7

These sorts of things.

Time: 1438.176

That's an explicit declarative memory.

Time: 1439.77

But you also have explicit procedural memories.

Time: 1444.13

Now procedural memories, as the name suggests,

Time: 1446.35

involve action sequences.

Time: 1448.647

The simplest one, it's almost ridiculously simple,

Time: 1451.66

is walking.

Time: 1452.493

If I say, how is it that you walk

Time: 1454.56

from one room to the other?

Time: 1455.83

You'd probably say, well, I go that direction

Time: 1457.51

and then I turn left.

Time: 1458.343

I say, no, no, no.

Time: 1459.176

How is it exactly that you do it?

Time: 1460.507

You say, well, I move my left foot,

Time: 1462.27

then my right foot, then my left foot.

Time: 1464.12

And you could describe that.

Time: 1465.9

So it's an explicit procedural memory.

Time: 1468

So much so that if you were going

Time: 1469.18

to teach a young toddler how to walk,

Time: 1471.62

you would probably say okay, good, good, try.

Time: 1473.9

Okay, then you know, probably that's going to be pre-language

Time: 1476.27

for the toddler.

Time: 1477.65

But you're going to encourage them

Time: 1479.24

to move one leg then the other.

Time: 1480.62

And you're going to encourage and reward them

Time: 1483.13

for moving one leg then the other.

Time: 1484.75

Because you have an explicit

Time: 1486.21

procedural memory of how to walk.

Time: 1489.02

Okay, almost ridiculously simple.

Time: 1490.62

Maybe even truly ridiculously simple,

Time: 1492.71

but nonetheless, when you think about it

Time: 1494.66

in the context of neural circuits and neural firing,

Time: 1496.68

pretty amazing.

Time: 1498.28

Even more amazing is the fact that all

Time: 1501.61

explicit memories, both declarative

Time: 1505.16

and procedural explicit memories

Time: 1507.9

can be moved from explicit to implicit.

Time: 1512

What do I mean by that?

Time: 1513.02

Well, in the example of walking

Time: 1515.57

you might have chuckled a little bit

Time: 1516.64

or kind of shook your head and said,

Time: 1518.21

this is a ridiculous thing to ask.

Time: 1519.78

How do I walk from one room to the next?

Time: 1521.22

I just walk.

Time: 1522.053

I just do it.

Time: 1522.95

Ah, well, what is just do it?

Time: 1525.01

What it is, is that you have an implicit understanding.

Time: 1528.42

Meaning your nervous system knows how to walk

Time: 1532.96

without you actually having to think about

Time: 1535.5

what you know about how to walk.

Time: 1537.14

You just get up out of your chair

Time: 1538.44

or you get up out of bed and you walk.

Time: 1541.61

In the brain you have a structure.

Time: 1543.3

In fact, you have one on each side of your brain.

Time: 1546

It's called the hippocampus.

Time: 1547.49

The hippocampus literally means seahorse.

Time: 1549.91

Anatomists like to name brain structures after things

Time: 1552.84

that they think those brain structures resemble.

Time: 1555.52

When I look at the hippocampus,

Time: 1557.15

frankly, it doesn't look like a seahorse.

Time: 1559.01

Which either reflects my lack of understanding

Time: 1561.47

of what a seahorse really looks like, a visual deficit,

Time: 1563.84

or I think it's fair to say

Time: 1565.5

that those anatomists were using a little bit

Time: 1567.35

of creative elaboration when thinking about

Time: 1570.417

what the hippocampus looks like.

Time: 1572.27

Nonetheless, it is a curved structure.

Time: 1575.4

It has many layers.

Time: 1577.22

It's been described by my colleague Robert Sapolsky

Time: 1579.457

and by others as looking more like a jelly roll

Time: 1582.66

or a cinnamon roll, is what it looks like to me.

Time: 1585.76

And if you were to take one cinnamon roll,

Time: 1588.04

chop it down the middle.

Time: 1589.74

So now you've got two half cinnamon rolls

Time: 1592.1

and rather than put them back together

Time: 1593.96

in the configuration they were before,

Time: 1595.307

you just slide one down so that you've got

Time: 1598.73

essentially two C's.

Time: 1600.22

Two C-shaped halves of this cinnamon roll

Time: 1603.43

and you push them together, right,

Time: 1605.46

slightly off set from one another.

Time: 1607.22

Well, that's what the hippocampus looks like to me.

Time: 1609.36

And I think that's a far better description

Time: 1611.59

of its actual physical structure.

Time: 1613.35

But I guess if you were to use that physical structure

Time: 1616.61

as the name, well then you'd have to open up

Time: 1617.82

a brain atlas and it would be called

Time: 1619.75

two half-C cinnamon rolls stuffed halfway together.

Time: 1622.14

So that's not very good.

Time: 1622.973

So I guess, seahorse will work.

Time: 1624.64

Hippocampus is the name of this structure

Time: 1627.18

and it is the site in your brain,

Time: 1630.23

and again, you have one on each side of your brain,

Time: 1633.17

in which explicit declarative memories are formed.

Time: 1637.51

It is not where those memories are stored and maintained.

Time: 1641.25

It is where they are established in the first place.

Time: 1645.27

In contrast, implicit memories,

Time: 1648.28

the subconscious memories, are formed and stored

Time: 1652.58

elsewhere in the brain.

Time: 1654.36

Mainly by areas like the cerebellum,

Time: 1656.22

but also the neocortex,

Time: 1657.35

the kind of outer shell of your brain.

Time: 1659.23

The cerebellum literally means mini-brain.

Time: 1662.23

And it does in fact look like a mini-brain.

Time: 1664.19

And is in the back of the brain.

Time: 1665.71

And the neocortex is the outer part of the brain

Time: 1667.96

that covers all the other stuff.

Time: 1669.95

So, the hippocampus is vitally important

Time: 1673.45

for establishing these new, declarative memories

Time: 1676.22

of what you know and what you know how to do.

Time: 1680.29

Now, in order to really understand the role

Time: 1682.38

of the hippocampus in memory, in particular

Time: 1684.36

explicit declarative, and explicit procedural memory

Time: 1688.04

and to really understand how that's distinct

Time: 1690.38

from implicit declarative and implicit procedural memories

Time: 1695.571

we have to look to a clinical case.

Time: 1697.627

And the clinical case that I'm referring to

Time: 1699.33

is a patient who went by the name HM.

Time: 1702.18

Patient's go by their initials in order

Time: 1704.15

to maintain confidentiality of their real identity.

Time: 1707.56

HM had what's called intractable epilepsy.

Time: 1711.54

So he would have these really dramatic,

Time: 1713.94

so-called grand mal seizures, or drop seizures.

Time: 1717.15

For those of you that know somebody with epilepsy,

Time: 1719.58

or that have epilepsy, you might be familiar with this.

Time: 1723.73

You can have petite mal seizures, which are minor seizures.

Time: 1727.13

You can have tonic clonic seizures,

Time: 1728.59

which are sometimes not even detectable.

Time: 1730.37

You can have absent seizures where people

Time: 1731.85

will just stop, it's almost as if their brain

Time: 1733.83

kind of goes on pause and they'll just stop there.

Time: 1735.66

It was reported actually that Einstein had absent seizures.

Time: 1739.15

Although I don't know that's ever

Time: 1740.25

really been confirmed neurologically.

Time: 1744.69

Grand mal seizures are extremely severe

Time: 1746.84

and that's what HM had.

Time: 1748.22

So he could just be going about his day

Time: 1750.19

and maybe even cooking, or doing something, driving,

Time: 1753.52

operating any kind of machinery,

Time: 1754.78

and then all of a sudden he would just have

Time: 1756.59

a drop seizure.

Time: 1757.52

So he would just physically drop

Time: 1758.97

and go into a grand mal seizure.

Time: 1760.4

So convulsing of the whole body,

Time: 1762.21

loss of consciousness, etc.

Time: 1764.32

Or he would feel it coming on.

Time: 1766.37

Often times people with epilepsy

Time: 1767.72

can feel the epileptic seizure coming on.

Time: 1769.73

Kind of like a wave from the back of the brain.

Time: 1772.31

And sometimes they can get

Time: 1773.45

to a safe circumstance, but not always.

Time: 1775.24

And so the frequency and the intensity of his seizures

Time: 1778.28

were so robust that the neurosurgeons

Time: 1781.23

and neurologists decided that they needed to locate

Time: 1783.7

the origin, what they call the foci

Time: 1786.14

of those seizures, and remove that brain tissue.

Time: 1789.5

Because the way seizures work

Time: 1791.14

is they spread out from that focus,

Time: 1793.35

or that foci of brain tissue.

Time: 1796.53

And unfortunately for HM,

Time: 1799.02

the focus of his seizures was the hippocampus.

Time: 1802.26

So after a lot of deliberation,

Time: 1804.81

a neurosurgeon, in fact one of the most famous

Time: 1806.71

neurosurgeons in the world at that time,

Time: 1809.94

made what are called electrolytic lesions,

Time: 1811.89

actually burned out the hippocampus in the brain of HM.

Time: 1816.32

And as a consequence, he lost all explicit memory.

Time: 1820.87

Now the consequence of this

Time: 1822.12

was that he couldn't exist in normal,

Time: 1824.14

everyday life, like most people.

Time: 1826.12

So he had to live mostly, not entirely,

Time: 1828.87

but mostly in a kind of hospital setting.

Time: 1831.98

And I've talked to several people, who have

Time: 1835.52

I should say, who met HM directly,

Time: 1837.94

because he's no longer alive.

Time: 1840.01

But an interaction with him might look like the following.

Time: 1844.19

He would walk up to you just fine.

Time: 1845.91

You wouldn't know that he had any kind of brain damage.

Time: 1849.27

He could walk fine, he could speak fine.

Time: 1851.5

And you'd say, hi, I'm Andrew.

Time: 1853.37

And he'd say, hi, I'm whatever his name happened to be.

Time: 1856.01

He wouldn't say HM, but he'd probably say his real name.

Time: 1858.75

And then perhaps someone new would walk into the room.

Time: 1862.25

He might turn around, look at that person,

Time: 1863.91

as any of us might do.

Time: 1865.67

Then turn around back to me and say, hi, what's your name?

Time: 1870.41

And if I were to say, well, I just told you my name.

Time: 1872.54

And you just told me your name, do you remember that?

Time: 1875.021

And he'd say, I'm sorry, I don't remember any of that.

Time: 1876.83

What's your name?

Time: 1877.663

So you'd go through this over and over again.

Time: 1879.24

So a complete lack of explicit declarative memory.

Time: 1882.87

Now he did have some memory for

Time: 1886.33

previous events in his life that dated way back, okay.

Time: 1890.24

Again, hinting at the idea that memories

Time: 1893.4

are not necessarily stored in the hippocampus,

Time: 1896.46

they're just formed in the hippocampus.

Time: 1897.95

So once they've moved out of the hippocampus

Time: 1899.51

to other brain areas, he could still keep those memories.

Time: 1902.3

They're in a different database, if you will.

Time: 1904.01

They're in a different pattern of firing

Time: 1905.48

of other neural circuits.

Time: 1906.6

But he couldn't form new memories.

Time: 1908.31

Now there's some very important

Time: 1909.83

and interesting twists on what HM could

Time: 1912.71

and could not do in terms of learning and memory

Time: 1915.21

that teach us a lot about the brain.

Time: 1916.85

In fact, I think most neuroscientists would agree

Time: 1919.13

that this unfortunate case of HM's epilepsy

Time: 1922.16

and the subsequent neuro surgery that he had

Time: 1924.64

taught us much of what we know,

Time: 1926.37

or at least think about,

Time: 1927.33

in terms of human learning and memory.

Time: 1929.71

For instance, as I mentioned before,

Time: 1931.62

he still had implicit knowledge.

Time: 1933.96

He knew how to walk.

Time: 1934.85

He knew how to do certain things like

Time: 1936.53

make a cup of coffee.

Time: 1937.93

He knew the names of people

Time: 1939.97

that he had met much earlier in his life, and so on.

Time: 1943.95

And yet he couldn't form new memories.

Time: 1946.09

Now, in violation to that last statement,

Time: 1949.42

there were some elements of HM's emotionality

Time: 1952.96

that suggests that there was some sort

Time: 1954.74

of residual capacity to learn new information

Time: 1958.1

but it wasn't what we normally think of

Time: 1960.54

as explicit declarative or procedural memory.

Time: 1963.13

For instance, it's been reported

Time: 1965.84

or it's been said, I should say,

Time: 1967.55

because I don't know that the studies

Time: 1969.04

were ever done with intense physiological measurements,

Time: 1971.89

that if you were to tell HM a joke,

Time: 1974.86

and he thought it was funny, he would laugh really hard.

Time: 1978.41

He liked jokes, so you'd say hey, HM,

Time: 1980.209

I want to tell you a joke.

Time: 1981.8

You tell him a joke and he'd laugh really hard.

Time: 1983.98

Then you could leave the room, come back,

Time: 1986.02

and tell him the same joke again.

Time: 1988.01

Now keep in mind, he did not remember

Time: 1989.73

that you told him the joke previously.

Time: 1991.75

And the second time he would laugh a little bit less.

Time: 1994.63

And then you'd leave the room, come back again.

Time: 1997.28

Say hi, I'm Andrew.

Time: 1998.928

And he'd say, oh, nice to meet you.

Time: 2000.467

Because as you know, as you recall,

Time: 2002.04

because you can recall things.

Time: 2003.07

But he couldn't recall things.

Time: 2004.49

He didn't know that he just met you.

Time: 2005.82

Or at least he couldn't remember it.

Time: 2007.29

You tell him the joke a third time, or a fourth time,

Time: 2009.37

and with each subsequent telling of the joke

Time: 2011.81

he found it a little less funny.

Time: 2013.47

Just as, keep this in mind, folks,

Time: 2016.4

if you tell a joke and you get a big laugh,

Time: 2019.22

don't tell it again.

Time: 2020.66

At least not immediately.

Time: 2022.1

Not to the same person or the same crowd

Time: 2024.41

because the second time it's a little less funny

Time: 2026.447

and the third time it's a little less funny.

Time: 2028.02

And that actually has to do with a whole element

Time: 2030.25

of dopamine and it's relationship to surprise.

Time: 2033.41

And that's the topic of a future podcast

Time: 2035.31

where we talk all about humor and novelty in the brain.

Time: 2038.45

But the point being that certain forms of memory

Time: 2042.19

seem to exist in a kind of phantom like way

Time: 2045.04

within HM's brain.

Time: 2046.44

What do I mean by that?

Time: 2047.34

Well, this underscores that he had

Time: 2049.91

an implicit memory of having heard the joke before.

Time: 2053.64

And it suggests that humor, or at least what we find funny,

Time: 2056.76

is somehow more related to procedures.

Time: 2059.35

Similar to walking or a motor ability

Time: 2061.58

than it is to this precise content of that joke.

Time: 2065.65

All right, that's a little bit of an abstract concept,

Time: 2067.51

but the point is that HM lacked explicit declarative memory.

Time: 2071.36

He couldn't tell you what he had just heard.

Time: 2074.06

He could not learn new information.

Time: 2076.14

And he couldn't tell you how to do something

Time: 2078.65

unless he had learned how to do that something

Time: 2080.97

many years prior.

Time: 2082.92

Now, there have been a lot of other patients besides HM

Time: 2085.66

that have had brain lesions due to epilepsy,

Time: 2089.24

or I should say due to surgeries to treat epilepsy,

Time: 2092.02

due to strokes, due to sadly gunshot wounds

Time: 2095.62

and other forms of what we call infarcts, infarct.

Time: 2099.75

I-N-F-A-R-C-T, infarct is the word we use

Time: 2104.46

to describe damage to a particular brain region.

Time: 2107.22

And many different patients with many different patterns

Time: 2110.28

of infarct have taught us a lot about how memory

Time: 2113.767

and other aspects of the brain work.

Time: 2116.71

HM really teaches us that what we know

Time: 2121.32

and what we are able to do is the consequence

Time: 2124.22

of things that we are aware of

Time: 2126.08

and learnings that have been passed off

Time: 2128.24

into subconscious knowledge, that our body knows.

Time: 2131.04

Our brain knows, but we don't know exactly

Time: 2133.97

how we know that thing.

Time: 2135.59

And I tell you the story about HM's ability

Time: 2138.01

to understand a joke, but that with repeated telling

Time: 2141.92

of the joke it has less and less and less

Time: 2143.68

of an impact in creating a sense of laughter,

Time: 2147.14

of humor in HM.

Time: 2150.29

Not as just an anecdote to flesh out his story,

Time: 2153.33

but because emotion itself turns out

Time: 2156.6

to be the way in which we can enhance memories

Time: 2159.67

even if those are memories for things

Time: 2161.59

that are not funny, are not intensely sad,

Time: 2164.33

are not immensely happy or don't evoke

Time: 2168.41

a really strong emotional response,

Time: 2170.19

or even any emotional response.

Time: 2173.02

And the reason for that is that emotions,

Time: 2175.8

just like perception, just like sensation,

Time: 2178.67

are the consequence of particular neuro chemicals

Time: 2181.14

being present in our brain and body.

Time: 2182.72

And as I'm going to tell you next,

Time: 2184.82

there are particular neuro chemicals

Time: 2186.96

that you can leverage in order to learn

Time: 2189.22

specific information faster and to remember it

Time: 2192.51

for a much longer period of time,

Time: 2194.2

maybe even forever.

Time: 2195.61

And you can do that by leveraging

Time: 2197.04

the relationship in your nervous system

Time: 2199.12

between your brain and your body.

Time: 2201.5

And your body back to your brain.

Time: 2204.29

So let's talk about tools for enhancing memory.

Time: 2206.86

Now there's one tool that it's absolutely clear works.

Time: 2211.38

And it's always worked, it works now,

Time: 2213.9

and it will work forever.

Time: 2216.3

And that's repetition.

Time: 2218.37

The more often that you perform something

Time: 2220.5

or that you recite something,

Time: 2222.4

the more likely you are to remember it in the future.

Time: 2225.72

And while that might seem obvious,

Time: 2227.41

it's worth thinking about what's happening

Time: 2229.61

when you repeat something.

Time: 2231.03

But when I say what's happening,

Time: 2232.29

I mean at the neural level.

Time: 2233.87

What's happening is that you're encouraging

Time: 2236.04

the firing of particular chains of neurons

Time: 2238.93

that reside in a particular circuit, right.

Time: 2241.22

So a particular sequence of neurons playing

Time: 2243.11

neuron A, B, C, D played in that particular sequence

Time: 2246.16

over and over and over again.

Time: 2247.95

And with more repetitions, you get more strengthening

Time: 2251.35

of those nerve connections.

Time: 2253.34

Now, repetition works but the problem for most people

Time: 2257.74

is they either don't have the patience,

Time: 2260.06

they don't have the time,

Time: 2260.91

and sometimes they literally don't have the time

Time: 2262.46

because they've got a deadline

Time: 2264.14

on something that they're trying to remember and learn.

Time: 2267.26

Or they simply would like to be able

Time: 2269.43

to remember things better in general

Time: 2271.79

and remember them more quickly.

Time: 2273.86

This process of accelerating repetition based learning

Time: 2277.68

so that your learning curve doesn't go

Time: 2279.72

from having to perform something 1,000 times

Time: 2282.63

and then gradually over time it's 1,000, 750 times a day,

Time: 2286.36

500 times a day, 300 times a day,

Time: 2288.66

and down to no repetitions, right?

Time: 2290.43

You can just perform that thing the first time

Time: 2292.68

and every time.

Time: 2293.83

Well, there is a way to shift that curve

Time: 2296.88

so that you can essentially establish stronger connections

Time: 2300.96

between the neurons that are involved

Time: 2302.87

in generating that memory or behavior more quickly.

Time: 2306.84

How do you do that?

Time: 2307.7

Well, in order to answer that we have

Time: 2309.57

to look at the beautiful work of James McGaugh

Time: 2313.23

and Larry Cahill.

Time: 2314.71

James McGaugh and Larry Cahill did

Time: 2316.48

a number experiments over several decades really

Time: 2319.27

based on a lot of animal literature,

Time: 2321.49

but mainly focused on humans

Time: 2324.18

that really established what's required

Time: 2327.01

to get better at remembering things

Time: 2329.63

and to do so very quickly.

Time: 2331.67

I want to talk about one experiment that they did

Time: 2333.9

that was particularly important.

Time: 2335.737

And we will provide a link to this paper,

Time: 2337.57

it's some years old now,

Time: 2339

but the results still hold up.

Time: 2340.75

In fact, the results established

Time: 2342.3

an entire field of memory and neuroscience and psychology.

Time: 2346.03

What they did is they had human subjects

Time: 2348.94

come into the laboratory and to read

Time: 2350.92

a short paragraph of about 12 sentences.

Time: 2354.48

And the key thing is that some subjects read

Time: 2357.56

a paragraph that was pretty mundane.

Time: 2360.97

The content, the information within the paragraph

Time: 2363.5

was all related to the content of the previous sentence.

Time: 2366.36

So it was a cogent paragraph.

Time: 2367.84

Right, it just wasn't a meaningless scramble of words.

Time: 2371.01

But it described a kind of mundane set of circumstances.

Time: 2375.18

Maybe it would be a story about someone

Time: 2376.8

who walked into a room, sat down at a desk,

Time: 2379.55

wrote for a little bit, then got up

Time: 2381.18

and had lunch.

Time: 2382.013

You know, just kind of mundane information.

Time: 2384.1

Not very interesting.

Time: 2385.75

Another group of subjects read also

Time: 2388.67

a 12 sentence paragraph.

Time: 2390.73

But that paragraph included a subset

Time: 2393.67

of sentences that had a lot of emotionally intense language.

Time: 2398.1

Or that had language that could evoke

Time: 2400.56

an emotionally intense response

Time: 2402.13

in the person reading it.

Time: 2403.36

So it might have talked about a car accident

Time: 2405.46

or a very intense surgery.

Time: 2407.64

But it also could be positive stuff.

Time: 2409.78

Things like a birthday party,

Time: 2412.28

or a celebration of some other kind.

Time: 2414

Or a big sports win.

Time: 2415.6

So in other words, you have two conditions of this study.

Time: 2418.47

People either read a boring paragraph,

Time: 2420.73

or they read a really emotionally laden paragraph.

Time: 2423.54

And again, the emotions could either be

Time: 2425.07

positive or negative emotions.

Time: 2427.95

Subjects left the laboratory and sometime later

Time: 2430.34

they were called back to the laboratory

Time: 2432.09

and I should say, at no point in the experiment

Time: 2434.74

did they know they were part of a memory experiment.

Time: 2436.83

Okay, they don't even know why

Time: 2437.84

they were reading this paragraph.

Time: 2439.05

They came in either for class credit or to get paid.

Time: 2441.78

That's typically how these things are done

Time: 2442.95

on college campuses or elsewhere.

Time: 2445.23

They come back into the lab

Time: 2446.9

and they would get a pop quiz.

Time: 2449.65

They would be asked to recall the content

Time: 2452.17

of the paragraph that they had read previously.

Time: 2455.53

Now as is probably expected, perhaps even obvious to you,

Time: 2459.75

the subjects that read the emotionally intense paragraph

Time: 2463.72

remembered far more of the content of that paragraph

Time: 2466.55

and were far more accurate

Time: 2468.96

in their remembering of that information.

Time: 2471.72

Now, that particular finding wasn't very novel.

Time: 2475.49

Many people had previously described

Time: 2477.44

how emotionally intense events

Time: 2479.76

are better remembered than non-emotionally intense events.

Time: 2482.81

In fact, way back in the 1600s

Time: 2484.72

Francis Bacon, who's largely credited

Time: 2486.74

with developing the scientific method,

Time: 2489.37

said, quote, memory is assisted by anything

Time: 2492.15

that makes an impression on a powerful passion.

Time: 2494.33

Inspiring fear, for example,

Time: 2495.98

or wonder, shame, or joy.

Time: 2498.43

Francis Bacon said that in 1620.

Time: 2500.91

So Jim McGaugh and Larry Cahill

Time: 2502.75

were certainly not the first

Time: 2504.8

to demonstrate or to conceive of the idea

Time: 2507.73

that emotionally laden experiences

Time: 2510.1

are more easily remembered than other experiences.

Time: 2513.5

However, what they did next

Time: 2515.42

was immensely important for our understanding of memory

Time: 2518.34

and for our building of tools

Time: 2520.93

to enhance learning and memory.

Time: 2523.45

What they did was they evaluated

Time: 2526.28

the capacity for stress and for particular

Time: 2529.22

neuro chemicals associated with stress

Time: 2531.49

to improve our ability to learn information.

Time: 2534.43

Not just information that is emotional,

Time: 2537.65

but information of all kinds.

Time: 2539.97

So I'm going to describe some experiments done

Time: 2541.61

in animal models just very briefly,

Time: 2543.43

and then experiments done on humans subjects.

Time: 2546.66

Because McGaugh worked mainly on animals,

Time: 2548.95

also human subjects.

Time: 2550.12

Larry Cahill, almost exclusively on human subjects.

Time: 2554.27

If you take a rat or a mouse

Time: 2556.35

and put it in an arena where at one location

Time: 2559.99

the animal receives an electrical shock

Time: 2563.31

and then you come back the next day,

Time: 2564.67

you remove the shock evoking device

Time: 2567.31

and you let the animal move around that arena,

Time: 2569.52

that animal will, quite understandably,

Time: 2571.5

avoid the location where it was shocked.

Time: 2574

So called conditioned place aversion.

Time: 2577.3

That affect of avoiding that particular location

Time: 2580.68

occurs in one trial.

Time: 2581.81

That's a good example of one trial learning.

Time: 2583.96

So somehow the animal knows

Time: 2585.99

that it was shocked at that location,

Time: 2588.2

it remembers that.

Time: 2589.83

It is a hippocampal dependent learning.

Time: 2592.32

So animals that lack a hippocampus

Time: 2594.21

or who have their hippocampus pharmacologically

Time: 2596.29

or otherwise incapacitated, will not learn

Time: 2599.67

that new bit of information.

Time: 2601.92

But for animals that do, they remember it

Time: 2605.16

after the first time and every time.

Time: 2607.74

Unless, you are to block the release

Time: 2611.28

of certain chemicals in the brain and body

Time: 2613

and the chemicals I'm referring to are epinephrine,

Time: 2616.31

adrenaline, and to some extent the corticosterones.

Time: 2620.12

Things like cortisol.

Time: 2621.76

Now we know that the effect of getting one trial learning

Time: 2624.41

somehow involves epinephrine,

Time: 2626.37

at least in this particular experimental scenario.

Time: 2629.2

Because if researchers do the exact same experiment,

Time: 2632.92

and they have done the exact same experiment,

Time: 2634.9

but they introduce a pharmacological blocker

Time: 2638.43

of epinephrine, so that epinephrine is released

Time: 2641.41

in response to the shock,

Time: 2642.49

but it cannot actually bind to its receptors

Time: 2645.24

and have all its biological effects,

Time: 2647.38

well then the animal is perfectly happy

Time: 2649.33

to tread back into the area where it received the shock.

Time: 2652.73

It's almost as if it didn't know,

Time: 2654.31

or we have to assume, it didn't remember

Time: 2657.17

that it received the shock at that location.

Time: 2659.72

So it all seems pretty obvious when you hear it.

Time: 2661.43

Something bad happens in a location,

Time: 2662.67

you don't go back to that location.

Time: 2664.18

So that's condition place avoidance.

Time: 2666.42

But it turns out that the opposite is also true.

Time: 2669.2

Meaning for something called condition place preference

Time: 2672.45

you can take an animal, put it into an arena,

Time: 2674.81

feed it or reward it some how at one location

Time: 2678.14

in that arena.

Time: 2678.973

So you can give a hungry rat or mouse food

Time: 2681.07

at one particular location,

Time: 2683.42

take the animal out, come back the next day.

Time: 2685.4

No food is introduced, but it will go back

Time: 2687.18

to the location where it received the food.

Time: 2689.21

Or you can do any variant of this.

Time: 2690.72

You can make the arena a little bit chilly

Time: 2692.26

and provide warmth at that location.

Time: 2694.3

Or you can take a male animal.

Time: 2697.37

And it turns out male rats and mice

Time: 2699.39

will mate at any point.

Time: 2700.56

Or a female animal that's at the particular

Time: 2702.3

so called receptive phase of her mating cycle

Time: 2704.23

and give them an opportunity to mate

Time: 2705.85

at a give location, they'll go back to that location

Time: 2707.63

and wait away.

Time: 2708.463

This is perhaps why people go back

Time: 2709.61

to the same bar, or the seat at the bar,

Time: 2711.86

or the same restaurant and wait

Time: 2713.54

because of the one time they, you know,

Time: 2714.92

things worked out for them.

Time: 2716.29

Whatever the context was.

Time: 2718.28

Condition place preference.

Time: 2720.99

Condition place preference as with condition place avoidance

Time: 2725.25

depends on the release of adrenaline, right.

Time: 2728.31

It's not just about stress.

Time: 2730.23

It's about a heightened emotional state

Time: 2732.94

in the brain and body.

Time: 2734.32

Okay, this is really important.

Time: 2735.51

It's not just about stress.

Time: 2737.29

You can get one trial learning

Time: 2738.49

for positive events, condition place preference.

Time: 2740.96

And you can get one trial learning for negative events.

Time: 2745.62

Here I say positive and negative,

Time: 2747.32

I'm putting what's called valence on it.

Time: 2748.81

Making a value judgment about whether not

Time: 2750.92

the animal liked it or didn't like it.

Time: 2752.4

And we have to presume what the animal liked

Time: 2754.69

or didn't like and how it felt.

Time: 2756.09

But this turns out all to be true for humans as well.

Time: 2759.87

We know that because McGaugh and Cahill

Time: 2762.18

did experiments where they gave people

Time: 2764.86

a boring paragraph to read

Time: 2767.05

and only a boring paragraph to read.

Time: 2769.4

But one group of subjects was asked

Time: 2772.35

to read the paragraph and then to place their arm

Time: 2775.03

into very, very cold water.

Time: 2777.64

In fact, it was ice water.

Time: 2779.19

We know that placing one's arm into ice water,

Time: 2781.59

especially if it's up to the shoulder or near to it,

Time: 2785.13

evokes the release of adrenaline in the body.

Time: 2787.54

It's not an enormous release,

Time: 2788.81

but it's a significant increase.

Time: 2790.41

And yes, they measured adrenaline release.

Time: 2792.96

In some cases they also measured for things like

Time: 2794.63

cortisol, etc.

Time: 2796.45

And what they found is that if one evokes

Time: 2800.29

the release of adrenaline through

Time: 2802.53

this arm into ice water approach,

Time: 2805.81

the information that they read previously,

Time: 2807.93

just a few minutes before,

Time: 2809.54

was remembered, it was retained as well

Time: 2813.47

as emotionally intense information.

Time: 2815.44

But keep in mind the information that they read

Time: 2817.1

was not interesting at all.

Time: 2818.15

Or at least, it wasn't emotionally laden.

Time: 2821.02

This had to be the effect of adrenaline released

Time: 2823.85

into the brain and body, because if they blocked the release

Time: 2827.545

or the function of adrenaline in the brain

Time: 2832

and or body, they could block this effect.

Time: 2834.67

Now the biology of epinephrine and cortisol

Time: 2838.125

are a little bit complex,

Time: 2838.958

but there's some nuance there that's actually interesting

Time: 2840.877

and important to us.

Time: 2842.07

First of all, adrenaline is released

Time: 2844.74

in the body and in the brain.

Time: 2846.03

It's released in the body from the adrenals.

Time: 2848.09

Remember, epinephrine and adrenaline are the same thing.

Time: 2851.09

Cortisol is also released from the adrenal glands.

Time: 2853.14

These two little glands that ride atop our kidneys.

Time: 2855.64

But it can't cross into the brain.

Time: 2857.5

It only has what we call peripheral effects.

Time: 2859.32

Quickening of the heart rate, right?

Time: 2861.99

Changes the patterns of blood flow.

Time: 2863.68

Changes our patterns of breathing.

Time: 2865.08

In general, makes our breathing more shallow and faster.

Time: 2867.83

In general makes our heart beat more quickly, etc.

Time: 2871.42

Within our brain we have a little brain area

Time: 2873.3

called locus coeruleus, which is in the back of the brain.

Time: 2875.65

Which has the opportunity to sprinkler

Time: 2877.4

the rest of the brain with

Time: 2878.92

the neuromodulator epinephrine, adrenaline,

Time: 2881.39

as well as norepinephrine, a related neuromodulator.

Time: 2884.27

And to essentially wake up or create a state of alertness

Time: 2887.55

throughout the brain.

Time: 2888.63

So it's a very general effect.

Time: 2890.63

The reason we have two sites of release

Time: 2892.87

is because these neuro chemicals do not cross

Time: 2896.5

the blood-brain barrier.

Time: 2897.94

And so waking up the body with adrenaline

Time: 2900.55

and waking up the brain are two separate,

Time: 2902.41

so-called parallel phenomena.

Time: 2904.53

Cortisol can cross the blood-brain barrier

Time: 2907.24

because it's lipophilic.

Time: 2908.62

Meaning it can move through fatty tissue.

Time: 2911.68

And we'll get into the biology of that

Time: 2913.13

in another episode.

Time: 2914.29

But cortisol in general is released

Time: 2916.32

and has much longer term effects.

Time: 2917.96

And as I just told you, can permeate

Time: 2919.68

throughout the brain and body.

Time: 2920.75

Adrenaline has more local effects.

Time: 2922.41

Or at least is segregated between the brain and the body.

Time: 2925.26

This will turn out to be important later.

Time: 2927.33

The important thing to keep in mind

Time: 2929.431

is that it is the emotionality evoked

Time: 2931.03

by an experience, or to be more precise,

Time: 2934.595

it is the emotional state that you are in

Time: 2937.67

after you experience something

Time: 2940.98

that dictates whether or not you will learn it

Time: 2942.84

quickly or not.

Time: 2944.64

This is absolutely important

Time: 2946.595

in terms of thinking about tools

Time: 2948.4

to improve your memory.

Time: 2949.59

And no, I am not going to suggest

Time: 2951.36

that every time you want to learn something

Time: 2952.66

you plunge your arm into ice water.

Time: 2955.24

Why won't I suggest that?

Time: 2956.53

Well, it will induce the release of adrenaline,

Time: 2960.65

but there are better ways to get that adrenaline release.

Time: 2963.01

Before I explain exactly what those tools are,

Time: 2965.49

I want to tamp down on the biology

Time: 2967.61

of how all this works.

Time: 2968.61

Because in that understanding you will have access

Time: 2972.03

to the best possible tools to improve your memory.

Time: 2975.26

First of all, McGaugh and Cahill

Time: 2977.41

were excellent experimentalists.

Time: 2978.93

They did not just establish that you could

Time: 2982.25

quicken the formation of a memory

Time: 2984.74

by accessing material that was very emotionally laden

Time: 2988.05

or creating an emotional, high adrenaline state

Time: 2991.15

after interacting with some thing.

Time: 2994.35

Some word, some person, some information.

Time: 2997.21

They also tested whether or not that whole effect

Time: 2999.75

could be blocked by blocking the emotional state

Time: 3003.08

or by blocking adrenaline.

Time: 3004.19

So what they did is they had people read paragraphs

Time: 3005.93

that either had a lot of emotional content

Time: 3009.03

or they had people read paragraphs

Time: 3010.8

that were pretty boring, but then had them

Time: 3013.05

put their arm into ice water.

Time: 3014.64

And I should say they did other experiments too

Time: 3016.36

to increase adrenaline.

Time: 3017.43

There were even some shock experiments

Time: 3018.73

that were done by other groups.

Time: 3020.28

Any number of things to evoke

Time: 3021.42

the release of adrenaline.

Time: 3022.253

Even people taking drugs that increase adrenaline.

Time: 3025.58

But then they also did what are called blocking experiments.

Time: 3029.06

They did experiments where they had people

Time: 3031.39

get into a highly emotional state

Time: 3033.33

from reading highly emotional material,

Time: 3035.67

or they got people to get into a highly emotional

Time: 3037.69

neuro chemical state by reading boring material

Time: 3039.89

and then taking a drug to increase adrenaline,

Time: 3042.53

or an ice bath, or a shock.

Time: 3044.37

And then they also administered a drug called a beta blocker

Time: 3048.43

to block the affect of adrenaline

Time: 3050.89

and related chemicals in the brain and body.

Time: 3053

And what they found is that even

Time: 3055.72

if people were exposed to something really emotional

Time: 3058.97

or had a lot of adrenaline in their system

Time: 3062.24

because they received a drug to increase

Time: 3063.74

the amount of adrenaline.

Time: 3064.573

Two manipulations that normally would increase memory,

Time: 3066.66

keep that in mind.

Time: 3068.09

If they gave them a beta blocker,

Time: 3070.52

which reduced the response to that adrenaline, right?

Time: 3073.57

So no quickening of the heart rate.

Time: 3074.88

No quickening of the breathing.

Time: 3076.89

No increase in the activity of locus coeruleus

Time: 3080.1

and these kind of wake up signals to the rest of the brain.

Time: 3082.73

Well then, the material wasn't remembered better at all.

Time: 3086.04

What this tells us is that, yes,

Time: 3087.78

Francis Bacon was right.

Time: 3089.11

McGaugh and Cahill were right.

Time: 3090.58

Hundreds, if not thousands of philosophers,

Time: 3092.7

and psychologists, and neuroscientists were right.

Time: 3095.71

In stating and in thinking that

Time: 3099.24

high emotional states help you learn things.

Time: 3102.09

But what McGaugh and Cahill really showed,

Time: 3105.03

and what's most important to know,

Time: 3107.03

is that it is the presence of high adrenaline,

Time: 3111.87

high amounts of norepinephrine and epinephrine

Time: 3114.65

and perhaps cortisol as well, as you'll soon see,

Time: 3118.19

that allows a memory to be stamped down quickly.

Time: 3122.94

It is not the emotion.

Time: 3125.42

It is the neuro chemical state that you go into

Time: 3128.16

as a consequence of the emotion.

Time: 3130.51

And it's very important to understand

Time: 3131.76

that while those two things are related,

Time: 3133.44

they are not one and the same thing.

Time: 3135.79

Because what that means is that were you to evoke

Time: 3140.07

the release of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol

Time: 3143.71

or even just one or two of those chemicals

Time: 3147.13

after experiencing something,

Time: 3149.23

you are stamping down the experience

Time: 3152.16

that you just previously had.

Time: 3153.6

Now this is fundamentally important

Time: 3156.14

and far and away different than the idea

Time: 3159.35

that we remember things because they're important to us,

Time: 3162.89

or because they evoke emotion.

Time: 3164.27

That's true, but the real reason,

Time: 3166.46

the neuro chemical reason, the mechanism behind all that

Time: 3169.6

is these neuro chemicals have the ability

Time: 3172.51

to strengthen neural connections

Time: 3174.77

by making them active just once.

Time: 3177.49

There's something truly magic about

Time: 3179.22

that neuro chemical cocktail that removes

Time: 3181.61

the need for repetition.

Time: 3183.23

Okay, so let's apply this knowledge.

Time: 3184.74

Let's establish a scientifically grounded set of tools.

Time: 3188.29

Meaning tools that take into account

Time: 3190.93

the identity of the neuro chemicals

Time: 3193.07

that are important for enhancing learning

Time: 3195.56

and the timing of the release of those chemicals

Time: 3198.1

in order to enhance learning.

Time: 3200.27

When I first learned about the results

Time: 3201.74

of McGaugh and Cahill, I was just blown away.

Time: 3205.7

I was also pretty upset, but not with them,

Time: 3208.353

I was upset with myself.

Time: 3209.67

Because I realized that the way that I had

Time: 3211.21

been approaching learning and memory was not optimal.

Time: 3214.5

In fact, it was probably in the opposite direction

Time: 3217.83

to the enhanced protocol for learning and memory

Time: 3220.71

that I'm going to teach you today.

Time: 3223.11

My typical mode of trying to learn something

Time: 3224.97

while I was in college, or while I was in graduate school,

Time: 3228.01

or as a junior professor, or a tenured professor

Time: 3231.22

was to sit down to whatever it is I was going

Time: 3234.01

to try and learn, and perhaps even memorize.

Time: 3236.63

Or if it was a physical skill, move to whatever

Time: 3239.09

environment I was going to learn that physical skill in,

Time: 3241.55

and prior to that, to make sure that I was

Time: 3245.06

hydrated, because that's important to me.

Time: 3246.9

And certainly can contribute to your brain's

Time: 3249.43

ability to function and your body's ability to function.

Time: 3252.03

And general patterns of alertness.

Time: 3254.11

But also, to caffeinate.

Time: 3256.14

I would have a nice, strong cup of coffee or espresso.

Time: 3259.44

I would have a nice strong cup of yerba mate.

Time: 3262.06

And I still drink coffee or yerba mate very regularly.

Time: 3267.04

I drink them in moderation, I think.

Time: 3269.01

Certainly for me.

Time: 3270.38

But typically I would drink those things

Time: 3273.56

before I would engage in any kind of attempt

Time: 3276.26

to learn or memorize.

Time: 3277.63

Or to acquire a new skill.

Time: 3279.27

Now caffeine in the form of coffee or yerba mate

Time: 3283.18

or any other form of caffeine does create

Time: 3285.73

a sense of alertness in our brain and body

Time: 3287.42

and it does that through two major mechanisms.

Time: 3290.6

The first mechanism is by blocking the effects of adenosine.

Time: 3294.21

Adenosine is a molecule that builds up

Time: 3295.68

in the brain and body the longer that we are awake.

Time: 3297.78

And it's largely what's responsible

Time: 3299.63

for our feelings of sleepiness and fatigue

Time: 3302.19

when we've been awake for a very long time.

Time: 3305.29

Caffeine essentially acts to block

Time: 3309.65

the effects of adenosine.

Time: 3310.67

It's a competing agonist, not to get technical,

Time: 3313.64

but it binds to the receptor for adenosine

Time: 3316.28

for some period of time and prevents adenosine

Time: 3318.17

from having its normal pattern of action.

Time: 3320.06

And thereby reduces our feelings of fatigue.

Time: 3323.84

But it also increases state of alertness.

Time: 3326.63

So while it's reducing fatigue,

Time: 3328.85

it's also pushing on neuro chemical systems

Time: 3331.05

in order to directly increase our alertness.

Time: 3332.77

And it does that in large part by increasing

Time: 3335.8

the transmission of epinephrine, adrenaline,

Time: 3338.53

in the brain and body.

Time: 3339.58

It also has this interesting effect of up regulating

Time: 3341.9

the number and or efficiency, or we say the efficacy,

Time: 3345.78

of dopamine receptors.

Time: 3348.24

Such that when dopamine is present,

Time: 3350.78

and is a molecule that increases motivation,

Time: 3352.71

and craving, and pursuit, that dopamine

Time: 3354.75

can have a more potent effect than it would otherwise.

Time: 3357.23

So caffeine really hits these three systems.

Time: 3359.29

It hits other systems too, but it mainly reduces fatigue

Time: 3362.01

by reducing adenosine, increases alertness

Time: 3364.84

by increasing epinephrine release,

Time: 3367.25

or adrenaline release I should say,

Time: 3368.61

both from the adrenals in your body

Time: 3370.18

and form locus coeruleus from within the brain.

Time: 3372.77

And it can, in parallel to all that, increase

Time: 3376.23

the action or the efficacy of the action of dopamine.

Time: 3380.19

So my typical way of approaching learning and memory

Time: 3382.82

would be to drink some caffeine and then focus really hard

Time: 3385.79

on whatever it is that I'm trying to learn.

Time: 3387.52

Try and eliminate distractions

Time: 3389.53

and then hope, hope, hope.

Time: 3391.47

Or try, try, try to remember that information

Time: 3393.84

as best as I could.

Time: 3395.47

And frankly, I felt like it was working pretty well for me.

Time: 3397.71

And typically, if I leveraged other forms

Time: 3399.45

of pharmacology in order to enhance learning and memory,

Time: 3403.15

things like Alpha GPC, or phosphatidyl serine,

Time: 3407.46

I would do that by taking those things

Time: 3410.21

before I sat down to learn

Time: 3412.36

a particular set of information.

Time: 3414.05

Or before I went off to learn a particular physical skill.

Time: 3418.08

Now, for those of you out there listening to this

Time: 3420.3

you're probably thinking, well, okay.

Time: 3423.16

The results of McGaugh and Cahill pointed

Time: 3425.41

to the fact that having adrenaline released after

Time: 3429.355

learning something enhanced learning of that thing.

Time: 3432.58

But a lot of these things like caffeine,

Time: 3434.65

or Alpha GPC can increase epinephrine and adrenaline

Time: 3438.69

or dopamine or other molecules in the brain and body

Time: 3443.173

that can enhance memory for a long period of time.

Time: 3445.75

So it makes sense to take it first,

Time: 3447.48

or even during learning,

Time: 3448.78

and then allow that increase to occur.

Time: 3451.05

And the increase will occur over

Time: 3452.143

a long period of time and will enhance learning and memory.

Time: 3455.31

And while that is partially true,

Time: 3458.1

it is not entirely true.

Time: 3459.58

And it turns out it's not optimal.

Time: 3461.84

Work that was done by the McGaugh laboratory,

Time: 3464.21

and in other laboratories evaluated

Time: 3467.44

the precise temporal relationship

Time: 3470.19

between neuro chemical activation of these pathways

Time: 3474.11

and learning and memory.

Time: 3475.32

What they did is they had animals and or people,

Time: 3477.57

depending on the experiment, take a drug.

Time: 3480.02

It could be caffeine.

Time: 3481.54

It could be in pill form.

Time: 3483.66

Something that would increase adrenaline

Time: 3486.74

or related molecules that create

Time: 3488.91

this state of alertness that are related to emotionality.

Time: 3492.16

And they had them do it either an hour before,

Time: 3494.48

30 minutes before, 10 minutes before,

Time: 3497.37

or five minutes before learning,

Time: 3500.13

or during the about of learning, right?

Time: 3503.15

The reading of the information or the performing

Time: 3504.9

of the skill that one is trying to learn.

Time: 3506.26

Or five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes,

Time: 3508.87

30 minutes, etc. afterwards.

Time: 3510.94

So they looked very precisely at when exactly

Time: 3513.58

is best to evoke this adrenaline release.

Time: 3516

And it turns out that the best time window

Time: 3518.3

to evoke the release of these chemicals,

Time: 3520.7

if the goal is to enhance learning and memory

Time: 3523.15

of the material is either immediately after

Time: 3526.7

or just a few minutes, five, 10, maybe 15 minutes

Time: 3530.87

after you're repeating that information.

Time: 3533.96

You're trying to learn that information.

Time: 3535.42

Again, this could be cognitive information

Time: 3537.21

or this could be a physical skill.

Time: 3539.23

Now this really spits in the face

Time: 3541.38

of the way that most of us approach learning and memory.

Time: 3544.01

Most of us, if we use stimulants like caffeine

Time: 3548.27

or Alpha GPC, we're taking those before

Time: 3551.19

or during an attempt to learn, not afterwards.

Time: 3555.5

These results point to the fact that

Time: 3557.81

it is after the learning and memory

Time: 3559.84

that you really want to get that big increase

Time: 3562.18

in epinephrine and the related molecules

Time: 3564.51

that will tamp down memory.

Time: 3565.92

So what this means is that if you are currently using

Time: 3568.57

caffeine or other compounds,

Time: 3570.57

and we'll talk about what those are

Time: 3571.87

and safety issues and so forth in a moment.

Time: 3575.53

If you're using those compounds in order

Time: 3577.15

to enhance learning and memory

Time: 3578.47

by taking them before or during a learning episode,

Time: 3582.6

well then I encourage you to try

Time: 3584.52

and take them either late in the learning episode

Time: 3587.38

or immediately after the learning episode.

Time: 3589.92

Now given everything I've told you up until now

Time: 3591.59

why would I say late in the learning episode

Time: 3593.49

or immediately after?

Time: 3594.61

Well, when you ingest something by drinking it

Time: 3597.19

or you take it in capsule form,

Time: 3598.74

there's a period of time before that gets

Time: 3600.19

absorbed into the body.

Time: 3601.09

And different substances,

Time: 3602.92

such as caffeine, Alpha GPC, etc

Time: 3605.21

are absorbed from the gut and into the blood stream

Time: 3608.07

and reach the brain and trigger these affects

Time: 3610.14

in the brain and body at different rates.

Time: 3611.65

So it's not instantaneous.

Time: 3613.34

Some have effects within minutes,

Time: 3614.9

others within tens of minutes and so on.

Time: 3618.35

It's really going to depend

Time: 3619.57

on the pharmacology of those things

Time: 3621.2

and it's also going to depend

Time: 3622.32

on whether or not you have food in your gut,

Time: 3623.76

what else you happen to have circulating

Time: 3625.2

in your blood stream, etc.

Time: 3626.84

But at a very basic level we can confidently say

Time: 3629.5

that there are not one, not dozens,

Time: 3632.69

but as I mentioned before,

Time: 3633.73

hundreds of studies in animals and in humans

Time: 3635.92

that point to the fact that triggering

Time: 3637.24

the increase of adrenaline late in learning

Time: 3639.99

or immediately after learning

Time: 3641.33

is going to be most beneficial

Time: 3642.66

if your goal is to retain that information

Time: 3644.81

for some period of time.

Time: 3645.95

And to reduce the number of repetitions

Time: 3647.63

required in order to learn that information.

Time: 3649.98

Now, I want to acknowledge that

Time: 3651.27

on previous episodes of this podcast

Time: 3654.09

and in appearing on other podcasts,

Time: 3656.17

I've talked a lot about things like non-sleep deep rest,

Time: 3658.98

and naps, and sleep as vital to the learning process.

Time: 3661.98

And I want to emphasize

Time: 3663.01

that none of that information has changed.

Time: 3665.26

I don't look at any of that information differently

Time: 3667.36

as the consequence of what I'm talking about today.

Time: 3669.8

It is still true that the strengthening

Time: 3672.11

of connections in the brain,

Time: 3673.6

the literal neural plasticity,

Time: 3675.5

the changing of the circuits occurs

Time: 3677.06

during deep sleep and non-sleep deep rest.

Time: 3679.73

And it is also true,

Time: 3681.01

and I've mentioned these results earlier

Time: 3682.87

that two papers were published in Cell Reports,

Time: 3685.75

Cell Press journal, excellent journal

Time: 3687.52

over the last few years showing that

Time: 3690.05

brief naps of about 20 up to 90 minutes

Time: 3694.09

in some period of time after an attempt to learn

Time: 3697.47

can enhance the rate of learning and memory.

Time: 3701.4

However, those bouts of sleep,

Time: 3704.76

the deep sleep that night, I should say,

Time: 3706.36

or those brief naps,

Time: 3707.95

or even the so-called NSDR as we call it,

Time: 3710.52

non-sleep deep rest that was used

Time: 3712.24

to enhance the learning and memory

Time: 3714.83

of particular pieces of information.

Time: 3717.4

Either cognitive or physical information or both.

Time: 3721

That still can be performed,

Time: 3723.46

but it can be performed some hours later,

Time: 3727.18

even an hour later.

Time: 3728.47

It can be performed two hours later or four hours later.

Time: 3731.06

Remember, it's in these naps and in deep sleep

Time: 3733.41

that the actual reconfiguration

Time: 3734.93

of the neural circuits occurs,

Time: 3736.12

the strengthening of those neural circuits occurs.

Time: 3738.98

It is not the case that you need to finish

Time: 3741.17

a about of learning and drop immediately into a nap or sleep.

Time: 3743.56

Some people might do that,

Time: 3744.84

but if you're really trying to optimize

Time: 3746.68

and enhance and improve your memory,

Time: 3749.73

the data from McGaugh and Cahill

Time: 3751.09

and many other laboratories that stemmed out

Time: 3753.7

from their initial work really point

Time: 3755.58

to the fact that the ideal protocol would be

Time: 3759.34

focus on the thing you're trying to learn very intensely.

Time: 3761.66

There are also some other things like error rates, etc.

Time: 3764.27

Please see our episodes on learning.

Time: 3765.83

We have a newsletter on how to learn better.

Time: 3768.36

You can access that at HubermanLab.com.

Time: 3769.607

It's a zero cost newsletter.

Time: 3771.76

You can grab that PDF.

Time: 3773.28

It lists out the things to do during the learning about.

Time: 3776.84

Still try and get excellent sleep.

Time: 3779.32

Again, fundamentally important for mental health,

Time: 3781.18

physical health, and performance.

Time: 3782.62

And we can now extend from performance

Time: 3784.7

to saying including learning and memory.

Time: 3788.09

Nap if it doesn't interrupt your nighttime sleep.

Time: 3790.92

Naps of anywhere from 10 to 90 minutes.

Time: 3793.41

Or non-sleep deep rest protocols

Time: 3795.01

will enhance learning and memory,

Time: 3796.42

but we can now add to that, that spiking adrenaline

Time: 3800.78

provided it can be done in a safe way,

Time: 3802.84

is going to reduce the number of repetitions

Time: 3805.33

required to learn.

Time: 3806.163

And that should be done at the very tail end

Time: 3808.56

or immediately after a learning about.

Time: 3810.75

Which is compatible with all

Time: 3812.01

the other protocols that I mentioned.

Time: 3814.17

And the reason I'm revisiting this stuff

Time: 3815.7

about sleep and non-sleep deep rest

Time: 3817.57

is I think that some people got the impression

Time: 3819.07

that they need to do that immediately after learning

Time: 3821.12

and today I'm saying to the contrary.

Time: 3822.68

Immediately after learning you need to go into

Time: 3824.47

a heightened state of emotionality and alertness.

Time: 3827.45

Now it's vitally important to point out

Time: 3829.87

that you do not need pharmacology.

Time: 3832.6

You don't need caffeine.

Time: 3834.5

You don't need Alpha GPC.

Time: 3836.71

You don't need any pharmacologic substance

Time: 3838.86

to spike adrenaline unless that's something

Time: 3841.43

that you already are doing.

Time: 3843.34

Or that you can do safely.

Time: 3845.05

Or that you know you can do safely.

Time: 3846.72

And I always say, and I'll say it again,

Time: 3849.21

I'm not a physician so I'm not prescribing anything.

Time: 3851.16

I'm a professor, so I profess things.

Time: 3853.24

You need to what's safe for you.

Time: 3854.84

So if you're somebody who's not used to drinking caffeine

Time: 3857.18

and you suddenly drink four espresso after trying

Time: 3859.56

to learn something, you are going to have

Time: 3861.64

a severe increase in alertness and probably even anxiety.

Time: 3866.79

If you're panic attack prone,

Time: 3868.3

please don't start taking stimulants

Time: 3870.29

in order to learn things better.

Time: 3871.76

Please be safe.

Time: 3872.593

I don't just say that to protect me,

Time: 3873.61

I say that to protect you.

Time: 3876.03

And I should mention that if you're

Time: 3877.68

not accustomed to taking something,

Time: 3879.55

you always want to first check with your doctor, of course,

Time: 3882.23

but also move into that gradually, right?

Time: 3884.75

Start with the lowest effective dose.

Time: 3887.499

The minimal effective dose.

Time: 3889.32

And sometimes the minimal effective dose

Time: 3891.99

is zero milligrams, it's nothing.

Time: 3894.42

Why do I say that?

Time: 3895.253

Well, we already talked about results where

Time: 3898.09

they put people's arms into an ice bath

Time: 3901.3

in order to evoke adrenaline release.

Time: 3902.92

You are welcome to do that if you want.

Time: 3904.33

In fact, that's a pretty low cost, zero pharmacology.

Time: 3907.67

At least exogenous pharmacology way

Time: 3909.32

to approach this whole thing.

Time: 3911.09

That's a way of evoking your own natural epinephrine

Time: 3913.773

that turns out also dopamine release.

Time: 3916.51

You could take a cold shower.

Time: 3918.24

You could do an ice bath or get into

Time: 3920.005

a cold circulating bath.

Time: 3921.92

We've done several episodes

Time: 3923.65

on the utility of cold for health and performance.

Time: 3925.83

You can find those episodes at HubermanLab.com.

Time: 3928.13

Also the episode with my colleague at Stanford

Time: 3930.83

from the biology department, Dr. Craig Heller.

Time: 3933.09

Lots of protocols, in particular in the episode

Time: 3935.98

on cold for health and performance.

Time: 3937.73

That describe how best to use

Time: 3940.54

the cold shower or the ice bath or the circulating cold bath

Time: 3944.65

in order to evoke epinephrine

Time: 3946.26

and dopamine release.

Time: 3948.32

The point is that the time in which

Time: 3950.64

you would want to do those protocols

Time: 3951.9

is after, ideally immediately after your learning about.

Time: 3956.31

Meaning when you're sitting down to learn

Time: 3957.84

new information or after trying

Time: 3959.12

to learn some new physical skill.

Time: 3961.32

Now whether or not that's compatible

Time: 3962.51

with the other reasons you're doing

Time: 3964.75

deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 3965.9

and whether or not that's compatible

Time: 3967.31

with the other things you're doing,

Time: 3968.36

that depends on the contour of your lifestyle,

Time: 3970.11

your training, your academic goals,

Time: 3971.48

your learning goals, etc.

Time: 3972.87

But if your specific purpose is to enhance

Time: 3975.64

learning and memory, you want to spike adrenaline afterwards.

Time: 3977.727

And so what I'm telling you is you can do that

Time: 3979.34

with caffeine.

Time: 3980.66

You can do that with Alpha GPC.

Time: 3982.81

You can do that with a combination

Time: 3984.24

of caffeine and Alpha GPC.

Time: 3985.67

If you can do that safely.

Time: 3987.4

Some of you I know are using

Time: 3988.48

other forms of pharmacology.

Time: 3989.84

I did a long episode all about ADHD.

Time: 3993.043

I have to just really declare my stance very clearly

Time: 3995.72

that I am not a fan, I am actually opposed

Time: 3999.96

to people using prescription drugs

Time: 4002.25

who are not prescribed those drugs

Time: 4004.54

in order to enhance alertness.

Time: 4006.02

I think there's a big addictive potential.

Time: 4007.76

There also is a potential to really

Time: 4009.66

disrupt one's own pharmacology around

Time: 4011.53

the dopaminergic system.

Time: 4013.85

However, some of you I know are prescribed

Time: 4016.66

things like ritalin, Adderall and modafinil

Time: 4020.27

and things of that sort in order

Time: 4021.34

to increase alertness and focus.

Time: 4023.02

So for those of you that are prescribed

Time: 4024.36

those things from a board certified physician,

Time: 4027.7

you're going to have to decide

Time: 4028.66

if you're going to take them before trying to learn

Time: 4030.31

or after trying to learn.

Time: 4032.06

You also have to take into consideration

Time: 4033.42

that some of those drugs are very long acting.

Time: 4035.47

Some are shorter acting.

Time: 4037.13

And time that according

Time: 4038.4

to what you're trying to learn and when.

Time: 4040.23

So that's pharmacology.

Time: 4041.83

But as I mentioned, there are the behavioral protocols.

Time: 4044.83

You can use cold and cold is an excellent stimulus

Time: 4048.84

because first of all, it doesn't involve pharmacology.

Time: 4052.9

Second of all, you can generally access it

Time: 4055.71

at low to zero cost, especially the cold shower approach.

Time: 4059.38

And third, you can titrate it.

Time: 4062

You can start with warmer water.

Time: 4063.73

You can make it very, very cold if that's your thing

Time: 4066.01

and you're able to tolerate that safely.

Time: 4067.54

You can make it moderately cold.

Time: 4070.83

How cold should it be in order to invoke adrenaline release?

Time: 4073.61

Well, it should be uncomfortably cold

Time: 4075.54

but cold enough that you feel like

Time: 4078.01

you really want to get out,

Time: 4079.01

but can stay in safely.

Time: 4080.37

That's going to evoke adrenaline release.

Time: 4082.59

If it quickens your breathing,

Time: 4084.16

if it makes you go wide eyed.

Time: 4086.09

That's increasing adrenaline release.

Time: 4087.57

In fact, those effects of going wide eyed

Time: 4089.85

and quickening of the breathing

Time: 4090.83

and the challenges in thinking clearly,

Time: 4092.75

those are the direct effects of adrenaline

Time: 4094.4

on your brain and body.

Time: 4095.75

And of course, there are other ways

Time: 4096.96

to increase adrenaline.

Time: 4098.19

You could go out for a hard run.

Time: 4100.76

You could do any number of things

Time: 4102.85

that would increase adrenaline in your body.

Time: 4105.12

Which things you choose is up to you,

Time: 4107.47

but from a very clear, solid grounding

Time: 4110.85

in research data, we can confidently say

Time: 4113.7

that spiking adrenaline after interacting

Time: 4116.7

with some material, physical or cognitive material

Time: 4118.95

that you're trying to learn,

Time: 4119.88

is going to be the best time to spike that adrenaline.

Time: 4122.42

Now I realize I'm being a bit redundant today

Time: 4124.28

or perhaps a lot redundant.

Time: 4126.22

In repeating over and over that

Time: 4128.77

the increase in epinephrine should occur

Time: 4131.44

either very late in an attempt to learn something

Time: 4134.32

or immediately after an attempt to learn something.

Time: 4138.22

I also want to emphasize the general contour

Time: 4140.98

of pharmacologic effects and of behavioral tools

Time: 4143.67

to create adrenaline.

Time: 4144.93

What do I mean by that sentence?

Time: 4146.3

What I mean is that McGaugh and colleagues

Time: 4149.3

explored a huge number

Time: 4150.47

of different compounds and approaches.

Time: 4151.77

Everything from the hand into the ice bath

Time: 4153.81

to injecting adrenaline, to caffeine,

Time: 4157.43

to drugs that block the affects of adrenaline and caffeine.

Time: 4162.36

Drugs like muscimol and picrotoxin.

Time: 4164.37

Please don't take those.

Time: 4165.203

These are drugs that reduce

Time: 4167.04

or enhance the amount of adrenaline

Time: 4168.6

and the overall takeaway is that anything

Time: 4171.68

that increases adrenaline will increase

Time: 4174.54

learning and memory and will reduce

Time: 4175.95

the number of repetitions required to learn something.

Time: 4179.2

Regardless of whether or not that something

Time: 4180.91

has an emotional intensity or not.

Time: 4184.82

Provided that spike in adrenaline occurs late

Time: 4188.11

in the learning or immediately after.

Time: 4189.63

And anything that reduces epinephrine and adrenaline

Time: 4193.76

will impair learning.

Time: 4195.78

And that's the key and novel piece of information

Time: 4198.59

that I'm adding now.

Time: 4199.63

Which is if you're taking beta blockers, for instance.

Time: 4203.1

Or if you're trying to learn something

Time: 4205.59

and it's not evoking much of an emotional response,

Time: 4209.01

and you're not using any pharmacology

Time: 4210.79

or other methods to enhance adrenaline release

Time: 4213.67

after learning that thing, well,

Time: 4215.31

you're not going to learn it very well.

Time: 4217.13

In fact, McGaugh and Cahill did beautiful experiments

Time: 4220.6

in humans looking at how much adrenaline

Time: 4223.9

is increased by varying the emotional intensity

Time: 4228.67

of different things that they were trying

Time: 4229.87

to get people to learn.

Time: 4231.21

Or by changing the dosage of epinephrine.

Time: 4234.028

Or by changing the amount of epinephrine blocker

Time: 4236.54

that they injected.

Time: 4237.39

Lots and lots of studies.

Time: 4239.46

The key thing to take away from those studies

Time: 4241.2

is that for some people, adrenaline

Time: 4243.27

was increased 600 to 700%.

Time: 4246.32

So six to seven fold over baseline

Time: 4248.94

in the amount of circulating epinephrine or adrenaline.

Time: 4251.74

And keep in mind, sometimes that increase

Time: 4253.43

was due to the actual thing they were trying to learn

Time: 4255.54

being very emotional, positive or negative emotion.

Time: 4258.66

And sometimes it was because they were using

Time: 4260.31

a pharmacologic approach or the ice bath approach.

Time: 4262.95

I don't think they ever used a cold shower approach,

Time: 4264.61

but that would have been a very effective one

Time: 4266.24

we can be sure.

Time: 4267.42

However, other people had a zero to 10% increase.

Time: 4273.04

So a very small increase in epinephrine.

Time: 4276.27

What we can confidently say on the basis

Time: 4278.1

of all those data is that the more epinephrine release,

Time: 4282.173

the better that people remembered the material.

Time: 4285.86

Over and over again this was shown.

Time: 4287.24

Whether or not it was for cognitive material,

Time: 4289.09

so learning a language, learning a passage of words,

Time: 4291.79

learning mathematics.

Time: 4293.17

Or whether or not it was for physical learning.

Time: 4295.82

I want to emphasize something about physical learning

Time: 4297.73

because I know a number of you are probably

Time: 4300.05

drinking a cup of coffee or having

Time: 4301.6

a cup of yerba mate or maybe even an energy drink

Time: 4303.95

and taking some Alpha GPC or something

Time: 4305.68

before physical exercise.

Time: 4308.35

I'm not saying that's a bad thing to do

Time: 4309.86

or you wouldn't want to do that.

Time: 4311.05

But that's really to increase alertness.

Time: 4313.4

It won't enhance learning,

Time: 4314.7

at least not as well as doing those things after

Time: 4317.79

the physical exercise.

Time: 4319.11

Now again, many of you, including myself,

Time: 4321.65

exercise for the sake of the physical benefits

Time: 4323.63

of that exercise.

Time: 4324.463

So cardiovascular, resistance training.

Time: 4326.54

But we're not really focused on learning and memory.

Time: 4329.9

So, I emphasize this just so it's

Time: 4333.2

immensely clear to everybody.

Time: 4335.285

If you want to use those approaches

Time: 4336.84

of increasing adrenaline prior to

Time: 4338.99

or during physical training,

Time: 4340.86

or cognitive work for that matter, be my guest.

Time: 4343.59

I think that's perfectly fine,

Time: 4344.59

provided that's safe for you.

Time: 4346.33

It's only by moving it to late

Time: 4348.85

or after the learning that you're really shifting

Time: 4351.42

the role of that adrenaline increase

Time: 4354.1

to enhancing memory specifically.

Time: 4356.59

And as a cautionary note, don't think

Time: 4358.99

that you can push this entire system

Time: 4360.9

to the extreme over and over again,

Time: 4362.77

or chronically, as we say, and get away with it.

Time: 4365.45

In other words, you're not going to be able

Time: 4367.95

to take a Alpha GPC and a double espresso

Time: 4371.795

do your focus about of work, cognitive or physical work,

Time: 4376.17

and then spike adrenaline again afterwards

Time: 4378.83

and remember that stuff you did better, right.

Time: 4380.61

I'm not encouraging you, in fact I'm discouraging you

Time: 4383.68

from chronically increasing adrenaline

Time: 4387.01

both during and after a given about of work

Time: 4391.89

if the goal is to learn.

Time: 4393.48

Why do I say that?

Time: 4394.42

Well, work from McGaugh and Cahill and others

Time: 4397.63

has shown that it's not the absolute amount

Time: 4401.43

of adrenaline that you release

Time: 4403.34

in your brain and body that matters for enhancing memory.

Time: 4406.6

It's the amount of adrenaline you release

Time: 4409.73

relative to the amount of adrenaline

Time: 4412.27

that was in your system just prior.

Time: 4414.681

Particularly in the hour or two prior.

Time: 4416.37

So again, it's the delta, as we say.

Time: 4417.89

It's the difference.

Time: 4418.97

So if you're going to chronically increase adrenaline

Time: 4421.23

you're not going to learn as well.

Time: 4423.2

The real key is to have adrenaline modestly low.

Time: 4425.89

Perhaps even just as much as you need

Time: 4428.16

in order to be able to focus on something,

Time: 4430.04

pay attention to it, and then spike it afterwards.

Time: 4432.9

This is immensely important because

Time: 4435.92

while much of what we're talking about

Time: 4438.26

is actually a form of inducing

Time: 4439.88

a neuro chemical acute stress.

Time: 4442.02

Meaning a brief and rapid onset of stress.

Time: 4446.33

Well, chronic stress, the chronic elevation

Time: 4450.01

of epinephrine and cortisol

Time: 4451.9

is actually detrimental to learning.

Time: 4453.66

And there's an entire category of literature

Time: 4456.54

mainly from the work of the great

Time: 4458.44

and sadly the late Bruce McEwen

Time: 4460.7

from the Rockefeller University.

Time: 4462.04

And some of his scientific offspring

Time: 4463.6

like the great Robert Sapolsky,

Time: 4465.7

showing that chronic stress,

Time: 4467.81

chronic elevation of epinephrine

Time: 4469.38

actually inhibits learning and memory.

Time: 4471.5

And also can inhibit immune system function.

Time: 4473.42

Whereas acute, right, sharp increases

Time: 4476.63

in adrenaline and cortisol actually can enhance learning

Time: 4480.03

and indeed, can enhance the immune system.

Time: 4481.96

So if you really want to leverage this information,

Time: 4484.82

you might consider getting your brain and body

Time: 4487.61

into a very calm and yet alert state.

Time: 4490.82

So a high attentional state

Time: 4492.21

that will allow you to focus on what it is

Time: 4494.07

that you're trying to learn.

Time: 4495.24

We know focus is vital for encoding information

Time: 4498.35

and for triggering neuroplasticity.

Time: 4500.31

But remaining calm throughout that time

Time: 4503.02

and then afterwards spiking adrenaline

Time: 4505.9

and allowing adrenaline to have these incredible effects

Time: 4508.78

on reducing the number of repetitions

Time: 4510.5

required to learn.

Time: 4511.66

So if you're like me, you're learning about this information

Time: 4514.23

this beautiful work of McGaugh and Cahill and others

Time: 4516.69

and thinking, wow, I should perhaps consider

Time: 4519.77

spiking my adrenaline in one form or another

Time: 4523.1

at the tail end or immediately following

Time: 4525.36

an attempt to learn something.

Time: 4527.26

And yet, we are not the first

Time: 4529.04

to have this conversation.

Time: 4530.07

Nor were McGaugh and Cahill

Time: 4531.57

or any other researchers that I've discussed today

Time: 4535.19

the first to start using this technique.

Time: 4537.81

In fact, there is a beautiful review

Time: 4540.17

that was published just this year, May of 2022

Time: 4542.79

in the journal Neuron, Cell Press Journal.

Time: 4544.48

Excellent journal.

Time: 4546.01

Called Mechanisms of Memory Under Stress.

Time: 4549.01

And I just want to read to you the first opening paragraph

Time: 4552.17

of this review, which is, as the name suggests,

Time: 4554.43

all about memory and stress.

Time: 4556.81

So here I'm reading, and I quote,

Time: 4558.717

"In Medieval times communities threw"

Time: 4560.837

"young children in the river when"

Time: 4562.217

"they wanted them to remember important events."

Time: 4564.817

"They believed that throwing a child in the water"

Time: 4566.647

"after witnessing historic proceedings"

Time: 4568.927

"would leave a life long memory"

Time: 4570.277

"for the events in the child."

Time: 4572.57

Believe it or not, this is true.

Time: 4574.44

This is a practice that somehow people arrived at.

Time: 4579.93

I don't know if they were aware of what adrenaline was.

Time: 4582.24

Probably not.

Time: 4583.41

But somehow in medieval times

Time: 4586.09

it was understood that spiking adrenaline

Time: 4588.91

or creating a robust emotional experience

Time: 4592.21

after an experience that one hoped a child would learn

Time: 4596.74

would encourage the child's nervous system,

Time: 4599.385

they didn't even know what a nervous system was,

Time: 4600.46

but would encourage the brain and body

Time: 4602.42

of that child to remember those particular events.

Time: 4606.86

Very counter intuitive if you ask me.

Time: 4608.93

I would have thought that the kid would remember

Time: 4610.7

only being thrown into the river.

Time: 4612.14

My guess is that they remember that,

Time: 4613.56

but the idea here anyway, is they also remember

Time: 4616.53

the things that preceded being thrown into the river.

Time: 4619.17

So both interesting and amusing

Time: 4622.59

and somewhat, I should say thought stimulating, really.

Time: 4626.67

That this is a practice that has been going on

Time: 4629.67

for many hundreds of years.

Time: 4631.72

And we are not the first to start thinking

Time: 4634.18

about using cold water as an adrenaline stimulus.

Time: 4636.83

Nor are we the first to start thinking about

Time: 4638.36

using cold water induced adrenaline

Time: 4640.81

as a way to enhance learning and memory.

Time: 4642.62

This has been happening since medieval times.

Time: 4645.36

So up until now I've been talking about

Time: 4647.24

pretty broad contour of these experiments.

Time: 4649.93

I've been talking about the underlying pharmacology,

Time: 4652

the role of epinephrine and so forth.

Time: 4653.36

I haven't really talked a lot about

Time: 4654.77

the underlying neural mechanisms.

Time: 4656.3

So we're just going to take a minute or two

Time: 4658.125

and describe those for you

Time: 4659.234

because they are informative.

Time: 4660.84

We all have a brain structure called the amygdala.

Time: 4663.57

A lot of people think it's associated with fear

Time: 4665.61

but it's actually associated with threat detection

Time: 4668.86

and more generally, and I should say more specifically,

Time: 4672.17

with detecting what sorts of events

Time: 4674.98

in the environment are novel and are linked

Time: 4677.65

to particular emotional states.

Time: 4679.53

Both positive emotional states

Time: 4681.09

and negative emotional states.

Time: 4683.07

So the neurons in the amygdala are exquisitely good

Time: 4686.16

at figuring out, right, they don't have their own mind

Time: 4689.32

but at detecting correlations between

Time: 4692.25

sensory events in the environment

Time: 4693.82

that trigger the release of adrenaline

Time: 4695.66

and what's going on in the brain.

Time: 4697.25

And because the amygdala is so extensively

Time: 4699.3

interconnected with other areas of the brain.

Time: 4701.31

It basically connects to everything

Time: 4702.47

and everything connects back to it.

Time: 4705.11

The amygdala is in a position to strengthen

Time: 4707.99

particular connections in the brain very easily.

Time: 4712.97

Provided certain conditions are met.

Time: 4714.42

And those conditions are the ones

Time: 4715.4

we've been talking about up until now.

Time: 4717.46

Emotional saliency that results in increases

Time: 4719.64

in epinephrine and cortisol.

Time: 4721.45

Or circulating epinephrine and cortisol

Time: 4723.72

being much higher than it was 10 minutes

Time: 4725.63

or 15 minutes before.

Time: 4726.82

And the net effect of the amygdala

Time: 4728.49

in this context is to take whatever patterns

Time: 4731.19

of neural activity preceded that increase

Time: 4733.37

in adrenaline and corticosterone

Time: 4735.25

and strengthen those synapses that were involved

Time: 4737.93

in that neural activity.

Time: 4739.24

So the amygdala doesn't have knowledge.

Time: 4741.17

It's not a thinking area.

Time: 4743.07

It's a correlation detector.

Time: 4745.43

And it's correlating neural chemical

Time: 4746.9

states of the brain and body,

Time: 4748.24

different patterns of electrical activity in the brain.

Time: 4751.47

This is important because it really emphasizes

Time: 4754.84

the fact that both negative and positive emotional states

Time: 4759.37

and the different but somewhat overlapping

Time: 4763.58

chemical states that they create,

Time: 4765.49

or the conditions, as we say the and gates

Time: 4768.67

through which memory is laid down.

Time: 4770.79

And gates will be familiar to those

Time: 4772.3

of you who have done a bit of a computer programming.

Time: 4775

An and gate is simply a condition

Time: 4777.41

in which you need one thing and another to happen

Time: 4782.1

in order for a third thing to happen.

Time: 4784.44

So you need epinephrine elevated and you need

Time: 4787.24

robust activity in a particular brain circuit

Time: 4789.29

if in fact that brain circuit is going to be strengthened.

Time: 4792.57

It's not sufficient to have one or the other, you need both.

Time: 4795.76

Hence, the name and gate.

Time: 4797.28

And the amygdala is very good at establishing

Time: 4799.43

these and gate contingencies.

Time: 4801.51

It's also a very generic brain structure

Time: 4803.85

in the sense that it doesn't really care

Time: 4806.42

what sorts of sensory events are involved

Time: 4809.27

provided they correlated in time

Time: 4811.14

with that increase in adrenal and corticosterone.

Time: 4814.19

This has a wonderful side and a kind of dark side.

Time: 4817.84

The dark side is that PTSD and traumas

Time: 4822.33

of various kinds often involve an increase

Time: 4826.01

in adrenaline because whatever it was

Time: 4828.7

that caused the PTSD was indeed very stressful.

Time: 4831.09

Caused these big increases in these chemicals.

Time: 4833.18

And because the amygdala is rather general in its functions.

Time: 4837.7

Right, it's not tuned or designed

Time: 4839.81

in any kind of way to be specifically active

Time: 4842.31

in response to particular types

Time: 4844.4

of sensory events, or perceptions.

Time: 4847.1

Well, then what it means is that

Time: 4848.6

we can start to become afraid

Time: 4850.56

of entire city blocks where one bad thing happened

Time: 4855.2

in a particular room of a particular building

Time: 4857.17

in a city block.

Time: 4858.27

We can become fearful of anyplace that contains

Time: 4861.7

a lot of people if something bad happened to us

Time: 4864.3

in a place that contained a lot of people.

Time: 4866.46

The amygdala is not so much of a splitter,

Time: 4869.4

as we say in science.

Time: 4870.43

We talk about lumpers and splitters.

Time: 4871.87

Lumpers are kind of generalizers,

Time: 4875.3

if that's even a word.

Time: 4876.42

And I think it is, someone will tell me

Time: 4878.189

one way or the other.

Time: 4879.615

And splitters are people that are ultra precise

Time: 4883.24

and specific and nuanced about every little detail.

Time: 4886.52

The amygdala is more of a lumper than a splitter

Time: 4889.6

when it comes to sensory events.

Time: 4891.6

Other areas of the brain only become active

Time: 4893.69

under very, very specific conditions

Time: 4895.63

and only those conditions.

Time: 4896.83

And similarly, epinephrine is just a molecule.

Time: 4900.79

It's just a chemical that's circulating

Time: 4903.54

in our brain and body.

Time: 4904.6

There's no epinephrine specifically for

Time: 4907.09

a cold shower that is distinct from the epinephrine

Time: 4910.12

associated with a bad event

Time: 4911.25

which is distinct from the epinephrine

Time: 4912.81

associated with a really exciting event

Time: 4914.4

that makes you really alert.

Time: 4915.38

Epinephrine is just a molecule, it's generic.

Time: 4917.75

So these systems have a lot of overlap

Time: 4919.8

and that can explain, in large part,

Time: 4922.38

why when good things happen in particular locations

Time: 4925.61

and in the company of particular people,

Time: 4928.32

we often generalize to large categories

Time: 4931.65

of people, places, and things.

Time: 4933.46

And when negative things happen

Time: 4935.08

in particular circumstances,

Time: 4936.18

we often generalize about people places and things

Time: 4939.14

associated with that negative event.

Time: 4940.91

So now I'd like to talk about other tools

Time: 4942.69

that you can leverage that have been shown

Time: 4944.52

in quality, peer-reviewed studies

Time: 4946.04

to enhance learning and memory.

Time: 4947.98

And perhaps one of the most potent

Time: 4949.74

of those tools is exercise.

Time: 4952.684

There are numerous studies on this

Time: 4955.35

in both animals and fortunately now also in humans.

Time: 4959.44

Thanks to the beautiful work of people like Wendy Suzuki

Time: 4962.26

from New York University.

Time: 4963.78

Wendy's lab has identified how exercise works

Time: 4967.09

to enhance learning and memory

Time: 4968.63

and other forms of cognition, I should mention.

Time: 4971.28

As well as things that can augment,

Time: 4974.52

can enhance the effects of exercise

Time: 4976.85

on learning and memory and other forms of cognition.

Time: 4979.87

Wendy is going to be a guest on this podcast.

Time: 4981.84

It's actually the episode that follows this episode.

Time: 4985.02

And it includes a lot of material

Time: 4986.37

that we have not covered today.

Time: 4988.15

And she's an incredible scientist

Time: 4990.76

and has some incredible findings

Time: 4992.63

that I know everyone is going to find immensely useful.

Time: 4995.57

In the meantime, I want to talk about some

Time: 4997.77

of the general effects of exercise on learning

Time: 5000.017

and memory that she's discovered

Time: 5002.03

and that other laboratories have discovered.

Time: 5004.31

If you recall earlier, I mentioned

Time: 5005.69

that learning and memory almost always involves

Time: 5009.15

the strengthening of particular synapses

Time: 5012.08

and neural circuits in the brain.

Time: 5014

And not so much the increase in the number

Time: 5017.28

of neurons in the brain.

Time: 5019.21

There is one exception, however.

Time: 5021.01

And we now have both animal data and some human data

Time: 5023.68

to support the fact that cardiovascular exercise

Time: 5026.54

seems to increase what we call dentate gyrus neurogenesis.

Time: 5031.23

Neurogenesis is the creation of new neurons.

Time: 5033.5

The dentate gyrus is a subregion of the hippocampus

Time: 5036.26

that's involved in learning and memory

Time: 5038.26

of particular kinds.

Time: 5039.61

Right, certain types of events,

Time: 5041.63

particular contextual learning,

Time: 5042.96

but some other things as well.

Time: 5044.9

Sometimes involved in spacial learning.

Time: 5046.7

There's a lot debate about exactly what

Time: 5048.29

the dentate gyrus does, but for the sake

Time: 5050.18

of this discussion, and I think everyone

Time: 5053.71

in the neuroscience community would agree

Time: 5055.03

that the dentate gyrus is important

Time: 5056.66

for memory formation and consolidation.

Time: 5061.07

The dentate gyrus does seem to be one region in the brain,

Time: 5064.3

certainly in the rodent brain,

Time: 5065.58

but more and more it's seeming also in the human brain

Time: 5069.13

where at least some new neurons

Time: 5071.31

are added throughout the lifespan.

Time: 5073.21

And, as it turns out, that cardiovascular exercise

Time: 5076.75

can increase the proliferation

Time: 5078.88

of new neurons in this structure.

Time: 5080.93

And that those new neurons, excuse me,

Time: 5084.08

are important for the formation

Time: 5086.58

of certain types of new memories.

Time: 5088.63

There are wonderful data showing that

Time: 5090.49

if you use X-irradiation, which is a way

Time: 5092.78

to eliminate the formation of those new cells

Time: 5095.25

or other tools and tricks to eliminate

Time: 5097.82

the formation of those cells

Time: 5099.18

that you block the formation of certain kinds

Time: 5101.59

of learning and memory.

Time: 5102.52

What does this mean?

Time: 5103.353

Well, there are a lot of reasons for the statement

Time: 5105.66

I'm about to make that extend far beyond

Time: 5108.61

neurogenesis and the hippocampus learning and memory.

Time: 5111.06

But it's very clear that getting anywhere

Time: 5112.92

from 180, or I should say a minimum

Time: 5115.62

of 180 to 200 minutes of so called zone two

Time: 5118.81

cardiovascular exercise, so this is cardiovascular exercise

Time: 5121.82

that can be performed at a pretty steady state

Time: 5125.52

which would allow you to just barely hold a conversation.

Time: 5128.14

So breathing hard but not super hard.

Time: 5131.05

Such as in sprints or high intensity interval training.

Time: 5133.36

But doing that for 180 to 200 minutes per week total

Time: 5137.05

is it appears the minimum threshold

Time: 5139.7

for enhancing some of the longevity effects

Time: 5143.19

associated with improvements in cardiovascular fitness

Time: 5146.3

and we believe that it is indirectly,

Time: 5149.01

I should say indirectly, through enhancements

Time: 5151.32

in cardiovascular fitness that there are improvements

Time: 5154.18

in hippocampal dentate gyrus neurogenesis.

Time: 5156.95

What does that mean?

Time: 5157.99

The improvements in cardiovascular function

Time: 5160.6

are indirectly impacting the ability

Time: 5162.74

of the dentate gyrus to create these new neurons.

Time: 5165.2

To my knowledge there's no direct relationship

Time: 5167.97

between exercise and stimulating

Time: 5170.44

the production of new neurons in the brain.

Time: 5174.18

It seems that it's the improvement in blood flow

Time: 5177.3

that also relate to improvements

Time: 5178.96

in things like lymphatic flow,

Time: 5180.5

the circulation of lymph fluid within the brain

Time: 5182.89

that are enhancing neurogenesis

Time: 5184.94

and that neurogenesis, it appears is important.

Time: 5187.87

Now in fairness to the landscape of neuroscience

Time: 5191.11

and my colleagues at Stanford and elsewhere.

Time: 5194.08

There is a lot of debate as to whether or not

Time: 5196.37

there is much if any neurogenesis in the adult human brain.

Time: 5202.14

But regardless, I think the data are quite clear

Time: 5204.81

that the 180 to 200 minutes minimum

Time: 5207.934

of cardiovascular exercise is going to be important

Time: 5211

for other health metrics.

Time: 5212.6

Now it is clear that exercise can impact learning

Time: 5215.56

and memory through other non-neurogenesis,

Time: 5218.2

non-neuron type mechanisms.

Time: 5220.635

And one of the more exciting ones

Time: 5222.06

that has been studied over the years

Time: 5224.45

is this notion of hormones from bone traveling

Time: 5229.51

in the blood stream to the brain

Time: 5231.05

and enhancing the function of the hippocampus.

Time: 5234.392

If the words hormones from bones is surprising to you,

Time: 5237.55

I'm here to tell you that yes, indeed,

Time: 5239.59

your bones make hormones.

Time: 5242.19

We call these endocrine effects.

Time: 5244.03

So in biology we hear about autocrine, paracrine,

Time: 5248.34

and endocrine.

Time: 5249.4

Those different terms refer to over what distance

Time: 5252.78

a given chemical has an affect on a cell.

Time: 5255.66

For instance, a cell can have an affect on itself.

Time: 5258.17

It can have an affect on immediately neighboring cells

Time: 5260.64

or it can have an affect on both itself,

Time: 5263.44

immediately neighboring cells and cells far,

Time: 5265.48

far away in the body.

Time: 5267.325

And that last example of a given chemical

Time: 5270.28

or substance having and affect on the cell that produced it

Time: 5274.28

plus neighboring cells, plus cells far away

Time: 5276.42

is an endocrine effect.

Time: 5277.57

And a lot of hormones, not all, work in this fashion.

Time: 5281.38

Hence why we sometimes hear about endocrine and hormone

Time: 5284.65

as kind of synonymous terms.

Time: 5287.27

Your bones make chemicals that travel in the blood stream

Time: 5290.94

and have these endocrine effects.

Time: 5292.26

So they're effectively acting as hormones.

Time: 5294.03

And one such chemical is something called osteocalcin.

Time: 5297.31

Now these findings arrived to us through various labs

Time: 5299.61

but one of the more important labs

Time: 5300.91

for the sake of this discussion today

Time: 5302.71

is the laboratory of Eric Kandel at Columbia Medical School.

Time: 5306.51

Eric is now, I believe in his mid to late 90s,

Time: 5309.18

still very sharp.

Time: 5310.34

And has studied learning and memory.

Time: 5312.22

It also turns out that he is an avid swimmer.

Time: 5314.89

Now, I happen to know that Eric swims anywhere

Time: 5317.58

from a half a mile to a mile a day.

Time: 5320

And again, this is anecdotal.

Time: 5322.91

I'm not referring to the published data just yet.

Time: 5324.75

But he credits that exercise as one of the ways

Time: 5328.31

in which he keeps his brain sharp

Time: 5330.16

and has indeed kept his brain sharp

Time: 5332.41

for many, many decades.

Time: 5334.22

And as I mentioned before, he's well into his 90s.

Time: 5336.01

So pretty impressive.

Time: 5337.41

His laboratory has studied the effects

Time: 5339.38

of exercise on hippocampal function and memory.

Time: 5342.8

And other laboratories have done that as well.

Time: 5345.27

And what they've found is that cardiovascular exercise

Time: 5348.49

and perhaps other forms of exercise too,

Time: 5350.23

but mainly cardiovascular exercise creates

Time: 5353.2

the release of osteocalcin from the bones

Time: 5356.06

that travels to the brain and to sub regions

Time: 5358.64

of the hippocampus and encourages

Time: 5361.27

the electrical activity and formation and maintenance

Time: 5365.22

of connections within the hippocampus

Time: 5367.46

and keeps the hippocampus functioning well

Time: 5369.35

in order to lay down new memories.

Time: 5371.48

Now osteocalcin has a lot of effects

Time: 5373.52

besides just improving the function of the hippocampus.

Time: 5376.37

Osteocalcin is involved in bone growth itself.

Time: 5379.4

It's involved in hormone regulation.

Time: 5381.31

In fact, there's really nice evidence

Time: 5382.95

that it can regulate testosterone and estrogen production

Time: 5386.02

by the testes and ovaries.

Time: 5387.53

And a bunch of other effects in other organs of the body.

Time: 5389.91

Because again, it's acting in this endocrine manner.

Time: 5392.14

It's arriving from bone to a lot

Time: 5394.9

of different organs to have effects.

Time: 5397.57

Load bearing exercise, in particular,

Time: 5399.89

turns out to be important for inducing

Time: 5402.33

the release of osteocalcin.

Time: 5403.76

And when you think about this, it makes sense.

Time: 5406.85

A nervous system exists for a lot of reasons,

Time: 5408.97

to sense, perceive, etc.

Time: 5410.27

You've got taste, you've got smell,

Time: 5411.2

you've got hearing.

Time: 5412.19

But the vast majority of brain real estate,

Time: 5415.12

especially in humans, is dedicated to two things.

Time: 5418.1

One, vision.

Time: 5419.89

We have an enormous amount

Time: 5421.05

of brain real estate devoted to vision.

Time: 5423.38

Certainly compared to other senses.

Time: 5425.61

And to movement.

Time: 5427.07

The ability to generate course movements of the body.

Time: 5430.14

The ability, excuse me, to generate fine movements

Time: 5432.52

of the body, like the digits,

Time: 5433.62

or to wink one eye, or to tilt your head

Time: 5435.64

in a particular way, or move your lips

Time: 5437.38

and move your face and do all sorts of different things

Time: 5439.11

in a very nuanced and detailed way.

Time: 5442.12

So much of our brain real estate

Time: 5443.47

is devoted to movement that it's been hypothesized

Time: 5447.07

for more than a half century,

Time: 5449.47

but especially in recent years

Time: 5451.15

as we've learned more about the function

Time: 5452.34

of the brain in a really detailed circuit level,

Time: 5455.729

that the relationship between the brain and body

Time: 5458.07

and the maintenance and perhaps even

Time: 5460.86

the improvement of the neural circuitry in the brain

Time: 5462.93

depends on our body movements and the signal

Time: 5465.66

from the body that our brain is still moving.

Time: 5468.49

So think about that.

Time: 5469.323

How would your brain know if your body

Time: 5470.82

was moving regularly and how would it know

Time: 5472.65

how much it was moving?

Time: 5473.63

How would it know which limbs it was moving?

Time: 5475.97

Well, you could say, if the heart rate

Time: 5478.15

is increased then the blood flow will be increased

Time: 5480.23

and then the brain will know.

Time: 5481.97

Ah, but how does your brain know

Time: 5484.63

that its increased blood flow due to movement

Time: 5487.31

and not to, for instance, just stress, right?

Time: 5490.03

Maybe you actually can't move

Time: 5491.13

and you're very stressed about that

Time: 5492.33

and so the increased blood flow

Time: 5493.82

is simply a consequence of increased stress.

Time: 5498.82

The fact that osteocalcin is released from bone

Time: 5502.93

and in particular can be released

Time: 5504.75

in response to load bearing exercise.

Time: 5506.93

So this would be running, again weightlifting

Time: 5509.24

hasn't been tested directly,

Time: 5510.51

but one would imagine anything that involves

Time: 5512.64

jumping and landing, or weightlifting,

Time: 5515.127

or body weight movements and things of that sort.

Time: 5519.34

That's a signal to release osteocalcin,

Time: 5521.87

and we know that signal occurs.

Time: 5524

That is directly reflective

Time: 5527.32

of the fact that the body was moving

Time: 5529.92

and moving in particular ways.

Time: 5531.23

In fact, you could imagine that big bones

Time: 5533.87

like your femur are going to release more osteocalcin

Time: 5536.28

or be in a position to release more osteocalcin

Time: 5538.33

then fine movements like the movements of the digits.

Time: 5541.32

And this idea that the body is constantly

Time: 5544.01

signaling to the brain about the status

Time: 5546.22

of the body and the varying needs of the brain

Time: 5549.13

to update its brain circuitry,

Time: 5551.41

is a really attractive idea that fits entirely

Time: 5554.89

with the biology of exercise, osteocalcin,

Time: 5557.91

and hippocampal function.

Time: 5559.57

I do want to mention that I'm not

Time: 5562.09

the first to raise this hypothesis.

Time: 5563.79

This hypothesis actually was discussed

Time: 5565.7

in a fair amount of detail by John Ratey

Time: 5568.1

who's a professor at Harvard Medical School.

Time: 5570.33

He wrote a book called, "Spark"

Time: 5571.75

which was one of the early books

Time: 5574.544

at least from an academic about brain plasticity

Time: 5576.007

and the relationship between exercise

Time: 5577.68

and movement and plasticity.

Time: 5578.97

And John, who I have the good fortune to know,

Time: 5581.99

has described to me experiments,

Time: 5583.9

or I should say observations of species

Time: 5586.81

of ocean dwelling animals that have,

Time: 5589.44

at least for the early part of their life,

Time: 5591.1

a very robust and complicated nervous system.

Time: 5594.21

But then these particular animals

Time: 5596.69

are in the habit of plopping down unto a rock.

Time: 5599.43

They find kind of a safe, comfy space

Time: 5601.77

and they actually stick to that rock

Time: 5604.04

and they don't move anymore for a certain portion,

Time: 5607

I should say the later portion of their life.

Time: 5609.14

And it is at the transition between moving a lot

Time: 5611.65

and being stationary that those animals

Time: 5613.58

actually digest their own brain.

Time: 5616.437

The literally metabolize a good portion

Time: 5618.96

of their nervous system because they decide, oh,

Time: 5621.05

don't need this anymore.

Time: 5622.24

And gobble it up, use it for its nutritional value

Time: 5626.32

and then sit there like a moron version of themselves

Time: 5630.66

with a limited amount of brain tissue

Time: 5633.576

because they don't need to move anymore.

Time: 5635.46

Now, I certainly don't want to give the message

Time: 5637.16

that just moving, just exercise,

Time: 5639.25

is sufficient to keep the neural architecture

Time: 5641.51

of your brain healthy, young, and able to learn.

Time: 5644.69

While that might be true,

Time: 5646.43

it's also important to actually engage

Time: 5648.21

in attempts to learn new material.

Time: 5650.26

Either physical material, so new types of movements

Time: 5653.55

and skills and or new types of cognitive information.

Time: 5657.02

Languages, mathematics, history, current events.

Time: 5660.72

All sorts of things that involve your brain.

Time: 5663.76

Nonetheless, it's clear that physical movement

Time: 5666.82

and cognitive ability and the potential

Time: 5669.47

to enhance cognitive ability

Time: 5671.39

and the ability to learn new physical skills

Time: 5673.31

are intimately connected.

Time: 5674.99

And osteocalcin appears to be at least one way

Time: 5678.43

in which that brain-body relationship

Time: 5680.09

is established and maintained.

Time: 5681.72

So given the information about osteocalcin and movement,

Time: 5685.17

and given the information about spiking adrenaline late

Time: 5689.01

or after a period of an attempt to learn,

Time: 5692.33

you might be asking when is the best time to exercise?

Time: 5695.15

Now unfortunately, that has not been addressed

Time: 5698.06

in a lot of varying detail,

Time: 5699.84

where every sort of variation on the theme

Time: 5702.78

has been carried out.

Time: 5703.71

And yet, Wendy Suzuki's lab has done

Time: 5705.76

really beautiful experiments where

Time: 5708.07

they have people exercise, generally it was in the morning.

Time: 5711.89

But at other periods of the day as well.

Time: 5714.66

And what they find is that at least as late as

Time: 5717.9

two hours after that exercise,

Time: 5720.73

there is an enhancement in learning and memory.

Time: 5723.27

Now I want to be clear, we don't know

Time: 5725.24

whether or not that exercise led

Time: 5727.14

to big increases in adrenaline.

Time: 5729.62

It may be that those forms of exercise

Time: 5732.21

were modest enough, or didn't challenge people enough

Time: 5735.54

that they merely got a lot of blood flow going

Time: 5737.62

and that the improvements in learning

Time: 5738.547

and memory were related to blood flow

Time: 5740.42

and we presume increases in osteocalcin.

Time: 5743.96

However, you could imagine a couple

Time: 5745.65

of different logical protocols based

Time: 5748.38

on what we've talked about.

Time: 5750.1

Let's say you were going to do a form of exercise

Time: 5751.92

that was going to spike adrenaline a lot.

Time: 5753.59

So this would be exercise that really challenges

Time: 5756.45

your system and forces you to kind

Time: 5757.55

of push through a burn.

Time: 5759

Right, so here I'm mainly thinking about

Time: 5760.86

cardiovascular exercise.

Time: 5762.01

But it could even be yoga,

Time: 5764.8

it could be resistance training.

Time: 5767.24

If it's going to give you a big spike

Time: 5769.01

in adrenaline, it's going to take some serious effort,

Time: 5772.41

then logically speaking you would want to place that

Time: 5776.14

after a learning about in order to increase

Time: 5778.48

learning and memory.

Time: 5779.313

However, if you're using the exercise

Time: 5781.78

in order to enhance blood flow

Time: 5783.52

and to enhance osteocalcin release.

Time: 5786.14

In efforts to augment the function of your hippocampus,

Time: 5788.81

I think it stands to reason that doing

Time: 5790.52

that exercise sometime within

Time: 5793.25

the hour to three hours preceding an attempt to learn

Time: 5796.92

makes a lot of sense.

Time: 5797.92

And there I'm basing it on the human data

Time: 5799.53

from Wendy Suzuki's lab.

Time: 5801.11

I'm basing it on the studies from Eric Kandel

Time: 5803.4

and from others labs.

Time: 5805.37

Again, right now, there hasn't been

Time: 5807.22

an evaluation of a lot of different protocols

Time: 5809.36

to arrive at the peer-reviewed laboratory super protocol.

Time: 5813.54

However, since what we're talking about

Time: 5815.68

is using activities like exercise that most

Time: 5818.06

of us probably, perhaps all of us,

Time: 5820.55

should be doing regularly anyway.

Time: 5822.54

And I do believe most if not all of us should

Time: 5825.33

regularly be trying to learn

Time: 5826.48

and keep our brain functioning well

Time: 5828.24

and acquire new knowledge.

Time: 5829.073

Because it's just a wonderful part of life.

Time: 5830.78

And there is evidence that actually can keep

Time: 5832.6

your brain young, so to speak.

Time: 5834.65

Well then, exercising either before

Time: 5838.34

or after a learning about makes a lot of sense.

Time: 5841.59

With the emphasis on after a learning about

Time: 5844.22

if the form of exercise spikes a lot of adrenaline

Time: 5846.51

for all the reasons we talked about before.

Time: 5848.47

Okay, so we've talked about two major

Time: 5850.11

categories of protocols to improve memory

Time: 5852.24

that are grounded in quality, peer reviewed science.

Time: 5855.27

And there is yet another third protocol

Time: 5857.78

that we'll talk about in a few minutes.

Time: 5859.49

But before we do that,

Time: 5861.141

I want to briefly touch on an aspect of memory,

Time: 5863.38

in fact, two aspects of memory

Time: 5864.81

that I get a lot of questions about.

Time: 5867.01

The first one is photographic memory.

Time: 5870.83

To be clear, there are people out there

Time: 5872.96

who have a true photographic memory.

Time: 5874.8

They can look at a page of text,

Time: 5876.63

they can scan it with their eyes,

Time: 5877.88

and they can essentially commit that to memory

Time: 5880.8

with very little if any effort.

Time: 5883.23

While it might seem that having a photographic memory

Time: 5884.97

is a very attractive skill to have,

Time: 5886.46

I should caution you against believing that

Time: 5889.07

because it turns out that people

Time: 5890.74

with true photographic memory are often very challenged

Time: 5893.3

at remembering things that they hear.

Time: 5895.6

And often times are not so good

Time: 5897.43

at learning physical skills.

Time: 5898.82

It's not always the case, but often that's the case.

Time: 5901.03

So be careful what you wish for.

Time: 5902.75

If you do have a photographic memory

Time: 5904.45

there are certain professions that lend themselves

Time: 5906.62

particularly well to you.

Time: 5909.68

And indeed a lot of people with photographic memory

Time: 5911.81

have to find a profession and have to move through life

Time: 5914.97

in a way that is in concert

Time: 5917.73

with that photographic memory.

Time: 5918.89

So again, it's a super ability,

Time: 5921.27

it's a hyper ability and yet it's not necessarily one

Time: 5923.96

that is desirable for most people.

Time: 5926.38

There's also this category of what are called

Time: 5927.83

super recognizers.

Time: 5929.49

These people are, I should mention,

Time: 5931.05

highly employable by government agencies.

Time: 5933.37

These are people that have an absolutely astonishing

Time: 5937.95

ability to recognize faces and to match faces to templates.

Time: 5942.01

They can look at a photograph

Time: 5944.25

of say somebody on a most wanted list

Time: 5947.38

and then they can look at video footage

Time: 5950.73

of let's say an airport, or a mall,

Time: 5952.64

or a city street at fairly low resolution

Time: 5955.29

and they can spot the person who's face

Time: 5957.92

matches that photograph that they looked at.

Time: 5960.4

Even if that video or other footage

Time: 5964.16

is of people's profiles or even

Time: 5967.23

the tops of their heads and just

Time: 5968.49

a portion of their forehead.

Time: 5969.43

These people have just an incredible ability

Time: 5972.2

to recognize faces and to template match.

Time: 5974.47

And again, these people often will take

Time: 5976.61

jobs with agencies where this sort of thing is important.

Time: 5979.79

Some of you out there probably

Time: 5981.49

are super recognizers and may or may not notice it.

Time: 5984.18

If you've ever had the experience

Time: 5985.32

of watching a movie and thought to yourself,

Time: 5987.65

wow, her mouth looks so much like my cousin's mouth.

Time: 5992.42

Or you look at a character in a movie

Time: 5994.76

or a television show and you think,

Time: 5997.35

wow, they look almost like the younger sister of so and so.

Time: 6001.72

Well, then it's very likely that you have this,

Time: 6005.95

or at least a mild form of this super recognizer ability.

Time: 6009.11

That is not memory per se.

Time: 6011.69

That is the hyper functioning of an area

Time: 6014.02

of the brain that we call the fusiform gyrus.

Time: 6017

The fusiform gyrus is literally

Time: 6018.6

a face recognition area, and a face template matching area.

Time: 6022.92

And it harbors neurons that respond to faces generally.

Time: 6025.88

So as humans and other non-human primates,

Time: 6028.53

we care a lot about faces and their emotional content.

Time: 6031.73

And the identity of faces is super important to us

Time: 6035.06

for all the kinds of reasons that are probably obvious.

Time: 6038.24

Knowing who's friend, who's foe.

Time: 6040.05

Who do you know well?

Time: 6040.94

Who's famous, who's not famous?

Time: 6043.09


Time: 6043.923

That is not memory, per se.

Time: 6045.74

And yet, if you're a super recognizer,

Time: 6048.14

or I guess you could call it a moderate face recognizer

Time: 6051.94

or not very good at recognizing faces

Time: 6054.12

because indeed, there are some people

Time: 6055.23

that are kind of face blind.

Time: 6056.94

They don't actually recognize people

Time: 6059.09

when they walk in the room.

Time: 6059.923

I used to work with somebody like this.

Time: 6061.08

I'd walk into his office and he'd say,

Time: 6062.79

are you Rich or are you Andrew?

Time: 6065.01

And I would say, well am I rich, rich.

Time: 6067.1

Like, you know, wealth rich?

Time: 6068.25


Time: 6069.083

And he'd say, no, are you Richard or are you Andrew?

Time: 6071.61

And I'd say, I'm Andrew.

Time: 6072.77

We know each other really well.

Time: 6074.135

And he'd say, oh I'm sorry.

Time: 6075.07

I'm kind of face blind.

Time: 6076.13

And it actually tended to be better or worse

Time: 6078.448

depending on how much he was working.

Time: 6081.24

Ironically, the more rested he was

Time: 6084.11

the more face blind he would become.

Time: 6085.57

So it wasn't a sleep deprivation thing.

Time: 6087.21

That exists, that's out there.

Time: 6088.31

There's the full constellation

Time: 6090.22

of people's ability to recognize faces.

Time: 6092.29

That's not really memory.

Time: 6093.42

And yet, visual function is a profoundly powerful way

Time: 6097.71

in which we can enhance our memories.

Time: 6099.19

So whether or not you're a super recognizer of faces,

Time: 6101.83

whether or not you are face blind

Time: 6103.58

or anything in between.

Time: 6105.2

Next I'm going to tell you about a study

Time: 6107.44

which points out the immense value of visual images

Time: 6112.19

for laying down memories.

Time: 6114.17

And you can leverage this information

Time: 6116.15

and this involves both the taking of photographs,

Time: 6118.34

something that's quite easily

Time: 6120.14

done these days with your phone.

Time: 6121.61

As well as your ability to take mental photographs

Time: 6124.27

by literally snapping your eyelids shut.

Time: 6126.74

So I just briefly want to describe this paper

Time: 6128.47

because it provides a tool that you can leverage

Time: 6130.82

in your attempt to learn and remember things better.

Time: 6134.15

The title of this paper is Photographic Memory,

Time: 6137.01

the Effects of our Volitional Photo-Taking

Time: 6139.17

on Memory for Visual and Auditory Aspects of an Experience.

Time: 6143.73

I really like this paper because it refers

Time: 6146.63

to photographic memory not in the context

Time: 6148.76

of photographic memory that we normally hear about

Time: 6151.15

where people are truly photographic,

Time: 6152.79

look at a page and somehow absorb all that information

Time: 6155.63

and commit it to memory.

Time: 6156.72

But rather the use of camera photographs

Time: 6159.65

or the use of mental camera photographs.

Time: 6162.88

Literally looking at something deciding, blink,

Time: 6165.62

snapping a, so to speak, snapping a snapshot

Time: 6169.42

of whatever it is that you are looking at

Time: 6170.93

and remembering the content.

Time: 6172.47

The reason I like this paper

Time: 6173.67

and the reason I'm attracted to this issue

Time: 6175.55

of mental snapshots is this is something

Time: 6177.29

that I've been doing since I was a kid.

Time: 6178.41

I don't know why I started doing it,

Time: 6179.67

but every once in a while, I would say maybe twice a year

Time: 6183.47

I would look at something and decide to just

Time: 6185.47

snap a mental snapshot of it.

Time: 6187.46

And I've maintained very clear memories

Time: 6189.15

of those visual scenes.

Time: 6190.6

Two years ago I was in an Uber

Time: 6193.19

and I looked out the window

Time: 6194.85

and it was a street scene.

Time: 6195.683

I was actually in New York at the time

Time: 6197.37

and I decided for reasons that are still unclear to me,

Time: 6201.16

to take a mental snapshot of this city street image.

Time: 6203.44

Even though nothing interesting in particular was happening.

Time: 6206.36

And I do recall that there was a guy wearing

Time: 6209.14

a yellow shirt walking, there was some construction, etc.

Time: 6211.48

I can still see that image in my mind's eye

Time: 6213.74

because I took this mental snapshot.

Time: 6215.6

This paper addresses whether or not

Time: 6216.85

this mental snapshotting thing is real

Time: 6218.82

and this is something I think a lot

Time: 6221.03

of people will resonate with,

Time: 6223.02

whether or not the constant taking

Time: 6224.81

of pictures on our phones or with other devices

Time: 6226.944

is either improving or degrading our memory.

Time: 6230.17

You could imagine an argument for both.

Time: 6232.6

A lot of people are taking pictures

Time: 6233.85

that they never look at again.

Time: 6235.72

And so in a sense, they're outsourcing

Time: 6237.88

their visual memory of events into their phone

Time: 6241.83

or some other device and they're not ever

Time: 6244.38

accessing the actual image again.

Time: 6246.2

They're not looking at it, right?

Time: 6247.32

You're not printing out those photos.

Time: 6248.7

You're not scanning through your phone again.

Time: 6250.11

Sometimes you might do that,

Time: 6251.01

but most of the time people don't.

Time: 6252.1

Most of the photographs people are taking

Time: 6253.56

they're not revisiting again.

Time: 6255.03

So the motivation for this study was that

Time: 6256.83

previous experiments had shown that

Time: 6260.6

if people take photos of a scene

Time: 6262.61

or a person, or an object, that they are actually less good

Time: 6266.54

at remembering the details of that scene

Time: 6269.81

or object, etc.

Time: 6272.21

This study challenged that idea

Time: 6274.43

and raised the hypothesis that

Time: 6277.14

if people are allowed to choose what

Time: 6279.21

they take photos of, that taking photos,

Time: 6282.18

again, this is with the camera, not mental snapshotting.

Time: 6284.29

That taking those photos would actually

Time: 6285.82

enhance their memory for those objects,

Time: 6288.56

those places, those people, and in fact,

Time: 6290.55

details of those objects, places, and people.

Time: 6293.15

And indeed, that's what they found.

Time: 6294.95

So in contrast to previous studies

Time: 6296.99

where people had been more or less told,

Time: 6299.55

take photos of these following objects,

Time: 6301.42

or these following people, or these following places

Time: 6303.74

and then they were given a memory test

Time: 6306.47

at some point later.

Time: 6307.52

In this study people were given volitional control, right?

Time: 6311.3

They were given agency in making

Time: 6313.27

the decision of what to take photos of.

Time: 6315.05

And I'll just summarize the results.

Time: 6316.27

We'll provide a link to this study.

Time: 6317.54

I should say that some of the stuff

Time: 6319.27

that they tested was actually pretty challenging.

Time: 6321.56

Some of them were pottery and other forms

Time: 6323.97

of ceramics that are of the sort that you see

Time: 6326.64

if you go to a big museum in a big city.

Time: 6328.61

And if you've ever done that,

Time: 6329.443

and you see all the different objects,

Time: 6331.16

there are a lot of details in those objects

Time: 6332.64

and a lot of those objects look a lot alike.

Time: 6335.35

And so someone will have two handles.

Time: 6337.71

Some will have one handle.

Time: 6338.61

The position of the handles.

Time: 6339.7

How broad or narrow these things are.

Time: 6342.53

You know, a lot of this is pretty detailed stuff.

Time: 6344.51

They also took photos of other things.

Time: 6347.32

So basically what they found was that

Time: 6349.94

if people take pictures of things

Time: 6350.9

and they choose which things

Time: 6352.22

they are taking pictures of, right.

Time: 6353.77

It's up to them, it's volitional.

Time: 6355.28

That there's enhanced memory for those objects later on.

Time: 6361.87

However, it degraded their ability

Time: 6364.43

to remember auditory information.

Time: 6365.793

So what this means is that when we take

Time: 6367.44

a picture of something, or a person,

Time: 6371.09

we are stamping down a visual memory of that thing.

Time: 6374.65

And that makes sense, it's a photograph after all.

Time: 6376.88

But we are actually inhibiting our ability

Time: 6379.1

to remember the auditory, the sound component

Time: 6382.53

of that visual scene or what the person was saying.

Time: 6384.61

Very interesting.

Time: 6385.5

And points to the fact that the visual system

Time: 6387.66

can out compete the auditory system,

Time: 6389.18

at least in terms of how the hippocampus

Time: 6391.02

is encoding this information.

Time: 6392.77

The other finding I find particularly interesting

Time: 6394.75

within this study is that it didn't matter

Time: 6398.47

whether or not they ever looked at the photos again.

Time: 6400.56

So they actually had people take photos,

Time: 6402.95

or not take photos of different objects.

Time: 6405.64

They had some people keep their photos

Time: 6407.17

and they had other people delete the photos.

Time: 6409.4

And it turns out that whether or not

Time: 6411.724

people kept the photos or deleted those photos

Time: 6413.23

had no bearing on whether or not

Time: 6414.52

they were better or worse at remembering things.

Time: 6417.23

They were always better at remembering them

Time: 6419.45

as compared to not taking photos of them.

Time: 6421.05

What does this mean?

Time: 6421.89

It means that if you really want to remember something

Time: 6423.63

or somebody, take a photo of that thing or person.

Time: 6427.64

Pay attention while you take the photo.

Time: 6430.14

But it doesn't really matter if you look

Time: 6431.28

at the photo again.

Time: 6433.049

Somehow the process of taking that photo,

Time: 6435.61

probably looking at it.

Time: 6437.415

You know, in a camera typically we'd say

Time: 6439.03

through the viewfinder or now because of digital cameras

Time: 6441.32

on the screen on the back of that camera,

Time: 6443.65

or on your phone, that framing up of the photograph

Time: 6447.07

stamps down a visual image in your mind

Time: 6449.06

that is more robust at serving a memory

Time: 6452.04

then had you just looked at that thing

Time: 6453.48

with your own eyes.

Time: 6455.02

Very interesting and it raises all sorts

Time: 6456.71

of questions for me about whether or not

Time: 6458.83

it's because you're framing up a small aperture

Time: 6461.02

or a small portion of the visual scene.

Time: 6462.87

That's one logical interpretation,

Time: 6464.47

although they didn't test that.

Time: 6465.95

I should also say that they found

Time: 6467.73

that whether or not that you looked

Time: 6468.66

at a photo that you took,

Time: 6470.61

or whether or not you deleted it

Time: 6471.91

and never looked at it again,

Time: 6473.75

didn't just enhance visual memory

Time: 6475.79

or the memory from the visual components of that image

Time: 6479.03

but it always reduced your ability

Time: 6481.73

to remember sounds associated with that experience.

Time: 6484.82

So that's interesting.

Time: 6486.33

And then last but not least,

Time: 6488.15

and perhaps most interesting, at least to me,

Time: 6490.44

was the fact that you didn't even need

Time: 6492.45

a camera to see this effect.

Time: 6494.61

If subjects looked at something

Time: 6496.53

and took a mental photograph of that thing,

Time: 6499.37

it enhanced their visual memory of that thing

Time: 6502.684

significantly more than had they not taken

Time: 6505.3

a mental picture.

Time: 6506.64

In fact, it increased their memory of that thing

Time: 6510.32

almost as much as taking an actual photograph

Time: 6512.81

with an actual camera.

Time: 6514.4

And the reason I find this so interesting

Time: 6516.38

is that a lot of what we try and learn is visual.

Time: 6520.53

And for a lot of people,

Time: 6521.94

the ability to learn visual information

Time: 6524.67

feels challenging.

Time: 6525.95

And we'll look at something and we'll try

Time: 6527.49

and create some detailed understanding of it.

Time: 6529.92

We'll try and understand the relationships

Time: 6531.29

between things in that scene.

Time: 6533.41

It does appear based on this study

Time: 6534.98

that the mere decision to take a mental snapshot,

Time: 6538.44

like, okay I'm going to blink my eyelids

Time: 6539.92

and I'm going to take a snapshot of whatever it is I see,

Time: 6541.74

can actually stamp down a visual memory

Time: 6544.28

much in the same way that a camera can stamp down

Time: 6547.05

a visual memory.

Time: 6547.883

Of course, through vastly distinct mechanisms.

Time: 6550.71

No discussion of memory would be complete

Time: 6553.24

without a discussion of the ever intriguing phenomenon

Time: 6557.16

known as deja vu.

Time: 6559.3

This is a sense that we've experienced something before

Time: 6561.79

but we can't quite put our finger on it.

Time: 6563.53

Where and when did it happen?

Time: 6565.03

Or the sense that we've been someplace before.

Time: 6567.29

Or that we are in a familiar state or place

Time: 6571.047

or context of some kind.

Time: 6573.64

Now, I've talked about this on the podcast before,

Time: 6576.42

at least, I think I have.

Time: 6577.88

And the way this works has been defined

Time: 6581.04

largely by the wonderful work of Susumu Tonegawa

Time: 6584.11

at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT.

Time: 6587.38

Susumu collected a Nobel Prize, quite appropriately,

Time: 6590.69

for his beautiful work on immunology.

Time: 6592.97

And he's also a highly accomplished neuroscientist

Time: 6595.68

who studies memory and learning and deja vu.

Time: 6598.88

And I should also mention the beautiful work

Time: 6601.08

of Mark Mayford at the Scripps Institute

Time: 6602.85

and UC San Diego.

Time: 6604.64

Beautiful work on this notion of deja vu.

Time: 6606.73

Here's what they discovered.

Time: 6608.76

They evaluated the patterns of neural firing

Time: 6611.26

in the hippocampus as subjects learn new things.

Time: 6615.64

Okay, so neuron A fires, then neuron B fires,

Time: 6620.05

then neuron C fires in a particular sequence.

Time: 6622.87

Again, the firing of neurons in a particular sequence

Time: 6625.83

like the playing of keys on a piano

Time: 6627.53

in a particular sequence leads

Time: 6628.7

to a particular song on the piano

Time: 6630.05

and leads to a particular memory

Time: 6632.15

of an experience within the brain.

Time: 6635.33

They then used some molecular tools and tricks

Time: 6639.26

to label and capture those neurons

Time: 6641.98

such that they could go back later

Time: 6644.02

and activate those neurons in either

Time: 6646.33

the same sequence or in a different sequence

Time: 6649.86

to the one that occurred during

Time: 6651.78

the formation of the memory.

Time: 6653.82

To make a long story short,

Time: 6655.37

and to summarize multiple papers

Time: 6657.34

published in incredibly high tier journals,

Time: 6660.66

journals like Nature and Science

Time: 6662.1

which are extremely stringent,

Time: 6663.83

found that whether or not those particular neurons

Time: 6668.96

were played in the precise sequence

Time: 6670.72

that happened when they encoded the memory

Time: 6673.42

or whether or not those neurons

Time: 6674.79

were played in a different sequence,

Time: 6676.69

or even if those neurons were played,

Time: 6679.61

activated that is, all at once

Time: 6682.37

with no temporal sequence.

Time: 6684.91

All firing in concert all at once,

Time: 6688.61

evoked the same behavior.

Time: 6691.75

And in some sense, the same memory.

Time: 6695.01

So at a neural circuit level, this is deja vu.

Time: 6698.96

This is a different pattern of firing

Time: 6701.33

of neurons in the brain leading

Time: 6703.12

to the same sense of what happened,

Time: 6706.26

leading to a particular emotional state or behavior.

Time: 6711.33

Whether or not this same sort of phenomenon occurs

Time: 6714.23

when you're walking down the street

Time: 6715.45

and suddenly you feel as if, wow,

Time: 6717.47

I feel like I've been here before.

Time: 6718.61

You meet someone and you feel like,

Time: 6719.94

gosh I feel like I know you.

Time: 6721.24

I feel like there's some familiarity here

Time: 6723.38

that I can't quite put my finger on.

Time: 6724.8

We don't know for sure that's what's happening

Time: 6727.72

but this is the most mechanistic

Time: 6730.21

and logical explanation for what

Time: 6732.66

has for many decades, if not hundreds of years,

Time: 6735.8

has been described as deja vu.

Time: 6737.7

So for those of you that experience deja vu often,

Time: 6740.52

just know that this reflects a normal pattern

Time: 6743.72

of encoding experiences and events

Time: 6746

within your hippocampus.

Time: 6748.198

I'm not aware of any pathological situations

Time: 6750.87

where the presence of deja vu inhibits daily life.

Time: 6754.85

Some people like the sensation of deja vu.

Time: 6757.46

Other people don't.

Time: 6758.67

Almost everybody, however, describes it

Time: 6760.48

as somewhat eerie.

Time: 6761.86

This idea that even though you're in

Time: 6763.35

a very different place, even though you're interacting

Time: 6765.19

with a very different person, that you could somehow

Time: 6768.83

feel as if this has happened before.

Time: 6771.02

And just realize this, that your hippocampus,

Time: 6773.81

while it is exquisitely good at encoding

Time: 6777.73

new types of perceptions, new experiences,

Time: 6781.93

new emotions, new contingencies and relationships

Time: 6785.67

of life events, it is not infinitely large

Time: 6788.96

nor does it have an infinite bucket full

Time: 6792.28

of different options of different sequences

Time: 6794.26

for those neurons to play.

Time: 6795.58

So in a lot of ways it makes perfect sense

Time: 6797.87

that sometimes we would feel as if

Time: 6799.71

a given experience had happened previously.

Time: 6802.14

I'd like to cover one additional tool

Time: 6804.13

that you can use to improve learning and memory.

Time: 6806.42

And I should mention, this is a particularly powerful one

Time: 6809.52

and it's one that I'm definitely going to employ myself.

Time: 6814.35

This is based on a paper from none other

Time: 6816.89

than Wendy Suzuki at New York University.

Time: 6819.41

We talked about her a little bit earlier.

Time: 6821.02

And again, she's going to be on the podcast

Time: 6822.94

in our next episode.

Time: 6825.06

And is just an incredible researcher.

Time: 6826.42

I've known Wendy for a number of years

Time: 6827.86

and it's only in the last, I would say five

Time: 6829.64

or six years that she's really shifted

Time: 6831.17

her laboratory toward generating protocols

Time: 6834.77

that human beings can use.

Time: 6836.13

And she's putting that to great effect,

Time: 6838.63

great positive effect I should say.

Time: 6840.46

Publishing papers of the sort

Time: 6842.01

that I'm about to describe.

Time: 6842.843

But also incorporating some of these tools

Time: 6844.9

and protocols into the learning curriculum

Time: 6847.29

and the lifestyle curriculum of students at NYU.

Time: 6850.41

Which I think is a terrific initiative.

Time: 6852.55

So you don't need to be an NYU student

Time: 6854.06

in order to benefit from her work.

Time: 6855.64

I'm going to tell you about some of that work now

Time: 6857.14

and she'll tell you about this and much more

Time: 6859.79

in the episode that follows this one.

Time: 6861.67

The title of this paper will tell you a lot

Time: 6864.01

about where we're going.

Time: 6864.95

The title is Brief Daily Meditation Enhances

Time: 6867.63

Attention, Memory, Mood, and Emotional Regulation

Time: 6871.24

in Non-Experienced Meditators.

Time: 6873.92

If ever there was an incentive to meditate,

Time: 6877.04

it is the data contained within this paper.

Time: 6880.554

I want to briefly describe the study

Time: 6881.91

and then I also want to emphasize

Time: 6884.45

that when you meditate is absolutely critical.

Time: 6887.54

I'll talk about that just at the end.

Time: 6889.6

This is a study that involves subjects aged 18 to 45.

Time: 6894.24

None of whom were experienced mediators prior to this study.

Time: 6899.17

There were two general groups in this study.

Time: 6902.49

One group did a 13 minute long meditation

Time: 6906.83

and this meditation was a fairly conventional meditation.

Time: 6909.98

They would sit or lie down.

Time: 6911.88

They would do somewhat of a body scan,

Time: 6914.28

evaluating for instance how tense or relaxed

Time: 6916.7

they felt throughout their body

Time: 6917.74

and they would focus on their breathing.

Time: 6919.61

Trying to bring their attention back to their breathing

Time: 6921.52

and to the state of their body as the meditation progressed.

Time: 6926.13

The other group, which we can call the control group

Time: 6928.77

listened to of all things, a podcast.

Time: 6931.7

They did not listen to this podcast.

Time: 6933.52

They listened to Radio Lab, which is a popular podcast,

Time: 6936.64

for an equivalent amount of time.

Time: 6938.56

But they were not instructed to do any kind

Time: 6940.13

of body scan or pay attention to their breathing.

Time: 6943.34

Every subject in the study either meditated daily

Time: 6946.27

or listened to a equivalent duration podcast daily

Time: 6949.46

for a period of eight weeks.

Time: 6951.88

And the experimenters measured a large number

Time: 6954.799

of things, of variables, as we say.

Time: 6958.05

They looked at measures of emotion regulation.

Time: 6960.56

They actually measured cortisol, a stress hormone.

Time: 6963.02

They measured, as the title suggests,

Time: 6965.25

attention and memory and so forth.

Time: 6967.78

And the basic takeaway of this study

Time: 6970.37

is that eight weeks but not four weeks

Time: 6973.43

of this daily 13 minute a day mediation

Time: 6976.29

had a significant effect in improving

Time: 6979.94

attention, memory, mood, and emotion regulation.

Time: 6984.59

I find this study to be very interesting

Time: 6986.86

and in fact, important because most of us

Time: 6989.81

have heard about the positive effects

Time: 6991.09

of meditation on things like stress reduction.

Time: 6994.12

Or on things such as improving sleep.

Time: 6996.74

And I want to come back to sleep in a few moments

Time: 6999.26

because it turns out to be very important feature

Time: 7001.13

of this study.

Time: 7003.19

This particular study I like so much

Time: 7005.72

because they used a really broad array

Time: 7008.37

of measurements for cognitive function.

Time: 7011.29

Things like the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task.

Time: 7013.3

I'm not going to go into this.

Time: 7014.28

Things like the Stroop Task and they also,

Time: 7016.39

as I mentioned, measured cortisol.

Time: 7018.73

And many other things, including, not surprisingly, memory.

Time: 7023.31

And people's ability to remember certain types

Time: 7026.16

of information, in fact varied types of information.

Time: 7028.84

And the basic takeaway was, again,

Time: 7031.78

that you could get really robust improvements

Time: 7034.22

in learning and memory, mood and attention

Time: 7036.77

from just 13 minutes a day of meditation.

Time: 7039.65

Now there's an important twist in this study

Time: 7041.41

that I want to emphasize.

Time: 7042.81

If you read into the discussion of the study

Time: 7045.3

it's mentioned that somehow meditation

Time: 7048.73

did not improve but actually impaired sleep quality

Time: 7052.37

compared to the control subjects.

Time: 7053.937

And you might think, wow, why would that be?

Time: 7056.12

I mean, meditation is supposed to reduce our stress.

Time: 7058.9

Stress is supposed to inhibit sleep.

Time: 7060.73

And therefore why would sleep get worse?

Time: 7064.49

Well, what's interesting is the time of day

Time: 7067.07

when most of these subjects tended

Time: 7068.96

to do their meditation.

Time: 7071.24

Most of the subjects in this study

Time: 7072.72

did their meditation late in the day.

Time: 7074.45

This is often the case in experiments.

Time: 7076.11

I know this because we run experiments

Time: 7078.29

with human subjects in my laboratory

Time: 7079.87

and people are paid some amount of money

Time: 7082.07

in order to participate or they're given something

Time: 7084.72

as compensation for being in the study.

Time: 7086.14

But often times the meditation,

Time: 7088.53

or in the case of my lab, the respiration work

Time: 7091.01

or other kinds of things that they're assigned to do

Time: 7093.63

are not their top, top priority.

Time: 7095.52

And we understand this.

Time: 7096.63

But in this study, the majority of subjects here

Time: 7098.6

I'm reading completed their meditation sessions

Time: 7101.36

from somewhere between 8:00 and 11:00 P.M.

Time: 7104.5

And sometimes even between 12:00 and 3:00 A.M.

Time: 7107.69

I think there probably were a lot

Time: 7108.64

of college students enrolled in this study.

Time: 7110.51

And their hours often are late shifted.

Time: 7113.68

That impaired sleep.

Time: 7115.137

And this raises a bigger theme that I think is important.

Time: 7117.8

Many times before on this podcast

Time: 7119.76

and certainly in the episode

Time: 7120.71

on mastering sleep and conquering or mastering stress

Time: 7124.62

those episodes we talked about the value, again,

Time: 7126.87

of these non-sleep deep rest protocols, NSDR,

Time: 7129.87

for reducing the activity

Time: 7132.47

of your sympathetic nervous system.

Time: 7134.01

The alertness, so-called stress arm

Time: 7136.45

of your autonomic nervous system.

Time: 7138.57

The one that makes you feel really alert.

Time: 7140.5

NSDR is superb for reducing your level of alertness,

Time: 7144.45

increasing your level of calmness,

Time: 7145.82

and putting you into a so-called more

Time: 7146.96

parasympathetic, relaxed state.

Time: 7149.9

Meditation does that too, but it also increases attention.

Time: 7154.24

If you think about meditation,

Time: 7156.29

meditation involves focusing on your breath

Time: 7158.61

and constantly focusing back on your breath

Time: 7160.65

and trying to avoid the distraction

Time: 7162.1

of things you're thinking or things that you're hearing.

Time: 7164.3

And coming, so-called, back to your body,

Time: 7166.68

back to your breath.

Time: 7168.05

So meditation is actually,

Time: 7170.5

it has a high attentional load.

Time: 7173.12

It requires a lot of prefrontal cortical activity

Time: 7175.78

that's involved in attention.

Time: 7177.15

Which then logically relates

Time: 7180.71

to one of the outcomes of this study

Time: 7182.87

which is that attention ability

Time: 7184.6

is improved in daily meditators.

Time: 7187.73

It also points out that increasing

Time: 7189.58

the level of attention and the activity

Time: 7191.44

of your prefrontal cortex may,

Time: 7193.09

and I want to emphasize may,

Time: 7194.01

because here I'm speculating about the underlying mechanism,

Time: 7196.57

inhibit your ability to fall asleep.

Time: 7199.12

So while we have meditation on the one hand

Time: 7201.18

that does tend to put us into a calm state

Time: 7203.09

but it is a calm, very focused state.

Time: 7205.6

In fact, attention and focus are inherent

Time: 7208.17

to most forms of meditation.

Time: 7210.08

Non-sleep deep rest, such as Yoga Nidra

Time: 7212.78

as some of you know it to be.

Time: 7214.94

Or NSDR, there's a terrific NSDR script

Time: 7218.09

that's available free online that's put out by Madefor.

Time: 7220.067

So you can go to YouTube, NSDR, Madefor.

Time: 7222.44

You can also go do a search for NSDR.

Time: 7224.613

There's a number of these available out there,

Time: 7226.95

again, at no cost.

Time: 7228.92

Those NSDR protocols tend to put people

Time: 7232.37

into a state of deep relaxation

Time: 7234.67

but also very low attention.

Time: 7238.01

And we have to assume very low activation

Time: 7241.2

of the prefrontal cortex.

Time: 7242.7

So the takeaways from this study are several fold.

Time: 7244.64

First of all, that daily meditation

Time: 7246.84

of 13 minutes can enhance your ability

Time: 7249.61

to pay attention and to learn.

Time: 7251.33

It can truly enhance memory.

Time: 7254.43

However, you need to do that for at least eight weeks

Time: 7257.97

in order to start to see the effects to occur

Time: 7260.7

and we have to presume that you have to continue

Time: 7262.94

those meditation training sessions.

Time: 7266.36

In fact, they found that if people only did

Time: 7268.78

four weeks of meditation these effects didn't show up.

Time: 7271.07

Now eight weeks might seem like a long time,

Time: 7273.07

but I think that 13 minutes a day

Time: 7274.65

is not actually that big of a time commitment.

Time: 7278.54

And the results of this study certainly

Time: 7280.62

incentivize me to start adopting a,

Time: 7283.26

I'm going for 15 minutes a day now.

Time: 7284.91

I've been an on and off meditator for a number of years.

Time: 7287.77

I've been pretty good about it lately,

Time: 7289.2

but I confess I've been doing far shorter meditations

Time: 7291.97

of anywhere from three to five, or maybe 10 minutes.

Time: 7294.71

I'm going to ramp that up to 15 minutes a day.

Time: 7297.6

And I'm doing that specifically to try

Time: 7299.56

and access these improvements in cognitive ability

Time: 7302.31

and our abilities to learn.

Time: 7303.74

Also based on the data in this paper,

Time: 7305.79

I'm going to do those meditation sessions

Time: 7307.53

either early in the day, such as immediately after waking,

Time: 7311.65

or close to it.

Time: 7312.88

So I might get my sunshine first.

Time: 7314.39

I'm, as you all know, very big on getting sunlight

Time: 7316.61

in the eyes early in the day.

Time: 7317.97

As much as one can and as early as one can.

Time: 7321.33

Once the sun is out.

Time: 7322.74

But certainly doing it early in the day

Time: 7324.95

and not past 5:00 P.M. or so

Time: 7327.69

in order to make sure that I don't inhibit sleep.

Time: 7329.96

Because I think this, the result that they describe

Time: 7331.98

of meditation inhibiting quality sleep

Time: 7334.91

compared to controls is an important one

Time: 7337.94

to pay attention to.

Time: 7339.1

No pun intended.

Time: 7340.2

Today we covered a lot of aspects of memory

Time: 7342.55

and how to improve your memory.

Time: 7344.51

We talked about the different forms of memory

Time: 7346.3

and we talked about some of the underlying

Time: 7348.01

neural circuitry of memory formation

Time: 7350.4

and we talked about the emotional saliency

Time: 7354.06

and intensity of what you're trying to learn

Time: 7356.48

has a profound impact on whether or not you learn

Time: 7359.73

in response to some sort of experience.

Time: 7362.01

Whether or not that experience is reading,

Time: 7364.57

or mathematics, or music, or language, or a physical skill.

Time: 7369.05

It doesn't matter.

Time: 7370.29

The more intense of an emotional state that you're in

Time: 7374.12

in the period immediately following that learning,

Time: 7377.07

the more likely you are to remember

Time: 7379.46

whatever it is that you're trying to learn.

Time: 7381.47

And we talked about the neuro chemicals

Time: 7382.83

that explain that effect.

Time: 7384.6

About epinephrine and corticosterones like cortisol.

Time: 7388.37

And how adjusting the timing of those

Time: 7390.62

is so key to enhancing your memory.

Time: 7393.33

And we talked about the different ways

Time: 7394.63

to enhance those chemicals.

Time: 7395.7

Everything ranging from cold water to pharmacology

Time: 7399.23

and even just adjusting the emotional state

Time: 7401.63

within your mind in order to stamp down

Time: 7404.26

and remember experiences better.

Time: 7406.12

We also talked about how to leverage exercise,

Time: 7408.18

in particular, load bearing exercise

Time: 7411.73

in order to evoke the release of hormones

Time: 7413.93

like osteocalcin which can travel

Time: 7415.48

from your bones to your brain and enhance

Time: 7417.1

your ability to learn.

Time: 7418.55

And we talked about a new form of photographic memory.

Time: 7421.04

Not the traditional type of photographic memory

Time: 7423.82

in which people can remember everything

Time: 7425.34

they look at very easily.

Time: 7427.2

But rather, taking mental snapshots

Time: 7429.16

of things that you see.

Time: 7430.5

Again, emphasizing that will create

Time: 7432.61

a better memory of what you see

Time: 7434.28

when you take that mental snapshot,

Time: 7435.6

but will actually reduce your memory

Time: 7437.65

for the things that you hear at that moment.

Time: 7439.68

And we discussed the really exciting data

Time: 7441.29

looking at how particular meditation protocols

Time: 7444.01

can enhance memory but also attention and mood.

Time: 7447.7

However, if done too late in the day,

Time: 7450.8

can actually disrupt sleep precisely because

Time: 7453.59

those meditation protocols can enhance attention.

Time: 7457.38

Now I know that many of you are interested

Time: 7459.632

in neuro chemicals that can enhance learning and memory.

Time: 7462.42

And I intend to cover those in deep detail

Time: 7466.64

in a future episode.

Time: 7468.04

However, for the sake of what was discussed today,

Time: 7470.29

please understand that any number

Time: 7473.33

of different neuro chemicals can evoke

Time: 7475.1

or can increase the amount of adrenaline

Time: 7477.33

that's circulating in your brain and body.

Time: 7479.63

And it's less important how one accesses

Time: 7483.17

that increase in adrenaline.

Time: 7485.02

Again, this can be done through behavioral protocols

Time: 7486.93

or through pharmacology.

Time: 7489.48

Assuming that those behavioral protocols

Time: 7491.86

and pharmacology are safe for you,

Time: 7493.9

it really doesn't matter how you evoke

Time: 7495.81

the adrenaline release because remember,

Time: 7497.75

adrenaline is the final common pathway

Time: 7500.19

by which particular experiences, particular perceptions

Time: 7503.54

are stamped into memory.

Time: 7505.67

Which answers our very first question raised

Time: 7508.12

at the beginning of the episode.

Time: 7509.33

Which is, why do we remember anything at all?

Time: 7512.14

Right, that was the question that we raised.

Time: 7514.29

Why is it that from morning 'til night

Time: 7516.22

throughout your entire life you have tons

Time: 7517.93

of sensory experience, tons of perceptions.

Time: 7519.75

Why is it that some are remembered

Time: 7521.88

and others are not?

Time: 7523.19

While I would never want to distill

Time: 7525.44

an important question such as that down

Time: 7527.48

to a one molecule type of answer,

Time: 7529.87

I think we can confidently say based on

Time: 7532.3

the vast amount of animal and human research data

Time: 7536.18

that epinephrine, adrenaline,

Time: 7538.61

and some of the other chemicals

Time: 7539.94

that it acts with in concert, is in fact,

Time: 7543.52

the way that we remember particular events

Time: 7547.2

and not all events.

Time: 7549.06

If you're learning from and or enjoying this podcast,

Time: 7551.5

please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Time: 7553.17

That's a terrific zero cost way to support us.

Time: 7555.76

In addition, please subscribe to our podcast

Time: 7558.13

on Spotify and on Apple.

Time: 7560.5

And now on both Spotify and Apple

Time: 7562.69

you can leave us up to a five star review.

Time: 7565.83

Please also leave us comments and feedback

Time: 7568.22

in the comment section on our YouTube channel.

Time: 7570.42

You can also suggest future guests

Time: 7572.24

that you'd like us to cover.

Time: 7573.19

We do read all those comments.

Time: 7575.5

Please also check out the sponsors mentioned

Time: 7577.24

at the beginning of today's podcast.

Time: 7578.88

That's a terrific, perhaps the best way

Time: 7580.92

to support this podcast.

Time: 7582.34

We also have a Patreon.

Time: 7583.56

It's patreon.com/andrewhuberman.

Time: 7586.3

And there you can support this podcast

Time: 7588.09

at any level that you like.

Time: 7589.62

During today's episode and on many previous episodes

Time: 7591.99

of the Huberman Lab Podcast, we discuss supplements.

Time: 7594.91

While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,

Time: 7597.24

many people derive tremendous benefit from them.

Time: 7599.37

For things like enhancing sleep and focus

Time: 7601.43

and indeed, for learning and memory.

Time: 7603.5

For that reason the Huberman Lab Podcast

Time: 7605.36

is now partnered with Momentous Supplements.

Time: 7607.8

The reason we've partnered with Momentous

Time: 7609.27

is several fold.

Time: 7610.45

First of all, we wanted to have one location

Time: 7612.64

where people could go to access single ingredient,

Time: 7615.59

high quality versions of the supplements

Time: 7617.44

that we were discussing on this podcast.

Time: 7619.81

This is a critical issue.

Time: 7621.03

A lot of supplement companies out there

Time: 7622.62

sell excellent supplements

Time: 7623.81

but they combine different ingredients

Time: 7625.77

into different formulations

Time: 7627.11

which make it very hard to figure out

Time: 7628.68

exactly what works for you

Time: 7630.16

and to arrive at the minimal effective dose

Time: 7632.83

of the various compounds that are best for you.

Time: 7634.97

Which we think is extremely important

Time: 7636.83

and that's certainly the most scientific way

Time: 7638.91

and rigorous way to approach any kind

Time: 7640.8

of supplementation regime.

Time: 7642.29

So Momentous has made these single ingredient formulations

Time: 7644.93

on the basis of what we suggested to them

Time: 7647.3

and I'm happy to say, they also ship internationally.

Time: 7650.07

So whether or not you're in the US or abroad,

Time: 7652.1

they'll ship to you.

Time: 7652.96

If you'd like to see the supplements recommended

Time: 7654.74

on the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 7656.5

you can go to LiveMomentous.com/Huberman.

Time: 7660.07

They've started to assemble the supplements

Time: 7662.03

that we've talked about on the podcast

Time: 7663.54

and in the upcoming weeks they will be adding

Time: 7665.93

many more supplements such that in a brief period of time

Time: 7670.6

most, if not all of the compounds

Time: 7672.34

that are discussed on this podcast

Time: 7674.06

will be there, again, in single ingredient,

Time: 7676.66

extremely high quality formulations

Time: 7678.53

that you can use to arrive

Time: 7679.7

at the best supplement protocols for you.

Time: 7682.02

We also include behavioral protocols

Time: 7684.14

that can combined with supplementation protocols

Time: 7686.56

in order to deliver the maximum effect.

Time: 7688.85

Once again, that's LiveMomentous.com/Huberman.

Time: 7692.18

And if you're not already following us on Twitter

Time: 7694.29

and Instagram, it's HubermanLab

Time: 7696.26

on both Twitter and Instagram.

Time: 7698.18

There I describe science and science related tools.

Time: 7701.28

Some of which overlap with the content

Time: 7702.72

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 7704.11

but much of which is distinct

Time: 7705.47

from the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 7707.82

We also have a newsletter called

Time: 7709.43

the Huberman Lab Neural Network.

Time: 7710.76

That newsletter provides summary protocols

Time: 7713.92

and information from our various podcast episodes.

Time: 7716.92

It does not cost anything to sign up.

Time: 7718.5

You can go to HubermanLab.com, go to the menu

Time: 7721.31

and click on newsletter.

Time: 7722.73

You just provide your email and I should point out,

Time: 7724.48

we do not share your email with anyone else.

Time: 7726.46

We have a very clear privacy policy

Time: 7728.82

that you can read there.

Time: 7730.33

And that newsletter comes out about once a month.

Time: 7732.3

You can also see some sample newsletters.

Time: 7734

Things like the toolkit for sleep,

Time: 7735.81

or for neural plasticity and for various

Time: 7738.01

other topics covered on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 7740.6

Once again, thank you for joining me today

Time: 7742.58

to discuss the neurobiology of learning and memory

Time: 7744.82

and how to improve your memory using

Time: 7747.08

science based tools.

Time: 7748.61

And last, but certainly not least,

Time: 7750.65

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 7753.1

[light music]

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