TOP Business Insights & Competition Hacks ft.The Mom's Co's Mohit Sadaani | Raj Shamani | FO 122

Time: 0

India is a large market and the number

Time: 2.399

of states in India is almost equal to

Time: 4.74

the number of countries in Europe we are

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very very complicated country to solve

Time: 10.26

for why did Hyundai succeed in India

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Shahrukh Khan

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innovated and the santro if you remember

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was the first hatchback

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they see Indian families career genuine

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the Indian Insight if you can do that

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then I think you can succeed

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someone in my team said I am frustrated

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she sent an email to Jeff Bezos Jeff

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Bezos forwarded the next day it got

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solved what they will do everything

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possible to make sure my customer has an

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amazing experience because they are very

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proud saying we are the most

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customer-centric brand in the world

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welcome to figuring out the Indian dream

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a good series episode

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Indian companies

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from the lens of international big

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companies and from Indian startups as

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before you start the show please go

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Channel episode

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tell me tell me a quick journey of

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actually let me put it in a hard hard

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way okay when did you start 2016 2016

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2017 March we launched okay 2017 new

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March we launched so this was the idea

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Honest Company so

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had was born in London from India and in

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India we discovered very quickly that

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she actually has eczema okay right when

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she was a baby doctor doctor said

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please don't use any of that important

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so we started importing like any other

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parent would do

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then my younger daughter was born Sana

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she was born with baby asthma and again

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went to the doctors doctor said they who

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at the end of five years she will grow

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out of it and not have asthma for rest

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of the day but five years you have to be

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very very particular

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so madika my wife and then co-founder

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she got very particular about care

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product use Curry looking at the back of

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the tables

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and she was going down this journey and

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almost became a cosmetologist singer

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so she started that path against me

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in Paris I joined Snapdeal snapped with

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me I was heading growth heading strategy

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uh after seven years in McKinsey

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and we came together with her ideas on

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product and brand and me on growth

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and social media

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so 2017 with that idea we launched

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India's largest range of pregnancy care

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products to start very Niche very Niche

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so we said we because no one can compete

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with us

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pregnant mothers are so small at any

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point of time is such a short phase of

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we competing because

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as the moms go that's smart yeah so we

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started with only pregnancy first

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and then

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uh going back to those wow moment ideas

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we said yeah

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we said what we do is JoJo pregnant

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Mother's Day

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we are starting our baby brand because

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you win a customer of us and you trusted

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us we want to thank you for sending your

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free baby sample kit so individually

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mother can be made WhatsApp lists looked

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at every single one Google street

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automated message

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and we sat and punched six thousand

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orders or rosari mothers now mothers go

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mom's cooking free baby product and that

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was our effect to the zero cost

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marketing launch of the brand of the

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baby care brand

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so that's how then this happened baby

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happened then mothers came back and said

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but why are you stopping what happens

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after not pregnant baby what about me

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I'm having hair for them having Face

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issues I'm having pigmentation

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she said okay so then we expanded the

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definition of mother from pregnancy to

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post pregnancy then uh older mothers as

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well so today moms go is a very clear

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brand we talk to mothers only

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of all ages starting for pregnancy

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onwards still once you're a mother

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you're a mother for life right so

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pregnancy onwards we talk to mothers and

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we solve for genuine concerns for

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mothers and babies that's it that's

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that's right

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the mom's company

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because you always said

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at some point of time we can go into

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other categories the mothers have every

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participle need

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so we never thought the brand is

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limiting we said that TG is fantastic

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we want to solve for Indian mothers

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we solve for whatever needs she has

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interesting that's so you thought this

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is a big obviously this is a big enough

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market because you thought key

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to this consumer group because I care

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about this consumer I will go very wide

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on categories I can give her everything

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right whatever she needs consumer is

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sorted but that makes it so easy and

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good life yeah because now your

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communication assorted

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I have to talk to a college going kid I

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have to talk to my mother I have to talk

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to somebody who's just an early job

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going I have to talk to my grandmas

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a Brand's basic job in life is to

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minimize risk for the consumer right

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it may not be the tastiest food but I

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know I'll get decent safe food at a

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decent price

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that's the brand value that McDonald's

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offers to a consumer to anywhere you are

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in the world true same thing with

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Starbucks right you know the character

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experience you will get okay coffee but

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the experience will be great images

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allow me to sit foreign

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because you are everything to everyone

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um our logic was my job is for the

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mother the moms go should be her version

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of natural safe product

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right any product any category when I

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launch a product she should have the she

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should be able to do it furiously okay

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for this particular for my needs

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to be natural

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and it is solvent this is the risk that

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I never take with the Moscow I like how

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you put it Brand's job is to minimize

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the risk

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that's I don't know how often people use

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it I've heard it for the first time I

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really like it

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up second question when you start it

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I think it's too bold of a statement

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probably I'm just talking about from a

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like whatever happened happened with

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them right but

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Johnson Johnson then your Himalaya was

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there these are the last two Brands

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I think Chico or something

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and at the same time

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did they start at the same time

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so that belief and then Translating that

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belief into actual execution on the

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ground how the team behaves the products

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that is on for the categories think

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about it that makes a difference

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so I think the interesting

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it takes time so India make can you

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imagine this

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we were the first company that created

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the model of shops inside hospitals

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so we went to the hospital we spoke to

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the doctors

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let no other mother say that I'm not

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so with that very simple we started a

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kiosk we trained our mom counselors and

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she was a counselor she wasn't a

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how does the moms go solve for it and we

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just went and offered a sample packs and

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her next visit she would come and buy

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because she said you solved my problem

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so it took time now there was a point of

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time after three years

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they paid lots of money so what you said

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my job was done I've already established

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same thing with products we were the

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first person in the country that said

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for pregnancy product example data for

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pregnancy a body butter is actually

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great for stretch marks better than a

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stretch mark oil okay okay but body

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butters are very heavy Indian climate

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which is very hot which is very rainy

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body butter beans

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we worked on it we did research with

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customers that said

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a very simple solution single pack which

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is stretch mark bundle we spoke to

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customers came up with the inside tested

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and launched

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our number one stretch mark solution in

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the country online

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but again by that time I had moved on

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right so

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what we were relying on was compared to

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other competition we would be closer to

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the customer and we will be faster to

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Cycles will be okay nice

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I like it

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we went and spoke to all sort of Friends

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Network in fmcg the best advice we got

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was don't be in love with your problem

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don't be in love with your solution yeah

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and because as founders

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this will solve all of your problems and

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the customer says

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yeah you made a problem here but not so

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painful that I'll spend so much money on

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right so that's an interesting fact

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that's that's true you know there's one

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inside I remember there was this I think

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koi Germany

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can you tell me the story Amazing Story

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So rocket didn't basically started and

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they said

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uh the two brothers and the friends so

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three of them they came up with an

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Insight saying

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the basics are changing at the same

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speed smartphone

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mobile network right that is changing

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technology all of that because

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technology is changing

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at the same sort of speed everywhere the

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same new business models should come up

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everywhere right so they created rocket

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internet in Germany

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I don't want you to innovate they have a

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massive super Playbook like fashion

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Marketplace this is a Playbook month on

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month and month this is how you build a

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fashion e-commerce Marketplace company

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anywhere in the world they said okay go

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and hire very smart people so they hired

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only from like the top investment Banks

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right the consulting firms saying I

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don't want to take risk on person

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because I don't want you to use your

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brains and execute week on week this is

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the Playbook

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that's what they started with they were

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very successful for some time but then

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they didn't do well because I think then

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what happened was after the basics are

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done then there is a culture of the

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Nuance do China with Basics the first

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wave of e-commerce if you see is

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Amazon first way of e-commerce right

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Amazon clones work or Amazon itself has

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taken over yeah but if you look at

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second wave of e-commerce social

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commerce in China it's completely

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different from social commerce in India

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true completely different from what Tick

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Tock shopping is now doing in us so the

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second wave here

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not building on technology change inside

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that people in China shop from

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influencers at Mega scale right there

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are influences in China today who are

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bigger than e-commerce companies in

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India yes right it's obscene but that's

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how China shops so that's cultural

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Insight yeah and there was I forgot this

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who's doing live Commerce in Chinese

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it's mad I never thought

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she sells kitchen appliances or

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something I forgot a name because it's

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not a name where you can easily remember

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my name is

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so now we're getting to this this

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interesting time in the world

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in the early days

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we actually use two handwrite cards and

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gift cards

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so what we started doing on the website

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was we started taking names of people's

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that's in your name address

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then in that we used to write a letter

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to the baby oh as the first letter right

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thank you for joining the family right

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we are so blessed that you're part of

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our life right and we hope you like our

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products and all of that nice and so we

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had the people sent us videos of mothers

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reading those cards to their babies

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that's so good I'll give you the best

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example early days

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um she looked at us Malika was

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recognized by then she said are you the

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momsco founder like I said oh better

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she made us sit she went and said

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she the Bachi came out she looks said

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and then the mother says

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she's the founder of the mom's company

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she looks at her and she says

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and then she opened up and she had saved

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the letters

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wow and so those were those moments were

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amazing because it kept coming back to

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this realization that you are never

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selling a product you are selling a

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status symbol

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or you are selling someone's Identity or

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you are selling an experience

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the biggest problem is when you think I

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am only selling a product and it's a me

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to product in today's world you are

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never ever selling just a product

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you have to go beyond the product to the

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I look at the OG in the space here Nike

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if you look at Nike's ads they are never

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about the product they are about the

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feeling that everyone is an athlete yeah

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emotion it's always emotion it's always

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the story

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moms go the reason momsco spread was

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always the story associated with the

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products and what we did

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and how it was created and how it made

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the person feel it was never the product

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damn but what about

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a lot of people talk about their

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their feature which maybe can be

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distinctive correct

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fog no gas perfume huh do you think

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people should talk about that because

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it's a they're just trying to talk about

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products if it's differentiated enough

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okay if it's not differentiated then

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status Identity or experience so you

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will always get there right

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always Source status identity always had

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20 women after him they always said that

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right the reason acts got completely

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ravaged in the market and four came over

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because fox fox said yes but by the way

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value for money

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I don't sell empty gas yeah right 10x4

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fume will last you so much longer so on

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so on so for the same customer if you

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offer significantly better value

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products customer will move hmm

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but when now that every perfume is no

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gas perfume now it's time to get back to

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again maybe experience identity status

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or a differentiated product so

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you know I think the interesting reason

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the value comes in is if you're offering

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someone's status identity reason to feel

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good about themselves when he takes out

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his perfume in front of his friends his

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right because we are still value Society

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right India may you have to give great

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value for money whenever you have some

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product to sell you cannot ignore that

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with the base case here that's what if

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you come up with far better value for

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money that is overshadow status GTM

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should be the differentiator value for

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money or should be the status there

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should be the differentiator assuming

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the status is correlated okay

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right or Kim Kardashian best Kim

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Kardashian another lingerie brand that

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she came up with on Saturday which is

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like it's not like with some special

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material that stretches like crazy to

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give you the best body shape right very

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functional product but because it is Kim

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Kardashian who exemplifies that body

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shape and her status is Deco this

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this incredible idealistic in their

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world or her world body they go hand in

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hand that status matches the product

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type Synergy here then you see the

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compounding okay so do question of

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course is

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almost is non-existing I don't even know

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exist because

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you should ask the opposite question

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seeing how did Amazon come and take over

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I think it was that's what really

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happened right if you think about it

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right there was a lot of e-commerce

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commercials lots of them right before

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Amazon came and when Amazon came in I

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remember having conversation with lots

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of people in e-commerce Amazon doesn't

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but look at what genuinely happened a

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reason my circle everyone is a Prime

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member I personally shop on Amazon three

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times a day same right like

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same I think what

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I don't over time what Amazon does well

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is the customer Basics they understand

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best assortment to the customer and now

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working with Amazon as I said though how

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do I guarantee best price for the

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customer and how do I solve for amazing

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frictionless delivery um

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deeply around the world that they had to

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tweak it for India right

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Time: 1545.86

right you're starting fresh and these

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guys are coming with if you look at her

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country a number of years so like

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Decades of experience

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with super smart people and unlimited

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Capital they just solved it better than

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anybody else

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because the again going back

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Joe Amazon just those

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um to Amazon e-commerce create Kia or

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India specific name

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right so they were almost guaranteed to

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win from the start now if you take a 20

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30 or Horizon and you simply the same

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copy paste

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same people who've solved this elsewhere

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I can come and do it

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right so I think that's what happened to

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the entire e-commerce wave but not every

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company succeeds everywhere again

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I will give you unlimited capital and

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I'll give you unlimited time and people

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how do I tell you I'm thinking of an eye

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thinking of for example of an example

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like who came to India General Motors

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Time: 1631.539

GM came and left Ford almost four came

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and left but because the cars they were

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producing was still Us cars made for

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India they didn't create India specific

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why did Hyundai succeed in India

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Time: 1647.86

right no known celebrities for the other

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American brands

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should Nike even innovated and the

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santro if you remember was the first

Time: 1655.46

hatchback yeah right

Time: 1657.46

premium sort of hashback they see Indian

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families genuine the Indian sight then

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I have to solve for service so they went

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and massively plastered and created

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service centers most service centers and

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showrooms yeah so they genuinely said

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right as in if you can do that then I

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think you can succeed we are I think

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people forget

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India is a large Market

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and the number of states in India is

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almost equal to the number of countries

Time: 1688.88

in Europe we are very very complicated

Time: 1692.26

country to solve for very large

Time: 1694.64


Time: 1700.299

needs different examples of what we

Time: 1702.98

appreciate different aspirations

Time: 1704.299

different languages

Time: 1706.659

then you can make a great business in

Time: 1708.799


Time: 1719.08

so they have to show money

Time: 1721.52

the um

Time: 1724.299

I'll tell you the difference

Time: 1727.4


Time: 1728.36

I think very few Global Brands can

Time: 1731.299

really deliver the value that the Indian

Time: 1733.22

customer requires

Time: 1734.84


Time: 1737.539

I want amazing service I want amazing

Time: 1739.46

quality products

Time: 1747.46


Time: 1749.14

Brands can't do it right Amazon does it

Time: 1753.98

because Amazon sellers do it for them

Time: 1756.559

right Amazon solves for I will get the

Time: 1759.14

product to you on time but cost

Time: 1761.779

product quality etc etc with reviews

Time: 1764.559

right so the best sellers win so Amazon

Time: 1767.96

is winning because of combination of

Time: 1770.12

their infrastructure and the sellers and

Time: 1771.919

what sellers can achieve on the platform

Time: 1774.919

Uber by itself is competing with your

Time: 1776.779


Time: 1779.24

you can't compete with that at some

Time: 1781.039

point of time it has varies all the

Time: 1783.08

customers also but beyond the point it's

Time: 1785.36

harder to scale

Time: 1788.179


Time: 1791.26

that's one of the reasons why people

Time: 1793.1

have stopped using it right now

Time: 1795.679


Time: 1822.5

right but Amazon gives me great

Time: 1824.539


Time: 1828.74

very simple to Amazon users Amazon has

Time: 1833.059

cracked it's the most

Time: 1834.98

customer oriented company Amazon store

Time: 1837.38

here very interesting okay

Time: 1840.2

when we were a

Time: 1843.74

third one

Time: 1845.62

we are a four member team we launched

Time: 1848.179

pregnancy products only Swift Chart

Time: 1849.919


Time: 1854.14

right so my I think dude

Time: 1867.76

we were too small he didn't bother

Time: 1870.74

someone in my team said I am frustrated

Time: 1873.08

she sent an email to Jeff Bezos

Time: 1875.48


Time: 1877.36

you are not solving this my customers

Time: 1879.86

are continuing

Time: 1881.899

Jeffries was forwarded the next day it

Time: 1883.76

got solved what for us for that tiny

Time: 1887.299

little customers she escalated she said

Time: 1891.919

wow and you will hear this consistently

Time: 1894.62


Time: 1897.74

they will do everything possible to make

Time: 1900.2

sure my customer has an amazing

Time: 1901.399

experience because they are very proud

Time: 1904.279

saying we are the most customer-centric

Time: 1905.96

brand in the world

Time: 1907.279

now customer Centric they said

Time: 1911.559

customers at the center of it

Time: 1914


Time: 1915.44

there's some there's a very interesting

Time: 1917.419

image just search for Amazon flywheel

Time: 1919.34

customer wants assortment assortment

Time: 1937.179

will drive all the sellers to me

Time: 1940.64

and we'll try the best price and then

Time: 1943.039

more customers

Time: 1945.5

nice so yeah Amazon flywheel why do you

Time: 1949.159

think Snapdeal and Flipkart you can't

Time: 1951.38

compete with the best on this on their

Time: 1953.179

own tough on what they've exported over

Time: 1955.039


Time: 1956.299

the same example we gave before it I

Time: 1958.279

couldn't compete as the moms go with

Time: 1959.899

traditional brands in the same format

Time: 1962.419

that they are great at

Time: 1963.98

I have to innovate and create something

Time: 1965.539

completely different so you just feel

Time: 1967.52

the reason for let's say Snapdeal by

Time: 1969.26

yoga Amazon I think Amazon won in India

Time: 1972.559

versus techno with large of India

Time: 1973.94

because the needs they are solving for

Time: 1975.74

for the customer are very basic needs

Time: 1977.779


Time: 1987.14

over time they know how to crack it any

Time: 1989.899

other company trying to crack that on

Time: 1992.36

Amazon's terms is very hard

Time: 1996.519

social commerce came and did that if you

Time: 1999.32

see how misho took off in the last few

Time: 2001.059

years with the models of I will sell to

Time: 2003.58

Housewives who will sell onwards Amazon

Time: 2005.38

couldn't crack that and Mishu became a

Time: 2008.2

very large company on that single

Time: 2009.64

insight and that amazing new business

Time: 2011.019

model yeah right if you look at live

Time: 2013.419

Commerce in China and the examples you

Time: 2015.1

gave Amazon

Time: 2016.74

and it's a very different business

Time: 2018.94

business do you think that

Time: 2021.22

quick Commerce zapto like companies

Time: 2024.519

zepto will be able to be dmart value

Time: 2026.74

proposition I tell you why okay demand

Time: 2029.679


Time: 2034.12


Time: 2038.74


Time: 2051.06

the question is

Time: 2075.48

very interesting is

Time: 2081.179

a very tight Market it's always very

Time: 2084.04


Time: 2085.44

it's all this price it's always offers

Time: 2090

you have to come with great offers yes

Time: 2095.26

BOGO Brands can give great offers to

Time: 2098.32

dmart um

Time: 2105.24

they have to deliver to your house

Time: 2108.42

again dmart proposition is not

Time: 2111.7

assortment like Amazon

Time: 2124.119


Time: 2129.96

I don't know the numbers

Time: 2136.26

right one

Time: 2139.68

percentage level

Time: 2147.82


Time: 2182.94

it's a different proposition

Time: 2185.8

and I think more than that India is what

Time: 2188.68

India's a three trillion dollar economy

Time: 2190.359

today right in the next three years is

Time: 2192.4

going to become ten trillion dollars

Time: 2195.3

every business model will find a partner

Time: 2197.74

or we'll find a segment yeah

Time: 2200.22

business model

Time: 2202.26

you don't know like if someone asked me

Time: 2205.599

my simple logic is here India my

Time: 2207.82

business but now the time is now the

Time: 2209.5

moment is now

Time: 2211.56

just start and build a business

Time: 2217.24


Time: 2221.4

which was your favorite consumer brand

Time: 2223.54

in India my favorite consumer brands in

Time: 2225.64

India a gold traditional

Time: 2228.18

actually my favorite new brand in India

Time: 2231.22

is attenborg everybody you need to stop

Time: 2234.52


Time: 2242.76

uh I think coming into a category which

Time: 2245.38

is so price sensitive launching at

Time: 2247.24

Double the price point of others and

Time: 2249.339

then selling on function is very hard to

Time: 2251.8

do right and they really cracked a

Time: 2253.839

genuine Insight in a category

Time: 2256.38

that's a very unique very little

Time: 2258.46

competition and coming in at that price

Time: 2261.52

very interesting 100 crores a month

Time: 2264.04

that's insane I think what they're

Time: 2265.9

genuinely cracked

Time: 2267.9

Indian consumers very value conscious

Time: 2270.46

and there are some Brands who come in

Time: 2271.839

and say yeah this is I think

Time: 2273.46

Adam will be one of those yeah the it's

Time: 2275.8

not price it is valuable it's genuinely

Time: 2277.66

yeah I think that's what they are

Time: 2278.859

showing constantly yeah now others have

Time: 2280.839

come in and raised the price so now

Time: 2282.339

we'll see now big competition has come

Time: 2284.44

back and says

Time: 2288.839

so let's see so you feel attenborg story

Time: 2293.5


Time: 2295.18

there are three how I divide the atomic

Time: 2297.88

brand okay one is the product

Time: 2301.98


Time: 2308.04


Time: 2310.32

that is one side

Time: 2312.64

second is the really cracked the

Time: 2315.339

aspiration level

Time: 2316.9


Time: 2323.28

India started spending a lot on

Time: 2325.3

Interiors people have started doing it

Time: 2326.98

yeah and that's the second part is

Time: 2328.599

aspiration and third is

Time: 2334.38

completely online it's online influence

Time: 2338.079

but purchase is offline current right so

Time: 2340.48

it has to be digital first but purchase

Time: 2344.26

POS has to be offline so no no Channel

Time: 2346.119

Market fit both

Time: 2350.64

stronger which one do you feed which

Time: 2352.78

obviously Tino goes hand in hand or hand

Time: 2355.54

in hand and that's why they've been able

Time: 2356.619

to crack it but which one do you feel is

Time: 2358

the bigger part of their success out of

Time: 2359.98

all three

Time: 2361.18


Time: 2364.119

without the product nothing would have

Time: 2365.859


Time: 2367.24

right so that started it which is why I

Time: 2369.64

think is the most important rest

Time: 2371.5

got cracked along the way

Time: 2373.66

but genuinely they created with came up

Time: 2376

with a new product inside and a new

Time: 2378.46


Time: 2379.68

it is here I really like their thing

Time: 2384.099

communication because I feel what they

Time: 2385.9

did is what luxury brands do so atomberg

Time: 2389.26

learned from luxury Brands and what

Time: 2390.88

luxury Brands usually do is

Time: 2392.92

they come up with

Time: 2394.859

obsessively expensive product

Time: 2397.42

and they

Time: 2398.92

they communicate a language which

Time: 2402.099

justifies the reason for that purchase

Time: 2404.88

right look at let's say Louis Vuitton

Time: 2407.5

and I was at Louis Vuitton showroom and

Time: 2409.96

they have a perfume 1.1 lakh 1.2 Lakers

Time: 2414.88

they communicate that perfume by saying

Time: 2416.98


Time: 2419.22

particular ingredients

Time: 2423.42

right okay now they're giving me a

Time: 2427.119

reason to justify that purchase in my

Time: 2429.16

head Key by whale vomited

Time: 2433.48

and technically what atomberg did the

Time: 2435.46

same thing I'm giving you a show of

Time: 2437.82


Time: 2442.5

so every time you tell your brother you

Time: 2445.119

tell your people together

Time: 2449.76

it makes sense I think that's what they

Time: 2452.74

did and that's what like Jordans do

Time: 2454.359

that's what other brands do right okay

Time: 2458.88

which was a large old traditional brand

Time: 2461.579

crack cream crack cream amazing bread

Time: 2465.46


Time: 2494.22

single product in every distribution

Time: 2496.119

Channel possible

Time: 2497.56

on a on a particular India inside not

Time: 2500.079

copy pasting area Indian customer needs

Time: 2502.96

this is

Time: 2511.8

wrong but okay that and then of course

Time: 2516.579

Bye darshan by Patel knows something in

Time: 2518.859

the country there has to be he

Time: 2520.48


Time: 2521.76

the pulse of Indian market I don't know

Time: 2524.079

how one person may come up with so many

Time: 2526.18

good products yeah

Time: 2530.38


Time: 2540.099

it's wild as well it's amazing you know

Time: 2542.68

darshan by Patel for everybody you don't

Time: 2544.359

know is

Time: 2558.16


Time: 2580.06


Time: 2610.8


Time: 2614.28

okay so now the question was India

Time: 2617.02

culture specific brand you said how do

Time: 2619.24

you understand India

Time: 2622.42

what have you understood about India

Time: 2624.3


Time: 2626.28

I think value for money which is

Time: 2628.98

consistent but

Time: 2631.18

consumers it's not just

Time: 2634.359

price it is genuinely value for money

Time: 2636.4


Time: 2638.319


Time: 2646.06

second abhi

Time: 2648.579


Time: 2649.839

it has to genuinely solve a problem

Time: 2653.46

because disposable income

Time: 2656.8

and money to waste

Time: 2659.22

right we're getting there like where

Time: 2661.48

people will start consuming but

Time: 2662.8


Time: 2665.079

so people consume when there's a need

Time: 2667.839

right so if you see just everybody all

Time: 2670.839

those amazing Brands like crack cream

Time: 2672.339

that came and genuinely solved for needs

Time: 2675.24

consumers are going to spend on

Time: 2677.98

right this is

Time: 2690.96

also do you need yeah and so people and

Time: 2694.48

the product says exactly what it does

Time: 2697.24

and so it can scale nice I think that's

Time: 2699.76

genuinely second third I think India

Time: 2702.16

made the

Time: 2703.24

we are very very family and friends

Time: 2705.22

oriented okay right

Time: 2709.02

there's joint families and lots of

Time: 2711.04

places people are tied to the United

Time: 2712.119

communities so products that help you

Time: 2714.88

stand out in front of your community

Time: 2716.68

status status

Time: 2718.079

solve for status in your community they

Time: 2722.5

make sense

Time: 2723.88

right yeah and those do well so which is

Time: 2726.339

why the attenborg example saying

Time: 2730.5

a status for that Community yeah so it

Time: 2733.839

solves for it like us

Time: 2736.74

and people don't go to each other's

Time: 2738.88

houses here people are concentrating

Time: 2740.38

each other's houses

Time: 2741.64

which is why a Crockery your home

Time: 2743.56

furnishing what it what your fan is

Time: 2745.98

right you know India is probably the

Time: 2749.44

only country in the world fridge

Time: 2755.26

right so your fridge has to do good

Time: 2757

that's in India inside yeah so if you

Time: 2759.579

look at fridge ads there are some

Time: 2761.02

fridges which is solve for function

Time: 2762.7

function function but a lot of fridge

Time: 2765.04

ads we'll talk about looks

Time: 2796.56

yeah have you noticed this pattern and

Time: 2799.42

that's one of the reasons

Time: 2803.04

at scale

Time: 2805


Time: 2806.319

if you look at U.S market

Time: 2808.66

and I'm just pointing out based on what

Time: 2810.64

you said so correct me if I'm wrong

Time: 2823.18


Time: 2852.3

I think the difference is

Time: 2855.96


Time: 2857.619

your friends and family make you feel

Time: 2859.78

good that's why you spend time with

Time: 2861.88

people because it's a very close culture

Time: 2863.7

feel good

Time: 2865.859

that if you're living alone they need to

Time: 2868.06

entertain yourself in the house you

Time: 2869.26

don't have company so then you feel good

Time: 2871.24

there are different and what you spend

Time: 2872.68

on is different yeah you know my third

Time: 2874.839

like one of the therapists I met she

Time: 2877.48

used to crack a joke and she was like us

Time: 2891.16

that's a good one

Time: 2893.38

but it's so true

Time: 2896.79


Time: 2906.54

okay tell me the three

Time: 2911.2

three things that uh

Time: 2914.98

a Founder should have Founders

Time: 2917.02

definitely need a crazy amount of drive

Time: 2918.66

right because

Time: 2920.98

the value gets created when you're doing

Time: 2923.619

something that others don't believe in

Time: 2924.94

right if everybody else is in it

Time: 2929.28

right when we started the mom's company

Time: 2931.599

we had to go and tell manufacturers

Time: 2934.74

with the smallest of items they refuse

Time: 2937.18

like many of them refuse to work

Time: 2940.72

right but you need to have that little

Time: 2942.52

bit of drive to actually do very very

Time: 2944.44

different things because as a Founder as

Time: 2947.02

an entrepreneur that's where you create

Time: 2948.28

value right so yeah

Time: 2950.44

I think second you have to be very clear

Time: 2952.48

okay what you are starting is a team

Time: 2954.819

sport right you have to be able to be

Time: 2957.52

the captain of the team and take the

Time: 2959.26

entire team along with you yes

Time: 2961.56

right so if you are a solo single

Time: 2964.119


Time: 2965.14

who actually thrives in being excellent

Time: 2967.66

to yourself

Time: 2968.92

find a business that works for you

Time: 2971.44

right if you are very clear okay you've

Time: 2974.14

done work in Life or you've done group

Time: 2975.76

projects as an example or you worked

Time: 2977.38

with other people or you know how to get

Time: 2979

the best out of other people your

Time: 2980.98

chances of success are far higher and

Time: 2983.02

because there's no way that one person

Time: 2984.28

can take care of everything in the

Time: 2986.319


Time: 2987.28

and I think third is you have to have

Time: 2990.52

numbers on the back of your hand and no

Time: 2992.92


Time: 2994.78

all right I've recently actually in the

Time: 2996.579

last two three years when the markets of

Time: 2998.2

frothy I've met enough people jinka idea

Time: 3001.38

brilliant hair execution

Time: 3006.78

always come back to buy two because

Time: 3008.76

there are enough people in the chain who

Time: 3010.319

want to take you for a ride seven

Time: 3012.06

interesting counter question for you uh

Time: 3014.94

who made app is what it is today Tim

Time: 3017.04

Cook or Steve Jobs both why because

Time: 3020.22

Supply any other team are you an

Time: 3022.44

interesting Insight when Tim Cook took

Time: 3024.3

over what was the valuation of apple and

Time: 3026.76

what is it today

Time: 3027.9

I don't know this so Tim Cook took about

Time: 3030.42

10 11 years ago it was 250 billion today

Time: 3033.72

is 3 trillion 250 billion dollars

Time: 3036.3

today's three trillion

Time: 3038.579

so Tim Cook has taken Apple 12x in

Time: 3042

valuation from where it was in 10 years

Time: 3044.7

from whatever Steve Jobs had built till

Time: 3046.44

then right so I think there's a place in

Time: 3049.68

life as Founders for both but the amount

Time: 3052.559

of value that great Executives great

Time: 3055.619

CEOs can come in and create in business

Time: 3057.3

this is phenomenal we like to believe

Time: 3059.94

it's always a Founder story yeah right

Time: 3062.339

but and the founder stories are what are

Time: 3064.74

celebrated and so on but Executives and

Time: 3066.9

people who can constrain and really

Time: 3069.359

align processes systems and actually

Time: 3073.46

creation I keep getting shocked at this

Time: 3076.619

number oh yes

Time: 3080

no that's true and there's a story by uh

Time: 3084

I think Steve Jobs only said it

Time: 3085.559

somewhere Tim Cooks was gonna join like

Time: 3088.26

a big company some other company

Time: 3090.92

and random file message

Time: 3096.44


Time: 3101.18

so this was not supposed to happen Steve

Time: 3103.92

Jobs just found it foreign

Time: 3149.3

I'll see what he's done and of course

Time: 3151.68

then and he became the backbone of

Time: 3153.78

everything yeah he started service

Time: 3155.819

centers he started bringing that thing

Time: 3157.5

iPhone case

Time: 3161.54

all of that is

Time: 3165.619

on the different sizes of the iPhones

Time: 3168.42

the big size and that many experiment

Time: 3170.7


Time: 3172.16

Cooks innovation

Time: 3182.96

and finding those two in one person is

Time: 3185.7

very very hard

Time: 3187.22

finding the disrupter and the innovator

Time: 3189.72

and the scalar right amazing ideas

Time: 3193.579

for amazingly execute because

Time: 3196.7

yeah and especially in one photo there

Time: 3199.38

was the last question which I really

Time: 3200.339


Time: 3208.28

me up

Time: 3216.059


Time: 3250.22

and all that

Time: 3252.42

all of that

Time: 3254.4


Time: 3259.74

right so

Time: 3261.2

I think my big realization was give body

Time: 3265.319


Time: 3269.76

people have very little room to play and

Time: 3272.16

make screw-ups or make errors

Time: 3275.359


Time: 3277.579


Time: 3281.839

leverage cash

Time: 3285.619

which will make the difference

Time: 3295.68


Time: 3297.14

work on relationship in the beginning

Time: 3299.66

work on systems yeah otherwise they

Time: 3302.46

break they can't work on their

Time: 3303.78


Time: 3315.859

you always get back to that thing and

Time: 3318.42

that's all the relationships

Time: 3320.24


Time: 3328.64

so the same person behaves very

Time: 3330.66

differently because he's part of a

Time: 3332.819

system wow so you set your own system

Time: 3335.88

early on with your manufacturers you

Time: 3339.18

keep building it

Time: 3340.38

so with our manufacturers

Time: 3342.8

relationship based then at a point we

Time: 3345.42

said sorry an initial satta because

Time: 3348.079

we come up with one system that I will

Time: 3351.24

tell you

Time: 3354.2

and so let me move to that system then

Time: 3356.579

when we got better we moved to a weekly

Time: 3358.079


Time: 3358.859

saying again very inventory

Time: 3365.819

then we went to a stage where

Time: 3368.24

significance we used to sit in the

Time: 3371.339

factory and do the batch manufacturing

Time: 3372.839

process with them

Time: 3379.26

so you went from being completely you

Time: 3381.24

know oversight to fully understanding

Time: 3383.04

the plant along with them side by side

Time: 3384.98

interesting wow completely running the

Time: 3388.14

plant side by side with them yeah

Time: 3389.7

because they were and they were happy

Time: 3390.9

because they said

Time: 3393.5

yeah so they're very happy we are so

Time: 3396.72

that relationship grew like that company

Time: 3399.3

grew 5x with us that one plant

Time: 3401.76

nice perfect this this became like a lot

Time: 3406.2

of my doubt layering session

Time: 3409.04

I'm so happy that we did this podcast I

Time: 3412.079

really like this kind of podcasts where

Time: 3462.44

until the next episode keep figuring out

Time: 3468.56


Time: 3473.46


Time: 3476.31


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