Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast

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where we discuss science

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and science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew Huberman.

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And I'm a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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This podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science-related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker analyzes your blood and DNA

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to give you an accurate assessment

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of your health and your biological age.

Time: 42.95

There are many things about our health

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that can only be analyzed from blood and DNA tests.

Time: 47.75

I've been getting my blood assessed for many years now.

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And about a year ago, I switched to InsideTracker.

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What I like about InsideTracker

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is that you get all this information back

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about metabolic factors, endocrine factors, et cetera,

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that are really important to your health.

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But unlike a lot of blood tests

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where you just get all the numbers back and it tells you

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whether or not things are high, normal, or low,

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InsideTracker also has this really useful

Time: 71.16

and really easy-to-use dashboard

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that takes the information for your blood and DNA tests

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and points you toward particular behavioral, nutritional,

Time: 80.44

and other sorts of protocols that you can use

Time: 82.18

to get the numbers where you want them for your health.

Time: 85.72

If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

Time: 87.8

you can go to

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and they will give you 25% off any of their programs.

Time: 94.35

Again, their programs allow you to assess your health

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from the inside,

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things that you could just never assess

Time: 99.6

from any kind of test that didn't involve blood and DNA.

Time: 103.09

And it also has this really interesting feature

Time: 105.54

that it can measure your inner age,

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which is based on biology.

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Your chronological age, of course, is very informative

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about your health and where you ought to be

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in terms of health metrics, but people vary.

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We know people, of course,

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that are in their late 90s who are doing well.

Time: 119.58

We know people that are in their 50s who are struggling

Time: 122

or even in their 20s.

Time: 123.19

So, blood and DNA are the way to analyze your health.

Time: 125.86

That's my belief.

Time: 126.693

That's why I use InsideTracker.

Time: 128.43

So, go to

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to get 25% off any of their products

Time: 134.09

and use "Huberman" at checkout.

Time: 136.73

Our second sponsor of today's episode is Helix Sleep.

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Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows

Time: 142.52

that are ideally suited to your needs

Time: 144.95

for the best night's sleep possible.

Time: 147.55

I switched to using a Helix mattress and Helix pillow

Time: 150.8

this last year

Time: 151.92

and I'm sleeping better than I ever have before.

Time: 154.62

The way that Helix mattresses work

Time: 156.67

and the reason they're different,

Time: 157.76

is that they are tailored to your individual sleep style.

Time: 161.34

Your sleep style can be assessed by going to their website,

Time: 164.24

you take a brief two-minute questionnaire quiz.

Time: 167.21

Asks you questions like, do you sleep on your back

Time: 169.26

or your side or your stomach?

Time: 170.52

Maybe you don't know

Time: 171.353

or maybe you move around a lot during the night.

Time: 173.6

It also asks you questions such as do you tend to run hot

Time: 176.54

or wake up cold, things of that sort.

Time: 179.35

And then they tailor a particular mattress

Time: 182.02

to your sleep needs.

Time: 183.4

For me, I matched to the so-called Dusk, D-U-S-K mattress.

Time: 186.6

And I love it.

Time: 187.5

I sleep better than ever.

Time: 189.06

And right now, if you want to try Helix Sleep

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you can go to

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And if you do that, you'll get $200 off your order

Time: 198.46

plus two free pillows.

Time: 200.21

They also have a great warranty.

Time: 201.3

They have a 10-year warranty on their mattresses.

Time: 203.7

If you don't like the mattress for any reason,

Time: 205.86

they'll pick it up for free from your home.

Time: 207.644

And they just make the whole thing really easy to try

Time: 211.63

and determine whether or not it's right for you.

Time: 213.24

So again, it's to get $200 off

Time: 218.04

and two free pillows on your first order.

Time: 221.11

Some of you have asked how you can help support the podcast

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in yet other ways, besides just checking out our sponsors.

Time: 227.54

We really appreciate the question

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and we've set up a Patreon account

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which allows you to donate to the podcast

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at a variety of different levels.

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We have, for instance, the 5-HTP,

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which is in honor of a serotonin.

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5-HTP is the name for serotonin

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that it allows you to donate $5 per month.

Time: 249.64

We have the circadian,

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which as many of you, of course, will know is 24-hour day.

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So, you can donate $24 a month if you like.

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You can also pick any value that you want.

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We even have the Costello, which is $10 a month

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which allows you to support the podcast

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in honor of Costello.

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The fact that he's 10 years old,

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that he eats 10 pounds of food a day,

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and the fact that he takes 10 one-hour naps per day

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on average.

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So again, that's

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if you'd like to support the podcast that way.

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Today's episode is going to be all about

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the science of emotions.

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The first month of the podcast,

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we talked about sleep and wakefulness.

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Last month, we were talking about neuroplasticity,

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the brain's ability to change in response to experience.

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And this month we're going to talk

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about these things that we call emotions.

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We're going to decipher what they are, how they work,

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how we can control them

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when we might not want to control them.

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There are going to be four episodes on emotions.

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And today, we're going to talk in particular

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about something that most often is called stress.

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Now, you might be thinking, "Wait, stress isn't an emotion."

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But stress really lies at the heart of whether or not

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our internal experience is matched well or not

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to our external experience where the events

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that are happening to us and around us.

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And as you'll soon, see those converge or combine

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to create what we call emotions.

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Now, I want to be very clear

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that we're going to talk about the biology of emotions,

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we're going to talk a little bit

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about some psychological concepts related to emotion,

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and we are definitely going to talk

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about tools to control what we call stress

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or commonly think of as stress.

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We're also going to clean up some common myths about stress.

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For instance, that stress impairs your immune system.

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That's true in certain contexts.

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And in other contexts,

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stress actually enhances your immune system

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and makes it function better.

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There is going to be a lot of discussion

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about whether or not our internal state,

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whether or not we are alert or calm is good or bad,

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depending on the circumstances.

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So, where we're headed here

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is I'd like you to come away from today's episode

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with what I call an organizational logic,

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a framework for thinking about these things

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that typically we just call happy or sad

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or depressed or anxious.

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And I'm going to make sure that you have tools

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that are grounded in physiology and neuroscience

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that will allow you to navigate this otherwise complex space

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that we call emotions

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that will allow you to ground yourself better

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when you're feeling like life is weighing on you,

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where you're kind of being pulled by the currents of life

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as well as to support other people

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whether or not that's in a psychological practice

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if you're a practitioner, or you have clients or children

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or spouses, really, to be able to support other people

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in your environment better.

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And the tools that I'm going to focus on today

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range from behavioral tools.

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We will talk about some of the more valuable

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supplementation tools that are out there.

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And we're going to talk a little bit

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about things like depression, PTSD,

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but we will be devoting entire episodes

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to things like depression, PTSD, and even attention deficit

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and obsessive compulsive disorder,

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which believe it or not,

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although this might not surprise many of you,

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have a very strong emotional component.

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It's just not just about compulsive behaviors

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and intrusive thoughts.

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It's also about the emotional load of being in that state.

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So, I promise that today we're going to clean up

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a lot of misunderstanding.

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We're going to give you a lot of tools

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and you're going to learn a lot

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about the biology of how your body and brain work together.

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Because if ever there was a topic

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that brought together the brain and body

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or mind-body relationship, it's stress and emotions.

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It's also the positive emotions.

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When we feel something,

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whether or not we're super happy

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or just feeling kind of pleasant

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or we are feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed,

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it isn't just in our head.

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It's also in our body.

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And as you may recall, the nervous system,

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which includes the brain and the eyes and the spinal cord,

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but also all the connections with the organs of the body

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includes the brain and body.

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And those organs of the body,

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your gut, and your liver, and your spleen,

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they're also communicating with the brain.

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So, I look forward to a day, in fact,

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when we no longer think about neuroscience

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as just the brain.

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And many neuroscientists now

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also think about the body, of course.

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And the brain controls the body,

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but the body is also having a very profound

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and concrete influence on the brain.

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I think up until recently, people would hear

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about kind of brain-body and always think about mindfulness.

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We're actually not going to talk

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that much about mindfulness at all today.

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Mindfulness is kind of a vague concept, in fact.

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When you think about mindfulness,

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it's good to take the opposite.

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What's the opposite of mindfulness?

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Would be mindlessness.

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Well, all of a sudden we're into territory

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that isn't really easy for one person

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to describe their experience

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or to help others with their experience.

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Today, we're going to talk about objective tools

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that match the brain-body experience

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or separate the brain-body experience

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in ways that leverage your ability to lean into life better,

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to feel better, literally to just feel better

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about what you're experiencing,

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and believe it or not, to be able to control your emotions

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when that's appropriate.

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This isn't about becoming robotic.

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This isn't about trying not to feel human.

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This is actually about being able to lean into life better

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as a consequence of being able to control

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some of your inner real estate.

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This nervous system that includes the brain and body

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and how that nervous system is interacting

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with the outside world.

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So, it's to place you in a greater position of power.

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And so, let's get started in deciphering what is stress,

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what are emotions, and why did I batch stress and emotions

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into one discussion today?

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So, what is stress?

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We hear all the time that stress is bad.

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We hear people saying they're really stressed out.

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What is stress?

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You've all presumably heard the arguments or the framework

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that stress is this horrible ancient carryover over

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from times in which humans were pursued by animals

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or other human predators

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and that whenever we feel what we call stress

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or feel stressed out,

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that it's just this unfortunate invasion of something

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that we no longer need in modern life,

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that this was designed for when we were being attacked

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by bears or tigers or lions or whatever it is.

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And gosh, what an unfortunate thing.

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And we have so many creature comforts nowadays,

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but we have not eliminated this stress.

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Almost as if it was like an organ or a system in our body

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that was bad for us, that we're stuck with

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just because of the species that we are.

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But first of all, all species experience stress.

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And I think that it's fair to say

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even though I wasn't there,

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that yes, in fact, throughout our evolutionary history,

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we were vulnerable to animal attack

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and other human attacks on a regular basis

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up until a point where we started developing weapons

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and structures and fire and other things

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that allow us to protect ourselves better

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from those animals and invaders of various kinds.

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But it is entirely naive for us to think

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that in ancient times,

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ancient times being kind of loose term

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for previous on medieval times,

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100 years ago, 1000 years ago, 10,000 years ago,

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of course, there were infidelities, right?

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Partners cheated.

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People died.

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In fact, before the advent of phones,

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which we're going to talk about today,

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you can imagine that someone might head off on a hunt

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or to go visit a relative and never come back

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and you would never know why.

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That would be very stressful.

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So, there was psychosocial stress.

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There was the stress of losing loved ones.

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There was the stress of cold, of famine.

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There was the stress probably also of just worry.

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This idea that ancient versions of humans

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1000 years ago, 100 years ago didn't worry,

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I think that is entirely inconsistent

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with everything we know about the structure

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of the human brain 100 years, 1000 years ago.

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So, all the problems that we're struggling with

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existed forever.

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It's just that stress at its core is a generalized system.

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It wasn't designed for tigers attacking us

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or people attacking us.

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It's a system to mobilize other systems in the brain

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and body.

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That's what stress really is.

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It's designed to be generic.

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And that's the most important thing

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that I'd like you to understand today,

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is that the system that governs what we call stress

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is generic.

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It wasn't designed for one thing.

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And that gives it a certain advantage

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in taking over the state of our brain and body,

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but it also gives you, all of us

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an advantage in controlling it

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because it's based on hard-wired biological mechanisms

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and there are hard-wired biological mechanisms,

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meaning cells and chemicals and pathways and tissues

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that exist in you right now that require no neuroplasticity

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that allow you to put a brake on stress.

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And so, we're going to talk about those.

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So, you have a system for stress

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and you have a system for distress that are baked into you.

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They were genetically encoded.

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And you were born with them and you still have them now.

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So, if you're alive and listening,

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you have the capacity to control your stress.

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And today, I'm going to talk about ways

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that you can control your stress,

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not just by doing some offline practice of meditation

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or breath work or something like that,

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but real-time tools.

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Tools that allow you to push back on stress

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when stress hits in real time.

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This is something that my lab works actively on

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in developing and testing these tools

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and evolving these tools.

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And there are other laboratories that do this as well.

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So, let's talk about the stress response.

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And by doing that, you will understand exactly why

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the tools I'm going to give you work.

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For those of you that are saying,

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"Wait, I just want the tools.

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Just give me a summary,"

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trust me, if you understand mechanism,

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you are going to be in a far better position

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to incorporate these tools, to teach these tools to others,

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and to modify them as your life circumstances change.

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If you'd like the cheat sheet

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or you just want the one-page PDF,

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eventually we'll get that stuff out to people,

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but it's really important to understand

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the underlying mechanism.

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So, what is stress?

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Well, let's just distinguish between stressors,

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which are the things that stress us out,

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and stress, which is the psychological

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and physiological response to stressors.

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I'm mainly going to talk about stress,

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which is your response to things.

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Let's be clear about what we already know,

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which is that stressors can be psychological

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or they can be physical.

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If I put you outside on a cold day without a jacket

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for a very long time,

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that is stressful.

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If I have you prepare for too many exams at once

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and you can't balance it all with your sleep schedule

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and your other needs for comfort and wellbeing,

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like food, rest, sleep, and social connection,

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that is stressful.

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So, stress, and as I mentioned before, is generic.

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It doesn't distinguish

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between physical and emotional stress.

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So, what happens when the stress response hits?

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Let's talk about the immediate

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or what we call the acute stress response.

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We could also think of this as short-term stress.

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So, you have a collection of neurons.

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They have a name.

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It's called the sympathetic chain ganglia.

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And it has nothing to do with sympathy.

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Sympa means together.

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And there's a group of neurons

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that start right about at your neck

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and run down to about your navel, a little bit lower,

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and those are called the sympathetic chain ganglia.

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You don't need to memorize that name.

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There will not be a quiz.

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But it's important to know that in the middle of your body,

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you have a chain of neurons

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that when something stresses us out,

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either in our mind

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or because something enters our environment

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and we see something that stresses us out,

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that we don't like heights if you're afraid of heights,

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somebody you dislike walks into the room, et cetera,

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that chain of neurons becomes activated

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like a bunch of dominoes falling on all at once.

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It's very fast.

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When that happens,

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those neurons release a neuromodulator neurochemical

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that I've talked about before on this podcast

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called acetylcholine.

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They release that at various sites within the body.

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Now, this is important because normally,

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acetylcholine would be used to move muscles.

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Actually, every time we move a muscle,

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pick up a cup of coffee, write with a pen,

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walk down the street,

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it's spinal neurons connecting to muscle

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and releasing acetylcholine.

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So, in the brain it's involved in focus

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and it muscles is involved in making muscles twitch.

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But if we were stressed,

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we wouldn't want all our muscles to contract at once

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because we would just be kind of like paralyzed like this

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in what tonic activation, as it's called.

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We wouldn't want that.

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Something called tetanus, believe it or not.

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because the tetanus toxin will cause that kind of rigor

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of the entire body.

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You do not want that.

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When those neurons are activated, acetylcholine is released,

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but there are some other neurons

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for the aficionados out there.

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They're called the postganglionic neurons.

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Those ones respond to that acetylcholine

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and then they release epinephrine,

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which is the equivalent to adrenaline.

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So, we have this system where it's very fast

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whenever we're stressed,

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the core of our body,

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these neurons down the middle of our body

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release these chemicals

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and then there's adrenaline or epinephrine

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released at particular organs and acts in particular ways.

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We're going down into the weeds here.

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So just stay with me because it's going to make a lot of sense

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and you will appreciate having this knowledge in hand.

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That epinephrine acts in two different ways.

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Some things like the muscles of your legs and your heart

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and other things that need to be active

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when you're stressed,

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they have a certain kind of receptor

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which is called the beta receptor.

Time: 1123.57

And that beta receptor responds to epinephrine

Time: 1125.77

and blood vessels dilate.

Time: 1127.96

They get bigger and blood rushes in to our legs.

Time: 1131.02

The heart rate speeds up.

Time: 1133.03

Lots of things happen that get activated.

Time: 1135.35

And at the same time,

Time: 1137.07

that epinephrine activates other receptors

Time: 1140.93

on certain tissues that we don't need.

Time: 1142.78

The ones involved in digestion, reproduction,

Time: 1146.24

and things of that sort that are luxuries

Time: 1149.13

for when things are going well,

Time: 1150.72

not things to pay attention to when we're stressed.

Time: 1153.37

And that binds to other receptors

Time: 1155.64

that contract the blood vessels.

Time: 1157.84

So, basically the stress response,

Time: 1159.94

this is the key phrase here,

Time: 1161.07

the stress response A, is generic, I said that before,

Time: 1164.39

and B, it basically pushes certain systems to be activated

Time: 1170.38

and other systems to not be activated.

Time: 1173.21

So, the stress response is two-pronged.

Time: 1175.37

It's a yes for certain things

Time: 1177.28

and it's a no, you may not right now for other things.

Time: 1180.2

So, that's the key thing to understand

Time: 1181.66

about the stress response.

Time: 1182.68

That's why your heart speeds up.

Time: 1184.03

That's why you feel blood in certain organs

Time: 1186.91

and tissues of your body, but not in others.

Time: 1189.13

That's why your throat goes dry

Time: 1191.09

because it turns out that when you get stressed,

Time: 1194.83

the salivary glands are shut down.

Time: 1196.66

There's a lot less blood flow

Time: 1198.42

to the neurons that control salivation.

Time: 1201.25

And so, you're going to start swallowing.

Time: 1202.77

You feel like your throat is getting dry.

Time: 1204.62

There are a lot of different effects.

Time: 1205.78

I'm not going to list them all off, but basically,

Time: 1208.27

you are activated in ways that support you moving.

Time: 1212.29

So, that's the third thing.

Time: 1213.19

It's first of all, it's generic.

Time: 1214.64

Second of all, the stress response, activate certain things

Time: 1217.69

and shuts down other features of our body.

Time: 1219.76

And then it's a sense of agitation

Time: 1222.33

that makes you want to move.

Time: 1223.89

And that's because fundamentally,

Time: 1226.16

the stress response is just this generic thing

Time: 1228.33

that says do something.

Time: 1230.65

And movement in this case can either be the bias

Time: 1233.05

to move in terms of action,

Time: 1235.41

or it can be the bias to say something.

Time: 1238.57

When we are stressed, we are more likely to say something

Time: 1241.92

that probably we shouldn't say.

Time: 1243.66

We are more likely to move.

Time: 1246.14

And if you're trying to suppress movement,

Time: 1247.59

you'll feel that as a tremor.

Time: 1249.62

You're going to feel agitated

Time: 1250.88

and that's because it was designed to move you.

Time: 1253.35

So, this is important because if you want to control stress,

Time: 1257.73

you need to learn how to work with that agitation.

Time: 1262.6

I'd like to give you a tool at this point,

Time: 1265.39

because I think if we go any further

Time: 1268.08

with a lot more science,

Time: 1269.23

people are going to begin to wonder if this is just going to be

Time: 1271.97

a kind of standard university lecture

Time: 1273.6

about the stress response.

Time: 1274.84

I'm going to give you more signs about the stress response,

Time: 1277.44

but I want to take what we now already know

Time: 1279.81

about the stress response

Time: 1281.7

and use that as a framework for thinking about

Time: 1286.02

how one might reduce or even eliminate the stress response

Time: 1290.37

quickly in real time, should it arise when we don't want it.

Time: 1294.14

So, we're taking the podium

Time: 1295.41

or we're sitting down at a Zoom call,

Time: 1297.92

and all of a sudden we're feeling flushed.

Time: 1299.615

We're feeling like our heart is racing.

Time: 1301.68

We're feeling a little too alert.

Time: 1303.24

We're feeling a little worked up and we want to calm down.

Time: 1307.68

As far as I am aware of,

Time: 1311.16

the best tools to reduce stress quickly,

Time: 1315.3

so-called real-time tools are going to be tools

Time: 1318.43

that have a direct line

Time: 1320.63

to the so-called autonomic nervous system.

Time: 1322.8

The autonomic nervous system is a name given

Time: 1325.07

to the kind of general features of alertness

Time: 1327.7

or calmness in the body.

Time: 1329.93

Typically, it means automatic.

Time: 1331.26

Although we do have some control over it

Time: 1332.8

at certain what so-called leavers are entry points.

Time: 1336.07

Here's what doesn't work to control stress.

Time: 1338.7

Telling yourself to calm down.

Time: 1340.46

In fact, that tends to just exacerbate stress.

Time: 1343.19

Telling someone else to calm down

Time: 1344.51

also tends to exacerbate their stress.

Time: 1347.41

If you want to reduce the magnitude of the stress response,

Time: 1351.35

the best thing you can do is activate

Time: 1354.57

the other system in the body

Time: 1356.05

which is designed for calming and relaxation.

Time: 1359.73

And that system is called

Time: 1361.52

the parasympathetic nervous system.

Time: 1363.77

Because as I mentioned before,

Time: 1365.11

the neurons that control stress

Time: 1366.45

run from about your neck to your navel.

Time: 1368.73

The parasympathetic neurons, para just means near,

Time: 1371.58

exist in, they're some of the cranial nerves.

Time: 1374.72

So, it's kind of left neck and lower brainstem.

Time: 1377.46

Kind of back of the brain and in the neck

Time: 1379.49

and in the pelvic area.

Time: 1381.57

And the parasympathetic nervous system is really interesting

Time: 1385.65

because especially the cranial nerves,

Time: 1387.83

the ones that are up in the brainstem and in the neck area,

Time: 1391.89

those have a direct line to various features of your face,

Time: 1396.22

in particular, the eyes.

Time: 1398.03

They control things like eye movements, pupil dilation,

Time: 1401.5

things of that sort,

Time: 1402.71

as well as the tongue, the facial muscles, et cetera.

Time: 1405.84

The parasympathetic nervous system,

Time: 1407.4

many people don't realize this,

Time: 1408.89

is the system by which we control the face and the eyes,

Time: 1412.43

and to some extent, our airway, the trachea.

Time: 1415.95

And it's these neurons that reside within the pelvic area.

Time: 1420.47

Now, the neurons within the pelvic area

Time: 1422.16

are involved in control of the genitals, the bladder,

Time: 1426.24

and the rectum.

Time: 1427.49

And those don't have a direct line.

Time: 1430.47

You don't have a direct way to control those.

Time: 1432.77

It actually has to go from brain to spinal cord

Time: 1434.7

and then out to those organs.

Time: 1436.17

Whereas the parasympathetic nervous system

Time: 1438.69

has certain entry points or what I'll call leavers

Time: 1442.74

that will allow you to push back on the stress response

Time: 1445.42

in real time and diminish it

Time: 1447.51

and feel more relaxed really quickly.

Time: 1449.32

So, I'm going to teach you the first tool now,

Time: 1451.55

so I don't overwhelm you with all this academic knowledge

Time: 1453.87

without giving you something useful.

Time: 1455.97

And the tool that at least to my knowledge is the fastest

Time: 1461.63

and most thoroughly grounded in physiology and neuroscience

Time: 1465.51

for calming down in a self-directed way

Time: 1468.43

is what's called the physiological sigh, S-I-G-H.

Time: 1472.28

Now, some of you might've heard me talk about this

Time: 1474.24

on previous podcasts,

Time: 1475.27

but I'm going to explain this in the context

Time: 1477.96

of how respiration in general is used to calm us down.

Time: 1482.92

And turns out you're all doing this all the time,

Time: 1484.66

but you are doing it involuntarily.

Time: 1487.06

And when you stress, you tend to forget

Time: 1489.22

that you can also activate these systems voluntarily.

Time: 1492.47

This is an extremely powerful set of techniques

Time: 1495.03

that we know from scientific studies

Time: 1497.54

that are being done in my lab, Jack Feldman's lab at UCLA,

Time: 1500.36

and others now that are very, very useful

Time: 1504.45

for reducing your stress response in real time.

Time: 1507.31

And here's how they work.

Time: 1508.52

These days, there seems to be a lot of interest

Time: 1511.01

in breath work.

Time: 1512.21

Breath work typically, is when you go and you sit down

Time: 1515.17

or you lie down and you deliberately breathe

Time: 1517.46

in a particular way for a series of minutes

Time: 1520

in order to shift your physiology, access some states.

Time: 1522.67

And it does have some utility that we're going to talk about,

Time: 1525.39

that is not what I'm talking about now.

Time: 1528.054

What I'm talking about when I refer to physiological sighs,

Time: 1530.95

is the very real medical school textbook relationship

Time: 1535.9

between the brain, the body,

Time: 1539.61

and the body as it relates to the breathing apparati,

Time: 1543.06

meaning the diaphragm and lungs and the heart.

Time: 1546.34

Let's take the hallmark of the stress response.

Time: 1548.63

The heart starts beating faster.

Time: 1550.23

Blood is shuttled to the big muscles of the body

Time: 1552.03

to move you away from whatever it is the stressor is

Time: 1555.49

or just make you feel like you need to move or talk.

Time: 1557.76

Your face goes flushed, et cetera.

Time: 1560.07

Heart rate, many of us feel is involuntary.

Time: 1563.29

Just kind of functions whether or not we're moving fast

Time: 1565.62

or moving slow.

Time: 1566.453

If you think about it, it's not really purely autonomic

Time: 1569.57

because you can speed up your heart rate by running

Time: 1571.98

or you can slow it down by slowing down your run.

Time: 1575.83

You can move to a walk or lie down.

Time: 1577.78

But that's indirect control.

Time: 1579.84

There is however, a way in which you can breathe

Time: 1582.21

that directly controls your heart rate

Time: 1584.37

through the interactions between the sympathetic

Time: 1587.18

and the parasympathetic nervous system.

Time: 1589.63

Here's how it works.

Time: 1591.39

When you inhale,

Time: 1593.47

so whether or not it's through the nose

Time: 1595.01

or through the mouth,

Time: 1596.84

this skeletal muscle that's inside your body

Time: 1600.15

called the diaphragm, it moves down.

Time: 1603.34

And that's because the lungs expand,

Time: 1604.95

the diaphragm moves down.

Time: 1607.19

Your heart actually gets a little bit bigger

Time: 1609.05

in that expanded space.

Time: 1610.45

There's more space for the heart.

Time: 1611.84

So, not your emotional heart getting bigger.

Time: 1614.08

I'm talking about your actual physical heart

Time: 1615.98

getting a little bit bigger.

Time: 1616.89

The volume grows.

Time: 1617.95

And as a consequence, whatever blood is in there

Time: 1620.94

is now at a lower volume or moving a little bit more slowly

Time: 1625.46

in that larger volume than it was before you inhaled.

Time: 1630.26


Time: 1631.214

So more space, heart gets bigger.

Time: 1632.1

Blood moves more slowly.

Time: 1633.36

And there's a little group of neurons

Time: 1635.07

called the sinoatrial node in the heart that registers,

Time: 1640.07

believe it or not,

Time: 1640.903

those neurons pay attention

Time: 1642.23

to the rate of blood flow through the heart

Time: 1644.181

and send a signal up to the brain

Time: 1647.3

that blood is moving more slowly through the heart.

Time: 1650.67

The brain then sends a signal back to the heart

Time: 1653.39

to speed the heart up.

Time: 1655.23

So, what this means is

Time: 1656.24

if you want your heart to beat faster,

Time: 1658.86

inhale longer, inhale more vigorously than your exhales.

Time: 1666

Now, there are a variety of ways that one could do that,

Time: 1668.6

but it doesn't matter if it's through the nose

Time: 1670.18

or through the mouth.

Time: 1671.013

If your inhales are longer than your exhales,

Time: 1672.83

you're speeding up your heart.

Time: 1674.87

If your inhales are more vigorous,

Time: 1676.25

so even if your inhales are shorter than your exhales,

Time: 1678.62

you are speeding up your heart rate.

Time: 1680.97

Now, the opposite is also true.

Time: 1682.47

If you want to slow your heart rate down,

Time: 1684.4

so stress response hits,

Time: 1686.01

you want to slow your heart rate down,

Time: 1689.19

what you want to do is again,

Time: 1690.82

capitalize on this relationship between the body,

Time: 1693.6

meaning the diaphragm and the heart and the brain.

Time: 1695.8

Here's how it works.

Time: 1696.633

When you exhale, the diaphragm moves up,

Time: 1700.48

which makes the heart a little bit smaller.

Time: 1702.78

It actually gets a little more compact.

Time: 1704.28

Blood flows more quickly through that compact space

Time: 1707.61

sort of like just a pipe getting smaller.

Time: 1710.53

The sinoatrial node registers

Time: 1712.27

that blood is going more quickly,

Time: 1713.66

sends a signal up to the brain.

Time: 1716.13

And the parasympathetic nervous system,

Time: 1718.32

some neurons in your brain stem send a signal

Time: 1720.98

back to the heart to slow the heart down.

Time: 1724.21

So, if you want to calm down quickly,

Time: 1726.73

you need to make your exhales longer

Time: 1729.86

and or more vigorous than your inhales.

Time: 1733.24

Now, the reason this is so attractive

Time: 1735.28

as a tool for controlling stress

Time: 1737.67

is that it works in real time.

Time: 1740.44

This doesn't involve a practice that you have to go

Time: 1742.72

and sit there and do anything separate from life.

Time: 1745.36

And we are going to get to emotion.

Time: 1747.24

Emotions and stress happen in real time.

Time: 1750

And so, while it's wonderful to have a breath work practice

Time: 1752.75

or to have the opportunity to get a massage

Time: 1755.04

or sit in a sauna or do whatever it is that you do

Time: 1757.34

in order to set your stress controls in the right direction,

Time: 1760.64

having tools that you can reach to in real time

Time: 1762.97

that require no learning,

Time: 1764.41

I mean, I had to teach it to you, you had to learn that,

Time: 1766.83

but it doesn't require any plasticy

Time: 1768.33

to activate these pathways.

Time: 1769.7

So, if you're feeling stressed,

Time: 1771.24

you still need to inhale, of course,

Time: 1772.89

but you need to lengthen your exhales.

Time: 1777.06

Now, there's a tool that capitalizes on this

Time: 1780.2

in a kind of unique way, a kind of a twist,

Time: 1783.01

which is the physiological sigh.

Time: 1784.7

The physiological sigh was discovered in the '30s.

Time: 1787.23

It's now been explored at the neuro-biological level

Time: 1790.347

and mechanistically in far more detail

Time: 1792.74

by Jack Feldman's lab at UCLA.

Time: 1795.13

Also Mark Krasnow's lab at Stanford.

Time: 1797.86

And the physiological sigh is something that humans

Time: 1801.14

and animals do anytime they are about to fall asleep.

Time: 1805.66

You also do it throughout sleep from time to time

Time: 1808.11

when carbon dioxide,

Time: 1809.34

which we'll talk about in a moment,

Time: 1810.3

builds up too much in your system.

Time: 1812.31

And the physiological sigh is something

Time: 1814.009

that people naturally start doing when they've been crying

Time: 1817.17

and they're trying to recover some air or calm down

Time: 1820.22

when they've been sobbing very hard

Time: 1822.11

or when they are in claustrophobic environments.

Time: 1824.47

However, the amazing thing about this thing

Time: 1827.53

that we call the diaphragm, the skeletal muscle,

Time: 1829.41

is that it's an internal organ

Time: 1830.82

that you can control voluntarily,

Time: 1832.35

unlike your spleen or your heart or your pancreas

Time: 1836.23

where you can't just say, "Oh, I want to make my pancreas

Time: 1838.32

turn out a little more insulin right now.

Time: 1839.7

I'm just going to do that with my mind directly."

Time: 1841.73

You can't do that.

Time: 1842.563

You can do that by smelling a really good donut

Time: 1844.46

or something,

Time: 1845.293

but you can't just do it directly.

Time: 1846.77

You can move your diaphragm intentionally, right?

Time: 1850.68

You can do it anytime you want.

Time: 1851.92

And it'll run in the background

Time: 1854.05

if you're not thinking about it.

Time: 1854.97

So, this incredible pathway

Time: 1856.65

that goes from brain to diaphragm

Time: 1859.2

through what's called the phrenic nerve, P-H-R-E-N-I-C.

Time: 1862.78


Time: 1863.613

The phrenic nerve innervates the diaphragm.

Time: 1865.93

You can control anytime you want.

Time: 1867.39

You can double up your inhales or triple up your inhales.

Time: 1869.83

You can exhale more than your inhales.

Time: 1872.01

Whatever you want to do.

Time: 1873.63

Such an incredible organ.

Time: 1874.85

And the physiological sigh is something

Time: 1877.67

that we do spontaneously.

Time: 1878.76

But when you're feeling stressed,

Time: 1880.7

you can do a double inhale, [inhales deeply]

Time: 1885.377

[exhales] long exhale.

Time: 1888.45

Now, I just told you a minute ago

Time: 1889.94

that if you inhale more than you exhale,

Time: 1891.94

you're going to speed the heart rate up,

Time: 1893.63

which would promote more stress and activation.

Time: 1896.15

Now I'm telling you to do a double inhale-exhale

Time: 1898.44

in order to calm down.

Time: 1900.09

And the reason is the double inhale-exhale

Time: 1903.02

which is the physiological sigh

Time: 1906.35

takes advantage of the fact that when we do a double inhale,

Time: 1909.01

even if the second inhale is sneaking in

Time: 1910.81

just a tiny bit more air,

Time: 1911.743

because it's kind of hard to get to deep inhales back to back,

Time: 1914.75

you do big deep inhale

Time: 1915.583

and then another little ones sneaking it in,

Time: 1917.86

the little sacks in your lungs.

Time: 1919.65

If you only have the lungs.

Time: 1920.71

Your lungs are just two big bags,

Time: 1922.11

but you've got millions of little sacks

Time: 1923.82

throughout the lungs that actually make the surface area

Time: 1926.54

of your lungs as big as a tennis court.

Time: 1928.68

It's amazing if we were to just spread out.

Time: 1931.13

Those tend to collapse as we get stressed.

Time: 1934.21

And carbon dioxide builds up in our bloodstream

Time: 1937.37

and that's one of the reasons we feel agitated as well.

Time: 1940.38

So, and it makes us very jittery.

Time: 1942.81

I mean, there's some other effects of carbon dioxide

Time: 1944.63

I don't want to get into,

Time: 1945.75

but when you do the double inhale-exhale,

Time: 1948.01

the double inhale reinflates

Time: 1949.75

those little sacks of the lungs.

Time: 1951.16

And then when you do the long exhale,

Time: 1953.81

that long exhale is now much more effective

Time: 1956.95

at reading your body and bloodstream of carbon dioxide,

Time: 1960.32

which relaxes you very quickly.

Time: 1962.6

My lab in collaboration with David Spiegel's lab,

Time: 1966.16

David's the Associate Chair of Psychiatry at Stanford,

Time: 1969.13

are doing a study right now

Time: 1970.58

exploring how physiological sighs

Time: 1973.05

and other patterns of breathing done deliberately

Time: 1975.66

can modulate the stress response

Time: 1977.38

and other things related to emotionality.

Time: 1979.27

Those work are ongoing.

Time: 1980.67

I want to be clear those studies aren't done.

Time: 1982.74

But it's very clear from work in our labs,

Time: 1986.23

from work in Jack Feldman's lab and others,

Time: 1989.04

that the physiological sigh is the fastest, hardwired way

Time: 1994.52

for us to eliminate this stressful response in our body

Time: 1997.94

quickly in real time.

Time: 1999.57

And so, I'm excited to give you this tool

Time: 2002.33

because I think most people have heard that mindfulness

Time: 2005.38

and meditation is good, exercise is good for us,

Time: 2007.42

we all need to be getting enough sleep, et cetera,

Time: 2009.6

but life happens.

Time: 2010.97

And when you find yourself in a position

Time: 2013.26

where you are more alert and activated

Time: 2015.21

than you would like to be,

Time: 2016.28

regardless of whether or not the stressor

Time: 2018.04

is relationship-based or it's financial or it's physical

Time: 2023.11

or anything like that,

Time: 2025.02

you can look to the physiological sigh

Time: 2026.9

because it bypasses a very important feature

Time: 2030.31

of how we function,

Time: 2031.143

which is that it's very hard to control the mind

Time: 2033.94

with the mind,

Time: 2034.83

especially when we are in heightened states of activation.

Time: 2039.44

When you're very alert or very sleepy,

Time: 2041.77

it is very hard to use these so-called top-down mechanisms

Time: 2045.11

of intention and gratitude and all these things

Time: 2048.84

that are really powerful tools when we are not

Time: 2051.88

super activated and stressed or not super tired.

Time: 2055.34

But when we are anywhere in the range

Time: 2057.84

of very alert and stressed to very sleepy,

Time: 2060.61

physiological sighs are a powerful way

Time: 2062.84

of bringing our level of so-called autonomic activation,

Time: 2065.9

which just means our level of alertness down.

Time: 2068.14

And so, whether or not it's in line at the bank

Time: 2070.03

or whether or not you're wearing a mask nowadays

Time: 2072.48

or you're not,

Time: 2073.45

whatever the conditions may be where you're at

Time: 2076.21

and your needs,

Time: 2077.35

when you're feeling stressed,

Time: 2079.35

the physiological sigh done just one to three times,

Time: 2081.923

it will be double inhale, exhale,

Time: 2083.72

double inhale, exhale maybe just two times

Time: 2086.09

will bring down your level of stress very, very fast.

Time: 2090.85

And as far as I know,

Time: 2091.69

it's the fastest way to accomplish that.

Time: 2094.21

An important note about the physiological sigh

Time: 2097.32

or exhale-emphasized breathing

Time: 2099.45

for lowering the stress response.

Time: 2103.03

Many people worry that their heart rate

Time: 2106.6

does not come down fast enough.

Time: 2109.55

I want to tell you you do not want your heart rate

Time: 2111.99

to reduce very fast.

Time: 2113.61

There's actually something called the vasovagal response,

Time: 2116.25

where people will stand up

Time: 2117.37

or they'll get up in the middle of the night

Time: 2118.38

to use the bathroom and then all of a sudden,

Time: 2119.72

they'll collapse, they'll faint.

Time: 2122.3

That's because the heart rate was reduced too much.

Time: 2124.86

Some people will see blood

Time: 2126.14

or they'll see something really troubling and stressful

Time: 2129.68

and they'll pass out.

Time: 2130.84

That's an over-activation

Time: 2133.42

or an acceleration of the calming response.

Time: 2135.56

They're not so stressed

Time: 2136.49

that they kind of fall off the cliff of stress.

Time: 2139.18

They get so stressed

Time: 2140.42

that the rebound mechanism for calming themselves down

Time: 2143.57

goes too high, too fast.

Time: 2145.63

They calmed down too fast and they collapse and faint.

Time: 2148.4

And so, be aware that if you're going

Time: 2150.19

to use the physiological sigh

Time: 2151.7

or exhale-emphasized breathing to calm down,

Time: 2154.53

that your heart rate will take about 20 to 30 seconds

Time: 2157.45

to come down to baseline.

Time: 2159.32

And you may need to repeat the physiological sigh

Time: 2161.46

a few times.

Time: 2162.3

So, that's an important note about the use of breathing

Time: 2166.17

to control levels of stress.

Time: 2168.18

The other thing is that when you decide to look to the body

Time: 2173.2

to control the mind,

Time: 2175.56

it does something else that's very powerful.

Time: 2177.62

When you are stressed in your mind and body,

Time: 2179.87

so you're feeling really agitated, activated, and worried,

Time: 2183.1

and you use a tool like the physiological sigh

Time: 2186.07

or exhale-emphasized breathing,

Time: 2188.1

you will notice that then your brain and your mind

Time: 2190.85

becomes more available for controlling the stress response

Time: 2193.8

and reacting to it.

Time: 2194.87

Which is great because the sweet spot in life is to be,

Time: 2198.66

provided you're not trying to sleep,

Time: 2199.95

is to be alert and calm.

Time: 2201.67

And so, that's the idea.

Time: 2202.503

Is to be alert and calm

Time: 2203.367

and to bring you back into that sort of plane of alertness.

Time: 2208.55

For those of you that have trouble sleeping

Time: 2210.46

or just relaxing through the day,

Time: 2212.5

the physiological sigh can be repeated

Time: 2214.73

for 10, 15 cycles if you like.

Time: 2217.4

Some people find that it actually puts them to sleep.

Time: 2219.97

So, if they lie down and they're reading

Time: 2221.88

and they do too many of these,

Time: 2223.04

that actually can put them to sleep.

Time: 2224.3

And what you'll find is that most breath work protocols,

Time: 2227.27

the kind of stuff that's done away from real life,

Time: 2229.67

that you set aside time

Time: 2231.01

and decide to do quote unquote, breath work,

Time: 2233.53

most of that works such that if you're doing inhales

Time: 2237.55

that are longer and more vigorous than exhales,

Time: 2239.3

it tends to be activating and alert you.

Time: 2241.05

If you're doing exhales that are longer

Time: 2243.27

and more vigorous than the inhales,

Time: 2244.41

it tends to put you to sleep.

Time: 2245.41

And many of the protocols that are out there

Time: 2247.6

from laboratories and that populate the internet

Time: 2250.94

and wellness sites and whatnot,

Time: 2252.61

if it's exhale-emphasized breathing,

Time: 2254.15

oftentimes has been used as a tool

Time: 2255.94

for trying to teach people to fall asleep.

Time: 2258.03

Physiological sigh is a little different.

Time: 2259.5

It's designed to be used in real time.

Time: 2260.79

Just think of it is just kind of in your kit of things

Time: 2263.17

that you can do as life happens

Time: 2266.2

and as you need to react to life.

Time: 2268.37

A note about nasal versus mouth breathing,

Time: 2270

there's a plethora of information out there now

Time: 2273.26

because of James Nestor's book,

Time: 2274.557

"Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art,"

Time: 2277.41

which came out this last year.

Time: 2278.62

Excellent book.

Time: 2279.49

As well as "Jaws" which is from Sandra Kahn, Paul Ehrlich

Time: 2283.25

with a foreword by Jared Diamond and Robert Sapolsky.

Time: 2287.65

So, a collection of people from Stanford.

Time: 2289.65

Jared Diamond is not at Stanford, but the rest are.

Time: 2292.01

And some heavy hitters on that book,

Time: 2293.96

which is about the benefits of nasal breathing.

Time: 2296.61

And in many cases, nasal breathing is more advantageous

Time: 2299.09

than mouth breathing for all sorts of things.

Time: 2300.81

Cosmetic features of the face, especially in kids,

Time: 2304.1

warding off infection, et cetera.

Time: 2306.45

With the physiological sigh, the best way to do it

Time: 2308.83

would be double inhale through the nose,

Time: 2310.76

exhale through the mouth.

Time: 2311.68

But if you can't,

Time: 2312.513

and you can only do that through your mouth,

Time: 2313.93

just do it through your mouth.

Time: 2314.91

If want to do all through your nose, do it through your nose.

Time: 2318.35

This anchors back to some underlying neurology

Time: 2321.07

or neuroscience.

Time: 2323.34

So, for those of you that want to know,

Time: 2324.76

you have two breathing centers.

Time: 2326.1

One that's involved in rhythmic breathing

Time: 2327.97

for inhales followed by exhales,

Time: 2329.42

followed by inhales followed by exhales.

Time: 2330.89

The so-called pre-Botzinger nucleus

Time: 2333.46

named after a bottle of wine

Time: 2335.04

and discovered by Jack Feldman at UCLA

Time: 2337.07

and a nearby nucleus called the parafacial nucleus

Time: 2339.56

also discovered by Jack Feldman at UCLA.

Time: 2342.65

And the parafacial nucleus is involved

Time: 2344.93

in any time you double up the inhales

Time: 2346.67

or double up the exhales.

Time: 2347.88

It was designed so that you could breathe

Time: 2349.79

while you're speaking

Time: 2350.92

because you can't always go inhale, exhale,

Time: 2352.62

inhale, exhale when you're speaking.

Time: 2354.17

So, I tell you this, not to overwhelm you with knowledge,

Time: 2357.04

but just know that when you double up your inhales

Time: 2359.32

or you double up your exhales,

Time: 2360.153

you are activating this parafacial nucleus.

Time: 2362.73

And it has other cool effects.

Time: 2365.07

Because it's located near the neurons that control the face,

Time: 2368.53

it also has a tendency to relax the jaw.

Time: 2370.78

There's some interplay between the neurons

Time: 2372.22

that control the speaking stuff

Time: 2374.7

and the stuff for your tongue.

Time: 2375.88

So, all of a sudden, when we do this physiological sigh,

Time: 2378.22

we tap into neural circuitry that allows us

Time: 2380.78

to speak more clearly,

Time: 2382.65

to control the muscles of the face and jaw.

Time: 2384.78

Maybe that means not saying certain things

Time: 2386.44

when we're stressed,

Time: 2387.96

and just generally to relax.

Time: 2390.14

And so, this brings us back to the neuroscience

Time: 2393.56

of this parasympathetic nervous system.

Time: 2395.62

This calming system that's been genetically encoded into us

Time: 2400

that we all have, regardless of who our parents are,

Time: 2402.6

which is that the neurons that control all this stuff,

Time: 2405.09

the face, the eyes, et cetera,

Time: 2407.18

are all working together.

Time: 2409.5

And that's why when we get stressed,

Time: 2411.07

it's hard for us to speak or we tend to jitter

Time: 2412.977

and these kinds of things.

Time: 2414.1

Just like all the neurons that cause stress

Time: 2416.03

in the center of the spinal cord are working together

Time: 2417.77

to get our body activated.

Time: 2419.78

Okay, lot of science today.

Time: 2421.01

You've now got the physiological sigh as a tool.

Time: 2423.27

You know the exhale-emphasized breathing

Time: 2424.83

will slow your heart down

Time: 2426.486

and inhale-emphasized breathing will speed your heart up.

Time: 2431.32

So, let's think about something now.

Time: 2433.7

Let's think about stress from not whether or not

Time: 2437.34

it's acute or chronic,

Time: 2438.73

whether or not it's good for us or bad for us,

Time: 2440.25

but on three different timescales.

Time: 2442.41

Because then we can arrive at what this is all about

Time: 2446.32

as it relates to emotions.

Time: 2447.67

Because trust me, this has everything to do with emotions

Time: 2451.3

and whether or not you're functioning well emotionally

Time: 2453.77

or you're not functioning well emotionally,

Time: 2455.42

whether or not you're coping or not coping.

Time: 2457.45

So, those are typically psychological terms

Time: 2459.6

and psychological discussions.

Time: 2460.98

We are entering this through the portal of physiology.

Time: 2463.64

The stuff of medical textbooks.

Time: 2465.21

And we will arrive at the psychology soon,

Time: 2468.4

but I really want you to understand the difference

Time: 2470.15

between the three kinds of stress

Time: 2473.01

on three different timescales,

Time: 2474.48

short-term, medium-term, and long-term,

Time: 2477.01

and what it's good for and what it's bad for.

Time: 2479.96

I think we've all heard that stress is bad for us.

Time: 2483.22

We've seen these pictures intended to frighten us.

Time: 2486.49

And indeed they are frightening.

Time: 2487.65

You see the nice really plump brain on the left.

Time: 2490.74

It says healthy or control.

Time: 2492.19

And then you see the brain that says stressed

Time: 2494.84

above it on the right and it's like withered,

Time: 2497.51

where we see that the hippocampus

Time: 2499.12

and area involved in memory is smaller.

Time: 2501.51

People that are stressed.

Time: 2502.86

We see that the Alzheimer's brain is made worse by stress.

Time: 2506.36

That people who have a predisposition to schizophrenia,

Time: 2508.45

when they get stressed,

Time: 2509.283

higher incidence of schizophrenia episodes.

Time: 2512.4

You hear that addicts will relapse when they're stressed.

Time: 2515.6

I mean, okay, we get it.

Time: 2517.6

And it's very important,

Time: 2518.5

but I think we've all heard now so many times

Time: 2520.01

that stress is bad.

Time: 2522.51

But in that conversation, unfortunately,

Time: 2526.22

it's eclipsed some of the really positive things

Time: 2529

that stress does for us in the short-term.

Time: 2531.98

So, stress can be short-term, medium-term, or long-term.

Time: 2534.73

Long-term stress is indeed bad

Time: 2536.74

for all the reasons I just mentioned and many others.

Time: 2539.51

But what's never actually been discussed

Time: 2541

is what stress is so terrific for,

Time: 2543.91

positive for in the short-term.

Time: 2546.24

And I think we tend to overlook the important question,

Time: 2550.01

which is what is short-term and what is long-term?

Time: 2552.72

No one ever bothers to tell us what is chronic,

Time: 2554.85

what is acute.

Time: 2555.93


Time: 2556.763

Is it five minutes?

Time: 2557.596

Is it five days?

Time: 2558.429

Is it for the duration of final exams?

Time: 2559.841

Or is it for the duration of a senior thesis in college?

Time: 2563.847

No one actually draws boundaries around this stuff

Time: 2566.34

or even general guidelines.

Time: 2568.09

And so, it's become a bit of a mess, frankly,

Time: 2572.02

to try and decipher this whole space around stress.

Time: 2574.53

So, I'm going to try and clean some of this up for you

Time: 2577.22

based on what we know from the scientific data.

Time: 2580.64

First of all, acute stress,

Time: 2583.31

when the stress response hits,

Time: 2584.78

that is good for your immune system.

Time: 2587.05

I know that might be a tough pill to swallow,

Time: 2588.79

but it's absolutely true.

Time: 2590.9

In fact, stress often comes in the form of bacterial

Time: 2595.47

or viral infection.

Time: 2597.33

And the stress response is in part organized

Time: 2601.74

to combat bacterial and viral infection.

Time: 2604.71

There are pathways from the same brain centers

Time: 2607.76

that activate these neurons in your spinal cord

Time: 2610.99

to make you feel like you want to move.

Time: 2612.99

There are other neurons in your brain

Time: 2615.063

that activate things like your spleen,

Time: 2617.58

which will deploy killer cells to go out

Time: 2620.1

and scavenge for incoming bacteria and viruses

Time: 2622.86

and try and eat them up and kill them.

Time: 2625.56

So, short-term stress

Time: 2627.89

and the release of adrenaline in particular or epinephrine,

Time: 2631.47

same thing, adrenaline and epinephrine,

Time: 2633.33

is good for combating infection.

Time: 2636.98

And this to me is just not discussed enough.

Time: 2639.28

So, that's why I'm discussing it here.

Time: 2641

And it relates to a particular tool

Time: 2642.86

that many of you ask about,

Time: 2644.97

but I don't often get the opportunity to talk about

Time: 2647.86

in such an appropriate context.

Time: 2649.96

It's not that it's ever inappropriate to talk about,

Time: 2652.98

but what I'm about to talk about now is the use of,

Time: 2655.8

again, respiration breathing

Time: 2658.293

to somewhat artificially activate the stress response.

Time: 2663.97

And that will accomplish two things.

Time: 2665.86


Time: 2666.693

I'll return to medium and long-term stress,

Time: 2668.04

but I want to say short-term stress is good

Time: 2670.58

because the dilation of the pupils,

Time: 2673.02

the changes in the optics of the eyes,

Time: 2674.66

the quickening of the heart rate,

Time: 2676.2

the sharpening of your cognition.

Time: 2677.89

And in fact that short-term stress

Time: 2679.71

brings certain elements of the brain online

Time: 2682.58

that allow you to focus.

Time: 2684.17

Now, it narrows your focus.

Time: 2685.33

You're not good at seeing the so-called big picture,

Time: 2687.69

but it narrows your focus.

Time: 2689.01

It allows you to do these,

Time: 2690.73

what I call duration path outcome types of analysis.

Time: 2693.23

It allows you to evaluate your environment,

Time: 2694.78

evaluate what you need to do.

Time: 2696.48

It primes your whole system for better cognition.

Time: 2699.5

It primes your immune system to combat infection.

Time: 2702.22

And that all makes sense when you think

Time: 2703.84

about that the fact that famine, thirst,

Time: 2708.73

bacterial infections, viral infections, invaders,

Time: 2711.69

all of this stuff liberates a response in the body

Time: 2714.37

that's designed to get you to fight back

Time: 2717.28

against whatever stressor that happens to be.

Time: 2719.54

Psychological, physical, bacterial, viral.

Time: 2722.61

Again, the stress response is generic.

Time: 2725.4

The tool takes advantage of the fact

Time: 2728.37

that when adrenaline is released in the body

Time: 2732.9

from the adrenals,

Time: 2734.43

it has the effect of also liberating

Time: 2736.59

a lot of these killer cells from the immune organs,

Time: 2740.18

in particular from the spleen,

Time: 2741.48

but from elsewhere as well,

Time: 2743.16

and interactions with the lymphatic system

Time: 2745.62

that combat infection.

Time: 2749.71

The way this works in the real world is best captured

Time: 2753.53

by a study that can be mapped back

Time: 2756.49

to so-called Wim Hof breathing.

Time: 2759

Now, Wim Hof breathing is so named

Time: 2761.22

after the so-called "Iceman," Wim Hof.

Time: 2764.19

Wim Hof, of course, being this Dutch.

Time: 2766.7

He, I think he has self-titled Daredevil.

Time: 2769.28

And indeed he has many, many Guinness Book of World Records

Time: 2772.77

for things like swimming under icebergs

Time: 2775

and going up Kilimanjaro in his shorts

Time: 2777.44

and crossing the desert without water, et cetera.

Time: 2782.68

Things that are quite dangerous

Time: 2784.72

if you don't know what you're doing.

Time: 2786.75

And Wim obviously survived or I'm telling you he survived.

Time: 2790.82

But there are two components to a sort of breathing protocol

Time: 2794.54

that he developed that was based also

Time: 2797.64

on what's called Tummo breathing, T-U-M-M-O.

Time: 2800.23

So, before Wim, there was Tummo breathing.

Time: 2802.2

And many people call this now super oxygenation breathing.

Time: 2806.22

Although the breath work aficionados will probably say,

Time: 2809.44

well, it's not super oxygenation

Time: 2810.97

because you're also blowing an awful lot of carbon dioxide.

Time: 2813.87

What I'm talking about here,

Time: 2815.64

regardless of whether or not it's called Wim Hof, Tummo,

Time: 2818.32

or super oxygenation, is rapid deliberate breathing.

Time: 2822.78

So, it's deliberate hyperventilation.

Time: 2825.7

Why would somebody want to do this?

Time: 2826.95

Well, deliberate hyperventilation done for maybe 25 cycles.

Time: 2831.35

So inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

Time: 2834.17

Typically, it's done in through the nose

Time: 2835.61

out through the mouth.

Time: 2836.443

Although sometimes it's just through the mouth.

Time: 2838.71

If you do that for 15 breaths, 20 breaths, 25 breaths,

Time: 2843.63

you will feel very alert.

Time: 2844.97

People who have anxiety will feel anxious.

Time: 2847.81

They might even have an anxiety attack.

Time: 2850.36

However, we need to ask

Time: 2852.62

why that kind of breathing feels that way.

Time: 2855.28

And it's because that pattern of breathing,

Time: 2857.04

rapid movements of the diaphragm

Time: 2859.74

will liberate adrenaline from the adrenals.

Time: 2862.31

So, it's the release of adrenaline.

Time: 2864.47

I mentioned that Wim is also called "The Iceman."

Time: 2866.78

Well, that's because he actually discovered

Time: 2869.33

this pattern of breathing, somewhat.

Time: 2872.31

And again, it maps back to Tummo breathing

Time: 2875.81

by going into cold water.

Time: 2877.3

When you go into cold water, that too is a stressor

Time: 2879.72

and you liberate adrenaline in response to cold water.

Time: 2882.86

So, if you get into an ice bath or a cold shower,

Time: 2885.06

you will immediately release adrenaline from your adrenals.

Time: 2890

Now, there are all sorts of things related to this

Time: 2891.67

about psychological control

Time: 2893.04

and stress thresholds that we'll talk about,

Time: 2895.18

but I really want people to understand

Time: 2896.72

that when adrenaline is released in the body,

Time: 2898.67

you are in a better position to combat infections.

Time: 2902.82

And so, whether or not you breathe very quickly

Time: 2905.32

in these cycles of 25 breaths

Time: 2907.71

and regardless of what you call it, doesn't matter,

Time: 2910.13

adrenaline is released.

Time: 2911.31

If you take a cold shower, adrenaline is released.

Time: 2913.87

If you go into an ice bath deliberately,

Time: 2916.65

and even if you do it non-deliberately,

Time: 2919.69

adrenaline is released.

Time: 2920.86

You are mimicking the stress response.

Time: 2923.08

And that adrenaline serves to suppress

Time: 2927.06

or combat incoming infections.

Time: 2929.82

And this was beautifully shown in a study

Time: 2931.65

that was published in a very fine journal,

Time: 2933.7

the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Time: 2935.7

for the US."

Time: 2937.14

It's literally called

Time: 2938.397

"Proceedings of the National Academy of USA"

Time: 2940.66

to distinguish it from other proceedings

Time: 2942.59

of other national academies in other countries.

Time: 2947.07

The way the experiment went is that people were injected

Time: 2951.17

with endotoxin or in some cases they were injected

Time: 2955.41

with a bacterial wall that mimics infection.

Time: 2959.29

It gives you a fever.

Time: 2960.29

It makes you feel nauseous.

Time: 2961.34

It makes you feel sick.

Time: 2962.173

It is not pleasant.

Time: 2964.05

Half of the people did a particular pattern of breathing

Time: 2967.21

that looked very much like the pattern of breathing

Time: 2969.18

I described a moment ago of doing 25 deep inhales

Time: 2973.18

and exhales followed by an exhale holding their breath.

Time: 2976.27

Then repeating 25 inhales, exhales holding their breath.

Time: 2979.43

So, this would look something like this,

Time: 2980.68

or if you're listening,

Time: 2981.513

it sounds like [inhaling and exhaling].

Time: 2984.34

25, 30 times, you'll start feeling heated up.

Time: 2986.96

You'll start feeling the adrenaline response.

Time: 2988.57

You're liberating adrenaline in your body.

Time: 2990.05

Then exhale, hold your breath for 15 seconds

Time: 2993.68

and then repeat.

Time: 2994.76

And then typically, after doing three

Time: 2996.5

or four rounds of that,

Time: 2997.41

they would inhale very deeply and hold their breath.

Time: 2999.67

Now, I want to emphasize never ever, ever do this

Time: 3002.38

anywhere near water.

Time: 3003.77

People have passed out.

Time: 3005.62

So-called shallow water blackout.

Time: 3007.09

People have died.

Time: 3007.923

Don't do it in the bathtub.

Time: 3008.756

Don't do it the hot tub.

Time: 3009.589

Don't do it before swimming.

Time: 3010.67

Please don't do it anywhere near water.

Time: 3012.04

Please don't do it at all,

Time: 3013.14

unless you get clearance to do it from your doctor

Time: 3015.4

because there are some pulmonary effects and whatnot.

Time: 3017.47

And the breath holds should definitely not be done

Time: 3019.34

by anyone that has glaucoma pressure concerns for the eyes.

Time: 3023.58

But these repeated cycles of breathing

Time: 3026.52

that liberate adrenaline

Time: 3028.32

allowed the group that did that protocol

Time: 3031.28

to essentially experience zero symptoms

Time: 3033.66

from the ejection of this E. coli, which is remarkable.

Time: 3037.72

They had much reduced or no symptoms.

Time: 3039.76

They didn't feel feverish.

Time: 3041.05

They didn't feel sick.

Time: 3041.93

They weren't vomiting, no diarrhea, which is remarkable,

Time: 3044.58

but makes total sense when you think about the fact

Time: 3047.28

that the short-term stress response there,

Time: 3049.33

what's typically called the acute stress response,

Time: 3051.1

it's designed to combat all stressors.

Time: 3054.43

In fact, were you to cut yourself very deeply

Time: 3058.38

while out on a hike in the woods,

Time: 3060.4

the other thing that would happen

Time: 3061.92

is that there would be a rapid inflammation response.

Time: 3066.37

And we always hear inflammation is bad.

Time: 3068.38

Inflammation gives us Alzheimer's.

Time: 3070.05

Inflammation is the worst thing.

Time: 3071.57

But the swelling is associated,

Time: 3073.94

the inflammation is associated with the recruitment

Time: 3076.72

of things like macrophages

Time: 3079.02

or microglia if it's a neural tissue.

Time: 3081.73

Cells in our brain and body

Time: 3083.76

whose job is to act like little ambulances

Time: 3086.29

and rush to that site and clean it up.

Time: 3088.11

And indeed the inflammation response looks horrible,

Time: 3090.58

it sounds horrible,

Time: 3091.79

but it's a great thing in the short-term.

Time: 3093.79

You want to have that tissue marked as in trouble

Time: 3099.1

and you want the body and brain to react to it.

Time: 3101.77

So, if you're getting peaks in stress

Time: 3103.69

from time to time throughout your day

Time: 3105.26

or throughout your week,

Time: 3106.14

you are in a better position to combat infection.

Time: 3109.67

You are any better position to heal your wounds,

Time: 3112.69

physical wounds.

Time: 3114.22

Many great things happen in the stress response.

Time: 3117.15

Now, of course, the stress response

Time: 3118.59

isn't always super intense.

Time: 3120.2

Sometimes it's milder.

Time: 3121.75

Sometimes it allows us to just focus on something

Time: 3123.073

because we have a deadline.

Time: 3124.62

That can feel stressful,

Time: 3125.46

but that's one of the reasons you procrastinators out there,

Time: 3128.03

people are always asking me

Time: 3129.8

what can be done for procrastination?

Time: 3132.11

What can be done for procrastination

Time: 3133.52

is you can understand what's happening,

Time: 3135.71

which is that you are self-imposing stress

Time: 3138.77

because stress acts like a drug.

Time: 3140.78

It is a powerful nootropic.

Time: 3142.63

I get asked about nootropics.

Time: 3144.13

The most powerful nootropic or smart drug is stress.

Time: 3147.48

It's the concern of failure.

Time: 3149.31

It's the desire to do well.

Time: 3151.09

It's the impending deadline.

Time: 3152.6

It's the, "Oh my gosh, I have to do this thing now

Time: 3154.76

or I'm going to fail."

Time: 3155.593

That is the best nootropic you will ever find.

Time: 3158.22

That combined with a good night's sleep,

Time: 3159.91

which we'll talk about.

Time: 3161

But we spent a whole month on sleep.

Time: 3162.21

So, I don't want to backtrack too much.

Time: 3164.37


Time: 3165.203

So, short-term stress, great.

Time: 3167.54

The key is to be able to turn the stress response off

Time: 3171.62

when you're done, when you don't want that.

Time: 3174.05

In fact, let's just really tamp down

Time: 3177.36

the relationship between the short-term

Time: 3178.86

or acute stress response and infection.

Time: 3181.16

Many of us are familiar with the experience

Time: 3182.88

of work, work, work, work, work,

Time: 3184.1

or taking care of a loved one,

Time: 3185.69

or stress, stress, stress, stress, then we finally relax.

Time: 3188.07

Maybe we even go on vacation.

Time: 3189.64

Like, "Oh, now I'm finally going to get the break."

Time: 3191.36

And then we get sick.

Time: 3192.79

And that's because the adrenaline response crashed

Time: 3195.48

and your immune system crashed with it.

Time: 3198.38

So, please understand this.

Time: 3200.78

Now, many of you might say, "Well, how long?

Time: 3202.86

Is it two hours?

Time: 3203.81

Is it three hours?"

Time: 3204.643

A lot of you out there that really like specificity,

Time: 3206.38

it will vary for everybody.

Time: 3209.78

I would just kind of use a rule of thumb.

Time: 3211.81

When you are no longer able to achieve good sleep,

Time: 3214.78

what good sleep means to you,

Time: 3216.35

and please see the episodes on sleep

Time: 3218.06

if you want more about tools to sleep,

Time: 3220.43

when you are no longer able to achieve good sleep,

Time: 3223.69

you are now moving from acute stress to chronic stress.

Time: 3226.33

You need to be able to turn the stress response off.

Time: 3229.49

If I have one wish,

Time: 3230.95

well, I have many wishes for this lifetime,

Time: 3232.49

but if I have one wish today that I hope will permeate

Time: 3236.6

and spread out there,

Time: 3238.02

is this idea that we need from a young age,

Time: 3240.65

but even as adults and forever,

Time: 3243.14

we need to learn how to turn off our stress response.

Time: 3245.61

Physiological sigh is one.

Time: 3248.18

If we're going to activate our stress response intentionally

Time: 3250.6

by ice baths, cold showers,

Time: 3252.9

cyclic hyperoxygenated breathing, aka Tummo breathing

Time: 3256.03

or Wim Hof breathing,

Time: 3257.4

we also need to learn how to press the brake.

Time: 3260.75


Time: 3261.583

So, let's think about the stress system.

Time: 3263.11

It knows how to activate itself.

Time: 3265.18

Now we're talking about a way

Time: 3266.8

of deliberately activating your stress system

Time: 3269.55

in order to combat infection.

Time: 3270.83

I do this from time to time.

Time: 3271.96

I might feel a tickle in my throat

Time: 3273.47

or like I'm getting kind of run down,

Time: 3275.62

I will do this kind of breathing.

Time: 3277.57

I do.

Time: 3278.403

I will take 25 or 30 breaths.

Time: 3280.38

Exhale, hold my breath.

Time: 3282.177

25, 30 breaths again,

Time: 3284.18

exhale, hold my breath for about 15 seconds.

Time: 3286.82

25, 30 breaths again,

Time: 3288.24

exhale, hold my breath for 25 or 30 seconds.

Time: 3290.29

Then a big inhale.

Time: 3291.29

And I hold my breath until I feel the impulse to breathe.

Time: 3294.35

Again, I feel it's safe for me.

Time: 3296.4

I've run it by my doctor, so it's fine.

Time: 3298.27

You should not do this unless it's right for you.

Time: 3300.81

But I do this.

Time: 3301.643

Some people like the ice bath.

Time: 3303.56

I rarely do the ice bath.

Time: 3305.36

Some people like cold showers.

Time: 3306.6

I like hot showers.

Time: 3308.1

So, I take hot showers, but I do this kind of breathing.

Time: 3310.21

Again, they are all having more or less the same effect

Time: 3314.25

of increasing adrenaline,

Time: 3316.09

which allows you to combat the infection

Time: 3319.41

because you're activating the immune response.

Time: 3321.43


Time: 3322.52

So, now let's talk about medium-term stress.

Time: 3324.49

Medium-term stress is going to be stress

Time: 3326.6

that lasts anywhere from several days to several weeks.

Time: 3331.36


Time: 3332.314

We might think of that as long-term stress.

Time: 3333.42

There are times in life when we are just dealing with a lot.

Time: 3336.84


Time: 3337.673

This particular quarter,

Time: 3338.506

I happened to be directing a course, I'm doing the lab,

Time: 3340.93

I'm doing this.

Time: 3342.12

I enjoy all these things immensely,

Time: 3344.06

but I'm kind of near my threshold.

Time: 3346.67

I'm near the point where any additional thing,

Time: 3349.49

like I couldn't log onto a website the other day

Time: 3351.2

and it felt like the most intense thing in the world

Time: 3354.11

at that moment.

Time: 3354.943

And I kind of laughed at myself.

Time: 3355.94

Fortunately, I caught it.

Time: 3357.28

But that typically wouldn't be my response

Time: 3360.12

under conditions where I wasn't pushed to threshold.

Time: 3362.21

What is this medium-term stress?

Time: 3363.9

What is stress threshold?

Time: 3365.27

Well, stress threshold is actually our ability

Time: 3369.77

to cognitive re-regulate what's going on in our body.

Time: 3374.06

So, we all hear so much about we need to unify our mind

Time: 3377.96

and body.

Time: 3378.793

We need to be at one with our mind and body or whatever.

Time: 3381.72

Now I realize I'm kind of poking fun

Time: 3383.45

at some of the new agey language,

Time: 3384.65

but the reason I poke fun

Time: 3386.09

is not because I don't think it has value,

Time: 3387.54

but it has no specificity.

Time: 3389.2

What does that mean?

Time: 3390.033

I mean, I think I'm always in my body.

Time: 3391.97

I've never fortunately looked across the room

Time: 3393.92

and seen my arm over there or my leg over there.

Time: 3396.37

I'm connected to my body.

Time: 3398.05

There actually is a syndrome where people feel disconnected

Time: 3401.08

from their limbs.

Time: 3401.913

This is a real clinical condition.

Time: 3403.53

These people actually will seek out amputation.

Time: 3405.8

They will try and convince doctors

Time: 3407.09

to amputate certain portions of their body.

Time: 3409.26

It's a really terrible thing for people to have.

Time: 3413.01

And it relates to a change in central maps in the brain,

Time: 3416.36

believe it or not.

Time: 3417.23

Most of us want to keep our limbs,

Time: 3420.56

whichever ones we happen to have.

Time: 3422.03

And most of us feel one in mind and body

Time: 3424.74

so much so that when stress hits,

Time: 3426.24

we feel it in our mind and body.

Time: 3427.98

A lot of stress inoculation,

Time: 3430.91

a lot of managing medium-term stress

Time: 3433.833

on the timescale of weeks or maybe even a couple months,

Time: 3437.68

so we're not talking about years of stress,

Time: 3440.98

a lot of that has to do with raising our stress threshold.

Time: 3444.47

It's about capacity.

Time: 3446.61

And there are very simple tools, excellent tools

Time: 3449.86

that will allow us to modulate our capacity for stress.

Time: 3454.23

And they look a lot like the tools I just described.

Time: 3457.69

They involve placing oneself deliberately

Time: 3460.78

into a situation where our adrenaline is increased somewhat

Time: 3464.56

not to the extreme.

Time: 3466.39

And then when we feel flooded with adrenaline,

Time: 3470.49

and normally we would panic,

Time: 3472.46

it's about cognitively, mentally, emotionally

Time: 3476.24

calming ourselves and being comfortable

Time: 3478.68

with that response in our body.

Time: 3480.53

So, unlike trying to unify the mind and body

Time: 3483.19

and make it all calm or make it all alert,

Time: 3485.47

this is about dissociating mind and body in a healthy way.

Time: 3489.19

And what would this look like?

Time: 3490.97

Well, this is something I actually do as a practice

Time: 3493.09

because I mentioned before,

Time: 3495

you can use physiological sighs in real time,

Time: 3496.894

you can use the cyclic hyperoxygenation breathing

Time: 3501.07

to combat infection if you're feeling kind of run down.

Time: 3504.39

And there's also a way

Time: 3506.32

in which you can use things like cold showers,

Time: 3509.34

or if you exercise

Time: 3510.84

and you bring your heart rate up very high,

Time: 3512.58

you kind of go into that high-intensity realm

Time: 3514.75

where your heart is beating a little bit harder

Time: 3517.04

than you're comfortable with and that you're just you feel,

Time: 3521

some people think it's lactic acid.

Time: 3522.41

No one can agree on this what the burn is,

Time: 3525.11

whether or not it's lactic acids

Time: 3526.36

or it's buildup of hydrogen or whatever.

Time: 3528.21

I don't want to get into that, but we're all familiar

Time: 3529.85

with the intense feeling of your muscles kind of burning

Time: 3532.75

because you're working very hard physically.

Time: 3536.2

The key in those moments is to learn to relax the mind

Time: 3540.16

while the body is very activated.

Time: 3542.34

And what that tends to do,

Time: 3544.28

there's a limited amount of research on this,

Time: 3545.77

but what that tends to do is it tends to create a situation

Time: 3548.85

where what once felt like a lot feels manageable.

Time: 3553.46


Time: 3554.38

That you've raised your stress threshold

Time: 3555.54

or your stress capacity.

Time: 3557.24

One way that you can do this,

Time: 3558.76

and this is kind of fun,

Time: 3559.6

if it's approved by your physician

Time: 3561.98

and you're able to do this,

Time: 3563.24

you can bring your heart rate up.

Time: 3564.64

You can do this through an ice bath if that's your thing

Time: 3566.9

or a cold shower or cyclic oxygenation breathing

Time: 3569.57

or you could sprint or you could go hard on the bike,

Time: 3572.4

whenever it is that brings your heart rate up.

Time: 3574.61

And then what you want to do

Time: 3576.33

is you want to actually try and calm the mind

Time: 3578.71

while your body is in this heightened state of activation.

Time: 3581.54

And the best way that I'm aware to do that,

Time: 3584.45

again goes back to physiology, not psychology.

Time: 3588.42

When we are stressed, our pupils dilate.

Time: 3591.14

The effect of that pupil dilation

Time: 3593.38

is to create tunnel vision.

Time: 3594.8

It literally narrows our view of the visual world.

Time: 3596.97

We no longer see in Panorama.

Time: 3599.18

And there's some other effects as well.

Time: 3601.64

But that's because the visual system

Time: 3603.1

through this cranial nerve system that I described before

Time: 3605.74

is tethered and is part of this autonomic nervous system.

Time: 3610.12

By deliberately dilating your gaze,

Time: 3612.93

meaning not moving your head and eyes around,

Time: 3614.78

but by deliberately going from tunnel vision

Time: 3618.08

to broader panoramic vision,

Time: 3620.31

literally seeing more of your environment all at once.

Time: 3622.92

You don't have to do what I'm doing, which is not blinking.

Time: 3624.68

You're welcome to blink.

Time: 3626.23

But it means deliberately dilating your gaze

Time: 3628.56

so that you can see yourself in the environment you're in.

Time: 3631.82

It creates a calming effect on the mind

Time: 3633.72

because it releases a particular circuit in the brainstem

Time: 3636.31

that's associated with alertness, aka stress.

Time: 3640.14

Now, this is very powerful.

Time: 3641.93

If you're running, for instance, and you're at max capacity

Time: 3644.7

or close to it,

Time: 3645.88

or you're kind of hitting like 80, 90% of maximum on the bike

Time: 3650.06

and you dilate your gaze,

Time: 3651.61

what you'll find is the mind can relax

Time: 3653.29

while the body is in full output.

Time: 3655.41

And this relates to work that in various communities,

Time: 3658.81

people are working with this in the sports community,

Time: 3660.86

military community, et cetera.

Time: 3662.43

But it's a form, not really of stress inoculation,

Time: 3665.82

it's more about raising stress threshold

Time: 3668.33

so that the body is going to continue

Time: 3670.86

to be in a high alertness, high reactivity mode,

Time: 3674.32

high output, but the mind is calm.

Time: 3677.02

And so, this isn't about unifying mind and body.

Time: 3679.55

This is actually about using body

Time: 3682.23

to bring up your level of activation,

Time: 3684.07

then dissociating,

Time: 3685.63

not the clinical dissociation kind of disorders,

Time: 3688.93

but dissociating the mental or emotional response

Time: 3692.04

from what's going on in your body.

Time: 3693.19

And over time, so if you do this a couple of times,

Time: 3696.41

you don't have to do this every workout,

Time: 3698

but if you do this every maybe once a week or so,

Time: 3700.48

you start being comfortable

Time: 3702.08

at these higher activation states.

Time: 3703.98

What once felt overwhelming and like a lot of work,

Time: 3706.92

now is manageable.

Time: 3709.46

It feels tolerable.

Time: 3710.54

So, that's for navigating medium-term stress.

Time: 3713.58

Now, there are other tools as well,

Time: 3714.97

but we don't want to go over 90 minutes

Time: 3716.94

because 90 minutes is one old trading cycle.

Time: 3718.77

I was trying to keep these podcasts to one on trading cycle,

Time: 3720.96

in case you haven't noticed,

Time: 3722.1

so you can derive maximum benefit from them

Time: 3725.04

based on all trading and cycle principles of learning.

Time: 3727.83

So, I don't want to go into every little bit of this.

Time: 3730.62

And I want to make sure we get to emotions.

Time: 3732.02

But I want to emphasize that these medium-term stressors,

Time: 3736.39

of, "Oh, it's been a hard month, or hard week."

Time: 3739.86

Stanford's on the quarter system.

Time: 3740.97

So 10 weeks or semester.

Time: 3743.27

That becomes more manageable when we train ourselves

Time: 3747.45

to be calm of mind when our body is activated.

Time: 3751.86

And if you haven't noticed,

Time: 3753.88

most of the tools I'm describing today

Time: 3755.53

are nothing like the sort of, okay, sit and do meditation.

Time: 3758.31

I'm actively avoiding saying the words NSDR,

Time: 3761.51

non-sleep deep rest.

Time: 3762.5

I talked a lot about those tools

Time: 3764.15

during the months on sleep and neuroplasticity.

Time: 3767.13

And of course, they are wonderful

Time: 3769.04

for replenishing your ability to lean into effort,

Time: 3771.61

to learn to focus.

Time: 3773.21

Please do try and check out NSDR protocol.

Time: 3776.15

See if they're right for you.

Time: 3777.15

The margins for safety, I think are enormous.

Time: 3779.02

You're basically just listening to a script.

Time: 3781.18

We have links to them in previous captions.

Time: 3783.27

I've talked on them on various podcasts before.

Time: 3784.81

We can provide them again.

Time: 3786.33

But today I'm really talking about tools,

Time: 3788.35

so you can learn to dance with stress.

Time: 3790.84

To in the short-term, reduce that stress response

Time: 3794.45

a little bit if you feel it's too uncomfortable.

Time: 3796.28

In the medium-term,

Time: 3797.21

to be comfortable with these heightened levels of activation

Time: 3799.46

because life is going to continue to come at you.

Time: 3801.637

And we can't pick the stressors,

Time: 3804.3

but we need to be able to function

Time: 3806.45

at a higher capacity often.

Time: 3808.74

And then there's long-term stress.

Time: 3810.68

Now, long-term stress is bad.

Time: 3812.74

You do not want adrenaline up in your system

Time: 3815.41

for a very long time.

Time: 3816.76

In fact, you ideally, you would have your stress go up

Time: 3821.28

various times throughout the day,

Time: 3822.95

but it would never stay elevated

Time: 3824.74

and it would never prevent you

Time: 3825.69

from getting a good night's sleep.

Time: 3826.94

Now, that isn't realistic.

Time: 3828.26


Time: 3829.093

I would say for me, three, four nights out of the month,

Time: 3833.31

no matter what I do, I take on too much

Time: 3835.61

or something happens in life is life

Time: 3837.82

and I don't get the best night's sleep

Time: 3839.563

that I would like to get.

Time: 3841.26

For many of you, it's 30 nights per month.

Time: 3843.89

For some of you, it's zero nights per month.

Time: 3845.99

And congratulations to you zero nights per month people.

Time: 3849.21

If you are managing your sleep really well every night,

Time: 3851.41

that is fantastic.

Time: 3853.15

You really want to be able to fall asleep at night,

Time: 3856

stay asleep for most of the night.

Time: 3857.23

And if you get up, go back to sleep

Time: 3858.59

for as long as you need to in order to feel rested.

Time: 3860.44

That's what I define as a healthy relationship to sleep.

Time: 3863.65

Check out the episodes on sleep

Time: 3865.05

if you want tools to be able to accomplish that.

Time: 3866.947

And we can all accomplish that.

Time: 3868.39

It can be done.

Time: 3869.63

And there are tools to do it.

Time: 3870.8

Zero-cost tools.

Time: 3872.24

Okay, so let's talk about long-term stress.

Time: 3875.49

Earlier, I talked about how breathing

Time: 3878.13

can modulate heart rate through this loop

Time: 3881.7

that includes the brain

Time: 3882.537

and the parasympathetic nervous system.

Time: 3884.96

I don't think I mentioned this,

Time: 3886.03

and I want to make sure that I mentioned

Time: 3887.69

that breathing controlling heart rate

Time: 3890.27

through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

Time: 3892.89

is the basis of what's called HRV, heart rate variability.

Time: 3897.93

And we know that heart rate variability is good.

Time: 3901.19

You don't want your heart rate chronically elevated

Time: 3904.21

or chronically low.

Time: 3905.703

A lot of people think,

Time: 3906.536

"Oh, I want a really nice low heart rate."

Time: 3909.02

And indeed, if you're in shape,

Time: 3910.65

the stroke volume of your heart will be greater

Time: 3913.25

and you can have a nice slow heart rate.

Time: 3916.71

Years ago when I was running regularly,

Time: 3919.68

I think my heart rate was down to like 50 or 60

Time: 3921.91

or something like that.

Time: 3923.06

That's great.

Time: 3923.893

But, and now it's higher than that

Time: 3926.05

because I'm running a little bit less.

Time: 3927.35

But everyone needs to determine what's right for them.

Time: 3930.75

But you don't really want your heart rate

Time: 3932.47

to be chronically low or chronically high.

Time: 3935.01

Both are bad.

Time: 3935.843

We know that chronic stress, elevated stress

Time: 3938.9

and especially in the so-called type A personalities

Time: 3942.57

creates heart disease,

Time: 3944.1

the leading killer of for in most, every country,

Time: 3947.29

but in particular in the US.

Time: 3949.92

Because of the way that adrenaline

Time: 3952.28

impacts those blood vessels or constricting some

Time: 3956.065

and dilating others,

Time: 3957.2

it's just that kind of hypertension,

Time: 3959.24

chronic hypertension is just bad.

Time: 3961.26

And so, chronic stress truly is bad.

Time: 3963.79

I want to really make that clear

Time: 3965.63

because I emphasized a lot

Time: 3967.48

of what some of the positive effects of stress.

Time: 3969.49

But you want to be able

Time: 3971.13

to tamp down your stress in real time.

Time: 3974.06

You also want to be able to modulate your stress

Time: 3976.377

and your emotional relationship to stress in the body

Time: 3978.89

in the medium-term,

Time: 3980.22

but by no means do you want to be stressed out

Time: 3982.42

all the time, chronically for months and months and months

Time: 3985.1

and years on end.

Time: 3987.92

The best tools, the best mechanisms

Time: 3991.5

that we know to modulate long-term stress

Time: 3994.08

might surprise you a little bit.

Time: 3996.94

First of all, there are going to be the things

Time: 3999.42

that don't surprise you,

Time: 4000.253

which is everyone knows getting regular exercise,

Time: 4002.63

getting good sleep, using real-time tools

Time: 4005.85

to try and tamp down the stress response, et cetera,

Time: 4008.3

that's all going to be really useful.

Time: 4011.62

The data really points to the fact that social connection

Time: 4016.09

and certain types of social connection in particular

Time: 4019.32

are what are going to mitigate or reduce long-term stress.

Time: 4024.03

And this is a particularly important issue nowadays

Time: 4026.96

where we have all these proxies

Time: 4029.44

or surrogates for social connection.

Time: 4031.9

We're online and texting with people a lot,

Time: 4034.1

so we can feel connected.

Time: 4035.484

Like the plane's about to take off

Time: 4037.21

and everyone's texting each other

Time: 4039.2

whether or not they have fear of flying or not.

Time: 4040.233

They're like, "Okay, see you.

Time: 4042.05

Love you.

Time: 4042.883

Hate you."

Time: 4043.716

Whatever it is that they're trying to communicate to people.

Time: 4047.16

Then plane lands, every phone's out,

Time: 4049.567

"See you.

Time: 4050.4

Love you.

Time: 4051.431

Hate you."

Time: 4052.264

Let's hope it's fewer hate yous.

Time: 4053.097

But everyone has this kind of need

Time: 4054.42

to stay connected to one another.

Time: 4055.76

Humans are incredibly social creatures.

Time: 4058.39

Now, there is a way to look

Time: 4059.81

at this whole business of social connection,

Time: 4061.99

not from just the kind of wishy-washy new agey perspective.

Time: 4065.88

And I want to point out that sometimes I'll say

Time: 4067.53

wishy-washy new agey.

Time: 4069.13

I have nothing against that.

Time: 4071.18

I just, my goal here is always to put scientific data

Time: 4075.62

and some neurochemistry on things so that for those of you

Time: 4079.82

that are into wishy-washy new agey stuff,

Time: 4081.96

you also can arm yourself with some arguments

Time: 4084.48

for those of the members of your family and your life

Time: 4087.99

that maybe aren't so tuned into the typical language

Time: 4090.89

around those practices like, "Oh, connection is really key.

Time: 4093.89

We all get oxytocin."

Time: 4095.06

Actually, did you know that connection between individuals

Time: 4098.06

rarely causes the release of oxytocin?

Time: 4100.35

Oxytocin is released in very particular circumstances

Time: 4103.43

like post-orgasm, baby and mother milk let down.

Time: 4109.43

It's associated with kind of really intense

Time: 4111.71

kinds of pair bonding things of mother and child.

Time: 4114.22

Also father and child, but especially mother and child,

Time: 4116.31

because its relationship to the lactation system.

Time: 4119.63

Couples post-sex.

Time: 4121.83

These kinds of things that reflect deep

Time: 4124.52

kind of layers of our biology.

Time: 4126.97

And oxytocin is not just released when we walk in

Time: 4130.93

and pat the dog on the head

Time: 4132.32

or we see somebody and we give them a hug and,

Time: 4133.927

"Hi, great to see you," fist bump.

Time: 4136.27

That's not a situation for oxytocin.

Time: 4138.94

The way to think about social connection

Time: 4140.57

and how it can mitigate

Time: 4142.57

some of the long-term effects of stress

Time: 4144.78

is really through the systems of neuromodulation

Time: 4147.92

like serotonin,

Time: 4149.7

and through blocking certain things

Time: 4153.77

that are really bad for us when we feel socially isolated.

Time: 4156.64

Things like Taqi Kynan.

Time: 4157.85

So, let me explain what these are.

Time: 4158.82

Serotonin again, is a neuromodulator.

Time: 4161.08

Neuromodulators are a little bit

Time: 4162.64

like playlists in the brain.

Time: 4163.87

They tend to amplify or bias the likelihood

Time: 4166.5

that certain brain circuits and body circuits

Time: 4168.35

are going to be activated and that others will not.

Time: 4171.73

Serotonin generally,

Time: 4173.37

and I realize I'm speaking very generally here,

Time: 4176.09

but it generally gives us feelings of wellbeing.

Time: 4178.17

At very high levels,

Time: 4179.05

it makes us feel blissed and it tends to make us feel

Time: 4182.06

like we have enough in our immediate environment.

Time: 4184.68

This is why some of the side effects of antidepressants

Time: 4187.47

that elevate serotonin,

Time: 4188.57

and actually can help a lot of people

Time: 4189.86

with depressive symptoms.

Time: 4191.29

But the side effects associated with drugs

Time: 4194.25

that increase serotonin tend to be reduced affect.

Time: 4197.75

They tend to kind of blunt affect

Time: 4199.12

or make people feel like their libido is lower.

Time: 4203.06

Desire goes down because the body has so much serotonin

Time: 4207.02

and the brain has so much serotonin,

Time: 4208.17

that one feels like they have enough.

Time: 4210.34

But serotonin, pharmacology aside

Time: 4213.33

or taking antidepressants aside a topic for another time,

Time: 4218.15

serotonin tends to make us feel good.

Time: 4220.08

When we see somebody that we recognize and trust,

Time: 4222.43

serotonin is released in the brain.

Time: 4225.29

And that has certain positive effects on the immune system

Time: 4229.18

and on other systems of neural repair and synopsis

Time: 4232.9

and things that really reinforce connections in the brain

Time: 4235.5

and prevent that long-term withering of connections.

Time: 4238.44

So, serotonin is tied to social connection.

Time: 4241.64

Now, social connection can take many forms.

Time: 4243.66

As many of you know, I am very attached to my dog.

Time: 4246.62

I hope he's attached to me.

Time: 4248.34

He's asleep most of the time.

Time: 4249.43

So, I don't know.

Time: 4250.263

And even if he was awake,

Time: 4251.35

I don't really know what I would ask him.

Time: 4252.61

But he seems more or less to be attached to me as well.

Time: 4256.97

And there's no scientific evidence

Time: 4260.22

that it has to be human-human attachment.

Time: 4262.74

I do have attachments to humans as well.

Time: 4265.02

But you can have attachments to other people.

Time: 4268.24

Some of those can be romantic attachments.

Time: 4270.16

They could be familial attachments that are non-romantic,

Time: 4273.12

friendship, pets, even attachments to things

Time: 4277.3

that just delight us.

Time: 4278.8

One of the things that really can mitigate

Time: 4281.23

against the long-term negative effects

Time: 4283.87

of chronic long-term stress isn't just having fun.

Time: 4287.66

We hear all this stuff, "You need to play and have fun."

Time: 4290.21

That can be a little bit of a tough concept,

Time: 4291.84

especially for the hard driving people

Time: 4293.29

or people that are stressed,

Time: 4294.61

but having a sense of delight,

Time: 4296.82

a sense of really enjoying something that you see

Time: 4299.76

and engage in, witness, or participate in,

Time: 4302.87

that is associated with the serotonin system.

Time: 4306.15

And certainly, play is one of those things.

Time: 4308.01

Social connection of various forms.

Time: 4309.52

Those are things to invest in.

Time: 4311.22

Some people might say, "Well, nobody wants to be my friend,"

Time: 4314.36

or, "Nobody wants to engage socially anymore."

Time: 4317.51

I'll be the first to admit, social connection and friendship

Time: 4320.05

and relationships of all kinds to animals or humans

Time: 4322.76

or inanimate objects takes work.

Time: 4325.81

It takes investment.

Time: 4326.81

It takes time in not needing everything

Time: 4330.13

to be exactly the way you want it to be.

Time: 4331.61

I have a friend who struggles with this

Time: 4333.66

and oftentimes the conversations just circle back

Time: 4336.68

to the fact that when you want social connection,

Time: 4339.33

you often have to be more flexible.

Time: 4341.41

You have to eat on other people's schedules.

Time: 4342.98

Sometimes you have to eat things

Time: 4343.92

you don't necessarily want to eat the most in that moment

Time: 4346.15

or stay up a little later or wake up a little earlier.

Time: 4348.5

Social connection is something that we work for,

Time: 4350.61

but it is incredibly powerful.

Time: 4353.1

I want to, of course, tip my heart to,

Time: 4357.27

it's only appropriate to call him the great Robert Sapolsky,

Time: 4359.042

my colleague who I'm unfortunate to know at Stanford.

Time: 4363.07

Of course, he has talked about this quite a lot.

Time: 4364.68

So, I want to acknowledge Robert's incredible work

Time: 4367.49

and discussions around this.

Time: 4368.97

You can look up those materials online

Time: 4370.68

and his wonderful books.

Time: 4372.16

But primates, and we are primates, we are social species.

Time: 4376.38

And as Robert has said many times before,

Time: 4378.81

never before in any primate history,

Time: 4382.84

but in particular in human history

Time: 4384.26

have we interacted with so many strangers at a distance

Time: 4387.34

when we are not really connected to them.

Time: 4389.71

So, finding just a few people, even one or an animal

Time: 4394.01

or something that you delight in,

Time: 4396.32

believe it or not, has very positive effects

Time: 4399.53

on mitigating this long-term stress

Time: 4402.37

on improving various aspects of our life

Time: 4404.68

as it relates to stress and emotionality.

Time: 4408.07

So, that's the social connection part.

Time: 4409.5

The other thing is the social isolation that goes too long

Time: 4412.88

is associated in everything from flies, believe it or not,

Time: 4416.26

to mice and humans with this molecule of Taqi Kynan.

Time: 4419.57

Taqi Kynan is a molecule that makes us more fearful,

Time: 4424.41

paranoid, and impairs our immune system.

Time: 4428.24

And so, Taqi Kynan is like this internal punishment signal.

Time: 4431.9

It's like our body and our brain telling us,

Time: 4433.897

"You're not spending enough time

Time: 4435.31

with people that you really trust.

Time: 4436.6

You're not spending time doing things

Time: 4438.13

that you really enjoy."

Time: 4439.55

And I often think about Taqi Kynan for myself

Time: 4441.81

because I'm pretty hard driving.

Time: 4443.04

I have a lot of pursuits.

Time: 4443.93

I also have a lot of wonderful people

Time: 4445.75

and an incredibly wonderful bulldog in my life,

Time: 4448.93

but there are times when I can be so goal-directed

Time: 4451.65

and so in motion and trying to accomplish everything,

Time: 4454.47

that I sometimes forget about Taqi Kynan.

Time: 4458.28

And I like to remind myself so much so

Time: 4459.74

that I actually have a little post-it above my desk

Time: 4461.94

that says, "Taqi Kynan," to remind me that Taqi Kynan

Time: 4464.56

is this very sinister molecule that starts being secreted

Time: 4467.93

when we are not socially connected enough.

Time: 4471.15

And this is why long meals with friends or family

Time: 4474.55

where there are,

Time: 4475.819

we'll talk about phones in a moment,

Time: 4476.652

but where there's no intrusions,

Time: 4477.82

or even if there are, just feeling like we are connected

Time: 4480.84

suppresses Taqi Kynan.

Time: 4483.05

And Taqi Kynan is something you really want to avoid

Time: 4485.94

because chronic isolation, chronically high Taqi Kynan

Time: 4490.6

that's associated with long-term stress

Time: 4492.4

really depletes so many good functions of our brain and body

Time: 4496.03

and promote so many bad ones including irritability,

Time: 4499.33

paranoia, fear, et cetera.

Time: 4501.71

That is really something to avoid.

Time: 4503.45

And so, I want to highlight Taqi Kynan

Time: 4505.02

as something to avoid.

Time: 4506.35

I don't want to completely disregard oxytocin.

Time: 4509.47

It's just, the oxytocin has been built up a lot in the media

Time: 4512.21

and really serotonin works on much faster timescales.

Time: 4515.59

Now, how do you know if you're making serotonin?

Time: 4517.37

And you don't know in the moment,

Time: 4518.95

but you can learn if you pay attention

Time: 4521.06

to kind of recognize these feelings

Time: 4523.19

of comfort, trust, bliss, delight.

Time: 4525.61

And those are not weak terms.

Time: 4528.5

Those are not associated just with psychological terms.

Time: 4531.332

They are every bit as physiological

Time: 4534.76

as the movement of your muscles

Time: 4536.33

or the secretion of adrenaline.

Time: 4538.09

And many people focus now on gratitude.

Time: 4541.45

Gratitude is a little bit subjective.

Time: 4543.33

And here we're moving from some objective

Time: 4545.41

to kind of subjective things,

Time: 4546.55

but recognizing, and in particular,

Time: 4548.63

writing down things that you're thankful for,

Time: 4551.53

however small, they may seem,

Time: 4553.94

does seem to have a positive effect on the serotonin system.

Time: 4557.8

Now, there are a plethora of things

Time: 4559.33

that will also impact wellbeing

Time: 4560.92

and allow you to modulate your long-term stress.

Time: 4564.95

Reduce the likelihood that you'll engage

Time: 4566.61

in long-term stress.

Time: 4567.89

And we don't have time to go into all these,

Time: 4569.24

but of course, finding the diet and nutrition

Time: 4571.15

that's right for you,

Time: 4571.983

the exercise schedule that's right for you,

Time: 4573.43

the sleep schedule, all that.

Time: 4575.26

But do not underemphasize

Time: 4577.88

the social connection part, please.

Time: 4580.17

As well, there are some compounds

Time: 4583.24

that are not antidepressants.

Time: 4585.37

Although if you need antidepressants,

Time: 4586.99

then a clinician prescribes them to you.

Time: 4588.6

Please follow their advice if that's what is right for you.

Time: 4592.3

There are compounds that are not prescription compounds

Time: 4595.5

that can modulate the stress system.

Time: 4598.34

And sometimes because of the way that life is,

Time: 4600.65

we just don't have the opportunity to control life

Time: 4603.79

and to control our response to stress.

Time: 4605.84

And at least for myself,

Time: 4607.26

I can only talk about my own experience,

Time: 4608.96

I found it useful in times of chronic stress

Time: 4611.76

to start modulating some of the neurochemistry

Time: 4613.96

related to the stress response in order to help.

Time: 4617.08

Now, if a doctor prescribes you prednisone

Time: 4619.75

or prescribes you some other hormone or something,

Time: 4623.38

that's important,

Time: 4624.213

but what I'm talking about now are non-prescription things.

Time: 4627.53

You should check out,

Time: 4630.24

this free website which will allow you

Time: 4632.16

to put in any supplement and evaluate that supplement

Time: 4634.62

with they provide links in the so-called human effect matrix

Time: 4637.87

to PubMed.

Time: 4638.92

It tells you the exact subjects they were done in.

Time: 4641.22

It was a post-menopausal women.

Time: 4642.46

Was it kids?

Time: 4643.5

Was it normal adults?

Time: 4644.59

Was it people with autism, et cetera.

Time: 4647.32

Check out that site for any and all supplements

Time: 4649.52

you're considering or taking.

Time: 4650.8

I highly recommend it.

Time: 4652.03

I've no relationship to them.

Time: 4653.73

I just think it's a wonderful site

Time: 4655.04

that's curated all this important information.

Time: 4657.49

But some of these compounds are effective enough.

Time: 4661.36

They can kind of take the edge off.

Time: 4663.29

And I'll use them periodically myself.

Time: 4666.07

And so, I just thought I'd mentioned them

Time: 4667.33

since there a number of you that are interested in them.

Time: 4668.77

The three I want to focus on

Time: 4670

and one that I think you need to be cautious about

Time: 4672.59

that I've mentioned before,

Time: 4674.29

include ashwagandha, funny name,

Time: 4677.78

but that's what's it's called,

Time: 4679.95

L-theanine or theanine it's often called, and melatonin.

Time: 4683.35

Let's talk about melatonin first.

Time: 4684.73

Melatonin I talked about during the month on sleep.

Time: 4686.91

Melatonin is a hormone secreted from the pineal

Time: 4690.1

in direct relationship to how much darkness you are in.

Time: 4692.78

Not emotional darkness.

Time: 4694.2

But light suppresses melatonin.

Time: 4696.45

Melatonin helps you fall asleep.

Time: 4697.85

It doesn't help you stay asleep.

Time: 4699.21

I personally do not recommend supplementing melatonin

Time: 4703.77

because it's supplemented typically at very high levels.

Time: 4708.22

One to three milligrams or even more

Time: 4710.47

that is an outrageously high dose.

Time: 4712.68

It's super, super physiological

Time: 4714.48

compared to what you normally would make.

Time: 4716.06

It also has a number of potentially negative effects

Time: 4719.26

on the reproductive access and hormones there.

Time: 4722.9

Some people can take it without problems.

Time: 4724.45

If you like it and that's your thing, fine.

Time: 4726.53

I just want to cue to the fact that there can be issues.

Time: 4728.51

You should check on

Time: 4729.9

Talk to your doctor, especially in kids,

Time: 4731.81

because melatonin suppresses the puberty response

Time: 4734.33

in a number of species.

Time: 4735.95

Enough about the negative things in melatonin

Time: 4737.66

except that people who take too much melatonin chronically,

Time: 4742.74

oftentimes when they're taking it to sleep

Time: 4744.79

or for whatever reason,

Time: 4745.94

yes, it can reduce anxiety and stress,

Time: 4748.49

but it also can reduce the output of the adrenals

Time: 4751.3

to the point where it can become problematic.

Time: 4753.17

Now, a note about adrenal burnout.

Time: 4756.6

There is actually no such thing as adrenal burnout

Time: 4760.38

under normal conditions.

Time: 4761.72

The adrenals have enough adrenaline

Time: 4763.78

to support 200 years of stress for better, for worse.

Time: 4768.11

The concept of adrenal burnout has origins

Time: 4771.41

in the work of Nobel Prize winner, Hans Selye,

Time: 4774.71

who actually discovered

Time: 4776.29

what he called the general adaptation syndrome.

Time: 4778.14

He discovered a lot of things about stress.

Time: 4779.94

He did some phenomenal work that turned out to be true.

Time: 4783.01

That we have stressors.

Time: 4784.72

There's something called distress.

Time: 4786.09

He talked about eustress, which is positive stress.

Time: 4787.76

Eustress has never really caught on

Time: 4789.666

in the kind of more general discussion.

Time: 4792.66

But he had this theory that if stress went on long enough,

Time: 4796.34

that you would eventually reach a phase called exhaustion.

Time: 4799.56

And that turned out to be wrong.

Time: 4803.32

Although many of you may feel exhausted

Time: 4804.86

after chronic stress,

Time: 4805.87

there isn't really a physiological exhaustion that happens.

Time: 4808.72

And that eventually got picked up

Time: 4810.76

and ran with the general public.

Time: 4812.65

And they talk about adrenal burnout.

Time: 4814.16

Too much coffee, adrenal burnout.

Time: 4815.73

You hear all this stuff.

Time: 4816.74

There is no such thing as adrenal burnout.

Time: 4818.26

The adrenals don't burn out.

Time: 4820.13

There is something, however,

Time: 4821.19

called adrenal insufficiency syndrome,

Time: 4823.21

which is a real physiological problem

Time: 4825.6

where some people have very impaired adrenals

Time: 4828.16

and they can't produce adrenaline.

Time: 4829.49

And melatonin taken at very high levels

Time: 4832.21

for periods of time that are too long

Time: 4834.03

can cause suppression of the cortisol

Time: 4836.06

and epinephrine released from the adrenals

Time: 4837.66

and can create a kind of pseudo

Time: 4840.9

adrenal insufficiency syndrome.

Time: 4843.52

So, be aware of melatonin for that reason.

Time: 4847.69

Please, I'm trying,

Time: 4849.25

I alone can't get rid of the phrase adrenal burnout.

Time: 4852.93

I'm not trying to give a hard time

Time: 4855.3

to anyone who feels burnt out or exhausted,

Time: 4857.64

but it is for other reasons.

Time: 4859.18

It is not because of the adrenals are burnt out.

Time: 4861.28

Unless you happen to have adrenal insufficiency syndrome.

Time: 4863.72

So, I'm not a fan of melatonin for a lot of reasons.

Time: 4866.68

Now I've mentioned several.

Time: 4867.513

The other is L-theanine.

Time: 4868.58

I've talked about L-theanine,

Time: 4870.24

which provided it's safe for you,

Time: 4872.64

can be taken 100 milligrams or 200 milligrams

Time: 4875.24

about 30 minutes or 60 minutes before sleep.

Time: 4877.25

It can enhance the transition to sleep

Time: 4879.17

and depth of sleep for many people.

Time: 4881.79

It increases GABA,

Time: 4883.05

this inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.

Time: 4884.7

It tends to turn off our forebrain a little bit

Time: 4887.42

or reduce the activity of our kind of thinking systems

Time: 4889.84

and ruminating systems help people fall asleep.

Time: 4892.66

That's for sleep.

Time: 4893.6

But theanine has also been shown

Time: 4895.84

for people that are chronically anxious

Time: 4897.29

or chronically stressed to,

Time: 4898.95

if you look at the studies,

Time: 4900.293

I have a large collection of studies

Time: 4901.52

in front of me right now,

Time: 4902.57

if you want to see those links,

Time: 4903.92

I know if you want those, go to,

Time: 4905.86

put in theanine.

Time: 4906.96

They linked, for instance, it is known

Time: 4908.61

to significantly increase relaxation.

Time: 4910.4

There are four studies listed there with PubMed links.

Time: 4912.84

It is known to have a minor effect on anxiety,

Time: 4915.18

but eight studies have shown that.

Time: 4917.83

Which I think is a fairly large set of studies.

Time: 4920.46

Some of them in great journals.

Time: 4922.62

It also can reduce task completion anxiety.

Time: 4925.95

So, anxiety related to task completion.

Time: 4928.02

Not good for the procrastinators perhaps,

Time: 4929.74

but for those of you that are chronically stressed.

Time: 4931.48

It can increase attention a little bit,

Time: 4932.74

it can reduce blood pressure a little bit,

Time: 4934.49

improve sleep quality, et cetera.

Time: 4937.07

It definitely has a notable effect on stress,

Time: 4939.04

two studies in particular,

Time: 4941.28

that it can notably reduce the effects of stress.

Time: 4944.17

So, there's a lot there.

Time: 4946.12

It also has effects on insomnia,

Time: 4948.01

on some blood lipid profiles.

Time: 4949.59

And so, go to and check it out.

Time: 4952.27

But this is one reason why I supplement theanine for sleep.

Time: 4955.29

But if I'm feeling like I've been under a lot of stress

Time: 4957.83

and I'm not managing my stress very well with the short-term

Time: 4961.03

and medium-term tools that I talked about earlier,

Time: 4963.16

I might start taking a little bit of theanine

Time: 4964.9

especially in the late afternoon,

Time: 4966.17

which is when I tend to start to feel

Time: 4968.52

like I haven't gotten enough done

Time: 4970.19

and the day is kind of carrying on.

Time: 4972.05

And so, you can blunt the response to stress a little bit,

Time: 4974.81

which is why a lot of companies

Time: 4976.82

are now putting theanine into energy drinks.

Time: 4979.28

I am not a big fan of most energy drinks.

Time: 4982.65

Most of them have taurine,

Time: 4984.3

which I know some of you wrote to me and said,

Time: 4985.647

"Oh, taurine is great for all these reasons."

Time: 4987.72

Taurine also has effects on the microvasculature

Time: 4989.52

that at least for me, were not good.

Time: 4991.15

It cause bursting of microvasculature in my sclera,

Time: 4993.78

in my eyes, which is why I'm not a fan of any energy drink

Time: 4997.23

that has taurine or taurine generally.

Time: 5000.35

But that's just me.

Time: 5001.183

You have to decide for you.

Time: 5002.2

I'm sure in the comment section,

Time: 5003.3

there'll be a couple of taurinesters out there

Time: 5005.41

that will say, "But I love taurine."

Time: 5006.54


Time: 5007.71

Keep the taurine companies in business.

Time: 5009.11

But it's not for me.

Time: 5010.23

And I'd like people to know

Time: 5011.44

that it may or may not be for them.

Time: 5013.98

The other supplement that can be very useful is ashwagandha.

Time: 5017.54

Ashwagandha is known to lower anxiety and cortisol.

Time: 5021.34

There is six, there are, excuse me, six studies

Time: 5025.09

that collectively show reductions in cortisol,

Time: 5027.64

which is cortisol is typically associated

Time: 5029.6

with waking up in the morning, which is good.

Time: 5031.41

That's a healthy, brief cortisol bump that goes away

Time: 5034.2

provided you're getting your light at the right time of days

Time: 5036.83

at correct times of day, like morning and evening.

Time: 5040.22

But you don't want cortisol chronically elevated.

Time: 5042.27

That's associated with all the bad stuff about stress.

Time: 5045.45

There's a very strong effect of ashwagandha.

Time: 5049.35

You can find dosages at

Time: 5052.12

They report in across six studies, 14.5 to 27.9 reduction

Time: 5057.82

in cortisol in otherwise healthy, but stressed individuals.

Time: 5062.52

Now, I don't know about kids.

Time: 5063.81

You have to look at what it says on various supplements.

Time: 5066.8

Most things here are being done in adults.

Time: 5068.81

So, please check carefully.

Time: 5070.28

But this is great.

Time: 5071.45

I mean, the opportunity for me anyway,

Time: 5073.5

to be able to take something

Time: 5075.24

that can help me reduce my cortisol

Time: 5077.66

so that I don't get some of the long-term effects of stress.

Time: 5079.563

And I'm not going to take ashwagandha year round.

Time: 5081.93

I would only do this if I was feeling

Time: 5083.23

like I wasn't managing my short and medium-term stress well.

Time: 5086.36

So, I don't take it on a regular basis.

Time: 5087.79

I do take it when I'm in these times

Time: 5090.31

when things are particularly stressful.

Time: 5092.69

It has their five other studies that show reduced stress.

Time: 5097.47

So, that's not cortisol measurements,

Time: 5099.2

but things like fatigue, cognitive impairment, et cetera.

Time: 5103.72

It does lower total cholesterol,

Time: 5105.66

which may or may not be good or bad for you up to 10%.

Time: 5109.77

So, some people don't want their cholesterol lowered.

Time: 5111.74

Some people might.

Time: 5113.14

Cholesterol, we'll talk about this in a month on hormones,

Time: 5116.11

but cholesterol is the molecule from which testosterone

Time: 5118.81

and estrogen and cortisol for that matter are synthesized.

Time: 5121.77

So, you don't want to get your cholesterol so low,

Time: 5123.78

then there are all sorts of negative effects,

Time: 5125.65

but you don't want it too high either.

Time: 5127.85

Mild effects in good clinical studies

Time: 5129.645

on reducing depression,

Time: 5131.72

probably associated with the effects on stress

Time: 5134.42

and some other things as well.

Time: 5135.92

So, ashwagandha is something I use from time to time.

Time: 5139.08

It's kind of interesting.

Time: 5140.43

L-theanine, I rarely will use those during the daytime,

Time: 5144.88

except under conditions

Time: 5145.99

where I'm feeling chronically stressed.

Time: 5147.47

So, check out the human effect matrix on

Time: 5150.32

Again, a phenomenal website.

Time: 5152.32

I think I've sent them a few emails before.

Time: 5154.87

That's the only exchanges I've ever had with them.

Time: 5156.93

But I just think it's wonderful

Time: 5157.99

that they put together this resource.

Time: 5159.34

Otherwise we'd be stuck mining PubMed.

Time: 5161.47

They've collated the papers from PubMed

Time: 5164.82

with links to PubMed.

Time: 5165.85

So, terrific resource.

Time: 5167.67

So, social connection and some supplementation.

Time: 5170.55

Of course, diet, exercise, sleep for long-term stress.

Time: 5174.09

And now we're finally in a position to talk about

Time: 5178.07

what we have set out to do from the beginning,

Time: 5181.27

which is spend the month on emotions.

Time: 5184.21

It was very important that we discuss stress

Time: 5187.1

and we discuss in the context of short, medium,

Time: 5189.39

and long-term stress.

Time: 5190.64

That we discuss tools for short-term, medium-term,

Time: 5193.93

and long-term control.

Time: 5196.01

I don't really want to say mitigation of stress.

Time: 5198.08

Stress is going to happen.

Time: 5199.11

But our ability to modulate and control stress in real time

Time: 5203.22

offline using tools such as respiration,

Time: 5206.55

using tools such as dilation of gaze,

Time: 5208.36

using tools like social connection, maybe some supplements,

Time: 5210.91

certainly take care of your sleep

Time: 5213.28

and nutrition and exercise.

Time: 5216.37

Again, tons of resources

Time: 5218.19

and information in the sleep episodes.

Time: 5220.31

So, you can look there.

Time: 5221.143

We will do a month on hormones, on exercise, et cetera.

Time: 5225.17

But let's talk about emotions

Time: 5226.76

because in subsequent episodes,

Time: 5229.88

we're going to talk about OCD,

Time: 5231.65

we're going to talk about depression,

Time: 5233.04

we're going to talk about mania,

Time: 5234.97

we're going to be talking about dopamine

Time: 5236.66

and all sorts of things.

Time: 5237.58

But at the core of emotions is this question,

Time: 5242.38

what is an emotion?

Time: 5243.8

Well, it's complex.

Time: 5244.95

There isn't a single brain area for any one of these things

Time: 5247.34

that we call emotions.

Time: 5249.02

My framework, and I think the modern science,

Time: 5251.77

both psychology and neuroscience is pretty well-aligned

Time: 5257.23

with what Lisa Feldman Barrett has taught about.

Time: 5261.59

Now, Lisa's at Northeastern University.

Time: 5263.24

She runs a big lab there.

Time: 5264.41

She's a world expert in emotion.

Time: 5266.58

She's written two books that are really wonderful.

Time: 5268.54

One is "How Emotions Are Made," which was her first book.

Time: 5271.39

The second one is "Seven and a Half Facts About the Brain."

Time: 5275.712

It's a wonderful book as well.

Time: 5276.85

It came out more recently.

Time: 5278.18

I hosted Lisa on an Instagram live once.

Time: 5280.23

Maybe we'll get her here on the podcast if we're lucky.

Time: 5283.47

We don't agree on everything

Time: 5285.08

about the neuroscience of emotions,

Time: 5286.39

but I subscribed to most everything

Time: 5289.15

that I've heard Lisa say.

Time: 5291.06

In particular, the fact that emotions are context-dependent.

Time: 5295.16

There's a cultural dependence, et cetera.

Time: 5297.55

I look at things mainly

Time: 5298.6

through the lens of physiology and neuroscience

Time: 5300.337

and kind of low-level circuitry.

Time: 5303.12

And one way to think about emotions

Time: 5305.78

that I think is consistent

Time: 5307.2

and I think Lisa would generally approve,

Time: 5308.91

I can't speak for her,

Time: 5309.743

but I would hope she would generally approve

Time: 5311.06

of this description,

Time: 5311.893

is that when our internal state of stress or calm

Time: 5316.44

matches the demands on us

Time: 5319.02

or is mismatched from the demands on us,

Time: 5321.3

we tend to interpret those as good or bad.

Time: 5324.54

Let me give you an example.

Time: 5326.33

If I am feeling very anxious, very stressed inside,

Time: 5331.76

and I have a lot to do,

Time: 5333.58

that doesn't feel good, but it's really no different

Time: 5338.16

than if I'm very tired and I have a lot to do

Time: 5340.26

because there's this mismatch.

Time: 5341.46

I'm not in the right internal state,

Time: 5344.4

my internal state is incorrect rather,

Time: 5346.33

to meet the demands that are being placed upon me.

Time: 5348.87

So, in both cases, whether I'm too tired

Time: 5350.94

or I'm too stressed to do what I need to do,

Time: 5353.51

the valence, meaning the value that I assigned to that

Time: 5356.41

is I don't feel good.

Time: 5358.34

It's not a good situation and I don't feel good.

Time: 5360.91

Now, I might call it stressed, I might call it anxious,

Time: 5363.07

I might call it worried, I might call it a number of things,

Time: 5365.96

but it's not good.

Time: 5366.793

However, when I'm tired and I want to fall asleep,

Time: 5371.18

well then I feel good because that's what the demand is.

Time: 5373.54

I need to go to sleep and I'm tired.

Time: 5375.1

If I'm wide awake and I need to fall asleep,

Time: 5377.64

then that's not good.

Time: 5378.68

And then the brain tends to go down the direction

Time: 5382.23

of interpreting the situation as a bad one.

Time: 5384.55

So, while the discussion around emotions is far more nuanced

Time: 5388.31

and more elaborate than this,

Time: 5390.46

one way to think about your relationship to emotions

Time: 5392.82

is whether or not your internal state

Time: 5394.67

is matching the demands that are upon you.

Time: 5397.57

So, in that way, we don't really place so much value

Time: 5401.41

on whether or not we're feeling alert or sleepy.

Time: 5403.84

We only place value on whether or not that alertness

Time: 5406.82

whether or not it's full-blown stress or not

Time: 5409.07

or our sleepiness, whether or not we're falling asleep

Time: 5411.52

or just a little bit drowsy,

Time: 5413.02

whether or not that matches the conditions that we face.

Time: 5416.6

And it's a useful framework to have.

Time: 5418.41

And it's the reason in part

Time: 5420.04

why I spent this last hour and a half or so

Time: 5422.97

talking about stress and how to control stress.

Time: 5425.83

One reason we did that is

Time: 5426.887

because I think it's a valuable opportunity

Time: 5428.53

to learn some tools and understand stress

Time: 5430.69

and really learn how to take control of stress,

Time: 5432.6

which I think we could all benefit

Time: 5433.73

from doing regardless of age.

Time: 5436.01

The other reason is that when you start to understand

Time: 5438.24

that you have this kind of see-saw system in your body,

Time: 5440.69

this autonomic nervous system that takes you

Time: 5442.71

from alert and calm to stressed to full-blown panic,

Time: 5446.93

it has that capacity,

Time: 5448.26

or from sleepy and drowsy to passing out tired

Time: 5453.44

to God forbid, let's hope never, but a coma, right?

Time: 5457.35

That you're basically on this see-saw all the time.

Time: 5460.62

And where you are on that see-saw of alertness or calmness

Time: 5463.87

positions you to be in better reaction

Time: 5468.083

to the demands that you face.

Time: 5470.79

Whether or not the thing that you face

Time: 5472.23

is a need to fall asleep or to listen quietly and not react.

Time: 5475.23

You now know, for instance,

Time: 5476.95

that if your job is to take feedback,

Time: 5479.86

when maybe you're going in for a job evaluation

Time: 5481.68

or you're in a relationship

Time: 5483.42

where there was a call for a discussion

Time: 5486.34

and somebody needs to talk to you about something

Time: 5488.27

and we need to talk about something,

Time: 5489.54

you're going to there you're like,

Time: 5490.373

"Goodness, this is going to be rough."

Time: 5493.07

Learning to reduce that stress response a little bit

Time: 5495.32

so that you are in a position to hear

Time: 5497.83

the information better,

Time: 5499.97

and remember, from a previous episode,

Time: 5501.42

if you close your eyes,

Time: 5502.253

you'll be able to actually focus on the information better.

Time: 5504.83

There's your permission to not look someone directly

Time: 5506.73

in the eye when they talk to you

Time: 5507.66

if you really want to hear what they have to say.

Time: 5509.95

You will be able to modulate that stress response

Time: 5513.37

and lean into life better.

Time: 5515.11

You will be able to react to things in a more effective way

Time: 5519.06

and to not be reactive.

Time: 5521.07

And this is really one of the important things to me anyway,

Time: 5524.84

is that so much of the language around psychology,

Time: 5527.74

which I think is a wonderful field,

Time: 5529.39

but pop psychology in particular is be responsive,

Time: 5532.36

not reactive.

Time: 5533.23

Well, great.

Time: 5534.11

But then how does one do that?

Time: 5535.13

Well, one does that

Time: 5535.963

by modulating their short-term stress response in real time.

Time: 5539.17

Not by saying, "Hold on, I need to meditate.

Time: 5541.33

Hold on, I need a massage

Time: 5542.59

and then I can have this conversation."

Time: 5543.74

By modulating the reactivity in real time.

Time: 5547.05

How does one, for instance, be mindful?

Time: 5550.4

Which is a beautiful concept, but how are you mindful?

Time: 5553.01

Well, I don't know, when I'm moving through my day,

Time: 5554.94

a lot of times I'm just trying to get things done.

Time: 5557.41

And as soon as I start monitoring and seeing what I'm doing

Time: 5560.94

and kind of third-personing what I'm doing,

Time: 5563.07

it actually takes me out of the effectiveness

Time: 5564.78

and experience of what I'm doing.

Time: 5565.87

So for me, sometimes that mindfulness,

Time: 5567.9

that observer, as they call it,

Time: 5569.48

is something that doesn't help me.

Time: 5571.06

It actually hinders me.

Time: 5572.24

What's important to me is to be able to work and focus

Time: 5574.58

and then to be able to disengage.

Time: 5576.58

To be able to do a non-sleep depressed

Time: 5578.62

or to be able to still fall asleep

Time: 5579.99

even though I've been working hard until 9:30

Time: 5582.43

to put my head down at 10 o'clock

Time: 5583.79

and be out cold sleeping by 10:02.

Time: 5588.07

That's possible if you can learn

Time: 5589.63

to control this stress response.

Time: 5592.05

And to do that, we can't use the mind to control.

Time: 5594.73

The mind, we need tools.

Time: 5596.09

And so, a lot of the people being grumpy

Time: 5599.63

or anxious or depressed,

Time: 5601.81

a lot of that,

Time: 5603.2

provided it's not for some underlying neurochemical reason

Time: 5605.83

that's chronic,

Time: 5606.663

a lot of that come from being poorly rested,

Time: 5609.54

from overworked, from feeling like the world

Time: 5612.16

is bearing down on us.

Time: 5613.18

And so, rather than take a subjective view of this,

Time: 5616.65

I take the view of objective physiology.

Time: 5619.12

What can we do that's anchored to these neuronal systems

Time: 5622.57

in our body, in our brain, in our eyes,

Time: 5624.47

in our diaphragm, et cetera,

Time: 5625.82

and look to those as tools leavers

Time: 5627.87

that we can pull on and push

Time: 5629.45

and maneuver through life in a way

Time: 5631.24

where we start to feel like we have some agency.

Time: 5633.1

We actually have some real control

Time: 5634.45

because we're controlling the internal landscape.

Time: 5637.01

So, I think that ought to set the stage

Time: 5639.64

for where we're headed next,

Time: 5640.73

which is to talk about all the things

Time: 5642.35

that you normally think of when you think of emotions,

Time: 5645.17

like happiness, like awe, like joy.

Time: 5647.27

And we will get into some of that.

Time: 5649.04

But all of that rests firmly on the foundation

Time: 5653.14

of this thing we call the autonomic nervous system.

Time: 5655.31

This stress modulation.

Time: 5656.8

This calming modulation system.

Time: 5659.58

And again, whether or not you're activated or you're calm

Time: 5662.49

is not good or bad, it depends on the situation.

Time: 5665.85

Certainly, when you want to fall asleep,

Time: 5667.14

being activated isn't good.

Time: 5668.26

When you have work to do, being activated is great.

Time: 5670.86

So, I hope today you were able to take

Time: 5674.29

a slightly different view of this thing that we call stress.

Time: 5677.82

Not just see it as evil, but see it as powerful

Time: 5680.11

and useful in certain contexts.

Time: 5681.91

Great for us in certain contexts

Time: 5683.77

and problematic in other contexts.

Time: 5685.572

And as well to think about the various tools

Time: 5687.93

that I've presented that can allow you to adjust

Time: 5691.32

and modulate your internal levels of alertness or calmness

Time: 5695.06

so that you can lean more effectively into life,

Time: 5697.45

which includes sleep and social connection

Time: 5700.11

and the work you have to do.

Time: 5701.82

And of course, acknowledges that the events in the world

Time: 5705.44

are beyond our control.

Time: 5706.87

What's in our control is how we react to them.

Time: 5708.92

Something that's commonly said in the wellness and self-help

Time: 5711.81

and psychology world,

Time: 5713.8

but for which there often aren't as many concrete tools

Time: 5717.08

that we can really look to and trust in real time.

Time: 5720.12

And of course, there are other tools out there.

Time: 5721.94

As always, I'll say it, I strive to be accurate,

Time: 5725.83

but I'll never be exhaustive.

Time: 5727.45

I might have exhausted you.

Time: 5728.86

I might've cured your insomnia with this discussion today,

Time: 5732.35

but in all seriousness,

Time: 5733.58

my goal is to bring you tools and information

Time: 5735.99

so that you can manage better through life.

Time: 5738.62

So, thanks so much.

Time: 5740.3

I very much want to thank all of you

Time: 5741.87

for your support for the podcast.

Time: 5743.86

It's really been wonderful.

Time: 5745.8

If you've subscribed to the podcast

Time: 5747.53

on YouTube, Apple, or Spotify,

Time: 5749.83

or maybe even all three, terrific.

Time: 5751.32

If you haven't, please do subscribe

Time: 5753.43

on YouTube, Apple, or Spotify, or maybe even all three,

Time: 5756.48

which would be wonderful.

Time: 5758.06

On Apple, you can leave a five-star review

Time: 5760.59

if you think we deserve that

Time: 5761.85

as well as a comment reviewing us.

Time: 5765.03

If you have suggestions,

Time: 5766.62

if you have questions regarding the content of the podcast

Time: 5770.18

or things that you'd like us to cover in the future,

Time: 5771.84

please put those in the comment section on YouTube as well.

Time: 5776.47

If you could recommend the podcast to friends,

Time: 5779.05

family members, coworkers, that you think would benefit

Time: 5781.35

from the information,

Time: 5782.183

maybe even send them the links if you like,

Time: 5784.64

that's tremendously helpful.

Time: 5786.74

Today, as in previous episodes, I've touched on some things

Time: 5790.4

as they relate to supplementation.

Time: 5792.23

As always, I always cover a lot of tools

Time: 5794.08

that are zero-cost tools

Time: 5795.81

that don't involve ingesting anything at all,

Time: 5798.24

behavioral tools.

Time: 5799.74

But I mentioned some supplements

Time: 5801.37

that I particularly find useful.

Time: 5804.28

With supplements, it's a complicated landscape,

Time: 5806.52

often because many supplement companies

Time: 5809.24

don't put in the bottle

Time: 5810.34

what they say is in the particular product.

Time: 5814.67

We've partnered with Thorne, T-H-O-R-N-E,

Time: 5818.36

because Thorne is a supplement company

Time: 5820.71

that we know to have the highest levels of stringency.

Time: 5823.18

It's used by the Mayo Clinic.

Time: 5825.07

It's used by all the major sports organizations

Time: 5827.39

for that particular reason

Time: 5828.5

and because their quality standards are exceptionally high.

Time: 5831.4

If you'd like to try any supplements

Time: 5833.6

and see the ones that I take, you can go to Thorne,

Time: 5836.649

Time: 5842.6

And if you do that,

Time: 5843.84

you'll get 20% off anything that's listed there on my page

Time: 5848.03

as well as any of the supplements that Thorne sells.

Time: 5850.33

So that's Thorne,

Time: 5857.66

to get 20% off anything that Thorne sells.

Time: 5860.57

In addition, if you want to follow us on Twitter

Time: 5863.04

we're there @hubermanlab or an Instagram @hubermanlab.

Time: 5866.24

I also do some content on "Huberman Lab,"

Time: 5868.38

a little neuroscience posts.

Time: 5869.62

Some are reposts of clips from the podcast.

Time: 5871.55

Others are unique content

Time: 5873.68

that you won't find on the podcast.

Time: 5875.48

So you can follow us @hubermanlab.

Time: 5877.6

Also, if you like check out our Patreon,

Time: 5879.56

Time: 5882.08

And most of all, and as always,

Time: 5884.77

really appreciate your time and attention today.

Time: 5887.27

I hope you practice some of the tools

Time: 5889.17

if they're right for you.

Time: 5890.09

I hope you think hard about stress

Time: 5892.13

and how you can control your stress.

Time: 5894.99

And above all, as always,

Time: 5897.75

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 5899.073

[upbeat music]

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